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PowerPoint Presentation

Leadership Defined:The capacity to influence human thought, emotion, and behavior, starting with my own.

Put simply: Intentional Influence.

Applied Influence

Two Key Questions:

What are the results I want?

What behaviors will get me those results?

Understanding Influence

MOTIVATIONABILITYPersonal Social Structural

123456 Six Source ModelCan I do it?Do others motivate me?Do others enable or hinder or prevent me from performing?Does my environment motivate me?Does my environment enable or hinder my performance?Am I motivated?

Desirable, movies about Jews, movies about the Olympics and superiority of Arians, Hitler youth, connected with values of religion and scouting to hating Jews, music2. Skill building and personal ability, stars on coats, so you know who they are. Practice at youth group meetings, 3 & 4. Peer pressure. Organized the SS, and other social groups. Those who helped were excluded socially5. Rewards for turning in Jews, accountability for not. 6. Placed camps away from the masses, took them away on trains so no one could witness the events and see the consequences of their actions5

Steps for Six Sources


Make the Undesirable DesirableOver Invest in Skill BuildingHarness Peer PressureFind Strength In NumbersDesign RewardsChange the environment123456

Desirable, movies about Jews, movies about the Olympics and superiority of Arians, Hitler youth, connected with values of religion and scouting to hating Jews, music2. Skill building and personal ability, stars on coats, so you know who they are. Practice at youth group meetings, 3 & 4. Peer pressure. Organized the SS, and other social groups. Those who helped were excluded socially5. Rewards for turning in Jews, accountability for not. 6. Placed camps away from the masses, took them away on trains so no one could witness the events and see the consequences of their actions6

What would you like to influence?

Call Centers, the Ultimate in Unmotivated Employees

10-minute testimonial from a scholarship recipient142% more time on the phone171% more revenue


Why Do You Wash Your Hands?

Wharton hand washing study:Hand hygiene prevents you from catching diseases; another read, Hand hygiene prevents patients from catching diseases. Grant measured the amount of soap used at each station. Doctors and nurses at the station where the sign referred to their patients used 45 percent more soap or hand sanitizer.


The greatest untapped source of motivation . . . is a sense of service to others; focusing on the contribution of our work to other peoples lives has the potential to make us more productive than thinking about helping ourselves.

Dr. Adam Grant Wharton


Its the experience . . .

Source Two: Personal AbilityHow many calories are in that caramel apple?

Coaches & MentorsSources 3 & 4

Who are the influencers?

Source Five: Structural Motivation

Source Six: Structural Ability

Source Six: Structural Ability

What if Mikey doesnt like it?

Steps for Six Sources


Make the Undesirable DesirableOver Invest in Skill BuildingHarness Peer PressureFind Strength In NumbersDesign RewardsChange the environment123456

Desirable, movies about Jews, movies about the Olympics and superiority of Arians, Hitler youth, connected with values of religion and scouting to hating Jews, music2. Skill building and personal ability, stars on coats, so you know who they are. Practice at youth group meetings, 3 & 4. Peer pressure. Organized the SS, and other social groups. Those who helped were excluded socially5. Rewards for turning in Jews, accountability for not. 6. Placed camps away from the masses, took them away on trains so no one could witness the events and see the consequences of their actions21


Contact Info

Dan Griffiths, CPA, CGMA is the Director of Strategic Planning at Tanner, LLC, a Salt Lake City-based professional services firm with 85 team members. Prior to merging his practice with Tanner, he co-founded Proficio Services Group to provide strategic & business planning, leadership development, and business coaching services. Dan is a graduate of the 2010 AICPA Leadership Academy and in 2011-2012 served as the chair of the Young CPA Network Committee for the AICPA. Dan has also been very active with the UACPA and in 2011 was recognized as the Outstanding CPA in Business and Management. He was recently selected to serve as Utahs elected member of the AICPA Governing Council. Dan is an avid flyfisher, backpacker, and gardener. He and his wife Bibiana just welcomed their fourth child to the family.

Contact Dan at: [email protected] Or connect with him on LinkedIn

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