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Page 1: Individualization in Vocational Education and Training ......Difficulties with concept of areas of learning („Lernfeldkonzept“) and with the forms to plan and to document learning

Individualization in Vocational Education and Training – Challenges and Approaches

Andrea Zoyke

Business Education Research Afternoon May 8th, 2013 in Graz

A Design-Based Case Study in Vocational Rehabilitation

Page 2: Individualization in Vocational Education and Training ......Difficulties with concept of areas of learning („Lernfeldkonzept“) and with the forms to plan and to document learning


1. Introduction – Personalized Learning (Instruction)

2. Research Design – Design-Based Research

3. Results

2 Andrea Zoyke

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1. Introduction – Personalized Learning (Instruction)

2. Research Design – Design-Based Research

3. Results

3 Andrea Zoyke

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Personalized Learning (Instruction) (PLI) („Individuelle Förderung“) – Demand


Demand for PLI in all educational sectors − School law (c.f.§1 Abs. 1 SchulG NRW;

§3 Abs. 1 Brandenburgisches SchulG; §54 Niedersächsisches SchulG) − Standards for teacher education (c.f. KMK 2004) − Quality criteria for supporting disadvantaged people (c.f. Bundesanstalt für Arbeit 50/99) − Vocational rehabilitation: Reha-Model (c.f. RehaFutur 2009)

Andrea Zoyke

Special demand in VET − For disadvantaged people with problems on pathways into workside (e.g. dual system,

vocational retraining) special educational needs, vocational orientation − Heterogeneous groups (learning requirements, objectives etc.)

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Personalized Learning (Instruction) – Definition

5 Andrea Zoyke

„Individuelle Förderung“ All actions of teachers and students that aim at supporting the learning of each individual

learner with respect to his/her specific learning requirements, ways, objectives and possibilities or that implicate this. (cf. Kunze 2009, p. 19)

(cf. Kremer/Zoyke 2010)

Competence development - perspective of learning -

„Individuelle Förderung“ (PLI) - perspective of teaching and

instruction -

Vocational competence of action (cf. Roth 1971; Reetz 1999)

Two perspectives

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Personalized Learning (Instruction) – Instruments

6 Andrea Zoyke

Variety of possible instruments and approaches

Competence diagnosis Supporting competence development

− Tests − Assessment center − Observation − Portfolio − Learning diary − (Self-)Reflection − Interview with parents − …

− Counseling interview − Differentiation within a course − Weekly schedule − Free work − Special classes − Individualized education plan − …

(cf. Kunze 2009; Gericke/Sommer 2008; Buschmeyer 2007; BMBF 2005)

Problems and challenges: − Connection and fit of single instruments (within e.g. competence diagnosis and

between competence diagnosis and supporting competence development) − Implementation in practice

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PLI in Practice: Course of Vocational Rehabilitation (RVL-fbZ) – Problem Analysis and Empirical Field


flexible entry flexible exit

flexible schedule personal resources

Andrea Zoyke BF/AP = Course/test of vocational orientation

BF/AP vocational retraining RVL-fbZ English Maths

German Social studies

subject-oriented transfer problem

heterogeneity and vagueness

R1 R2 R4 R3 Rn

R = Rehabilitant

− Preparation for vocational retraining in an occupational rehabilitation centre („Berufsförderungswerk“)

− Adults with special educational needs − 15-30 participants − 4-6 months − Team of teachers (trainers for vocational and general education, for social and psychological


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Research Question


How can „Individuelle Förderung“ (PLI) in transition courses be designed to provide a pathway into vocational (re)training / apprenticeship (dual system)? Focus on instruments: - selection, reception, and adaption (during development and

implementation). - usablity in practice (by teachers and learners)!

Perspectives: - teachers (main focus) - learners (additional focus)

Andrea Zoyke

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1. Introduction – Personalized Learning (Instruction)

2. Research Design – Design-Based Research

3. Results

9 Andrea Zoyke

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Research Design

Andrea Zoyke

Research in development context (cf. Kremer 2007) Design-Based Research (cf. Edelson 2002; Reinmann 2005; Aprea 2007) „Modellversuchsforschung“ (cf. Sloane 1992; 2005a; 2006; 2007; Euler 2003; 2005; 2008; 2011)

Improve PLI in the RVL-fbZ

Develop theory about PLI

Problem analysis/ definition

Intention of innovation

Design/ Re-Design



Actors in VET practice (Teachers of RVL-fbZ)

Actors in VET science (Researchers at the University of Paderborn)

Design process Prototypes /

Instruction for PLI

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Development of Prototypes in the Design Process


AL 6 Curriculum

AL 1/2


AL 3/4/5


AL = Area of learning; LS = Learning situation

Individualized education plan („Förder- und Entwicklungsplan“)

Learning diary

Andrea Zoyke

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Reform of the Curriculum

12 Andrea Zoyke AL = Area of learning; LS = Learning situation

AL 1: Exploration of a possible vocational retraining („Beruf“)

AL 2: Reflecting individual experiences against the background of the intended vocational training

AL 6: Fostering the own competence development

AL 3: Coping with situations characterized

by language and communication

AL 4: Coping with situations characterized

by mathematics

AL 5: Implementing instruments of

information and communication

Structure: Areas of learning and learning situations („Lernfeldkonzept“) (KMK 2011; Sloane 2010b; 2005b; Buschfeld 2003; Kremer 2007)

Forms to plan and to document learning situations (Examples: AL 1 and AL 2)

Framework: Vocational orientation (cf. Kremer/Wilde 2006; Kremer 2010, p. 5)

LS 1: Getting to know (a) possible „Beruf“ / vocational retraining LS 2: Derivation of requirements

LS 1: Experiences (learning, working, life)

LS 2: Matching and decision LS 3: Subject and steps

Vocational orientation (stricto sensu)


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Development of a Learning Diary

13 (cf. Brouër/Gläser-Zikuda 2010; Renkl et al. 2004; Zeder 2006) Andrea Zoyke

AL 1: Exploration of a possible vocational retraining („Beruf“)

LS 1: Getting to know (a) possible „Beruf“ / vocational retraining LS 2: Derivation of requirements

Learning diary

Components: a) Questions for self-reflection

(accompanying the learning process) b) Table for assessment of specific

competences in this situation (self and external) (e.g. media competence for vocational orientation)

Additional guidance for learners and teachers for individualization (e.g. how to select questions)


AL 2

LS 1 LS 2 LS 2

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Development of an Individualized Education Plan („Förder- und Entwicklungsplan“)

14 (c.f. Lippegaus 2000; Eggert 2000; Hüttenhölscher/Koch/Kortenbusch 2005; Koch/Kortenbusch 2007; 2009) Andrea Zoyke

Strength/ problems

Areas and objectives of development

Competence profile

Start with strength

Strength and needs

Domain Group Individuum




‚Kennen / Verstehen‘

‚Probleme lösen / Umsetzen‘

‚Wollen / Sollen‘

Designing learning


Domain Group Individual

Designing learning tasks

Implementation & process


Domain Group Individual

Form (process from competence diagnosis to support competence development) Counselling interviews during

RVL-fbZ (teachers, social staff and learner) Competence diagnosis

based on: − Learning diary − Learning situations

(vocational orientation) − Self and external

assessment − …

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Design process (RVL-fbZ)

Data Generation and Data Analysis

15 Andrea Zoyke

Group discussions (Lamnek 2005; Bohnsack 2008) GD1 GD2 GD8 …

I = Interviews T = Teachers R = Rehabilitants

Problem-centered interviews (Witzel 1985; 2000)

Initial I T=4 R=7

Progress I T=4

Final I T=4 R=7

Design portfolio (Gerholz 2009)

Collection and production of documents / prototypes

G e n

e a t

i o n

A n a

l y s

i s

Categories-generating and categories-conducted reconstruction based on the design process

Approach in this study

(c.f. Glaser/Strauss 2005; Strauss/Corbin 1996)

Qualitative content analysis Thematic coding Theoretical coding

(Grounded Theory) (cf. Mayring 2008) (cf. Hopf/Schmidt 1993)

Theoretical background

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1. Introduction – Personalized Learning (Instruction)

2. Research Design – Design-Based Research

3. Results

16 Andrea Zoyke

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Curriculum and Learning Situations for Vocational Orientation

17 Andrea Zoyke

Results Teachers Learners Importance of vocational orientation! − Motivation − To take or to review a vocational decision − Framework for personalized learning instruction and

preparation for the vocational retraining BUT: Implementation during the course in following lessons is difficult / failed


Difficulties with concept of areas of learning („Lernfeldkonzept“) and with the forms to plan and to document learning situations. Implementation starting with the worksheet.


Self-reflection of learners may be difficult (negative experiences in the past). Important to start with strength (strength-orientation).

X (X)

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Learning Diary

18 Andrea Zoyke

Results Teachers Learners Functions / objectives: − Documentation and self-reflection of learning process − Fostering writing skills − Competence diagnosis

X Some agree,

some do not

Need to individualize (especially the questions for self-reflection) − Form (e.g. structure, number of questions, content, paper-

based or digital) − Use (duration and frequency of writing, support by teachers)

BUT: Limited individualization (time-consuming)




Table for assessment of specific competences in a (learning) situation: Good idea for individualization BUT: Restricted individualization and adaption for each learning situation (time-consuming)


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Individualized Education Plan (IEP) („Förder- und Entwicklungsplan“)

19 Andrea Zoyke

Results Teachers Learners Functions / objectives: − Getting to know / experiencing each learner and his / her

competences in detail (deep insight, multiple perspectives, strengths and weaknesses)

− Transferring from competence diagnosis to individual support / competence development

− Form / structure for documentation and for conversation about learners between teachers

BUT: Time-consuming (form and counseling interviews), limited number of learners


(Repeated) counseling interviews are not that important (intensive contact and communication between teachers and learners in lessons and beyond)


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Individualization / personalized learning (instruction): • Learner is central! • Vocational orientation is important • Participation of the learners is important, communication between teachers and

learners • Cooperation and communication in a team of teachers is necessary • Requires instruments for learners (e.g. learning diary) as well as for teachers (e.g.

form for competence diagnosis, IEP) • Implementation requires the adaption of instruments by teachers (and learners) • Requires increased effort for teachers in terms of planning, documentation, and

reflection and of time (complex requirements) (further education, training on the job)

20 Andrea Zoyke

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Thanks for your Attention!

Andrea Zoyke

Contact Dr. Andrea Zoyke Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik I Universität Paderborn Warburger Str. 100 D-33098 Paderborn +49 (0) 52 51 / 60 - 35 64 [email protected]

See for the hole study Zoyke 2012

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26 Andrea Zoyke

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