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    21 Creative Ways To IncreaseYour Facebook FanbaseBy Mari Smith

    Published A pril 27, 2010

    If you build a Facebook Page, will fans

    come? This is the great hope for many

    businesses. However, fans do not magically

    appear from the Facebook mist.

    People must be lured to your fan page.

    And there are some good and bad ways to

    go about doing this. In this article, Ill share a

    big myth and 21 ways to drive more fans to

    your Facebook fan page. (Though Facebook recently changed the Become A

    Fan button to the new, omnipresent Like button and a fan page is called a

    Business Page or Facebook Page we can still call them fan pages and people

    who join are fans!)

    The Big Myth

    Theres a great myth that once you create a Facebook fan page for your

    business, the first thing you should do to get fans is invite ALL your friends

    from your personal profile using the Suggest to Friends feature.

    Unfortunately, this strategy may not be that effective and can, in fact, often

    backfire. I have seen many industry gurus complain that when they decline a fan

    page request, its frustrating to continue to be asked again and again.

    There are several reasons not to use the Suggest to Friends feature:

    Facebook users can only like up to 500 pages and may wish to be selective.

    (Though I have seen its possible to go over this limit).

    Fan page suggestions may often build up, unnoticed. (At last count, I have

    593 overlooked fan page suggestions and am already a fan of 500!)

    To aggressively pursue all your friends to join your fan page for no apparent

    incentive is counterintuitive to the nature of socialmedia.

    So, the good news is there are many ways to promote your fan page and

    proactively increase your fan base without bugging all your current Facebook

    friends, and also by thinking wider than just Facebook.

    Here are 21 ways to get more fans for your Facebook fan page:

    #1: Embed Widgets on Your Website

    Select from a number of the new Facebook Social Plugins and place them on your

    website and blog. TheFan Box widget is now the Like Box and it works well to display


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    a Facebook fan).

    Whole Foods Market Facebook Like Box.

    You might also consider the Live Stream widget for more advanced uses, particularly

    on an FBML custom tab of your fan page itself. The Live Stream widget allows

    Facebook users to add their comments to a live event, for example, and that

    activity pushes out into their stream.

    #2: Invite Your Email and Ezine Subscribers

    Assuming you have an opt-in email list, definitely send out an invitation to your

    subscribers via email (several times, over time) letting them know about your fan

    page and encouraging them to join. Ideally, provide them with a description of the

    page and an incentive to join.

    Be sure to have the Facebook logo/badge appear in your HTML newsletters.

    Instead of the usual Join our Fan Page, say something creative like Write on our

    Facebook wall, or Join our Facebook community, or Come add your photo to our

    Facebook group (where group is actually your fan page). Users have to be a fan in

    order to interact with your fan page in this way.

    #3: Add to Your Email Signature Block

    Instead of promoting your Facebook personal profile (if you do), include a link to

    your fan page in every email you send out. If you use web-based email, check out

    the Wisestamp signature addon.

    #4: Make a Compelling Welcome Video

    Create an attractive landing tab (canvas page) with a video that explains exactly

    a) what your fan page is about, b) who its for and c) why they should become

    members. The result: youll increase your conversion rate from visitors to fans. One of

    my favorite fan page welcome videos is by Steve Spangler, the Science Guy!

    After watching his video, you cant help but want to join!

    (By the way, with the new Facebook changes, if your custom welcome tab and video

    talk about clicking the Become A Fan button, you may want to change the wording to

    click the Like button now).

    #5: Use Facebook Apps

    I recently tested a new live video-streaming app called Vpype. The app adds a tab

    to your fan page called Shows and when you broadcast as your fan page, everyone

    can view by default. (You can also broadcast as your personal profile and selectively

    invite friends/friend lists). I wrote up a review of this app here. By announcing viaTwitter, your personal Facebook profile, your blog and your email list, you can

    broadcast regular live Internet TV shows from your fan page and create much


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    News Feeds of all your friends, thus providing Target with valuable exposure. (For

    custom apps, see companies like Buddy Media, FanAppz, Wildfire Apps, Involver,

    Virtue, Context Optional.) [UPDATE: Thank you to Context Optional, the creators of

    Targets Bullseye Gives campaign!]

    #6: Integrate the Facebook Comment Feature

    My favorite example of this is the t-shirt company Threadless. On their landing tab

    (canvas page), you can view and purchase t-shirts as well as Like and comment on

    any item and choose to have that comment posted to your Facebook profile, as

    shown in this screenshot:

    (Screenshot of Threadless Facebook Fan Page landing tab)

    Threadless actually has their landing tab set up so visitors dont have to become a fan

    to purchase/comment/interact. Yet they have organically built well over 100,000 fans.

    As users comment on items, that activity is pushed out into their stream (profile

    wall and their friends News Feeds), which creates valuable viral visibility for your

    fan page.

    For further information on adding the comment box to your FBML page/app, see these


    #7: Get Fans to Tag Photos

    If you host live events, be sure to take plenty of photos (or even hire a

    professional photographer), load the photos to your fan page and encourage

    fans to tag themselves. This, again, pushes out into their wall and friends News

    Feeds, providing valuable (free!) exposure. And, a picture says a thousand words

    we notice the thumbnails in our feed more than text. (Props to Nick ONeilfor this tip.)

    #8: Load Videos and Embed on Your Site

    Facebooks Video feature is extremely powerful. You can load video content to

    your Facebook fan page, then take the source code and embed on your

    blog/website. There is a Become a Fan button right in the video itself. For an

    excellent tutorial, see Nick ONeils post: How To Get Thousands of Facebook Fans

    With a Single Video.

    [UPDATE: Since Facebook changed the Become a Fan button to the Like button,

    embedded Facebook videos now display a white watermark hotlink of the

    Facebook name in the upper left corner of the video player - see first screenshot

    below. This is a clickable link that goes to the original video page on your fan page. If

    the visitor to your site clicks through to Facebook from your video, and they are

    logged into Facebook at the time, they will see a Like button at the top left corner

    of the video player - see second screenshot below.]

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    (Screenshot shows example of an embedded Facebook video on an external site)

    (Screenshot shows the same video on the original page of the fan page with the Like


    #9: Place Facebook Ads

    Even with a nominal weekly/monthly budget, you should be able to boost your fan

    count using Facebooks own social ad feature. Its the most targeted traffic your

    money can buy. To buy an ad, scroll to the foot of any page inside Facebook and click

    the link at the very bottom that says Advertising. From there, you can walk through

    the wizard and get an excellent sense of how many Facebook users are in your exact

    target market.

    Then, when you advertise your fan page, Facebook users can become a fan

    (click the Like button) right from the ad as shown in the screenshot below.Additionally, Facebook displays several of your friends who have already liked

    you, thus creating social proof.

    My book with Chris Treadaway, Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day(Sybex) contains

    comprehensive instructions on maximizing your marketing through Facebook social


    #10: Run a Contest

    This is somewhat of a gray area because Facebook changed their Promotional

    Guidelines last year. Essentially, you need prior written permission from Facebook

    and need to be spending a significant amount on ads per month. However, you CAN

    require Facebook users tobecome a fan of your fan page in order to enter a

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    #11: Link to Twitter

    Link your Twitter account to your Facebook fan page and automatically post

    your Facebook content to Twitter. You can edit what gets posted, choosing from

    Status Updates, Photos, Links, Notes and Events.

    You have 420 characters on the Facebook publisher and 140 on Twitter. In the tweet

    that goes out, Facebook truncates your post past a certain character count

    and inserts a link back to your fan page. To track click-through stats on that

    link, just paste the link that Facebook created for you in your browsers address

    bar and add a + sign to the end. This works for any link!

    I also recommend you promote your Facebook fan page on your Twitter

    backgroundand possibly in your Twitter bio/URL field too.

    #12: Get Fans to Join Via SMS

    Your fans can join your fan page via text message! Youll need to get your first 25 fans

    and secure yourusername. Then, to join your fan page, Facebook users just send a

    text message to 32665 (FBOOK) with the words fan yourusername OR like

    yourusername (without the quotes).

    This feature is ideal when youre addressing a live audience, say. Have everyone

    pull out their mobile phones and join your fan page on the spot! This would also work

    well for radio or TV. (Note that this only works for Facebook users with a verified

    mobile device in his or her account.)

    #13: Use Print Media

    Look at every piece of print media you use in your business. Your Facebook fan page

    (as well as Twitter and any other social sites youre active on), should be clearly

    displayed. Putyour Facebook fan page link (and the logo) on your business

    cards, letterhead, brochure, print newsletter, magazine ads , products, etc.

    #14: Display at Your Store/Business

    If your business is run from physical premises, put a placard on the front desk

    letting your customers know youre on Facebook. Ideally, you have a simple,

    memorable username. Incentivize customers to join right away via their mobile

    device and show you/your staff the confirmation for some kind of instant


    You might give out physical coupons promoting your fan page. For restaurants,

    put the Facebook logo, your username and a call to action on yourmenus.

    I was at a hotel in San Francisco last fall and they had a placard in the elevators

    promoting their presence on Facebook and Twitter. The sign was very noticeable

    because of those ubiquitous Facebook and Twitter logos/colors!

    #15. Add a Link on Your Personal Profile

    If youd like to promote your fan page to your Facebook friends, just under your

    photo on your personal profile there is a section to write something about yourself. I

    call this the mini bio field and strongly suggest adding a link to your fan page like so:

    Be sure to format the URL with http:// otherwise it will not be clickable with just

    the wwws. You have a limited amount of characters, so keep it succinct and leave out

    the wwws. You can put in hard line breaks though to make the content easier to read.

    #16: Add a Badge/Button to Your ProfileUsing an app like Profile HTML orExtended Info, you can create your own custom

    HTML, including a Facebookbadge and/or graphic embedded, as shown in the

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    #17: Use the Share Button

    The Sharebutton is all over Facebook and is a very handy feature. It only works for

    sharing on your personal profile. So periodically go to your fan page, scroll toward the

    bottom left column and click the Share+ button. Add a compelling comment along

    the lines of exciting news, recent changes, special incentives, etc., happening on your

    fan page and invite your friends to join if they havent already. I find the Share button

    far more effective than the Suggest to Friends approach. (And, if youd like to Share

    content from the web on to yourfan page vs. profile, I highly recommend using the

    Hootlet bookmarklet tool at

    #18: Use the @ Tag

    As long as youre a fan of your own fan page, you can @ tag it on your own

    personal profile wall. From time to time, you can let your friends know about

    something happening on your fan page bywriting a personal status update

    that includes tagging your fan page with an @ tag. Simply start typing the @

    symbol and the first few letters of your fan page name (this works whether you have

    your username registered or not), and it will appear from a drop-down menu to select.

    This then makes it a nice, subtle hyperlink that your friends can choose to click on.

    #19: Autograph Posts on Other Walls

    A subtle way to gain more visibility for your fan page is to add an @ tag for

    your fan page when writing on your friends walls as a way to sign off.

    I would use this one sparingly and, again, monitor the response from your friends. I

    have never been a fan of adding a signature block on Facebook wall posts because

    our name and profile picture thumbnail are always hyperlinked right back to our profile

    anyway. But the simple @ tag could be effective.

    #20: Autograph Other Fan Pages

    As with adding your fan page @ tag to posts you make on your friends walls, you

    could equally use the same technique when posting on o ther fan pages. This

    needs to be used with discretion and I would advise against doing this on any

    potentially competing fan page!

    #21: Maybe Use Suggest To FriendsI wont rule this one out completely as it does depend on how many friends you

    have, your relationship with your friends, how often you suggest fan pages/friends to

    your friends, etc (see The Big Myth above). But I do recommend monitoring the

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    So, these are just 21 ways to create strategic visibility and promote your Facebook fan


    Lets hear from you. Which ones have you implemented with success? Plus, do

    feel free to add any of your own creative promotional ideas in the comments

    box below!

    Like 2,512 people like this. Be the first of your friend

    Tags: buddy media, bullseye gives, canvas page, email signature, facebook, facebook advertising, facebook autograph,

    facebook badge, facebook comment feature, facebook contest, facebook extended info, facebook f an page, facebook fanbase,

    facebook friends, facebook invitation, facebook landing tap, facebook logo, facebook marketing, facebook m arketing an hour a

    day , facebook personal profile, facebook profile, facebook promotional guidelines, facebook tag, facebook text message,

    facebook users, facebook video, facebook votes, facebook wall post, facebook welcome video, facebook widget, facebookk

    share button, fan count, fan page, fan page broadcast, fanappz, fbml, hootsuite, involver,join our f an page, live stream, nick

    oneil, page badge, profile html, social media, social plugins, social proof, stev e spangler, suggest to friends, tag photos, target,

    the fan box, threadless , twitter, video, video st reaming app, virtue, vpype, welcome page, wildfire apps

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR , Mari Smith

    Mari Smith is a widely- reco gnized social media speaker and trainer

    and is coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day. Fast

    Company calls Mari the Pied Piper of the Online World. Follow

    Mari on Twitter : @marismith. Other posts by Mari Smith

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    Great article that my clients and busines s as sociates will definitely find useful!

    6 people liked this.

    cherylvargas 7 months ago

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    1 person liked this.

    Awesom e tips , Mari. I'm in the pro cess of getting a Facebook "Like" page for my latest web site venture Theme Thesis

    and this article's really going to help.

    Woohoo - stoked to hear that!! I checked out your website, very nice!!

    1 person liked this.

    Thanks Mari,

    There are definitely some tools men tioned in this article that I am going to resea rch further. At first, I was not happy

    about Facebook removing the "fan" moniker but after se eing the new "Like" system in context (especially with the ads ) I

    have to say that I am coming around :-)

    Thanks again!

    Cindy King and 1 more liked this

    You know what, I feel the same way. Suddenly having the ability to Like anything around the entire web and s hare

    that with my Facebook friends is really, really cool!! :) I'm enjoying the creative imp lementation too, such a s on ! :)

    1 person liked this.

    Mari, thanks for be ing here to explain all of this sooo o clearly - just wa are all getting used to the "Like" button. Love all

    of these ideas!!! Thanks for sharing them .

    I immed iately put up a Com ment widget after reading this pos t and want to try Vpype soo n too. It's great to come away

    with be able to put things into action imm ediately after reading an article.

    1 person liked this.

    COOL!! Thanks, Cindy. I do love action takers. You rock. :)

    1 person liked this.

    Wow, great information in one concise article! I'm sharing this one. Very helpful and practical information. Will be

    sharing this with my clients for sure! thanks!

    2 people liked this.

    Good to know - thanks for your kind words, Michele!!

    1 person liked this.

    Excellent list, I like the embed ding the com ments form tip, excellent idea.

    matthewlyle 7 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    CityCliq 7 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Cindy King 7 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Michele 7 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Pliggs 7 months ago

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    I've used som e of those in the pas t, but that's a comprehen sive list, thanks!

    Just want to share a helpful res ource for anyone whose company or workplace is blocking, or talking about blocking

    employee access to Facebook and other social media apps. It's a whitepaper called To Block or Not. Is that the


    It has lots of insightful and us eful information about identifying and controlling Enterprise 2.0 apps (Facebook, Twitter,

    Skype, SharePoint, etc.)

    Share it with the IT dept.

    2 people liked this.

    Ooo, this is excellent - man y thanks, Lisa!! I checked it out... kinda strange to m e, though, that they are combin ing

    the white paper download with a s weepstakes. I just want the paper, no swee pstakes. LOL! (Definitely a funny


    Thanks for these tips, Mari. As us ual your stuff is timely and help ful. Looking forward to reading your new book!

    Thanks, Bill!!!

    Great insight! Appreciate the valuable information shared in this article.

    My pleasure, Karen - you rock!!

    These are great sugges tions. If you don't have a pers onal profile linked to your Facebook fan page, it's hard to figure

    out how to find new fans. It's great that there are som e tips here that can be us ed san s having a profile. Since I do have

    a profile, I really like the tip about signing with an @ tag when p osting on other walls - what a subtle way to get your

    page out there!

    One other interesting tip I found was adding content that is exclusive to fans to encourage more to "like" your page.

    ( The code is findable if you

    view page source, so it's not exactly top secret info that you can hide from non-fans, but I'm sure m any would just like

    the page to see the content.

    Aha - excellent tip to add to the mi x, Kristi!! "Fan only content" is s ome thing that is n't talked abou t much. I love

    what Carrot Creative did on their team tab - what you see as a n on-fan is

    different as a fan. Very clever, and not that challenging to do ... if you have a coder on your team, right?!

    Scott Prock and 1 more liked this

    lisavalentine 7 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    billbulloch 7 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Karen The Connector 7 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Kristi Hines 7 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    deelirium 6 months ago

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    For example, the comm ents widget for your own website:

    "As us ers com ment on items , that activity is pushed out into their stream (profile wall and their friends News Feeds),

    which creates valuable viral visibility for your fan page."

    Ok, so I comment on a we bsite through this widget, and m aybe other people add to it to create a conversation. The

    conversation stays in context on that website. But for each pers on's comm ent to be pos ted on their FB wall? That

    doesn't make an y sense to me. The com ment is totally out of context standing alone on a fan's wall.

    That's why I haven't implemented that feature on m y website yet. I prefer it when people add comm ents to a link or pos t

    on my fan page wall, then the comm ents all come one right after another and there's no weird out of context post on

    each of those fans' walls. (Does all that make sens e?)

    Or, perhaps I'm misunderstanding how these comments from this widget show up on a fan's wall.

    JohnBergdoll liked this

    Yes, you're absolutely right. In fact, the entire "socialmedias phere" is riddle d with "fragmented conversations."

    Look at anyone's tweetstream and you see a s lew of one-sid ed conversations. So, yes, context can certainly be


    Let's also loo k at this very plugin I'm typing on right now - Disqus. As I logged in via Facebook connect and make

    my comments here on,, basically

    any site that also us es Disqu s), I can *choose* commen t by commen t whether to share that onto Facebook as


    However, with the new Facebook Like (and optional comm ent), it's not poss ible to *choose* whether to pos t on

    Facebook or not.

    So, bottom line, it's up to the user to de cide how/where they wish to push content. Certainly, this ub iquitous Like

    feature is m aking me even more cognizant of what I'm endorsing. And, so far, I like it!! :)

    P.S. this is one comm ent I'm sharing on Facebook... will be interesting to see res ponses ! :) [I rarely, however,

    share m y Disqus comme nts on Twitter as it just puts out a half-sentence and often doesn't add value as a


    4 people liked this.

    Great tips, Mari. Looking forward to your sess ions at SMSS10 as we ll.


    Sahweet - thanks a mil. I'm s uper excited for SMSS10 too!! ;)

    I always learn so mething new. Thanks, Mari!

    Aw thanks, I'm hono red!

    Mari you are awes ome.. Will all these new changes be reflected in your upcoming book.. It was next month yeah? or do

    I recall wrong? Can't wait to get your book.

    Cheers... Are

    Hey Are -- you're very kind. Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day comes out May 3rd!!! Happy Dance!! Super

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    rduermyer 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Chik Quintans 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    TwtrCoach 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

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    lisagarciaruiz liked this

    Ah good, good tips. I like the idea of @ tagging yours elf on other pages - unfort this w on't work as we ll if you've gone

    and gotten yourself a fanpage n ame that's longer than your arm. Off to share! @TiaSparkles

    Heheee Tia - you're "longer than your arm" comm ent made m e LOL!

    Ah yes, I speak from experience of cours e ... just praying for the day FB decides to allow fanpage name

    changes. I keep the faith ;)

    1 person liked this.

    Great info, Mari ! I will have to try out number 8 for sure!!!

    1 person liked this.

    Excellent - keep us posted!! :)

    If many of your Facebook friends are interested in the kind o f content or product you are promoting, the Sugges t to

    Friends tool can be very efficient.

    Yes, very true!! There are always exceptions a nd it's im portant to experiment and find what works for our

    respective markets.

    as usual - an excellent post Mari! I really like thinking out of the box with FB. Yes, and the book...?

    Wheee - you're very kind, Phyllis!! :)

    And my book with Chris Treadawa y, Facebook Marketing : An Hour A Day comes out May 3!

    mktg to order on Amazon! PLUS, do join us at the fab fun virtual launch party all day May 3 -

    Thank you! These sugges tions are practical and seem easy to implemen t - even for a novice.

    Mari Smith and 1 more liked this

    Tia Singh 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Tia Singh 6 months ago

    Sarah Santacroce 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Jewish Ideas Daily 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Phyllis Khare 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    DNux 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

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    You rock, Mari! How do you find out about a ll those app s(extended info, Vpype)? Is there a blog you read regularly that

    tells you? (I'm sure you get pitched a lot as well and that tells you)

    Ah, thanks hon ! Peeps I follow clo sel y via Facebook friend lis ts, Twitter and their bl ogs i nclude Pe te Cash mor e

    (Mashable), Robert Scoble, Nick O'Neil (allfacebook), Justin Smith (ins idefacebook), Louis Gray, TechCrunch,

    ReadWriteWeb and many more.

    And I do indeed get pitched a lo t for all manner of new beta apps , etc. etc. which I rather love! :) In fact, that is the

    coolest story of how I first got into Facebook marketing - I was on the alpha team of a Facebook app!

    Awesom e step b y step. I still don't quite unders tand how the "@" thing works , so I gues s I'll jus t have to give it a try and

    find out! Thanks!!

    Great post, thanks Marie. One thing I have to add a bout #21 "Sugges t to Friends" - you cannot sugges t to your friends

    more than once. Those friends that you have already sent a "suggest" request to - are faded and are in gray The only

    friends that it will se nd to are NEW friends. So all your friends only get ONE request to become a fan -- or "like". Correct

    me if I am wrong? thanks @yasminbendror

    Only for a lim ited period of time.

    Definitely a few there I'll be trying. I've been considering us ing the Facebook ads but, have so far decided aga inst it.

    Might give it a trial though and se e how it goes :).

    Awesom e advice! WOW...

    Hi Mari - As you know the Facebook promotional guideline s can be a bit confusing . Is it okay for the average pers on to

    run a contest u sing the Wildfire App "without written perm ission " from Facebook? If so, is this your interpretation of the

    guidelines or info from an inside source? Thanks much!! - Kimberly

    Hi Kimberly - yes for sure. Wildfire App is an approved app - I've double checked with both them and som e power

    uses like my buddy, Dave Kerpen of theKbuzz!

    annienoll 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    VasserPro 6 months ago

    Yasmin Bendror 6 months ago

    DJ NightLife 6 months ago

    Bex 6 months ago

    Mikko Kemppe 6 months ago

    Kimberly 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Naomi Trower 6 months ago

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    for my personal friends (although many of them become fans without me as king) but only for friends in m y business

    world. It's funny but I really don't want my childhood and/or high school friends to become fans of m y page because

    they aren't my target market UNLESS they are a real es tate or mortgage profes sional. :)

    Great tips are always a fantastic resource :-)

    One of the things I do on m y Fan Page ( is include @ tagging when I

    post on our Fan Page wall. The benefits are two-fold...we increase our Fans, and the people and /or business es that

    support our network gain exposure/traffic/recognition/kudos/etc publicly. Win-Win way to increase your own # of Fans ,but give exposure to others as well!

    Thanks for all your awesom e ins ights...I appreciate you!

    Great article Mari.

    I already implement the "add a link to your personal profile" and it works well.

    If I receive a friend request on my personal page from s omeone I have met through networking I send them a

    mes sage and s uggest they join me on my fan page as that is predominantly my business p age - that works well too.

    Rather than link Twitter to LinkedIn and Facebook I utilise which distributes to all m y other sites via one pos t. If

    I am p utting a post out that I only want to share individually on a s ite then I use the site direct.

    Thanks again for a great article.

    1 person liked this.


    Thanks for the list of ideas. Lots of good ones even one or two I didn't know.

    Here's another one:

    Mention your fan pag e whenever you are bein g interviewed.

    ...or get t-shirts with your fan page na me on them and hand them out.


    Ooooo, I LOVE these two excellent tips!! I'm o ff to see about ge tting turquoise & bling t-shirts with my fan page on

    the front and Twitter ID on the back. hehee!!

    That's awesome, n ot my choice of t-shirt colors, but it will work for you


    Lol. ;) "Turquoise and blin g, that's m y thing."

    This is such a grea t article! I'm going go down list and see wh at I am miss ing!

    Hi Mari,

    Jacki Semerau 6 months ago

    LAHornbogen 6 months ago

    dougmcisaac 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    dougmcisaac 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Yolanda Huang 6 months ago

    iuperica 6 months ago

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    have any idea where to find the s etting for this? Or what we've done wrong?



    Hi Erica

    If you go into your page, and click Edit Settings. Once on the Edit Page, under Applications, go to Photos. Whenyou're taken to your photos page, click Edit Settings, and you have the opp ortunity to choose whether fans can

    upload photos of thems elves, or tag photos of themselves.

    This is a great way we have found to generate activity and interaction on

    page for our Brewery Tours.

    Best of luck.


    Great tips, but in clicking through to the "embed video" tutorial, well, it's not really a tutorial, as there is no "how to". Also,

    this only works for "spons ored" video's. Other than that, thanks for all the great info

    Aha - good to know. Thanks for poin ting this ou t, Jeff. I'll scope out with Nick more thoroug hly and see what I can


    Thank you Mary! I did enjoy the I became fan #19011.... :o)

    Hi Mari

    Thank you for such a clear article. As a newbie I find these very useful and helpful. Fab :-)

    Mari Smith liked this

    Great tips! I still know of people u sing Facebook for contests without permiss ion. I highly doubt they could ever monitor

    every single one , but it's good to be aware of the restrictions and have a back-up plan in cas e a contest gets s hut

    down. I wonder what the ram ifications for people caught running unauthorized contests...

    Whew, I know exactly what you m ean. Basically you have 500 m illion users being "policed" by a mere 1500 s taff.

    I'm not sure how Facebook could pos sibly monitor all the "illegal" contests. Mostly, I think people just aren 't

    aware they are breaking any of FB's TOS.

    Hi Mari

    GREAT article...if someone im plements even 30-50% of the 21 cool ideas, they'll see their fans (likes ) soaring...thanks

    for sharing

    My busines s fanpage ( can do more with

    som e of the ideas too :o)

    kymog 6 months ago

    jeffgoldmx 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    jeffgoldmx 6 months ago

    Emille Wolstenholme 6 months ago

    somedayilllearn 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Ash Patel 6 months ago

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    Thanks for the tips Mari. I

    I think your su ggestions are very concise an d realistic, unlike other resou rces I've come across. I like that you can us e

    the @ shoutout on Facebook now, almost forgot about that!

    Good list and to the point! Thanks.

    A great article, lot of insig htful tips on prom oting any Facebook Page. Till date I onl y though t of "Suggest to Friend s" as

    the best prom otion method b ut, came to know m any more today. Thanks for the in formative article.

    Great article. I added the links to m y fanpage on my facebook page today. I added m y Fan page badge to m y blog

    today. Now, I just need to figure out the signa ture block. I don't think I want Wisestam p because it is not u sed in IE. Any

    other suggestions?

    You GO girl!! I heart action takers. :) Hmmm , depends what email p rogram you us e. You don't really need a

    plugin/addon -- just type the URL with a good call to action in your regular signature block. e.g. I have this on m y

    iPhone and iPad em ail signature block cuz I don't use FireFox/Wisestamp o n my mobile/portable gadgets! :)

    Mari, your tips and insights are always current and concise. Thanks as always!

    I always forward articles like this to all my clients - Thanks for the gre at tips!! You always m ake me look FABULOUS To

    all my clients!

    1 person liked this.

    hehee - I'm grinning like a Cheshire cat here. Delighted to hear, Jenny!! :)

    Fabulous tips an d resources Mari. And thank you for showing the b adge from m y profile that links to my fan page. I find

    that most peo ple don't have a link sh owing anywhere on their profile that directs peop le to their fan page.... oh by the

    way, is it still called a fan page now that the "become a fan" is obsolete?

    Here are several ways I suggest peo ple link their profile to their "fan" page:

    1. Place a link to your fan page in the info/bio box right under your picture. Create a shortened link (us ing or

    simila r) to your fan page if you don't have a custom usernam e and be s ure to include the http:// in the link so it

    becomes an active hyperlink.

    2. On your Info tab (on your profile), list your fan page URL (or shortened url) as o ne of your websites in the Contact

    Information section.

    emarketed 6 months ago

    Chicago SEO Company 6 months ago

    Namit Gupta 6 months ago

    Jess Shultzaberger 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Dina Meek 6 months ago

    Jenny Kaplan 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    CoachLaura 6 months ago

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    - Copy and pas te the fan page bad ge code you can get from the Edit Page area of your fan page. To find the code, go to

    your fan page an d

    i. Click Edit Page under your photo. Look for the heading Promote with Facebook Badge on right column, then click the

    link that reads Get Your Badge

    ii. Select Other under the Choose whe re to add the badge head ing

    iii. Copy the code that appears

    iv. Insert the code into your Extended Info or Profile HTML application tab on your profile

    2 people liked this.

    Anyone know how to add a facebook pl ugin s uch as the "like box" to a tab in your facebook fan page? I tried pasting i n

    the code that the fan box gave me into the s tatic fbml a nd nothing ap pears... Any help would be great appreciated!


    Thank you Mari! Once again you offer up so many concrete, easy to follow helpful a nd appreciated!

    Mari Smith liked this


    Thanks for the wonderful tips, you are s uch a fountain of facebook knowledge :) Loo king forward to more of your tips

    from the Summit!

    Nice work as always Mari. I was jus t thinking about running a contest (#6), so your comme nt and link to

    FB promotional guidelines is very helpful. Keep it rollin!


    Mari Smith liked this

    Hey Travis - HUGE hugs an d thanks for pointing this out. Indeedy, the new Facebook changes have rendered the

    embedda ble videos a wee bit different. I had to log out, clear cookies, log in as one o f my team m embers and

    figure it all out. It's rather weird - but now the embedde d video only has a very faint, almos t unnoticeable

    watermark of the Facebook logo!! See my updated comm ents and two screens hots on Tip #8 above.

    Ohhh silly me, Travis -- I just realized you commented twice. I had a wee hiccup when I was p osting my

    replies. So pasted m y reply re #8 to your comment about #6. Lol!!

    Mari, as us ual, great tips! You are always generous with sharing your knowledge.

    I am beginning to "like" the Like button on Facebook. Especially after watching Mark Zuckerberg's keynote on F8. It's all

    beginning to make better sense to me about the strategy behind the change.

    Can't wait to read your blog on all the Facebook changes hap pening. Exciting time!

    The next item on my "To Do" list is to purchase your new book - Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day. Oh my, do I ever

    need that.

    To all you of out there who would like to take a "preview peek" into a page of Mari's boo k that releases on May 3, you

    can do so at Amazon at

    jackbarker 6 months ago

    lisagarciaruiz 6 months ago

    Brian Short 6 months ago

    Travis Campbell 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    DonnaGilliland 6 months ago

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    etc. Non fans will click on the custom tab then be prom pted to become a fan before access ing fan only content.

    Empower your visitors to invite their FB friends through a s pecial application or code em beded into a custom FB page

    in FBML.

    Just a few additional thoughts.....great post!

    1 person liked this.

    Great Tips will try it for sure, thanks for sharing

    Fantastic, well researched article, Mari! Thank you! :D

    Mari Smith liked this

    This is a awes ome resource. Very nicely done and you didn't oversell it. I'll definitely be able to put so me o f these

    creative ideas into action almos t imm ediately. Thank you.

    Mari Smith liked this

    Thanks for some of the tips.

    I never knew about the tags you could us e in Facebook.

    Very smart!

    One of the m ore us eful articles I've s een on how to utilize Facebook. Very practical. Thanks Mari.

    Mari Smith liked this

    First time I have ever looked at FB's guidelines. The 3rd party stuff at the end s eems very odd, like it was written just to

    get wildfire a piece of the action. Maybe there was a lawsuit or som ething, but it all just s eemed counter intuitive,

    anyone else???

    1 person liked this.

    Has a nyone told you how totally and completely amazing you are? Hail Mari!! This is FABULOUS!

    Mari Smith liked this

    Thanks for all the tips. You have given me a lot of hom e work! Bad enough I am keeping up to all hours at the mome nt!

    #21 is not a big myth, it's the m ost effective. Ask everybody (and I m ean everybody) you know to s uggest an d it's gonna

    pay off, no doubt.

    Nikunj 6 months ago

    Lori Randall Stradtman 6 months ago

    Elizabeth T 6 months ago

    groceryalerts 6 months ago

    algates 6 months ago

    Daniel Bates 6 months ago

    Stephanie Nivinskus 6 months ago

    Las Ratnayake 6 months ago

    DJ NightLife 6 months ago

    scruffles4 6 months ago

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    Thanks Again


    Just when I thought I knew it all. Thanks so m uch for sharing Mari! There are m any tips that I haven't heard and even

    some that sparked more ideas.

    Mari Smith liked this

    Really really great list! As if I didn't have enough to do this week already...;)

    Our web site provider is really on top of things, and had already started implem enting the Like buttons on our prod uct

    pages alm ost as s oon as they were announced! You can see an example at -

    really great respons e so far!

    One trick I recently stumbled in to helps m e keep track of comments on my pages. FB doesn't do page notifications, but

    if you "Like" your own wall post, it turns out you are "liking" it as your personal profile. After that, you get notified of any

    further comments to the pos t. At least a partial solution!

    Thanks again for the great pointers! - j

    Mari Smith liked this

    VERY nice imp lementation of the Facebook Like button on your winery website. LOVE it!! Liked a few wines and

    surfed around your wildly humorous copy!!

    Re the Like trick for notifications - excellent!! I do that on occasion and it's too funny to get my push notifications

    on my iPhone "Mari Smith just comme nted on Mari Smith's post." heheee!

    Great tip, I was asked that very question during training las t night and I didn't have a good answer :-)

    I agree 100% with your "The Big Myth" statement. I get 3 to 5 request a da y from friends as king me to join their fan

    pages. Som e will send m ultiple requests o ver a weeks time. If I didn't join on the first reques t, I'm m ost likely NOT

    going to join on the 10th request.

    Very nice post.

    Thanks heaps , Joshua. Always gotta think outside the box, eh! :)

    Thank you so mu ch for the great article.I really liked the idea o f using the Welcom e Video to enhance your page.We are

    looking to use ou r Facebook as a platform to teach SEO and Social Media lessons as we have done with our Twitter


    I believe the link to Nick ONeils post will help us a great deal. Do you suggest us ing FBML to enhance the look of your

    Fan Page?Thanks and I look forward to your future pos ts.



    FB Page:

    Kimberly Otsuka 6 months ago

    eljefe 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Ian cleary 5 months ago

    Joshua Landsberg 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    mbconsulting 6 months ago

    Des Walsh 6 months ago

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    Mari Smith liked this

    Thanks for this very useful and ins ightful post! I'm in the p rocess of launching a fan page for one of my clients, so very

    timely too. One question - the "Like Box" social plugin see ms to work only if the user is actually logged in to Facebook.

    Am I wrong? Is it poss ible to rem ove this requ irem ent when I us e the iFrame metho d of integrating the plug in into a

    web site?

    Really useful article.

    I already knew most of them and was using them.

    For a new one on the m arket this is a killing a rticle.

    By only reading this ou can s tart FB marketing.


    Unfortunately #8 does not work. I have a feeling there is a catch, or the functionality was changed in som e way. Ideas?

    1 person liked this.

    Alrighty - reposting m y comment from above where I put it in the wrong p lace. hehe!

    Hey Travis - HUGE hugs an d thanks for pointing this out. Indeedy, the new Facebook changes have rendered the

    embedda ble videos a wee bit different. I had to log out, clear cookies, log in as one o f my team m embers and

    figure it all out. It's rather weird - but now the embedde d video only has a very faint, almos t unnoticeable

    watermark of the Facebook logo!! See my updated comm ents and two screens hots on Tip #8 above.

    You can sugges t to your friends more than once if they have not already become a fan. Those that are alread y fans are

    grayed out.

    Awesom e - good to know , Colleen . I think some peeps were g etting confus ed... yet I know for sure m any folks

    have been expressing frus tration at repeated fan page sugges tions/invites on Facebook. So, this makes sens e

    with the graying out of existing fans (likers?!) heh

    Tremendous advices Marie, thanks for s haring! Your list exceed m y expectations and there a re lots of things there I will

    start to do just right now with my page.

    Hi Mari,

    Thanks for the sh out-out for the Target Bullseye Gives program, which m y company built for Target. Would you mind

    adding us to the list of custom application developers you mention at the end of that tip?



    VP of Strategic Accounts

    Context Optional, Inc.

    Pragvision Orbach 6 months ago

    Enver Karakaya 6 months ago

    Travis Campbell 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Colleen Pfeilschiefter 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    maxiosearch 6 months ago

    Brendan McGeever 6 months ago

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    Hi Brendan!! Awesome to s ee you here - thanks for stopping by. Absolutely - more than happy to give you props .

    I've adde d a link to your company on Tip #5 with prop er credit for your talents on the Target Bullseye Gives

    campaign. Really fabulous job!

    Mari, thanks for sharing this! A wealth of Facebook knowledge, as always. I will be sharing this informa tion with my

    upcoming UC San Diego s ocial media s tudents this sum mer (with credit to you).

    You rock!

    COOL!! Thank you kindly, Becky. I'm d elighted to continue contributing to your wonderful clas s. hehe e! Thanks for

    all you do too. :)

    Thanks a lot for great informazion. We will try it out!

    great job on these tips. Thanks for sharing.....

    I do have to s ay though, that I disagree with the Big Myth in that personal friends are very likely to s upport your efforts.

    You shouldnt invite ALL friends perhaps, but send ing the invite to personal friends I think is a m ust.

    If someone has found a way around this please let me know.

    Indeedy - makes perfect sense. There are always exceptions! Many thousands of m y friends are als o fans

    already, so clearly they have m igrated over. I found just b y using the Share button and @ tag and other creative

    ways that over time my friends chos e of their own volition to become a fan. As oppos ed to me clogging up their

    "suggestions box"!! Different strokes for different folks. :)

    totally see where you're coming from. I think a lot if it also depends on the popularity of the brand and how

    well that brand is represented am ongst your friends....for example, if you su ggest milk and you know that all

    your friends like milk then inviting them should go fairly well. But if you are s uggesting wine and you know

    mos t of your friends hate wine, then other avenues would obviously be better....of course, who does n't like

    wine? ;)

    Hi Mari! In regards to item # 10, there are m any providers o f Facebook contests and prom otions. My company,

    Bulbstorm, builds promotional apps for Facebook that are in full compliance with platform terms of service and drive

    much deepe r engageme nt than a single click of the "Like" button.

    Your audience may be interested in alternatives to the p rovider highlighted. If so, we welcome them to check out our

    Idea Challenges platform at Thanks!

    Mari Smith liked this

    Wonderful!! Thanks a mil for letting us know. Will check out for sure!

    beckycarroll 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Traveler News 6 months ago

    Jgoal55 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Jgoal55 6 months ago

    ScribeDevil 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

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    I checked out your site and didn 't see that it's a contes t app comparable to WildfireApp - am I mis sing


    My question is about the question is about how to add the comm ent feature up in tip #6. I went to the comm ent social

    plug in created the code, copied it into FBML and it did not work. Is there a different FBML application I need to use.How do I get this work?

    Mari, you continue to amaze me. I learn so m uch from you on a daily basis! When are you going to come to Lexington

    Ky? Horse country..

    Mari Smith liked this

    I thought there might be a lot of repetition in this article so nearly didn't read it. I'm glad I did - the sections about videohave sparked a lot of ideas.

    Mari Smith liked this

    Wonderful, good to know!! I'm s o glad you read through, too! :)

    Excellent post. Very useful and inform ative.I mostly prefer the App recomm endation. Create an app in line with your

    busines s that provides us ers with useful info and see how it would be recom mended by others.

    Hello there thank you so m uch for these wo nderful article. Always learning so mething new from you. Thanks.. Very

    much appreciated..


    Great post but I don't understand the point #20: Autograph Other Fan Pages Tag to my fan page? How can you do


    Thanks in advance

    Hi Juan -- the @ tag works when you are in the Publishe r - which is the place on any wall that you can write

    content in. So, as soon as you type the @ symbol and the first few letters of a nam e, Facebook starts to fill in

    sugges tions from people who are your friends, fan pages you've joined (liked), groups you've joined and events

    you've RSVP'd for. You can @ tag up to six times in any post. Hope this helps!

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Beckie 6 months ago

    Whitney Pannell 6 months ago

    Sally2hats 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Suresh Adams 6 months ago

    Jason 6 months ago

    Juan 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    acekard 2i 6 months ago

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    what our friends like on the web.

    #7: Get Fans to Tag Photos

    As far as i know , fans can no t tag thems elves on Pag e's photos, on ly on Persona l Profile's photos , am i wrong?

    Extremely informative. This will aid me in my Facebook page. Thanks for writing this

    Mari Smith liked this

    Wonderful article Mari..hats off..

    I am gonna revive the company's FB page right away..

    Mari Smith liked this


    I love all twenty one tips for a company's Facebook page. Being a comm unity manager for a m arketing firm, I feel like

    each blog or forum I read is the s ame - b een there, done that. However, your tips were not only helpful, I'm going to act

    on them imm ediately. My personal favorites were your ideas to incorporate your Facebook page link into your signature

    blog, the option of using SMS and using the @ s ign, to tag your company page (or s elf) in a comm ent. My company

    page, already added a Twitter and YouTube tab and we're working on a

    customized landing page. Thanks for all the great tips.

    Kalyn Baldwin

    Mari Smith liked this

    Hey Mari,

    Thank you for the great article. I really like Treadless' canvas page and am really excited to impleme nt a sh opping cart

    to my company's canvas page too. Do you know how can I add a shopping cart linked to m y company's ecomm erce



    An excellen t article. I will be retwee ting it for sure . I have a question fo r you tho'. How do I ensure tha t my Fan Page is

    the default instead of my Friends Page. Whenever som eone se nds m e an invitation or I click on a Like button it

    automatically goes to my Friends Page. I then end up with people on m y Friends Page instead of the Fan Page. Would

    welcome an explanation.



    The texting thing was n ew to me , everything else is s tandard. Thanks.

    Thanks so m uch Mari, for sharing with us all this useful info.

    I did not know about Promotion rules in FB. After reading it, I am s till not, here is m y question.

    Elie Prudhomme 6 months ago

    dcfemella 6 months ago

    Dmailer 6 months ago

    kalynbaldwin 6 months ago

    Asena 6 months ago

    Daisy 6 months ago

    Adrian Eden 6 months ago

    isla7 6 months ago

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    Thanks so m uch for your help!


    Hi Mari - Just as an FYI, I think FB mus t have changed the limit on the number of pages you can "like" because I

    currently "like" 558 according to my Info tab.

    Lol - it's s till 500 ma x. But, clearly, Facebook are not stringent about this rule. A Twitter buddy let me know the

    other day he has managed to join a whopping 180 0 pages!! :)

    Wow! What a wealth of information. I've taken quite a few notes that I am going to implem ent when I come back hom e

    after the weekend.

    1 person liked this.

    Thanks for such great content Mari!

    Very glad I found your blog and I'm m aking it a mus t read. As a no vice, you make me feel like I can actually implement

    this stuff which helps with the "overwhelmed feelings" I'm experiencing as I wade into all this social m edia marketing.

    Looking forward to your book too.


    Thanks, Mari! Great ideas here. I'm going to s hare this article with participants in a nonprofit presentation I'm doing on


    Really nicely written post a nd great s ite. Thanks

    Mari Smith liked this

    I'm SO delighted and honored by all your positive feedback. I'll be returning here in the next few days to an swer any

    questions I may have missed!

    Thank you for all the great information, Mari! I have im plemented m uch of this already. I heard you speak o n a Webinar

    and tried the text to "fan yourusername," but it did not work? I think that's one of the greates t tips you gave. The way of

    Social Media, I believe, is going to be m obile. Each day I find myself on m y sites via my phone. So thank you! Always a

    please reading what you'll have to say!

    Ahh, bless you for saying!! :) Hmm, did you send the text to 32665? And is your mob ile phon e regis tered with

    Facebook? Check under Account Settin s. Also, now that Facebook chan ed the fan button to like we can test

    AK Stout 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Fruitfulvine2 6 months ago

    Cameron Carothers 6 months ago

    Elaine Fogel6 months ago

    ojejones 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    sarahkayhoffman 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

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    Great post! I never thought to use the @ tag to tag your own page when you're commenting on other's walls and pages .

    Awesom e idea .

    Cool - glad you like!! :)

    Thanks for this help ful article. Can you tell m e how to s horten my URL for m y fanpage? When I tried changing it, it

    changed it for my personal page instead of m y fan page. I don't want to promote my personal pag e! But when I got to

    Account>Account Settings>Us er nam e, it's linked to m y persona l page on ly. I can't find any clear ans wer on Facebook.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!


    DrDeborahBarry liked this

    Great tips and we'll be using many of these to enhance our campus's Facebook page.

    The one I'd disag ree with, at least partially, is the idea of pus hing FB updates to Twitter. Personally I find it really

    annoying to read a tweet with a link, click on the link, and be taken to the exact same sentence on Facebook.

    It doesn't make me more inclined to becom e a fan (liker?) of that page--in fact it has jus t the opposite effect because it

    looks so rt of clueless about the difference between the platforms, content length, and audience. You have just wasted

    my time by enticing me with a click that didn't give me any extra information.

    It's even worse if you DO have a link to more info o n the FB page b ecause I know you could h ave pos ted THAT link to

    Twitter instead of the link to the FB page if you really mean for your Twitter feed to have direct value for your followers


    I get what you're after in letting people know you have a FB page, but I'd rather do that with a tweet, not a tease.

    Another reas on not to is tha t we have different audi ences for our Facebook page (m ostly local, stud ents, al umn i,

    faculty/staff) and Twitter (identity-building account focused on drawing followers in health professions /health sciences,

    design dis ciplines, media, and local folks). The content that works well for one doesn't necess arily translate to theother.

    People who d o want to do this also ne ed to be cognizant of the wording. If you're on Facebook s aying "You can follow

    us on Twitter too! We're @Username" and that goes out to your followers on Twitter it looks silly, just like saying "Like

    us on Facebook!" would look silly posted to people who already like you.

    Great ideas overall though!


    Director of Commun ications and Public Affairs

    Washington State University Spokane


    Well Mari, you've done it a gain. You've written an epic and invaluable post here while som ehow ma king it easy and fun

    to read. Love the case studies and examples.

    As hubby and I head into our wor k day armed with your ins ights , tips, and s trategies (turns o ut our version o f morn ing

    romance is sitting side by side at the kitchen table, reading about how to bring good Likers to our Fan page an d the

    Pages of our clients and partners!), we found ourselves asking one question:

    "What's ONE THING we could do TODAY to take what we've learned from your post and put it to action toward our own

    business's success, and/or toward the success of our clients?"

    We'd be curious to know which tip you'd recommend above all others, if there is a favorite.

    Thanks again and always for your solid and thoughtful guidance on how to thrive in the social realm.

    Keep rockin' the free world, Mari!


    P.S. Of course, if you'd like to share your thoughts on OUR FB Page's Wall, come on over! :-)

    Brosix 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Kelly 6 months ago

    Barb Chamberlain 6 months ago

    lanivoivod 6 months ago

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    heheeee -- I just adore rea ding your writing too, Lani!! You have a way with words and are playful and

    entertaining! ;) (Def fulfilling your m ission!)

    To answer your question, ideally, I'd like to know the #1 objective/purpose o f your fan page first. :) Meantime, I

    took another look at your fan page and my intuitive hit for you two is #10 - run a contest!! Make it fun and juicy and

    vibrant and just plain wacky like you two. ha!!

    Check out and also just scoping the la tter out myself, thanks to a

    comme nt on this blog pos t!! (Do Ctrl + F and search for bulb, you'll find it here too!)

    Keep me posted!!

    Excellent source of information as always Mari! #8 is a g em!

    Thank you dear Shelly!!! (and I know I owe you an em ail. lol!)

    Thanks for sharing this - have just s hared it on Facebook, very helpful :-)

    We've publishe d our own lis t of tips here -

    although in contrast we do recom mend in viting friends to begin with. I would say this is a good idea whe n you start off

    as pe ople are m ore likely to follow the crowd and "like" a page that others like. But of course never invite people twice -

    that can be very annoying!

    You're mos t welcome - glad you enjoyed!

    Can I put Like Box of a s pecific Fan Page on other Fan Page Tab?

    Aha - great ques tion! I don't see w hy not - give it a try!!

    i tried .. no success .. what I did is ins erting the Facebook Like Box code into a new FMBL tab ... nothing

    happened. Maybe I need to change the code ... don't know how .. please help

    Wowee - got this DM today from a social m edia author: "Mari your 21 Creative Ways to Increase Your Facebook Fan

    Base pos t is likely THE most helpful po st on the topic I've ever read" -- what a delight and ho nor to receive such

    feedback. :)

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Shelly Lodes 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    Email Marketing Training 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    ilan 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    ilan 6 months ago

    Mari Smith 6 months ago

    bald ake 6 months a o

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    Great article! It's always nice to have all these tips in one p lace. Have you found a way to use bookm arklets to share

    contents to fan pages? My google toolbar and 3rd party ones always send it to my persona l profile. Thanks a b unch :)

    I am rea lly struggling with social bookm arks. I am n ot that savvy but I write good articles. All I can do at this point and

    adhere to this wonderful article and follow through with the next.

    1 person liked this.

    I have realized this with a recent Facebook page I created. Thanks for the tips.

    Mari, that is the mos t awesome and helping article I've ever read on FaceBook page promotion! :) Thank you soo oo

    much! Will tweet your post now and go work on my FaceBook promotion! :)

    Impress ive Ground Work... Very few authors hv been able to hig hlight so m any ways to increas e the fan bas e.. I'll

    surely try to apply all of them.. and i hope they work...

    Hi Mari ... as I have been soaking up anything related to FB marketing I always find myself coming back to the tips you

    share, love the article.

    I took your advise (after you answered my question on your fan page) and you also m entioned it here in #17 rega rding

    sharing s ites to your fan page.

    I guess there are different ways to create a fan page now, and the obvious choice for me since I'm prom oting a

    business was to use the business account page, it appears the Hootsuite Hootlet does not work with business

    accounts - at least that's what Hootsuite says on their help pag e for reasons the Hootlet isn't working on fan pages.

    I don't understand why FB has to m ake things so difficult / confusing ... anyway, love all that you do, thanks for the tips ...


    Scott - you rock!! Thanks heaps, m y friend. I'm gues sing you'll know by now - Facebook changed the way Admins

    are treated. Any Admin can add/remove any Admin, including the originating Admin. Therefore, probably no ne ed

    to touch Business Accounts. However, for sure you'll want to only allow access to uber trusted peeps !!!

    Great tutorial, Mari! I'm looking forward to your imm ersion prog ram.

    I would advise agains t #9Facebook ads, they have virtually very little conversion s uccess and are a huge was te of

    money. I tried this in November for an e ntire month and s aw futile results. And thanks for mentioning Hootlet. I am a

    HUGE HootSuite fan. I even have the ap p for m y iPhone. Thanks for the grea t list!

    Genevee Swanagan 6 months ago

    find people 6 months ago

    Tim Gold 6 months ago

    CA Karan Batra 6 months ago

    Scott Prock 5 months ago

    Mari Smith 4 months ago

    Holly @mobienthusiast 5 months ago

    tracysestili 5 months ago

    rossjoyner 5 months ago

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    The only thing I have not tried is som e sort of a bribe to get them to click the ad. :-)

    Tracy & Ross too -- I hear you on FB ads. One really needs to hire a s pecialist/agency who knows the workings of

    Facebook advertising ins ide out in order to get a d ecent ROI. Otherwise, you're just s hooting in the dark, really! My

    coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day, Chris Treadaway, is my go-to guy for ads!

    I have implemented so me of these ideas, and gues s what? they have really worked.

    Sahweeet - thrilled to hear that!!

    Advertisi ng on Face Book appears to be wo rthless . There are char ges for cli cks, but never any real res pons e.

    Moreover, there is no way to know if your ad is really being displayed. In standard m edia, one can s ee their ad, but it

    never shows up a nywhere on the ad buyers pages or anywhere that can be searched. If I can't see what I am paying for

    and don't get any response, it's abso lutely foolish to go on pa ying for the alleged clicks.

    Jerry - Facebook ads is a very complex beast for su re. One has to really know what they're doing -- and so m any

    people s adly lose a lot of m oney ... lining Facebook's pockets! I've tried FB ads one time for a month las t year and

    got a decent result... but that was enough! I do en ough organic prom oting. :)

    This website sucks as well - this comment section operates wth little common sense...

    Jerry, your comments all came through fine

    Thank you Mari!

    Great article! I myself have recently started s teps necess ary to growing my busines s' facebook page. I did have a

    question of a slightly more facebook-technical nature, perhaps som eone here could addres s:

    My busines s frequently attends s hows all o ver the country. One of these shows has a fanpage which encourages

    companies that partake, to make a facebook page a nd promo te it on their page. Few have taken advantage of this but I

    would like to.

    My question is , how do I make a po st on their page in s uch a way as to have it be on behalf of my own fanpage, rather

    than as m y individual identity. I'd rather not have myself as a n individual seem as though I'm trying to push som ething,

    but rather simply have the business as an entity saying, "Hey, come check out our page and visit us a t the show" sortof

    thing. Is there any practical way of accomplishing this?

    Mari Smith 4 months ago

    Violet 5 months ago

    Mari Smith 4 months ago

    Jerry Clifford, the Word Guru 5 months ago

    Mari Smith 4 months ago

    Jerry Clifford, the Word Guru 5 months ago

    Michael A. Stelzner 5 months ago

    Linda Sherman 5 months ago

    Cedric Der Calousdian 5 months ago

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    Thanks in advance for any and all ad vice!

    Hey Cedric - aha, what you're as king can be achieved with the us e of @ tags. So, on your own fan page, you

    would publis h a post and include an @ tag for this other fan page. (Type the @ symbol then start typing the name

    of the page). That way, both pages get exposure. Hope this m akes se nse and answers your question!! If not, just

    let me know!

    Regarding nu mber 1 2--is there any way to track the res ults/number of peo ple who s ign up via SMS texting?

    Oooooooeee - now THAT would be a fabulous s tat to have. To my knowledge, Jillian, there isn't anywhere that

    shows this numb er. Heck, it's ha rd enough the way Facebook have the current fans: we can't search for an yone

    by name nor can we s ee more than about 50 at a time. Makes it hard if ever you need to go in and remo ve


    1 person liked this.

    I can't thank you enough for this pos t. It is just what I need.

    Well hey there Jacqueline!! Long time - we met in San Diego like a gazillion years ag o. heheee. Okay, not quite,

    jus t feels that way. Glad you enjoyed my post he re!!

    Hi Mari,

    Yes, I do remember u s m eeting a few times way back when... I think it was both at a Shared Vision

    networking meeting and then at the Church of Religious Science in Encinitas. I could be wrong.

    I'm learning a lot about social media marketing from you and follow you on Facebook. Maybe you will join

    me on my Facebook page Ask Jacqueline McGinnis.

    Thanks for these great tips! Will use for su re on our SkillStorm Facebook Page at !

    Happy Dance!!! You're very welcome. I LOVE your use of fan-only content, by the way!! Brilliant. I've bookmarked

    your page as an example!

    1 person liked this.

    Very interesting strategy! Will check it out now!

    Mari Smith 4 months ago

    Jillian 4 months ago

    Mari Smith 4 months ago

    Jacqueline McGinnis 4 months ago

    Mari Smith 4 months ago

    Jacqueline McGinnis 4 months ago

    Melissa Garcia 4 months ago

    Mari Smith 4 months ago

    Michael Dossett 2 months ago

    Alexandra 4 months a o

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    I just have one question regarding the sms option - how much does it cost and how do you track the results? Our

    company/ministry is based in South Africa and we engage live audiences on regular basis . This option would work

    ideal for us. Thanks again!

    Hi Mari, I'm finding your FB articles really useful thanks s o m uch!

    One question and that's is it possible to DM all the people that like your page easily? I haven't figured out how to do


    Many thanks, Katie @tripbase

    Just a query. What is meant by "DM"?

    Hi Katie

    Apparently it is not pos sibl e, the only way to send a mess age to all the page fans is with the Up date Follow ers

    tool in the Edit Page s ection. Unfortunately whatever you write will not go to their wall but to a s eparate section

    which will not even warn them that they have a mess age- and thus will never check. I really dislike this as well as

    reaching all would be very useful.

    Good luck!

    serious ly one of the mos t effective social media articles I've read in a while. Definitely some us eful and very practical

    tips. thanks Mari

    1 person liked this.

    Incredibly useful article. Thank you very much for it!

    This is a really great resource! As I work closely with my horror and sci-fi clientele to broaden their outreach using

    social m edia, I'm always looking for fresh tips and hints. I'll defnitely share this extremely useful info. Thank you!

    Thank you for a helpful post. Just started to learn how to prom ote my new fan page http://en-

    Hi Mari, Great post. Some wonderful tips on getting more fans! Will be subs cribing to your feed for sure.


    Hi Mari - great info. An improvement on your discuss ion of #14 where you viewed printed material in a hotel elevator

    Katie, Tripbase 4 months ago

    Bill MacReynolds 4 months ago

    Federico @ maitravelsite 3 months ago

    CSP 4 months ago

    Gabriel Hristea 4 months ago

    Briana Malmstrom 3 months ago

    Noam 3 months ago

    Rob Griggs 3 months ago

    Alex 3 months ago

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    You can learn more about QR and Tag codes at

    Also - rega rding #5 Vype app i s no lo nger availab le - 404 e rror.

    Hi Mari

    My page is slowly growing and I ha ve over 500 fans now, quite a few of them obtained via FB advertising which I think

    was s uccesfull. As of lately I am getting many requests of people who want to be FB friends and I would like to relate to

    them via my Facebook page. As of now I am simply telling them that I would like to connect with them via my facebook

    page, and a few go with it but not all. Do you have any ideas on ho w to make this hap pen?

    Also, do you knwo of any applica tion that can tell m e who has been m y latest fans and when?

    I am s ure you get plenty of emails with questions, but I just hope you can answer me.



    Very nice articles, but I don't found Vpype on facebook...


    This is excellent advice.

    Thank you!!!


    Could anybody tell me h ow to change container width without css? As far as I can s ee, css does n't work in Static


    Brilliant tips Mari! Thanks! I think this belo ngs in my book.


    Great ideas and tips Mari. They will surely help for m y page. Keep up the goo d work.


    Great collection of ideas for anyone usin g facebook for busines or promotion

    1 person liked this.

    Alex 3 months ago

    Federico @ maitravelsite 3 months ago

    Amit2110 3 months ago

    Lindsay Browning 3 months ago

    Vitaly Petkevich 3 months ago

    Ken Rochon 3 months ago

    Pablo (DreamToReal) 2 months ago

    Brian Austin 2 months ago

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    One of the best posts I've read about using Facebook to promote a busines s/brand. Using many of these methods

    myself! Always building, always learning, a lways growing!

    Mari, these are excellent ideas! Thank you for sharing. I going to us e the WiseStamp sig nature and well as using the

    FB social plug in on my blog.

    I just reach the maximum facebook friends... 5000 !!! I now realise how imp ortant it is to have a fan page. This is my

    next step into facebook world. Thanks a lot for all this usefull tips... I will definitely follow them.

    Great suggestions ! Since the changeover from "Fan" to "Like", i've coined the term "Likebase" to des cribe the

    commu nity of people who "Like" your Page!

    I agree with you but from m y personal experience, it bought 4000 Facebook fans from and they

    added them to my page in a little over 1 month. All the fans appeared to be real and s ome o f them turned out to be

    great customers.

    You should use to buy Facebook fans... we purchased 10,000 Facebook fans and we're quite

    satisfied with the res ults. It's com pletely legal because the fans are real and they don't join your page u ntil they check it

    and find it interestings. keeps sending suggestions to become a fan until the order is fulfilled.

    Great article and u ha d great comme nts too...

    I used em beded videos from m y Youtube channel on m y blog. You have opened the door to a great idea a bout

    embeding FB videos on a blog. Ha ving link on your video that points out to your FB fan or like page is like GOLD.

    Will execute this feature today.

    Great Post, Thumbs up

    This article is a s eminar in itself. Invaluable ! TYVM.

    All of these tips are grea t! However, I do not know how to us e FBML and cannot find an y tutorials on it...any idea where I

    can find something on how to us e it? Thanks!


    Hello Laurent,

    There is so much ou can do on Facebook with knowin FBML but if ou'd like to know more about it I've heard

    Sherri Groo 2 months ago

    Gagner Argent Site 2 months ago

    evan austin 2 months ago

    Ameenia 2 months ago

    satish 2 months ago

    drburt 2 months ago

    Grace Wieber 2 months ago

    Laurent 2 months ago

    C. Lobo - Internet Exposure 2 months ago

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    Thanks for this! All the info that I needed!


    I am new to the FB fan page and a m jus t now in the process of developing mine. Thank you Thank you for this

    fantastically thorough content on exactly what to do to in crease m y exposures right from the start!


    1 person liked this.

    Your number 12 does n't seem to work all the time. It send a "LIKE" commen t to my profile and friend feed but what I'm

    trying to do is actually like a certain page. Do you know why??

    I seem to find that semi-frequently sending out links to other inspirational/influential people's pages can work well at

    times, as long as you don't attach a com ment that differentiates any demographics. If you've thought about what you

    want to say over the period of a few days or weeks an d sum it up in a nice se ntence, you will attract people.

    The more people comment on or like that link, the higher it goes in the news feed, the mo re people se e it. But at the

    sam e time you're also saying don't look at me, look at these peo ple. So that's why I include a link to one of my artworks

    in there randomly as a surpris e ^^

    Valuable info about Facebook fan pages .


    I recomme nd to buy Facebook fans, they have been recomm ended by a lot of blogg ers

    and they can both be trusted. They can actually add fans to your Facebook page without logging into your Facebook

    profile, so I guess they send o ut thousands o f suggestions to people in their network until they get 1K, 2K, 5K, 10K or

    100K of Facebook fans to join your page, which is totally fine with Facebook terms of us e.

    Hm, I've seen services like this and s teer very clear and don 't recommend to m y clients. Somehow it jus t doesn't

    seem like a good practice.

    It's a sham e you can't do the Twitter trick of following a boatload of pe ople knowing s ome will follow you back

    Hey, great tips, thank you.. but I need a spe cific piece of information I wasn't able to find a nywhere.

    If I want to comment on som e page and have my page name dis played instead of my personal profile name (not with a

    tag), how do I do that?

    ' ' '

    Influenced Design 2 months ago

    Ayanna Mitchell 2 months ago

    Gonzalo Araya 1 month ago

    Luke Cowie 1 month ago

    Knowledge Center 1 month ago

    roberto 1 month ago

    Mari Smith 2 weeks ago

    Townend Web Design Sheffield 1 month ago

    Alexander Glavan 1 month ago

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    Hi Alexander - no, this is not poss ible to do (other than a tag). What you've likely seen is busines ses that have set

    up a pers onal profile in the nam e of their busines s which is actually against Facebook's Terms o f Use. Maybe

    this new feature will come do wn the road a bit at the rate Facebook keeps changing and a dding features!!

    What I like better about this med ia is that the creativity is used in a different level. If the Facebook page achieve certainamount of fans, m any things can b e done with them, and thos e fan could help you to improve your site

    1 person liked this.

    cool info, thanks again. In each article that I read of yours you save me from at least one h uge mis take before I do it.

    Lol - glad to hear that!!

    I retweeted this. But a lot of the cooler things I can't do because I o nly have :(

    Excellent Article Martin :)

    Thanks a mil!!

    Yes I really like the simple tip of adding a facebook follow button to my e-mail signature. We include it on our

    newsletters but not on our e-m ail signatures. Do you think it might put off corporate clients??????

    Hey Paul - I don't think corporate clients would be put off. But you migh t come up with some thing creative like

    "Write on o ur Facebook wall." Something like that. Also, you can em bed a "Share on Facebook" link right inside

    your email s o your readers can post a link (to your fan page or whatever link you wish) directly to their profiles give

    you added exposure!

    Here's the exact code:

    Just replace "URL" with the link you want your readers to s hare with their friends o n Facebook!

    Great tips Mari!!

    I have used some of them on our com an Facebook a e. I would like to add our link here to be taken as a ractice

    Mari Smith 2 weeks ago

    Adriana web design 1 month ago

    tzemer 1 month ago

    Mari Smith 2 weeks ago

    Jonathan Manor 1 month ago

    Swamykant 4 weeks ago

    Mari Smith 2 weeks ago

    Paul Naybour 3 weeks ago

    Mari Smith 2 weeks ago

    Sena Kahraman 2 weeks ago

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    Great! Awesome job. (Beautiful hotel!) By the way, definitely go get your vanity URL (username) you just need 2 5 fans a nd at 4000+ you're waaaay over!! :) Having a short URL

    will make it easier for marketing and promotions.

    Excellent article! Do you know how I can pos t on other fan pages as my fan page (not my personal profile)?

    wow amazing article. i opened up m y 2nd business about a year ago. and now i have a facebook fan page for both

    stores and i am s till trying to get more p eople to like me. so far i

    only got 250. this article gives a lot of different tips. i am going defin. try to apply a couple of them. although i a m no t

    really good with computers, i am go ing to try my best. but i think i might need s ome on e to give me hand with som e of

    the stuff. but def. a outstanding article.God bless you, (always)


    I am m aking a fanpage for a travelling company in Denmark.

    I could really use what Threadless m ade:!/threadless?v=app_116832620224

    Mine should instead have a video of each trip with a comm ent field next

    to, and where people can "like" the trips.

    But how can I make this???

    It is my last exams project, so I really need your help!

    this was s upper help full thank you so mu ch, i did a few of them and i think that if you tell your friends to join your fan

    page you should do it once not ten times like you said.

    Wow this is working! check my sma ll business FB page

    Spot/129256110456340 its an ed ucation revamp company in India, where even today 2 in every ten kids do not get to


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