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IMO DSC 15 Agenda Preview (Updated version)

The 15th session of IMO Sub-Committee on Dangerous goods, Solid cargoes and Containers will be held on 13th – 17th September 2010 1st September, 2010 Headline items; 1) Amendments to IMDG Code 2) Amendments to IMSBC code 3) Revision of requirements for Timber Deck Cargoes 4) New instructions for enclosed space entry

This publication, produced by Lloyd’s Register, provides an overview of the agenda for DSC 15, and summarises all the documents submitted for discussion at this meeting.

This document provides further updates to the previous version released on 12th August, 2010.

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Where Lloyd's Register has granted written permission for any part of this publication to be quoted such quotation must include appropriate acknowledgement to Lloyd's Register.

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Lloyd's Register, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as the ‘Lloyd's Register Group’. The Lloyd's Register Group assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Lloyd's Register Group entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract. © Lloyd’s Register 2010

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Contents 3

Agenda for DSC 15 5

Agenda Item 2 - Decisions of other IMO bodies (Target completion date – continuous) 7

Agenda Item 3 - Amendments to the IMDG Code and supplements. Including harmonization of the IMDG Code with the UN Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods 8

.1 harmonization of the IMDG Code with the UN Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods (Target completion date – continuous) 8

.2 amendment (36-12) to the IMDG Code and supplements (Target completion date – 2011) 8

Agenda Item 4 - Amendments to the IMSBC Code, including evaluation of properties of solid bulk cargoes (Target completion date – continuous) 13

Agenda Item 5 - Casualty and incident reports and analysis (Target completion date – continuous) 16

Agenda Item 6 - Guidance on protective clothing (Target completion date – 2010) 17

Agenda Item 7 - Revision of the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes (Target completion date – 2010) 18

Agenda Item 8 - Stowage of water-reactive materials (Target completion date – 2010) 18

Agenda Item 9 - Revised Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units (Target completion date – 2010) 19

Agenda Item 10 - Revision of the Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships (Target completion date – 2010) 19

Agenda Item 11 - Consideration for the efficacy of Container Inspection Programme (Target completion date – 2010) 21

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Agenda Item 12 - Installation of equipment for detection of radioactive contaminated objects in port (Target completion date – 2011) 22

Agenda Item 13 - Amendments to the International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972 and associated circulars (Target completion date – 2010) 22

Agenda items 14 and 15 23

Agenda Item 16 - Any other business 23

Agenda Item 17 - Amendments to SOLAS to mandate enclosed space entry and rescue drills (Target completion date – TBA in Annex 37 to the MSC 87 final report, when available) 24

Agenda Item 18 - Report to the Maritime Safety Committee 24

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Agenda for DSC 15

Opening of the session

1. Adoption of the agenda

2. Decision of other IMO bodies

3. Amendments to the IMDG Code and supplements, including harmonization of

the IMDG Code with the UN Recommendations on the transport of dangerous


1. harmonization of the IMDG Code with the UN Recommendations on the

transport of dangerous goods

2. amendment (36-12) to the IMDG Code and supplements

4. Amendments to the IMSBC Code, including evaluation of properties of solid

bulk cargoes

5. Casualty and incident reports and analysis

6. Guidance on protective clothing

7. Revision of the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes

8. Stowage of water-reactive materials

9. Review of the Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units

10. Revision of the Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships

11. Consideration for the efficacy of Container Inspection Programme

12. Installation of equipment for detection of radioactive contaminated objects in


13. Amendments to the International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972 and

associated circulars

14. Work programme and agenda for DSC 16

15. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2011

16. Any other business

17. Amendments to SOLAS to mandate enclosed space entry and rescue drills

18. Report to the Maritime Safety Committee

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Working and Drafting Groups:

WG 1 Revision of the Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships

WG 2 Revision of the Code of safe practice for ships carrying timber deck cargoes

WG 3 Amendments to the IMSBC Code, including evaluation of properties of solid bulk cargoes.

DG Consideration for the efficacy of container inspection programme

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Agenda Item 2 - Decisions of other IMO bodies (Target completion date – continuous)

Executive synopsis on this agenda item. Background: The Sub-Committee will be informed of the relevant decisions of other IMO bodies, including the Sub-Committees concerned, and invited to take action accordingly. The main issues consist of: - The outcome of FSI 18:

Demonstration of compliance - IACS had proposed a common survey and certification regime, although this was opposed by some members. Further consideration was postponed until the outcome of DSC 15; Consideration of new category of stability incident - Following a very serious casualty on ‘Chicago express’, FSI recommended BLG and DSC examine the case; and

- The outcome of FP 54: FP 54 were tasked to report to DSC on their work on enclosed spaces. This report is not available at present but is expected. It is noted that the report of FP (FP 54/25) only asks MSC to note the discussions and extend the completion date and does not make recommendations to advise DSC.

LR position: To monitor discussion. Implications: No substantial discussion will take place under this agenda item. Matters of importance will be discussed under the appropriate agenda item. Application: Not applicable. (Document submitted) DSC 15/2 (Secretariat) - Outcome of STW 41, SLF 52, BLG 14, COMSAR 14, MEPC 60, FP 54 and MSC 87 This document contains information regarding the decisions made by STW 41, SLF 52, BLG 14, COMSAR 14, MEPC 60, FP 54 and MSC 87 relevant to the work of the Sub-Committee. DSC 15/2/1 (Secretariat) - Outcome of FSI 18 This document contains information regarding the decisions made by FSI 18 relevant to the work of the Sub-Committee.

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Agenda Item 3 - Amendments to the IMDG Code and supplements. Including harmonization of the IMDG Code with the UN Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods

.1 harmonization of the IMDG Code with the UN Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods (Target completion date – continuous)

.2 amendment (36-12) to the IMDG Code and supplements (Target completion date – 2011)

Executive synopsis on this agenda item. Background: The IMDG code is under continuous review by DSC. Amendments are made in two yearly arrangements, with consecutive numbers. The present scheduled arrangement is number 36, which is scheduled to be approved at the end of this year and enter into force in January 2012 – hence the (36-12) reference number. Also at this time, the IMO is trying to harmonise the IMDG code with the UN recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods this is to ensure all inter modal requirements are similar. The Sub-Committee will consider the report of the Correspondence Group on the review of stowage and segregation provisions of chapters 7.1 and 7.2 of the IMDG Code and any other proposals for amendments to the IMDG Code and supplements. This may result not only in amendments to the IMDG code, but also to various circulars, as explained in detail under the report of the correspondence group in document DSC 15/3/8.

The following are elements of the discussion: - Review of the report of the Editorial and Technical Group (DSC 15/3) which met from 28 September to 2 October 2009 to finalize draft errata and corrigenda to IMDG Code (34-08) and draft amendment (35-10) to the IMDG code. This includes proposed amendments to amendment (36-12) in annexes 5, 6, 7, and draft amendments to the ‘Guidelines for the packing of cargo transport units’ in annex 8 – these amendments will require endorsement from both ILO and UNECE; - Harmonisation of the IMDG Code with UN recommendations on the transport of Dangerous Goods; and - Amendment (36-12) to the IMDG Code and supplements; including debate on carriage of antidotes as per DSC 15/3/14 submitted by Germany and DSC 15/3/17 submitted by Intertanko. - Debate on Special provision 964 – see documents DSC 15/3/2, DSC 15/3/10 and DSC 15/3/19. It should be noted that MSC 87 agreed that a consolidated text of the IMDG Code should be released every four years. Further MSC 87 noted that the present procedure of making editorial and urgent safety related amendments to the IMDG code by means of issuing errata and corrigenda should be replaced by means of a note verbale issued before the mandatory entry into force of the amendments to the Code. LR position: To monitor developments.

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Implications: The harmonisation of the IMDG code with the UN recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods is intended to facilitate owners, transporters, builders and others by having common requirements. Amendments to the IMDG Code can affect both operational aspects (e.g. stowage arrangements, packaging) of the carriage of dangerous goods and / or structural requirements (e.g. ventilation, fire fighting appliances etc.) of ships carrying dangerous goods. Application: Ships carrying cargoes included in the index of the IMDG Code.

The review of the IMDG code is continuous and works on a two year cycle. The next date for accepting amendments is the end of this year and all amendments accepted at that time will enter into force in January 2012 unless specified otherwise.

Amendments (36-12) will come into force in January 2012. (Documents submitted) DSC 15/3 (Secretariat) - Amendments to the IMDG Code and supplements, including harmonization of the IMDG Code with the UN Recommendations on the transport of dangerous groups – Report of the Editorial and Technical Group This document gives the report of the E&T Group meeting held from 28 to 2 October 2009. The group finalized draft errata and corrigenda to the IMDG Code (34-08) and draft amendment (35-10) to the IMDG Code, taking into consideration the relevant decisions of the Committee and DSC 14. DSC 15/3/1 (Belgium) - Amendment (36-12) to the IMDG Code and supplements This document contains a proposal for the deletion of Isodecyl diphenyl phosphate from the index as it is not a marine pollutant. DSC 15/3/2 (Norway) - Amendments to Special Provision 964 This document contains a proposal to amend the new special provision 964 as adopted by resolution MSC.294(87) in 2010. This is in order to address dangerous cargoes consistently. DSC 15/3/3 (Germany) - Transport of substances of UN 2211 and UN 3314 Transport of substances of UN 2211 and UN 3314, which release flammable vapours leading to a rise of pressure which damages the container they are transported in. The paper proposes that when these cargoes are carried they should be ventilated. If the proposal is accepted, then such cargoes will require to be in ventilated containers, in addition to the existing requirement that the containers should be in ventilated areas. DSC 15/3/4 (Germany) - Revision of bulk container instructions for UN 1402, UN 1395, UN 1446, UN 1469, UN 2211 and UN 3314 This document proposes amendments to the bulk container instructions for UN 1402, UN 1395, UN 1446, UN 1469, UN 2211 and UN 3314 in order to harmonize them with the relevant provisions of UN Model Regulations. DSC 15/3/5 (Germany) - Tracking and monitoring equipment This document proposes minimum safety requirements for design, installation and use of security devices that may have an active power source when installed on cargo transport units and which may be carried in cargo spaces together with dangerous goods.

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DSC 15/3/6 (Germany) - Definition for semi-trailers This document proposes a definition for semi-trailers in order to clarify placarding requirements. DSC 15/3/7 (Germany) - Special Provisions 272 and 924 This document proposes the deletion of SP 924 and amendments to SP 272, both SP are related to the classification of desensitized explosives as class 4.1 substances. Germany propose that there is overlap between cargoes (specifically UN 3319 and UN 3344 ) covered by SP 272 and SP 924 since they have the same effect. The reference under 924 may thus be deleted. Further SP 272 is set to be amended and this needs recognition. DSC 15/3/8 (United Kingdom) - Report of the Correspondence Group This document summarizes the work and recommendations of the correspondence group regarding the development of draft revised text of the stowage and segregation provisions of chapters 7.1 and 7.2 of the IMDG Code (and consequential revisions in other chapters) The report of the correspondence group contains some important amendments to the IMDG code – in particular on page 8 which is summarised as follows: - separation distances for certain carriages; - feasibility of jettisoning cargo transport units; - providing flow chart and examples of the segregation process; - assess impacts of amendments on the multi modal implications and bring such to the

attention of the UN experts; - new amendments for roll-on/roll-off ships; - right of the master to over ride stacking limits; and - agree that the work on ‘draft guiding principles’ should continue intersessionally to

DSC 16 DSC 15/3/9 (United Kingdom) - Illustrations of segregation of cargo transport units on board containerships and roll-on/roll-off (Ro-Ro) ships This document identifies an issue arising from the work of the correspondence group regarding the development of draft revised text of the stowage and segregation provisions of chapters 7.1 and 7.2 of the IMDG Code (and consequential revisions in other chapters) and proposes a solution to that issue. DSC 15/3/10 (the Netherlands) - Classification of potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate and mixtures thereof This document proposes to delete the Special provision SP 964 to the nitrates with UN Nos. 1486, 1498 and 1499 from the IMDG Code. DSC 15/3/11 (Japan) - Amendments (36-12) to the IMDG Code and supplements - Special provision for UN 3496, Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries This document contains a proposal for amendments to the IMDG Code with respect to Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries. At DSC 14 Germany asked for consideration of the transport of Nickel Metal Hydride batteries and E&T Group were asked to finalise the proposal, including restrictions on carrying such batteries near heated places. In this paper Japan considers that some such batteries may be at reduced risk and consideration may be given to this by an amendment to SP 963.

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DSC 15/3/12 (Belgium) - Amendments (36-12) to the IMDG Code and supplements This document contains a proposal to solve a problem regarding the placarding requirements of Cargo Transport Units (CTUs) containing dangerous goods in limited quantities. Belgium proposes amendments to of the IMDG Code to clarify placarding arrangements for CTUs carrying more than one type of dangerous good. DSC 15/3/13 (Germany) - Stowage in relation to foodstuff This document proposes revised regulations on the stowage of Dangerous Goods in relation to foodstuff based on a human health risk assessment and a scrutiny of requirements laid out by international foodstuff regulations. DSC 15/3/14 (Germany) - Review of the requirements for the carriage of antidotes This document proposes not to amend the MFAG Guide to require Amyl Nitrite as an antidote for the treatment of poisonings.

Germany proposes not to carry Amyl Nitrite as an antidote to Cyanide poisoning. This document compares with DSC 15/3/17 where Intertanko request the antidote is carried. DSC 15/3/15 (Republic of Korea) - Amendments (36-12) to the IMDG Code and supplements - Revision of proper shipping name for UN 1263 This document proposes amendments to proper shipping name for UN 1263 in order to facilitate to prepare document and marking on its packages DSC 15/3/16 (Belgium) - Amendments (36-12) to the IMDG Code and supplements - Discussion items on the result of the correspondence group on the revision of chapters 7.1 and 7.2 This document contains discussion items on the annexes of the report of the correspondence group on the revision of chapters 7.1 and 7.2 (DSC 15/3/8)

Belgium brings up four points it wishes debated: - jettisoning of CTUs; - requirements of competent authority approval for simple segregation; - the interpretation that it might seem acceptable to vertically stack containers that

require horizontal separation; and - Requirements for segregation of explosives when similar hazards are loaded. DSC 15/3/17 (INTERTANKO) - Amendments (36-12) to the IMDG Code and supplements - Review of the requirements for the carriage of Antidotes This document brings to the attention of the DSC Sub-Committee the reduction in the requirements for the carriage of antidotes as per the last revision of the guide in 1998 and also brings to the attention of the Sub-Committee the consequent effects of the reduction in these requirements and proposes a practical review of the requirements with a recommendation to incorporate a revised requirement for the carriage of antidotes in the forthcoming revision of the guide.

In this document, Intertanko wishes to carry Amyl Nitrite in contrast with Germany in DSC 15/3/14. DSC 15/3/18 (Secretariat) - Harmonization of the IMDG Code with the UN Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods - Harmonization of future versions of the IMDG Code This document contains information on the action taken by Secretariat in order to assure that versions of the IMDG Code are fully harmonized.

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DSC 15/3/19 (Chile) - Special Provision 964 for potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate and mixtures thereof This document contains comments on the proposal by the Netherlands (DSC 15/3/10) to delete Special Provision 964 in Amendment (35-10) of the IMDG Code. DSC 15/3/20 (Secretariat) - Harmonization of the IMDG Code with the UN Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods - Outcome of the ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and of the ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals This document contains the relevant decisions taken by the ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods at its thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh sessions and by the ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals at its nineteenth session, including matters related to the classification of potassium and sodium nitrates, and the transport of coolant/conditioning units as referred by DSC 14. DSC 15/INF.4 (Secretariat) - Consolidated text of International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code In order to facilitate the preparation of draft amendment to the IMDG Code, this document provides the text of the IMDG Code (resolution MSC.122(75)) incorporating amendments adopted by resolutions MSC.157(78), MSC.205(81), MSC.262(84) and MSC.294(87). Due to the volume of the Code, the complete text of the Code is transmitted in three parts, this document comprises of the table of contents, part 1, part 2 and part 3. DSC 15/INF.4/Add.1 (Secretariat) - Consolidated text of International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code In order to facilitate the preparation of draft amendment to the IMDG Code, this document provides the text of the IMDG Code (resolution MSC.122(75)) incorporating amendments adopted by resolutions MSC.157(78), MSC.205(81), MSC.262(84) and MSC.294(87). Due to the volume of the Code, the complete text of the Code is transmitted in three documents, this document comprises of part 3 (continued) Dangerous Goods List. DSC 15/INF.4/Add.2 (Secretariat) - Consolidated text of International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code In order to facilitate the preparation of draft amendment to the IMDG Code, this document provides the text of the IMDG Code (resolution MSC.122(75)) incorporating amendments adopted by resolutions MSC.157(78), MSC.205(81), MSC.262(84) and MSC.294(87). Due to the volume of the Code, the complete text of the Code is transmitted in three documents, this document comprises of part 4, part 5 and part 6. DSC 15/INF.4/Add.3 (Secretariat) - Consolidated text of International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code In order to facilitate the preparation of draft amendment to the IMDG Code, this document provides the text of the IMDG Code (resolution MSC.122(75)) incorporating amendments adopted by resolutions MSC.157(78), MSC.205(81), MSC.262(84) and MSC.294(87). Due to the volume of the Code, the complete text of the Code is transmitted in three documents, this document comprises of part 7, appendix A, appendix B and index.

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DSC 15/INF.7 (United Kingdom) - Guiding principles for the assignment of the stowage provisions, the stowage, segregation and other phrases given in column 16 of the Dangerous Goods List This document is related to DSC 15/3/8 and gives an indication of the work outlined in paragraphs 13 and 19.20 of the Correspondence Group report. DSC 15/INF.10 (Secretariat) - Amendment (36-12) to the IMDG Code and supplements This document contains the initial list of amendments to the index for inclusion in amendment (36-10) to the IMDG Code.

Agenda Item 4 - Amendments to the IMSBC Code, including evaluation of properties of solid bulk cargoes (Target completion date – continuous)

Background: The Sub-Committee will consider the report of the working group established at DSC 14 (except for the preparation of draft MSC circular on Interpretation of stowage and segregation requirements for Brown Coal Briquettes and Coal related to "hot areas" in the IMSBC Code, which was already agreed by DSC 14 with subsequent approval by MSC 87 of MSC.1/Circ.1351) and proposals relevant to the amendments to the IMSBC Code. A Working Group will be established for this agenda item.

Other principle areas for discussion are: - classification criteria for materials hazardous only in bulk, MHB; - discussion on individual materials; - proposals for editorial amendments to individual schedules for solid bulk cargoes; - precaution on fire safety for fumigants; - use of the term ‘competent authority’; - environmental hazard classification; and - Review of lists of cargoes for which fixed gas fire extinguishing can be exempted (new

MSC Circ 1146 proposed). LR position: The IMSBC is a certifiable code and so the outcome of the discussions can have impacts on survey and certification for Lloyd's Register as well as for shipowners, ship builders, operators and shippers of such cargoes. Lloyd's Register will be actively involved through working group - and implement required changes when required. Implications: The new IMSBC Code will become mandatory from 1 January 2011, with voluntary implementation already encouraged. Application: Ships carrying cargoes, other than grain, in bulk. (Documents submitted) DSC 15/4 (Secretariat) - Amendments to the IMSBC Code, including evaluation of properties of solid bulk cargoes - Report of the Working Group established at DSC 14 This document gives the report of the Working Group on Amendments to the IMSBC Code, including evaluation of properties of solid bulk cargoes established at DSC 14.

Particular proposed amendments, listed in the Annexes include; - Individual schedules of solid bulk cargoes - Observations as a result of the amendments for Ammonium Nitrate and Ammonium

Nitrate Based Fertilisers.

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DSC 15/4/1 (the United States and the Netherlands) - Classification criteria for materials hazardous only in bulk (MHB) This document contains a discussion on the development of classification criteria for materials hazardous only in bulk (MHB) and provides various options to progress the matter. DSC 15/4/2 (the United States) - Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGS) This document contains a proposal to include a new schedule in the IMSBC Code for the safe carriage of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) in bulk. DSC 15/4/3 (Japan) - Proposal for editorial amendments to individual schedules for solid bulk cargoes This document contains draft editorial amendments to the individual schedules for solid bulk cargoes described in Appendix 1 of the IMSBC Code. DSC 15/4/4 (Japan) - Proposal for amendments to individual schedules for solid bulk cargoes This document contains draft amendments to the individual schedules for solid bulk cargoes described in Appendix 1 of the IMSBC Code. DSC 15/4/5 (Japan) - Precaution on fire safety for fumigant This document contains draft amendments to the IMSBC Code. DSC 15/4/6 (United Kingdom) - Transport of Granular Ferrous Sulphate in bulk This document contains a proposal to include a new entry for Granular Ferrous Sulphate in Group C of the IMSBC Code. DSC 15/4/6/Corr.1 - Transport of Granular Ferrous Sulphate in bulk - Corrigenda This document contains figures 1 and 2 which should be added at the end of annex 2 to document DSC 15/4/6. DSC 15/4/7 (United Kingdom) - Transport of Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate in bulk This document contains a proposal to include a new entry for Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate in Group C of the IMSBC Code. DSC 15/4/8 (Netherlands) - Use of the term "Competent authority" This document proposes amendments to the IMSBC Code, where the Code refers to "competent authority" in cases where the "Administration" is responsible. DSC 15/4/9 (Germany) - Amendments to the IMSBC Code, including evaluation of properties of solid bulk cargoes This document provides information on the discussion on the classification of Materials Hazardous only in Bulk (MHB). Criteria led to the classification as MHB will be provided. Germany asks for further consideration in the IMSBC working group in order to define tests for MHB criteria. DSC 15/4/10 (Italy) - Transport of wet fly ash in bulk This document contains a proposal to include a new entry for Fly Ash, Wet in Group A of the IMSBC Code. Consequently, it is also proposed to amend the BCSN of the existing entry for Fly Ash (Group C).

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DSC 15/4/11 (Australia) - Environmental Hazard Classification This submission highlights a potential issue concerning the classification of some dangerous goods in solid form in bulk whereby these materials may not be able to be appropriately classified, as required by SOLAS VII/7, for the environmental hazard they present. DSC 15/4/12 (United Kingdom) - Transport of Magnesium Sulphate Fertilizers in bulk This document contains a proposal to include a new entry for Magnesium Sulphate Fertilizers in Group C of the IMSBC Code. DSC 15/4/13 (Secretariat) - Review of the lists of solid bulk cargoes for which a fixed gas fire-extinguishing device can be exempted or for which such a device is ineffective (MSC/Circ.1146)This document contains information on the action taken by Secretariat in order to assure that versions* of the IMDG Code are fully harmonized. This document contains the draft revised lists of solid bulk cargoes for which a fixed gas fire-extinguishing device can be exempted or for which such a device is ineffective and the associated draft MSC circular. DSC 15/4/14 (BIMCO) - Comments on the proposal for the Classification criteria for materials hazardous only in bulk (MHB) This document contains BIMCO's comments on document DSC 15/4/1 submitted by the United States and the Netherlands. In this document, BIMCO seeks clarification on issues such as "experience" criteria, "shipper's responsibility" and proposal to develop new definitions on "hazards" in the IMSBC Code. DSC 15/4/15 (Canada) - Cargoes not listed in the IMSBC Code, information on solid cargo shipped in bulk: Granulated Nickel Matte This document contains information on conditions for the carriage of Granulated Nickel Matte in bulk DSC 15/4/16 (BIMCO) - Carriage of Iron Ore Fines Iron Ore Fines is apparently a cargo not listed in the IMSBC Code and its carriage has caused considerable publicity in terms of marine casualties and P&I cargo alerts to shipowners. The Government of India, a leading exporter of Iron Ore Fines has already duly notified the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 87) of the problems associated with the carriage of this cargo and was thereafter invited by MSC 87 to submit further report to the FSI and DSC Sub-Committees for concomitant consideration.

In this document, BIMCO comments on the outcome of MSC 87 (MSC 87/26, paragraphs 25.21 and 25.22) and FSI 18 (FSI 18/WP.7/Add.1, paragraph 6.5) and contains proposals relating to the carriage of Iron Ore Fines. DSC 15/INF.6 (Trinidad and Tobago) - Draft schedule for the ocean carriage of Iron Fines (Blend) This document proposes the inclusion of a schedule for the ocean carriage of Iron Fines (Blend) into the IMSBC Code

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Agenda Item 5 - Casualty and incident reports and analysis (Target completion date – continuous)

Background: The Sub-Committee will consider incident reports and analysis submitted, in accordance with MSC/Circ.559, and any other proposal from Member Governments. Member Governments have been urged to submit information on container inspection programmes in accordance with MSC.1/Circ.1202 and, in addition, to complete the Questionnaire on inspections of containers/vehicles carrying packaged dangerous goods (MSC/Circ.1147). These should have been be returned to enable the Secretariat to collate and compile the results for consideration at DSC 15. LR position: To note the information provided. Implications: No specific results are derived under these examinations – the results will be used by DSC to decide whether the information needs to be further developed under new work programme items. Application: Casualty and incident reports cover all ship types and cargoes, but no application is derived until the report is translated into a new, separate work programme item at a later meeting. Note: Member states have agreed to report on inspections on packaged dangerous goods in a common format. Many, if not all, of the papers that follow are such reports. They tend to show high numbers of deficiencies, but most due to packaging and placarding. (Documents submitted) DSC 15/5 (Canada) - Results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods This document reports the results of inspections on Cargo Transport Units (CTUs) carried out by Canada for 2009. DSC 15/5/1 (United States) - Results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods This document reports the results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods carried out in the United States in the calendar year 2009 for compliance with the IMDG Code, SOLAS chapter VII and United States national regulations. DSC 15/5/2 (Belgium) - Results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods This document reports the results of inspections on Cargo Transport Units (CTUs) with packaged dangerous goods carried out by Belgium in 2009. DSC 15/5/3 (Netherlands) - Results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods The annex to this document contains the results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods carried out in the Netherlands in 2009. DSC 15/5/4 (Sweden) - Results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods The annex to this document contains the results of inspections on packed dangerous goods carried out in Sweden in 2009. DSC 15/5/5 (Finland) - Results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods The annex to this document contains the results of inspections on cargo transport units (CTUs) with packaged dangerous goods carried out in Finland for 2009.

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DSC 15/5/6 (Italy) - Results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods This document contains the results of inspection of Cargo Transport Units (CTUs) with packaged dangerous goods carried out in Italy in 2009. DSC 15/5/7 (Germany) - Results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods This document contains the results of inspection of Cargo Transport Units (CTUs) with packaged dangerous goods carried out in Germany in 2009. DSC 15/5/8 (Republic of Korea) - Results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods This document contains the results of inspection of Cargo Transport Units (CTUs) on packaged dangerous goods carried out by the Republic of Korea in 2009. DSC 15/5/9 (Chile) - Results of inspections on packaged dangerous goods This document reports on the results of inspections of cargo transport units (CTUs) carrying dangerous goods through Chilean ports for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010. DSC 15/5/10 (Secretariat) - Casualty and incident reports and analysis This document provides a consolidated report on the results of container inspection programmes carried out over a year.

Agenda Item 6 - Guidance on protective clothing (Target completion date – 2010)

Background: The Sub-Committee, on the basis of relevant proposals, will consider the development of an IMO standard on guidance on protective clothing in cooperation with ISO, as appropriate. LR position: Lloyd's Register is unlikely to have a position on this, however no papers have been submitted which progress this subject. Implications: May have an impact on the IBC and IGC Codes which also contain requirements for protective clothing. Application: To all chemical protective clothing required to be provided under SOLAS or 2000 HSC Code. (Document submitted) DSC 15/6 (Sweden) - Requirements for personnel protection This document sums up the work on this issue and asks for the Sub-Committee's advice for the continuing work

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Agenda Item 7 - Revision of the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes (Target completion date – 2010)

Background: DSC 14 established a correspondence group to further review the draft of the revised ‘Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes’ and to submit a report to DSC 15. This report will form the basis of discussion in a working group at DSC 15. It should be noted that the document is called a ‘code’ but will not be mandatory, however since it has been developed by countries with large interest in Timber cargoes such as Finland and Canada, it would be expected to be applied in a mandatory manner to operational and loading aspects in local ports of those countries. LR position: IACS has had some reservations on the Code, in particular it appears that there are areas where the code is in conflict with the requirements of the Load Line Convention to assign timber freeboards (for example the stowage of timber out to the ship sides, and the provision of access arrangements. Implications: All ships carrying timber deck cargoes. Cargo Securing Manuals are to include timber deck cargo securing arrangements. Application: Ships carrying timber cargoes. (Documents submitted) DSC 15/7 (Sweden) - Report of the correspondence group This document contains the report of the Correspondence Group on the Revision of the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes. DSC 15/INF.3 (Finland) - Complementary tests and summary on timber uprights This document contains complementary studies on the strength of uprights holding timber deck cargoes, carried out in order to aid the Revision of the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes.

Agenda Item 8 - Stowage of water-reactive materials (Target completion date – 2010)

Background: The Sub-Committee will consider any proposal from Germany and/or any other interested delegations to review the cargo stowage, segregation and packing requirements for certain substances covered by the IMDG Code, with a view to developing specific requirements for stowage of water-reactive materials, noting that there is an urgent need to review the stowage, segregation and/or packing of substances covered by EmS Fire Schedule Golf.

Some substances will react with water or carbon dioxide, making the use of traditional fire fighting media potentially dangerous. LR position: To monitor developments Implications: This item is likely to lead to new, cargo specific requirements for carrying cargoes that may react unfavourably with water or fire fighting media.

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Application: All ships carrying cargoes that may react with water or fire fighting media. (Document submitted) DSC 15/8 (Germany) - Stowage of water-reactive materials This document informs the Sub-Committee on the ongoing activities of Germany regarding the review of the cargo stowage, segregation and packing requirements for water-reactive substances and/or reacting with carbon dioxide in hot atmosphere.

Agenda Item 9 - Revised Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units (Target completion date – 2010)

Background: In the light of the amendments to the mandatory IMDG Code over the years and following the developments that had taken place at DSC 14 and subsequent consideration by the E&T Group, the Sub-Committee will be invited to align the Guidelines with the amended IMDG Code. The Sub-Committee will also be invited, as requested by MSC 87, to consider the proposals by the UNECE Secretariat and advise MSC 88 on how work on the revision of the IMO/ILO/UNECE Guidelines should be undertaken. LR position: To monitor the developments Implications: It is hoped that CTUs will be better packed and labelled so that ship’s operators and crew can more reliably carry dangerous goods as properly packed and declared within CTUs.

It also places obligations on packers to provide the correct information to the shipper. Application: The guidelines apply to anyone packing Cargo Transport Units (CTUs), and therefore generally not to shipowners, operators, builders, surveyors etc since CTUs always come pre-packed. In fact one provision is to ensure that the ship’s master is not responsible for the way the CTU is packed, since he can have no knowledge of it. The guidelines cover labelling of CTUs for the dangerous goods they contain as well – which is important for operators to know and recognise. (Document submitted) DSC 15/9 (Secretariat) - Revised Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units The document reports on the outcome of E&T 14 on the revision of the IMO/ILO/UNECE Guidelines for packing cargo transport units (CTUs).

This document introduces the matter, refers to the considerations by the E&T Group, and references the actual proposed changes which are in Annex VIII of document DSC 15/3.

Agenda Item 10 - Revision of the Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships (Target completion date – 2010)

Background: MSC recognised the number of serious accidents related to enclosed spaces and has been making efforts through various sub committees to address the issue urgently. One

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work item was to review the existing advice from IMO contained in Resolution A.864(20). At this session the Sub-Committee will consider the report of the correspondence group established by DSC 14 and any other proposals with the view to review and/or revise as necessary, specific provisions of the Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships (resolution A.864(20)), concerning definitions, general precautions, oxygen-depleting cargoes and materials, and any related IMO instruments, in cooperation with the BLG, FP and STW Sub-Committees. It is planned that a working group will be established for this agenda item. DSC is expected to finalise draft amendments to Resolution A.864(20), although they may require further review by BLG, FP and STW before acceptance. The decision of DSC will be awaited. LR position: Lloyd's Register wishes to ensure that enclosed space entry procedures are safe and consistent. This is a vital safety topic. There are some concerns over acceptable oxygen levels and ‘enriched atmospheres’, but in principle the proposals are supported by Lloyd's Register. Implications: Crew, surveyor, inspector safety, knowledge and awareness, training drills and safety equipment on all ships. Ships’ officers and crew, surveyors, and inspectors should be advised of the issues. In addition there will be requirements for training drills and safety equipment on board all ships. Application: All ship types (Documents submitted) DSC 15/10 (MAIIF) - Revision of the recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships This document provides information on enclosed space entry incidents that have occurred since 1998 and which have given MAIIF serious cause for concern and discussion at recent meetings. It clearly shows the importance of this subject in potentially saving lives. DSC 15/10/1 (Bahamas) - Report of the correspondence group on resolution A.864(20) Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships This document summarizes the discussions undertaken relating to the revision of resolution A.864(20) and invites comments and decisions as necessary.

The report asks the Sub-Committee to: - agree in principle to the draft amendments to resolution A.864(20) Recommendations

for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships; - decide upon the two alternatives for oxygen content; - decide upon the text in square brackets referring to ‘oxygen enriched atmospheres;

and - note the progress made in dealing with the annex of FP 54/17/1 and take action as

appropriate. DSC 15/10/2 (Argentina) - Proposal to change the draft amendment to resolution A.864(20) This document contains changes to the draft amendment to resolution A.864(20) developed by the correspondence group; the aim is to strengthen the link between the

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above-mentioned guidelines and the ISM Code and encourage a closer connection with operational practices. DSC 15/10/3 (Secretariat) - Outcome of DSC 14, STW 41, BLG 14, FP 54 and MSC 87 This document reports on the outcomes of DSC 14, STW 41, BLG 14, FP 54 and MSC 87 with regard to the Revision of the Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships. DSC 15/INF.5 (ICHCA International) - Information on a pocket card This document suggests another possible way in which the dangers associated with enclosed space entry on cargo ships might be tackled.

Agenda Item 11 - Consideration for the efficacy of Container Inspection Programme (Target completion date – 2010)

Background: The Sub-Committee will consider the efficacy of the Container Inspection Programme (CIP) in order to encourage Member Governments to submit CIP reports and develop strategies on how best to utilize the information submitted in accordance with MSC/Circ.1209 on Container Inspection Programmes (CIP) to reduce marine incidents with dangerous goods. It is envisaged that a working group will be established for this agenda item. LR position: To monitor the situation. Implications: Consistent application of inspections of containers will reduce the incidents onboard ships resulting from dangerous goods not being correctly packaged and/or recorded. Application: Flag administrations are encouraged to set up a container inspection program in accordance with MSC/Circ.1202. (Documents submitted) DSC 15/11 (United States) - Container Inspection Guidance This document contains additional guidance on container inspection conduct and safety, container control actions, and container targeting that could become part of a comprehensive set of guidelines on container inspections. DSC 15/11/1 (Germany) - Guidelines for container inspection programmes This document comments on the proposal for a new MSC circular to improve the implementation of container inspection programmes. DSC 15/11/2 (Spain) - Proposal for amendments to complement the proposal made by the Republic of Korea at DSC 14 in document DSC 14/17/1, concerning the container inspection programme This document proposes two amendments to the draft MSC circular which the Republic of Korea submitted to IMO during DSC 14 in connection with checking the suitability of tanks (portable tanks and road tank vehicles (inappropriate or damaged)); the amendments are aimed at improving the application of paragraph 4.5 of document MSC.1/Circ.1202.

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DSC 15/11/3 (Republic of Korea) - Guidelines for container inspection programmes This document comments on the proposal for a new MSC circular to facilitate the implementation of container inspection programme DSC 15/11/4 (Russian Federation) - Proposals to improve efficacy of container inspection programme The document contains the comments and proposals to improve the draft IMO MSC circular on Guidelines for the inspection of cargo transport units carrying dangerous goods which was provided in document DSC 14/17/1.

Agenda Item 12 - Installation of equipment for detection of radioactive contaminated objects in port (Target completion date – 2011)

Background: The Sub-Committee will consider any proposals submitted under this agenda item. LR position: To monitor developments. Implications: This may have implications on the installation of such equipment in ports, and as such will be of interest to port operators, port owners and port security, as well as people shipping cargoes which may contain radioactive material accidentally or on purpose. Application: Port operators and port equipment. (Documents submitted) DSC 15/12 (Islamic Republic of Iran) - Radiation detection devices as protective system This document contains a proposal to justify the installation of devices to detect radioactive contaminated materials in ports. DSC 15/INF.8 (IAEA) - Guiding principles for the assignment of the stowage provisions, the stowage, segregation and other phrases given in column 16 of the Dangerous Goods List This document is related to DSC 14/18 and provides information regarding the activities by IAEA about the development of safety and security guidance on detection of radioactive contaminated objects.

Agenda Item 13 - Amendments to the International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972 and associated circulars (Target completion date – 2010)

Background: The Sub-Committee will consider any proposals on safe stowage and securing of containers with limited stacking capacity and any proposal from ISO on the development and inclusion within the appropriate standard specific marking criteria to denote containers with limited racking and stacking capacities. LR position: To monitor discussions.

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Implications: Better information on the strength of containers in stacks and improvement in stowage of containers. Application: The CSS code is not mandatory but is expected to be applied. (Document submitted) DSC 15/13 (France) - Records of approved continuous examination programmes France has been examining the practical problems involved in making publicly available the list of approved continuous examination programmes (ACEP) for containers that it has approved, as provided in paragraph 9.1 of CSC.1/Circ.138, and wishes to share its reflections on this matter.

Agenda items 14 and 15

Agenda items 14 and 15 are not covered in this agenda preview document.

Agenda Item 16 - Any other business

Background: The Sub-Committee will consider proposals for amendments to the CSS Code, information on the joint industrial research project Lashing at Sea and any proposal submitted under this agenda item. As per the report of MSC 87 and in pursuance of the invitation of MEPC 60, the Sub-Committee will also consider document MEPC 60/6/5 (Islamic Republic of Iran), regarding the need to provide waste reception facilities for goods subject to MARPOL Annex III, with the view of reporting the outcome to MEPC 62. LR position: To monitor discussions. Implications: Dependant upon the decisions reached at DSC 15. Application: Not applicable. (Documents submitted) DSC 15/16 (Germany) - Amendments to the CSS Code This document provides information on the discussion of amendments to resolution A.714(17) (CSS Code), paragraph 2.8.4 with respect to the master’s duties. An amendment with respect to closed CTU should lead to realistic requirements in the Code. DSC 15/16/1 (Netherlands) - Information on the joint industrial research project Lashing@Sea This document provides information on the joint industry research project Lashing@Sea, which aims to prevent lashing systems from failing and to increase safety and lashing efficiency where possible. DSC 15/16/2 (VOHMA) - Change of organization’s name This document advises the Sub-Committee that the name of the organization has officially changed from the International Vessel Operators Hazardous Materials

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Association, Inc.(VOHMA) to the International Vessel Operators Dangerous Goods Association (IVODGA) DSC 15/16/3 (Republic of Korea) - Summary of the International Seminar on Transport of Dangerous Goods This document summarizes the outcome of the seminar on transport of dangerous goods held in Seoul, from 1st to 2nd July, 2010. It provides future development of measures, as a reference to improve safety management and legal systems on transport of dangerous goods, including mutual understanding, sharing information, international cooperation with reinforcement of international regulations. DSC 15/INF.2 (Netherlands) Information on the joint industrial research project Lashing@Sea This document is associated with document DSC 15/16/1 above and contains the final report of the Lashing@Sea project.

Agenda Item 17 - Amendments to SOLAS to mandate enclosed space entry and rescue drills (Target completion date – TBA in Annex 37 to the MSC 87 final report, when available)

Background: The Sub-Committee will consider the proposal for amendments to SOLAS to mandate enclosed space entry and rescue drills to ensure that seafarers who enter such spaces are familiar with the precautions to be taken prior to entry and in the event of an accident and any other proposals from the Member States and international organizations. LR position: Reviewing the number of casualties and type, it is obvious that increased awareness of dangers is vital and so these amendments are supported. Some parties may ask for an increased time between drills, and there is some discussion over whether it is an ISM matter rather than a SOLAS matter. Implications: Training and awareness, and drills for seafarers. Masters, Chief Engineers and Safety officers in particular should be aware. Shipowners will need to make changes to the safety regime and the proper undertaking of drills will need to be documented – normally in the ships records such as the relevant logbook. Application: All ships at a date to be decided. (Document submitted) DSC 15/17 (Bahamas, Chile, Islamic Republic of Iran, Vanuatu, IACS and OCIMF) - Amendments to SOLAS to mandate enclosed space entry and rescue drills This document proposes amendments to SOLAS for mandatory drills for enclosed space entry and rescue procedures. Two options are presented as to where the possible amendments could be inserted into SOLAS, as set out in annexes 1 and 2.

Agenda Item 18 - Report to the Maritime Safety Committee

Agenda item 18 is not covered in this agenda preview document.

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