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Page 1: Immanuel Monthly May 2021 -  · 10 commemorate The Holy Trinity. Not that we Congratulations, Confirmands! Preschool News VBS Donations Needed 11 VBS Forms—Register

In This Issue: 2 From Our Associate Pastor & Our Music Director

3 May Birthdays & Anniversaries

4 Bible Studies & Sunday School

5 In Our Prayers, Finances, Official Acts & Attendance

6 May Worship Helpers’ Schedule

7 May 2021 Calendar

8 Service Reminders Pizza Hut Day

9 VBS This Summer! Youth Group News

10 Congratulations, Confirmands! Preschool News VBS Donations Needed

11 VBS Forms—Register or Volunteer today!

May 2021 Immanuel Monthly

Making more and stronger disciples of Jesus Christ through

the power of the Holy Spirit.


immanuelwaterloo@gmail .com —

From Our Administrative Pastor…

Christ is risen! He’s risen, indeed, Alleluia! “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Jesus in Matthew 28

Before Jesus ascended He gave directions and a promise to His disciples. “Make disciples through baptism and teaching. Behold I’ll be with you always, to the end of the age.” Jesus ascended and yet He is not gone. His work upon the cross for the forgiveness of our sins and our salvation was completed and yet His work of granting us peace and the forgiveness won by Him for everlasting life continues for you and me today. In the month of May, we have many festivals in the life of the church to celebrate God’s work for us. On May 13th we remember the Ascension of our Lord as He goes to rule in glory and intercede for us with our Father. On May 23rd we celebrate The Day of Pentecost as the Holy Spirit proclaims the Gospel through the Disciples, and on the following Sunday (May 30th), we specifically commemorate The Holy Trinity. Not that we don’t celebrate The Holy Trinity every time we gather, but we take a day to specifically focus on God’s work in Trinity and Trinity in unity as we confess in the Athanasian Creed. Jesus may have ascended, but He did not leave you alone. The Father and Son sent the Holy Spirit on Pentecost as our comforter (John 14:16, 16:7). He dwells in us granting us faith in the promises of God and continues to set us apart shaping us in the image of Christ. We hear about the work of the Holy Spirit granting faith and spreading the Gospel, and then we’re reminded the following week that how God does His work reveals who God is. Discussion of the Trinity is not trivial. Knowing who God is reveals how He gives us life. We don’t worship three Gods, as though

one god disappeared (Jesus in the Ascension), sending one in His place (the Holy Spirit at Pentecost). Nor do we teach that there is one God who wears masks to pretend that He is three Gods as though God puts on “the Father mask” and then puts on “the Son mask” and then removes that for “The Holy Spirit mask.” We have one God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Your God created you. Your God paid for you with His own blood through Christ on the cross, and now Your God works faith in you through His Spirit delivered to you in your baptism. That is who God is! He is our God. He is our Good Shepherd. He is the Son of the Father. He is the Spirit of the Son. Our minds cannot comprehend the fullness of the truth and yet we confess the truth as it has been revealed to us. We come to our Heavenly Father like children, trusting that His Word is truth. There are times when we want to ask all of the normal childhood questions: Who, what, where, when, why, and most especially how? We get answers to some of those questions as revealed by God in the Scriptures. We don’t, however, get answers to all of the questions. We know Who God is and what He has done, for example. But we don’t always know why certain things happen the way they do. We simply know that God is good and all-powerful working to His glory and our salvation. God gives us His Word and His Spirit and we confess in reply, “This is most certainly true.”

As we go through the month of May I know things may be chaotic for many of you. The school year is winding down, graduations and summer break are quickly approaching. I pray that as you go through the month, you don’t get so caught up in the hustle and bustle that you lose sight of the peace that Christ gives to you. He never leaves you nor forsakes you. His Spirit dwells in you to grant you peace in the midst of hectic times and to make you look like Christ. This is the work

continued on page 2….

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Dear Brothers and Sisters of Immanuel, During the hot summer months, farmers, gardeners, and just people in general long for rain. Without rain, plants wither and dry out. If the lack of rain persists, the plants will die. They won’t be good for anything except to be used as fuel for fire. When the rains come, seeds germinate. Withered plants perk up and come back to health. Rain causes plants to be productive and strong. It’s even good for humans! When we experience much needed rain, our spirits perk up and we feel refreshed. That’s why rain is often spoken of and used as a metaphor in the Bible. Because rain brings vitality and life, God and the authors of Scripture often use rain to describe God’s kingdom of grace. Rain is often referred to as Jesus teaches us about God and his gracious work among us. Although rain can be destructive, it’s something we need. Something we can’t do without. With that in mind, Immanuel is planning to have a sermon series this summer called Rain and the Reign of God. The series will begin during the first weekend in June and the sermons in this series will focus on Bible verses that feature rain and how God works in the lives of his people. How he reigns over us in love and goodness. We’ll talk about how God sends rain to believers and unbelievers. How God sends rain to water the earth and how God sends out his Word to accomplish his purposes. How important it is to wait on the Lord as a farmer waits for rain. And this is just a sample! Our series will include 8 sermons on various aspects of God’s kingdom and God’s gift of rain. I, for one, am looking forward to hearing about Rain and the Reign of God. Rain is a simple thing. When we see rain in the morning, we usually don’t get too excited. It’s just another day. I might have to get my umbrella out, but I’m not aware of rain impacting my life in other way. But, as I said before, we need rain. We can’t live without rain. We can’t be healthy and whole without rain. And so it is with God and his kingdom. We may not think of God right away when we first get up in the morning, but our lives are in his hands. We need Jesus. As sinners, we need his forgiveness and love. We can’t have life without Jesus. Life with God and eternal life are given through Christ and his work. We are healthy and whole because Jesus gave his all for us. Thank you, God, for Jesus! Thank you for graciously reigning in our lives through Christ our Savior! Love in Christ,

From Our Associate Pastor… A Note from Our Music Director...

May Notes.... May 29th & 30th Hymn Pick Weekend! Send the number and/or title of your favorite hymn that you would like to sing on the 5th Saturday/Sunday to the church office by May 23rd! Summer Sermon Series Choir! Anyone (ages 3rd grade and up to adult) interested in singing several times during June/July? Please come and join me for an initial practice session on Tuesday, May 11th @ 6:00 pm. We will meet in the pews by the piano next to the pulpit to discuss possible singing dates/practice sessions, etc. If you have any questions beforehand, please direct them to me in person, via email or phone. Interest in Music Ministry? Please continue to keep Immanuel's Music Ministry in your prayers. Hopefully, as months go by more individual and groups can be included back into our worship services. If you have any interest in becoming a part of this ministry, let me know! Serving Him,

From Our Administrative Pastor… continued from page 1…

of God for you. I look forward to seeing you as we gather together with our brothers and sisters in Christ to receive His gifts and remember His good work for us which has opened up to us the doors to life everlasting. You are His baptized people. He gives you His kingdom as He forgives your sins and brings you to peace in Him knowing that He never leaves you nor forsakes you. As always, if you have any questions, just let me know. The Lord be with you!

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Page 3 Immanuel Monthly

May Birthdays & Anniversaries Parish Leaders

Pastors: Rev. Merritt Demski, 847-254-9666 Administrative Rev. Dr. Tony Troup, 618-340-8375 Associate

Church & School Staff: Lisa Clamors, 618-719-4954 Office Secretary Ann Frank, 314-346-7413 Music Director Sandy Mueller Church & Ed Bldg. Custodian Ed Arras Groundskeeper/Maintenance Linda Polansky, 618-980-3475 Preschool Director Deborah Joellenbeck Preschool Aide/Custodian

Church Council: Jason Valerius, 314-920-8907 Vacancy President Jason Valerius, 314-920-8907 Vice-President Cathie Collmeyer, 314-749-3772 Secretary David Powell, 618-974-9222 Treasurer Harry Thompson, 618-792-8326 Financial Secretary Taryn Niemeyer, 618-719-7520 Christian Education Wayne Hargrave, 618-719-6748 Church Properties Gina Birrittier, 314-724-1051 Evangelism/Fellowship Sandy Mueller, 618-420-1373 Social Ministry Jason Valerius, 314-920-8907 Spiritual Ministry Pat Kelly, 636-373-2967 Stewardship Cathy Whelan, 618-612-3150 Youth Ministry

Other Volunteers: Lisa Clamors Sunday School Superintendent Marilyn Collette Head Sacristan Stephanie Brandt Sacristans Diana Heins Valerie Zeisset Sandy Thompson Flower Coordinator

Field Education Student: Hayden Brown, 2nd year 309-231-2183

Have you ever thought about joining one of

Immanuel's Boards or committees? If so, please contact the appropriate person listed above.

Happy Birthday to… 1 Jakson Gregory Chris Michael 2 Lily Dietz Greg Wiegand 3 Jensyn Collmeyer 5 Lindsey Braun Jacob Johnson Paul Wynn 7 Marlene Lieb Timothy Polacek Al Scheibe Ellie Zweigart 8 Sarah Alu Sean Arians Chris Monroe 9 Les Downing Wyatt Fink Emilie Land Meagan Melliere 10 Donna Daugherty Nathan Hemmer Angela LaRue 11 Owen Black June Gaitsch 12 Tyler Chitty Pam Jacobs 13 Stephanie Brandt Veronica Demski Megan Menke Kambrey Westfall 14 Bernell Bachelier Kenny Barton Lee Eggemeyer Marcia Jones Kenneth Moore Mary Ann Wolf 15 Sophia Alu Sara Schoenborn 16 Carson Black Crystal Kraemer Georgia Wynn 17 Rich Bachelier Earl Downs

18 Henrik Bradley 19 Kelsey Schmidt Mia Veath 20 Jody Worley 21 Emma Jones 22 Larry Goessling Aidan Kubelka Mike Kuhlmann 23 Kaden Roberts 24 David Broske Elise Eggemeyer Susan Hargrave John Patterson Mitchell Scheibe 26 Keda Bachelier Kathy Clevenger Jeff Naumann Reina Thompson 27 Gina Birrittier Bonnie Unterseh 28 Davide Alu Deanna Rodenberg 29 Heidi Kubelka 30 Shirley Menke Clayton Ziegler 31 Tom McDaniel Carol Neeman Happy Anniversary to… 2 Doug & Emilie Land (6) 5 Randy & Candi Bise (42) 8 Mike & Laura Richter (11) 9 Clint & Deanna Rodenberg (12) 11 Rob & Jennifer Dieterle (8) 12 Allen & Pam Jacobs (42) 16 Mike & Marsha Voges (40) David & Jean Wiese (18) 18 Mike & Stacy Hemmer (19) 21 Ken & Nancy Schanz (44) 30 Roy & Evelyn Weihl (62)

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to all celebrating

in May!

THANK YOU! Thank you all so much for your continued love and prayers in the past weeks since Merritt's

birth. You all are a blessing to us and we're very grateful for all of the meals and gifts that have

come our way. God's blessings to you all! - The Demski family

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Elders‘ Shepherding Program

(Families whose last name begins with)

A-B Rodney Clamors, 618-719-4023 C-D Alan Stumpf, 618-719-9033 E-Ha Scott Janssen, 214-629-6975 He-Hu Bob Polansky, 618-979-0918 J-K Tyson Bradley, 618-713-1913 L-Mel Kevin Wheat, 939-1985 Men-My Cal Neeman, 939-5137 N-P Elden Niemeyer, 939-7982 R-Sche Larry Taake, 939-4757 Schi-Sw Greg Wiegand, 618-410-1500 T-Wel Kevin Whelan, 939-1985 Wem-Z Aaron Thompson, 618-792-9652 Elders & Pastors: Jason Valerius, 314-920-8907

Have a question or would like to speak to your elder, feel free to call him anytime.

Board of Social Ministry:

May: Hope Food Pantry

Items needed include non-perishable food items, paper towels, toilet paper, and cleaning supplies. You can drop your donations in the wooden box in the narthex or in Lisa’s office.

Bi-County Backpack Program:

This is an ongoing collection that supports children in Red Bud, Valmeyer, and Waterloo throughout the year. Non-perishable food items (no glass jars) and other snack type items are needed. You may place those donations in the collection box in the narthex. Thank you!

Sunday School:

May: LAMP Ministry

Each month, the Sunday School classes take a monetary offering for a specific charity. Thank you to all of the Pre-K through 8th grade students that contribute to these collections each month!

Monthly Collections

KFUO RADIO, AM850 & KFUO.ORG, a media ministry extension of LCMS congregations,

shares Christ for you on AM850 & via

worship services, Bible and theology studies,

practical talk programs, and sacred music. You can find programs on demand at and wherever

you get your podcasts!

For Men: • Tuesdays at 6:30 am at

Triada Advisors in Columbia. The group is studying an overview of the Bible and is led by Pastor Troup.

For Women: • Will resume in the fall For All Adults: • Sundays at 9:00 am in the

overflow room. Led by Pastor Troup. They are studying a video about Paul’s Missionary Journeys.

• Sundays at 9:00 am in the church basement kitchen. Led by Scott & Jen Janssen, this class has a faith development and parenting focus. Feel free to bring your little ones, too!

• Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the overflow room. Led by Pastor Demski. (Facebook Live, too!)

For Pre-K—College: • Preschool—2nd grade: Sundays at 9:00 am in the church basement. Led

by Pam Nagel, Sandy Mueller, Deborah Joellenbeck, and Lisa Clamors. • 3rd—6th grades: Sundays at 9:00 am in the church basement. Led by

Gayle Mesnarich & Melissa Wiegand. • 7th & 8th grades: Sundays at 9:00 am in the multipurpose room. “Synoptic

Holy Gospels” led by Alan Stumpf. Parents are welcome to attend, too. • High school and College-age: Sundays at 9:00 am in Pastor Demski’s

office. Led by Pastor Demski.

Please keep our people, our

community, our state, our

country, and our world in

your prayers. God is with

us always!

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Page 5 Immanuel Monthly

Baptism: 2/28—Jayce River Simms, son of Jessica Joslin and Joshua Simms 3/14—Merritt Manfred Demski, son of [Pastor] Merritt & Veronica nee Feldmann Demski 3/27—Bennett Alan Stumpf, son of Ross and Kailyn nee Kaiser Stumpf Funeral: 3/24—Wayne Collmeyer

March 2021 Official Acts

In Our Prayers... Please note: The names listed below will remain on our public prayer list for two weeks unless the church office is notified otherwise. Thank you.

We Pray for our Fellow Parishioners: Millie Menke, Sandy Moore (MS), Perry Koch (nursing home), Ruby Muench (cancer), Iva Mesnarich (shut in), Shirley Elmore (treated for cancer, recovering from surgery), Alvera Jacobs, Dean Kohlmeier (recovering from surgery), Lana Mueller (recovering at home), Helen Clamors, Betty Schimpf (severe back pain), Marie Dietzel (broken hip), Marian Obst, Roy Weihl, Lori Collmeyer, Sharon Osterhage (recovering from surgeries), Brad Altes

We Pray for Friends and Relatives of Parishioners: Michael Washausen, Nina Van Kamp (recovering from surgery), Ken Horn (cancer), Nicole Bachelier, Gordon Curd (dialysis), Steven Muench, Sarah Castelli, Glenda Manion, Pat Bolañius (dementia), Patrick Bolañius (cancer), Jean Stroisch (cancer), Daryl Bense (dementia), Eleanor Krebel (leukemia), Joan Rhower (cancer), Amy Feldmann (cancer), Shirley Doney (recovering from back surgery), Dale Brouk (lung cancer), Michael Kurfman (large mass behind eye), Sharee Wilmes (cancer), Dustin Cassady (pneumonia), Darlene Jacobs (hospitalized)

We Pray for Those in the Service of Our Nation: Alicia Gunn, Dustin Bender, Aaron Bommarito, Alex Naumann, Paul Doty, Erik Brandt

We Pray for Our Missionaries and Special Missions: Immanuel’s Preschool, Immanuel’s Mission Team, Unity Lutheran Elementary School (East St. Louis, IL)

May 2021 Altar Flowers

5/1—5/2 open

5/8—5/9 Given by Allen & Pam Jacobs in honor of their 42nd wedding anniversary

5/15—5/16 Given by Alan & Susan Starbuck in honor of the marriage of Ryan and Morgan nee Hall Starbuck

5/22—5/23 Given by Ken & Nancy Schanz, Jeff, Angie, Carson & Kennedy Filipiak, and Eric, Rhonda, Charli & Tyler Major in memory of Roger Schanz as Immanuel’s new bell system is dedicated in his honor and also in honor of Ken & Nancy’s 44th wedding anniversary

5/29—5/30 open

The 2021 Flower Chart is posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sign up for the weekend you would like! As your weekend approaches, Sandy Thompson, our flower coordinator, will contact you to give you more details.

Monthly Attendance

2021 Weekly Average (as of 3/31): 147

As of 3/31/21, there were 910

baptized members.

March Finances

Total Deposits $ 52,614.65 Total Expenses $ 39,528.28 Over/(Short) $ 13,086.37

March 31, 2021 Balances: Checking $ 51,596.31 Scholarship Fund $ 9,892.27 Discretionary Fund $ 4,122.48 Memorial Fund $ 7,235.00 Mueller Memorial $ 1,490.00 Loan $316,294.17

2021 Year to Date: Deposits $124,894.98 Expenses $133,704.67 Over/(Short) $ (8,809.69) Unpaid Obligations $ 0.00

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Page 6 Immanuel Monthly

May 2021 Worship Helpers

Saturday Accompanists:

Ron Jones—5/1, 5/15, 5/22. 5/29 Joan Ruwald—5/8


Sandy Thompson


Our 10:15 service as well as various Sunday School classes, Bible studies, midweek classes and other

meetings are being shared on Zoom or Facebook Live in addition to in person. Would you like info on how to

participate through Zoom or Facebook Live? If so, please contact the church office, and we’ll get you the

info you need.

Women’s Mini-Retreat

Normally held in April

“It Is Well….”

This annual event will be held

on September 11, 2021. Please watch future newsletters

for more details!

Do You Have an Email Address? Did you know that you could be a good steward by receiving our newsletter via e-mail? Call or e-mail the church office

and let Lisa know to remove you from the mailing list and add you to the e-mail list.

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Page 7 Immanuel Monthly

Want to Stay Up to Date? Go to our website ( and check it out! Be sure to subscribe to the calendar, and you’ll have the most up to date info on Immanuel’s activities and events. Also, check out all of the info available right on our home page. Notice that something is missing? Let us know!

Page 8: Immanuel Monthly May 2021 -  · 10 commemorate The Holy Trinity. Not that we Congratulations, Confirmands! Preschool News VBS Donations Needed 11 VBS Forms—Register

Service Reminders:

Just a few important notes about our

services. As you are all aware, things

change constantly, so please continue

to watch your weekly announcements

& emails.

1. There is currently no need to call

ahead to attend a service.

2. Please wear masks upon entering

and exiting. We’ll have masks

available on the table by the

bulletins. You can remove them

once you are seated and distanced.

3. Please continue to respect people’s

space who wish to be distanced. A

distance of at least 2 pews is

recommended (10 feet).

4. Communion is celebrated at every

service. Individual cups & the

common cup are offered at each

service as well.

5. Ushers are present in the narthex

and for communion help, but the

bulletins & offering plate will

continue to be on the table in the

narthex. Please pick up a bulletin

as you enter the sanctuary and

place your offering and attendance

card in the plate either before or

after service.

6. Acolytes will be wearing robes and

sitting on the benches on the altar

during the services.

7. Children’s messages are back. All

are welcome to come forward.

8. Jesus remains our focus—nothing

has changed! Praise be to God for

sustaining His people now and


Updated as of April 26, 2021.

Page 8 Immanuel Monthly

Are You Graduating in 2021?

High School… College… Trade School…

We want to know if you are graduating this year! We will be including graduation information in the June newsletter. Also, send or email us a picture if you would like that

included as well.

Please send the details and a picture to the church office by May 23rd.

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Page 9 Immanuel Monthly

BASIC helps the Jr High and High School members of our congregation grow together as the body of Christ. That happens primarily on Sunday mornings at the Divine Service and in Bible Study, but we also get together for fun, fellowship, and service activities throughout the year. Remember, youth group is for youth in grades 6-12, and your friends are always welcome! You can join the Immanuel BASIC Facebook group and email [email protected] to be added to the weekly email list for the newest updates. Remember to join us on Sundays from 9-10 am for Bible study! Junior high meets in the multipurpose room and high school meets in Pastor Demski’s office. Watch the bulletins and Pastor Demski’s emails for more info on our upcoming events!



Registrations for the 2021-22

school year have started to come

in. If you, or someone you know,

would like to register a

preschooler for the fall, please do

so soon. We are limiting the total

number of students to 20. That is

an increase from last year but not

our full capacity. We still need

room for social distancing. You

may choose 2-5 mornings a week.

Please contact Lisa Clamors or

Linda Polansky for more info. You

can also visit our website for

registration information and

forms needed.

Book Club Monday, May 3

7:00 pm

His Truth Is Marching On

by Jon Meacham

Want to help prepare for or volunteer during VBS

this summer?

Join us for a brief overview meeting on Wednesday, May 5, at 7:00 pm in the overflow room. Get a bit of info and ask

questions! See you there!

Join us for a VBS Work Day on Saturday, May 22, 2021, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in the multipurpose room.

Rummage Sale

August 6-7, 2021 Mark your calendars!

Donations will be accepted

within two weeks of the sale.

More info to follow.

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Page 10 Immanuel Monthly

Confirmation Sunday

On Sunday, April 25, during the 10:15 am service, nine 8th grade students were confirmed. During this service, each of them presented their confirmation verse essays as the final requirement before being confirmed. The newly confirmed members & his/her Confirmation verses are listed below.

Sarah Alu—Psalm 103:15

Davin Scott Dethrow—Matthew 6:21 Masson Fink—Psalm 119:105

Benjamin Lorenz Janssen—Isaiah 41:10 Hunter Rolyn Kettler—Philippians 4:6

Blake Nichols—Psalm 119:105 Kyle Donald Rusteberg—Proverbs 3:5-6

Ryan Williams—Psalm 34:17 Leah Worley—Philippians 4:13

Congratulations! May God bless each of you always!

**A class picture will be in next month’s newsletter.**

VBS DONATIONS FOR DECORATIONS NEEDED We are gearing up for our VBS this summer and need your help! We are looking for all kinds of items to use for decorations to make it feel like a science lab. We are asking for small, medium & large Styrofoam balls, empty & clean 2-liter soda bottles (with lids), rectangle foam blocks, wooden skewers & toothpicks, green tarps, white cardboard & foam board, colored 8.5x11 cardstock (bright colors), hula hoops, balloons, wall mounting tabs, fishing line, and green, red, orange & blue plastic table cloths, plastic test tubes (various sizes), double-sided tape, rubber cement, and clear shipping tape. Please drop off donations in the church office by May 22.

Preschool News

May 2021 It has been a great preschool year, even with the pandemic. Our students this year have been amazing. They have gotten along so well with each other. We have been blessed. They are caring and eager to share Jesus’ love with one another. Most of our kiddos will be moving on to kindergarten this fall. We wish them the best and pray that they continue to love school and show kindness toward others as they grow and mature. We are excited to keep the few that are returning for another preschool year. We will continue to learn and grow so that they can be ready for big school the following year. Preschool Students Needed for 2021-22 School Year - We are adding many new students to the roster. We already have 10 fully paid and registered for the 2021-22 school year. That is a great start for the beginning of May. We are hoping for a total of 20-24 students this fall. With flexible scheduling, that should give us 12-16 students each day. If you know of anyone that is interested in enrolling, please have them check out our website or contact Lisa Clamors or me for more info. Substitute Teachers Needed - We need at least 2 more substitutes for the fall. Please consider being a substitute teacher. Contact Lisa or me for more information. Thank you to our parents, care givers and congregation for your support and generosity this unusual school year. We would not have been successful without your help, support and prayers. We appreciate all that you do. God’s Blessings to all. Have a great summer! Peace, Linda Polansky Lisa Clamors 618-939-6480 Linda Polansky 618-980-3475

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Vacation Bible School June 14-18, 2021 9-11:45 am Co-directed by Cathy Whelan & Lisa Clamors Immanuel, Waterloo, and Holy Cross, Wartburg, will be joining forces again for a fun-filled week at God’s Wonder Lab!

VBS Safety Policy: To ensure the safety of our children, parents will be asked to come into the church for pick up at the conclusion of VBS daily. You will find your children with their class in their pew. Preschool classes will have a sign in/out sheet. For older classes, we ask that you verbally communicate with their teacher when picking up your child. Children will not be released to older siblings. Thank you for helping us keep your children safe! Note to parents, guardians and friends of VBS: There is no fee for VBS. Each student receives a t-shirt (which costs us about $5) and each family will receive a music CD (about $5). If you would like to underwrite VBS costs, you may make donations to Immanuel Lutheran Church and write VBS in the memo space. There will also be an offering to support a local mission during our VBS week, and you may help us with that mission. If you would like to volunteer in other ways, please fill out the form below.

VBS 2021 Volunteer Form

June 14-18 9 – 11:45 am

Name ____________________________________ Phone Number __________________________________ T-shirt Size (circle one): AS AM AL AXL AXXL I’d like to help in one or more of the following ways: _____ Teacher: Grade preferred ______ _____ Teacher’s helper _____ Craft helper _____ Kitchen helper _____ Recreation helper _____ Registration helper _____ Donations:

_____ Snack items _____ Monetary contributions

Days I can help (circle): All week M T W Th F

Friday afternoon closing & picnic

VBS 2021

June 14–18 9 – 11:45 am Immanuel Lutheran Church 522 South Church Street Waterloo, IL 62298 (618) 939-6480 Student’s name ______________________________________

Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) _________________________________

Grade (2020/2021 School Year) ____________ Age _________

T-shirt Size (Circle one) YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL

Parents’ names _______________________________________

Phone ___________________ Alt. phone __________________

Address _____________________________________________


Food allergies Y_____ N_____ (List:) ______________________


Medical concerns Y_____ N_____ (Explain:)________________


Siblings attending VBS (names and ages) __________________


Church affiliation ______________________________________

Church membership at _________________________________

Transportation needed (pending availability)? Y______ N______

In the event of an emergency, contact the following person first:

Emergency contact person _______________________________

Relationship to student __________________________________

Phone __________________ Alt. phone ____________________

Classes for children born on or before 9/1/17 and who have not

entered 7th

grade. One registration form per student, please.

You may fill out & turn in the forms on this page or go directly to our online VBS page to

submit your information!

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SATURDAY 5:30 pm

SUNDAY 7:45 am & 10:15 am

Holy Communion is celebrated at every service. Individual and common cup are offered at each

service as well.


Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Pastor Demski’s day off is Thursday.

Pastor Troup’s day off is Monday.

Immanuel Lutheran Church 522 S. Church Street Waterloo, IL 62298

May God continue to bless you:




Change Service Requested

Don’t forget to visit us on the web…

You’ll find our weekly announcements and updates, our calendar, VBS & Preschool

info, and other important news!