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Page 1: I 3T i1 - · 4 c1IcP'1 11I ii1 14.i1? 5T jcBCP'1 1cp.i c1Ii1c1 .t ifbci cp * cc1 Riici' 25.02.2015 T51 3TW-1T 194', 11-IR


iI -OW-551/2016Z-i1

31 TcQTT, i4*4



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1iicp :17.07.2017

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1. m rr 1F[ cpc jctc< (c1ct) ifqF wr cc11 (1i'

3rrt 'pjct 5T T1RT * 31II fIIcP 05.05.2015 WP'I -isi 105/15

* 11'<c cicP 3T1RT1, 1998 (fi mI '"3r1fr 4T9

TZ1T qM 65 * 3Pc1T MtgO t t, fi'i T -119T

3t41i\s10 W#U47TT 1T Mc1 4T q5t lcpi< fbi rzu t I


1cl 3TThRT 1I.1Id 9i RiIcP 25.02.2015 M*cjcl c7

I'II'9l f91ct5 05.03.2011 P1 1-i 1i I

05.03.2011 TT 31t911 1c'1c1I,'fc41 3 Icl qcfl,

Pi -45, tthI T hcP, 22 4ii ii

3 f i cizii iIcl 3E1T1, Pc1R-84, 3T fi'<, 1'RII, Jjq * t1T

mQiI[RT 2T ith 7 fr1u cp] 1il fi. t

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f1T qT TcbNlI11 PT 'ic-1Iff mI 3T9W IIc4 -4 7w4-ff

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- 2 - Prii NT-551/2016/*l

1IcP1 1Y tt 'dYY'3IP i

RLu18 f'iicp 10.04.2015 TT Ic1 TFj 3JQT 3tJ

f~tcP 05.05.2015 1T 3ctt1 p-qRd t 7I1c1 34quCP RT {c1

-44 2010-11 Ict aMW XF 3410/-

1 10 1 RF U IP Z

3,44,980/— . 9i''1 j1IcP T5'1I j4icP 17,250/ — RF, 3T1IT 1730/-

1N1 9490/ — TIR1 8,630/ — .

3T * ,F 38,830

3BI ft ft RT PII 51Tt 1tlIct qcii1'i1 1 ci1bci R1,qi 1T1TI

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311TR tR 3.Ni1c1 t f c *cl I 1 5T .1 ict'l 1t 41 fM 05.03.2011

* TF R 4*c1I'31 T5I t %iRc1 wI * 3.l*c,c1 iI fMT 25.02.2015

it Wc1Iic1 ITiII cP''1I z1I{ I

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TMT I 3t1 I 1 '3 -I 1i I I 3TfTr 3t1fT1 311 I 3t1TT

1TZ1 I ci W*cc1 f5RTr 'TZIT I 3T 3'T4 t[ . -j 34 cp' UI

fc1 . U tq zrc,-F 3L[RTT 39ZtT I I

5. TUFM I-I 5T I cPtT &TFf5 1FI fb i I

flj 34C4)UI 1I'J1 ['IICl 05.03.2011 ?m PiIci f1I t 1i

i1bci t1 * IT?t9T fticp 25.02.2015 Ict wcj,c1 3TT9T

'1 I -1 I ci .1A fdWqOF*1 * 1 5T 1FIth'JT 05.03.2011 t 3INR M9-4R c

vi-SA5 q.1Ict1 4*c1Il T5't f cfrcfl * 34*cjcl Wet-TT

fiicp 25.02.2015 qE 3tl-1T iii'ic Thi iII'-II z411 rI 3Tq1 jTfQfr

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sçri1 it qiRci Ptu14 (2007) 19 tZfH 3T[1e 355 15RZ41 ull i'x.l E 3T4

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6. M'T q Alr4A 3YciT RcPlg c15T 3I1ci'CP1 f.1I GIH tR 9-Il fb4I I

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8. fE111'Thf 1cPI ct'I1I11I [ -licP 05.03.2011 iIci Rb.ii TFZIT

I ctv<l<'1I41l 's'I 9I CP'U ITt cPI'I 3T1T2 19-1I I 1T

CpkrlI4 -CI* Tf 19T IT5F 3Tftftc-ff C(vc (1ct)

5' 1iici) 25.02.2015 q4 1cJ,c1 1i ti 319QT "4I4711

7Iq - II lt 9c4jcP'1 11u18 tlI) t I 3TTh9W IIc

3N 1'iicp 05.05.2015 1T 3ctc1 I -YRd it 1II140 3l45c TT

lIc1 th[#. q4 2010-11 * &T TF 3410/-

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f 3,44,980/— 71i. 1114) j1IcP i5t jICP 17,250/— 5, M4qff 1730/-

1I7 9490/— F iiii 8,630/— . f 38,830/— . c1crl f iT *

3flI 1t iP9T ctI 3i1f * Yt1Iq 4c1Iii zI5t Tf ci1bci 1bi ITIT

IA g. w1 (11V,I4)cciI) -qu it i*cci 1ii4) uiT l

I Id 1 iq' 3itftZN EThT 351 36, IT4 45 q

f 11-7 1cP IIIc1 1?iicp 05.03.2011 31N7 -e1I.1cfr

4 c1IcP'1 11I ii1 14.i1? 5T jcBCP'1 1cp.i c1Ii1c1 .t ifbci cp

* cc1 Riici' 25.02.2015 T51 3TW-1T 194', 11- IR T jcp.1 c

jcp c 7 C11d f45t 7T4 * 3Il ft mk T4 1 i

10. E flf PWTUT 111T f5 j 4-q RI CT5T ijcp fçp

f4lIc1 1 31Tt m frfT E 31T-1T 11I'1C 7I'1I tii1 T fqcfm

q7j qr tiut 11'ci ct ccrlct (icP) * TTT 3.1*c,c1 Ct 11 ffif[ *

3flTh -ll'ict I1-1IRT -cFT 9c'.iI4'1 fbi 'iiI'1I t411 I wctuI f cl<'1l *

TThT sjc 3TfTftZFr 1998 it .TRT 36 * 31rcl4cl i1bci 1b1I 7FTT 111'1I

'i1J'11I c[b T5t T1 i1bci cp *m rzf II

ct,eict (1ct) t wcJ,c1 1i TM t TUL TOEF 3TtfN. 1998 it qM 36


36 - Certificate by Collector (1) When an instrument brought to the Collector under section 35 is, in his

opinion, one of a description chargeable with duty, and

(a) the Collector determines that it is already fully stamped, or

(b) the duty determined by the Collector under section 35, or such a sum as, with

the duty already paid in respect of the insrument, is equal to the duty so determined, has been paid, the Collector shall certify by endorsement on such instrument that the full duty (stating the amount) with which it is chargeable, has been paid.

(2) When such instrument is, in his opinion, not chargeable with duty, the Collector shall certify in the manner aforesaid that such instrument is not so chargeable.

(3) Any instrument upon which an endorsement has been made under this section, shall be deemed to be duly stamped or not chargeable with duty, as the case may be; and, if chargeable with duty, shall be receivable in evidence or otherwise, and may be acted upon and registered as if it had been originally duly stamped: Provided

e1"IIc1I ...........4

Page 4: I 3T i1 - · 4 c1IcP'1 11I ii1 14.i1? 5T jcBCP'1 1cp.i c1Ii1c1 .t ifbci cp * cc1 Riici' 25.02.2015 T51 3TW-1T 194', 11-IR

- 4 - ii4 HsqJ_551/2016/J1q

that nothing in this section shall authorize the Collector to endorse any instrument chargeable with a duty not exceedingten paise or any bill of exchange or promissory note, when brought to him, after the drawing or execution thereof, on paper not duly

stamped. Provided further that,: (a) any instrument executed or first executed in the State and brought to the

Collector within one month of its execution or first execution, as the case may be; or

(b) any instrument executed or first executed out of State and brought to the Collector within three months after it has been first received in the State;

shall be chargeable with duty as applicable at the time of its execution and where any instrument is presented to the Collector after the period specified above, such instrument shall be chargeable with duty as applicable at the time of its presentation and calculated on the basis of market value, wherever applicable, prevalent on the date of its presentation before the

Collector and he may certify accordingly.

jctci fiTh fTft TqIZ * V45 g1cp ci c*c1I

fiI01 C Cpc1Ctc (1cP) * TTT Wjc1 I'-IicP 5't 311I1

4-jI.1cf);Z \4-&.i1 i

"We are of the opinion that the view taken by the learned single Judge as well as

by the Division Bench cannot be sustained and the same is set aside. The Collector

shall determine what was the valuation of the instrument on the basis of the market

value of the property at the date when the document was tendered by the

respondent for registration, and the respondent shall pay the stamp duty charges and

surcharges, if any, as assessed by the Collector as per the provisions of the Act."

9M 50qlull


Page 5: I 3T i1 - · 4 c1IcP'1 11I ii1 14.i1? 5T jcBCP'1 1cp.i c1Ii1c1 .t ifbci cp * cc1 Riici' 25.02.2015 T51 3TW-1T 194', 11-IR

t a

- 5 - fii4T s4I-551/2016/'311j

ctc1 iPicp Irc1 l5T tT IT 39 t•E 42 5T \3UI 4*c,c1 '1I

1j)tj )TITI

1139. It is not disputed that the commercial plot of 788 sq. yards located at Delhi-

Mathura Mewla Maharajpur, Faridabad was valued by the Circle rate at Rs. 4,200/- per

sq. yard fixed by the Collector of Faridabad meaning thereby that after the notification,

no sale deed can be registered for an amount lesser than Rs. 4200/- per sq. yard. It may

be pertinent to mention that, in order to ensure that there is no evasion of stamp duty,

circle rates are fixed from time to time and the notification is issued to that effect. The

issuance of said notification has become imperative to arrest the tendency of evading

the payment of actual stamp duty. It is a matter of common knowledge that usually the

circle rate or the Collector rate is lower than the prevalent actual' market rate but to

ensure registration of sale deeds at least at the circle rates or the Collecter rates

such notifications are issued from time to time by the appellants. "42. In the facts and circumstances of the case, the impugned judgment of the

High Court cannot by sustained and is accordingly set aside and the order passed by

the District Collector, Faridabad which was upheld by the Commissioner, Gurgaon is

restored. The respondent is directed to pay the balance stamp duty within four weeks

from the date of this judgement, otherwise the appellants would be at liberty to take

appropriate steps in accordance with law."

12. \3Y'1M It 3I1IT q fi-iiii-?1 .-c)ct)I.< '1 U-1T 34cp.UI

31[Rctt1 iqe (1cp) 71Y t ii T5 I{'c1 I tqwcci

11icP.25.02.2015 4z4{jç1 DLC 1I9cp7 9eICt1

15 Pi fi .ii'iT 3FTT I


5L1 fz1T1 1T4 fui 37 tR I'<I'cPc1 1T 3.c,c1 1<Vi1

tct'k 3Tt9{T 1I'1Ie1 l5T iiiT f1!.1 1iicp 05.05.2015 P'*ci

fOM 1Ic1I ti 4cUI 3T.ft9W VMzffTM t vftftu 1I jlIcp Pci f

31Tt t i HTThF A cp U i i c'ii m i1 ci

*g W-cjJci m 1'iicp 25.02.2015 it 3fl-1R 1I'1cP'< 41i 15T 9e1ict)'1

iC) z f1ii tf * i1ii cpi4ci) rr

awr 4. i -ct 1r T i72Z TT t,

c U[ 4T lt It Ri. 31Tl 1T UM4 I 3T9W "q P4 10 q

5T Rcp fu1i fI imi 1U14 iz

1tT TPI'<I'1 31TI I<1Q FT '1clI UTR tI 4


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