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  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans



    Plan, implement, and coordinate safety programs, requiring application of

    engineering principles and technology, to prevent or correct unsafe environmental

    working conditions.

    Summary Description

    Plan, implement, and coordinate safety programs, requiring application of

    engineering principles and technology, to prevent or correct unsafe environmental

    working conditions.

    Job Tasks

    aintain and apply knowledge of current policies, regulations, and industrial


    !ecommend process and product safety features that will reduce employees"

    e#posure to chemical, physical, and biological work ha$ards.

    %nspect facilities, machinery, and safety equipment to identify and correct potential

    ha$ards, and to ensure safety regulation compliance.

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    %nstall safety devices on machinery, or direct device installation.

    %nvestigate industrial accidents, in&uries, or occupational diseases to determine

    causes and preventive measures.

    !eview plans and speci'cations for construction of new machinery or equipment to

    determine whether all safety requirements have been met.

    !eport or review 'ndings from accident investigations, facilities inspections, or

    environmental testing.

    %nterview employers and employees to obtain information about work environments

    and workplace incidents.

    (valuate adequacy of actions taken to correct health inspection violations.

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    !eview employee safety programs to determine their adequacy.

    )onduct or direct testing of air quality, noise, temperature, or radiation levels to

    verify compliance with health and safety regulations.

    )onduct or coordinate worker training in areas such as safety laws and regulations,

    ha$ardous condition monitoring, and use of safety equipment.

    Provide technical advice and guidance to organi$ations on how to handle health*

    related problems and make needed changes.

    %nterpret safety regulations for others interested in industrial safety such as safety

    engineers, labor representatives, and safety inspectors.

    aintain liaisons with outside organi$ations such as 're departments, mutual aid

    societies, and rescue teams, so that emergency responses can be facilitated.

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    +rite and revise safety regulations and codes.

    Design and build safety equipment.

    )onfer with medical professionals to assess health risks and to develop ways to

    manage health issues and concerns.

    )ompile, analy$e, and interpret statistical data related to occupational illnesses and


    Plan and conduct industrial hygiene research.

    )heck oors of plants to ensure that they are strong enough to support heavy


  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    %mportance +ork -ctivity


    (valuating %nformation to Determine )ompliance with Standards 0 1sing relevant

    information and individual &udgment to determine whether events or processes

    comply with laws, regulations, or standards.

    adhere to safety procedures

    perform safety inspections in industrial, manufacturing or repair setting

    inspect facilities or equipment for regulatory compliance

    e#amine engineering documents for completeness or accuracy

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans



    3etting %nformation 0 4bserving, receiving, and otherwise obtaining informationfrom all relevant sources.

    collect scienti'c or technical data

    read blueprints

    read schematics

    read technical drawings


    )ommunicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates 0 Providing information to

    supervisors, co*workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e*mail, or

    in person.

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans



    1pdating and 1sing !elevant 6nowledge 0 6eeping up*to*date technically andapplying new knowledge to your &ob.

    use chemical testing or analysis procedures

    use drafting or mechanical drawing techniques

    use ha$ardous materials information

    use pollution control techniques

    use scienti'c research methodology

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    follow safe waste disposal procedures

    use technical regulations for engineering problems

    use knowledge of materials testing procedures

    use mathematical or statistical methods to identify or analy$e problems


    onitor Processes, aterials, or Surroundings 0 onitoring and reviewing

    information from materials, events, or the environment, to detect or assess



    aking Decisions and Solving Problems 0 -naly$ing information and evaluating

    results to choose the best solution and solve problems.

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    use intuitive &udgment for engineering analyses

    resolve engineering or science problems


    %dentifying 4b&ects, -ctions, and (vents 0 %dentifying information by categori$ing,estimating, recogni$ing di8erences or similarities, and detecting changes in

    circumstances or events.

    understand engineering data or reports


    %nterpreting the eaning of %nformation for 4thers 0 Translating or e#plaining what

    information means and how it can be used.

    e#plain comple# mathematical information

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    interpret employee"s medical evaluations


    -naly$ing Data or %nformation 0 %dentifying the underlying principles, reasons, or

    facts of information by breaking down information or data into separate parts.

    analy$e e8ectiveness of safety systems or procedures

    evaluate engineering data

    evaluate manufacturing or processing systems

    evaluate tool designs

    conduct evaluations of worker e#posure to radiation or noise

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    analy$e technical data, designs, or preliminary speci'cations

    test air quality, noise, temperature, or radiation


    Provide )onsultation and -dvice to 4thers 0 Providing guidance and e#pert advice

    to management or other groups on technical, systems*, or process*related topics.

    advise clients regarding engineering problems

    recommend measures to ensure ma#imum employee protection


    Processing %nformation 0 )ompiling, coding, categori$ing, calculating, tabulating,

    auditing, or verifying information or data.

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    compile information on 'ndings from investigation of accidents


    (stablishing and aintaining %nterpersonal !elationships 0 Developing constructive

    and cooperative working relationships with others, and maintaining them over time.



    maintaining information in written or electronic

    %nspecting (quipment, Structures, or aterial 0 %nspecting equipment, structures,

    or materials to identify the cause of errors or other problems or defects.


    4rgani$ing, Planning, and Prioriti$ing +ork 0 Developing speci'c goals and plans to

    prioriti$e, organi$e, and accomplish your work.

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    plan testing of engineering methods


    )ommunicating with Persons 4utside 4rgani$ation 0 )ommunicating with people

    outside the organi$ation, representing the organi$ation to customers, the public,

    government, and other e#ternal sources. This information can be e#changed in

    person, in writing, or by telephone or e*mail.

    make presentations

    confer with authorities or community groups


    %nteracting +ith )omputers 0 1sing computers and computer systems ?including

    hardware and software@ to program, write software, set up functions, enter data, or

    process information.


  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    Training and Teaching 4thers 0 %dentifying the educational needs of others,

    developing formal educational or training programs or classes, and teaching or

    instructing others.

    conduct training for personnel


    Thinking )reatively 0 Developing, designing, or creating new applications, ideas,relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions.

    improve test devices or techniques in manufacturing, industrial or engineering



    Judging the Aualities of Things, Services, or People 0 -ssessing the value,

    importance, or quality of things or people.

    evaluate product design

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    Scheduling +ork and -ctivities 0 Scheduling events, programs, and activities, as

    well as the work of others.


    3uiding, Directing, and otivating Subordinates 0 Providing guidance and direction

    to subordinates, including setting performance standards and monitoring



    Developing and Building Teams 0 (ncouraging and building mutual trust, respect,

    and cooperation among team members.


    )oordinating the +ork and -ctivities of 4thers 0 3etting members of a group towork together to accomplish tasks.

    direct and coordinate activities of workers or sta8


    !esolving )onicts and Cegotiating with 4thers 0 andling complaints, settling

    disputes, and resolving grievances and conicts, or otherwise negotiating with


  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans



    Developing 4b&ectives and Strategies 0 (stablishing long*range ob&ectives andspecifying the strategies and actions to achieve them.

    develop safety regulations

    develop plans for programs or pro&ects


    Selling or %nuencing 4thers 0 )onvincing others to buy merchandise

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    (stimating the Auanti'able )haracteristics of Products, (vents, or %nformation 0

    (stimating si$es, distances, and quantitiesE or determining time, costs, resources, or

    materials needed to perform a work activity.


    Performing -dministrative -ctivities 0 Performing day*to*day administrative tasks

    such as maintaining information 'les and processing paperwork.

    prepare safety reports

    prepare technical reports or related documentation


    onitoring and )ontrolling !esources 0 onitoring and controlling resources and

    overseeing the spending of money.


    Drafting, Faying 4ut, and Specifying Technical Devices, Parts, and (quipment 0

    Providing documentation, detailed instructions, drawings, or speci'cations to tell

    others about how devices, parts, equipment, or structures are to be fabricated,

    constructed, assembled, modi'ed, maintained, or used.

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    write product performance requirements


    -ssisting and )aring for 4thers 0 Providing personal assistance, medical attention,

    emotional support, or other personal care to others such as coworkers, customers,

    or patients.


    StaGng 4rgani$ational 1nits 0 !ecruiting, interviewing, selecting, hiring, and

    promoting employees in an organi$ation.


    Performing 3eneral Physical -ctivities 0 Performing physical activities that require

    considerable use of your arms and legs and moving your whole body, such as

    climbing, lifting, balancing, walking, stooping, and handling of materials.


    Performing for or +orking Directly with the Public 0 Performing for people or

    dealing directly with the public. This includes serving customers in restaurants andstores, and receiving clients or guests.


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    )ontrolling achines and Processes 0 1sing either control mechanisms or direct

    physical activity to operate machines or processes ?not including computers or



    !epairing and aintaining (lectronic (quipment 0 Servicing, repairing, calibrating,

    regulating, 'ne*tuning, or testing machines, devices, and equipment that operate

    primarily on the basis of electrical or electronic ?not mechanical@ principles.

    test equipment as part of engineering pro&ects or processes


    4perating Hehicles, echani$ed Devices, or (quipment 0 !unning, maneuvering,

    navigating, or driving vehicles or mechani$ed equipment, such as forklifts,

    passenger vehicles, aircraft, or water craft.


    andling and oving 4b&ects 0 1sing hands and arms in handling, installing,

    positioning, and moving materials, and manipulating things.

    ealth and Safety (ngineers

    Cature of the +ork

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    ealth and safety engineers develop procedures and design systems to prevent

    people from getting sick or in&ured and to keep property from being damaged. They

    combine knowledge of systems engineering and of health or safety to make sure

    that chemicals, machinery, software, furniture, and consumer products will not

    cause harm to people or buildings.


    ealth and safety engineers typically do the followingI

    !eview plans and speci'cations for new machinery and equipment to make sure

    they meet safety requirements

    %dentify and correct potential ha$ards by inspecting facilities, machinery, and safety


    (valuate the e8ectiveness of various industrial control mechanisms

    (nsure that a building or product complies with health and safety regulations,

    especially after an inspection that required changes

    %nstall safety devices on machinery or direct the installation of these devices

    !eview employee safety programs and recommend improvements

    aintain and apply knowledge of current policies, regulations, and industrial


    ealth and safety engineers also investigate industrial accidents, in&uries, or

    occupational diseases to determine their causes and to determine whether the

    incidents could have been or can be prevented. They interview employers and

    employees to learn about work environments and incidents that lead to accidents or

    in&uries. They also evaluate the corrections that were made to remedy violations

    found during health inspections.

    ealth and safety engineers are also active in two related 'eldsI industrial hygiene

    and occupational hygiene. %n industrial hygiene, they focus on the e8ects of

    chemical, physical, and biological agents. They recogni$e, evaluate, and control

    these agents to keep people from becoming sick or in&ured. or e#ample, they might

    anticipate that a particular manufacturing process will give o8 a potentially harmful

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    chemical and recommend either a change to the process or a way to contain and

    control the chemical.

    %n occupational hygiene, health and safety engineers investigate the environment in

    which people work and use science and engineering to recommend changes to keep

    workers from being e#posed to sickness or in&uries. They help employers and

    employees understand the risks, and improve working conditions and working

    practices. or e#ample, they might observe that the noise level in a factory is likely

    to cause harm to workers" hearing and recommend ways to reduce the noise level

    through changes to the building, reducing e#posure time, or by having workers wear

    proper hearing protection.


    Tobias !eid

    P.4. Bo# =/, =25 Cec St., arch, )ambridgeshire, C!=/ ;F)

    TelI * ;:9> /;77

    Date of BirthI * ;>

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    P(!S4C-F S6%FFS -CD )4P(T(C)(S

    Substantial e#perience in monitoring various activities in high risk industries

    (#cellent knowledge of various (S principles and regulations

    %mmense knowledge of ealth, Safety and (nvironmental regulations

    -bility to prepare audit reports for preventative maintenance

    -bility to maintain con'dentiality of all data

    amiliarity of manufacturing processes of )3 industry

    P!4(SS%4C-F (MP(!%(C)(

    S( 4Gcer Cavartis Fimited * Fanarkshire ebruary 9;:7 * )urrent

    onitored all health and safety activities and ensured appropriate implementation.

    (nsured compliance to all determined standards for all S( programmes.

    %nspected all contract equipment and ensured compliance to all S( regulations.

    -dministered all emergency response activities and recommended improvements as

    per requirement.

    %nspected &ob site in case of ha$ardous work activities and performed safety

    analysis on it.

    -naly$ed all site accidents and recommended correction when required.

    S( 4Gcer !aeburn 3roup Fimited * !utland -ugust 9;:9 * ebruary 9;:7

    Performed routine inspections and audit as per S( procedures.

    %mplemented various health and safety regulations as per required procedures.

    Participated in investigations for all accidents.

    onitored inquiries for S( issues from internal and e#ternal parties.

    Planned and implemented various preventative activities to prevent all losses.

    Designed S( training program for all sta8 members.

    (D1)-T%4C -CD A1-F%%)-T%4CS

    BSc ?ons@ in (nvironmental Science

    The 1niversity of +inchester * +inchester

  • 7/25/2019 HSE q and ans


    September 9;; * June 9;:9

    -*levelsI (nvironmental Science, (nglish Fanguage, )hemistry, Physics

    (ast Fondon )ollege * Feytonstone

    4ctober 9;;= * June 9;;

    3)S(sI aths, Physics, )hemistry, (nglish Fanguage

    Stratford School -cademy * orest 3ate

    September 9;;9 * June 9;;=

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