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Page 1: How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Summary · LinkedIn Summary. Your LinkedIn profile is one of your most important tools for advancing your career and marketing your skills. That’s

How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Summary

Page 2: How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Summary · LinkedIn Summary. Your LinkedIn profile is one of your most important tools for advancing your career and marketing your skills. That’s

Your LinkedIn profile is one of your most important tools for advancing your career and

marketing your skills. That’s because first impressions have gone digital: people are

learning about you online before they ever shake your hand. As soon as they know they’re

going to meet or chat with you, they start their online research.

LinkedIn is o�en the starting point for that research. And even if they begin their

digi-sleuthing with Google, they’ll likely end up at your LinkedIn profile because it shows up

at the top of your search results – usually in one of the top three spots. According to a Chitika

study, the top three results from a Google search get nearly two-thirds the clicks.

Your summary is one of the three most important elements of your profile (with your

headshot and headline being the other two). The first two lines of your summary receive a

very prominent position on the screen in LinkedIn, so it’s the ultimate place to attract the

attention of decision makers. Your entire summary must tell your story in 2,000 characters,

communicating a dazzling 3D picture of who you are and what makes you stand out.

To make the task of dra�ing a summary less daunting, here is the 5-step approach used

successfully by executives we coach at some of the world’s top global corporations.

First impressions have gone digital.

Page 3: How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Summary · LinkedIn Summary. Your LinkedIn profile is one of your most important tools for advancing your career and marketing your skills. That’s

Step 1: Articulate the Basics

Although you know exactly what you do, it’s time to explain it clearly and succinctly to others. Focus on how you would tell your story to those who can help you reach your career goals. We know that can be challenging. So here are a few questions to help you articulate the basics to your audience.

In your current role, what do you do, for whom, and what value do they receive from the work you deliver? e.g. As a senior account manager, I partner with clients to help create social strategies that champion their brands globally.

What’s the scope of your responsibility?e.g. I’m responsible for strategies of the top 3 accounts with spend budgets of $1MM and a team of four.

How did you get there – what have you done in the past?e.g. For over 10 years, I have worked in all aspects of marketing, including product marketing, communications and social media marketing.

Page 4: How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Summary · LinkedIn Summary. Your LinkedIn profile is one of your most important tools for advancing your career and marketing your skills. That’s

Step 2: Add Sugar and Spice

There are likely many people who do what you do. So, next you must communicate what di�erentiates you. We know this is a toughie, so we’ve added a few more questions to get to the core of what makes you unique.

What are you passionate about? e.g. windsurfing every weekend, spotting the million-dollar error in reams of data, making meetings fun

What are your superpowers (or what are you great at)? e.g. devising super creative social strategies for millennials, always vivacious and energetic

What stats prove that you’re a stand-out?e.g. graduated Summa Cum Laude from UCLA, named one of the top ten social media executives to watch by Advertising Age, participated in three triathlons on three continents, saved the company $3M through the ‘go green’ initiative that I created, held six di�erent roles in various marketing functions

Page 5: How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Summary · LinkedIn Summary. Your LinkedIn profile is one of your most important tools for advancing your career and marketing your skills. That’s

Step 3: Write Your Fabulous First Sentence(s)

With LinkedIn’s latest release, only your first sentence or two (about 200 characters) appears underneath your header, unless the reader clicks on “See More.” Therefore, it must be magnetic – enticing the reader to want to know more about you!

What pronoun do you prefer?Choose between the first-person (I) and third-person (she or he) pronouns. As both options have pros and cons, the choice of perspective is simply a personal one. Using first-person sounds more conversational and creates an immediate intimate connection with the reader. But for some, it’s hard to write good things about themselves using “I.” (e.g. I graduated from Harvard at the top of my class. I saved my company $1M. I managed a team of 42 with a budget of $6M.). The trend is moving toward the first person because – let’s face it – people know you wrote your own LinkedIn summary – so it’s a little more transparent and authentic to use the first person (even if it feels a little uncomfortable). But again, the choice is yours to make.

What question, statement, or phrase can you use to make the reader want to know more about you?

▶ e.g. The achievement I'm most proud of didn’t start with a business plan. It started in a dumpster.

▶ e.g. Visionary, gutsy, fun CEOs, sr. execs, rising stars, and coaches - with a strong profit motive and a social conscience - are my sweet spot.

▶ e.g. Passion Catalyst; Motivational Agent.


Page 6: How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Summary · LinkedIn Summary. Your LinkedIn profile is one of your most important tools for advancing your career and marketing your skills. That’s

Step 4: Flesh Out Your Paragraphs

While you have a myriad of choices here, we can tell you with certainty that your reader will always favor fewer, shorter paragraphs.

How can you weave together elements from steps 1 and 2?Give yourself permission to roughly dra� and then continue to edit and refine. e.g. Adapted from

Passion Catalyst. Motivational Agent. Seasoned executor with an entrepreneurial spirit. Firm believer in

delivering platinum courtesy every single day.

As a Learning Employee & Experience Manager, I spend my days making sure 600+ professionals have

the skills, support and sparkle they need to be the best in the industry - all through smart design,

immersive experiences, and unforgettable facilitation.

My superpowers (which took me a good 16 years to develop!): idea generation, public speaking with

dazzled decks, content creation, event planning & experience creating, 360 relationship building,

branding & brand management, morale boosting, proactive problem solving, fearless cold calling, and

energizing employee engagement.

My favorite places to be: in front of a room helping people connect with the talent around them, behind a

screen making something beautiful, and in a blank space screaming for authentic energy, game

changing ideas and a little pixie dust.

How will you close? Consider including where the reader can learn more about you and keywords you want to be associated with. And here’s one of our special tricks: Add “AKA/Common Misspellings:” then list all the ways people misspell your name and the di�erent ways you use your name. This will make it easier to people to find you even if they have no clue how you use or spell your name. If Sean Jean Combs – a man infamous for changing his name included this at the bottom of his summary - it would look like this:

AKA/Common Misspellings: Sean Jean Combs, Pu� Daddy, Diddy, P. Diddy, Sean John

Page 7: How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Summary · LinkedIn Summary. Your LinkedIn profile is one of your most important tools for advancing your career and marketing your skills. That’s

Step 5: Test It Out

There are likely many people who do what you do. So, next you must communicate what di�erentiates you. We know this is a toughie, so we’ve added a few more questions to get to the core of what makes you unique.

Who can give you objective feedback? Pinpoint 3 people who can o�er honest and helpful input. They could be a member of your target audience, a mentor, coach, trusted colleague, a friend, or family member. Inquire if your summary is an accurate representation of who you are and if it makes them want to learn more. Dig for what’s missing and what might improve it.

Are you confident your summary is ready to go live?Here’s a 9-point checklist to give you the answer!

1. Does the opening sentence grab the reader’s attention? 2. Is it authentic, conveying your personality? 3. Does it di�erentiate you from your peers or competitors? 4. Is it relevant and compelling to your desired audience? 5. Does it contain at least 20% personal information? 6. Does it explain how you add value? 7. Is it perfectly proofed and beautifully formatted? 8. Does it include external validation? 9. Does it include keywords you want to be known for?


Page 8: How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Summary · LinkedIn Summary. Your LinkedIn profile is one of your most important tools for advancing your career and marketing your skills. That’s

Post your summary to LinkedIn. Consider making your story more vibrant and di�erentiated

by uploading pictures, videos, and PowerPoint presentations to the bottom of your

summary. Refresh your summary periodically, continuously shaping it into a current and

compelling 3D representation of your personal brand.

It’s time to bring your brand to life online.

Page 9: How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Summary · LinkedIn Summary. Your LinkedIn profile is one of your most important tools for advancing your career and marketing your skills. That’s

How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Summary


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