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Page 1: How to Receive oab aproval

Once you have been offered an internship or research position, you will have to apply to IIE for Academic Training Approval.

You are not allowed to do any activities for your Academic Training until you have received written approval from IIE along

with your work authorization letter. As your visa sponsor, only IIE is allowed to give you this work authorization. Please follow

the steps below to apply for IIE’s approval for your Academic Training opportunity.

1. Log on to your account at

How to Apply to IIE for Academic Training Approval

Academic Training Info Sheet


2. On your homepage click on My Profile .

Page 2: How to Receive oab aproval

3. Once you are in your profile tab, go to the Academic Training Section and click the button “Add New Experience”

Academic Training Info Sheet

4. After clicking the “Add New Experience Button” this is the form that you will be directed to. You can now start filling it out.

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Academic Training Info Sheet

Note Once you submit your AT Request form all your responses are final. You will not be able to change any of

your answers. We recommend saving your AT Request Form as a draft until you are 100% sure about all of

your responses.

5. If at any time you want to stop the process of filling out the form, or you are unable to complete all of the questions at one

time, you can save the form as a draft. This will save all the information you have filled out and will allow you to return to the

form to continue to edit it and fill it out.

Once your AT request is saved

as a draft, you can return to the

academic training section of

your profile and edit the draft

as often as you need to before

you finally submit it to IIE for

review and approval. Once you

click “Submit,” you will not be

able to make changes.

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Academic Training Info Sheet

The Proposed Academic Training Site Name is the name of the company/research lab/organization where your will be doing

you AT over the summer. You should only fill out one of the two options below (highlighted in the red box on this page).

Example 1: You got an internship at Cargill. First, you should use the search box (Proposed AT Site Name 1) to search to see if

Cargill is already in the database.

You do find Cargill in the data base. Select it, and leave the next box (Proposed AT Site Name 2) blank. You are now ready to

move on and continue to fill out the form.

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Academic Training Info Sheet

You can’t find your AT Site name in the dropdown menu, so you leave Proposed AT Site Name 1 blank, and type Best Western

into Proposed AT Site Name 2.

Example 2: You got an internship at Best Western. First, you should use the search box (Proposed AT Site Name 1) to search

to see if Best Western is already in the database.

You have now correctly added your AT Site Name and you are ready to move on and continue to fill out the form.

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You are required to work full-time during the summer. IIE’s definition of full-time is between 30-40 hours a week. You are allowed to receive an hourly wage or stipend for the work that you do over the summer. If your position is

paid, please make sure to indicate how much you will be receiving either per hour, per month, per week, or total for the

summer. It is also important that you list any benefits that your AT will be providing you. Benefits could include free housing,

housing stipend, meal stipend, travel reimbursement, etc. It is important that you fill this out completely and honestly as it may effect your summer stipend. Remember: any material misrepresentation could lead to your program termination.

Academic Training Info Sheet

These are the dates that will start and end your Academic Training. Both your SEVIS immigration record and your work

authorization will reflect these dates. It is important that you get them correct.

Also, if you are a student that started their academic program in the Fall 2013, you will be leaving to return to Brazil

after your academic training is over. Once you submit this request form to IIE and it is approved, your AT end date will

become the end date of your Form DS-2019. You will not be allowed to work beyond that end date. Also, your 30 day

grace period will start the day after your AT end date.

NOTE: If the system won’t let you leave either Proposed AT Site Name 1 or Proposed AT Site

Name 2 blank, you should save your application and then return to finish the application and the

system will then allow you to leave one of the two blank!

The next important section as you continue to fill out the form is information about your pay, benefits, and number of hours

per week that you will work.

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Academic Training Info Sheet

Once your form is complete and all of the information is complete and accurate, you can submit it to IIE for approval.

But you’re not done yet….

At the end of the form it will ask for your signature, your Academic Advisor’s signature, and your Academic Training

Supervisor’s signature. Go ahead and type their names in the signature box and click Submit.

Once your form in complete and all of the information is complete and accurate, you can submit it to IIE for approval.

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Academic Training Info Sheet

6. Once your Academic Training Request has been submitted to IIE for review and approval, print the form so you can get the

required signatures on a hard copy of it. To print the form click the review button.

7. On the review screen you will want to click the print button to print out a copy of the Request Form for you, your Academic

Advisor, and your Academic Training Supervisor to sign.

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Academic Training Info Sheet

8. Continue to follow the instructions to print the form. Click print.

9. After you print the form here is where you, your academic advisor, and your academic training supervisor should sign


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Academic Training Info Sheet

10. Once your form is signed by everyone, upload your signed Form as a document BSMP Student Service Portal.

Portal Link

11. Next click on the “Programs” tab at the top of the screen.

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Academic Training Info Sheet

12. Once in the “Programs” tab, you will need to click on your program name (Brazil Scientific Mobility Program) to get to the section

where you can upload your signed Request for AT.

11. Once you are in the next screen, you will see the “Add New Document” button, please click on it to upload your signed Request for AT:

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Academic Training Info Sheet

12. You will reach the screen shown below

Fill out the fields on the screen above using the chart below as guidance:

You have now completed the process for requesting approval from IIE. Once your signed form is submitted, IIE will review your

request. Shortly after your Academic Training is approved by IIE, you will receive a work authorization letter from IIE that you

can show your Academic Training Employer. You can also use this letter to apply for a Social Security Number.

Document Category Applicable term Applicable Year Date Received Attachment Name (Use Your IIE ID#)

Select “Pre-Degree AT Request” Leave blank 2014 Today’s Date 15XXXXXX_AT Request

To attach your document, click on “Browse” and search for the document as you have saved it on your computer. Please note that you

must upload the complete document, not just the page with your signature. Once you have attached the document, click “Save” which will

send the document to IIE. You will reach the next screen:

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