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  1. 1. Cold Blood Evaluation Part 3 Beth Quittenton
  2. 2. How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?
  3. 3. When researching, planning and constructing my horror trailer, I had to use a lot of media technologies to enable me to do all of the above effectively and efficiently. When researching things such as magazine covers, posters and official horror trailers I used Google Images, as well as YouTube. By using these two websites I was able to effectively understand what techniques professionals use to draw the viewer into buying a magazine cover; as well as catching the eye of a potential audience member with the use of a poster to advertise the media product; and how professionals use trailers to essentially scare the viewer into watching the full film.
  4. 4. When researching films to gain inspiration for my horror trailers narrative, was a very useful website to go to. It showed me a huge range of horror films, from more successful modern horror films, to successful films released in the 1970s- 1980s. This allowed me to gain inspiration for the construction of Cold Blood. I found The Amazing Spider Man 2 (2014), Evil Dead 2 (2013) and An American Werewolf in London (1981) all on and these subsequently influenced the making of Cold Blood in one way or another.
  5. 5. The editing software that my group used to edit Cold Blood was Sony Vegas. We decided to use this piece of editing software above others such as Premiere Pro because one of the people in my group (Brad Lacey) knew how to use it confidently. We decided that it would be best to use that program because none of us were overtly familiar with using Premiere Pro.
  6. 6. We explored a lot of different editing techniques when in the early stages of editing Cold Blood. One editing technique that we thought worked well in the final cut of the trailer was the use of slow motion. We used this technique after Michael is knocked coming down the stairs by Jason because we wanted the footage to be in time and have the same pace as the music, therefore we slowed that clip down slightly in order for it to fit with the music and be more effective on the audience.
  7. 7. Another technique that we use in our trailer were quick bursts of images. We wanted to portray that Michael has experimented on other subjects, but none of them had been successful. In order for us to show multiple deaths throughout the trailer we decided to take images of the deceased victims and show three different images of them in quick succession. This technique is a blink and you miss it technique, therefore this ensures the audience to pay more attention to the trailer as otherwise they will miss the images.
  8. 8. We also wanted some of the clips to fade in and out; for example, when Jason wakes up tied to a chair. We wanted to mimic how he is feeling after being chloroformed. When filming we decided to switch the focus to manual so that we could blur Jason, then in the editing stages we wanted to make Jasons confusion more evident. To emphasise this, we took the blurred clip of Jason tied to a chair and used a quick fade in and fade out to reflect his confusion, and also so that the footage would directly fit with the music.
  9. 9. When editing my magazine cover and my poster I used several different techniques to make them both reflect the genres that shine through in Cold Blood, as well as advertising the film without giving the audience a false idea of the film. It was vital that the campaign worked well together.
  10. 10. When editing the image for my poster, I wanted it to have a textured layer over the top of the image to connote the grittiness of our film. After looking for a cracked layer on Google Images, I found a copyright-free textured glass layer that would work well on the image that I chose for the poster. I positioned this over the eye of the model in the image. For the textured glass effect I added a new layer and copied and pasted the image that I wanted to use from Google Images; I then decreased the opacity on the layer so that it was prominent, but not over-powering. The layer was to represent how Jasons life has now been symbolically shattered because of his transformation into a lizard-like creature.
  11. 11. Another effect that I used in order to make my image look more serious and make the viewer concentrate more on the models face, rather than the background of the image, was editing the background to make it look darker. I did this by using the paint tool and selecting the colour red to connote blood and death, I then coloured over the text, then lowered the layer underneath the layer for the text. I added a new layer and selected the paint brush, I then made the paint brush have faded edges, I then increased the size of the paint brush so that it was a little bigger than the models face; I then clicked on the models face once and the background became darker, and therefore allowed the audience to focus on the models face more. This added layer has made the image look more serious and more menacing.
  12. 12. A technique that I applied to my magazine cover is colouring behind the text to reflect a particular scene from within the trailer. The scene/s is when Michael is violently scribbling out the victims photographs once he has experimented on them.
  13. 13. Blogger allowed me to display all of the relevant work and research that I have constructed in order to make my final media product. Blogger is an easy website to navigate, and displays my work in a professional and easy to see manner. The feedback from the focus group screening also allowed me and my group to receive constructive criticism on the first cut of Cold Blood. After the focus group screening our group then added some changes to our trailer in order to make it more horror-like. We added a jump scare at the end, as well as inter-titles to explain the narrative. We also edited some of the scenes to make it look like some of the footage has been taken from a CCTV camera. We now feel that our horror trailer is successful in what it is trying to sell. The genres that our horror trailer is trying to sell is a psychological/gory hybrid horror; a horror film that connotes the same genres is REC. It also now allows the audience to get a clear conception of the narrative through the added inter-titles

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