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Page 1: Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails - Miss · Epidermis 0Lipids – make your skin water proof and maintain proper
Page 2: Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails - Miss · Epidermis 0Lipids – make your skin water proof and maintain proper

Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails Chapter 13 Lesson 1

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Your Skin

0Largest organ of the human body

02 main layers

0Epidermis – thin outer layer – portion you see

0Dermis – thicker layer that is made up of connective tissue and contains blood vessels and nerves

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0Lipids – make your skin water proof and maintain proper balance of water

0Melanin – pigment that gives skin, hair, and iris of the eye color

0The more melanin = the darker the color

0Helps protect from UV rays

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0Composed of connective tissue, gives skin elastic qualities

0Sebaceous glands – secrete oily substance to prevent hair and skin from drying out

0Blood vessels supply cells with oxygen and nutrients and remove waste

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Skin Functions 0Protection

0 Pathogens and internal damage, barrier for bacteria and viruses

0Temperature control

0 Body temp rises = blood vessels dilate, sweat glands release perspiration, body temp drop = blood vessels constrict

0 Sensation

0 Nerve cells allow for feelings of pressure, pain, heat, and cold

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Keeping Skin Healthy 0Wash your face twice a day with mild soap and


0Daily washing helps remove and slow bacteria that causes body odor

0Avoid touching face with hands, major bacteria

0Pay attention to irritation and allergic reactions

0Follow balanced eating plan, vitamin A rich foods

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UV Protection 0 Suntan = damaged skin from UV rays

0Melanin production increased

0Prolonged exposure to UV rays can lead to skin cancer


0 Always wear sunscreen on exposed areas (15-30 minutes before going out in the sun)

0 Wear protective clothing (especially between 10am and 4 pm)

0 Wear sunglasses

0 Avoid tanning beds

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Piercings and Tattoos

0 Been around for millions of years, allows for self expression

0 Both are mostly permanent

0 Both are a risk because they use needles to break the skin barrier

0 Never attempt at home, always use clean needles

0 If oral piercing/tattooing, check with your dentist

0 Keep in mind that social impacts of piercings and tattoos is a possibility

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Skin Problems

0Acne – when pores in the skin are clogged, bacteria causes inflammation

0Warts – virus caused and normally on hands, feet, and face – direct contact from someone else’s wart

0Dermatitis or eczema – inflamed or scaly patch, usually allergic reaction

0Fungal infections – ringworm and athlete’s foot, spread from direct contact

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Skin Problems, cont

0Boils – hair follicles become infected, pus forms under skin, bursting/squeezing can cause spreading

0Vitiligo – loss of melanin, no pigment, burn very easily

0Moles – can develop melanoma (skin cancer), early detection is key

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Hair 0 Living cells in the epidermis produce new hairs to cause


0 Hair protects skin from UV rays

0 Eyelashes and eyebrows catch dust and other particles to protect eyes

0 Hair also prevents heat loss

0 Must have a well-balanced diet, proper cleaning, however harsh chemicals like dyes and bleaches can cause major damage

0 Heat from blow dryers, curling irons, and straighteners causes hair to become dry and brittle

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Hair Problems

0 Small amounts of oil produced in dermis keeps hair soft and shiny, too much or too little changes hair quality

0Dandruff –dead skin cells that are shed as sticky white flakes when scalp becomes too dry

0Head lice – small parasitic insects that live in the scalp and are fed by biting through skin in the scalp, spread by direct contact

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Your Nails 0Made of closely packed dead cells that contain


0Keep them trimmed evenly and clean (especially under, on the sides and in the cuticles)

0Trim toenails straight across and slightly above skin level to reduce risk of infection and ingrown toenails

0Keeping both hands and feet nails short reduces fungal infections

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Teeth and Mouth Ch 13 Lesson 2

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0Help break down food for easier digestion

0Form the shape and structure of your mouth

0Permanent teeth begin arriving at 5 years of age through adulthood

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Keeping Teeth/Mouth Healthy 0 Brushing and flossing is key

0 Bacteria and sugars break down enamel (outer covering)

0 Plaque – bacteria and other things that stick to the outside of a tooth, acid produced by bacteria can eat a hole in the tooth

0 Regular dentist visits

0 Eat well balanced diet with calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C

0 Reduce sugary drinks, or dark colored drinks

0 Brush after every meal, floss daily

0 Wear mouth guard

0 Avoid tobacco products

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Teeth/Mouth Problems

0 Halitosis – bad breath

0 Periodontal disease (gum disease) – inflamed gums due to tartar buildup

0 Gingivitis – early stage of periodontal disease, if not caught, causes major problems with bone and support tissue for teeth

0 Malocclusion – misalignment of upper and lower teeth

0 Impacted wisdom teeth – crowding and pushing on other teeth or infection

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Healthy Eyes and Ears Chapter 13 Lesson 3

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Eyes 0 Most sensory information received here first by light


0 Lacrimal gland - Secretes tears to prevent infection

0 Blinking helps keeps eyes moist

0 Consists of optic nerve and three layers 0 Sclera – outer layer, cornea – helps focus and understand


0 Choroid – middle layer, iris-colored portion

0 Retina – inner layer, rods and cones allow to see in dim or bright light

0 Optic nerve – reads the information from the retina and cornea to focus and see

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0 20/20 vision – images are most clear and sharp from retina

0 Nearsighted (myopia) – cannot see far

0 Farsighted (hyperopia) – cannot see near

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Protect Vision

0 Wear sunglasses and other protection

0 Rest your eyes

0 Get lots of vitamin A

0 Go see the eye doctor!

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0 Outer ear – visible called auricle, channels sound waves into canal to the eardrum

0 Middle ear – behind eardrum, connected to throat, pressure and buildup

0 Inner ear – passages that sound vibrations must travel through to form actual sound

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Protecting Ears

0 Earplugs

0 Appropriate cover or protection

0 Cleaning properly

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