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  • Figure 18.1Urinary Sysstem URINARY SYSTEM

    - Excretory System - composed of organs that excrete water and waste products in the form of urine

    ORGANS: 1. Kidneys 2. Ureter 3. Urinary Bladder 4. Urethra


    FUNCTIONS: 1. Excretion of unwanted

    substances i.e. waste products from cell metabolism, excess salts and toxins

    2. Maintenance of water balance 3. Regulation of acid-base balance 4. Production of hormones i.e.


  • Kidney - paired, reddish brown, retroperitoneal bean-shaped organ in superior lumbar region - extends from vertebral levels T12 superiorly and L3 inferiorly

  • Structures related to the anterior surface of each kidney.

  • Structures related to the posterior surface of each kidney.

  • Kidney


    1. Renal capsule

    2. perirenal fat (perinephric fat)

    3. renal fascia (gerotas fascia)

    4. Pararenal (paranephric fat)

  • 2 parts:

    1. cortex - outer

    2. medulla


    - contains tubes that

    collect urine

    - these form a number of

    cone shaped structures

    called renal pyramids

    - in between the pyramids

    are the renal columns of


  • - The tips of the

    pyramids are

    surrounded by cup

    like structures

    collecting urine

    called minor calyces

    - 2 or 3 minor calyces

    would unite to form

    the major calyces

    - The major calyces

    unite to form the

    Renal Pelvis

  • Nephron - Structural and functional unit of the kidney

    - 1 million nephron each kidney

    Consists of the ff:

    A. Renal(Malphigian) Corpuscle

    1. glomerulus

    2. Bowmans capsule

    B. Tubules

    1. Proximal convoluted tubule

    2. Loop of Henle(descending/ascending)

    3. Distal convoluted tubule

    4. Collecting tubules

  • Figure 18.4

  • Ureter

    - 10 inches long muscular tube

    - 3 anatomical constrictions:

    1. at the uretero-pelvic junction

    2. where iliac vessels cross the ureter

    3. where it joins the urinary bladder

  • Urinary bladder

    Hollow muscular organ

    Wall consist of detrussor muscle

    Inner- trigone occupied by

    ureteral orifices

    and urethral orifice

  • Apex and Base 3 surfaces: 1 Superior and 2 infero-lateral

    Surfaces and base are triangular in outline, slightly convex and separated by blunt borders

    The base and infero-lateral surfaces meet at the neck and is continous with the urethra

    Parts of Urinary Bladder

  • Male Urethra

    1. Male 20 cm - both sperm and

    urine passes

    a. prostatic

    - widest, most dilatable

    b. membranous

    - traverses urogenital

    diaphragm, shortest

    and least dilatable

    c. penile

    - longest, traverses

    corpus spongiosum

  • Female Urethra

    - tubes extending from

    bladder to the outside

    - Female urethra

    - About 4 cm long

    - Urethral opening is

    located in front of

    vaginal opening in the



  • Thank you!

    Henedina Eva Casis-Barilea MD;DTM&H; FPSA Associate Professor 1

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