Please tick the box to continue:

I. Fill in the blanks: (½ x 10 = 5)
1. The term ‘Computer’ is derived from the word ‘compute’ which means to ____________________.
2. Charles Babbage invented _______________________in 1822 and______________________________ in1833.
3. _________________________developed the first automatic sequence-controlled calculator, the Mark I.
4. The second-generation computers used __________________________________ in circuitry.
5. ________________________________________ is the world’s fastest Super computer.
6. The scratch stage is _____________________ pixels wide and ___________________________pixels high.
7. The x value of the stage can range from _________________________________________________________
8. The top right corner of the stage coordinates are x: 240 and y: _______________________________
9. The 'change color effect by' block is in the ____________________________________ block palette.
10. The position of a sprite can be set on the stage by changing the value of
________________________and ______________________coordinates.
II. State whether true or false: (½ x 6= 3)
1. Param is a Mini computer
2. The first mechanical device is Pascaline.
3. Magnetic disks were used for the external storage in
third and fourth generation computers.
4. The when ( ) key pressed block is in Motion block menu.
5. The y value of the scratch stage ranges from +240 to -240.
6. You can perform actions on the sprite using keyboard keys.
III. Expand the following abbreviations: (½x 4 = 2)
4. I.C
1. Herman Hollerith - Numeric and text data
2. UNIVAC I - Control block palette
3. Fifth generation - Sensing block palette
4. Conditional blocks - Tabulating Machine
5. ask ( ) and wait - Vertical location
6. Y value - Optical Fibre
V. Name the following: (1x5=5)
1. First counting device - ______________________________________________________________________
2. First Programmer - _____________________________________________________________________
VI. Answer the following:
1. Suma inserted a sprite on stage which was big in size. Which button should she use to reduce
the size of the sprite so that it fits properly on the stage? (1)
2. Madhav is learning Scratch for the first time. Help him by explaining the use of ‘if on edge,
bounce’ block? (1)
3. Rama is working in a satellite control agency. He uses a computer to communicate with the
satellite. Which may be the type of computer he uses for this purpose? (1)
4. Write any four units of the Analytical Engine? (2)
1. Calculate ½
3. Howard Aiken ½
8. 180 ½
9. Looks ½
1. F ½
2. T ½
3. T ½
4. F ½
5. F ½
6. T ½
a) Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer. ½
b) Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer. ½
c) Universal Automatic Computer. ½
d) Integrated Circuit. ½
IV. Match the following:
b) UNIVAC I - Numeric and text data. ½
c) Fifth generation - Optical fibre. ½
d) Conditional blocks - Control block palette ½
e) ask ( ) and wait - Sensing block palette. ½
f) Y value - Vertical location. ½
V. Name the following:
VI. Answer the following:
Super computer 1
if, if else, forever if etc 2
Salma was the only class 5 student in her school with just two candles on her birthday cake. She liked
to tell people that her younger brother was eight years old and her younger sister was five, just to see
the confused looks on their faces. They would scratch their heads and wonder how it was possible.
She would also say things like "I was three years old before I had my first birthday."
Some children would ask her what she meant. She enjoyed explaining things to them.
" I was born on 29th February 1996," she would say. "That's a leap year day. The next leap year didn't
come until 2000, so that was my first birthday." She explained that a leap year has 366 days instead
of 365 days. A leap year is any year that can be evenly divided by four.
When an actual birthday came around, it was a very important occasion . She had a birthday every
year, ofcourse, but had to do it either on 28 February or 1st March. Neither of those days felt like her
real birthday. But every four years she got to celebrate on the actual birthday. And this was one of
those years.
Salma planned a big party in her garden. There would be plenty of room there to play leapfrog.
A-1. Complete these sentences with information from the passage. (½ x 4= 2)
A-1.a. Salma was the only class 5 student with ____________________________ birthday cake.
A-1.b. She used to confuse her classmates when she would say that ______________________________.
A-1.c. A leap year has _______________________________days. It comes every ________ years.
A-1.d. Salma celebrated her actual birthday on _________________________________ .
A-2 Answer the following questions briefly. (5x1=5)
A-2.a. Why did Salma say that she was 3 years old before her first birthday?
A-2.b. What is a leap year?
A-2.c. When did Salma celebrate her birthday every year?
A-2.d. Why was Salma's actual birthday an important occasion?
A-2.e. How did she celebrate that day?
A-3. Pick out words from the passage which mean the same as the following words:
(½ x 2=1)
a. puzzled - b. real -
A- 4. Read the following poem and answer as instructed.
The Little Elf
Down where the lilies blow,
I asked him why he was so small,
And why he didn't grow.
He slightly frowned, and with his eye
He looked me through and through -
'I' m just as big for me', said he,
'As you are big for you!'
John K Bangs
A-4 (continued) Write (frame/make) questions for the following answers. Write ONLY the
questions. (1x4=4)
A4.b. What did the poet ask the elfman?
A4.c. How do we know that the elfman was not happy to be asked that question?
A4.d. Can all things be of the same size?
A-4.e. Write another word which has a similar meaning to 'through and through'.
Write your own sentence using 'through and through'. (½x2= 1)
A-4. f. What are the rhyming words in this poem? (1x2= 2)
B-1 Write a notice announcing the start of a Beautify Kochi project where students can donate plants
especially tree-saplings to be used for gifting them to security-job holders to adopt a tree by planting
it for shade. The project will kick off with the planting of flowering bushes, trees and plants around
the Choice school campus itself, on Children’s Day, on the 14th November 2019. Students can come
with their donations to the Gardening Center on campus and planting will start at 3,30 p.m.
Write the notice as written by you who is the president of the Eco-Club, so put your signature & name
as the person writing the notice.Of Course the school is Choice School or any other school that you
wish to name. (7)
B-2 Choose 1 of the following: (8)
B-2.a. It is your first day at a residential summer camp away from home, at a hill station. Write a
diary entry of about seven to eight sentences, on how your first day at the summer camp was.
B-2.b. Describe in seven to eight interesting sentences about some of the things that happen in Kochi,
when there are heavy rains.
SECTION C - Grammar
Q.1 Fill in the blanks by choosing the most suitable subject or predicate from the below given
list. (1x3 = 3)
1.c. Mother _________________________________.
Q. 2. Circle the subjects and underline the predicates in the following sentences: (1x2 =2)
2.a. Lightning flashed across the sky.
2.b. The school bus is yellow.
Q. 3. The articles in the following sentences are missing. Rewrite the sentences by filling in a, an or
the, in the correct places in the following sentences.
3.a. Man was riding down road on bicycle. Bicycle was red and blue and man was wearing violet
shirt. (1x6 =6)
Q. 4. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb which agrees with the subject of
each sentence. (1x4= 4)
4.a. There are / is two excellent reasons for his choice.
4.b. Each student was/were excited to go on a trip.
4.c. Neither he nor his friends has/ have come yet.
4-d The people was/were enjoying the feast.
4-e She along with her parents is/has arrived.
Section D - Literature
Q-A. Answer the following questions briefly: (1x5= 5)
A-1. What according to the child speaker do the flowers do when they hear the wind making the
sound of bagpipes?
A-2. What happens in the underground school that the flowers attend?
A-3. After Uncle Ken went to his room to sleep why did he rush out screaming?
A-4. Why was Papaya's journey inside the basket uncomfortable?
A-5. Describe what was used by Robin Hood and John Little to see who could shoot an arrow better?
Q-B. Read these lines from the text and answer the questions
B-1. "I can't believe my eyes! From today I'll do whatever you say."
B-1.a. Who said these words to whom? (1)
B-1.b. What could the speaker not believe? (1)
B-1.c Why did the speaker say that he would do whatever Robin Hood told him to do? (1)
B-2. "The fault must partly have been in me.
The bird was not to blame for his key. "
B-2.a. Name the poem and its poet. (1)
B-2.b. What does the poet think is his fault? (1)
B-2.c What are the rhyming words in the above lines? (1)
B-3. Choose the correct meaning from the words given in brackets: (1x2 =2)
a. Minor - __________________________.
( Soft-spoken, Person who works in the coal mines, Small and not important. )
b. Knick-knacks - _____________________________
C. Answer the given question in 50 to 60 words:
C.1 Do you think the poet in the poem ‘Minor bird’ is right in thinking that it is his fault? Why?
A1. Complete the following sentences with information from the passage.
A1.a. Two candles on her birthday cake.
A1 b. Her younger brother was eight years old and younger sister was 5.
A 1.c. 366 days instead of 365 days.
A1 d. 29 February
A2 Answer the following questions briefly.
A2. a. Salma was born in 1996 and the next leap year after that was the year 2000. So she was 3 years old before her first birthday on February 29th, 2000.
A2.b. A leap year has 366 days instead of 365 days. A leap year is a year that can be evenly divided by 4.
A2.c. Every year that was not a leap year Salma celebrated her birthday on the 28th of February or 1st March.
A2.d. Salma's actual birthday was an important occasion as she got to celebrate it only once every fourth year.
A2. e. She celebrated by having a big party in her garden where there was plenty of room to play leapfrog.
A-3a. Puzzled - confused
A-3b. Real - actual
A4 Poem Comprehension
A4.b. What did the poet ask the elfman?
A4.c. How do we know that the elfman was not happy to be asked that question?
A4.d. Can all things be of the same size?
A4.e meaning of through and through = completely
A4.f rhyming words: blow-grow, through - you
Section B - Writing
B1 and B2 a or b - Free Response :Format, Content & expression, Grammar, Spelling, Topic- relevance
Section - C - Grammar
Q-1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most suitable subject or predicate from the below given list:
1a. checked my vision
1c. cooks delicious food
Q2. Circle the subject and underline the predicate in the following sentences:
2a. subject = lightning, predicate = flashed across the sky.
2.b. Subject = the school bus, predicate = is yellow.
Q-3. The articles in the following sentences are missing. Rewrite the sentences by filling in, a,........... correct places in the following sentences.
3-a. A, the, a. The, the, a
Q-4. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb which agrees with the subject of each sentence.
4a. are, 4b was, 4C have, 4d were, 4e has
Section- D Literature
Q.A. Answer the following questions briefly:
A-1 When the flowers hear the wind sounding like bagpipes, they rush out and dance on the grass.
A-2 In the underground school that the flowers attend they do their lessons behind closed doors.
A-3 Uncle Ken rushed out screaming because he felt something soft and furry running about inside his clothes.
A-4. Papaya's journey inside the basket was uncomfortable because she could feel the basket when it bumped, was jolted, was set down roughly and carried to and fro. She could not see anything outside the basket.
A-5. Robin Hood's bow and arrows and a cross made by Robin Hood out of two small twigs and placed on a tree for them to shoot at.
B-1.a. John Little said these words to Robinhood.
B-1.b The speaker could not believe that Robin Hood's arrow had hit his(the speaker's) arrow and split it through the center.
B-1.c Robin Hood had invited the speaker to join his band. The speaker replied that if Robin Hood could shoot an arrow better than himself then he would do whatever he was told.
B-2.a. The poem is A Minor Bird and its poet is Robert Frost.
B-2.b. The poet thinks his fault is that he cannot bear the bird's song and wants to silence it.
B-2.c me - key
B-3.b. Knick-knacks - Small decorative objects
All questions are to be answered
I. Lisez le texte et répondez aux questions Read and answer the questions
Bonjour…Je m’appelle Richa. Je suis une fille.
J’ai six ans. J’habite à Paris.
Je parle français. Je suis française.
J’ai une pomme et un gâteau.
Répondez (Answer) (1X3 = 3) 1. Elle s’appelle comment? 2. Elle a quel âge? 3. Où habite-t-elle?
Dites vrai ou faux (True or False) (1 X3 = 3) 1. Richa est française. 2. Elle parle English. 3. Elle a deux pomme.
Complétez avec un mot du texte Complete te with a word from the text (1 x 4 = 4) 1. Richa est une ________. 2. Elle a ______ gâteau. 3. Elle a _______ pomme. 4. Elle parle ___________
II. Identifiez les images - Identify the pictures (1/2x5=2.5 marks)
1) 2)
3) 4)
III. Remplissez les Blancs (Fill in the blancs) (1x5 = 5)
a. M_ _ A M _ b. _U _ _ V O _ R c. _ E _ _ L _ d. S A _ _ T e. _ O N _ _ U T
IV. Retrouvez les salutations et marquez-les: (1 x 6= 6) Find the greetings
V. Complétez la conversation - Complete the dialogue (5 x 1 = 5)
Anne: ___________! Comment _________________? Brigitte: ça va: ________________. Et toi ? Anne : _____________, merci. Au revoir ! Brigitte : ____________________ !
VI. Chassez l’intrus (find the intruder) (1/2 x 3 = 1.5) a. Stylo, chocolat, robe, gâteau b. fille, garcon, disque, étudiant c. Monsieur, madame, mademoiselle, matin
VII : Préparez la carte d’identité de VOTRE PÈRE (copy the box into Answer paper)
(5 x 1= 5)
Numéro de téléphone :
VIII Présentez-vous en 5 lignes (ntroduce yourself in 5 lines) (5)
IX. Comptez les objets et écrivez le mot et le nombre: Count the objects and name them and write their numbers (1 x10= 10)
1) ________ _________ 2) _______ _________
Look at the pictures and name them
1. 2.
3. 4.
XI. Calculez (Calcul): (1/2 x 10 = 5) 1) 16 + 38 = _________
________ Plus ______ égal _________
3) _______ + 66 = 90
I. Lisez le texte et répondez aux questions Read and answer the questions
Bonjour…Je m’appelle Richa.
Je suis une fille. J’ai six ans.
J’habite à Paris. Je parle français. Je suis française.
J’ai une pomme et un gâteau.
Répondez (Answer) (1X3 = 3) 4. Elle s’appelle RICHA 5. Elle a six ans 6. Où habite à Paris
Dites vrai ou faux (True or False) (1 X3 = 3) 4. Richa est française. - VRAI 5. Elle parle English. - FAUX 6. Elle a deux pommes. - FAUX
Complétez avec un mot du texte Complete te with a word from the text (1 x 4 = 4) 5. Richa est une fille 6. Elle a un gâteau. 7. Elle a une pomme. 8. Elle parle Français
II. Identifiez les images - Identify the pictures (1/2x5=2.5) 2) Uniforme 3) Maïs 4) Nid 5) Fleurs 6) Voiture
III. Remplissez les Blancs (Fill in the blancs) (1x5 = 5) f. MADAME g. AU REVOIR h. DESOLE i. SALUT j. BONNE NUIT
V. Retrouvez les salutations et marquez-les: (1 x 6= 6) Find the greetings
1. A bientôt 2. Bonjour 3. A demain 4. Au revoir 5. Salut 6. Merci
V. Complétez la conversation - Complete the dialogue (5 x 1 = 5)
Anne: Bonjour ! Comment ca va? Brigitte: ça va:bien, Et toi ? Anne : ca va bien merci. Au revoir ! Brigitte : aurevoir ! VI. Chassez l’intrus (find the intruder) (1/2 x 3 = 1.5)
d. Stylo, chocolat, robe, gâteau e. fille, garcon, disque, étudiant f. Monsieur, madame, mademoiselle, matin
VII : Préparez la carte d’identité de VOTRE PÈRE (copy the box into Answer paper)
(5 x 1= 5 marks)
VIII Présentez-vous en 5 lignes (ntroduce yourself in 5 lines) (5)
Je m’appelle xxxx Je suis indien J’ai 9 ans Je suis élève Je suis un garçon / une fille
XI. Comptez les objets et écrivez le mot et le nombre: Count the objects and name them
and write their numbers (1 x10= 10)
1) crayons quatorze 2) enfants Trois
3) Papillons Vingt-cinq
Nom: Family name
Prénom: Given name
Numéro de téléphone :
4) dauphin Deux 5) Maison une XII. Regardez les images et nommez-les (1x5 = 5)
Look at the pictures and name them
1.Notre Dame 2. La Tour Eiffel
3.Le drapeau Francais 4. Du Fromage
5. Tour de France
XI. Calculez (Calcul): (1/2 x 10 = 5) 4) 16 + 38 = 54
seize Plus Trente Huit égal Cinquante quatre
5) 85 - 55 = 30 Quatre vingt cinq Moins Cinquante cinq égal trente
6) 24 + 66 = 90

1. : (5)
| |
| | ,
i. ?
ii. ?
iii. ?
iv. ?
v. |
2. - (5)
– ,
| |
| – |
i. ?
ii. ?
iii. ?
iv. ?
v. -

2. – (4)
i. | |
ii. |
iii. |
iv. ||
i. _____________ |
ii. ____________ |
iii. ___________ |
iv. ___________ |
v. ____________ | ____________ |
4. – (4)
5. , – ( 4 )
i) |
ii) |
iii) I
iv) |
6. : (3)
i) |
ii) |
iii) - |

4. – (4)
i. , - ?
ii. “ ” ?
iii. ?
iv. ?
5. – (3)
i. ?

ii. “ “ ?

iii. ?

6. – (3)
........................................ |
7. – (8)
i. ?
ii. ?
iii. ?
iv. - ?

1. | | (4)
2. – (5 ) (4)


3. : (5)
vi. |
vii. |
viii. |
ix. |
x. | |
4. - (5)
i. |
ii. |
iii. |
iii. |
iv. – – |

7. - (4)
– + + + + + + + – + + + + + +
– + + + + + - + + +
8. – (4)
v. , -
vi. , - –
vii. - , -
viii. -
9. ,,, – (3)

11. , – ( 4 )

iv. -
ii. |
iii. |

– , - ,
– , –
9. – (2)
x x
x x
10. – (2)
- , , - ,
11. – (3)
13. – (3)
- , |
, |
- , ?
, |
14. – (6)

ii. |

3. | | (4)
4. – (5 ) (4)

I . 4
. , . . . . . . . .

1. ?
2. ?
3 ?
II 2
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2 . 3. 4 .
IV 3
1. 2. 3.
V 3
1. 2. 3.
VI 2
1. -
1. 2.
IX 2
1. 2.
XI 4
3. + 4. +
1. 2.
3. 4.
4. ?
5. ?
2. .
XV 2
1. ,. .
2. .
B. 9
1. ?
2. ?
3. ? ?
I 4
. , . . . . . . . .

1. ?
2. ?

3 ?

II 2
1. =
2. =
1. x
2 . X
3. x
4 . x
IV 3
1. - .
3. – ,
1. – ,
2. – ,
1. -
1. -
2. –
1. - -
2. -
IX 2
X 2
1. - 2. –
XI 4
2. + -
3. + –
4. + –
1. - +
3. – +
4. - +


4. ?

5. ?


2. .

XV 2
1. ,.
2. .



B. 9
( refer note book for answers)
1. ?
2. ?
3. ? ?
1. 4
a. :
2. 4
a. - (One Person is seeing , Two Persons are seeing , Many are seeing)
b. - (One Person is swimming, Two Persons are swimming, Many are swimming)
c. - (One Person is eating , Two Persons are eating , Many are eating)
d. : - (One Person is studying , Two Persons are studying , Many are studying)
3. 3
a. - Sitting
b. - Running
c. - Dancing
d. - Bowing
e. - Drinking
a. + + + + +
b. + + + + + +
c. + + + + + +
d. + + + + + +
6. 4
(: , , , , , )
a. .......... : |
( , : , )
a. : : ..........?
b. .......... |
c. : : .......|
d. ......... |
a. |
a. ........ .........
b. ....... .........
c. ...... : ..........
a. |
b. : |
c. |
12. 2
13. ? 2
14. - 4
a. ?
b. : ?
d. : ?
15. - 5
a. :
16. 4
a. :
2. 4
a. - (One Person is seeing , Two Persons are seeing , Many are seeing)
b. - (One Person is swimming, Two Persons are swimming, Many are swimming)
c. - (One Person is eating , Two Persons are eating , Many are eating)
d. : - (One Person is studying , Two Persons are studying , Many are studying)
3. 3
a. - Giving
b. - Bowing
c. - Drinking
d. - Dancing
e. - Sitting
a. = ++++++
b. =++++
c. = ++++
d. = ++++
5. 4
a. + + + + + =
b. + + + + + + =
c. + + + + + + =
d. + + + + + + =
6. 4
a. = to drink
d. = to sing
(: , , , , , )
a. .......... : |
8. – 4
( , : , )
a. |
a. :
b. :
c. :
a. : |
b. |
c. : |
12. = , , : 2
13. ? = ,,, 2
14. - 4
a. |
b. : |
c. : |
15. - 5
text book
text book 4
i) Four Crore Forty Thousand Forty, is written as ------------- .
i) The smallest 5 digit number formed using the digits 0, 7, 8, 1 is --------- fgdgtgbtytyhy-111100
ii) iiHCF of 5 and 3 is --------
iii) the largest prime number between 1 and 100
iv) The predecessor of 81000 is --------
Choose the correct answer (1 x 5 = 5)
i) ----- crore = 30 million
a) 8 b)1 c) 4 d) 2
iii) Roman Numeral for 1000 is------
a. M b. D c. L d. C
iv) Measure of ABC is -
a. 120 b.40 c 140 d.135
Vertex of this angle is - a. A b. C c. B d. < BAC
Questions 3-12 carry 2 marks each (2x8=16)
1. Round off a) 8964 to the nearest1000 b) 4613 to the nearest 100
2. Put commas and Write the given number in the Indian and International system –
4. What should be subtracted from 76891 get 11999?
5. Compare using >, < , =
ii) 7, 05,890 --- 7, 00,000 + 50,000 + 800 + 90
6. Find the value of LIV + XIX
7. Find the number of boxes required to pack 144 marbles with 12 marbles in each box.
8. Find the product: 96825 X 69
Questions 13-22 carry 3 marks each (3x6=18)
9. Draw angles and write its type: i) ABC = 120 0 ii) JKL = 75 0
10. Measure the following angles using your protector:
a. <LMN = b. <PQR =
11. Divide and check your answer : 50360 ÷ 43
12. A shopkeeper bought a refrigerator for Rs.12, 000 and sold it for Rs.13, 510. Find her profit
or loss.
13. If a student have 5 subjects and he gets respectively 70,80,50,60 and 55 marks in each subject. Then find average.
14. Identify line , line segment and ray from the following figure
Questions 23-27carry 4 marks each (4x4=16)
15. Find the HCF of 120 and 75 using common division method
16. Check the divisibility of 121396 by 4, 9.
17. Identify the types of angles in each case:
18. a) Shreya is arranging 76 books on shelves with 8 books on a shelf. How many shelves will
be full? How many will be on the shelf that is not full?
a) How many times 50 is 2500?
1. Fill in the blanks
i) i) Four Crore Forty Thousand Forty, is written as 4, 00, 40,040 .
ii) The smallest 5 digit number formed using the digits 0, 7, 8, 1 is 10,078
iii) HCF of 5 and 3 is 1
iv) 97 the largest prime number between 1 and 100
v) The predecessor of 81000 is - 80999
2. Choose the correct answer (1 x 5 = 5)
i) 3 crore = 30 million
a. 3 b. 30 c. 3000 d. 13
ii) Average of 2, 3, 5,and 6 is - 4
a) 8 b)1 c) 4 d) 2
iii) Roman Numeral for 1000 is M
a. M b. D c. L d. C
iv) Measure of ABC is - c) 140
a. 120 b.40 c 140 d.135
Vertex of this angle is - a. A b. C c. B d. < BAC
Ans. A
Questions 3-12 carry 2 marks each (2x8=16)
3. Round off Ans) a) 8964 to the nearest1000 = 9000 (1 mark) b) 4613 to the nearest 100 =4600 (1 mark)
4. Put commas and Write the given number in the Indian and International system – 117832010
a. 117,832,010 ( ¼ mark)- one hundred seventeen million eight hundred thirty two
thousand ten( ¾ mark)
b. 11,78,32,010 ( ¼ mark)- eleven crore seventy eight lakh thirty two thousand ten
( ¾ mark)
5. Check whether 6394 is divisible by 6
6394 – Ends with 4 even number, so divisible by 2 (¾ mark)
6394 - Sum of the digits 6+3+9+4 = 4 (not divisible by 3) (¾ mark)
Not divisible by both 2 and 3, so not divisible by 6. (½ mark)
6. What should be subtracted from 76891 get 11999?
76891 –? = 11999 (1 mark)
7. Compare using >, < , =
ii) 7, 05,890 < 7, 00,000 + 50,000 + 800 + 90 (1 mark)
8. Find the value of LIV + XIX = 54 +19 (1 mark)
= 73 LXXIII (1 mark)
9. Find the number of boxes required to pack 144 marbles with 12 marbles in each box.
Number of marbles to be packed = 144 (¼ mark)
Number of marbles in each box = 12 (¼ mark)
Number of boxes required to pack 144 marbles = 144 ÷12 (1 mark)
Proper division (½ mark)
(1mark) Ans: 6,680,925 (1mark)
Questions 13-22 carry 3 marks each (3x 6=18)
11. Draw angles and write its type: i) ABC = 120 0 ii) JKL = 75 0
Obtuse angle
(Construction of angle 1 mark + type ½ marks)
12. Measure the following angles using your protector: (1 ½ mark each)
c. <LMN =60 degree b. <PQR = 120 degree
13. Divide and check your answer :
( 2 mark)
Verification: 1171 x 43 + 7 = 50353 + 7 = 50360. (1 mark)
14. A shopkeeper bought a refrigerator for Rs.12, 000 and sold it for Rs.13, 510. Find her profit
or loss.
Selling price =Rs.13, 510
Profit=Rs.1, 510 (1 mark)
15. If a student have 5 subjects and he gets respectively 70,80,50,60 and 55 marks in each
subject. Then find average.
Ans) Average = sum of the total subject number of total subject( 1 mark)
Sum of total number is=70+60+50+80+55=315(1 mark)
Average = 315÷5 =63 (1 mark)
16. Identify line , line segment and ray from the following figure
(i) line: (1 mark)
(iii) ray: , , ( 1 mark)
Questions 23-27carry 4 marks each (4x4=16)
17. Find the HCF of 120 and 75 using division method
(2 + 2 ) ( 2+ 2)
18. Check the divisibility of 121396 by 4, 9. Ans)
(i) The number formed by the last two digits should be divisible by 4 in order for the given number to be a multiple of 4. The last 2 digits is 96 here. 96 is a multiple of 4 (1mark) and hence 121396 is divisible by 4.(1mark)
(ii) For a number to be divisible by 9, the sum of all the digits of the number should be divisible by 9. Here, the sum of all the digits = 1+2+1+3+9+6 = 22. 22 is not divisible by 9(1mark) and hence the 121396 is not divisible by 9. (1mark)
19. Identify the types of angles in each case: ( 1 mark each)
Ans) Obtuse angle b) straight angle c) Acute angle d) Right angle
20. a) Shreya is arranging 76 books on shelves with 8 books on a shelf. How many shelves will
be full? How many will be on the shelf that is not full? Ans) Total no. of books = 76 Total books per shelf = 8
(Number Statements 1 mark) Shelves occupied by 8 books = 76÷8 (1 mark) = 9 shelves Number of books in the shelf not full = 4 books (1 mark)
a) How many times 50 is 2500? (1 mark)
Ans) 2500÷50=50
I. Choose the most appropriate answer:- (1 x 5 =5)
1. Underground stems of __________ have buds from which new plants grow.
a. potato b. carrot c. rose d. jasmine
2. Which of these is considered to be the largest habitat in the world?
a. ocean b. forest c. desert d. freshwater
3. Which nutrient is rich in milk and milk products?
a. carbohydrates b. protein c. fat d. dietary fibre
4. The disease that can be avoided by eating citrus fruits and tomatoes
a. scurvy b. anaemia c. night blindness d. goitre
5. Which of the following objects cannot form a shadow?
a) pencil b) clear glass c) bag d) notebook
II. Fill in the blanks:- (1 x 5 = 5)
1. Ferns produce ________ on their leaves which grow into new plant.
2. Strawberry plant is a ___________ that has horizontal stem that grows near the
3. ________ have long legs to wade through water.
4. ________ is defined as a state of complete physical and mental well being.
5. The color of the shadow is always ________________.
III. Give Two examples for each of the following:- (1 x 5 = 5)
1. Seeds that have two cotyledons.
2. Animals with body covered by scales.
3. Translucent materials.
4. Animals that have their forelimbs modified into flippers to help them swim
5. Two micro nutrients in our daily diet.
IV. Give One word for the following:- (1 x 5 = 5)
1. The practice of growing crops on a large scale in fields.
2. The pigment that gives red color to our blood.
3. A substance containing a very small amount of a dead or weakened germ given to
people to prevent them from getting that disease.
4. A condition that causes an inability to see in poor light or at night.
5. Features and habits of an organism which help them to survive in their habitat.
V. Identify the organism and the breathing organs suited to their habitats: -
(1 x 3 = 3)
VI. State whether the following statements are True or False:- (1 x 5 = 5)
1. Dispersal of seeds avoid overcrowding of plants in one place.
2. In onion, new plants can be grown from the stem.
3. None of the birds migrate during the winter season.
4. The size of the shadow of an object is always the same
5. Virus and fungi cause non communicable diseases.
VII. Give reason:- (1 x 5 = 5)
1. Pesticides are sprayed on plants.
2. Salmon fish migrate from seas to rivers.
3. Frogs have webbed feet.
4. Camels have thick broad feet.
5. Though roughage is the undigested portion of the plant food, it has to be included
in our diet.
VIII. Define the following:- (Answer in One sentence) (1 x 6 = 6)
1. Blubber
2. Migration
2. Rabi crops and kharif crops
3. Carbohydrates and proteins
4. Gills and spiracles
6. Micro nutrients and macro nutrients
X. Answer the questions in detail:- (3 x 3 = 9)
1. Draw a neat diagram of a seed and label any two parts.
SCIENCE - Answer Key
I. Choose the most appropriate answer: (1 x 5 =5) 1. potato 2. ocean 3. protein 4. scurvy 5. clear glass II. Fill in the blanks:- (1 x 5 = 5) 1. spores 2. runner 3. cranes 4. health 5. dark III. Give Two examples for each of the following:- (1 x 5 = 5) (any two - 1/2 mark each) 1. peas, pulses, beans, nuts 2. crocodile, lizard, fish 3. colored glass, frosted glass, butter paper 4. penguin, seal 5. vitamins, minerals (accept if any particular names given) IV. Give One word for the following:- (1 x 5 = 5) 1. agriculture 2. haemoglobin 3. vaccine 4. night blindness 5. adaptation
V. Identify the organisms and the breathing organs suited to their habitats. (1 x 3 = 3)
1. 2.
(1/2) + (1/2) (1/2)
man - lungs
(1/2) + (1/2)
VI. State whether the following statements are True or False:- (1 x 5 = 5)
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
VII. Give Reason:- (any one reason) (1 x 5 = 5)
1. to kill the pests and insects/ to protect the crops
2. to lay eggs
4. to walk easily in loose sand
5. add bulk to the diet/ to keep the digestive system healthy and clean
VIII. Define the following :- ( Answer in one sentence) (1 x 6 = 6)
1. a thick layer of fat under the skin of polar animals to keep them warm.
2. Movement of animals in large groups from one place to another in search of food and warmth.
3. A diet that has all the components of food in adequate amounts.
4. It is a state where the body or mind is not in a healthy condition.
5. Components of food that give strength and help the body to grow.
6. The process in which a new plant grows from a seed.
IX. Differentiate between the following:- (2 x 6 = 12)
1. wind dispersed seed - light, hairy/wings attached, to be carried away by wind (1)
Seed dispersal by explosion - seeds inside a pod or bean, when matured, with sunlight or wind
or touch cause the pod to explode and disperse the seeds (1)
2. Kharif - monsoon crops cultivated between June and October (1)
Rabi - winter crops cultivated between November and April (1)
3. Carbohydrates - gives instant energy for all our daily activities. rice, wheat, potato, sugar etc (1)
protein - helps in growth and repair, building muscles. beans, pulses, fish, eggs etc (1)
(Examples not necessary)
4. Gills - the breathing organs present in fish that lives in water (1)
Spiracles - breathing organs present in insects on the sides of the body to help them breathe (1)
5. Stem cutting - a portion of stem with a bud is cut and planted in soil to
make it grow in to a new plant. (1)
Grafting - scion attached to stock of another plant to grow in to a new one. (1)
6. Micro nutrients - nutrients that are needed in less amount, like, vitamins
and minerals. (1)
Macro nutrients - Nutrients that are needed more from our food for the
body like carbohydrates, proteins, fats etc. (1)
X. Answer the following in detail: - (3 x 3 = 9)
1. Neat diagram of a seed (1)
Two parts labeled (1 mark each)
2. Use towels to cover the mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing (1)
Wash your hands before and after eating (1)
Keep the surroundings neat and clean / maintain personal hygiene (1)
3. Aquatic animals like fish use fins and tails to move. Mammals like whales &
dolphins have their fore limbs modified to flippers to help them swim (1).
Eg: fish, whales, dolphins etc (1/2)
Insects have six legs and some of them have wings to fly. (1)
eg:- spiders, butterfly, mosquito etc (1/2)
Time: 2Hrs. SOCIAL SCIENCE Marks :60
I. FILL IN THE BLANKS (½×5=2½) 1) DRC has world’s largest deposits of ----------. 2) As we go up on a mountain, it becomes -------. 3) If north is at the top in a map, West is to the ---------. 4) The most well-known tribe of DRC is ---------. 5) The heat zone within which equator lies is -------.
II. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER FROM THE OPTIONS GIVEN IN BRACKETS. (½×5=2½) 1) Which of these zones receive maximum heat from the Sun?
(a. Tropical zone, b. Frigid zone, c. Temperate zone, d. all of these) 2) Which of these maps will have maximum errors
(a. Map of your house, b. map of your school, c. map of the World, d. map of your neighbourhood)
3) The second longest river in Africa. (a. Nile, b. Congo, c. Zambezi, d. Niger.)
4) The climate of a place is affected by (a. Distance from the Equator, b. humidity, c. height above sea level, d. all of these. )
5) Other than tropical rainforests, DRC also has (a. grasslands, b. deserts , c. snow covered lands, d. Salt water lakes)
III. STATE WHETHER THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE OR FALSE (½×5=2½) 1) Different types of maps are drawn to study different things. 2) There are high mountains in the western edges of DRC. 3) The air in deserts has low humidity. 4) DRC exports most of its minerals. 5) Usually maps are drawn with “W” at the top.
IV. MATCH THE FOLLOWING(½×5=2½) 1) DRC --- Blue 2) Climatic Zone --- Colour 3) P.O. --- Torrid zone 4) Water bodies --- Post Office 5) Element of a Map --- Temperature Zone
V. NAME THE FOLLOWING (1×5=5) 1) The condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time. 2) The country which ruled DRC till 1960 3) The heat zone farthest from the Equator 4) The capital of Democratic Republic of Congo. 5) The insect which causes sleeping sickness.
VI. DEFINE THE FOLLOWING. (1×5=5) 1) Scale of the Map 2) Tribe 3) Savanna 4) Cartography 5) Humidity
VII. DRAW THE SYMBOL FOR THE FOLLOWING (1×5=5) 1. River 2. Sea route 3. Capital of a country 4. Post Office 5. Other roads
VIII. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING (2×3=6) 1) Atlas and Map 2) Savanna and Tropical rainforests 3) Frigid Zone and Temperate Zone
IX. GIVE REASON (2×3=6) 1) DRC is considered to be one of the wettest regions in the world? 2) A map of the Earth will have errors in the shape and size of places shown in the map. 3) Areas near the equator receive more heat from the Sun,than those near the poles
X. ANSWER BRIEFLY (1×6=6) 1) What was DRC known as a} before 1971 b}between 1971 and 1997? 2) Which part of DRC has the savanna type of vegetation? 3) Name four animals found in tropical rainforests. 4) Name the winds which make Delhi very hot during summer. 5) What do you understand by the term ‘symbol’? 6) Which standard colours are used for representing mountains and plains in a map?
XI. ANSWER IN DETAIL 1) What is Torrid Zone? Describe its general climate 2 2) What kind of climate does DRC have? 2 3) List out any two types of Map and explain its use. 2 4) How do winds affect the climate of a place? 2 5) How is direction usually shown in maps? 2 6) Describe the way pygmies live? 2 7) How is the humidity in Chennai different from that of Jaisalmer in Thar desert? 2
1. Cobalt
2. Cooler
3. Left
4. Pygmies
1. a. Tropical zone
3. b. Congo
5. a. Grasslands
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
1. Torrid Zone
2. Temperature Zone
3. Post Office
1. The ratio between distances on a map to the actual distance on the ground.
2. A large group of people who live inthe same area and share a common language, religion
and customs.
3. A large flat area of grassland with scattered trees, found in warm parts of the world.
4. The science of making maps
5. The amount of watervapour in the air.
1. ATLAS- A book of maps
MAP- A representation of the Earth drawn on a flat surface
2. SAVANNA- A large flat area of grassland with scattered trees,
found in warm parts of the world.
3. FRIGID ZONE- The areas between Arctic Circle and North Pole in the Northern
Hemisphere ,and between Antarctic Circle and South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere.
Receive very little heat from the Sun. They are very cold and large parts are covered
with snow throughout the year.
TEMPERATE ZONE-The areas that lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic
Circle in the Northern Hemisphere , and the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antartic Circle
in the Southern Hemisphere , are called the Temperate Zones . This region has a very
mild climate-neither hot nor very cold
1. In DRC the evaporation of water due to the high temperature during the day makes
humidity very high. This causes the clouds to build up by the afternoon, and rain comes
down about 4 : pm. this happens almost every day, making the region one of the wettest
in the world.
2. The larger the area covered by a map, the more will be the errors in it. A map of your
neighbourhood can be drawn accurately, as it covers small area. But a map of India or a
map of the world will have errors because they cover very large areas.
3. The rays of the sun are direct or vertical at the equator and slanting at the poles. The
slanting rays have to heat up a larger area of the Earth’s surface than the direct rays
that fall on the Equator. Hence places near the Equator get heated more than places
near the poles.
Between 1971-1997 - Zaire
3. Elephants, Buffaloes, Gorillas and Rhinoceros.( any four
4. Hot winds from the Thar desert.
5. A shape or sign that is used to represent something.
6. Mountains- Brown
1. The area on both sides of the equator , between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of
Capricorn , is called the Torrid zone or Tropical Zone . 1
The word torrid means extremely hot . As it lies near the equator , this zone receives
maximum heat . It is hot throughout the year . 1
2. Climate of DRC is hot throughout the year, Rapid evaporation of water leads to high
level of humidity, causes clouds to build up and heavy rain occur by afternoon .Summer
is hot and wet, the winter is cool and dry 2
3. Political Maps- Maps showing boundaries of the countries and states, and the important
cities, Known as political maps. 1
Physical Maps-Maps showing natural features of the land such as mountains, rivers and
plains known as physical maps. 1
4. Winds tend to blow in particular directions in different parts of the world. They may be
hot,cool, or full of moisture, depending on where they come from. 1
For example the monsoon winds from Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea bring rain to large
parts of India 1
5. There are four cardinal directions- north, south, east and west. Usually maps are drawn
with north at the top. 1
If north is at the top, then south is at the bottom, east is to the right and west is to the
left. 1
6. They live in camps which they occupy only for few weeks. Then they move to a new
place. ½
They get food by hunting animals and gathering plant foods.
Since the climate is hot and humid the tribal people do not wear many clothes.
But on special occasions they wear colourful costumes. ½
They enjoy singing, dancing and telling stories. ( any four points) ½
7. Chennai is in the coastal region where evaporation is high and humidity
is also high 1
whereas in Jaisalmer humidity is low due to low rate of evaporation 1
XII. Diagram 3

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