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Glenn Watkins


Personal Profile

Foundation ChapterManagement Chapter

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© Copyright 1992-2012 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved. www.insights.com

Personal Details

Glenn Watkins

Chairman NW London

[email protected]


18 Newman Street





07714 246509

Date Completed 07/07/2012

Date Printed 09/07/2012

Insights Learning and Development Ltd.Jack Martin Way, Claverhouse Business Park, Dundee, DD4 9FF, Scotland

Telephone: +44(0)1382 908050Fax: +44(0)1382 908051

E-mail: [email protected]

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Introduction 4

Overview 5Personal Style 5

Interacting with Others 5

Decision Making 6

Key Strengths & Weaknesses 7Strengths 7

Possible Weaknesses 8

Value to the Team 9

Communication 10Effective Communications 10

Barriers to Effective Communication 11

Possible Blind Spots 12

Opposite Type 13Communication with Glenn's Opposite Type 14

Suggestions for Development 15

Management 16Creating the Ideal Environment 16

Managing Glenn 17

Motivating Glenn 18

Management Style 19

The Insights Wheel 20

Insights Colour Dynamics 21

Jungian Preferences 22

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© Copyright 1992-2012 Andrew Lothian, Insights, Dundee, Scotland. All rights reserved. www.insights.com


This Insights Discovery profile is based on Glenn Watkins’s responses to the Insights

Preference Evaluator which was completed on 07/07/2012.

The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates

identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built

around the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.

This model was published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in

subsequent writings. Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as

the seminal work in understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands

of researchers to the present day.

Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for

self-understanding and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self,

both strengths and weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for

interaction and can help them to better respond to the demands of their environment.

Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It

reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or

delete any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends

to identify whether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you.

Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take

action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them

on areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth

personally and interpersonally.

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These statements provide a broad understanding of Glenn’s work style. Use this section to

gain a better understanding of his approaches to his activities, relationships and decisions.

Personal StyleGlenn wants to sample the best that life can offer. He has a sense of adventure and likes to

keep his spirits and expectations high. He helps the innovative process by regularly coming up

with ideas. He feels that work should be enjoyable, or it is probably not worth doing. His

obvious charm and enthusiasm tends to make him popular with friends and colleagues alike.

He prefers to be seen as rather sociable and may relish the occasional spotlight.

He usually has a theory that will explain everything. He may not necessarily prefer innovative

solutions over established ones but is adept at seeing situations from an unusual perspective.

As he puts as much energy into maintaining personal relationships than into maintaining tasks,

Glenn likes to keep a wide assortment of relationships alive and kicking. He has started many

interesting projects in his time, but has finished considerably fewer. He is inventive,

independent and can be extremely perceptive of the potential contained within the views of

others. He may lose interest and move on to the next thing, once a job becomes routine or dull.

If he is in charge of having to monitor the detailed work of others he may find this

uninteresting, stressful and exhausting. He can get bored and restless with his projects once the

major challenge has been solved, and he may well need to engage others to see things through

to completion. His speed of articulation may generate a few rough edges in conversation.

Glenn's interest, enthusiasm and energy levels are high. He will dismiss negatives, being eager

to accomplish the task. He flourishes in jobs where he can be of constant service or use his

talent to persuade.

Glenn is curious for new ideas and insights. He is bored by facts, details and repetitive

activities, especially those not relevant to his current areas of interest. He needs work that

makes use of his strongly creative drive. Routine work and administration is of little interest to

him, though unexplored and unexpected elements of a job often aren't considered work at all.

He is a good improviser who will go to great lengths to please others.

Work that is purely practical or work that leaves him on his own for long periods can make him

irritable. He will lose interest quickly and lack the self-discipline necessary to complete what

he has started unless the project can continue to excite his vision. He is versatile, clever,

enthusiastic, easy with people and full of ideas about everything under the sun. He is

accomplished at working with individuals and groups and can quickly find himself pushed into

a leadership role. His social gatherings are frequent and worth attending, particularly when they

mark important events.

Interacting with OthersGlenn is outgoing and makes things more fun for others by his pure and unreserved enjoyment

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of the moment. People see Glenn as enthusiastic, ingenious, imaginative and dynamic, with

highly developed interpersonal skills. Having a high need to be affirming of others and to

receive affirmation from others, he exhibits an infectious enthusiasm for living. He encourages

freedom and independence and is good at getting things done through other people when he

slows down and takes the time to delegate. He may become rather over-emotional when


He is noted for his innate ability to inspire and encourage others around him and exhibits

excellent interpersonal skills. He prefers creating a busy and exciting world around him. Some

events for him quickly turn into special occasions for everyone. Curious and alert, Glenn

prefers to understand rather than judge. He can be very vocal about social or people issues that

concern him and can often be seen as the underdog's “champion”.

Glenn's work style is down-to-earth, assertive and persuasive. Glenn exudes charismatic charm

and a natural ability to communicate well. He prefers to try to understand and relate to people's

views rather than be judgmental of them. He deals imaginatively with social relationships

which generate a large variety of acquaintances. He is a “networking” expert. He prefers

communicating verbally rather than through the written word.

Decision MakingOccasionally a non-conformist, Glenn is good at seeing new ways of doing things. Work that

uses his ideas to improve or start a project suits him, but once these ideas get off the ground he

prefers someone else to carry on with the details. He is a good, practical judge of character, and

tends to use intuition where both people and decisions are concerned. He has a tendency

towards making higher risk decisions. A born entrepreneur, he is alert to all the possibilities

and is fascinated by new ideas. He shows strong initiative and operates through creative


He may get bored quickly and tend to ignore significant detail in his desire to move on to more

exciting things. Glenn's many accomplishments are achieved mainly through determination and

perseverance in reaching or exceeding his high standards. His occasional failure to face up to

disagreeable facts can mean that problems are sometimes ignored rather than solutions sought.

Glenn's natural curiosity for new ideas will bring new and fresh ways of thinking to the group.

In decision-making he may prefer to apologise for exceeding his authority rather than getting

permission in the first place.

He may be thinking of so many things that his decisions may on occasions appear to be

ill-considered. He sees so many possibilities that he sometimes has difficulty selecting the best

activity or interest to pursue, or in keeping to the agreed track. Sometimes he makes poor

choices by getting involved with too many things at once. Carefully choosing where he will

focus his energy may help him avoid wasting his time and considerable talent. He should take

care not to take on too many commitments, and be sure to take time to see to the completion of

current work before starting a new project.

Personal Notes

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Key Strengths & Weaknesses

StrengthsThis section identifies the key strengths which Glenn brings to the organisation. Glenn has

abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of

the fundamental gifts he has to offer.

Glenn’s key strengths:

Able to turn vision into a reality.

Can act spontaneously.

His glass is usually half full.

Willing to be involved in most activities.

A visionary generating infectious enthusiasm.

Adaptable and adventurous.

Motivates others to “achieve the impossible”.

Strong sense of humour and fun.

Creative thinker and dynamic innovator.

Original inventive thinker.

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Key Strengths & Weaknesses

Possible WeaknessesJung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a

weakness is simply an overused strength. Glenn's responses to the Evaluator have suggested

these areas as possible weaknesses.

Glenn’s possible weaknesses:

May not dot all the “i”s and cross all the “t”s.

Can be perceived as manipulative or coercive.

Can come across as superficial or shallow.

Tasks can be left undone if something more interesting comes along.

Fails to recognise the finer nuances.

May not appreciate symptoms of underlying stress and anxiety.

Will experience difficulty in concentrating on one thing for long periods.

May become depressed if bored or forced to moderate tedious tasks.

Some of his ideas may be perceived as unrealistic.

Adopts a superficial approach, ignoring details.

Personal Notes

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Value to the Team

Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in

which they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which

Glenn brings, and make the most important items on the list available to other team members.

As a team member, Glenn:

Demonstrates leadership and involvement.

Provides charismatic leadership.

Is always ready to offer service to colleagues.

Is seen as a good team builder.

Responds well to immediate challenges.

Can generate fast results by prioritising well and taking action.

Has an awareness of the people issues in the world around him.

Has foresight and farsight.

Inspires with motivation, energy and direction.

Maintains and generates high team aspirations.

Personal Notes

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Effective CommunicationsCommunication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For

each person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section

identifies some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Glenn.

Identify the most important statements and make them available to colleagues.

Strategies for communicating with Glenn:

Appeal to his open style of decision making.

Use a casual, informal style of conversation.

Indulge in speculation and offer opinions readily.

Keep up a lively, but steady pace.

Be spontaneous and harmonious.

Generate inspiration by recalling past successes.

Be bright, be brief and be gone.

Engage in lively, animated, bright “chats”.

Confirm agreements in writing.

“Temper” his optimism with realism.

Do not obstruct opportunities for his development.

Maintain a positive and open stance.

Personal Notes

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Barriers to Effective CommunicationCertain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Glenn. Some of the things to

be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and

mutually acceptable communication strategies.

When communicating with Glenn, DO NOT:

Engage in laboriously long meetings.

Spend too much time discussing “what ifs”.

Forget to recognise him personally in a job well done.

Burden him with too many papers to read.

Criticise his ideas too harshly or personally.

Be addicted to rules and procedures.

Isolate him or disregard his involvement.

Overload him with facts, details and paperwork.

Talk with him using a low-key voice tone.

Be curt-lipped, sharp, prickly or abrasive.

Be surprised if he breaks the rules.

Shout, bully or threaten with position power.

Personal Notes

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Possible Blind Spots

Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who

we are onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect

our less conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed

“Blind Spots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware

and test them for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues.

Glenn’s possible Blind Spots:

Glenn has a strong active conscience and may not be prepared to even consider others' values

and opinions, particularly if they are not prepared to follow his lead. He has a hard time

separating his “persona” from the reality of who he is deep down, and may be unaware of, or

ignore stress signals until stopped in his tracks by a severe emotional experience. As he values

creativity and innovation, he sometimes ignores the standard way of doing something because

it lacks originality. He runs the risk of deciding too quickly and should first stop and listen to

the views of others before barging ahead. He may be seen by others as shallow or superficial

due in part to his glib way with words and his orientation with the future.

He may not wish to hear the objections of others because, to him, his own position usually

seems unquestionable. He may need to slow down to consider the feelings of others even if he

doesn't share them. He may adopt an “if you've got a headache take an aspirin” attitude, which

indicates a lack of empathy to some. Endowed with the gift of articulation, he is likely to feel

that he is competent in most areas. Glenn's biggest drawbacks are sometimes perceived by

others as arrogance, impatience and insensitivity to others' feelings.

He is seen to perform better when he reins in his boldness, energy and enjoyment of being in

control to a level where other people take priority. He may need to learn and apply time

management and long-range planning techniques to help him complete his projects. Under

pressure, he acts in a domineering way, but he needs to consciously stop and listen to others

before charging ahead with his own idea.

Personal Notes

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Opposite Type

The description in this section is based on Glenn's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often,

we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are

different to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for

personal growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness.

Recognising your Opposite Type:

Glenn’s opposite Insights type is the Coordinator, Jung’s “Introverted Sensing” type.

The Coordinator is a careful, cautious, conventional person who is diplomatic and sincere.

Coordinators tend to be very loyal, precise and disciplined with high standards and

expectations of self. Coordinators may appear to lack self-confidence and prefer to operate in a

structured and ordered manner, focusing on established guidelines rather than future


Glenn will often observe the Coordinator procrastinating on a decision until all of the facts and

details are available. Glenn may also see the Coordinator as a critical and ideological thinker

who will be quiet and reserved around strangers. Coordinators do not like stress or chaos and

tend to be rather private, requiring support and reassurance. They prefer to build close

relationships with small groups of people and like to retain the familiar and predictable. The

Coordinator becomes stubborn if pressured, particularly by Glenn!

Coordinators are concerned with what is “right” and, to Glenn, appear slow in decision

making. They prefer a steady-paced environment with little interpersonal aggression and they

tend to distrust outgoing people. They are motivated by schedule and order and are among the

most private of the Insights types. Glenn sees the Coordinator as ever concerned with

efficiency, becoming stressed when others do not stick to tightly laid down schedules and plans.

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Opposite Type

Communication with Glenn's Opposite TypeWritten specifically for Glenn, this section suggests some strategies he could use for effective

interaction with someone who is his opposite type on the Insights Wheel.

Glenn Watkins: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type:

Balance opportunities for reflection with gentle conversation or interaction.

Provide facts and figures.

Deal with “here and now” projects.

Appreciate his ability to amass a wide range of information.

Provide regular support and feedback - show interest.

Encourage him to be forthcoming with the information he has.

Glenn Watkins: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT:

Set tight deadlines or force him to make an immediate decision.

Ignore his authority for the sake of it.

Demand an instant reaction.

Comment on his personal appearance.

Exert unnecessary pressure.

Focus on his weaknesses or chastise him publicly.

Personal Notes

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Suggestions for Development

Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training.

However, listed below are some suggestions for Glenn’s development. Identify the most

important areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a

personal development plan.

Glenn may benefit from:

Solving problems more slowly and methodically.

Really listening to the views of others.

Becoming less intense, steadier and more reliable.

Reflecting for a moment before responding.

Taking life more seriously.

Finishing and reflecting on each book he reads before starting a new one.

Being left alone to work quietly.

Becoming less outspoken and empathetic.

Focusing more upon objective, measurable criteria.

Being seen as less concerned with money and status.

Personal Notes

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Creating the Ideal EnvironmentPeople are generally most effective when provided with an environment which suits their

preferences and style. It can be uncomfortable to work in an environment which does not.

This section should be used to ensure a close match between Glenn’s ideal environment and

his current one and to identify any possible frustrations.

Glenn’s Ideal Environment is one in which:

A flexible approach is taken to the specification of hours and days worked.

Decisions can be made quickly.

Regular feedback and encouragement is given.

He does not have to sit quietly in reflection for longish periods.

Modesty is not a pre-requisite.

He can turn a vision into reality.

Ideas are given genuine recognition and consideration.

Rules on time keeping and dress code are generally more relaxed.

Modern “executive toys” are available to satisfy playful and tactile interests.

Rules and regulations have not yet been invented!

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Managing GlennThis section identifies some of the most important strategies in managing Glenn. Some of these

needs can be met by Glenn himself and some may be met by his colleagues or management.

Go through this list to identify the most important current needs, and use it to build a personal

management plan.

Glenn needs:

To know clearly where the future prospects and opportunities lie.

Regular complements on dress, appearance and style.

To control the pace and deadlines.

Support in completing tasks he starts.

To become his own self, not just his achievements.

The opportunity to think aloud.

To understand systems and cultures if he is to avoid upsetting others.

Support for his style by providing back-up.

Compliments and admiration for work accomplishments.

Freedom from controls, supervision and details.

Personal Notes

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Motivating GlennIt has often been said that it is not possible to motivate anyone - only to provide the

environment in which they will motivate themselves. Here are some suggestions which can

help to provide motivation for Glenn. With his agreement, build the most important ones into

his Performance Management System and Key Result Areas for maximum motivation.

Glenn is motivated by:

Participation in lively arguments, debate and discussions.

Working towards targets, goals and objectives.

Rewards that reflect his immediate needs.

The chance to make a reputation for himself.

Authority to match his responsibilities.

Regular breaks from routine.

Acceptance, with co-operation that meets his ideal.

Ideals, visions and the big picture.

Freedom to articulate wild ideas.

Seeing the results of his efforts.

Personal Notes

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Management Style

There are many different approaches to management, most of which have different situational

applications. This section identifies Glenn’s natural management approach and offers clues to

his management style, highlighting both gifts and possible hindrances that can be further


In managing others, Glenn may tend to:

Appear superficial and rather flamboyant to some.

Expect that every challenge can be resolved by brainstorming.

Disregard certain opinions and ideas which differ from his own.

Project a high profile image of self and team.

Support a friendly, participative environment.

Prompt people who naturally work at a slower pace.

Be seen as manipulating the process when he sells the solution to the team.

Use “gut feel” effectively in processing information.

See drawbacks simply as challenges to overcome.

Show great pride in, and demand recognition for, his team.

Personal Notes

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The Insights Wheel

Glenn Watkins07/07/2012









































































141 104




















Conscious Wheel Position

25: Inspiring Motivator (Classic)

Personal (Less Conscious) Wheel Position

24: Directing Motivator (Classic)

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Insights Colour Dynamics

Glenn Watkins07/07/2012






1.56 26%


1.32 22%


5.44 91%


5.40 90%




Persona(Less Conscious)


0.56 9%


0.60 10%


4.44 74%


4.68 78%








(Conscious) (Less Conscious)

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Jungian Preferences

Glenn Watkins07/07/2012


Introversion (I) Extraversion (E)

100 1000

Rational (Judging) Functions:

Thinking (T) Feeling (F)

100 1000

Irrational (Perceiving) Functions:

Sensing (S) Intuition (N)

100 1000

(Conscious) (Less Conscious)

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