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Page 1: Getting Started with Jekyll for Static Sites

Getting Started with JekyllBrian Rinaldi@remotesynth

Page 2: Getting Started with Jekyll for Static Sites

A Little Bit About Me

4 Developer Programs Manager for Progress (aka Telerik)

4 Author of the Static Site Generators report (free from O'Reilly)

4 Co-author (with Raymond Camden) of the upcoming book "Working with Static Site Generators" (also from O'Reilly)

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Why Static?

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What's a Static Site Generator?

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There are 4371 to choose from!4 Jekyll (Ruby)

4 Middleman (Ruby)

4 Hugo (Go)

4 Hexo (JavaScript)

4 Pelican (Python)

1 Source -

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There are 437 to choose from!4 Wintersmith (JavaScript)

4 Metalsmith (JavaScript)

4 Harp (JavaScript)

4 DocPad (CoffeeScript)

4 Gatsby (JavaScript)

4 ...etc.

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Why Jekyll?

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Why Jekyll?4 Most mature

4 Biggest community

4 Good documentation

4 Broadest support

4 You (probably) don't need to know Ruby

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Getting Set UpPrerequisites

4 Ruby

4 RubyGems

4 Mac OS or Linux

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What?! No Windows?

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Getting Set UpOnce you have the prereqs...

gem install jekyll

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Creating a New Sitejekyll new teentitansgofansitecd teentitansgofansitejekyll serve

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Basic Configurationtitle: My Teen Titans Go! Fan Siteemail: [email protected]: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" Because I am a huge dork who thinks Teen Titans Go! is hilarious.baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blogurl: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your sitetwitter_username: remotesynthgithub_username: remotesynth # you can add any metadata you want

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Customizing Your SiteBy default Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language (with added filters/tags)

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Liquid Basics

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Output Data

Straight output of a Jekyll variable

<h2>{{ page.title }}</h2>

...or use a filter...

<p>Posted {{ | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }}</p>

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Include Another Template

Useful for breaking up template files...

{% include header.html %}

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{% if page.url == "/index.html" %}<!-- Banner --> <section id="banner"> <header> <h2>Explore the Land of Ooo...</h2> <p>...and its many kingdoms!</p> </header> </section>{% endif %}

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{% for post in site.posts limit:5 offset:2 %} <li> <span class="date">{{ | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }}</strong></span> <h3><a href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h3> <p>{{ post.excerpt }}</p> </li>{% endfor %}

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Adding Pages/Posts

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Adding Pages/PostsPages can be Markdown or HTML and can go anywhere in the site structure.

Posts can also be Markdown or HTML, but must go in _posts and follow a naming convention of YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.MARKUP. So...


^ Pages do not need a particular naming

Page 27: Getting Started with Jekyll for Static Sites YAML-formatted metadata at the start of a file.---layout: post # required for poststitle: "Raven is the best Teen Titan" # required for postsdate: 2015-10-03 11:00:00 # required for postscategories: titans charactersfamous_quote: "Azarath... Metrion... ZINTHOS!" # I can add whatever metdata I want---

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DataYAML, JSON or CSV data can be placed in the _data directory.

Accessed via[data_filename] variable.

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Deploymentjekyll build


4 Glynn

4 GitHub Pages

4 Netlify

4 So many other options...

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Jekyll Admin

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More Examples4 Static Site Samples

Same site built with 10+ engines

4 Getting Started with Jekyll (article)

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What Kinds of Sites Work as Static Sites?

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Win a MiP Robot!

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Win a MiP Robot!

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