Please tick the box to continue:

Page 1: Get excelsheet
Page 2: Get excelsheet
Page 3: Get excelsheet
Page 4: Get excelsheet

Click on Administrative tool

Page 5: Get excelsheet

Click Oc)n DataSource (ODB

Page 6: Get excelsheet
Page 7: Get excelsheet

Click on Add button

Page 8: Get excelsheet

Select MicrosoftExcel Driver (*.xls) from the Create new Data source dialog box, and click on Finish button

Page 9: Get excelsheet

Enter dsn name(ex: rajdsn)

Page 10: Get excelsheet

Selct workWork book button

• enter

Page 11: Get excelsheet

Click ok,ok,ok

Page 12: Get excelsheet

• /*step1: create the data in excel sheet, and save (same folder).• here i created: id, ename sal• click->start->control panel->select administrative tool and then Data Sources (ODBC), TO OPEN ODBC Data Source • Administrator dialog box• */

• import java.sql.*;•

• public class GetExcelSheet {

• public static void main(String args[])throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {

• Connection con=prepareConnection(); • Statement st=con.createStatement();• String query = "select * from [Sheet1$]";• ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(query);•

• System.out.println ("id\t ename\tsal:");• while ({• System.out.print (rs.getInt(1)+ "\t");• System.out.print(rs.getString("ename")+ "\t");• System.out.println (rs.getDouble("sal"));• }//while• }//main

Page 13: Get excelsheet

• public static Connection prepareConnection()throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {

• String driverClassName="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";• String url="jdbc:odbc:rajdsn";• Class.forName(driverClassName);• return DriverManager.getConnection(url);• }//prepareConnection• }//class• /*• D:\jdbc\prog\wed>javac

• D:\jdbc\prog\wed>set classpath=D:\softwares\MySQL\new\mysql-connector-java-5.1.1• 8-bin.jar;.;

• D:\jdbc\prog\wed>java GetExcelSheet• */

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