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Page 1: GCSE Vocabulary - AQA GCSE Spanish Higher Tier TextbookGCSE Vocabulary - AQA GCSE Spanish Higher Tier PLANS ¿Adónde vas a ir de vacaciones? = Where are you going to go on holiday?

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GCSE Vocabulary AQA GCSE Spanish Higher Tier


N. Jones

Page 2: GCSE Vocabulary - AQA GCSE Spanish Higher Tier TextbookGCSE Vocabulary - AQA GCSE Spanish Higher Tier PLANS ¿Adónde vas a ir de vacaciones? = Where are you going to go on holiday?

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Page 3: GCSE Vocabulary - AQA GCSE Spanish Higher Tier TextbookGCSE Vocabulary - AQA GCSE Spanish Higher Tier PLANS ¿Adónde vas a ir de vacaciones? = Where are you going to go on holiday?

GCSE Vocabulary - AQA GCSE Spanish Higher Tier PLANS ¿Adónde vas a ir de vacaciones? = Where are you going to go on holiday? ¿Cuándo vas a ir? = When are you going to go? ¿Cuánto tiempo vas a estar allí? = How long are you going to spend there? ¿Cómo vas a ir allí? = How are you going to get there? ¿Con quién vas a ir? = Who are you going to go with? ¿Dónde vas a quedarte? = Where are you going to stay? ¿Qué vas a hacer allí? = What are you going to do there? Voy a ir a …/en …/ con … = I am going to go to … / on … /with … Voy a quedarme en un hotel = I am going to stay in a hotel. Vamos a estar allí tres semanas = We are going to be there for three weeks. las vacaciones = holidays las vacaciones de verano = summer holidays las vacaciones de invierno = winter holidays las vacaciones de Navidad = Christmas holidays Semana Santa = Easter el Año Nuevo = New Year el Día de Reyes = King’s Day (Epithany) when children in Spain receive Christmas presents

Navidad = Christmas Nochebuena = Christmas Eve Nochevieja = New Year’s Eve una peregrinación = a pilgrimage hacer el Hajj = to perform Hajj el turismo = tourism estar de vacaciones = to be on holiday ir de vacaciones = to go on holiday la temporada alta = peak season la temporada baja = off-peak DESTINATION suelo ir a = I usually go to solemos ir a = we usually go to Me quedo en casa = I stay at home Voy a un camping = I go to a campsite ¿Vas a un pueblo? = Do you go to a village? Va al campo = She/He goes to the countryside Vamos a la costa = We go to the coast Vais a la playa = You (plural) go the beach Van a la montaña = They go to the mountains montañoso = mountainous Vamos a casa de mis abuelos = We go to my grandparents’ house EL extranjero = abroad un extranjero = a foreigner voy al extranjero = I am going abroad una ciudad = a city

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un lago = a lake el mar = the sea la arena = the sand un sitio = a place un lugar = a place Voy a … = I am going to … Voy al extranjero = I am going abroad América del Sur = South America América Latina = Latin America latinoamericano = Latin American sudamericano = South American Arabia Saudí = Saudi Arabia La Meca = Mecca Argentina = Argentina Australia = Australia Alemania = Germany Bangladés = Bangladesh Daca = Dhaka Chile = Chile Chipre = Cyprus Colombia = Colombia Cuba = Cuba el Emirato de Dubái = Dubai Escocia = Scotland Edimburgo = Edinburgh España = Spain Europa = Europe Francia = France Gales = Wales Gran Bretaña = Great Britain Grecia = Greece Inglaterra = England Londres = London Irlanda = Ireland la India = India la isla = the island Las Islas Británicas = the British Isles Las Islas Canarias = the Canary Islands Italia = Italy Los Estados Unidos = USA Marruecos = Morocco el Mediterráneo = the Mediterranean México = Mexico Nueva York = New York el país = the country Perú = Peru Portugal = Portugal Reino Unido = United Kingdom Turquía = Turkey

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con mis abuelos = with my grandparents con mi novio/a = with my boyfriend/ girlfriend con mi padrastro = with my stepfather con mi padres = with my parents con mi primos = with my cousins con mi mejor amigo/a = with my best friend pasé una semana allí = I spent a week there pasamos cinco días allí = we spent five days there un mes = a month quince días = a fortnight un par de semanas = a couple of weeks el fin de semana = the weekend el finde = the weekend (slang) un día festivo = a bank holiday THE SEASONS una estación = a season (also means “station”) la primavera = the spring el verano = the summer el otoño = the autumn el invierno = the winter MONTHS OF THE YEAR Nací en = I was born in … Naciste = You (sing.) were born Nació = He/She was born Nacieron = They were born los meses del año = the months of the year enero = January febrero = February marzo = March abril = April mayo = May junio = June julio = July agosto = August se(p)tiembre = September (you can spelt it with the P or without) octubre = October noviembre = November diciembre = December EXCLAMATIONS ¡Buen viaje! = Have a good trip! ¡Claro! = Of course! ¡Qué asco! = How disgusting! ¡Qué bien! = How good! ¡Qué divertido! = How much fun! ¡Qué (+ adjective)! = How (+ adjective)! ¡Qué aburrido! = How boring! ¡Qué (+ noun)! = What a (+ noun)!

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¡Qué pasada! = What a laugh! ¡Qué horror! = How horrible! ¡Qué (+ noun)! = what a (+ noun) ¡Qué lástima! = What a shame! ¡Qué pena! = What a shame! ¡Qué va! = No way! OPINIONS Prefiero pasar las vacaciones con … = I prefer to spend the holidays with … mis padres = my parents mis amigos = my friends porque es más divertido = because it ismore fun más fácil = easier, more easy menos fácil = less easy paso mucho tiempo con = I spend a lot of time with no paso mucho tiempo con = I do not spend a lot of time with hay más libertad = there is more freedom hay menos libertad = there is less freedom es más barato = it is cheaper es más caro = it is more expensive es más relajado = it is more relaxed no me gusta pasar tiempo con = I don’t like to spend time with me gusta pasar tiempo con = I like to spend time with me critican = they criticise me mis padres lo organizan todo = my parents organise everything ¿Qué tal las vacaciones? = How was the holiday? ¿Qué tal lo pasaste? = Did you have a good time? Lo pasé guay = I had a great time Lo pasé bomba = I had a brilliant time Lo pasé bien = I had a good time Lo pasé mal = I had a bad time Lo pasé fatal = I had an awful time ¡Fue superfantástico! = It was brilliant! ¡Fue emocionante! = It was exciting! Fue regular = It was OK ¡Fue fatal! = It was awful! ¡Fue muy aburrido! = It was very boring Ojalá = I hope Me aburre(n) = it/he/she (they) bores(s) me Me encanta(n) = I love Me fascina(n) = it/he/she (they) fascinate(s) me Me gusta(n) = I like Me chifla(n) = I like No me gusta(n) = I do not like Me da(n) igual = I don’t mind Me interesa(n) = It (They) interest(s) me No me interesa(n) nada = It (They) doesn’t / don’t interest me at all Me molesta(n) = it (they) annoy me Odio = I hate

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Detesto = I hate No aguanto = I can’t stand Estoy harto de = I am sick of, I am fed up of Me parece que = I think that Opino que = I think that Estoy de acuerdo = I agree No estoy de acuerdo con = I do not agree with apetecer = to fancy, feel like Me apetece = I fancy ….., I feel like Me apetece salir = I fancy going out, I feel like going out Yo creo que = I think that Yo pienso que = I think that es/son = is / are ¿Qué crees tú? = What do you think? ¿Qué piensas tú? = What do you think? ¡Qué va! = No way! ¿Estás loco/a? = Are you mad? Me gusta(n) = I like (literally = it pleases me) Te gusta(n) = You like (literally = it pleases you) Le gusta(n) = He/She likes (literally = it pleases him/her) Nos gusta(n) = We like (literally = it pleases us) Os gusta(n) = You (plural) like (literally = it pleases you) Les gusta(n) = They like (literally = it pleases them) CONJUCNTIONS a pesar de = despite, inspite of así que = so aun (si) = even (if) aunque = although como = as / like cuando = when incluso = even mientras (que) = while o/u = or (“o” changes to “u” before a word beginning with “O”/ “HO” e.g. trabajo u ocio = work or pleasure)

pero = but por eso = because of that, for that reason por lo tanto = therefore porque = because pues = so si = if sin embargo =however tal vez =perhaps también = also y/e = and (“y” changes to “e” before a word beginning with “i”/“Hi” e.g. Israel e Italia = Israel or Italy)

ya (que) = since, as

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CONNECTIVES además = furthermore aparte de = apart from claro que = of course dado que = given that es decir = that’s to say, that is por un lado/por otro lado = on the one hand / on the other por una parte/por otra parte = on the one hand / on the other sin duda = without doubt TRANSPORT el transporte = transport el transporte público = public transport Voy a pie = I go on foot Voy en coche = I go by car Vamos en autobús = we go by bus Fui en coche = I went by car Fuimos en bici = We went by bike en autobús = by bus en tren = by train en AVE = by high-speed train (AVE is the name of the Spanish high speed train) en tranvía = by tram en metro = by tube, underground en taxi = by taxi en moto = by motorbike en autocar = by coach en barco = by boat en camión = by lorry en ferry = by ferry en avión = by plane en globo = by balloon a pie = by foot andando = by foot, walking porque es … = because it is más rapido = faster más barato = cheaper es más ecológico que ….. = it is more environmentally friend than … más caro = more expensive muy estresante = very stressful más fácil = easier más interesante = more interesting más divertido = more exciting más relajado = it is more relaxed directo = direct hay grandes descuentos = there are big discounts el viaje fue = the journey was agradable = pleasant desagradable = unpleasant

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emocionante = exciting cómodo = comfortable incómodo = uncomfortable lento = slow práctico = practical rápido = fast relajante = relaxing ruidoso = noisy ecológico = environmentally friendly Odio volar = I hate flying Tengo miedo de volar = I am afraid of flying Tengo miedo de ir en avión = I am afraid of going by plane Tengo miedo de viajar por avión = I am afraid of travelling by plane Me mareo en el mar = I get seasick Me mareo en el avión = I get airsick Me mareo en el coche = I get carsick el destino = the destination el viaje = the journey viajar = to travel un viajero = a traveller un pasajero = a passenger ir = to go venir = to come visitar = to visit una visita = a visit un visitante = a visitor la vista = the view OTHER TRANSPORT VOCABULARY AIRPORT

la aduana = customs el aeropuerto = the airport el vuelo = the flight directo = direct una multa = a fine la hora de salida = the departure time la hora de regreso = the return time las salidas = departures las llegadas = arrivals un retraso = a delay salir = to go out/leave llegar = to arrive TRAIN

la estación = the station una estación de ferrocarril = railway station, train station la parada de autobús = the bus stop coger el tren = to catch the train perder el avión = to miss the plane

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el equipaje = the luggage una maleta = a suitcase la agencia de viajes = travel agency la taquilla = the ticket office libre = available disponible = available un billete de ida = a single ticket un billete de ida y vuelta = a return ticket de primera clase = 1st class de segunda clase = 2nd class (no) fumador = (non) smoking el andén = the platform el asiento = the seat la consigna = left luggage office la información = information la sala de espera = the waiting room el servicio = service los servicios = toilets la vía = the track (railway) CAR

un accidente = an accident un accidente de tráfico = a traffic accident el alquiler (de coches) = the hiring (of cars) una avería = a breakdown (car) averiado = broken down la autopista = the motorway un atasco = a traffic jam la calle = the street el camino = the road / the way un carnet = pass la carretera = the road un casco = a helmet el conductor = driver, motorist el cinturón de seguridad = the seat belt el conductor = driver; motorist el cruce = the crossroads el documento = the document el DNI = ID card (documento de identidad) la ficha = the form la gasolina = petrol la hora punta = the rush hour el límite de velocidad = speed limit el motor = the engine el parking = the car park la parada de autobuses = the bus stop el pasaporte = the passport un paso subterráneo = a subway un permiso de conducir = a driving license la pista = the track / the slope

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el plan = the project el plano = the map el regreso = the return la rueda = the wheel los semáforos = traffic lights una señal = a sign, signal un suplemento = a supplement la velocidad = speed BUS / COACH

el autobús = the bus el autocar = the coach un bonobús = a buss pass el conductor = driver; motorist la parada de autobuses = the bus stop ACCOMMODATION el alojamiento = accommodation ¿Dónde te alojaste? = Where did you stay? me alojé en = I stayed in me quedé en = I stayed in alojarse = to stay un hotel de cinco estrellas = a five star hotel un hotel de tres estrellas = a three star hotel un hotel en un rascacielos = a hotel in a skyscraper un hostal = a cheap hotel un hostal residencia = a guesthouse, boarding house una casa alquilada = a rented house en casa de un amigo = in a friend’s house en casa de mi tío = in my uncle’s house una caravana = a caravan un albergue juvenil = a youth hostel un camping = a campsite el campo = the countryside una tienda = tent / a shop un parador = a type of luxury hotel in Spain usually in old buildings like castles or monasteries una pensión = a guesthouse, boarding house un piso = a flat ¿Tiene habitaciones libres? = Have you got any rooms vacant? ¿Quiere hacer una reserva? = Do you want to make a reservation? ¿Hizo una reserva? = Did you book? ¿A qué nombre? = In what name? ¿Para cuántas personas / noches? = For how many people / nights? ¿Qué tipo de habitación desea? = What type of room do you want? ¿Tiene una habitación? = Do you have a room? ¿Para cuántas noches? = For how many nights? para una noche / dos noches/ una semana = for one night / 2 nights /one week sí, tenemos una. = Yes, we have one ¿Cuánto cuesta … ? = What does … cost?

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¿Hasta que hora se sirve el desayuno? = Until what time is breakfast served? ¿A qué hora cierra la recepción? = At what time does reception close? ¿Hasta que hora está abierto el bar? = Until what time is the bar open? ¿Se admiten perros? = Are dogs allowed? ¿Cuánto cuesta por persona por noche? = How much is it per night? ¿Hay ascensor? = Is there a lift? ¿A qué hora se sirve (el desayuno)? = At what time is breakfast served? ¿Me da la cuenta / las llaves? = Can you give me the bill / the keys? ¿Cómo quiere pagar? = How do you want to pay? ¿Quiere firmar aquí? = Would you sign here? una habitación = a bedroom una habitación individual = a single room una habitación sencilla = a single room una habitación doble = a twin room una habitación de tres camas = a room with with beds una cama de matrimonio = a double bed con baño = with a bath con ducha = with a shower con lavabo = with a sink con balcón = with balcony con pensión completa = with full board (ie. all meals) con media pensión = with half board con desayuno incluído = with breakfast included con gimnasio = with gym con aire acondicionado = with air conditioning vista al mar = sea view ¿Qué hay en el hotel? = What is there in the hotel? ¿Qué había en el hotel? = What was there in the hotel? el hotel tiene = the hotel has no tiene... ni... ni... = the hotel has neither ….. neither ….. el hotel tenía = the hotel had no tenía... ni... ni... = the hotel had neither ….. neither ….. en el hotel hay = in the hotel there is / there are en mi habitación hay = in my room there is / there are en el hotel había = in the holte there was / there were en mi habitación había = in my room there was / there were no había. . . . = there was not …. / there were not … tampoco había. . . = nor was there / nor were there … una terraza al sol = a sun terrace un bar = a bar un ascensor = a lift servicio de lavandería = laundry service servicio de peluquería = hairdressing service servicio de habitaciones = room service un comedor = a dining room calefacción central = central heating aire acondicionado = air conditioning una piscina exterior = an outdoor pool

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una piscina infinita = an infinity pool una piscina climatizada = a heated pool un gimnasio = a gym la recepción = reception un restaurante = a restaurant un spa = a spa una discoteca = a night club una sauna = a sauna una cafetería = a café una playa privada = a private beach conexión a internet = internet connection wifi gratis = free wifi reloj despertador con radio = radio alarm adaptador para iPod = iPod adaptor el hotel es... = the hotel is no es (muy)... = is not (very) el hotel era... = the hotel was no era (muy)... = was not (very) acogedor = welcoming antiguo = old nuevo = new cómodo = comfortable poco cómodo = uncomfortable incómodo = uncomfortable bonito = pretty feo = ugly caro = expensive barato = cheap moderno = modern animado = lively tranquilo = quiet, calm lujoso = luxurious limpio = clean ruidoso = noisy sucio = dirty cerca de la playa / del centro = near the beach / centre muy lejos de la playa / del centro = very far from the beach / centre COMPLAINTS quejarse = to complain me quejo = I complain me quejé = I complained una queja = a complaint había = There was / There were hay = There is / There are no había = There was no / There were no no hay = There is no / There are no papel higiénico = toilet paper

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CAMPING un camping = a campsite instalaciones limpias = clean facilities hay poca sombra = there’s little shade una insolación = sun stroke una reserva = a reservation un saco de dormir = a sleeping bag el sitio = space, room una sombrilla = a sunshade, parasol me gusta quedarme en = I like to stay in … porque eres independiente = because you are independent si tuviera mucho dinero = if I had lots of money me gustaría quedarme en = l'd like to stay in porque puedo descansar = because I can rest odio quedarme en (un albergue juvenil) = I hate staying in (a youth hostel) porque hay que cocinar /arreglar = because you have to cook/tidy up lo bueno de quedarse en (un hotel) es que...

= the good thing about staying in (a hotel) is that... lo malo de quedarse en (un hotel) es que...

= the bad thing about staying in (a hotel) is that... me encantaría ir a = I would love to go to me gustaría ir a = I would like to go to si tuviero mucho dinero, iría a ... = if I had lots of money I would go sería = it would be podría = I could EATING OUT el ambiente = atmosphere la carta = menu en castellano = in Spanish en español = in Spanish una cuchara = a spoon un cuchillo = a knife la cuenta = the bill de primero = first course de segundo = second course delicioso = delicious una hamburguesería = hamburger restaurant una heladería = ice cream parlour incluido = included el menú del día = set menu el menú turístico = the tourist menu nada más = nothing else un plato combinado = a mixed grill un plato = a dish / a meal el postre = the dessert una propina = a tip el tenedor = the fork tráigame … = Bring me ….., Can I have …..

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PAYMENT un cheque de viaje = a traveller’s cheque una tarjeta de crédito = a credit card ¿Cuánto es? = How much is it? ¿Cuánto cuesta? = How much does it cost? ¿Cuánto cuestan? = How much do they cost? ¿Cuánto vale? = How much does it cost? ¿Cuánto valen? = How much do they cost? una moneda = a coin una moneda de dos euros = a two euro coin un billete = a note un billete de veinte euros = a 20€ note una propina = a tip DESCRIPTIONS -ísimo = on the end of an adjective this means “very” buenísimo = very good malísimo = very bad muy = very bastante = quite más = more menos = less aun más = even more aun menos = even less poco = un-, not poco gracioso = not funny poco interesante = uninteresting, not interesting un poco = a bit un poco más = a bit more aburrido = boring aceptable = acceptable afortunado = fortunate agradable = nice, pleasant antiguo = old apropiado = appropriate, suitable asqueroso = disgusting barato = cheap bonito = pretty bueno = nice, good buenísimo = very good caro = expensive decepcionado = disappointed decepcionante = disappointing desagradable = horrible, unpleasant diferente = different difícil = difficult distinto = different divertido = fun duro = hard económico = cheap

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emocionante = exciting encantador = delightful entretenido = entertaining especial = special espléndido = splendid, great estupendo = great estúpido = stupid excelente = excellent extraordinario = extraordinary, amazing fácil = easy famoso = famous fantástico = fantastic fascinante = fascinating fatal = awful favorable = favourable, in favour favorito = favourite fenomenal = phenomenal, great feo = ugly favorito = favourite genial = great guay = brilliant guay del Paraguay = really brilliant hermoso = handsome, beautiful horroroso = horrific, awful ideal = ideal importante = important imposible = impossible impresionante = impressive increíble = incredible inseguro = unsure / insecure interesante = interesting inútil = useless, not useful mal = bad / ill / badly malo = bad maravilloso = marvellous mejor = better / best moderno = modern negativo = negative nuevo = new peor = worse pesado = annoying perfecto = perfect posible = possible positivo = positive precioso = beautiful, gorgeous, lovely preferido = favourite profundo = deep raro = strange regular = average / regular ridículo = ridiculous un rollo = a bore

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seguro = sure /safe sencillo = simple, easy sorprendido = surprised tedioso = tedious, dull típico = typical / traditional tonto = stupid triste = sad tranquilo = quiet único = unique / only útil = useful viejo = old COMPARISON más ….. que …. = more … than …. menos…. que …. = less ….. than …. tan ….. como ….. = as …… as ….. tanto/a(s) ….. como …. = as much / many …. as …… mejor = better peor = worse muy = very bastante = quite demasiado = too / too much FREQUENCY a diario = daily diariamente = daily cada día = each day a menudo = often aproximadamente = approximately, roughly a veces = sometimes algunas veces = sometimes ahora = now ahora mismo = right now al mismo tiempo = at the same time anoche = last night antes = before ayer = yesterday anteayer = the day before yesterday cada (x) días/ horas = every (x) days casi = almost de momento = at the moment de nuevo = again de repente = suddenly de vez en cuando = from time to time dentro de (x) (horas) = in (x) (hours) desde = from desde hace = since después = after el día siguiente = the following day la semana siguiente = the following week el año siguiente = the following year

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durante = during en ese/este momento = at that / this moment en seguida = immediately inmediatamente = immediately entonces = then esta noche = tonight el fin de semana = the weekend frecuente = frequent generalmente = generally hace (+ time) = (time) ago hoy = today lento = slow mañana = tomorrow normalmente = normally nunca = never casi nunca = almost never otra vez = again permanente = permanent pocas veces = few times, not often raramente = rarely, not often el pasado = the past pasado = last el año pasado = last year pasado mañana = the day after tomorrow por año, etc. = per year, etc por fin = at last, finally por lo general = generally generalmente = generally pronto = soon rápido = fast un rato = a while reciente(mente) = recent(ly) siempre = always siguiente = next, coming el mes siguiente = next month, the coming month próximo = next el mes próximo = next month solamente = only sólo = only solo/a = alone (without the accent “solo” means “alone”) tiempo = time mucho tiempo = a lot of time tarde = late LA tarde = THE afternoon / evening temprano = early todas las (semanas) = every (week) todavía = still todos los (días) = every (day) últimamente = recently una vez = once (one time) dos veces … etc = twice (two times, etc)

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NEGATIVES nunca = never jamás = never ya no = no longer nadie = no one, nobody nada = nothing ni …. ni …. = neither ….. nor ….. ningún(o)/a/os/as = none, not any no tengo ningún dinero = I do not have any money no tengo ningunos amigos = I do not have any friends (ningún / ninguna / ningunos / ningunas – this changes to agree with whatever the word describes)

PREPOSITIONS a = to / at con = with de = of / from en = in / on hacia = towards hasta = until para = for / in order to por = for / by según = according to sin = without QUESTIONS WORDS ¿Adónde? = Where to? ¿Cómo? = How? ¿Cuál(es)? = Which? ¿Cuándo? = When? ¿Cuánto? = How much / many? ¿Cuántos …? = How much / many? (plural) ¿De dónde? = From where? Where from? ¿De quién? = Who from? From whom? ¿Dónde? = Where? ¿Por dónde? = ¿Por qué? = Why? ¿Qué? = What? ¿Quién? = Who? When you want someone to repeat something, you should say ¿Cómo? rather than ¿Qué? – this is more polite. ACTIVITIES una corrida = a bullfight una costumbre = a custom, habit la cultura = culture los deportes acuáticos = watersports los deportes de invierno = winter sports el esquí = skiin g la oficina de turismo = the tourist office un parque temático = a theme park la plaza de toros = the bullring

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un torero = a bullfighter el turismo = tourism un/a turista = tourist turístico = touristy, popular with tourists VERBS acoger = to welcome acompañar = to accompany agradecer = to appreciate, be grateful aguantar = to tolerate, put up with ahorrar = to save (money) aprender a (esquiar) = to learn to (ski) aumentar = to increase arruinar = to ruin alojarse = to stay (to accommodate yourself) aparcar el coche = to park the car bañarse = to swim broncearse = to tan, sunbathe bucear = to snorkel buscar = to look for cambiar = to change caminar = to walk comenzar = to begin comprar recuerdos = to buy souvenirs conducir = to drive conocer = to know, be acquainted continuar = to continue cruzar = to cross decepcionar = to disappoint decidir = to decide dejar = to leave descansar = to relax decidir = to decide detener(se) = to stop describir = to describe disfrutar = to enjoy doblar (a la izuierda) = to turn (to the left) encontrarse = to meet elegir = to choose, select escoger = to choose, select esperar = to wait estropear estropear = to ruin, spoil empezar = to begin esquiar = to ski estar de vacaciones = to be on holiday estar en paro = to be unemployed evitar = to avoid explorar (lugares nuevos) = to explore (new places) funcionar = to work, function gastar = to spend (money) pasar = to spend (time)

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hacer camping = to go camping hacer deporte / turismo = to do sport / to go sightseeing hacer transbordo = to transfer, change flight informarse = to find out (to inform yourself) ir al extranjero = to go abroad ir de excursión = to go on a trip ir de vacaciones = to go on holiday llegar = to arrive llevar = to take / to wear organizar = to organise parar = to stop pasear = to go for a walk dar un paseo = to go for a walk pedir = to ask for perder = to lose / to miss ponerse moreno/a = to get a tan quedarse = to stay quejarse = to complain recomendar = to recommend recordar = to remember reservar = to reserve sacar = to get out, take out sacar fotos = to take photos seguir = to follow sentir(se) = to feel sentirse deprimido/a = to feel depressed me siento = I feel tardar = to take time torcer = to turn traer = to bring viajar = to travel volver = to return regresar = to return quejarse = to complain tener suerte = to be lucky (lit. to have luck) tener ganas = to feel like … tengo ganas de salir = I feel like going out tener prisa = to be in a hurry (to have haste) tomar el sol = to sunbathe venir = to come ver = to see / to watch visitar = to visit EXPRESSIONS OF TIME TIME OF DAY por la mañana = in the morning mañana = tomorrow por la tarde = in the afternoon / evening tarde = late / afternoon, evening por la noche = at the night en la madrugada = in the early morning, the small hours

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la hora = the time / the hour media hora = half an hour medianoche = midnight mediodía = midday a la una = at one o’clock a las dos = at two o’clock a las tres = at three o’clock menos/y … = quarter to / quarter past menos cuarto = quarter to un minuto = a minute un segundo = a second y cuarto = quarter past y media = half past THE WEATHER el clima = the climate el tiempo = the weather el pronóstico = the forecast ¿Qué tiempo hace? = What is the weather like? llueve = it is raining, it rains nieva = it is snowing, it snows Hace calor = The weather is hot Hace frío = The weather is cold Hace sol = The weather is sunny Hace buen tiempo = The weather is good Hace mal tiempo = The weather is bad Hace viento = It is windy Hace fresco = It is chilly Hay tormenta = There is a storm Hay nieve = There is snow Hay lluvia = There is rain Hay niebla = There is fog Hay nubes = There are clouds Hay chubascos = There are showers Hay relámpago = There is lightening Hay trueno = There is thunder Hay temperaturas de … = There are temperatures of … Está despejado = It is clear / There are no clouds El cielo está despejado = the sky is clear Está nublado = It is cloudy Está nuboso = It is cloudy Tengo calor = I am hot (literally it means = I have heat) Tengo frío = I am cold (literally it means = I have cold) Va a llover = it is going to rain Va a nevar = it is going to snow Va a helar = it is going to freeze Va a hacer frío = it is going to be cold

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Va a haber tormenta = there is going to be a storm Va a estar nuboso = it is going to be cloudy Lloverá = it will rain Nevará = it will snow Helará = it will freeze Hará buen tiempo = It will be nice weather Hará sol = it will be sunny Hará calor = it will be hot Hará frío = it will be cold Hará mal tiempo = it will be bad weather Hará viento = it will be windy Habrá tormenta = there will be a storm Habrá niebla = there will be fog Hacía buen tiempo = It was nice weather Hacía sol = it was sunny Hacía calor = it was hot Hacía frío = it was cold Hacía mal tiempo = it was bad weather Hacía viento = it was windy Había tormenta = there was a storm Había niebla = there was fog Hay = there is / there are Había = there was / there were Habrá = there will be caliente = hot (adjective – when describing food / drink) caluroso = hot (adjective – when describing weather) estable = stable el grado = degree (temperature) el hielo = ice húmedo = damp seco = dry la sombra = the shade templado = mild, warm tormentoso = stormy helar = to freeze mojar(se) = to get (oneself) wet LOCATION AND DISTANCE a un paso (de) = a fews steps away from abajo (de) = below adelante afuera (de) = outside of ahí = over there aislado = isolated

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al aire libre = in the open air al final (de) = at the end of allá = over there allí = there alrededor (de) = around aquí = here arriba (de) = above atrás = behind céntrico = central el centro = the centre cerca (de) = near contra = against debajo (de) = under delante (de) = opposite dentro (de) = in, inside a la derecha de = to the right of todo derecho = straight ahead detrás (de) = behind la dirección = direction / address la distancia = the distance en/por todas partes = everywhere en las afueras = in the outskirts encima (de) = on top (of) enfrente (de) = in front (of) entre = between el este = the east el exterior = the outside al fondo = in the background en el fondo = in the background fuera (de) = outside (of) el interior = the inside a la izquierda = to the left el kilómetro = the kilometre al lado (de) = to the side (of), next (to) lejos (de) = far (from) el lugar = the place en el medio (de) = in the middle (of) un metro = a metre el norte = the north el oeste = the west un sitio = place el sur = the south todo recto = straight on estar situado = to be situated, to be found encontrarse = to be situated se encuentra en = it is situated in estar a (x) kilómetros de = to be (x) kilometres from estar a (x) minutos de = to be (x) minutes from

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SOUVENIRS un abanico = a fan (the sort you use to cool down) una cámara = a camera unas castañuelas = castanets una crema solar = sun cream la especialidad = the speciality el flamenco = flamenco (dance / music in southern Spain) un folleto = a leaflet una foto(grafía) = a photo(graph) un guía = guide (person) una guía = guidebook la lista (de precios) = the (price) list UN mapa (NOT una) = a map una máquina de fotos = a camera uan postal = a postcard un recuerdo = souvenir una tienda = tent un toro = a bull una tradición = a tradition tradicional = traditional un vaso = a glass

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SER = TO BE soy = I am eres = you are es = he/she is somos = we are sois = you (plural) are son = they are

SER (TO BE) Used with nouns e.g. soy profesor + with adjective to indicate something permament

ESTAR (TO BE) Used with adjectives to indicate something that is the result of something or not permanent

ESTAR = TO BE estoy = I am estás = you are está = he/she is estamos = we are estáis = you (plural) are están = they are

DEBER debo = I must debes = you must debe = he/she must debemos = we must debéis = you (plural) must deben = they must

QUERER (to want) quiero = I want quieres = you want quiere = he/she wants queremos = we want queréis = you (plural) want quieren = they want

PODER (to be able) puedo = I can puedes = you can puede = he/she can podemos = we can podéis = you (plural) can pueden = they can

IR (to go) voy = I go / I am going vas = you go / you are going va = he/she goes / is going vamos = we go / are going váis = you (plural) go / are going van = they go / are going

TENER (to have) tengo = I must tienes = you must tiene = he/she must tenemos = we must tenéis = you (plural) must tienen = they must

VENIR (to come) vengo = I come / am coming vienes = you come / are coming viene = he/she comes / is coming venimos = we come / are coming venís = you (plural) come / are coming vienen = they come / are coming

HACER (to do) hago = I do / I am doing haces = you do / you are doing hace = he/she does / is doing hacemos = we do / are doing hacéis = you (plural) do / are doing hacen = they do / are doing

HACER has two meanings – to do + to make So, HAGO can mean = I do I make

HACER (to make) hago = I make / I am making haces = you make / you are making hace = he/she makes / is making hacemos = we make / are making hacéis = you (plural) make / are making hacen = they make / are making


I yo

You (singular) tú

He/she él / ella

We nosotros

You (Plural) Vosotros

They Ellos / ellas

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TENSES IN SPANISH THE PRESENT TENSE (TO DAY WHAT YOU “DO” OR WHAT YOU “ARE DOING”) MEANING Hablo may be translated as follows: I speak OR I am speaking FORMATION OF THE PRESENT TENSE Regular verbs – three types = -AR, -ER, -IR (A) –AR type e.g. HABLAR = To speak Remove the –AR and add the endings


I habl o

You (singular) habl as

He / She habl a

We habl amos

You (plural) habl áis

They habl an

(B) –ER type e.g. VENDER = To sell Remove the –ER and add the endings


I vend o

You (singular) vend es

He / She vend e

We vend emos

You (plural) vend éis

They vend en

(C) –IR type e.g. VIVIR = To live Remove the –IR and add the endings


I viv o

You (singular) viv es

He / She viv e

We viv imos

You (plural) viv ís

They viv en

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SER = TO BE soy = I am eres = you are es = he/she is somos = we are sois = you (plural) are son = they are

SER (TO BE) Used with nouns e.g. soy profesor + with adjective to indicate something permament

ESTAR (TO BE) Used with adjectives to indicate something that is the result of something or not permanent

ESTAR = TO BE estoy = I am estás = you are está = he/she is estamos = we are estáis = you (plural) are están = they are

DAR (to give) doy = I give / I am giving das = you give / you are giving da = he/she gives / he/she is giving damos = we give/ we are giving dáis = you (plural) give / you are giving dan = they give / they are giving

QUERER (to want) quiero = I want quieres = you want quiere = he/she wants queremos = we want queréis = you (plural) want quieren = they want

PODER (to be able) puedo = I can puedes = you can puede = he/she can podemos = we can podéis = you (plural) can pueden = they can

IR (to go) voy = I go / I am going vas = you go / you are going va = he/she goes / is going vamos = we go / are going váis = you (plural) go / are going van = they go / are going

TENER (to have) tengo = I must tienes = you must tiene = he/she must tenemos = we must tenéis = you (plural) must tienen = they must

VENIR (to come) vengo = I come / am coming vienes = you come / are coming viene = he/she comes / is coming venimos = we come / are coming venís = you (plural) come / are coming vienen = they come / are coming

HACER (to do) hago = I do / I am doing haces = you do / you are doing hace = he/she does / is doing hacemos = we do / are doing hacéis = you (plural) do / are doing hacen = they do / are doing

HACER has two meanings – to do + to make So, HAGO can mean = I do I make

HACER (to make) hago = I make / I am making haces = you make / you are making hace = he/she makes / is making hacemos = we make / are making hacéis = you (plural) make / are making hacen = they make / are making

PONER (to put) pongo = I put / I am putting pones = you put / are putting pone = he/she puts / is putting ponemos = we put / are putting ponéis = you (plural) put / are putting ponen = they put / are putting

IMPORTANT The verbs HACER, PONER, CONOCER and DAR are only irregular in the first person singular i.e. the “I” (yo) form of the verb.

SALIR (to go out) salgo = I go out / I am going out sales = you go out / are going out sale = he/she goes out / is going out salimos = we go out / are going out salís = you (plural) go out/are going out salen = they go out / are going out

DECIR (to say) digo = I say / I am saying dices = you say / are saying dice = he/she says / is saying decimos = we say / are saying decís = you (plural) say / are saying dicen = they say / are saying

SABER (to know) [to know facts] sé = I know sabes = you know sabe = he/she knows sabemos = we know sabéis = you (plural) know saben = they know

CONOCER (to know) [to know people/places] conozco = I know conoces = you know conoce = he/she knows conocemos = we know conocéis = you (plural) know conocen = they know

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Caber To fit in Quepo Cabes Cabe Cabemos Cabéis Caben

Caer To fall Caigo Caes Cae Caemos Caéis Caen

Dar To give Doy Das Da Damos Dais Dan

Decir To say Digo Dices Dice Decimos Decís Dicen

Estar To be Estoy Estás Está Estamos Estáis Están

Haber To have He Has Ha Hemos Habéis Han

Hacer To do / make Hago Haces Hace Hacemos Hacéis Hacen

Ir To go Voy Vas Va Vamos Vais Van

Oír To hear Oigo Oyes Oye Oímos Oís Oyen

Poder To be able Puedo Puedes Puede Podemos Podéis Pueden

Poner To put Pongo Pones Pone Ponemos Ponéis Ponen

Querer To want / like Quiero Quieres Quiere Queremos Queréis Quieren

Saber To know Sé Sabes Sabe Sabemos Sabéis saben

Salir To go out Salgo Sales Sale Salimos Saís Salen

Ser To be Soy Eres Es Somos Sois Son

Tener To have / hold Tengo Tienes Tiene Tenemos Tenéis Tienen

Traer To bring Traigo Traes Trae Traemos Traéis Traen

Valer To be worth Valgo Vales Vale Valemos Valéis Valen

Venir To come Vengo Vienes Viene Venimos Venís Vienen

Ver To see Veo Ves Ve Vemos Veis ven

N.B. Haber – to have – is used to form Compound Tenses. Compounds also apply e.g. decir = predecir = to predict tener = retener = to retain hacer = deshacer = to unmake traer = distraer = to distract poner = suponer = to suppose venir = convenir = to agree salir = sobresalir = to exceed

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SER / ESTAR – TWO VERBS IN SPANISH FOR “TO BE” USES OF SER Ser is used to classify and identify permanent or lasting attributes. If the general rule isn´t specific enough for you, think of the acronym DOCTOR, which stands for Description, Occupation, Characteristic, Time, Origin, and Relationship. 1. DESCRIPTION For description, think of what you would say if someone asked you "What´s he like?" These are the essential qualities that define a person and probably won´t change. They can be a name or a physical description. Yo soy Raúl. (I am Raúl.) Yo soy alta, morena, y delgada. (I am tall, dark-skinned, and thin.) 2. OCCUPATION Occupations are seen as life-long careers in Spanish and are therefore seen as more "permanent". Soy profesor del español. (I am a Spanish teacher.) Ellos son estudiantes. (They are students.) Notice that the indefinite articles un, una, unos, and unas are omitted when describing an occupation after the verb ser. 3. CHARACTERISTIC Characteristics are personality descriptions of a person. These would probably be the second thing you say to "What´s he like?" Amalia es inteligente, atrevida, y amable. (Amalia is intelligente, daring, and friendly.) Mi esposo es romántico y cariñoso. (My husband is romantic and caring.) 4. TIME Time includes days, dates, and hours. For hours, use es for one o´clock and son for all other hours. Hoy es miércoles. (Today is Wednesday.) Hoy es mi cumpleaños. (Today is my birthday.) Ahora es la una y media. (Right now it´s one thirty.) Son las cinco y veintecinco. (It´s five twenty five.)

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5. ORIGIN As the place a person is from or the material something is made from is not going to change we use SER for origin. Celia es de España. (Celia is from Spain.) Adela es peruana. (Adela is Peruvian.) Mi anillo es de oro. (My ring is gold.) 6. RELATIONSHIP Even after someone dies or someone breaks up, relationships are described using SER. Religion is a Relationship. Also, since religion is considered a relationship with a higher power, religions are also described using ser. Lynne es mi madre. (Lynne is my mother.) Marcos es mi ex-novio. (Marcos is my ex-boyfriend.) Andrés es católico. (Andrés is Catholic.) USES OF ESTAR Estar is used to indicate temporary states and locations If the general rule isn´t specific enough for you, think of the acronym PLACE, which stands for Position, Location, Action, Condition, and Emotion. 1. POSITION Position is the physical position or posture a person or thing is in. Mi abuela está sentada. (My grandmother is sitting down/seated.) 2. LOCATION The location of someone or something describes where it is permanently, temporarily, actually, or conceptually. El baño está a la derecha de la sala. (The bathroom is to the right of the living room.) Estamos en el café ahora y estarémos en el cine en 20 minutos. (We are at the café right now and we will be at the movie theatre in 20 minutes.) Mi abuelo está en la luna. (My grandfather is out of it/lost.) EXCEPTION FOR PARTIES This is a big one: The location of an event or party is described using SER. Not ESTAR! La fiesta es en mi casa. (The party is at my house.) 3. ACTION Estar is used to describe an ongoing action using the present progressive tense. Estoy lavando los platos sucios. (I am washing the dirty dishes.) Estamos leyendo los periódicos. (We are reading the newspapers.) Mi bisabuelo está muerto. (My great-grandfather is dead.) Death is Ongoing Action In Spanish, death is seen as an ongoing action, not a permanent state, thus you use the verb estar and not ser. 4. CONDITION Physical and mental conditions are described using ESTAR. Estoy tan cansada esta mañana. (I am so tired this morning.) Mis niños están enfermos hoy. (My children are sick today.) Mi madre está un poca loca. (My mother is (acting) a little crazy.) 5. EMOTION How a person is feeling at a certain moment is described using ESTAR. Estoy triste. (I am sad.) Ella está contenta porque recibió unas flores de su novio. (She is happy because she received some flowers from her boyfriend.)

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MEANING CHANGES WITH SER AND ESTAR There are some words that can be used with both ser and estar, but take on different meanings depending on the verb. Below you will find a chart with both forms and their meanings in English. SAME ADJECTIVE, DIFFERENT MEANING SER ESTAR ser aburrido to be boring estar aburrido to be bored ser bueno to be good estar bueno to be tasty/attractive ser cansado to be a tiring person estar cansado to be tired ser grave to be serious estar grave to be seriously ill ser listo to be clever estar listo to be ready ser malo to be bad estar malo to be ill ser orgulloso to be conceited or vain estar orgulloso to be proud ser moreno to be dark-skinned estar moreno to be tanned ser pálido to be pale skinned estar pálido to be pale ser pesado to be heavy estar pesado to be tiresome ser rico to be rich estar rico to be tasty ser seguro to be safe estar seguro to be certain ser verde to be green estar verde to be unripe ser viejo to be old estar viejo to look old ser vivo to be sharp estar vivo to be alive

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THE PRESENT CONTINOUS MEANING The present continous in Spanish shows what is happening right now. En este momento yo estoy habando por teléfono. At the moment I am talking on the phone. FORMATION OF THE PRESENT CONTINOUS The present progressive is most often formed by taking the present tense of the verb ESTAR [to be] (estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están) and adding the gerund (i.e. the Spanish equivalent to “–ing” in English] expressing the action or event that is occurring:

ESTAR = TO BE estoy = I am estás = you are está = he/she is estamos = we are estáis = you (plural) are están = they are

+ ___ando (AR verbs) ___iendo (ER + IR verbs) e.g. hablando (talking) comiendo (eating) discutiendo (discussing)

The gerund is created by removing the AR, ER + IR from the infinitive and adding the endings: -AR e.g. hablar [to speak] - hablando (speaking) -ER e.g. correr [to run] - corriendo (running) -IR e.g. discutir [to discuss] - discutiendo (discussing) For example: Están preparando la comida = They are preparing the meal

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LEVANTARSE (to get yourself up) Me levanto = I get (myself) up Te levantas = you get (yourself) up Se levanta = he/she gets (him/herself) up Nos levantamos = we get (ourselves) up Os levantáis = you (plural) get (yourselves) up Se levantan = they get (themselves) up


llamarse me llamo (I am called)

lavarse os laváis (you’re washing (yourself))

peinarse te peinas (you’re brushing your hair) Here is a list of commonly used reflexive verbs:

acostarse (o→ue) …… to go to bed afeitarse …… to shave bañarse …… to have a bath

casarse (con alguien) …… to get married; to marry (someone) cepillarse …… to brush oneself

despertarse (e→ie) …… to wake up desvestirse (e→i) …… to undress oneself dormirse (o→ue) …… to fall asleep

ducharse …… to take a shower enfermarse …… to get sick

enojarse …… to get angry, mad irse …… to go away

lavarse …… to wash oneself levantarse …… to stand up, get up

llamarse …… to call oneself mirarse …… to look at oneself

peinarse …… to comb one’s hair ponerse …… to become

ponerse la ropa …… to put on clothing preocuparse (por) …… to worry about probarse (o→ue) …… to try on (clothing)

quitarse …… to take off, remove (clothing) secarse …… to dry oneself

sentarse (e→ie) …… to sit down, seat oneself sentirse (e→ie) …… to feel (emotionally, physically)

verse …… to see oneself vestirse (e→ie) …… to get dressed

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FUTURE TENSE (TO SAY WHAT YOU “WILL” DO) MEANING Hablaré is translated as follows: I will speak FORMATION OF THE FUTURE TENSE The future tense in Spanish i.e. saying what you will do is created by taking the infinitive i.e. the verb ending in either –AR, -ER or –IR. You then add the following endings to indicate I, you, he/she, we, you, they:

I -é

You (singular) -ás

He/she -á

We -emos (only one with no accent)

You (Plural) -éis

They -án

For example: hablar (to talk)+ -é = I will talk vivir (to live) + -é = I will live comer (to eat) + -é = I will eat A small group of verbs do not use the infinitive for the future tense. Instead they have a slightly modified stem. These have to be learnt:


decir To say dir_

hacer To do / To make har_

poder To be able podr_

poner To put pondr_

querer To want querr_

saber To know sabr_

salir To go out saldr_

tener To have tendr_

venir To come vendr_

The verb endings are the same as for regular verbs. The only irregularity is in the stem.

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THE CONDITIONAL (TO SAY WHAT YOU “WOULD”DO) MEANING The conditional is used to express uncertainty and in English you say “would”: Me gustaria vivir en España I would like to live in Spain A – regular verbs Formación: Verbo en el infinitivo con AR, ER o IR (the whole verb with the infinitive bit!) Añade: +



Yo …ía

Tú …ías

Él/Ella/Usted …ía

Nosotros/as …íamos

Vosotros/as …íais

Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes …ían

B – irregular verbs in the conditional The conditional has the same irregular verbs as the future. You add the conditional endings to the irregular stem: A small group of verbs do not use the infinitive for the future tense. Instead they have a slightly modified stem. These have to be learnt:


decir To say dir_

hacer To do / To make har_

poder To be able podr_

poner To put pondr_

querer To want querr_

saber To know sabr_

salir To go out saldr_

tener To have tendr_

venir To come vendr_

The verb endings are the same as for regular verbs. The only irregularity is in the stem.

e.g. I would sing: cantaría He would play: jugaría You would go: iríais They would live: vivirían

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THE PERFECT TENSE (TO SAY WHAT YOU “HAVE DONE”) MEANING: (Yo) he hablado may be translated as follows: I have spoken It describes what you HAVE DONE in the past. Example: He terminado mis deberes I have finished my homework. REGULAR VERBS Formation: The auxiliary HABER in the present tense + verb in the past participle (the –ed form!). The past participle is formed by removing the verb ending (-AR, -ER, -IR) and adding –ado for –AR verbs and –ido for –ER and –IR verbs.


HABER presente



Yo he

-ado -ido -ido

Tú has

Él/Ella/Usted ha

Nosotros/as hemos

Vosotros/as habéis

Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes han

Examples: I have sung he cantado she has drank ha bebido you have lived habéis vivido they have gone han ido *to go = ir, remove –ir add -ido IRREGULAR VERBS Some verbs have an irregular past participle. Here is a list of the most common ones and they must be learnt off by heart… abrir… abierto opened cubrir… cubierto covered decir… dicho said, told describir… descrito described descubrir… descubierto discovered devolver… devuelto returned escribir… escrito written hacer… hecho made morir… muerto died, dead poner… puesto put, placed romper… roto broken ver… visto seen volver… vuelto returned

Note: Compound words based on these roots typically show these same irregularities: Por ejemplo: componer > compuesto deshacer > deshecho oponer > opuesto suponer > supuesto prever > previsto

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THE PRETERITE TENSE (TO SAY WHAT YOU “DID”) MEANING (Yo) hablé may be translated as follows: I spoke It describes what you did in the past. Example: Ayer, Juan se levantó, salió a la calle y después compró un periódico. (Yesterday, John got up, went out, then he bought a newspaper) FORMATION OF THE PRETERITE TENSE Regular verbs – three types = -AR, -ER, -IR (A) -AR type e.g. HABLAR = to speak (C) -IR type e.g. VIVIR = to live Remove the –AR and add the endings Remove the –IR and add the

endings which are exactly the same endings as for –ER verbs.



You (singular) HABL aste

He/she HABL ó

We HABL amos

You (Plural) HABL asteis

They HABL aron

(B) -ER type e.g. VENDER = to sell Remove the –ER and add the endings



You (singular) VEND iste

He/she VEND ió

We VEND imos

You (Plural) VEND isteis

They VEND ieron

There are a number of irregular verbs in the preterite tense. The most common of these are:

SER (TO BE) fui (I was) fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron

IR (TO GO) fui (I went) fuiste fue fuimos fuisteis fueron

ESTAR (TO BE) estuve (I was) estuviste estuvo estuvimos estuvisteis estuvieron

PONER (TO PUT) puse (I put) pusiste puso pusimos pusisteis pusieron

HACER (TO MAKE/DO) hice (I did / made) hiciste hizo hicimos hicisteis hicieron

DECIR (TO SAY) dije (I said) dijiste dijo dijimos dijisteis dijeron

VER (TO SEE) vi (I saw) viste vio vimos visteis vieron

DAR (TO GIVE) di (I gave) diste dio dimos disteis dieron

PODER (TO BE ABLE) pude (I was able) pudiste pudo pudimos pudisteis pudieron

TENER (TO HAVE) tuve (I had) tuviste tuvo tuvimos tuvisteis tuvieron



You (singular) VIV aste

He/she VIV ó

We VIV amos

You (Plural) VIV asteis

They VIV aron

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1.Recognition 1. WAS / WERE -ING – While I was / we were working at the factory 2. USED TO – Every day I used to visit my uncle 3. WOULD (when WOULD = USED TO) – Every morning I would visit my uncle

2.Examples of the Imperfect

1. Description of state – llevaba un pantaloon azul = He was wearing blue trousers 2. Repetition or Habit – Todos los días se levantaba a las ocho, y después tomaba una

ducha = Every day he used to get up at eight and then he would take a shower 3. Simultaneous, incompleted actions – Mientras yo hablaba él leía un libro = Whilst I

was speaking he was reading a book. 4. Continuous background :


We were eating Cuando ellos llegaron

When they arrived Mientras actuaba

While he was acting Se cayó al suelo He fell down

Mientras esperábamos

While we waiting Nos habló




1. Regular – according to the infinitive ending. Remove the –ar, add the –aba series of endings Remove the –er or –ir, add the ía series of endings

Hablar – AR Hablaba Hablabas Hablaba Hablábamos Hablabais Hablaban

Vender - ER Vivir - IR Vendía Vivía Vendías Vivías Vendía Vivía Vendíamos Vivíamos Vendíais Vivíais Vendían Vivían

Note: this formation procedure applies to radical and spelling changing verbs, and to all but 3 irregular verbs: Dar - Daba Estar - Estaba Pensar - Pensaba Llegar - Llegaba Poder - Podía Volver - Volvía Coger - Cogía Haber - Había Decir - Decía Oír - Oía Pedir - Pedía


IR SER VER To go to be to see iba era veía ibas eras veías iba era veía ibamos éramos veíamos ibais erais veíais iban eran veían

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