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NOTE: Current botanical names, where they differ substantially from Fyfe's listings, are CAPITALIZED and in BOLD

Aconite - see AconitumACTAEA PACHYPODA - see Actaea albaAgaric - see Agaricus albusAGATHOSMA - see BarosmaAGERATINA ALTISSIMA (or A. aromatica) -

see Eupatorium aromaticumAgrimony - see AgrimoniaAGROPYRON REPENS - see TriticumAlder - see Alnus rubraAmerican Centaury - see Sabbatia angularisAmerican Columbo - see Frasera carolinensisAmerican Ginseng - see Panax quinquefoliumAmerican Greek Valerian - see PolemoniumAmerican Mandrake - see PodophyllumAmerican Wormseed - see Chenopodium ambrosioidesANAMIRTA COCCULUS - see CocculusANEMONE PATENS - see PulsatillaAnemone hepatica - see Hepatica americanaAnise - see PimpinellaArbor Vitae - see Thuja occidentalisArbutus, Trailing - see EpigeaARCTIUM LAPPA - see LappaARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI - see Uva UrsiARISAEMA TRIPHYLLUM - see ArumARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA - see

SerpentariaAsh, Prickly - see Xanthoxylum fraxineumAsh, Wafer - see PteleaAsh, White - see Fraxinus americanaBalmony - see CheloneBaneberry - see Actaea albaBayberry - see Myrica ceriferaBearberry - see Uva UrsiBearsfoot - see PolymniaBethroot - see TrilliumBitter Cucumber - see ColocynthisBittersweet - see Solanum dulcamaraBittersweet, False - see CelastrusBlack Cohosh - see Cimicifuga

Black Haw - see Viburnum prunifoliumBlack Hellebore - see Helleborus nigerBlack Mustard - see SinapisBlack Willow - see Salix nigraBlackberry - see Rubus villosusBladderwrack - see FucusBlood Root - see SanguinariaBlue Cohosh - see CaulophyllumBlue Flag - see Iris versicolorBlue Vervain - see VerbenaBoletus - see Agaricus albusBoneset - see Eupatorium perfoliatumBryony - see BryoniaBuchu - see BarosmaBuckeye, Ohio - see Aesculus glabraBugleweed - see LycopusBurdock - see LappaButternut - see Juglans cinereaCajeput Oil - see Oleum CajuputiCAMELLIA SINENSIS - see TheaCanadian Fleabane - see Erigeron canadenseCanadian Hemp - see Apocynum cannabinumCascara Sagrada - see Rhamnus purshianaCASSIA ACUTIFOLIA - see SennaCatnip - see NepetaCayenne - see CapsicumCelandine, Greater - see ChelidoniumCentaury, American - see Sabbatia angularisCEPHAELIS IPECACUANHA - see IpecacuanhaCereus, Night-Blooming - see Cactus grandiflorusCHAMAELIRIUM - see HeloniasCHAMAESYCE HYPERICIFOLIA - see

Euphorbia hypericifoliaChamomile, Roman or Noble - see Anthemis nobilisChestnut - see CastaneaChestnut, Horse - see Aesculus hippocastanumCHRYSOPHYLLUM - see MonesiaCINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA - see CamphoraCinnamon - see CinnamomumCITRULLUS COLOCYNTHIS - see ColocynthisCleavers - see Galium aparineClover, Red - see TrifoliumClover, Sweet - see MelilotusClub Moss - LycopodiumCoffee - see Coffea

Colophony - see ResinaColumbo - see JateorhizaColumbo, American - see Frasera carolinensisComfrey - see SymphytumCOMMIPHORA - see MyrrhaCONYZA CANADENSIS - see Erigeron canadenseCOPAIFERA OFFICINALIS - see CopaibaCorn Silk - see Stigmata maidisCorn Smut - see UstilagoCotton - see GossypiumCouchgrass - see TriticumCramp Bark - see Viburnum opulusCranesbill - see GeraniumCubebs - see Piper cubebaCucumber, Bitter - see ColocynthisCucumber, Wild or Squirting - see Momordica elateriumCucurbita pepo - see PepoCulver's Root - see LeptandraDamiana - see TurneraDandelion - see TaraxacumDAPHNE MEZEREUM - see MezereumDICENTRA CANADENSIS - see Corydalis formosaDogbane - see Apocynum cannabinumDogwood - see CornusDogwood, Jamaica - see PiscidiaDwarf Elder - see Aralia hispidaECBALLIUM ELATERIUM - see Momordica

elateriumElaterium - see Momordica elateriumElder - see SambucusElder, Dwarf - see Aralia hispidaElder, Tag - see Alnus rubraElecampane - see InulaERYNGIUM YUCCAFOLIUM - see Eryngium

aquaticumEryngo - see Eryngium aquaticumEXOGONIUM PURGA - see JalapaEyebright - see EuphrasiaFalse Bittersweet - see CelastrusFalse Hellebore - see Veratrum virideFalse Unicorn - see HeloniasFireweed - see Epilobium angustifoliaFlax - see LinumFleabane, Canadian - see Erigeron canadenseFlowering Spurge - see Euphorbia corollata

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Fragrant Summach - see Rhus aromaticaFringetree - see ChionanthusGarden Sage - see Salvia officinalisGinger - see ZingiberGinseng, American - Panax quinquefoliumGolden Seal - see HydrastisGravel Root - see Eupatorium purpureumGreater Celandine - see ChelidoniumGreek Valerian, American - see PolemoniumGreen Hellebore - see Veratrum virideGum Arabic - see Acacia arabicaGum Benzoin - see BenzoinumGumweed - see Grindelia squarrosaGumweed, Shore - see Grindelia robustaHaircap Moss - see PolytrichumHardhack - see SpiraeaHawthorn - see CrataegusHellebore, Black - see Helleborus nigerHellebore, False - see Veratrum virideHellebore, Green - see Veratrum virideHellebore, White - see Veratrum albumHemlock Spruce - see Abies canadensisHemp - see CannabisHemp, Canadian - see Apocynum cannabinumHenbane - see HyoscyamusHEPATICA NOBILIS - see Hepatica americanaHop Tree - see PteleaHops - see HumulusHorehound - see MarrubiumHorehound, Water - see LycopusHorse Chestnut - see Aesculus hippocastanumHorsetail - see Equisetum hyemaleIceland Moss - see CetrariaIndian Hemp - see Apocynum cannabinumIndian Turnip - see ArumIndigo, Wild - see BaptisiaIpecac - see IpecacuanhaIpomea Jalapa - see JalapaIrish Moss - see ChondrusJaborandi - see PilocarpusJack-in-the-Pulpit - see ArumJacob's Ladder - see PolemoniumJamaica Dogwood - see PiscidiaJasmine, Yellow or Night-Blooming - see GelsemiumJimson Weed - see Datura

JUNIPERUS SABINA - see Sabina Kansas Snakeroot - see Echinacea angustifoliaKava - see Piper methysticumKousso - see BrayeraLadies' Slipper - see CypripediumLavender - see Lavandula veraLife Root - see Senecio aureusLignum Vitae - see GuaiacumLily of the Valley - see ConvallariaLIMONIUM CAROLINIANUM - see StaticeLinseed - see LinumLiverwort - see Hepatica americanaLogwood - see HaematoxylonLungwort Moss - see StictaMacrotys - see CimicifugaMAHONIA AQUIFOLIA - see Berberis aquifoliumMale Fern - see AspidiumMandrake, American - see PodophyllumMango - see MangiferaMANIHOT ESCULENTA - see Janipha manihotMarijuana - see CannabisMatico - see Piper angustifoliumMeadow Saffron - see ColchicumMELALEUCA - see Oleum CajuputiMilkweed, Swamp - see Asclepias incarnataMonkshood - see AconitumMoss, Club - see LycopodiumMoss, Haircap - see PolytrichumMoss, Iceland - see CetrariaMoss, Irish - see ChondrusMoss, Lungwort - see StictaMountain Laurel - see Kalmia latifoliaMullein - see VerbascumMustard, Black - see SinapisMustard, Yellow - see SinapisNettles - see UrticaNight-Blooming Jasmine - see GelsemiumNight-blooming Cereus - see Cactus grandiflorusNux Vomica - see Strychnos nux vomicaOak, Poison - see Rhus toxOak, White - see Quercus albaOats - see Avena sativaORCHIS SPP. - see SalepOregon Grape - see Berberis aquifoliumOrris Root - see Iris florentina


Partridgeberry - see MitchellaPasque Flower - see PulsatillaPassion Flower - see PassifloraPAULLINIA - see GuaranaPeach - see Amygdalus persicaPeppermint - see Mentha piperitaPheasant's Eye - see AdonisPICRASMA EXCELSA - see PicraenaPine Tar see Pix liquidaPinkroot - see SpigeliaPinus canadensis - see Abies canadensisPipsissewa - see ChimaphilaPitcher Plant - see SarraceniaPituri - see DuboisiaPlantain - see Plantago majorPleurisy Root - see Asclepias tuberosaPoison Hemlock - see ConiumPoison Oak - see Rhus toxPoke - see PhytolaccaPolyporus - see Agaricus albusPomegranate - see Punica granatumPrickly Ash - see Xanthoxylum fraxineumPRUNUS PERSICA - see Amygdalus persicaPTEROCARPUS - see KinoPumpkin - see PepoQuassia - see PicraenaQueen of the Meadow - see Eupatorium purpureumQueen's Root - StillingiaRagweed, Wormwood-leaved - see AmbrosiaRattlesnake Master - see Eryngium aquaticumRed Clover - see TrifoliumRed Root - see CeanothusRhatany - see KrameriaRhubarb - see Rhamnus purshianaRose Gentian - Sabbatia angularisRosin - see ResinaRue - see Ruta graveolensSABATIA ANGULARIS - see Sabbatia angularisSage, Garden - see Salvia officinalisSAMBUCUS NIGRA - see SambucusSarsaparilla -see SmilaxSaw Palmetto - see Sabal serrulataScouring Rush - see Equisetum hyemale

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Cactus grandiflorusSenega Snakeroot - see Polygala senegaSERENOA REPENS - see Sabal serrulataSeven Barks - see HydrangeaShepherd's Purse - see CapsellaShore Gumweed - see Grindelia robustaSkullcap - see ScutellariaSmartweed, Water - see Polygonum punctatumSmooth Sumach - see Rhus glabrumSnakeroot, Kansas - see Echinacea angustifoliaSnakeroot, Senega - see Polygala senegaSnakeroot, Virginia - see SerpentariaSnakeroot, White - see Eupatorium aromaticumSolomon's Seal - see PolygonatumSourwood - see OxydendronSpikenard - see Aralia racemosaSpotted Spurge - see Euphorbia hypericifoliaSpurge, Flowering - see Euphorbia corollataSpurge, Spotted - see Euphorbia hypericifoliaSquaw Vine - see MitchellaSquaw Weed - see Senecio aureusSquill - see ScillaStaphisagria - see Delphinium staphisagriaStavesacre - see Delphinium staphisagriaStone Root - see CollinsoniaStonecrop, Virginia - see PenthorumStramonium - see DaturaSTRYCHNOS IGNATII - see Ignatia AmaraSTYRAX BENZOIN - see BenzoinumSumach, Fragrant or Sweet - see Rhus aromaticaSumach, Smooth - see Rhus glabrumSundew - see DroseraSwamp Milkweed - see Asclepias incarnataSweet Clover - see MelilotusSweet Sumach - see Rhus aromaticaTag Elder - see Alnus rubraTamarind - see TamarindusTansy - see TanacetumTapioca - see Janipha manihotTea Tree - see Oleum CajuputiThyme - see ThymusTOXICODENDRON PUBESCENS - see Rhus toxTrailing Arbutus - see Epigea

Tree of Heaven - see AilanthusTurkey Corn - see Corydalis formosaTurtlehead - see CheloneUnicorn root - see AletrisValerian - see ValerianaValerian, American Greek - see PolemoniumVERONICASTRUM - see LeptandraVervain, Vlue - see VerbenaVirginia Snakeroot - see SerpentariaVirginia Stonecrop - see PenthorumVirgins Bower - see ClematisWafer Ash - see PteleaWahoo - see EuonymusWater Eryngo - see Eryngium aquaticumWater Horehound - see LycopusWater Smartweed - see Polygonum punctatumWhite Ash - see Fraxinus americanaWhite Hellebore - see Veratrum albumWhite Oak - see Quercus albaWhite Snakeroot - see Eupatorium aromaticumWhite Willow - see Salix albaWild Cherry - see Prunus virginianaWild Indigo - see BaptisiaWild Yam - see DioscoreaWillow Herb (Greater) - see Epilobium angustifoliaWillow, Black - see Salix nigraWillow, White - see Salix albaWintergreen - see Gaultheria procumbensWitch Hazel - see HamamelisWormseed, American - see Chenopodium ambrosioidesYarrow - see AchilleaYellow Dock - see Rumex crispusYellow Jasmine - see GelsemiumYellow Mustard - see SinapisYerba Santa - see EriodictyonZANTHOXYLUM AMERICANUM - see

Xanthoxylum fraxineumZEA MAIS - see Stigmata maidis

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