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Dear brothers and sisters I was reciting verses from Surrah Furqan. I have

already explained some of these verses during my last Khutbas. In these verses

Allah Rabul-Alamin describing the most important characteristics and

behaviours of Ibad-ur-Rehman "the true servants of Allah Rabulalamin". Those

important deeds which distinguished Ibad-ur-rehman from Ibad-us-Shitan.

Those deeds and those specific characteristics which naturally emerged in a

person when he consciously decided to convert himself from Ibad-us-Shitan to


When he decides that I am now man of God, I am now actually slave of Allah

and His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). When he decided to say from the core of

his heart.

Surely my Prayer, all my acts of worship, and my living and my dying are for

Allah alone, the Lord of the whole universe.

Those important characteristics are as that true servants of Allah walk humbly

on the earth and when ignorant and Jahals address them with bad words with

harsh words, they try to ignore them and say them "peace to you" and who

spend their nights in Ibadat and standing before Allah Rabul-alamin, who pray

for forgiveness and mercy of Allah and who spend their wealth in the way of

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Allah. The true servants of Allah pray only and only in front of Allah

Rabbulalamin and who never kill anyone nor commit adultery. But if

unfortunately anyone commits these sins then azab on the Day of Judgment will

be doubled for him. But this azab of Jahnam is not for those servants of Allah

who repents, makes Taubah and does righteous deeds.

Dear Brothers and sisters, after describing these characteristics, Allah Rabbul-

Alamin describes another most distinguishing characteristic of Ibad-ur.Rehman

and that is the true servants of Merciful Allah do not bear witness to falsehood.

They do not give evidence in regard to a false thing in order to prove it right and they

do not speak false and tell a lie.

ور والذين ال يشهدون الز

And the servants of the Merciful are those: who do not bear witness to falsehood

Dear brothers and sisters, Allah Rabbul-Alamin wants to maintain a system of peace,

harmony, honesty and justice on this world. Allah wants to finish the system of

brutality, cruelty and un-justice from this world. Allah wants to stop any act, any deed

or any action which opens the new doors of cruelty and un-justice. Allah wants this

sort of behaviour from us and Allah demands this type of character from us that love is

there, relations are important but when you have to give witness, when Muslim have to

give evidence then he always give true evidence. He never every consider his

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relations, he never ever consider his passions, he never ever consider his personnel

feelings but Muslim always give right and true evidence. Even if his own personality

comes into this way he never hide the true evidence.

Dear brothers and sisters, hiding witnesses or giving wrong and false evidence is a

great great sin.

The Hdith is naratted in Bukhari: The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) said: “Shall

I not tell you of the greatest of major sins?” Sahaba said, “Yes indeed” He said,

“Associating others with Allaah (shirk) and disobedience towards parents.” but

then Rasjul-Allah sat up and said, “And false speech and false witness, and false

speech and false witness,” and he kept on saying it until sahaba thought he

would never stop.

This means giving false witness, giving false evidence or speaking false is a sin

which is as equal in intensity as Shirk. It is also mentioned in Sunan Abu Dawud

that our beloved prophet said that "giving false witness is nearly as bad as Shirk.

Dear brothers and sisters Allah says in Surrah Bakara verse 283

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"And do not hide evidence, for whoever hides the evidence, his heart is indeed

sinful. And Allah is well aware of what you do"

The Prophet (pbuh) also said, “That on the Day of Judgement, the feet of the

person who had given false witness will not move from their place before he

will thrown into the fire of Hell.” (Ibn Majah and Al-Hakim)

Dear brothers and sisters the true servant of Allah-Rabulalamin never ever tell a

lie or speak false. Truthfulness, telling always true and giving always true

ecidence is part of faith and indispensable quality of the believers

Once The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was asked: "Can a believer

or Muslim be a coward?" The Prophet said: "Yes." He was then asked: "Can a

believer be a miser?" He replied: "Yes." And finally, he was asked: 'Can a

believer be a liar?" The Prophet said: "No."

It is not possible that a man is Muslim on one side and he is also a liar. Prophet

also said, "Iman and Kufer cannot be united in the same heart, similarly truth

and false cannot be resided in the same heart, and also honesty and dishonesty

cannot be placed in the same man."

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Prophet also said that "There are three sign of Munafiq or hypocrite: when

he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when someone

makes trust on him, he breaks that trust

Allah saya in surrah Ghafir verse 28

"Truly Allah does not guideone who transgresses and lies."

Allah the wisest also send Lanat on liers and Qazib

"Curse of Allah upon those who lie."

Dear brothers and sisters truthfulness is commanded by Allah and is mentioned

in over 100 places in the Quran. Allah has given so much emphasis and so much

importance to tell a truth.

Dear brothers and sisters do you know even small false statement is also a lie.

Abdullah Ibn Amir reported that “My mother called me one day when Allah’s

messenger (peace be upon him) was in our house. She said “Come and I will

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give you something.” Allah’s Messenger (Pbuh) asked her: “What do you intend

to give him?” She said: “I want to give him dates.” The Prophet said: “If you

were not to give him something, your statement would be recorded against you

as a lie.”

It was narrated by Asmaa´ bint Yazeed that the Messenger of Allaah (pbuh)

said: "It is not permissible to tell lies except in three (cases): when a man

speaks to his wife in a way to please her; lying in war; and lying in order to

reconcile between people." (Hadith-Tirmidhi)

Dear brothers and sisters, hiding witnesses, telling lie just for small advantages

or just for fun are widespread problems and are roots of many other problems

that occur on an individual and public level. All of us experienced such people

who first started to tell a lie just for small advantages of this world and for fun

and then it become their habit. Telling a lie inserted in their personalities so

deeply that it become part of their character and it becomes their habit.

Imam Malik records that Abdullah ibn Masud would say, “Each time someone

lies, a black spot appears on his heart until his whole heart becomes black and he

is written with Allah as a Kadhdhab.”

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This is also a hadith of Tirmizi that Prophet said "When a person tells a lie, the

bad smell that comes out of the lier keeps the angels one mile away".

During the incident of Miraj, Prophet had seen a man whose jaws were split to

his neck, whose nostril were gashed to his neck and whose eyes were cut to his

neck. Sahabh asked "Who is this man? Prophet said he was a man who went

from his house and told lies which spread everywhere.

Dear brothers and sisters this is a azab for a liar which he will face on the day of

judgement and in some hadith it is narrated that it will be started from his


Allah also says in Surrah An-Noor verse 7

The curse of Allaah be upon him if he should be among the liars

Dear brothers and sisters presenting wrong and false documents and statements

are also type of lying which we are doing without any fear from our beloved

Allah. We have many self created reasons for doing this shameful deed.

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In fact, its reality that many of us presented forged documents, presented wrong

statements just to get small advantages of this world. We presented wrong

documents just to get few benefits of dollar, pounds and krones without any

fear, without any shame, without any feeling that we are Ummati of Prophet

Muhammad who directed us to tell the truth, even under the harshest

circumstances of oppression and fear. We are believers of that religion in which

one can bear to cut his throat, in which one can bear to loose all of his property

but one never ever, even to think to write or speak something false or wrong.

Dear brothers and sisters why we are claiming and blaming that we are

backward because of Yahud o Nisara. Infact, we are backward because we

forgot the teachings of our Prophet. Is this possible that you tell a lie and you

also make progress.

Allah says in Surrah Az-Zumar

Indeed Allah does not guide one who is a wrongdoer and a liar.

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Dear brothers and sisters, hiding the truth, not to tell right thing just because of

fear from people, just to save some relations is also completely forbidden in

Islam. In our communities, in our societies we have seen several times that

people remained silent or do not speak for the right cause or for right people

because of fear from others, because of small benefits which they expect from

other people. When the truth is covered up it is against the orders of Allah

(subhana wa ta'ala). Truth leads to Jannah and falsehood and lying lead to the

Fire of Hell [Sahih Muslim]. Therefore, we should be careful to always side

with the truth and speak it when necessary.

Allah says in Quran

And do not mix the truth with falsehood or hide the truth while you know.

Allah says in Sura Al-Ahzab verse 70

O ye who believe! fear Allah, and say the right word.

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In surra Taubah verse 119, Allah also says

O ye who believe! fear Allah and be with the truthful.

Such people who remain silent for the right cause and for right people, such

persons are actually coward and opportunist in their nature. They are not sincere

to any person. Such type of coward people has many many faces. They

presented their face according to circumstances, conditions and advantages.

There is hadith about such opportunists and coward people.

Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) naratted that: The Prophet (pbuh) said, "The worst

people in the Sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be the double faced

people who appear to some people with one face and to other people with

another face." Bukhari

Dear brothers and sisters giving a vote during an election, whether it is held on

country level or society level is unfortunately an event where many of us

deviated from Islamic teachings. Many people who are true Muslims, who are

very honest in their character but during voting they gave votes on the basis of

relations, friendships, tribes and for personnel interests. Voting in elections, as

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far as Islam is concerned, is a form of testimony, is a form of shahada that a

Muslim should bear with honestly and faithfully. The Qur’an calls Muslims in

many verses to be just and fair witnesses with all people, even if they are non-

Muslims. For instance, the

Allah says in Surra Maida verse 8,

Believers! Be stand for the cause of Allah, and bearing witness with justice and

do not let the enmity and hate of any people move you to deviate from justice.

Act justly, that is nearer to God-fearing. And fear Allah. Surely Allah is well

aware of what you do.

Allah the wisest also says in Surra An-Nisa verse 58

Verily, Allah commands you to make over the trusts to those entitled to them,

and that, when you judge between men, you judge with justice.

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It is clear from several several Qurani verses that during a voting, it is a duty on

all Muslims that they should look for the most capable, qualified, and eligible

candidates irrespective of their backgrounds, caste, tribe or gender.

During Islamic revolution in Algeria the reporter of BBC asked a question to

Taxi driver, why did you give vote to Islamic party. He replied, I have given

vote just for the sake of Jannah.

Dear brothers and sisters this should be the thinking of voter during any sort of

elections. But what we think during voting. First of all we take the voting

procedure as a fun and if we consider it seriously then we vote for our friends,

for our relatives, for our castes, for our tribes, for our interests and for ourselves.

We never think that this vote can be our way of Jannah if we fulfil our

responsibility with full justice.

Muslim can never think that just for small profit, just to give small advantages to his

group he give wrong evidence or tell a lie.

Dear brothers and sisters just before summarizing of Khutaba I want to tell your very

impressive incident of India. During the British ruler ship in India, there was a

mosque in the city of Allah-abad. Hindu's of that city went to the court and claimed

that Mulsim constructed this mosque on their temple. There was a Hindu temple

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before this mosque. They also proposed to court that Imam of that mosque is a very

pious man and he is imam of that mosque from generations. His forefathers were also

imam of that mosque. Court should consider his evidence and whatever he will give

evidence we will believe in him. This was the character of Imam-e-mosque. That

imam came to the court and gave the evidence that Hindu are right. Before this

mosque there was a temple. But fact is this Hindu migrated from that area and there

was a huge population of Muslims around this mosque. That temple becomes deserted

and there was also no worshiping in that temple for a long time. Then Muslims

decided to convert this area into a mosque.

Dear brothers and sisters in that case court gave decision in favour of Hindus but you

know what the British judge wrote in his decision. The judge wrote that although

Muslims lost their mosque but Islam has won. Islam has proved that its believers never

ever give false witnesses or tell a lie.

Imam of that mosque did not hide the true evidence. This should be the true character

of Muslim. This is the character which Allah needs from us. But unfortunately,

unfortunately this characteristic has least importance in our eyes. We should be

ashamed of ourselves what we are doing in the name of Muslims. When ever you go to

buy anything like car or house in Europe we all experience that only advice which we

get from our friends that never buy anything from a Muslim. Because they will never

tell you all the faults. They will definitely hide something. This is the general

perception about Muslims. This is the character which we are presenting in front of

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non-Muslims by claiming that we are Muslims. Just for small advantages of this

world, just for small profit of dollers, pounds and krones which indeed never come to

our graves we sale our religion, we sale our dignity, we sale our entire character and

we forget the orders of Allah.

Listen what Prophet of Allah is telling to us:

Sufyaan Ibn Usayd reported that the Messenger said: "The biggest

breach of trust is that you tell a thing to your brother who have trust on you

but you are telling lie to him and try to deceive him [Abu Daawood].

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Avoid swearing falsely in order

to sell your goods. Apparently it appears to be promoting your business, but in

fact it lets your business down and damages the goodwill of your business.” [Muslim]

The spread of Islam in the Southeast Asia was mainly because of Muslim traders

who went there and who set examples for the whole of the world that what is

honesty and what is trade. When the ships of Muslim sailors and merchants

landed on the coast at night, it is recorded in the history that all of their items

sold out before sun rise. People had so believe on those Muslim traders that they

never expect that they tell a lie or deceive them. This was the character of

Muslims at that time, but now look upon us what we are presenting before non-

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mulsims and how we are presenting Islam. Lying is our habit, deceiving is a part

of our character, we are notorious in these societies because we are those people

who presented wrong documents to save taxes, nobody have trust on us, during

elections tribes, relations, friendships, personnel grudges and personnel

affiliations are more important for us than the interest of Muslims. And that's the

reason we are those who have no weightage, no dignity and no respect.

But why all this happened to us. Muslims were those who ruled all over the

world. Once the Abbasi Caliph seen the cloud and said wherever cloud will

shower, the food that will be produced as result of rain will come to me.

Because Muslims were ruling over half of the world and remaining world were

giving Jazia to Muslim rulers. Why we come to this condition that non-mulsims

come to our cities, streets and houses and kill us like sheeps and goats. They are

making feast on our resources, they are killing our men, women and children.

The reason is this we forget the true teachings of Islam, we lost our characters

which was our essence and we forget the life of our Prophet which was our role

model. We have time for solving complex phenomenons of science but we have

no time to read the Quran and Sunnah of our Prophet.

Dear brothers and sisters I am younger than many of you and in reality my Iman

is weakest to all of you but give me chance to tell you one of my personnel

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experience. My dear brothers and sisters when we used to tell something wrong,

when we used to tell lie, when we deceived our brothers, when we quarrel with

one another, in our countries in our societies only our personalities are damaged

because of our deeds. People will tell only this that Umer did this thing, Usman

did this thing but when we do these things in the non-Muslim societies then

everybody around us will tell that Muslims have done this. Because of our

character we are giving bad name to our religion and this has bigger and bigger

sin in eyes of Allah Rabbul-Alamin. Please before doing anything wrong please

beware that our act is not good for whole Muslim Ummah. If we have no ability

to do any thing in favor of Islam then please stop those acts which damage the

name of Islam in societies.

Someone asked of Lukman, “How have you reached this level in excellence?”

He replied, “By being true in speech, fulfilling trusts and leaving what does not

concern to me.”

Hazrat Ali stated the clear benefits of truthfulness and telling truth: He said "The

truth teller achieves three things: (other's) trust, love, and respect. And lying is

the most evil and most terrible character of any person"

Dear brothers and sisters we are thinking that bank balance is every thing which

should be increased by all due and un-due sources. PhD and MSc degrees are

real success and good jobs are the only way of getting blissful life. Nationality

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of any European country is a big achievement. But my and your Allah has some

different criteria of success. Allah says in Surra Mominoon

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Surely, success does come to the believers.

Who are humble in their Prayers,

And who ignore all that which is vain and useless,

And who are active in paying the Zakat,

And who guard their chastity. Except from their wives or what their right hands possess, for then they are not to be blamed; But those who seek anything beyond that are the transgressors.

And who are watchful of their trusts and their agreements,

And who are strict in the observance of their Prayers.

These are the beneficiaries, Who will get Paradise. They will abide therein.

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