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Page 1: Five signs that you’re addicted to office supplies

Five signs that you’re addicted to office supplies

Page 2: Five signs that you’re addicted to office supplies

As a seven year old child I used to love it when my mom came back from her cleaning job with a bag full of the stuff that had been thrown away that day in a busy industrial office.

It was good stuff, too as it was a pretty affluent company so things like carbon copy paper (retro, I know) and notepads were thrown away when they’d only been used once.

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It used to shock me that A4 paper was thrown away after having only one side of it used. In fact, some paper was in the bin with nothing on it, it simply had the dubious pleasure of having gone through the photocopier once by mistake. Seriously, this office was staffed by people who had no intention of using paper that wasn’t absolutely in line, pristine and totally unblemished.

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Recycling? Seriously? These days we recycle pretty much everything and with good

reason. We’re using more resources than ever before and as those resources run out, things become more expensive. There’s also the issue of where all that waste goes. Back when I was getting carbon copy paper from this office, anything that went in the bin ended up straight in land fill, there was no recycling back then, it just went back to the dirt from whence it came.

Maybe it was an early understanding of the damage this was doing to the earth, or maybe I was just a hoarder, but at this young age my problem started. I had a shelf full of office supplies and I added to it every week.

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When my friends came round they’d look at the shelf and wonder what it was all about. I’d show them the clip board I had for keeping a note of when the dog was taken for a walk or the folder where I kept all the Readers Digest mail I received.

My highlighter pen pot was brimming full. I had pencils of all colours. Felt tips with different sizes of nib. If there was a stationery collectors anonymous, I’d have been the first person through the door.

Are you like this too?

I’ve discovered many people are like this, it’s OK, we can now come out in public and share our addiction without fear of being ridiculed! But are you really an addict or are you saying so just to be part of the club?

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Do you collect Post-it note pads from everywhere you go?

I don’t just mean the yellow or pink ones, but also the multi-coloured ones and ones with logos of companies, handy tips to do every day and motivational quotes to keep you going when times are dark.

If you have more than you could ever use cluttering up your desk then award yourself five points. If you find yourself using them for absolutely everything such as labelling all the food in the fridge, all the doors in your kitchen or even your children, give yourself ten points.

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When looking at pens in the stationery store, do you get excited about “gel ink”?

Yeah, I know. Whoa! Gel ink is incredible, I honestly couldn’t believe it when I used my first gel ink pen and found that writing was smoother, easier and silkier than ever before. Who invented these things? They’re amazing!

Five points. Ten if you always buy the ten pack because “it’s cheaper in the long run” even though they’d realistically last you a decade.

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Do you have a fountain pen, but never use it?I mean, who does? Fountain pens are lovely, yes, but

seriously, they’re the messiest things ever created and all that ink going everywhere! Yeuk!

BUT! They look brilliant on your desk, or should I say “bureau”?

If you do want a fountain pen that works and doesn’t become a comedy implement from a black and white movie where it’s used as a weapon, you need to get yourself one that costs a lot of money and comes in a polished walnut box. Of course, it’s so expensive you won’t use it, instead you’ll just use a gel pen (see above).

Five points. Ten points if it’s Mont Blanc.

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You LOVED shopping for supplies when going back to school

For me, the “back to school” signs in the clothing shops were an absolute nightmare. I hated trying on all those coats, shoes and trousers all the time. However, get me in a branch of WH Smiths and I was in heaven!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, books etc. But c’mon, look at that pencil case!!

In those days they even stocked CDs (ask your mom) but not even that could drag me away from the racks upon racks of coloured paper, Letraset alphabets and smelly erasers.

Five points. Ten points if you persuaded your parents to drive you to the new, bigger WH Smiths in town because they had a larger selection of gel pens.

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What did you score?

If you found yourself with any more than twenty points then you’re definitely an addict however if you scored the maximum fifty then you should check yourself into a clinic pretty sharpish.

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