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ENGLISH 1 (ELG 30505)




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My Kettle Sketch

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Draft Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5

Definition of sketching -­ a rough or unfinished drawing or painting.

Kitchen utensil chose -­ Kettle

Faber-­Castell;; 8B, 6B and 4B for darkening meanwhile 2B and 2H for lighting.

Circular Technique / Smooth Shading

One to two hours because the I put a lot of effort for the details.

It will be useful for my future path and it will be more easy for me to present my drawing.

5 Senses Sound : Produce “ding ding” sound when I use my finger to tap the stainless steel body. Produce hissing sound when the water is start to boil. Sight : Typical kettle design;; the on/off switch, control knob and open lid handles are blue colour;; the stainless steel body is grey in colour;; other parts of the kettle are black colour. Build in control knob;; water level indicator. Touch : The stainless steel body is smooth and the handle is a little bit rough. Smell : Odourless Taste : Tasteless

Ruler for drawing straight lines and Faber-­Castell Knetgummi Art Eraser (Kneaded Eraser) for removing and highlighting pencil sketching.

I used the kneaded eraser to light the reflective parts and I drew the black lines to contour the appearance of the kettle.

I felt gleeful with my work.

My process essay is about the stages how I observe the appearance of my kitchen utensil to and my sketching process.

To boil water;; Steps for operating the appliance.

Yes. I need to clear my work space before I start my works.

Drew the wrong lines and erased by using erase.

Yes, I will do this again.

I chose this kettle because I have the exact same one at my Sibu (hometown) house and it reminds me of my home.

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Process Essay

The definition of sketching is a rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often made to

assist in making a more finished picture. Sketching is important to an architecture student

because it is the most effective way to explore a design idea and to record your thoughts

instantly. As an architect, a quick schematic sketch can go a long way to convey your ideas

and concept to your client. In my opinion, sketching is the must have tool in the arsenal of a

designer. My process essay is about the stages of sketching a kettle.

First of all, the kitchen utensil I have chosen is kettle. Albert Einstein quoted, “No idea is

conceived in our mind independent of our five senses”. So I determined the five senses of

kettle first before I started my sketching. First and foremost, the kettle produced “ding ding”

sound when I used my finger nail to tap the stainless steel body. Apart from that, the kettle

also produced hissing sound when the water is starting to boil. Next, the appearance of the

kettle is just a typical kettle design with on and off switch and control knob for controlling the

rate of boiling. Besides that, the kettle also comes with a built in water level indicator. Coming

to the third sense;; touch, the stainless steel body is smooth and the handle is a little bit

rough. For the last two senses, the smell of kettle is odourless and the kettle is tasteless. I

use the kettle to boil water everyday for different purposes. For example, boiled water can

be used for cooking, drinking, cleaning and washing. I am selecting kettle as the kitchen

utensil because it reminds me of home. In my mind, I could see my mum boiling water first

thing in the morning. My mum would use the boiled water to make a cup of Milo and coffee

for me and my dad respectively. She would use the boiled water for preparing food like

oatmeal and noodles. Oh, how I miss the aroma of dad’s coffee and mum’s cooking.

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As for the drawing tools, I would prefer Faber-­Castell pencils with different grades. I will

use 4B, 6B, and 8B pencils for darkening and 2H and 2B for lighting. Beside the pencils,

other essential tools are a kneaded eraser and a pencil sharpener. Since I will be sketching

a single kettle and not a cluster of inanimate objects, I do feel the need to use a grid for

balance in my drawing. My drawing table is usually set up next to the window where I can

view the garden outside. The mango tree and the variety of flowers always soothe my mind

and help me to concentrate on what I am doing. The drawing table should be cleared of

clutter except the tools and papers for my sketches;; to me clutter is always a major

distraction. And to top it off to create a perfect environment, I would put on some pop music

to keep me company while I sketch.

Additionally, I used different types of technique to sketch my kettle. First of all, I used

circular and smooth shading techniques for my sketching. Creating circles and scribbles is

great to create contrasting textures, when objects are similar in value. I used the kneaded

eraser to light the reflective parts and I drew the black lines to contour the appearance of

the kettle. Human make mistakes, I drew some wrong lines and I erased them by using


The whole process of examining the kettle with my five senses and sketching it on paper

took about forty-­five minutes. The majority of the time was spent sketching or rather trying

to sketch the kettle. As a novice in sketching, numerous attempts were made before I was

reasonably satisfied with my efforts. Actually my first attempt looked more like a head of an

elephant than a kettle. Once the outline of the kettle was done, I also spent a fair bit of time

on the shadows in the attempt to provide a three-­dimensional feel to my sketch. I did feel a

certain degree of elation after completing my sketch even though the end product does seem

a bit amateurish. I have learned one lesson from this exercise. You have to spend time

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observing the object which you are going to sketch because drawing is transferring

something which you have observed through your five senses on to a piece of paper.

Sketching is a skill to be learned through lots of practice rather than a gift which you are

born with. As a student who is aspiring to become an architect one day, I will continue to

learn and practice on my sketching and hopefully be a competent sketcher soon.