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Page 2: Fallacy by Kalendral9

Pairings: Hermione/Blaise; Harry/Draco; Side Pairings:

Bella/Rodolphus; Lucius/Narcissa; Severus/Remus; James/Lily (and

some surprise pairings)

Warnings: Preg, Mpreg, graphic sex scenes, swearing, abuse

Fallacy : Prologue

“You must push my lady. Your baby’s almost here.”

A moan was heard and a gasp, “No… c…can’t.”

“Yes, you can… you can do it…”

The dark haired woman lay back on the bed panting in exhaustion.

After twenty hours she could push no more.

The mediwitch tisked and began to make her preparations. After

making sure the lady wouldn’t wake, she made her incision and

gently pulled the baby from the woman’s womb.

A girl… no matter. The mediwitch thought.

After cleaning the child she plucked a single hair from her and placed

her in a bassinet and activated the portkey. Bassinet and baby both

dissapeared. From her bag she pulled the golum and with the hair

whispered a spell which made the golum look like the baby.

Making sure everything was in order she cast an enervate and the

black haired lady awoke with a groan.

“Oh, my lady… your awake.”

The lady gasped as she realized she no longer felt the pain in her

abdomen, “Where… where’s my baby?”

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The mediwitch glanced at the bundle wrapped golum and turned back.

“I’m so sorry my lady, but the child didn’t make it… the strain of

such a long labor was too much for her.”

“No… no… your wrong…” the lady began to weep loudly and

collapsed back onto the bed.

The mediwitch bowed, “I am sorry my lady, there was nothing I could


The dark-haired witch screamed at the mediwitch, “Get out!”

The mediwitch bowed again, backing out of the room. As she past the

doors she removed the silencing spell she placed around the room.

In the sitting room off of the master bedroom she stopped as three

men stood. One dark-haired man stepped forward.

“How is my wife?” Rodolphus Lestrange asked the mediwitch


The mediwitch looked at the three men, two dark and one fair. All

Dark Wizards. She sneered inwardly. Outwardly she gave the man a

pitying look, “I am sorry my lord, but the child was stillborn.”

Rodolphus collapsed onto the rich Persian rug in despair. Rabastan

fell heavily back onto the chair he stood from with a sob. Lucius

Malfoy placed a hand on his brother-in-law’s shoulder.

“Thank you, you may go.” Malfoy said curtly.

The mediwitch bowed one last time and left. Once she was past the

Antiapparation wards she apparated to the small Muggle hospital

where she sent the Lestrange baby girl.

‘Now to find a proper home for this child away from Dark families.’

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Chapter 2: Fallacy

Chapter One


Harry Potter and Ron Weasley glanced up from their Charms Essay as

the portrait door opened and Hermione Granger walked in clutching a

book to her chest.

“What’cha got there, ‘Moine?” Harry asked as she sat down beside


“It’s a Potions manual that Professor Snape let me borrow for an extra

credit assignment.”

“Extra Credit? What do you need to do an extra credit assignment

for? You’re already at the top of the class.” Ron exclaimed.

“I want to show Professor Snape that I can brew a perfect potion

outside of the classroom. I’m to work on it at my own time, within the

exact allotment of time that the potion requires. If I brew it

sucessfully then he will allow me to become a Student Assistant.”

“Why would you want to do that?” Harry asked.

Hermione gave Harry an exasperated look, “Because I want to

become a Potions Master.”

Harry and Ron just stared at her.

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Hermione rolled her eyes, “Don’t look at me like that. You two want

to become Auror’s, I need a career as well.”

“But why potions?” Ron complained.

“Because I’m good at them,” was all she said, then proceeded to

ignore them.

Harry and Ron exchanged glanced that stated that the bushy haired

witch was crazy and went back to their essays.


Hermione perused the potions book she received from Professor

Snape looking for the perfect potion to brew for her assignment. She

skimmed past the really easy potions that they’d all learned in the first

four years at Hogwarts and flipped to the back of the book looking at

sixth and seventh year potions.

She spotted a few potential ones that she thought would be

challenging as she flipped pages. As she got to the back of the book,

the last potion in it popped out at her.


Required Ingrediants:

1 Gillyweed pureed

3 drops of Dragons blood

2oz runespoor venom

2 red rose petals

A single hair of a Newborn Unicorn

Hermione gaped at the page. She had never seen the last two

ingrediants in any other potion before. Reading further the potion also

required it to be brewed in a #2 silver cauldron with an Ivory ladel

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and a single sheet of Bamboo parchment to soak in it, then you add a

drop of blood to the parchment of the person you’re using the potion


‘This is perfect, and it only takes four days to make. I’ll need to ask

Hagrid if he knows of any Unicorn Mares with foal and how soon

they’ll give birth.’ Hermione was giddy with excitement, ‘Mum

always said we might be related to Royalty way back, this is the

perfect way to find out.’

Pulling out a fresh sheet of parchment she began to copy down the

potion. When she was done she blew on the page to dry the ink.

Casting a quick tempus she realized that it was dinner time.

“Harry, Ron, time for dinner.” Both boys jumped at her voice.

“Bloody Hell, ‘Mione, a little warning next time.” Ron exclaimed.

“Honestly, you two are so clueless. Come on, dinner.”

Ron jumped up, papers scattering, “Well, why didn’t you say so. Let’s


Harry and Hermione smiled at him. Always thinking with his

stomach. Together they all went down for dinner.


Professor Severus Snape was busy grading essays when he heard a

knock at his door.


A bushy head poked through and Snape sneered at the Gryffindor.

“Miss Granger, I suppose you are here to inform me of your desired


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Hermione held out Snape’s book, “Yes sir, I have. Page 259.”

Snape’s left eyebrow rose, “Really?”

“Yes sir.”

“And do you require any help in aquiring the ingrediants?”

“Just the runespoor venom, sir.”

“And when will you begin brewing?”

“Hagrid told me that a Unicorn mare is due in three days and she has

agreed to the hair when her foal is born. So as soon as she foals.”

“Very well, Miss Granger. When you are ready I’ll have the venom

for you.” He looked at her, “Are you sure you won’t need anything

else on the list?”

“No sir.”

“Very well then, you are dismissed.”


Five days later Hermione received an owl from Hagrid telling her that

the Unicorn mare was in labor. Dropping what she was doing she

rushed out of the Great Hall and ran to Hagrids, ignoreing Harry and

Ron’s exclamations for her to stop.

A few minutes later she burst through Hagrid’s door startling Fang

from his slumber. Hagrid was nowhere to be seen.

“Fang, take me to Hagrid.”

The large dog lept up a ran out the door Hermione ot his heels. She

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past Ron and Harry coming from the castle.

“Come on, she’s in labor.”

“Who’s in labor?”

Hermione just kept running trying to keep up with Fang. Exchanging

glances the two boys ran after them.


Fang slowed as they came upon a clearing where Hermione saw

Hagrid. About ten yards in the center of the clearing was a glemaing

white body heaving with effort. Coming to stand beside the half-giant,

Hermione stopped and stared at the Unicorn.

“She’s be-”

“Shh.” Hagrid placed a hand on her mouth. “Not a sound.”

Hermione nodded and Hagrid removed his hand. Some rustling of

leaves alerted them to the approach of Harry and Ron. Hermione

turned around as the two boys came into view. Placing a finger to her

lips she gestured them foreward.

Quietly the four of them observed as the Unicorn mare brought a new

life into the world. Hagrid leaned down and whispered to Hermione,

“Walk as calm as you can holding your hands out to the side and

approach her. If she nods her head you may take your one hair. Make

sure it is just one. The best place would be from the mane.”

Hermione nodded and stepped forward slowly hands spread. When

she was two yards away the mare turned her head towards her gazing

into her eyes. Hermione did not blink as she felt… something… probe

her mind, then it was gone and the mare gave a single nod of her

head, her spiraled horn bobing with the motion.

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Hermione gave a curtsy and approached them. The foal gave her a

sidelong glance then gave a soft wicker. He bowed his head to her and

presented his mane for her. Taking a single strand of hair firmly in her

grasp Hermione gave a sharp pull and the two inch strand came away.

The colt jerked back almost tumbling but the mare steadied him. The

two Unicorns then turned and walked away.

“That went well, don’t you think?” Hagrid said.

“Bloody hell, ‘Mione, what was all that about?”

Hermione smiled broadly as she rejoined them, “Remember that extra

credit assignment I told you about? This is one of the ingrediants I

need.” She held the single hair aloft.

“All that for one hair?” Ron groaned.

“I now have all the ingrediants I need.” Hermione tucked the strand

into a vial, sealed it and placed the vial in her pocket.

Harry shook his head, “I sure hope it’s worth all this, ‘Mione.”


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Chapter 3: Fallacy

Chapter Two


The very next morning Hermione began preparing her potion. Most of

the ingredients were bought at an apothecary. The Dragons blood was

shipped from Romania by Charlie Weasley at her request. All she

needed now was the Venom from Professor Snape.

Making her way down to the dungeons, Hermione knocked on

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Snape’s classroom door. Grateful that it was a Saturday she heard him

say ‘enter’ and she went into the room.

“Professor, I’m here for the Runespoor Venom, please.”

Snape looked up from the paperwork he’d been grading and sneered

at her. “Top shelf left hand side.”

Hermione went to the stockroom, located the vial and took it down.

Turning back to Snape she said, “Thank you, sir.”

“You have four days Miss Granger. On Tuesday at the lunch hour I

expect you to be down here with the completed project. We will then

test the paper at that time. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You may go.”


After four days of grueling work it was done. Hermione sat back and

breathed a huge sigh if relief. The potion was done.

“Can we go back to the Common Room now?” Ron asked. He and

Harry decided that they wanted to keep her company throughout the

process. Two times she had to place them in a body bind to keep them

from knocking her cauldron over.

The door opened with a bang that made them jump and Snape strode

into the unused classroom.

“Are you finished, Miss Granger?” He ignored the two boys.

“Yes, sir, all done. It just needs the bamboo paper to soak into and

five minutes after that my blood.”

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Hermione was excited. Snape stepped up to the cauldron and inhaled

the aroma, dipped the ladle in checking its consistency and gave a

sharp nod.

“Well then, the parchment Miss Granger.”

She pulled a roll of paper out of her school bag and handed them to


“One, Miss Granger.”

She blushed at separated one paper and gave it to her professor. Snape

took the paper and dropped it into the cauldron. There was a flash of

smoke as the paper settled on the potion. The two of them peered into

the cauldron as the paper absorbed all the potion. Once that was done

Snape reached in and withdrew the Bamboo parchment.

“A drop of your blood will be sufficient Miss Granger.” He pulled out

a small paring knife from his robes and handed it to her, hilt first.

Gently she pricked her finger and let a drop of blood fall onto the

parchment. With bated breath they all watched as the paper seemed to

sink into the parchment. Then suddenly words began to appear on the

paper. None of them could believe their eyes.

Hermione Jean Granger (Adoptive Name)

Rosalind Druella Lestrange (Birth Name)

Born: September 19th 1979

Mother: Bellatrix Rose Lestrange nee Black

Maternal Grandfather: Sygnus Black

Maternal Grandmother: Druella Black nee Rosier

Father: Rodolphus Arcturus Lestrange

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Paternal Grandmother: Ursulla Salene Lestrange nee Flint

Paternal Grandfather: Arcturus Lestrange

Blood Adopted Mother: Ellen May Granger nee Thomas

Blood Adopted Father: Gerard Cole Granger

Blood Adoption approved by Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge

“That is not right!” Ron yelled.

“You had to of done it wrong, ‘Mione.” Harry exclaimed.

“That’s not possible…” Snape breathed disbelievingly.

Hermione just stared at the paper in shock. Two things kept rolling

through her head. She was adopted. She was the daughter of Bellatrix


In a very quiet voice she said, “It’s not wrong, the potion went


The three of them stared at her. She lifted her head to look Snape in

the eye.

“I did it perfectly, nothing went wrong. Professor Snape, what does

this mean? How can I be that… woman’s daughter? Oh great Merlin,

I’m a pureblood,” she groaned, “and Malfoy’s cousin.”

Harry and Ron gaped at her again. Malfoy’s cousin?

Snape shook his head and glared at the three of them, “You will not

speak a word of this to anyone, am I understood.”

Ron swallowed and nodded, Harry nodded too.

Hermione’s voice trembled, “Who would believe us anyways.”

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“I’m going to check some things. The three of you will go to dinner

and pretend none of this happened.” And with that said Snape strode

out of the room leaving three bewildered teens behind.


Severus Snape, resident Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House

stalked down the corridor towards the dungeons. His mind was in an

uproar at the news he witnessed.

It couldn’t be possible. Bella lost that child. Dead and buried. But the

Heritage Potion never lies.

In his private rooms he went to the fireplace and threw in some floo

powder calling out, “Malfoy Manor!” then stuck his head into the


On the other side of those flames was a regal sitting room richly

furnished in silver and bronze. A regal woman sat on a settee

embroidering. She glanced at the fireplace when she saw the fire


“Severus! What a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe this call?”

“I apologize Narcissa, but is Lucius around?”

“Of course. Kipper!” She called and a moment later a house elf

appeared, “Tell the master that Master Snape has called.”

“Yes mistress.” And the elf disappeared again.

“Why don’t you come through Severus.” Narcissa asked.

“Thank you, Cissy.” His head disappeared, but then the fire flashed

and his whole body appeared.

Just then Lucius walked in, “Severus, how are you? Is everything ok

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with Draco?”

“Draco is fine. I am not here for him. I have something else to


Lucius poured two glasses of brandy and handed one to Snape, “Oh?

What could that be.”

“How much do you remember of the night Bellatrix lost her baby?”

Snape threw back the liquid in on go. It burned going down.

Lucius sat down next to his wife, “We all got there just after the

mediwitch arrived. She threw us all out shortly after that when there

were… complications. More than 20 hours of labor… I was a wreck

with Cissy with only ten hours when Draco was born. I can’t imagine

Roddy’s pain at seeing his wife go through that long of labor. Bella

was catatonic for days, refusing to eat, barely slept. Rodolphus and I

finally had to force nutrient potions and then a Dreamless Sleep in

her. She was rail thin. She was never quite the same after that.”

“I always wondered why she was… like that…” Snape pondered his

next words, “How much did you know of the Mediwitch?”

“Severus, what’s this all about?” Narcissa asked uneasily.

“Please, this is important, the mediwitch?” Snape persisted.

“Not much really, she was a midwife from St. Mungo’s. She was

recommended by the Head Healer at the time, Kelston Jorgens, I

believe.” Lucius ran a hand through his hair.

Snape sighed, “A student of mine came to me asking for an extra

credit assignment. I gave her a potions book and told her to pick one

potion. She picked the Bloodline and Heritage Potion.”

Lucius and Narcissa gave him curious looks.

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“I watched as she added a drop of her own blood to the page.” He

pulled the very page out of his robes. He stared at the words, possible

hoping that they would change. “She did the potion correctly, there

were no mistakes.” He handed the paper over to Lucius.

Husband and wife stared at the name on the page in total shock.

“This can’t be…”


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Chapter 4: Fallacy

Chapter Three


Hermione stared at the canopy of her bed in the girls dormitory that

night. She could not sleep. The words from the page kept jumping out

at her.

Blood Adoption Aproved by the Minister for Magic.

What does that mean? She knew for a fact that Bellatrix Lestrange

and her husband were still alive. They were still in Azkaban as far as

she knew, but that meant that she should have been sent to be raised

by the Malfoy’s or the Tonks’. Why then was she sent to live with


Are they really my parents, are mum and dad even aware that I’m not

really their daughter?

Her mind was going in circles and she could not sleep. Getting up she

went down to the common room and sat down staring at the dying


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“Hey, ‘Moine.”

She gave a start as Harry came and sat beside her.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.”

“Thanks Harry. I just couldn't sleep.” She leaned into him and he

wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder.

“Me too. What do you suppose this means? Did they give you up

because you were a girl?”

“I don’t know. It just all seems so impossible to imagine.” Hermione

gave a heavy sigh.

Harry took out his wand and levitated an afghan to wrap around the

two of them. Exhausted they fell asleep right there on the floor.


After they got over their shock, Lucius and Narcissa asked many

questions about their new-found niece. All Lucius remembered of her

was a head full of bushy brown hair and too much teeth. Narcissa had

never seen the girl and wanted to know everything.

“She is very bright, top of most of her classes. Spends most of her

time in the library or browbeating Potter and Weasley into doing their

schoolwork. I think the chit should have gone into Ravenclaw instead

of Gryffindor.”

Lucius stared off as he thought about that fateful night and the

mediwitch. He needed to find the woman and get some answers. He

stood and went to the floo.

“Luc, what…?” Narcissa stopped at the look in her husbands eyes. He

only ever looked like this when he was on a war-path.

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“I’m going to St. Mungo’s and talk to Healer Jorgens. He

recommended that woman as a mediwitch so he would know who she


“Then I’m going with you.” Narcissa stood and joined him at the


“I must return to Hogwarts. Although, Lucius, I was wondering if you

had any supply of the Heritage potion. I know that most Pureblood

families keep some around for identity purposes of children.”

“Of course, I actually have a few bottles. I had them brewed a few

years after Draco was born. Cissa was pregnant again, but lost the

child…” He trailed off at the reminder. Clearing his throat he call a

house elf to get the potion. Then they all left, Severus back to

Hogwarts and the Malfoy’s to St. Mungo’s.


Stepping out of the floo Lucius and Narcissa went straight to the

administrator’s office.

Healer Kelston Jorgens was just finnishing some paperwork as the

two Malfoy’s came into his office. He gave a start at the look on the

man’s face.

“Don’t get up Kelston, I need some answers.” Lucius said as the man

began to rise. Kelston slumped back into his chair as the couple took

the empty chairs on the other side of his desk.

He cleared his throat, “What kind of answers?”

“Do you remember fifteen years ago you gave me a recommendation.

I want to know the name of that mediwitch and I want to know why

you recommended her.”

Kelston swallowed at the look on the man’s face. “She came to the

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hospital just a few years before, her name was To-”

“What do you mean ‘was’?” Lucius demanded.

“She died, almost ten years ago. As I was saying her name was

Toriana Forgan. She had quite a resume, and seemed to fit right in

with the staff here. She was a very skilled midwife. It was actually her

preferred occupation. She regularly made house calls, especially when

the expectant mother was on bedrest or were high risk pregnancies.”

“Like Bella.” Narcissa stated. She remembered the few time Bella had

almost lost her baby to miscarriage. She was on almost constant

bedrest after her first big scare. The two of them were in Diagon

Alley baby shopping and Bella took a heavy fall onto her stomach.

Now that Narcissa thought about it, the incident seemed a little

suspicious. The Alley had been crowded, but not so crowded that

people could have avoided them. At the time they both assumed it

was an accident, but no one came forward to apologize or anything.

“Yes, like your sister. Now that I think about it throughout her twenty

years with us I recall quite a few infant deaths.”

Lucius sneered at the man, “And you never thought anything odd

about that? Was she the only one who reported infant deaths? How


“From 1975 to 1984 about twenty or so, I have records…”

“Get them.” Lucius demanded.

Narcissa turned to face him, “Twenty!? Twenty babes ripped from

their families? Why? What for?”

Lucius pulled his wife into his arms, “I don’t know, love, but we’ll

find out. I need to have that list from the healer, then we are going to

talk to those families.”

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Ten minutes later Healer Jorgens came back in with a stack of papers,

“Here are the names of those who lost babes while Forgan was with


Lucius took the stack and flipped through them scaning the name and

moving on to the next page.

“Rosier, Gibbon, Lestrange, Avery, Nott, Black, Thurgun, Rovoms,

Crabbe, O’Shea, McDougall… Cissa, all these names are Dark

families. Not all of them follow the Dark Lord but they practice in

Dark Arts.”

Narcissa stared at him aghast, “They are stealing children from Dark

families, and from the Heritage potion done by Miss Granger, sending

them to live with Muggles…”

Lucius turned back to the Healer his wand pointed at the man, “Did

you know about this? Answer truthfully Jorgens.”

Jorgens began to sweat, “… I d…didn’t know… I


Lucius sneered one last time at the pathetic fool and turned to his

wife, “We need to find out who else knew, and we need to test all the

muggleborns in that ten year period.”


When Severus Snape returned to Hogwarts he slipped down to the

dungeons as unobtrusively as he could. Years of practice kept him

clear of Filtch and Mrs. Norris. Snape sneered, oh how he hated that

filthy squib.

Finally secure behind his private door, Snape stored the Heritage

potion in a cupboard by the door. He will persuade Granger to stay

behind after class tomorrow, just to insure she did do the potion right.

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Lucius would have spared no expense on the Heritage potion he kept.

Only the best for a Malfoy.

He had the Gryffindor’s and Slytherins for his second class, and if the

chit proved to be Bella’s child… Snape stopped, he honestly had no

idea what he’d do. The girl had been raised a muggle, blood or not,

and quite possibly Bellatrix would have nothing to do with the child.

Snape shrugged to himdelf, it wasn’t his call to decide weather or not

the woman actually deserved to know if her child was alive or not.

Being in Azkaban all these years had probably rattled the womans

brain. Snape remembered little of the middle Black girl. He’d spent

most of his time studying, avoiding the Murauders and trying to beg

Lily’s forgiveness after fifth year.

The one thing he did recall was that she had been good at potions, not

phenomenal like he was, but good. He supposed it was one thing

Granger didn't loose in the blood adoption.


The next day in potions class, Hermione sat down in her usual spot

and waited for Professor Snape to arrive. She gave up trying to figure

things out. She just didn't know enough about what happened to come

to a full conclusion.

When class began she followed her assignment by rote, not really

paying attention to the instructions. As a result the cauldron began to

bubble more furiously and she gave a gasp as the whole thing

exploded. Luckily she ducked down behind her desk just in time

before the hot liquid could hit her.

“Miss Granger… five points from Gryffindor, and you will stay

behind to clean up your mess.”

Hermione stood shakily to her feet and mumbled, “Yes, sir.”

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Harry and Ron looked at her worriedly but she shook her head. There

really wasn’t anything they could do for her.

After class as Hermione began to clean her desk up Snape came up to


“Miss Granger, I need to verify your potion again. I have another

page here for you to use.”

“Sir? But my potion wasn’t wrong.” Hermione gaped at him.

“Anything could have happened to the brew without your knowledge.

It is just a precaution.”

“Yes, Sir.” Those two words seemed to be the only things she had

been saying lately.

Snape led her to his desk where he pulled out the Bamboo parchment

and potion. After the potion was absorbed by the parchment

Hermione once again let one drop of blood hit the page. And once

again the same words appeared on the page.

Hermione Jean Granger (Adoptive Name)

Rosalind Druella Lestrange (Birth Name)

Born: September 19th 1979

Mother: Bellatrix Rose Lestrange nee Black

Maternal Grandfather: Sygnus Black

Maternal Grandmother: Druella Black nee Rosier

Father: Rodolphus Arcturus Lestrange

Paternal Grandmother: Ursulla Salene Lestrange nee Flint

Paternal Grandfather: Arcturus Lestrange

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Blood Adopted Mother: Ellen May Granger nee Thomas

Blood Adopted Father: Gerard Cole Granger

Blood Adoption approved by Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge

Snape took the page, “Well, that’s that I guess, Miss Lestrange.”

Hermione jerked up and stared at him, “Wha…?”


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Chapter 5: Fallacy

A/N: Takes place in OotP

Disclaimer: I Don’t own Harry Potter nor do I make any money from

this story, Just having some fun with the Characters

Pairings: Hermione/Blaise; Harry/Draco; Side Pairings:

Bella/Rodolphus; Lucius/Narcissa; Severus/Remus; James/Lily (and

some surprise pairings)

Warnings: Preg, Mpreg, graphic sex scenes, swearing, abuse



Chapter Four


Hermione groaned as she opened her eyes. Her gaze fell on Snape

sitting on a chair next to the sofa she was lying in. Seeing him

reminded her why she was on the floor. Snape called her ‘Miss

Lestrange’ and after that she promptly fainted.

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She closed her eyes again, trying to will it all away. She really was

Bellatrix Lestange’s daughter. She couldn’t deny it any longer.

“Miss L…” Snape stopped, “Miss Granger, if you would be so kind

as to get up, you are late for your next class.”


“Because I believe Professor McGonagall would be rather put out

with her favorite student if she was late.”

“No… Why me? Did they not want a girl? Do I have something

wrong with me?”

Severus Snape looked at the young girl lying on his sofa and sighed

heavily, “You were not unwanted. You were believed to be dead the

day you were born.”


“Miss Granger, I do not have all the answers. There are others who

have more knowledge on that day than myself. Now, if you would

kindly remove yourself from my quarters I have my next class to

prepare for.”

Hermione flushed and she stood, “I’m sorry sir if I interrupted your

routine. I’ll go now.”

Snape stood as she went to the door, “Miss Granger, if you’d like… I

can put you in contact of those with the answers your seek.”

She froze at the door, her hand on the door handle. “I’ll think about it

sir.” She rushed out the door before she could change her mind.


Lucius and Narcissa came through the floo into the Headmasters

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office the next day.

“Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Professor Dumbledore, how do you do?” Lucius shook his hand,

“An issue has come up that needs to be resolved.”

Albus Dumbledore sat behind his chair, eyes twinkling, “Oh? What


“It has come to my attention that a Muggleborn student of your is not

really muggleborn, and quite possibly other ‘muggleborns’ as well.”

Lucius stated.

Albus smiled at the man, “What do you mean, not really muggleborn?

Surly you don’t think that a pureblood would just allow their child to

presume to be muggle.”

“No, I believe things to be worse off than that. A mediwitch midwife

delivered some babies about ten years ago and stole a few of them,

letting the parents believe that the child was stillborn. I have records

from the Hospital about this woman and who she took children from.”

Lucius handed a copy of the list to Dumbledore. Albus scanned the

names on the list. The ones he knew were convicted Death Eaters

popped out at him.

“These are all families that dabble in Dark Arts.” Albus stared at him.

“Yes, sir. I would like your permission to test those muggleborn

students that are here.”

“That is a very bold suggestion, Mr. Malfoy. How would we go about

this without their knowledge, because I will not have my students

upset for any reason.”

“We can enlist Madame Pomphrey’s aid. Possibly use it as a checkup.

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Muggles have all sorts of drugs that could contaminate out magical

core. We call all muggleborn and muggle-raised children to the

hospital wing and take a blood sample. Then use the Heritage potion.”

“That is a very good idea. And it will not raise any questions. Do you

have enough potion and parchment?” Dumbledore asked.

“Yes I believe I do. We can make the announcement at lunch and

have the students report to the hospital wing just before dinner.”


Harry and Hermione made their way towards the hospital wing just

before dinner. Trailing behind them was Colin and Dennis Creevey.

The two brothers were chatting about something Harry couldn't quite

make out. As they entered the hospital Harry noticed some

Ravenclaws and a few Hufflepuffs standing nearby. Dean Thomas

stood off to one side with Justin Finch-Fletchley.

Just then Madame Pomphrey burst into the room, “Alright everyone,

lets each find a bed and roll up your left sleeve. It will just be a little

blood draw and your all done. If any infection is to be reported I will

send you an owl and you will promptly return here for a purifying


Then she set about her task, marking each vial of blood with the name

of the student. After she was done and the last student left she took

the vials of blood back to her office where Lucius Malfoy and his

wife sat, potions ready.

One by one they placed a single drop on the paper and slowly the

child’s families were revealed. Two pages stood out amongst the

others and the couple could only stare at the first of the two in total


Dennis Lee Creevey (Adoptive Name)

No birth name given

Page 26: Fallacy by Kalendral9

Born: May 14th 1983

Mother: Narcissa Irma Malfoy ‘nee Black

Maternal Grandfather: Sygnus Black

Maternal Grandmother: Druella Black ‘nee Rosier

Father: Lucius Abraxas Malfoy

Paternal Grandfather: Abraxas Malfoy

Paternal Grandmother: Elladora Faye Malfoy ‘nee Prince

Blood Adopted Father: George Albert Creevey

Blood Adopted Mother: Diana May Creevey ‘nee Holden

Blood Adoption approved by Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge

Harry James Potter

Born July 31st 1980

Mother: Lily Rose Evans ‘nee Potter

Maternal Grandfather: Gellert Grindelwald ‘carrier’

Maternal Grandfather: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Father: James Alan Potter

Paternal Grandfather: Alan Ford Potter

Paternal Grandmother: Helen Marie Potter ‘nee Longbottom

Narcissa ran her hand along her name on the first page, “How is this

possible? I miscarried, it was a a miscarry, how could this be true?!”

She ended in a shriek as she shook. Lucius wrapped his arms around

his wife.

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Madame Pomphrey just stared at the pages, just now beginning to

realize that things are not as they seemed. “What does all this mean,

Mr. Malfoy? Who would steal all these children from their rightful


Lucius looked up at the Matron, “I really don’t know how far this all

goes. Madame, could you please send for Professor Dumbledore. I’m

sure he would like to know that he has a grandson.”

Madame Pomphrey nodded and went to the fire, tossing in some floo

powder she knelt down as she called out, “Headmasters Office” and

stuck her head in the green flames.

It took just a minute for her to talk to the Headmaster and he then

stepped through into the room.

“Mr. Malfoy…” He stopped seeing Narcissa cradled in the mans

arms, “What is it?”

“We found some very important information, sir. I’m sure you’d like

to see.” Lucius handed the papers to the Headmaster with Harry’s

form on the bottom.

Albus scanned each paper one by one with a sinking feeling. By the

time he got to the last page he was in tears. His name stood out on

Harry’s page like a beacon.

“Great Merlin! Gellert! How?” Albus collapsed onto the floor.

Madame Pomphrey rushed to his side. “Professor!”

Dumbledore raised his eyes to the matron’s, tears trickled down his

cheek, “All this time and I never knew. He was so good with stasis

spells. To have held his condition in stasis for twenty years…”

Just them Severus Snape walked into the Hospital wing. He took one

look at the Headmaster and rushed to his side. “Albus! What is it?”

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Dumbledore just handed him Harry’s page. Snape stared at it for a

minute in total shock. “Lily was your daughter? How is that


Dumbledore seemed to collapse inwardly, “Before all that mess in

1940 Gellert and I were… lovers. Then some things happened and we

had a falling out. I was forced to duel him and then defeated him. He

now resides in Nurmengard Prison.”

“But… Lily was born almost twenty years later. How is…”

“A stasis spell, Gellert was very good at them. Possibly when he

found out he was pregnant he placed a very strong stasis on the

growing child. After I defeated him, he must have prolonged the spell

as much as he could. Then possibly the strain became too great and

the spell collapsed causing the child to continue it’s growth.” Albus

said breathlessly.

“But why was she placed with Muggles? It doesn't make sense.”

Severus protested.

Lucius glanced at him, “None of this makes any sense. Wizarding

children being placed with muggles. They stole my son! My son!

Before he was even born! How did they do that?!”

Albus glanced at the Malfoy’s, “It would take a very powerful spell to

transfer a child from one mother to another. Either one very powerful

wizard or several linked together. And the only way to link would be

through a certain artifact, which I know for a fact the Ministry is in

possession of.”

“But what for? Why?”

Albus sighed, “I can only assume it would be to trick the wizarding

world into believing there are Muggleborns, although if there are no

Muggleborns then Voldemorts ideals are no longer valid.”

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Lucius snorted, “Oh he’s just going to love that.”



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Chapter 6: Fallacy

Chapter Five


Tom Marvolo Riddle, AKA Lord Voldemort, sneered down at Peter

Pettigrew, AKA Wormtail. The man was a sniveling rat and at times

Tom wondered what possessed him to allow the fool to remain.

“Tonight we will liberate our fellows from Azkaban!” he announced

to his assembled Death Eaters.

Tom hoped that there was one decent follower in there. Azkaban was

not a very friendly place, especially with the Dementors guarding it.

But Tom knew how to get past them. In his wonderings as a spirit he

came upon a artifact that kept Dark Creatures at bay. Just after his

resurrection he went and retrieved it.

On his right stood Lucius Malfoy, who, to Tom’s eye, seemed

troubled about something. He would need to have a talk with the

blond aristocrat.

“You will all be ready by eight PM. Now leave. Lucius, you will


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The assembly bowed and filed out. Lucius waited on one knee before

him waiting for him to speak.

“Something is troubling you Lucius and I would like to know what it


Lucius gave a small start. He was sure that he’d kept his features in

his usual Malfoy mask. Obviously his distress bled through just

enough for his Lord to see.

“My Lord, I…” He really had no idea where to start. His lords main

goal was to stop the muggleborns from corrupting the ideals of the

Wizarding world. Now that this new information has come to light

would his lords cause continue? “I have come across some startling

information, and it could quite possibly change our priorities.”

Tom looked at him curiously, “And what is that ‘startling

information’ Lucius that has you so stressed that you drop your usual


Lucius swallowed, “My lord… to put it bluntly… there are no real

muggleborns.” And he cringed at the Dark Lords frown.

“What do you mean by that, Malfoy.” Tom demanded.

Lucius took a quick glance at his lords face then dropped his gaze

back to the floor. Best explain as fast as possible, “My Lord, do you

recall the night that Bella had her child?”

Tom frowned at the man, where was this going? He idly wondered.

“Stillborn girl child I believe. Bella was catatonic for weeks


Lucius nodded, “My Lord, the child, in actuality, was not stillborn but

was stolen right from under our nose. The mediwitch created a golem,

we believe, and portkeyed the real child away. She was placed with

muggles to raise.”

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Tom’s frown became dark, “How does that lead you to believe that

there are no muggleborns?”

Lucius took a deep breath, “We secretly tested all the muggleborn

children presently at Hogwarts. Every single one of them came up

sons or daughters of Dark families. Not all that follow you, but

families that tend to dabble more into the Dark Arts. Some of the

children were somehow stolen before they were born.” That last

sentence was uttered with such anger that Tom gave a start.

“Yours?” he asked.

Lucius gave a sharp nod, “We are not sure how they did it, we are not

even sure who all of the conspirators are. The one we did know died

ten years ago. The only link we found was that all the adoptions were

approved by the Minister of Magic.”


Lucius nodded, “For the most recent ones at least. Fudge has only

been in office for twenty years. My lord, there is something else you

should know.” He wasn’t sure how his lord would take this news,

“Harry Potter’s mother is the daughter of Dumbledore and


Tom stared incredulously at him, “Dumbledore and Grindewald?” His

mind was working out the timeline, “But that’s impossible. The

Evan’s woman was born in the ‘60’s and Grindewald was defeated in

the ‘40’s. How can she…”

“Dumbledore told me that Gellert was good with stasis spells. His

theory was when the man found out he was pregnant he placed a

strong stasis charm on the fetus, possibly so it would not interfere

with his plans. After he was captured the stasis slowly deteriorated

and the child began to grow. When the guards at Nurmengard found

out they took her and placed her with muggles.”

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“What is the point of it all? Why make the Wizarding world believe

that there are muggleborns?” Tom mused.

Lucius dared to look at his lord, “I have been thinking about this ever

since we found out about Miss Granger. I believe that the Ministry

has done this for the single purpose of creating dissention among the

bloodlines. There have always been ‘light’ and ‘dark’ minded

families, what if the ‘light’ families, wanting to thin our bloodlines,

stole our children, placing them with muggles and when they come to

our schools we purebloods scorn them for their ‘impure’ blood, thus

reducing our chance of continuing our families blood. I can think of

no other alternative, nothing else fits. They are trying to wipe us out

by making us the ‘bad guys’ when we just want our families to live


Tom was quiet for some time after Lucius spoke. He knew that in his

own family they were inbreeding. His grandfather had wanted his

mother and uncle to have a child together, just to keep parceltounge

alive. The dark families were getting thin, and with two wars,

Grindewald’s and his own, the population has diminished even more.

Many of their followers died on the battlefield or they died in prison.

Very few of them survived Azkaban.

“I agree with you, Lucius.”

Lucius breathed a sigh of relief. “So, My lord, what do we plan to do


“Now Lucius?” Tom turned to look directly into his eyes, the gleam

reminiscent of the old days, “I plan on thwarting the Ministry from

ever stealing anymore of our children and returning the lost ones to

their proper families.”


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Page 33: Fallacy by Kalendral9

Chapter 7: Fallacy

A/N: Takes place in OotP

Disclaimer: I Don’t own Harry Potter nor do I make any money from

this story, Just having some fun with the Characters

Pairings: Hermione/Blaise; Harry/Draco; Side Pairings:

Bella/Rodolphus; Lucius/Narcissa; Severus/Remus; James/Lily (and

some surprise pairings)

Warnings: Preg, Mpreg, graphic sex scenes, swearing, abuse

Sorry this took so long my internet was down again… Hope you like

it… K



Chapter Six


It was dark out across the water as they made their way to the giant

building in the middle of the ocean. Most of them rode brooms and

the others came in a boat able to carry away those they liberated.

Tom glanced around at his followers and smiled. They were few now,

but that number will increase when the world finds out that the

ministry is stealing children.

As they came closer to the prison a chill permeated the area and many

black cloaked figures came their way. He was prepared for this. He

pulled out ofhis pocket a talisman and held if aloft letting a trickle of

magic flow into it. The dementors suddenly stopped as if frozen and

allowed them to pass.

Nearing the entrance of Azkaban prison Tom pulled his wand out and

sent a powerful blasting curse at the gates. Once the gates were down

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the Death Eaters flowed through heading to their assigned locations to

free their companions.

Tom signaled Licius and together they went down into the darkest

depths of the prison. They came upon many cells with prisoners that

were so far gone that they were mindless husks. A few more cell over

and Lucius called out.


The woman stirred at the sound of his voice. She moaned as she

rolled over, “Luce? Have the hallucinations gotten that bad now?”

She mumbled.

“Bella, you are not hallucinating. We are here, along with our Lord.”

Bella gave a jerk and she sat up, “My Lord!” she gasped.

“Come, Bella, it is time to leave this hell hole.” Tom said to her.

She stood unsteadily and aproached the door. Tom pulled out his want

and the door opened with a simple alohamora. She stepped through

and threw herself at Lucius sobbing. They exchanged a few quiet

words that Tom didn’t hear then pulled apart.

Bella stepped towards him, “My lord, I think that there is someone

you shoud see. A little further down the hall.”

Tom looked at her curiously and nodded gesturing for her to lead the


About halfway further down the hall they came to a set of cells that

were so cloaked in concealing charms it was a wonder that Bella even

knew they were there. Tom peered into the first cell and gave a start.

He heard Lucius gasp as he looked into the other cell.

“How is this possible?” Tom breathed, “How can they be here?”

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Bella shook her head, “I do not know, My Lord. I can’t even imagine

why they would be in here. When I saw them the first time I thought

they were hallucinations. Then I saw them again one other time and I

knew they were here for truth.”

“Lucius, open the cells and lets see the conditions they are in. If they

are sane we will take them with us.”

Lucius nodded grimly and opened the door infront of him. If these

two people were sane and have been in here all this time under false

charges they might be willing to side with them, against the ministry.

Especially once the woman finds out about her real paternity.


Harry and Hermione slipped out of the Gryffindor common room

underneath Harry’s invisibility cloak. They headed straight to the

seventh floor where a door stood waiting for them. They slipped

inside and pulled off the cloak.

The room was made to resemble a simple sitting room, done a muted

colors of blue and silver. There was a roaring fire going in a fireplace

and a large bearskin lay infront of the fire. The rooms other two

occupants sat on oppisite couches faceing said fireplace. They turned

at the sound of the door opening.

Hermione pulled away from Harry and practicly flew into the arms of

the dark skinned boy on the left. Blaise Zabini cradled her as she cried

into his shoulder. Her ran his hands through her hair comfortingly.

Harry went to the other couch and was pulled down by the other

occupant. He turned to look into the eyes of his boyfriend and those

beautiful grey eyes seemed to calm him. He laid his head on Draco

Malfoy’s lap and the blonde Slytherin combed his hands through his

own hair. The shock seemed to have worn off the Slytherin prince as

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he observed his cousin and her boyfriend.

After about ten minutes Hermione seemed to calm down and she sat

up, still wrapped in Blaise’s arms. She wiped the tears from her face

as she took in the sight of her best friend and cousin.

Cousin, wow. That’s something that will take some getting used to…

Draco glanced down at Harry and the dark haired Gryffindor sat up,

“I have had some news from my father. They are attacking Azkaban


Hermione’s hand flew to her mouth, “My m… Bellatrix? And the


Draco nodded, “I’m not sure that he will tell her. It probably all

depends on if she is sane or not.”

Harry glanced at Draco, his boyfriend for all of six months. Since the

beginning of the school year. It was kind of sudden for both of


On the train headed to school Draco came across a distraught Harry in

the bathroom. The savior tried to cover himself up but the other had

seen. Blood dripping down his arms into the sink and a razor blade in

his hand. The two stood stranfixed for a full five minutes, then Draco

pulled out his wand, which set Harry off.

Harry flinched away from the upraised hand that held the wand, fled

to the corner of the room and wrapped his arms around himself, knees

to his chin head burried in them rocking back and forth.

Draco had froze as soon as Harry began to move, sure that the other

boy would attack him. When he realized that the Boy-Who-Lived was

cringing in the corner he lowered his wand and crept towards the

distressed boy.

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With gentle mummers of comfort he pulled Harry into his arms

rocking him back and forth. Only until the heard the conductor yell

that they’d arrived at Hogwarts did they realize how long they sat

there on the bathroom floor.

Draco slowly pulled the other boy to his feet, gave him a gentle

squeeze and left. No words had been said but it seemed that a sort of

truce came over them. Over the course of September they met

together secretly and talked. They talked of school,

Quidditch,everything but the one topic, Harry’s cutting.

Then one day as they lay in front of the fire in the Room of

Requirement Draco gathered his courage and kissed Harry. It was soft

and sweet and Harry loved it.

Coming back to himself Draco pulled Harry into a kiss while on the

other couch Hermione and Blaise whistled.

“Let’s get back to the discussion at hand boys.” Hermione said.

They looked at her red rimmed eyes and smiled encouragingly.

“If you want to meet her ‘Mione then go right ahead. They should be

at Malfoy Manor by morning. Tomorrow is a Hogsmeade weekend

and we can slip away quietly. Dad gave me a portkey…”

Harry groaned at this, “Not another portkey, Dray you know I hate


Draco sighed and kissed him lightly, “I know Harry, but it’s the only

way out of Hogsmeade since we are all too young to Apparate.”

Harry gave a resigned sigh, “I know but it doesn’t mean I have to like


Draco gave him a hug and laughed, “I’ll be right beside you, Harry.”

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“We are all here for you Harry, I’m not particularly fond of portkeys

either. I need you with me Harry, please?!”

Harry smiled at her, “I’ll be fine, ‘Mione. I know you need me when

you meet them. Dray, what time does the portkey activate?”

“Ten o’clock. It will drop us right into the foyer. Mother should be

waiting for us.”

Harry swallowed, “Will HE be there?”

Draco wrapped him in his arms, “I don’t know, I hope not for your



Sorry, I had to stop there… Please review… Thanks…

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Chapter 8: Fallacy

A/N: Takes place in OotP

Disclaimer: I Don’t own Harry Potter nor do I make any money from

this story, Just having some fun with the Characters

Pairings: Hermione/Blaise; Harry/Draco; Side Pairings:

Bella/Rodolphus; Lucius/Narcissa; Severus/Remus; James/Lily (and

some surprise pairings)

Warnings: Preg, Mpreg, graphic sex scenes, swearing, abuse



Chapter Seven

Page 39: Fallacy by Kalendral9


Harry hated traveling by portkey. It made him nauseous and a little

scared. One of his experiences with a portkey went very badly for him

and he wasn’t so sure that this time will not end up the same. With a

grimace he gripped Draco’s hand as he felt the pull and was

unceremoniously dropped onto the floor of the foyer. A smooth and

delicate hand pulled him to his feet.

“Mr. Potter, what a pleasure it is to finally meet you.”

Harry glanced up into the aristocratic face of Narcissa Malfoy and

gave a small start of surprise. The woman bore a startling

resemblance to Sirius. He gaped at her.

“What is wrong?” she asked.

He blushed, surprised to be caught staring, “It’s nothing, you just look

like someone I know.”

She gave a small smile, “You must mean Sirius.”

Harry’s head jerked up in shock, “How…?” He trailed off, unsure of

what to say.

“He’s my cousin, Harry, and since he is your Godfather that makes

you family.”

Harry could not seem to wrap his mind around that.

“Mother stop pestering him. We only have a short time here.” Draco

pulled Harry away from his mother and proceeded to exit the room,

Hermione and Blaise trailing after.

Harry finally found his voice and glared at Draco, “You didn’t tell me

you were related to Sirius.” He said accusingly.

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“It never came up, Harry. Sorry.”

“Anything else you should tell me?” Harry grumbled.

Narcissa stepped in at this point, “There are many things that needs to

be discussed, but will wait until we are in the family room. Come.”

And she took off with the four of them trailing behind.

When they entered the large family room Hermione froze in the

doorway at the sight before them.

Bellatrix Lestrange sat on a sofa sipping tea with her husband and

brother-in-law. As the door opened they turned to look. Bella froze,

her teacup halfway to her lips, then slipped from numb fingers.

“Rosalind?” she said in a breathless whisper.

Hermione swallowed hard and gave a infinitesimal nod. Bellatrix lept

to her feet and grabbed her daughter in a fierce hug crying, “My

daughter, my Rosie.”

Hermione gave a squeak as she was engulfed in a surprisingly strong

hug. She glanced at the two men who stood hovering nearby. They

looked so similar that she did not know who was who.

“Um… I…” She really didn’t know what to say to these people. She

has parents and didn’t think that they would just up and let her go.

One of the men came over and gently laid a hand on Bellatrix’s

shoulder, “Bella love, let her go.”

“NO!” The dark haired woman cried and held on tighter. “NEVER


“She needs to breathe love.” The man said with a chuckle.

Bellatrix pulled back and looked into Hermione’s eyes studying her,

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“Were you treated well by those muggles?”

Hermione nodded unable to say anything for her mouth felt dry. She

had many questions and didn’t know where to start.

“W…why did give me-” she began then was cut off.

“We did NOT give you up. You were stolen from us the night you

were born.” Rodolphus stopped her words and looked Hermione in

the eyes. “The mediwitch who helped birth you also stole you from

us. She put a gollum in your place and we never knew until much


Rabastan came over to them and said, “We tried to track her down,

traced her as far as we could.”

Rodolphus gave a heavy sigh and ran a hand through his hair, “Our

sources led us to Frank and Alice Longbottom. By that time we were

at our wits end. I know they knew something and after the last time

Alice told us to leave Bella lost it. You have no idea how much we

regret what we did that night. It has haunted us for the last thirteen


Hermione looked at them in shock, “What happened to them?”

Bella pulled back and Rodolphus pulled her into a hug, “They have no

mind left. I cast the first cruciatis and then everything went downhill

from there. You have to understand, baby, I was desperate. We had

such a hard time conceiving you that the healers said that I’d only

have the one. Then the Aurors showed up and we were shipped off

the Azkaban.”

Narcissa spoke up, “There are other things that need to be discussed

also, Bella.”

Rodolphus nodded and led his wife back to the sofa. “Everyone

please have a seat, we have much to discuss, and their will be

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decisions to make later.”

Hermione and Harry both glanced at each other in confusion but sat

with their prospective boyfriends.


Albus Dumbledore glanced at the entrance of Nurmengard Prison in

trepidation. He knew he needed to do this, but it would be doubly

hard to face the man after what happened.

Steeling himself for the confrontation he entered. The warden came

up to him and asked what he wanted. When Albus told him the man

paled but eventually took him to where he wanted to go.

The cell he was led to was in the deepest part of the prison with many

wards and containment spells surrounding the area. At the door Albus

dismissed the warden after the man opened the door.

Taking a deep breathe Albus entered the dingy cell. It was dark, dank

and stunk of feces. Albus pulled out his wand and lit the tip with a

silent lumos. The light filled the room and the single occupant cringed

back away from it.


The form froze and squinted up at him, “Albus? Is that you?” The

voice was rough with disuse.

Albus had tears in his eyes and his throat constricted. He had to clear

his throat to get the words out, “Yes, Gel, it’s me.”

The figure threw himself at Albus and buried himself in his robes.

Albus ran his hands through the ratty blond hair with tears coursing

down his own cheeks. The man was thin and dirty. The conditions in

this prison were worse than Azkaban.

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“Gel, I need to ask you a few questions.” He pulled the other away

from him and looked into vibrant green eyes. Lily’s eyes, Harry’s



The room was shrouded in darkness. He stood at the doorway just

staring at the two people on the bed. His mind was racing with images

of these two defiant and proud as the green light from his own wand

enveloped them in turn. It was impossible that they were here and

alive, yet here they lay.

Slowly he walked to the bed and stared down at the two of them, the

man had dark messy hair and the woman a deep copper. Behind each

of those closed eyelids he knew lay bright blue and vibrant green eyes


A moan came from the woman and she began to stir. He pulled his

wand just in case. She opened her eyes slowly and turned to see the

figure beside her. Her mouth moved as she said the mans name in a

inaudible whisper. She turned to look about the room frowning in

confusion at the strangeness of it and spotted him standing at the end

of the bed.



Dun dun dun… Please review!!!

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Chapter 9: Fallacy

A/N: Takes place in OotP

Disclaimer: I Don’t own Harry Potter nor do I make any money from

Page 44: Fallacy by Kalendral9

this story, Just having some fun with the Characters

Pairings: Hermione/Blaise; Harry/Draco; Side Pairings:

Bella/Rodolphus; Lucius/Narcissa; Severus/Remus; James/Lily (and

some surprise pairings)

Warnings: Preg, Mpreg, graphic sex scenes, swearing, abuse



Chapter Eight


Is this real? I can think clearly, nothing is muddling my mind. What’s

happened? Where am I?

It was wonderful to be able to think clearly after so long being trapped

within her mind. She moaned as her head began to ache. Slowly she

opened her eyes and she noticed a shape beside her. Her husband lay

there sleeping. She breathed his name, James.

Looking about the room for any indication of where she was at and

she spotted the man at the end of the bed. He looked odd to her, but

with the shadows it was hard to make out why. But she knew him, no

other man she knew can pull off that stance.

“Tom?” she breathed his name and the man’s eyes widened in shock.

Why was that? She wondered.

“Madam, how do you know that name?” his voice had a hiss to it,

almost as if he was a snake. She wondered if he’d gotten stuck in a

half animagus transformation. Then what he said caught her attention.

“What do you mean, Tom. I’ve always known your name, Tom

Marvolo Riddle.” What was Tom playing at? Why was he acting like

this. “What’s going on? Where’s Sirius? Where’s Harry? How’s my

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little boy? How long has it been?”

Tom sighed and pulled a chair up next to her putting his wand away.

“I don’t know where Black is, not that it matters, and as for your

son…” Tom cringed at the hard look the woman sent his way. “He is


Lily Rose Potter sighed and closed her eyes in relief. Her baby was

fine. “Where is he?”

“Hogwarts.” Was his reply.

She frowned, “Why is he at Hogwarts?”

“Mrs. Po… Lily, what was the last thing you remember?” Tom asked


Lily frowned at that, her mind was still in a jumble and it was hard to

make sense of it all. A face popped in her mind and she growled,

“Peter Pettigrew. He threw a stunning curse at us and then nothing.

Tom, please tell me, what’s going on? Where’s my baby?”

“He is not a baby anymore. He is sixteen.” Tom said.

Lily gasped and then her eyes rolled and she fell back onto the bed in

a faint.


Harry stared at Narcissa in shock, the partchment in his hands

hanging loose in his fingers, “Prefessor Dumbledore is my

grandfather? Grindewald too? That can’t be right, mum was

muggleborn. If I’m Professor Dumbledore’s grandson then why didn’t

he tell me!? Why didn’t I get to live with him instead of those damn

Muggles!?!” He was shouting by the end, tears streaming down his


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Narcissa came over to him and pulled him into a hug, “They didn’t

know, at least Dumbledore didn’t know that Lily was his daughter.

When we showed the professor this paper he was shocked. His theory

was that Grindewald put a strong stasis charm over the baby once he

realized he was pregnant and after he was put into prison the spell

began to wear off.”

“Then why didn’t mum get put with Dumbledore? Instead she was

sent to be raised by muggles! Why?!”

“We don’t know, Harry. The ministry is behind the whole thing. We

have all lost children to this.” Narcissa said softly and sadly.

Harry looked at her, “You had a child stolen too? Hermione and mum

were not the only ones?”

Narcissa gave a wan smile, “No, there are many more. Lucius and I

secretly tested all the muggleborn and muggle raised children. All of

the muggleborn children are those stolen from dark families.”

Harry’s mouth dropped open, “All?!” at her sad nod he asked, “Who

is your…”

“I’ve never met the boy, and I actually never gave birth to him. He

was stolen while he was still in my womb. We thought that it was a

misscarry. Many pureblood families have a difficult time conceiving.

Very rarely will you see families like the Weasley’s. As to your

question… his name is Dennis Creevy.”

“Dennis!” Hermione spoke up in shock. She was still being held by

Bellatrix and surrounded by the male members of her new family.

Narcissa looked at her, “You know him?”

“He’s a Gryffindor, two years under us.”

Draco gasped, “A Malfoy in Gryffindor! What’s the world coming

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Harry slapped him on the arm, “Hey, Gryffindor’s present! So what

about all the others? I mean there are at least twenty Muggleborns at

Hogwarts now. Are you saying that they are all from Pureblood


“Yes, Harry, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Lucius and I traced the

reports of all suspected stillborn babies. The mediwitch who delivered

Rosalind was also present for many other stillbirths that we suspect

were not really stillbirths, but children stolen and placed with muggles

to raise.”

“But why? What’s the point?” Hermione cried.

“We are not sure, but suspect it has something to do with the Dark

Lord.” Rabastan stated.

“What do you mean?” Harry asked cautiously.

“We are not entirely certain but it seems as if the Ministry wants there

to be war. They want the Light families to be against the Dark

families. It makes no sense to us at the moment.” Rodolphus sighed.

“We just don’t have all the facts.”

Harry nodded, “I understand.”

“It’s almost time to get back you guys.” Blaise had been quiet

throughout the whole exchange and now all eyes turned to him.


Hermione pulled away from Bella and smiled at him giving him a kiss

on the cheek, “Nothing, but you are right. We need to get back.”

Goodbye’s were said, tearful in Bella’s case, and the four teens made

their way back to the entry where their portkey activated in reverse

taking them to the exact spot they left.

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Gellert clung to Albus, tears streaming down his cheeks as he cried

over the loss of his child for the second time. All this time and he

assumed that the child was living a normal healthy life, and now he

learns that his daughter was dead and he was not there to protect her

and her husband.

When he had gone into labor and gave birth to his and Albus’ child

she was taken away before he ever saw a glimpse of her.

“What did she look like, Al?” Gellert asked brokenly.

“She had my hair and your lovely green eyes.” Albus said. “She was a

very talented witch with a temper just like yours, my love.”

Gellert choked at the endearment. It had been so long since he’d heard

those words coming from the lips of the man he loved. “You said we

have a grandson? What’s he like?”

Albus smiled, “He is a natural at Quidditch, which he got from his

father, and he excels in Charms and Defense. He has his father’s

messy black hair and you’s and Lily’s eyes.”

Gellert gave a small chuckle, “Those eyes have been passed down in

my family for decades. Great Great Grandfather married a dryad.

They are her eyes.”

Albus looked into those gorgeous green eyes and came to a decision,

“My love, would you like to see our Grandson?”

Gellert gave a start and stared at him, “How? I’m stuck here? They’ll

never let me leave.”

“You just leave all that to me, my love.”

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Sirius Orion Black lay on his bed in Grimmauld Place, completely

bored out of his mind. The only company he had at present was

Buckbeak, aka Witherwings. Remus was at Hogwarts, Harry was at

Hogwarts, heck even Kreature was at Hogwarts as he’d sent the four

elf to serve there as he had no care for the beast.

Just then an owl flew in and deposited a note on his chest. Sitting up

he read through the short missive:

Dear Sirius,

I have something of utmost importance to tell you and I need to tell

you in person.

Please meet me at the Manor tomorrow at 2pm. If you have any love

for your family, please come.

Yours, Cissa


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