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Page 1: f$ ,*odol ond ffi - SKCP Notices/Expressive Arts Therapy Training 2010.pdf · boUtExpressive Arts Therapy resstve arts therapy is the use of many creative modalities such as writing,

'Tell m.e," she said, "what is the storry qow Me rVfT What wild ssin{tny i,rself rhronyh ryow7"

-fiott,l Atkins -

out Expressive Arts Therapyi sive srts theropy is the use of mony creotive modolities such os writing, =

*ouern"nt, visuol ort, music, or dromo to move towords theropeutic chonge. This

$$s-sllow new ond creotive stories to unfold into their lived experience.

out The ProgramAdvonced Diplomo in Expressive Arts Theropy is o l8 month progrom

$iigned for professionols who qlreody hove o moster's degree in o reloted field.Br:ogrom begins with o 3 week summer intensive followed by weekend

iniives from September - Moy ond ends with o 2 week summer intensive ond.,qI creotive proiect.

About Prairie Institutei:P.iOiri" lnstitute wqs formed'in 20A7 in response to the need' fonquolity trqining in,th.e.,fi€ld'.'

f$ ,*odol use of the creotive or"ts helps, individuols, couples, fomilies ond ffii:6i*unities find new ond refreshing insights inio problem stories ond potterns. Tfi6

:; ,*xpressive orts theropy. A ronge of one to four doy'wqr:kshops ore offered throlrg,h;o.v{1r,'i..;l$lyesr for both curious beginners ond more seosoned proctitioners. A seven.*on16.'1' €':i{;iiitl.ote Progrom commences eoch September ond the Advoneed Diplomo to bqgin in

Funky Spirit Doll, inventing ond flying o kite, or forming o Heorl to Art Visuol Jpur:nal,le Whq or:e interested in exploring their own creotive spirit.

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