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Page 1: Exploration of Wisdom Ages Firm survival

CESIS Electronic Working Paper Series

Paper No. 339

Exploration of Wisdom Ages

Firm survival

Mikaela Backman

Charlie Karlsson

December, 2013

The Royal Institute of technology

Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies (CESIS)

Page 2: Exploration of Wisdom Ages Firm survival


Exploration of Wisdom Ages Firm survival

Mikaela Backmanψ

Charlie Karlssonψ

Abstract: Studies confirm a tendency where elder individuals are more prone to become entre-

preneurs. Their motives are numerous ranging from feeling social included to maintain the same

income level. Interesting as such, this paper contributes to the existing literature by taking this

one step further and examine the surviving of new and existing firms that are run by elder

individuals (one-employee firms) or have a high share of elderly individuals. Elderly individuals

are defined as those above the age of 55 or 64. The results show that the average marginal effect

on the probability of survival from individuals above 55 and 64 differs across firm size. Elderly

individuals negatively influence the survival of smaller firms (below ten employees). For larger

firms the negative effect from elderly individuals is smaller, zero or even positive. Exploring the

data, we find that “elderly firms”, defined as firms that have a majority of employees above the

age of 55 or above the age of 64, have a lower survival rate and lower average number of

employees but a higher value added per employee.

Keywords: ageing, firm survival, employer-employee matched data

JEL classification codes: J14, L26, R12, R30

ψ CEnSE, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics, Jönköping International Business School, P. O. Box

1026, SE-551 11 Jönköping, Sweden, Fax: +46 (0) 36 12 18 32, CESIS, Centre of Excellence for Science and Inno-

vation Studies, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Corresponding author:

[email protected]

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1. Introduction “… research on older entrepreneurship remains underdeveloped …” (Wainwright and Kibler

2013, p. 5)

Many developed countries are facing an increasing share of elderly individuals. Hence, a smaller

labour force has to carry the burden and support a larger number of individuals. This challenge

has been recognised in many countries as well as at the European Union level. One basic policy

area concerns the possibilities of extending the work careers of the ageing work force. One way

to extend the work careers of older people might be for (some of) them to start a business, i.e. to

become entrepreneurs. Previous studies confirm the tendency that elder individuals have a larger

probability to become entrepreneurs. This paper adds to the existing literature by examining the

performance of firms that are run or have a high share of elder individuals employed. Thus, this

paper uses as a starting point that elder individuals are more prone to become entrepreneurs and

extends the analysis by examining the performance of these firms.

There are a limited number of studies focusing firms run by elder individuals. Those that

have, have found that the survival rates of businesses established by older entrepreneurs are

higher than for those started by younger entrepreneurs (Cressy and Storey 1995), which may be

due to more extensive and more varied experiences, superior networks and a stronger financial

situation (Arkebauer 1995; Blackburn et al. 1998; Hindle and Rushworth 2002). It appears on the

other hand as if businesses established by older entrepreneurs exhibit slower growth rates than

the ventures undertaken by younger entrepreneurs (Peters et al. 1999). These results suggest that

while the ability to establish and run a firm is higher at an older age there is an age after which

the motivation for entrepreneurial behaviour and the ambitions to grow start to decline. The pur-

pose of this paper is to make an empirical contribution to the literature on the effects of ageing

populations on the survival of firms and thereby contribute to the current general discussion of

the general economic effects of aging populations.

To answer this research question micro-data at the individual- and firm-level will be used.

The data consist of employee-employer match data where the constellation (primarily age) of the

employees in a firm will be used as determinant of firm survival. The empirical design will start

with descriptive statistics showing where across space elderly are more prone to start firms and in

which sectors that they are over-represented in Sweden. The findings in this paper emphasise the

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difference across firms of different size when it comes to the influence from the presence of el-

derly individuals. The average marginal effect on the probability of survival coming from indi-

viduals above 55 and above 64 is negative for small firms (one-employee firms and those with

less than ten employees). This holds for surviving over five as well as nine years. For larger firms

the negative effect from individuals above 55 years is reduced or disappears and there is a posi-

tive effect from individuals above the age of 64. Hence, there is no clear-cut answer to the bene-

fits/disadvantage of having many elderly individuals in firms. Looking at the descriptive statistics

of “elderly firms”, defined as firms that have a majority of employees above the age of 55 or

above the age of 64, we see they have a lower survival rate and lower average number of em-

ployees but a higher value added per employee.

The paper is outlined as follows: Section 2 gives the conceptual background with previous

studies and theoretical framework. Section 3 gives the empirical design with a description of the

variables and method. Section 4 gives the empirical results and Section 5 concludes the paper.

2. Entrepreneur age and firm performance – a theoretical background Our basic question in this study concerns whether firms run by older entrepreneurs differ in terms

of survival1 from firms run by younger entrepreneurs. The literature gives several empirical

examples of such differences but no conclusive answers. Wagner and Sternberg (2004) and

Mueller (2006) found that the survival rates of businesses established by older entrepreneurs are

higher than for those started by younger entrepreneurs (Cressy and Storey 1995), which may be

due to more extensive and more varied experiences, superior business networks and a stronger

financial situation (Arkebauer 1995; Blackburn, et al. 1998; Hindle and Rushworth 2002).

It appears on the other hand as if businesses established by older entrepreneurs exhibit

slower growth rates than the ventures undertaken by younger entrepreneurs (Peters, et al. 1999),

which might be explained by that the age of the entrepreneur has a negative effect on the ambi-

tion to grow the new firm (Lau and Busenitz 2001; Bager and Schøtt 2004; Autio 2005; Verhuel

et al. 2010). Thus, younger entrepreneurs seem to be more likely to have a growth ambition than

older entrepreneurs are. One reason might be that older entrepreneurs are less innovative, more

likely to adhere to the status quo, and more risk adverse (Verheul and van Mil 2008). Research

on older individuals also suggests a lesser capacity for creativity and innovation and thus for in-

1 One can question if survival should be used as a proxy for business success (Lewis and Walker 2011).

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novative entrepreneurship in that age group than among younger individuals (Bönte et al. 2009;

Colovic and Lamotte 2013). The propensity of entrepreneurs to innovate is affected by an ageing

process involving both physical and cognitive drivers, since aging induces an alteration of both

physical and cognitive abilities (Meyer 2011; Desjardiins and Warnke 2012). Empirical studies

using individual data show that older people generally are slower than younger people to adopt

innovative tools, such as information and communication technology tools (Borghans and Ter

Weel 2002; Friedberg 2003; Weinberg 2004; Koning and Gelderblom 2006). Research on inno-

vation adoption shows that older individuals often have a more negative attitude to new technol-

ogies and often are among the last to adopt and use innovative products, services and ideas (Gilly

and Zeithaml 1985; Lunsford and Burnett 1992). At the same time there is a substantial

heterogeneity among older people in terms of attitudes towards innovation (Szmigin and Carrigan

2000). It seems as if younger entrepreneurs are more probable to adopt a competitive strategy fo-

cusing on innovation and marketing than older entrepreneurs are (Ruis and Scholman 2012).

Rather few empirical studies seem to have related the age of the founders of firms to sur-

vival and other traditional measures of firm performance. One might suppose that the start-up age

of an entrepreneur is negatively related with his/her time horizon. This would imply that entre-

preneurs that start a new firm at the age of, say, 55 might be less likely actively to pursue a

growth strategy than entrepreneurs at the age of 35 are. However, conclusive empirical evidences

are mostly missing. Most studies that investigate the relationship between the age of the founder

and employment creation tend to include age as a control variable but refrain from discussing the

implications of their findings related to age within the context of ageing populations (Schutjens

and Wever 2000; Bosma et al. 2004; Cowling et al. 2004; Henley 2005; Stam et al. 2008). Schut-

jens and Wever (2000) found no evidence for a direct effect of age of the entrepreneur on

employment growth in firms younger than four years old. However, using the same data set, but

studying employment growth during the first ten years of existence, Stam et al. (2008) detected a

negative effect of age on the likelihood of employment growth. The study by de Kok et al. (2010)

suggests that an ageing population is expected to negatively affect employment creation by newly

started firms.2 The explanations behind the result of this study are that entrepreneurs who start at

an older age are less likely to work full-time in their new firm, are less willing to take risks and

have a lower perception of their entrepreneurial skills. This implies that the decision to hire em-

2 Caroll et al. (1999) found that age has a negative relationship with the decision to hire employees.

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ployees is influenced by different characteristics of the founder including age. Ruis and Schol-

man (2012) report very small differences in employment growth between younger and older

entrepreneurs. The results by Millán (2008) suggests that there may be an indirect effect of age,

through experience, on becoming an employer. Summing-up the existing results concerning the

relationship between the age of the founder and employment growth, we find that they seem to be

inconclusive, since many other factors than age of founder influence the decisions to become an

employer and to let the firm grow (de Kok, et al. 2010).

Ruis and Scholman (2012) report that younger entrepreneurs reported an increase in

turnover more often than older entrepreneurs. Concerning the change in profits (between two

years only), they found that older entrepreneurs performed better than younger entrepreneurs did

but the relationship seemed to be non-linear. Their results also indicate that young entrepreneurs

are more investment oriented than older entrepreneurs are.

These results suggests that while the ability to establish and run a firm is higher at an

older age, there is an age after which the motivation for entrepreneurial behaviour and the ambi-

tions to let firms grow start to decline, which is in line with the results in a study from Norway

(Rotefoss and Kolvereid 2005). If we control for basic background factors, such as industry, loca-

tion, business cycle, etc., we can identify four basic factors that might generate differences in per-

formance, namely, i) the age of the entrepreneur, ii) the motivations of the entrepreneur to start a

firm, iii) the capabilities of the entrepreneur, and iv) the resources of the entrepreneur (Bates

1995; Dunn and Holtz-Eakin 2000; Hout and Rosen 2000; Beugelsdijk and Noorderhaven 2005;

Thurik et al. 2008).

2.1 The age of the entrepreneur Age is perhaps the factor most clearly influencing entrepreneurship (Parker 2004). Studies show

an inverse U-shaped relationship between the age of an individual and the probability that he/she

will start a new firm (Mueller 2006; Millán 2008; Bönte, et al. 2009). One reason for this func-

tional form is the assumption that the opportunity cost of time increases with age. When people

pass a certain age their inclination to devote their time to activities that generate returns in the

medium or long term, such as creating a new firm decreases (Lévesque and Minetti 2006), de-

clines, since time is a scarce resource. However, the inclination might make a structural shift up-

wards when they reach retirement age, since now the opportunity cost of time declines at the

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same time, as there is a decrease of income, since pensions are normally significantly lower than

the income of work.

However, the age of the entrepreneur might also have an independent effect on the per-

formance of a new firm, since older entrepreneurs might be exposed to age discrimination from

banks, suppliers and customers.3 There exists empirical evidence indicating that older individuals

be discriminated due to age by financiers and customers (Weber and Schaper 2004). This result

in that older entrepreneurs find it difficult to borrow money or have to pay a higher interest rate

on their loans, since banks see them as more risky borrowers. If this is the case, than older entre-

preneurs might find it more difficult to grow their firms than younger entrepreneurs do.

2.2 The motivations of the entrepreneur It seems natural to assume that the motivations behind becoming an entrepreneur might differ

between younger and older entrepreneurs. In the literature, a distinction is often made between

necessity-based and opportunity-based entrepreneurship (Verhuel, et al. 2010). We find this

distinction too simple and too limited to form the basis for empirical research (Arias and Pena

2010; Giacomin et al. 2011). The motivations for starting a firm are normally much more compli-

cated and it is difficult to think that someone starts a firm out of necessity without seeing an op-

portunity. An alternative interpretative model for the analysis of the motives behind the formation

of a new firm is the push-pull theory (Gilad and Levine 1986; Amit and Muller 1995). The for-

mation of a new firm is the result of a pull dynamic when the potential entrepreneur considers it

as a source of profit. On the other hand, it is the result of a push dynamic, when the new firm

formation results from a conflict between the situation the potential entrepreneur actually finds

him(her)self in and the one he(she) looks for (Uhlaner and Thurik 2007). Also this distinction is

too simple for empirical studies of simple reason that the decisions of potential entrepreneurs to

become entrepreneurs are influenced by a mix of pull and push dynamics (Solymossy 1997;

Hughes 2003).

A more natural starting point is the assumption of utility maximizing individuals, who

compare the utility of being an entrepreneur with the utility of the alternative (being employed,

unemployed, retired, etc.) considering the risks involved in the two alternatives (Kihlstrom and

Laffont 1979). Thus, individuals make their occupational choice based on the expected utility of

the available (selected) alternatives (Carroll, et al. 1999; van Praag and Cramer 2001; Cowling, et

3 Very young entrepreneurs might face a similar type of discrimination.

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al. 2004; Parker 2004). This implies that the decision to become an entrepreneur is influenced by

a diversity of positive and negative personal and contextual circumstances, objectives, and per-

sonal motivations (Shapero and Sokol 1982; Bhola et al. 2006; Hechavarria and Reynolds 2009;

Kirkwood 2009). We might suppose that there exists systematic differences between younger and

older entrepreneurs in terms of objectives, types of firms, risk attitudes (Holtz-Eakin et al. 1994),

risk valuation, start-up scale and scope, valuation of time, time horizon, value of being one’s own

boss, etc. (Singh and DeNoble 2003). In terms of objectives, it seems as if older entrepreneurs

have slightly more preferences for the objectives continuity of the firm and independence, while

younger entrepreneurs show preferences for the objectives making a profit and achieving growth

(Ruis and Scholman 2012). It has, for example, to be observed that older entrepreneurship is not

without specific age-related risks (Lévesque and Minetti 2006), including upcoming health prob-

lems (Curran and Blackburn 2001) and age discrimination (Kautonen et al. 2011).

2.3 The capabilities of the entrepreneur Potential entrepreneurs differ in their capabilities as entrepreneurs. There exist systematic differ-

ences between younger and older entrepreneurs in terms of education and training, knowledge,

skills, competence and experiences but also in terms of energy, health and productivity. In the

literature, it is often assumed that these differences are such that older entrepreneurs have ad-

vantages compared to younger entrepreneurs. These advantages include: i) personal and work

skills, experience and knowledge (Curran and Blackburn 2001; Platman 2003; Weber and

Schaper 2004; Patel and Gray 2006; PRIME 2007), ii) higher self-confidence, autonomy and

motivation (Kean et al. 1993; Fraser et al. 2009), iii) having experienced more and more varied

learning opportunities (Patel and Gray 2006), iv) greater preparation (e.g. completed a budget,

business plan and market research) (Barcleys 2001), and v) being less prone to over-confidence

(Forbes 2005). One might here remark that age is not necessarily ‘a proxy for wisdom’

(Staudinger 1999) and that possessing certain skills and experiences and using them are two

different things (Haynes 2003).4 It is also important to stress that starting and running a firm re-

quires specific knowledge and skills that many people might not have acquired even if they are

old (Patel and Gray 2006; Lewis and Walker 2011).

4 It might be that the knowledge and ability of potential entrepreneurs is a better predictor of firm survival if they

start a firm than of the probability that they will actually start a firm (Gartner et al. 1999).

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Older individuals may possess more human capital than younger ones due to life-long

learning and on-the-job-training (Singh and DeNoble 2003; Weber and Schaper 2004). Formal

education and training is likely to enhance firm performance since these individuals have more

skills due to the function of education in sorting people by ambition and assertiveness (Kim et al.

2006). Older individuals have also gained more and more varied expertise and professional

experiences through their professional life (Brüderl et al. 1992; Light and Rosenstein 1995; Gray

1998; Parker 2004; Bergmann and Sternberg 2007) including i) technical knowledge (Jones-

Evans 1996), ii) prior industrial experience (Storey 1994; Shane 2003), iii) managerial experience

(Steiner and Solem 1988; Boden Jr and Nucci 2000; Kim, et al. 2006), and iv) prior experience of

starting a business (Shane 2003). Thus, they may have become better at identifying and evaluat-

ing business opportunities and they may know more about how to start and run a business, which

will reduce the start-up costs, the start-up time, and the running costs. It seems, for example, that

the social and human capital acquired by older individuals may reduce the rate of business failure

(Botham and Graves 2009) indicating that they might be better equipped than younger entrepre-

neurs to manage the risks associated with business venturing (Wainwright and Kibler 2013).

On the other hand, we must acknowledge that older individuals have overall lower levels

of formal post-secondary education and their human capital has a lower discounted value due to

knowledge depreciation (Robinson and Sexton 1994; Lussier and Pfeifer 2001; Weber and

Schaper 2004). They may also face challenges in the form of lower levels of health, energy and

productivity (Curran and Blackburn 2001; Weber and Schaper 2004).

2.4 The resources of entrepreneurs

Potential entrepreneurs also differ in terms of the resources they dispose and once again, we can

assume that there are systematic differences between younger and older entrepreneurs with re-

gard to savings, networks (private, professional, business, etc.) and access to social capital. Even

in this case, there is an assumption in the literature that older entrepreneurs have advantages in

terms of access to resources, including i) a higher likelihood of the accumulation of financial re-

sources (Hart et al. 2004; Department of Labour 2009), and greater social capital – a result of

more extensive private, business and professional networks (Cannon 2008; Rogoff 2008). The

relationship between financial capital and entrepreneurship has been studied by Millán (2008).

An entrepreneur with a larger capital of his own is less dependent upon external financing. A

larger start-up capital allows a larger start-up size, which increases the probability of survival. On

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average we can expect older entrepreneurs to have a larger capital of their own than younger en-

trepreneurs. The networks of entrepreneurs are important in the sense that they might provide ac-

cess to external financing, and information, knowledge and expertise critical for starting and run-

ning a new business. Generally, we can assume that older entrepreneurs have richer networks

than younger entrepreneurs do.

Older individuals normally have accumulated a larger capital due to savings, inheritances,

and investments in their own home (Arkebauer 1995; Blackburn, et al. 1998; Blanchflower and

Oswald 1998; Lussier and Pfeifer 2001; Singh and DeNoble 2003; Weber and Schaper 2004),

which reduces the need to borrow money to start and run the business and thus leads to lower

capital costs. This implies that the liquidity constraint becomes less of a constraint for self-em-

ployment as people become older (Evans and Leighton 1989).

Older individuals also have had time to develop richer private, professional and business

networks (Birley 1985; Dubini and Aldrich 1991; Larson 1991; Baucus and Human 1994;

Arkebauer 1995; Blackburn, et al. 1998; de Bruin and McLaren 2002; Aldrich and Cliff 2003;

Singh and DeNoble 2003; Weber and Schaper 2004) which will tend to reduce start-up costs and

possibly lead to larger sales due to links to many potential customers. We may observe that it has

been argued that successful entrepreneurs are those that possess the most relevant market infor-

mation (Barkham 1994) and good networks provide such market information. The relationship

between social capital and entrepreneurship has been studied by Millán (2008).

If we summarize the arguments above it is clear that it is difficult to come up with conclu-

sive hypotheses concerning whether firms started by older entrepreneurs perform better or worse

than firms started by younger entrepreneurs do. It is obviously an empirical question, if there are

systematic differences and the direction of these differences.

3 Empirical design The data used in this paper originates from statistics Sweden and covers all firms in Sweden that

are active (report VAT or taxes). Since all employees are matched to their firms, it is possible to

find out the characteristics of the firms in terms of the work force including the age of the em-

ployees. As already discussed, the primary interest in this paper is the age of the employees. One

drawback with the data is that is we cannot distinguish the CEO or owner from other employees.

For firms with only one employee this does not cause any problem and for these firms we look at

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firms that are run by individuals above the age 55 or 64 (64 is the average retirement age in Swe-

den) (Eurostat 2009). For firms with more than one employee we examine the share of employees

above the age of 55 and 64. If the majority of the employees are elder individuals then the firm is

classified as an elderly-firm.

To examine thoroughly the influence of elder individuals on firm survival we conduct

logit estimation where survival is the dependent variable. We examine if firms started/existed in

2001 also exist in 2006 and 2010, where we control for firm and regional characteristics. The in-

dependent variables are measured in 2001. Since firms of different size differ in their growth

path, ambitions and survival probability, we choose to separate firms according to size: (i) one-

employee firms, (ii) above one employee and less than ten, (iii) above ten and less than fifty, and

(iv) those with fifty employees and above. Further, we separate out new firms started in 2001 and

analyse how elderly individuals influence their survival probability.

3.1 Variables

The dependent variables is a binary variable (Survival) which score 1 if the firms survived

(through 2006 or 2010), 0 otherwise. The independent variable that are of key interest is the share

of elder employees, those above 55 (Elderly (55)) and those above 64 (Elderly (64)) (64 is the

average retirement age in Sweden). To capture other firm characteristics we control for size (Size)

and marginally decreasing effects from size (Size2). The share of employees with at least a bach-

elor degree (Education) and the average experience of the employees (Experience) capture hu-

man capital. The capital invested per employee (capital per employee) is another factor that

might influence firm performance, but with varying importance across industries. As new firms

may face special difficulties this is controlled for by separating these with a dummy, newly

formed firm (NFF). As different industries experience different opportunities and difficulties, this

is controlled for by including an industry dummy at the two-digit SIC level (Industry).

Since the economic environment is of importance for firm performance such as survival,

we capture this by controlling for variables at both the neighbourhood level and municipal level.

The neighbourhood level is captured by the SAMS (Small Areas for Market Statistics) level.

There are approximately 9000 SAMS areas in Sweden and each of them has roughly 1000 inhab-

itants but of different geographical size. The local level of clustering of new firms (Local new

firm formation) is captured at the SAMS level. Municipalities are the lowest level of geographical

unit with its own governance in Sweden of which there are 290. At the municipality level, we

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control for specialization at the two-digit SIC level by means of location quotients (Specializa-

tion). Most firms act at the local market and sell the majority of their products to local customers.

This implies that the change in the local demand (∆demand) and the level of the local demand

(Size) can be expected to influence firm performance. The industrial structure in the municipality

is captured by the average firm size (MES) and firm intensity (Firms per capita). The next table

shows the description of the variables along with the summary statistics.

Table 1. Description of variables and summary statistics, firm level

Name Definition Exp.



Dependent variables

Survival =1 if firm exists in 2006 and/or 2010; = 0 if firm

exited the market





Independent variables

Firm level (2001)

Elderly (55) Share of employees above the age of 55 + 0.246 0.372

Elderly (64) Share of employees above the age of 64 + 0.043 0.183

Size Number of employees + 8.365 55.157

Size2 (Number of employees)

2 - - -

Education Share of employees with at least three years of

higher education. The distinction of three years of

higher education is used, since it normally takes at

least three years to achieve a bachelor’s degree in


+ 0.123 0.284

Experience Average experience of the employees in the firm.

Experience is defined as the employee’ age minus

six, minus the number of years of education

+ 26.821 10.723

Capital per em-


Amount of capital invested in tangible assets per

employee, thousands of SEK + 555.538 12538.840

NFF Dummy for firms established in 2001 +/- 0.133 0.339

Industry Dummy based on the two-digit SIC-code, 60 in

total - -

Neighbourhood level (2001)

Local new firm


Number of new firms divided by the total stock of

firms, SAMS level +/- 0.160 0.064

Municipal level (2001)

Specialisation Location quotient at the two-digit SIC-code level +/- - -

∆demand Annual change in the sum of the inhabitants’

wages, in million SEKa

+ 176.653 684.628

Size Access to wages, in thousand SEKb + 1.370e7 2.081e7

MES Mean establishment size (# employees) - 7.275 2.253

Firms per capita Number of firms divided by the population + 0.053 0.010

a Calculated as the wages that the inhabitants that live in the municipality earn. b Calculated as the accessibility to wages (what the inhabitants that live in each municipality earn). The accessibility

measure is compiled by the intra-municipal, inter-regional and extra-regional accessibility to wages accounting for

distance decay effects, following Johansson et al. (2002; 2003).

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The average survival rate of firms in this sample is approximately 58 percent over a five

year period 2001 to 2006 and 45 percent over nine years 2001 to 2010. The average size of the

firms is 8 employees and the average share of employees over the age of 55 is 25 percent, which

is rather high. The average share of employees above the age of 64 is much lower and is ap-

proximately four percent. The tendency of having a rather old set of workers is reinforced by the

average number of experience years in a firm of almost 27 years. This is the overall picture and it

is most likely that there are substantial differences across industries. Before the empirical results

from the logit estimation are presented and examined some more descriptive statistics are put

forward. The following table shows firm performance and education intensity where elderly-

firms are separated out and compared to the rest of the firms. “Elderly firms” are those where a

majority of the employees are above the age of 55. All values are from 2001.

Table 2. Firm performance, elderly-firms versus other firms

“elderly firms” Other firms

One em-


2-10 em-


11-50 em-


˃50 em-


One em-


2-10 em-


11-50 em-


˃50 em-



(mean), 2001-


0.343 0.580 0.778 0.708 0.468 0.699 0.834 0.894


(mean), 2001-


0.134 0.361 0.669 0.666 0.359 0.563 0.750 0.832

Value added

per employee


41 590.89 39 593.77 31 359.99 2260.99 17 468.96 22 029.40 13 175.63 4065.32


(mean) 1 3.162 17.871 93.292 1 4.223 21.571 147.993


(mean) 0.147 0.119 0.194 0.317 0.123 0.099 0.139 0.209


(% of total)

70 001


16 118






167 634


150 095

(90, 3%)

50 334


12 756


Table 2 shows significant differences among the group of “elderly firms” compared to

other firms. The survival rate of “elderly firms” is consistently lower for both periods and at a

larger magnitude for the longer period of nine years. Turning to the performance measure, the

“elderly firms” have higher value added per employee but they are generally smaller in terms of

number of employees. The education intensity (share of employees with at least a bachelor de-

gree) is overall higher for “elderly firms” irrespectively of the size. The “elderly firms” contribute

to a significant share in the case of one-employee firms. We might observe, as the size of the

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firms increases the share of “elderly firms” decreases significantly. Less than half a percent of the

big firms is defined as an elderly firm (majority of employees are above the age of 55). The in-

dustry that has the largest number of “elderly firms” is the KIBS industry (the two-digit SIC

level: 74, including for example consultancy, graphical design, ICT). Turning to the share of “el-

derly firms”, the industry where they are over-represented is household services (the two-digit

SIC level: 95).

The following maps shows the share of firms (out of the total number of firms) that are

governed by elder individuals at the municipality level in Sweden (left, Figure 1a) and the share

of firms that survive over a five year period (right, Figure 1b). A darker colour indicates a larger

share of elderly or surviving firms. Starting with the geographical distribution of “elderly firms”

there is no clear pattern in Sweden. “Elderly firms” are present in the sparsely populated north as

well as in the more dense regions of Stockholm and the very south of Sweden. The survival rate,

on the other hand, shows a more clustered spatial pattern. The surviving rates are higher in north-

east of Sweden and in the middle-south. The surviving rate in the Metropolitan areas (Stockholm,

Gothenburg and Malmö) is low.

Figure 1a. Share of “elderly firms” (firms with a

majority of employees over the age of 55),

municipalities, 2001

Figure 1b. Share of surviving firms over a five-

year period, 2001 to 2006, municipalities

Stockholm Stockholm

Gothenburg Gothenburg

Malmö Malmö

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4 Empirical findings In this section, we present the results from our empirical analysis. Table 3 shows the results from

the logit estimation. Two different periods are examined 2001 to 2006 and 2001 to 2010. The

sample is also split according to firm size in order to control for variance over firm size. Firms of

different size are therefore not pooled in the estimations but estimated separately; (i) one-em-

ployee firms, (ii) above one employee and less than ten, (iii) above ten and less than fifty, and

(iv) those with fifty employees and above. Due to the high bivariate correlation between two of

the control variables mean establishment size (MES) and the firm density, these variables are run in sep-

arate estimation. They are however illustrated in the same table to save space. The other variables are pre-

sented when estimating mean establishment size. However, they are robust across the two different esti-


Page 16: Exploration of Wisdom Ages Firm survival


Table 3. Estimation results, logit estimation. Dependent variable: binary variable equals 1 if firm

exists in 2006/ 2010; and 0 if firm exited the market

From 2001 to 2006 From 2001 to 2010

One em-


2-10 em-


11-50 em-


˃50 em-


One em-


2-10 em-


11-50 em-


˃50 em-


Firm level

Elderly (55) -0.790**
















Elderly (64) -1.637**
















Size - -0.006






- -0.004






Size2 - -0.025**






- -0.026**






Education 0.016


































Capital per


















NFF -0.822**

















Neighbourhood level

Local new

firm formation

















Municipal level

Specialisation 0.001
















∆demand -1.31e-6**
















Size (ln) 0.009
















MES -9.28e-4
















Firms per


















Constant -0.499*
















N 158 831 126 457 30 729 6 314 158 831 126 457 30 729 6 314

Wald Chi2 18679 19 859 1 533 1703 17 286 20 202 1 665 1 819

Pseudo R2 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.07 0.05 0.07

Notes: ** significant at 1 percent, * significant at 5 percent. Cluster (municipality) standard errors in parenthesis.

Independent variables are from 2001. The size variables at the firm level have been cantered to avoid the problem of

multicollinearity (Smith and Sasaki 1979). The bivariate correlation between the share of elderly workers and the

average level of experience is below 0.6. We have also tested to run these variables in separate estimations with sim-

ilar results.

The results indicate that the share of elderly has a clear impact on the firm performance

(in this case survival) but that the influence clearly differs across different firm sizes. In most

cases, the results imply a negative influence from the share of elder individuals on the probability

Page 17: Exploration of Wisdom Ages Firm survival


of survival. The share of individuals above the age of 55 is negative in all cases except for firms

with more than 50 employees where it is insignificant. The share of individuals above the age of

64 is negative for firms with up to ten employees and positive for firms with more than ten em-

ployees. We see the same pattern for the variables of interest (share (55) and share (64)) for the

different periods, 2001 to 2006 and 2001 to 2010, but the size of the influence differs. To get a

better understanding of the magnitude of the variables the next table shows the average marginal

effect for these variables.

Table 4. Estimation results, average marginal effects, logit estimation. Dependent variable: bi-

nary variable equals 1 if firm exists in 2006/ 2010; and 0 if firm exited the market

From 2001 to 2006 From 2001 to 2010

One em-


2-10 em-




˃50 em-


One em-


2-10 em-




˃50 em-


Firm level

Elderly (55) -0.194**















(0.069) Elderly (64) -0.346**
















The marginal effects are more informative in nonlinear models compared to the coeffi-

cients. The marginal effects show the marginal change in probability due to a unit change in the

regressor, in this case a percentage increase in the share of employees above the age of 55 or 64.

Hence, for firms run by an elderly individual (in the case of one-employee firms) the probability

of survival is decreased by 0.19 for five years and 0.30 for nine years. This is for those above the

age of 55 for those above 64 the magnitude of the parameters are even larger. This is perhaps not

surprising, since these individuals are already retired or are approaching their retirement age,

where they might have other priorities and value leisure differently. These firms might not be less

successful but may be ended due to personal and not market factors. The same story does not ap-

ply for firms with more than one-employee. In these cases, the elderly individuals are part of the

team and we do not know if they are also the owner of the firm. This lack in the data is a clear

deficiency. In the case of firms with more than one employee but less than ten employees the

share of elderly, the share of elderly above 55 and 64, respectively, deceases the probability of

survival at a magnitude of approximately 0.20 over five years. However, for the nine-year period,

the probability of survival is significantly lower for firms with a high share of individuals above

55 years compared to the share of those that are above 64. Hence, in these small firms a large

Page 18: Exploration of Wisdom Ages Firm survival


share of elderly individuals is not beneficial. This could be explained by the homogeneity of em-

ployees. Many studies show that firms with a more heterogeneous workforce perform decisions

of a higher quality and have a higher rate of problem solving, since there are many perspectives

(knowledge) represented and a more critical analysis of issues can be performed (Jackson 1992;

Watson et al. 1993; Tallman and Li 1996; Richard 2000; Page 2007).

It is interesting to see that for firms with more than ten employees the share of individuals

above the age of 55 has a rather small negative or zero influence on the surviving probability

while the share of individuals above the age of 64 has a positive impact. These firms obviously

benefit from having experienced individuals in the work team that can make decisions and add

knowledge to current problems that the firms are facing. This is likely to differ across industries

where some industries are facing a more rapid external environment where knowledge and edu-

cation are depreciation fast. In these industries, elderly individuals perhaps contribute less. The

results can also be influenced by the fact that it is cheaper for firms to hire individuals above the

age of 64 since the firms does not have to pay pension contributions and the payroll tax is signifi-

cantly lower.

Turning to the control variables at the firm level we confirm the pattern that size is of im-

portance for surviving even after separating firms into different size categories. The marginal ef-

fect from size is however decreasing. To have a higher education level is positive for firm sur-

vival for small firms (below ten employees but not one-employee firms). However, it is insignifi-

cant for the survival of the largest firms with 50 or more employees. The experience level is pos-

itive for small firms, up to ten employees for five-year survival and up to 50 employees for sur-

vival over nine years. This is interesting as it also reflects the age of the actual individuals.

Hence, it is beneficial for firms to have experienced personnel (employees of an older age) but

only up to a certain point since the share of elderly is negative. Irrespectively of size, if the firm

started in 2001 it has a lower probability of survival, consistent with theoretical and empirical

findings stating that there is a higher degree of firm dynamics for new firms (Audretsch 1991;

Mata and Portugal 1994; Andersson and Klepper 2013). The economic environment is also influ-

encing the survival of firms where firms localized in neighbourhoods with a high degree of entry

are less likely to survive. Hence, these are locations with a high degree of competition, which

makes it less likely for firms to survive. This is also reflected in the change in demand and size of

potential demand of which both are negative in most cases. On the other hand, a higher number

Page 19: Exploration of Wisdom Ages Firm survival


of firms per capita in the municipality increase the chances of survival of firms. This reflects the

industry structure where many firms indicate possible knowledge spillovers, a possible tradition

of entrepreneurship and a larger reliance on small (new) firms. This result is confirmed since

firms have a lower rate of survival in municipalities with on average larger firms.

In the next step, we separate out the new establishments in 2001 and analyse how the

share of elderly individuals influence the survival probability. Due to lower number of observa-

tions, the firms can only be separate into three categories: (i) one-employee firms, (ii) above one

employee and less than ten, and (iii) those with ten employees and above. The next table shows

the average marginal effects from the variables of interest (share of individuals above the age of

55 and 64). The other independent variables follow the same sign and magnitude as in Table 3.

Table 5. Estimation results, average marginal effects, logit estimation. Dependent variable: bi-

nary variable equals 1 if firm exists in 2006/ 2010; and 0 if firm exited the market

From 2001 to 2006 From 2001 to 2010

One em-


2-10 em-


> 10 em-


One em-


2-10 em-


> 10 em-


Firm level

Elderly (55) -0.135**











(0.401) Elderly (64) -0.226**












The average marginal effect from elderly individuals is negative and significant for new

firms that had less than ten employees when they started. For the larger new firms the effect is

insignificant. This pattern holds for both periods: 2001 to 2006 and 2001 to 2010. However, the

effect is smaller compared to the figures for all firms in Table 4. Hence, those firms that are

started by elderly individuals (one-employee firms) and those that have a high share of elderly

individuals are less likely to survive. Many studies confirm that elderly individuals are more

prone to become self-employed or start new firms when they approach their retirement age con-

tributing to society. This study shows that even if this is true, the new firms tend to be less likely

to survive over a five or nine year period.

5 Conclusion The tendency in many developed countries as well as in Sweden is an increasing share of elder

individuals. This implies that a smaller share of individuals have to carry the burden and pay for a

Page 20: Exploration of Wisdom Ages Firm survival


higher share of individuals. Many previous studies have focused on the entrepreneurial ability of

elderly people, confirming that elder individuals can contribute a lot by starting new firms or be-

come self-employed. This paper examines how elderly individuals influence the survival of

firms. Elderly individuals are defined as those above the age of 55 or 64, respectively. We also

control for the average experience of the employees in the firm. Thus, this paper adds to the ex-

isting literature by analysing what happens after elder individuals have started a firm or are part

of a firm as employees.

The results show, that the influence from having a high share of these individuals differ

across firm sizes. The average marginal effect on the probability of survival from individuals

above 55 and 64, respectively, are negative for small firms (one-employee firms and those with

less than ten employees). This holds for firms surviving over five as well as nine years. For larger

firms the negative effect from individuals above 55 years is reduced or disappears, and there is a

positive effect from individuals above the age of 64. Hence, there is no clear-cut answer to the

benefits/disadvantage of having many older individuals employed. The results depend on the

workforce composition in the firm where many employees with similar characteristics (in terms

of for example age) may lead to less qualified decision-making and problem solving. The same

pattern is observed when new firms are separated out and the effect from older individuals is es-

timated. Hence, those firms that are started by older individuals (one-employee firms) and those

that have a high share of older individuals are less likely to survive. Looking at the descriptive

statistics of “elderly firms”, defined as firms that have a majority of employees above the age of

55 or above the age of 64, we see that “elderly firms” have a lower survival rate and lower aver-

age number of employees but a higher value added per employee. Thus, looking at different per-

formance measures we see different patterns. There is no clustering of municipalities with a high

share of “elderly firms” across geographical space in Sweden.

In future studies it would be interesting to see the task of these older individuals and what

impact that makes on firm performance. It is easy to assume that these individuals are rather high

up in the hierarchy and then have a large impact on firm performance.

Page 21: Exploration of Wisdom Ages Firm survival



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