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Page 1: Evaluation question 5


Page 2: Evaluation question 5

This is the logo and masthead of my music magazine. I chose the colour of it according to the colour that my model was wearing. After getting feedback from my peers, they said that ‘CULT’ was quite a masculine coded name therefore my magazine should be targeted at the male gender as well as the female. I decided to make the title very big in order be eye-catching and also to remain as the largest and boldest font on the page. I also included the date on the side of the ‘T’ to keep my title looking neat and sophisticated. The strapline for my magazine didn’t turn out to be as creative as I thought it would be but after doing research on other indie music magazines, I found that this one was more straight to the point and clearly stated the target audience without confusion. The word ‘cult’ defined as “A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object” was suitable for my music magazine as I wanted to stress on the devotion of indie fans and their devotion to the indie pop culture throughout my magazine.

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I have used a young female as my main artist which matches my audience profile with 64% of my readers being female. Under the influence of my audience profile and the age of my target audience being around 21, I chose this model as she is of this age so readers can connect with her when looking at he pictures an reading through the magazine. Because I wanted to attract a female audience, I had to keep her looking pretty and elegant but still with an edge. Her hair is also quite messy in order to appeal to the genre of indie pop in which their isn’t a limit or boundaries in what they do.

Page 4: Evaluation question 5

Here, on the front cover, I added another band. I chose to name them “The Cargo’s” which is a name I thought adhered to the indie pop culture. I thought that by including and insight on what went on “behind the scenes” in their 2013 gig, it would appeal to readers of my genre as they would attend gigs of their favourite bands. The fact that I added in the “plus” would show that there is more in the magazine than what they expected. I also used the colours to match the top of my main artist which is a typical feature in music magazines- the text matches the clothes or accessories they are wearing in the main image.

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This is puff line that I chose to be a feature on my music magazine, although it was one of the last things I added to my magazine front cover, it is a key feature of the music magazine as it persuades readers to want to purchase it. Before writing what it was that I wanted to be in my puff line, I researched and found out that gigs is where people of the indie culture go to listen to their favourite bands. Knowing this, I thought that a person following the indie culture would be interested in winning tickets to a concert possibly more than anything. According to my audience profile, 80% enjoy going to gigs. This also gave me the idea to include free gig tickets as a main feature of my magazine.

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I liked the text to match the main story in this magazine I used for inspiration whilst. I found that the font they used looked quite creative and unique. By this, I thought that the text looked quite rebellious and because it was originally used on an indie music magazine, it may have been used to suggest breaking the rules with their own ‘independent’ views on style and music. This font also suggests that it is for the attention of young adults as its not a font that would be used in a more mature magazines such as ‘Vogue’ etc.

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This was a feature in the contents page. I thought it was a good way to introduce another social group in parallel to the music genre. Because my model is dressed quite trendy, it allows the audience to expect an article of fashion inside. Also, females have a 64% interest according to my audience profile, therefore I had to include conventions that women would be interested in seeing in a music magazine, stereotypically, women are generally into fashion and their appearance therefore having it as a feature in my magazine is also a good feature that they’d be expected to see inside.

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Colour Scheme

The colours I used were all taken from the top that my model was wearing. Although I used dark colours such as dark grey and green, they still look quite soft in order for it to appeal to both men and women.