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Alphabet Nouns

Pluralizing nouns Adjectives

Comparisons Pronouns

Subject pronouns Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions

Possessive adjectives Possessive adjectives with adverbs and prepositions

Prepositions Verbs

Verbs Conjugation Skip a pronoun Negatives Ser / Estar Tener (to have). Expressing needs Hacer (to make). Telling the weather Gustar (to be pleasing to). Expressing like Doler (hurt). Expressing pain

Demonstratives Time Ordinal numbers Date Seasons Vocabulary

Conjunctions Nouns Verbs Adverbs Adjectives

Idioms Sentenses

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Alphabet a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

a (a) be (b) ce (c) de (d) e (e) efe (f) ge (g) hache (h) i (i) jota (j) ka (k) ele (l) eme (m) ene (n) eñe (ñ) o (o) pe (p) cu (q) erre (r) ese (s) te (t) u (u) uve (v) doble uve (w) equis (x) ye (y) ceta (z)

A [a] B [be] C [θe] D [de] E [ә] F [efe] G [ge] H [atʃә] I [i] J [hota] K [ka] L [ele] M [eme] N [ene] Ñ [eñe] O [ɔ] P [pә] Q [ku] R [erre] S [ese] T [te] U [u] V [ubә] W [doble ubә] X [ekis] Y [igriega] Z [θeta]

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masculine -o, –or, -ma

feminine -a, –dad, -tad, -tud, -ción, –sión

el cuerpo (body) el ojo (eye) el cuello (neck) el brazo (arm) el estómago (stomach)

la cabeza (head) la boca (mouth) la oreja (ear) la pierna (leg) la muela (tooth/molar)

Exceptions el día, la mano. Naturally words la madre that refer to females are feminine el padre that refer to males are masculine Since el día (mean. dow) is masculine, all dows are also masculine: el lunes, el martes, el miércoles, el jueves, el viernes, el sábado, el domingo.

Pluralizing nouns el → los la → las

ends in a vowel: -s ends in a cons.: -es ends in -z: z→c, -es

el ojo → los ojos, la noche → las noches

el sol → los soles la nariz → las narices

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Adjectives Ends in -o have four forms

Singular m. Singular f. Plural m. Plural f.

negro blanco amarillo rojo anaranjado morado alto

negra blanca amarilla roja anaranjada morada alta

negros blancos amarillos rojos anaranjados morados altos

negras blancas amarillas rojas anranjadas moradas altas

Two forms

Singular Plural (same rules as for nouns)

verde azul marrón grande

verdes azules marrones grandes


Most adjectives are placed after the noun when describing

Some adjectives can come before

el ojo azul (blue eye) los ojos azules (blue eyes) la muela blanca (white tooth) las muelas blancas (white teeth) el pie grande (big foot) los pies grandes (big feet)

Muchas gracias (Thank you very much) Buenas noches (Good night) Buenos días (Good morning)

Muy can be used before all adjectives to say very: muy pequeño (very small), muy bien (very well), muy blanco

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más/menos [adjective] que more/less [adjective] than

más alto que más negro que más blanco que más amarillo que más rojo que más anaranjado que más morado que más alto que más pequeño que más gordo que más azul que más marrón que más grande que

taller than /more tall than/ blacker than whiter than more yellow than redder than more orange than more purple than taller than smaller than fatter than bluer than browner than bigger than

Remember that adjectives must agree in gender and number: Andrea es más alta que Antonio. (“alta” is describing Andrea) Antonio es más alto que Carlos. (“alto” is describing Antonio) Pablo y Ricardo son más altos que Rosa. (“altos” is describing Pablo and Ricardo) Ana y Silvia son más altas que Pepe. (“altas” is describing Ana and Silvia) Remeber to use “más/menos de” before numbers

más/menos de [number] more/less than [number]

La Wikipedia tiene más de 100.000 artículos. Son menos de las cinco de la tarde.

The Wikipedia has more than 100,000 articles. It is not yet 5 p.m.

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Pronouns Singular

# Nominative

Accusative Dative Genitive Prepositi

onal Comitative

1st yo me me mío(s)/mía(s) mí conmigo

2nd tú te te tuyo(s)/tuya(s) ti contigo

2nd vos (*) te/a vos te/a vos tuyo(s)/tuya(s) vos con vos

2nd usted le le suyo(s)/suya(s) usted con usted

3rd él, ella, ello se, lo, la le suyo(s)/suya(s) sí, él,

ella, ello

con él/ella/ello/

consigo Plural

# Nominative


Dative Genitive Prepositional Comitative

1st nosotros, nosotras nos nos nuestro(s)/

nuestra(s) nosotros, nosotras

con nosotros/ nosotras

2nd vosotros, vosotras

(**) os os vuestro(s)/

vuestra(s) vosotros, vosotras

con vosotros/ vosotras

2nd ustedes les les suyo(s)/ suya(s) ustedes con ustedes

3rd ellos, ellas

se, los, las

les suyo(s)/ suya(s)

sí, ellos, ellas con ellos/ellas

(*) Only in countries with voseo (**) Only in Spain

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Nominative case (subject, stressed) yo, tú, vos, usted/vusted (archaic), él/ella/ello, nosotros/nosotras, vosotros/vosotras, ustedes/vustedes (archaic), ellos/ellas Accusative case (direct object, unstressed, but see below for direct objects preceded by preposition "a") me, te, lo/la, nos, os/vos, los/las Dative case (indirect object, unstressed, but see below for indirect objects preceded by preposition "a") me, te, le/se, nos, os/vos, les/se Prepositional case (objects and complements preceded by prepositions, except for preposition "con", stressed) mí, ti, vos, él/ella/ello/sí, nosotros/nosotras/nos, vosotros/vosotras/vos, ellos/ellas/sí Observe that for direct and indirect objects, when they are preceded by the preposition a the pronoun will be in the prepositional case instead of in the accusative or dative. Thus, "I saw her" becomes La vi a ella and "He gave it to me" becomes Me lo dio a mí (see also clitic doubling for the use of reduplicated pronouns). Comitative case (prepositional complement preceded by the preposition "con" (with), stressed) When the preposition is con, the first, second and third person singular take the following forms: *con mí → conmigo = "with me" *con ti → contigo = "with you"

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*con sí → consigo = "with yourself(formal)/himself/herself/itself" (reflexive) The other persons do not have distinct comitative case forms and simply take the prepositional case preceded by "con" (e.g., con nosotros, con vosotras, con ella, con ellos...). The plural first and second person forms, connosco and convosco, are archaic forms no longer in use but some vestiges may be found in Ladino variants. Genitive case (possessive) Adjectival forms (cf. English my, your), unstressed: mi / mis tu / tus su / sus nuestro / nuestra / nuestros / nuestras vuestro / vuestra / vuestros / vuestras su / sus Pronominal forms (cf. English mine, yours), stressed: mío / mía / míos / mías tuyo / tuya / tuyos / tuyas suyo / suya / suyos / suyas nuestro / nuestra / nuestros / nuestras vuestro / vuestra / vuestros / vuestras suyo / suya / suyos / suyas Nominative Именительный Есть Кто? Что? Genitive Родительный Нет Кого? Чего? Dative Дательный Дать Кому? Чему? Accusative Винительный Видеть Кого? Что? Ablativus Творительный Доволен Кем? Чем? Prepositional Предложный Думать О ком? О чем? Comitative

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Subject pronouns

Singular Plural

1st person yo nosotros/-as

2nd person tú vosotros/-as

3rd person él/ella/usted ellos/ellas/ustedes

Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions

Singular Plural

1st person mí nosotros/-as

2nd person ti vosotros/-as

3rd person él/ella/usted ellos/ellas/ustedes

Juan habla de mí. Juan speaks of me. Hablo con ellos. I speak with them. Pablo compró un anillo para ella. Pablo bought a ring for her. With me, with you conmigo with me contigo with you

¿Por qué no vienes conmigo? Why don't you come with me?

No voy contigo, voy con ellos. I'm not going with you, I'm going with them.

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With him, with her, with you (formal), with them, with you-all (formal) Pronoun does refer to the subject

Él llevó las plumas consigo. He took the pens with him(self).

¿Por qué no lleva un libro consigo?

Why don't you take a book with you(rself)?

Pronoun does not refer to the subject

Ellos viven con él. They live with him.

No quiero hablar con usted. I don't want to talk to you.

There are six special prepositions that are followed by subject pronouns rather than object pronouns. entre between excepto except incluso including menos except según according to salvo except Examples: Entre tú y yo, esta comida es horrible. Todos beben agua, incluso yo. Según tú, la chica es bonita.

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Relative and interrogative pronouns Qué - what/que - that Quién - who/quien - who A quién - whom/a quien - whom De quién - whose, of whom/cuyo - whose, of whom

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Pronoun Direct Indirect

yo I me меня me мне

tú you te тебя te тебе

él he lo его le ему

ella she la ее le ей

ello it lo его, это le ему, ей

usted you le (lo) вас (м) le вам

la вас (ж) le вам

nosotros/-as we nos нас nos нам

vosotros/-as you all os вас os вам

ellos they (m) los их les им

ellas they (f) las их les им

ustedes you all les (los) вас (м) les вам

las вас (ж) les вам

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Possessive adjectives

Singular Plural

1st person mi nuestro/-a mis nuestros/-as

2nd person tu vuestro/-a tus vuestros/-as

3rd person su su sus sus

Mi amigo / Mi amiga (m/f singular) Mis amigos / Mis amigas (m/f plural) Mi casa es tu casa. My house is your house. María busca a su hermana. María is looking for her sister. Juan busca a su hermana. Juan is looking for his sister. Ellos buscan a su hermana. They are looking for their sister. Su madre busca a su hermana. Your mom is looking for your sis. [!] Note that these possessive adjectives are not used with articles of clothing or body parts. Rather, the definite article is used. Me gusta el vestido nuevo. I like my new dress Me duele el brazo. My arm hurts. Conmigo (NOT: Con mi) With me Contigo (NOT: Con ti) With you

Possessive adjectives with adverbs and prepositions Occasionally after an adverb or after a compound preposition, the sequence de + prepositional object pronoun (mí, ti, él etc.) is reduced to mío, mía, tuyo, tuya etc.

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The possessive adjective usually takes the masculine singular form unless the adverb or preposition ends in an -a, in which case it takes the feminine singular form: encima tuya = encima de ti on top of you alrededor nuestro = alrededor de nosotros all around us en contra suya = en contra de él/ella etc. against him/her etc. en torno suyo = en torno de él/ella etc. all around him/her etc.

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Prepositions Preposition relates its object to other parts of a sentence: English: I (subject) am going (verb) to (preposition) the store (prepositional object). Spanish: Yo (subject) voy (verb) a (preposition) la tienda (prepositional object). In the above sentence the phrase "to the store" or a la tienda forms a phrase that functions as an adverb that complements the verb. Prepositional phrase that functions as an adjective: English: I (subject) see (verb) the shoe (direct object) under (preposition) the table (prepositional object). Spanish: Yo (subject) veo (verb) el zapato (direct object) bajo (preposition) la mesa (prepositional object). In this case, "under the table" is a phrase that works as an adjective to describe the shoe. a to, at, by means of Vamos a la ciudad. We are going to the city. Vengo a las tres. I am coming at 3. Viajamos a pie. We are traveling by foot. antes de before Leo antes de dormirme. I read before going to sleep. bajo under El perro está bajo la mesa. The dog is under the table. cerca de near

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El perro está cerca de la mesa. The dog is near the table. con with Voy con él. I am going with him. contra against Estoy contra la huelga. I am against the strike. de of, from, indicating possession El sombrero es hecho de papel. The hat is made of paper. Soy de Nueva York. I'm from New York. Prefiero el carro de Juan. I prefer John's car (I prefer the car of John). delante de in front of Mi carro está delante de la casa. My car is in front of the house. dentro de inside El perro está dentro de la jaula. The dog is inside the cage. desde since, from No comí desde ayer. I haven't eaten since yesterday. Tiró el béisbol desde el carro. He threw the baseball from the car. después de after Comemos después de la clase. We are eating after class. detrás de behind El perro está detrás de la mesa. The dog is behind the table. durante during Dormimos durante la clase. We slept during the class. en in, on Ella está en Nueva York. She is in New York.

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El perro está en la mesa. The dog is on the table. encima de on top of El gato está encima de la casa. The cat is on top of the house. enfrente de in front of El perro está enfrente de la mesa. The dog is in front of the table. entre between, among El perro está entre la mesa y el sofá. The dog is between the table and the sofa. fuera de outside of El perro está fuera de la casa. The dog is outside of the house. hacia toward Caminamos hacia la escuela. We are walking toward the school. hasta until Duermo hasta las seis. I'm sleeping until 6. para for, in order to (для, д того ч) El regalo es para usted. The gift is for you. Trabajo para ser rico. I work in order to be rich. por for, by (за, by) Damos gracias por la comida. We give thanks for the meal. Fue escrito por Juan. It was written by Juan. según according to Según mi madre va a nevar. According to my mother it is going to snow. sin without Voy sin él. I am going without him.

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sobre over, about Se cayó sobre la silla. He fell over the chair. Es un programa sobre el presidente. It's a program about the president. tras after, behind Caminaban uno tras otro. They walked one after (behind) the other.

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-ar -er -ir

hablar estudiar fumar

comer beber creer

vivir conducir elegir

Verbs Conjugation

hablar comer vivir

yo hablo o como o vivo o

tú hablas as comes es vives es

él/ella/usted habla a come e vive e

nosotros/-as hablamos amos comemo

s emos vivimos imos

vosotros/-as habláis áis coméis éis vivís ís

ellos/ellas/ustedes hablan an comen en viven en

Skip a pronoun

tengo = I have estás = you are / you feel estoy = I am / I feel te llamas = you call yourself (your name is...) me llamo = I call myself (my

¡Para! = Stop! ¡Mira! = Look! ¡Escucha! = Listen! ¡Ven! = Come! ¡Ve! = Go! dice = says

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name is...) hace = it makes llueve = it rains / it is raining nieva = it snows / it is snowing soy = I am es = (it) is

toca = touch ¿Qué te pasa? = What’s happening to you? / What’s the matter with you?) son = (they) are

Negatives No tengo hambre. I am not hungry No estás bien. You are not okay. No estoy mejor. I am not better. No nieva. It is not snowing. No hace frío. It is not cold.

Ser / Estar Ser — essence (I am), Estar — condition (I am / I feel). La manzana es verde. The apple is green. (essence)

What color is the apple? La manzana está verde. The apple is green. (condition)

How is the apple?

ser estar to be

soy eres es somos sois son

estoy estás está estamos estáis están

I am you are he/she is we are you-all are they are

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Tener (to have). Expressing needs

(pronoun +) tener + noun pronoun + am/is/are + adj.

Tengo sed Tengo hambre Tengo frío Tengo calor

I am thirsty /I have thirst/ I am hungry /I have hunger/ I am cold /I have coldness/ I am hot /I have heat/

Hacer (to make). Telling the weather Calor (heat), frío (coldness), viento (wind), sol (sun)

(pronoun +) hacer + noun pronoun + am/is/are + adj.

Hace calor Hace frío Hace viento Hace sol

It is hot /It makes heat/ It is cold /It makes coldness/ It is windy /It makes wind/ It is sunny /It makes sun/

Gustar (to be pleasing to). Expressing like The verb will only be conjugated in the 3rd person singular or plural because it is agreeing with the noun (subject) that follows it. Gusta is used with singular nouns while gustan is used with plural nouns.

gustar + noun

Me gusta el sol. Me gustan los chocolates. No me gusta el invierno.

I like the sun /The sun is pleasing to me/ I like chocolates /Chocolates are pleasing to me/ I do not like winter /Winter is not pleasing to me/

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Doler (hurt). Expressing pain It is also used with an indirect object and will only be conjugated in the 3rd person singular or plural because it is agreeing with the noun (subject) that follows it. Duele is used with singular body parts while duelen is used with plural body parts.

doler + noun

Me duele la cabeza Me duelen los pies No me duelen las muelas

My head hurts /The head hurts me/ My feet hurt /The feet hurt me/ My teeth do not hurt /The teeth do not hurt me/

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this these that those

feminine esta estas esa esas

masculine este estos ese esos

esto eso

Me gusta esta clase. I like this class. No me gusta esa clase. I don’t like that class.

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Time ¿Qué hora es? What hour is it? Es la una It is one o’clock /It is the first (hour)/ Son las dos It is two o’clock Son las tres It is three o’clock Notice that “la” and “una” are both feminine because the word “hora”, which they represent, is feminine. The only number that is singular is “one”. Since it is singular, the verb “es” (is) and the article “la” are both singular. Once the number to tell time is plural (2:00, 3:00, 4:00 etc), the structure (verb “son” and article “las”) also become plural: Son las dos. Son las tres. Son las cuatro, etc. When you want to say “It is time to [verb]”, you would use a verb in the infinitive form just as we do in English (marked by the “to”). You are saying “It is the hour to [verb]”. Es la hora de desayunar. It is time to eat breakfast. Es la hora de leer. It is time to read. Es la hora de dormir. It is time to sleep. Es la hora de jugar. It is time to play. Es la hora de recoger. It is time to clean up.

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Ordinal numbers Ordinal numbers are used to express rank or position. They must agree in number with the noun to which they refer. la segunda hija the second daughter el cuarto invierno the fourth winter The words primero and tercero drop the o in front of a masculine noun. el primer hermano the first brother el segundo tren the second train el tercer libro the third book el cuarto domingo the fourth Sunday el quinto día the fifth day el sexto hijo the sixth son (child) el séptimo lunes the seventh Monday el octavo verano the eighth summer la primera hermana the first sister la segunda hora the second hour la tercera persona the third person la cuarta clase the fourth class la quinta muela the fifth tooth (molar) la sexta hija the sixth daughter la séptima noche the seventh night la octava casa the eighth house

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Date The structure for saying a date in Spanish goes from smallest increment (day) to medium sized increment ☺ (month) to the largest increment (year). It looks like this: Es el (day) de (month) de (year). It is the (day) of (month) of (year). Es el ocho de febrero de dos mil ocho. /It is the eighth of February of two thousand eight./ They would actually write this date like this: 08-02-08 (which is not August 2nd ☺). Some students might think this is great but it will drive the rest wacko! To say Today is _____,start with Hoy and then follow the date structure. Hoy es el ____ de ____ de ___. To say My birthday is ____,start with Mi cumpleaños then follow the date structure. Mi cumpleaños es el ___ de ___ de ___. You can even cut the year out to make it simpler. Es el (day) de (month). Months and days of the week are NOT capitalized in Spanish. The only things that are capitalized are proper nouns and the first word in a sentence (even with book titles!)

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Seasons Es invierno. It is winter. Es primavera. It is spring. Es verano. It is summer. Es otoño. It is fall. Hoy es lunes, el cuatro de febrero. Es invierno. Hace frío y nieva. Today is Monday, the fourth of February. It is winter. It is cold and snowing.

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Conjunctions por qué why? porque because

Nouns el niño / la niña boy / girl el hombre man el libro book la mujer woman la escuela school la lección lesson

Verbs comprar to buy caminar to walk enseñar to teach ser to be estar to be tener to have hacer to make hablar to speak estudiar to study necesitar to need comer to eat

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Adverbs también too, also mucho much

Adjectives guapo lovely bonita pretty

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Idioms Todos los días Every day. As repeated. Todos los días voy al trabajo en coche, pero cada día voy por un camino diferente. Cada día Each day. As independent units. Todos los días como fuera de casa, pero cada día en un sitio diferente.

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Sentenses el hombre / la mujer un hombre guapo / una mujer guapa un niño guapo / una niña guapa un buen libro / un libro bueno una buena escuela / una escuela buena ¿Es una buena escuela?

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