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A Seminar Paper Presented to

the Graduate Faculty of the

College ofLiberal Studies

University ofWisconsin-La Crosse

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Science in Education-School Psychology


Cluistophcr Kcilcr

May 2000


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ChristoEher D. Keiler Student

I recommend acceptance ofthis seminar paper in partial fulfillment ofrequirements for

the degree of Master of Science in Education-School Psychology.

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This seminar paper is approved.


Director, UniversitV'of Graduate Studies

~/:<~JO"O -r- / Date

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Keiler, C.D. Enhancing the Validity of Intellectual Assessment: The Efficacy ofthe Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test for the Hmong Population. Master ofScience in Education-School Psychology, May 2000,55 pp.

This paper evaluates the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT), both in

comparison to other contemporary nonverbal scales of intelligence and as a potential

means ofvalid and fair assessment for the Hmong population. Issues surrounding the

testing ofminority populations, including potential sources ofbias in intelligence

testing, current practices of intellectual assessment for limited English proficient (LEP)

populations, and the efficacy ofnonverbal measures of intelligence for Hmong and

LEP populations, are explored throughout this paper. The author concludes that the

UNIT has remarkable developmental procedures and psychometric properties. In

addition, the author suggests that the UNIT functions as an appropriate instrument for

evaluating the intellectual skills of Hmong children. A final section includes

recommendations for practitioners and future research.



Chapter Page

I. INTRODUCTION 1 Key Ternlinology 2 Potential Sources ofBias 4 The Rising LEP Population 7 Characteristics ofthe Hmong Population 8 Problems Associated with Traditional, Verbally-Loaded Tests 12 Relevant Legislation and Litigation.......................................................... 14 U sing Interpreters and Translated Tests................................................... 17 A Historical Analysis ofNonverbal Tests 20 The UNIT's Nonnative Data: The Nonrepresentation of the Hmong 24 Summary 25 Significance of the Problem 26 Research Questions.................................................................................. 26

II. REVIEW OF RELATED RESEARCH 27 Validity ofIQ Tests for ESL Students 28 Evaluation ofNonverbal Scales ofIntelligence...................................... 31

General Infonnation...................................................................... 31 Theoretical Underpinnings 34 Standardization Procedures........................................................... 35 Psychometric Properties................................................................ 37 Summary ofNonverbal Scales of Intelligence 39

IQ Tests for the Hmong Population 40 Summary 42

III. DISCUSSION 44 Intellectual Assessment for the LEP Population 44 The Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test 46 The Utility of the UNIT for the Hmong Population 47 Implications for School Psychologists...................................................... 49 Gaps in the Literature and Recommendations for Future Research......... 50






Assessment ofminority children has been ofgreat interest to psychometricians

for decades. The appropriateness of conventional IQ tests for various minority

populations (e.g., African American, Hispanic, and Asian) has been discussed and

debated in the professional literature, bringing about little consensus. Researchers

have suggested mean differences in composite IQ scores ofup to 15 points between

African Americans and Caucasians (Sattler, 1988). Such drastic differences have been

used as evidence to support the notion ofbias in intelligence testing.

The following chapter will begin with a brief evaluation ofvarious sources of

cultural bias in cognitive assessment. The focus will then shift to an evaluation ofthe

Hmong culture with an emphasis on characteristics that may influence performance on

intelligence tests. Next, the chapter will discuss concerns of traditional,

verbally-loaded intelligence tests followed by a synopsis of legislation, litigation, law,

and professional standards that have resulted from such concerns. Next, the chapter

will evaluate the efficacy of interpreters and translated tests in the assessment process

ofEnglish as a second language (ESL) children. A final preliminary section will

discuss the historical development ofnonverbal intelligence tests, focusing on their

utility as valid measures for ESL populations.



This paper will focus strictly on intelligence test-based assessment of

intellectual functioning for ethnic minorities who are Presumed to have limited English

proficiency (LEP). The intent of the paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of

the utility of such instruments. The importance and significance ofsupplemental

assessment procedures, including classroom and environmental observations, thorough

interviews, and language proficiency assessment, will not be discussed. The reader

should refer to the following articles for the best practices in holistic assessment of

children with limited English skills: Esquivel (1985), Figueroa (1990), Figueroa,

Sandoval, & Merino (1984), and Lopez (1997).

Key Terminology

For the purposes of this paper, several key terms need to be defined to help

clarify the intended meaning for the reader. These key terms include:

1) Hmong- individuals ofSoutheast Asian descent (primarily from Laos) whose

genetic composition consists of at least 50% Hmong.

2) Minority- an individual whose ethnicity does not represent that of the cultural

majority. For instance, any ethnic group not predominantly European!Anglo-American

would be considered an ethnic minority in the United States.

3) English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL)-- Any individual who has learned the English

language in a secondary manner. These individuals have had prior experience with a

foreign/alternative language independent of the English language. This definition is



intended to constitute a variety of individuals, including both bilingual and

monolingual people and is independent of their fluency in the English language.

4) Limited English Proficiency (LEP}- An inability to fluently communicate using the

English language. There is tremendous variance in the methods used to measure and

classify LEP individuals. For the purposes of this paper, individuals who demonstrate

deficiencies in basic interpersonal communicative skills (BICS) and cognitive

academic language proficiency (CALPS) as identified by Cummins (1984) will be

classified as LEP.

5) Fairness- This term represents the notion that a select group of individuals, such as

the Hmong population, will score at a level that is equivalent to that of the overall

population on a standardized instrument. Further, it is implied that no biases are

created in the content or the administration of the test that will influence the scores for

the targeted group.

6) Bias- This term refers to systematic differences in intellectual assessment scores

between various groups due to reasons apart from actual intellectual functioning levels.

Rla.~ results from the diversity ofthe population and is asswned to stem from

characteristics of test content or administration.

7) Intelligence Test- A scale or instrument used to evaluate the intellectual/cognitive

functioning ofan individual.



8) Performance Scale- This term refers to a portion of an intelligence test that

measures the individual's mental reasoning and processing, typically in a

visually-based manner.

9) Nonverbal Intelligence Test- This term refers to intelligence tests that typically do

not require receptive or expressive verbal abilities on the part of the examinee. Such

tests rely on gestures and pantomimes during administration and frequently have

visually-based tasks.

Potential Sources ofBias

Several realms ofbias in intellectual assessment have been identified by

researchers as having potentially detrimental impacts on assessment validity for

minority populations. Reynolds and Kaiser (1990) have categorized these arguments

into six areas ofconcern. First, it has been suggested that intelligence tests incorporate

culturally-inappropriate content, gearing test materials toward that of the middle class

Caucasian population. This position primarily focuses on bias in the individual test

items. Tn res.pons.e to such concerns, statistical analyses ofvarious measures have

revealed that very few test items are culturally biased (Sattler, 1988). In addition, such

items are frequently identified during standardization procedures and removed

(Reynolds & Kaiser, 1990). Identification and removal of such items has lead to

minimal changes in mean scores (Reynolds & Kaiser, 1990~ Sattler, 1988).



Second, several researchers have pointed out the underrepresentation of

minority populations in standardization samples of intelligence tests. For instance, of

the 2,200 children composing the nonnative group ofthe WISC-R, only 330 minority

children were included. Furthennore, 305 of these children were African American

(Cummins, 1984). Current psychological instruments, such as the WISC-III, have

standardization samples stratified in a manner that adequately represent the population

of several minority groups. However, despite better standardization procedures, such

instruments have failed to reduce bias as evident by the discrepancy in mean scores

between various populations (Roid & Miller, 1997). Therefore, bias must result from

factors apart from poor standardization procedures.

Third, it has been suggested that current IQ tests have inequitable social

consequences for minorities. According to this perspective, discrimination in the

educational and social systems influences performance on standardized tests which, in

turn, leads to fUrther discrimination in educational expectations and placement.

Litigation including Diana vs. State Board ofEducation, Guadalupe vs. Tempe, and

T.any P V~ Rile~ concluded, in part, that minority populations were overrepre~entedin

special education programs based on the results ofIQ tests (Esquivel, 1985; Olmedo,

1981). This approach focuses more on the social consequences of intelligence tests

and less on the underlying reason for such biases.

Fourth, it has been argued that IQ tests measure attributes of the individual that

may be of less importance to members ofminority populations. Schiele (1991) has



contended that the epistemology of African Americans, including spirituality, affect,

rhythm, and holistic thinking, is ignored in modem day cognitive testing. In addition,

Mercer (1979, as cited in Reynolds & Kaiser, 1990) proposed that IQ tests primarily

measure ethnocentrism in minority populations, providing no more information than

how much an individual has adapted to the dominant culture.

Fifth, it has been asserted that tests of intellectual aptitude have less predictive

validity for minority groups than for middle-class Caucasian individuals. According to

this assertion, it is hypothesized that the scores obtained from IQ tests do not

adequately predict future academic achievement and performance for minority

populations. In a meta-analysis, Reynolds and Kaiser (1990) contend that minimal

evidence exists to support the notion ofpredictive validity bias. They suggest that

evidence ofpredictive validity bias is reportedly infrequent and more often than not

tends to favor low-SES and minority populations over the Caucasian population.

Finally, it has been suggested that language biases during test administration

have a detrimental impact on performance. In general, the professional research claims

that minorities -.vith lllnited Enslish skills Inay be hindered on verbally loaded tests.

Performance scaled scores have been consistently higher than verbal scaled scores for

minority groups (Figueroa, 1990). In addition, ESL students score, on average, 12.5

points higher on performance (nonverbal) scales than on verbal scales of intelligence

(Cummins, 1984). Therefore, bias may result from a lack ofproficiency with the

English language. Such deficiencies may make it difficult for students to understand



the content of the assessment (Cummins, 1984) and may also hinder rapport with an

English-speaking examiner (Reynolds & Kaiser, 1990).

In summary, many ofthe proposed sources ofbias in intelligence testing have

minimal supporting evidence. In addition, greater amounts of evidence have

accumulated to refute such claims. Of the preceding arguments, the most feasible

explanation is the proposed language bias. It is important to recognize that many

minority groups, such as the Hmong population, have a significant proportion ofpeople

who have not become proficient in the English language. The use ofverbally-loaded

intelligence tests with LEP individuals would undoubtedly have detrimental effects on

their perceived abilities. The potential language bias of intelligence tests for the

Hmong population will be the focus for the remainder of this paper.

The Rising LEP Population

The Asian population has been rapidly increasing since the 1970's. Ima and

Rumbaut (1995) reported that Asian immigrants composed less than 1% ofthe

pop1119hon ;n thp 1Q70'c::, 1 l\0/n;n thp 1Q~O'c::, 9nd Ulprp projpl'tpd to rp~l'h 4.0/n ;n 7000

According to 1990 United States Census data, there were 7.2 million Asians in the

United States; 90,082 of these Asian's were Hmong. Wisconsin Census statistics

reported 30,992 Hmong in 1994. With the large Hmong population in the United

States, it is becoming increasingly important to recognize their educational needs.



According to the 1990 census, 31.8 million Americans spoke a language other

than English at home (Lopez, 1997). In addition, an estimated 3 to 5 million students

in public schools did not identify English as their primary language (Ima & Rumbaut,

1995). With the rising immigrant population in the United States, the number of

children who do not identify English as their primary language will most likely

increase. Some of these children will be referred for a psychoeducational assessment.

Valid assessment of the LEP population is of utmost importance to professionals in the

field of school psychology. Assessment instruments, such as intelligence tests, may

have a detrimental impact on the educational experiences and outcomes of the

individual. Accurate assessment will result in appropriate educational placement and

programming. Therefore, it is becoming more and more important to identify an

instrument that appropriately and validly assesses the intellectual functioning ofLEP

individuals as well as individuals ofHmong descent.

Characteristics of the Hmong Population

Several unique oharaotmotico of tho I-hnong popula.tion need to be QOnaidered

in the process of assessment. Such characteristics are divided into two separate

sections for the purposes of this paper. The first section will discuss historical

circumstances and cultural characteristics that have had an impact on the English

literacy level of Hmong immigrants. The second section will discuss Hmong values

that have a direct influence on the instrument selected for cognitive assessment.



Ima and Rumbaut (1995) concluded that Southeast Asian individuals are more

likely to be LEP than other linguistic groups. In addition, 66% ofSouth East Asians

maintained LEP status beyond their junior year ofhigh school as compared to 43% for

the Hispanic population (Ima & Rumbaut, 1995). It is evident that individuals of

Southeast Asian decent have difficulties acquiring the English language. Many of

these difficulties may be due to their recent arrival in the United States, primarily in the

1970's and 1980's (Irwin & Madden, 1986). However, it is important to look at some

additional characteristics ofHmong culture that may hinder the acquisition of the

English language.

A historical evaluation ofHmong culture provides relevant insight into the low

level ofliteracy among Hmong immigrants. According to Morrow (1989), 81 % of

Hmong who immigrated from Laos had no formal education upon entering the United

States. Such a large percentage reflects the lack ofboth accessibility and relevance of

education for those living in Laos. It is also important to note that prior to the 1950's,

Hmong children learned exclusively from family members and villagers and did not

attend schools. Consequently, high illiteracy rates exist amongst today's Hmong

grandparents and parents (Westermeyer, Bouafuely-Kersey, & Her, 1997). A 1985

survey suggested that approximately 54% ofthe Hmong population residing in the

United States were literate in Hmong and 31% were literate in English (Morrow,

1989). Such numbers are not surprising, considering that the Hmong written language

was first developed in the late 1950's (Lewis, Vang, & Cheng, 1989).



Several characteristics of the Hmong language may make learning the English

language a difficult process. First, there are several phonological differences between

the Hmong language and the English language. Hmong may experience difficulties

with the ending/final consonants ofwords, particularly in the case ofconsonant clusters

(Lewis et. al., 1989). Second, the Hmong language, unlike English, is nonin±1ectional.

Therefore, Hmong attempting to learn the English language may struggle in the

process offonning tenses and affixes (e.g., related, unrelated, relation, relative). In

addition, they may incidentally string several verbs together, use adjectives after nouns,

and use infinitives and gerunds incorrectly (Lewis et. al., 1989). After considering

these potential problems, it is not difficult to imagine the struggle that Hmong children

may encounter while learning the English language. The process may become quite

tedious and time consuming. Consequently, a large portion ofthe Hmong population

may have limited English skills. It is important to assess a Hmong child's English

proficiency to determine ifhe/she should 1) be tested in a manner that does not rely on

verbally-based cognitive tests and 2) be provided with ESL instruction to assist in

his:Jher edu(!~tion~l evperipnl'pc: It;c;: ~1c:n ;1Tl~rl~nt ttl TPl'f'Ign17P th::lt thp r.hl1d's.

Hmong language proficiency may be declining during the learning process of the

English language, tenned subtractive bilingualism (Dao, 1991). Therefore, it can

be assumed that many Hmong children may not have adequate skills in either the

Hmong or the English language.



A few noteworthy characteristics of the Hmong population should be

considered in the process of cognitive assessment to ensure valid results. First, time is

viewed as "elastic" in the Hmong culture (Morrow, 1989). Therefore, examiners

should be careful when evaluating Hmong children with timed tests. The child may

not recognize or value the importance ofquickly and efficiently completing the task at

hand. It is recommended that intelligence tests that reduce the importance of speed be

used with the Hmong population. Second, Hmong children are unlikely to ask for help

when they are confused or do not understand a specific task (Williams, 1987).

Consequently, it is the responsibility of the examiner to ensure that the child

understands the directions ofeach subtest. Since the child will be unlikely to verbalize

uncertainty, the examiner must pay careful attention to nonverbal signs of confusion.

This is especially important for tests that incorporate teaching items at the beginning of

subtests. Third, it has been reported that Hmong children may not understand paper

and pencil tasks (Williams, 1987). Intelligence tests that incorporate such procedures

should be used sparingly and additional directions may be necessary if the

standardization procedures allow for them. Fourth, people born in Laos most likely

have arbitrarily assigned birthdates which may be several years different than the actual

date (Lewis, Vang, & Cheng, 1989; Liu & Li, 1994). This is an important point to

consider upon interpreting the results ofan intelligence test. Parental contact should be

made to confirm the accuracy of the child's birth date. This point should also be

considered when extreme scores are obtained on intelligence tests.



In summary, the history ofHmong education and literacy levels when combined

with the variability between the structure of the Hmong and English languages

provides some insight into the difficulties that many Hmong children experience when

attempting to learn the English language. In additio~ several factors need to be

considered in the selection ofcognitive assessment instruments for the Hmong

population. An appropriate intelligence test for Hmong children with limited English

skills should include primarily performance tasks (i.e., a decreased emphasis on verbal

tasks) that do not impose time limits or provide bonus points for speed. In addition, an

appropriate test should have clear directions, teaching items, and the possibility for

corrective feedback and elaborated directions on teaching items.

Problems Associated with Traditional, Verbally-Loaded Tests

Research conducted as early as 1910 has indicated language bias in intelligence

testing. The Army Alpha test, which was developed to assist in the cognitive screening

of soldiers, was thought to be biased for individuals oflow literacy. Consequently, a

nonverbal eounterpart, the Anny Be~ wa.c:; developed (Thorndike, 1997). In the early

1930's, David Wechsler, a pioneer in the development of intellectual assessment,

recognized the problems associated with the verbally-loaded Binet scales and

developed the Wechsler-Bellevue, focusing on a combination ofboth

verbal and performance/nonverbal tasks (Thorndike, 1997). Although the focus over

time has shifted to an emphasis on a balance ofnonverbal/performance and verbal



items, the verbal bias in intelligence testing remains. As previously noted, individuals

with limited English skills score consistently higher on nonverbal subtests than verbal

subtests on modem day scales (Cummins, 1984~ Figueroa, 1990).

Currently, the most frequently used tests for LEP children is an adaptation or a

translation of the Wechsler scales (Nuttall, 1987). Several factors most likely influence

psychologists to rely on these instruments in the assessment ofLEP children. First, it

is important to recognize the popularity and familiarity of the Wechsler scales. Most

school psychologists have received training in administering the Wechsler scales and,

consequently, continue to use them in practice. Second, many school psychologists

likely have a lack ofknowledge of appropriate tests or methods for assessing the LEP

population. Esquivel (1985) suggests that a limited number of school psychologists

receive adequate training to work with the LEP population. Therefore, the problem

may be related to a lack of appropriate training or knowledge. Finally, school

psychologists are most likely drawn in by the availability of translated and renormed

Wechsler scales. For instance, the WISC-R has been adapted to meet the needs of

children from Mexico. Spain. and Hong Kong (Esquivel. 1985).

Unfortunately, the Wechsler scales have not been effective in eliminating

language biases for LEP children. Esquivel (1985) reported that LEP children tend to

have lower WISC-R scores in Information, Similarities, and Vocabulary and higher

scores in Arithmetic, Digit Span, and performance tasks. It can be argued that a profile




ofhigh perfonnance scaled scores and low verbal scaled scores suggests the possibility

of language barriers in testing.

Relevant Legislation and Litigation

A significant amount of legislation and litigation has identified the concerns

with traditional methods ofassessing and evaluating minority populations who have

limited English skills. The following section provides a brief synopsis ofmajor

decisions that have influenced the practices used in intellectual assessment. These

cases have led to rules and regulations that have promoted more ethical and valid

evaluations ofLEP students' cognitive functioning.

Language barriers in intelligence assessment were a primary concern addressed

in the 1968 class action suit ofDiana vs. the California State Board ofEducation. Nine

Mexican-American children with limited English skills were misdiagnosed as mentally

retarded based on test scores from the Stanford-Binet and the Wechsler Intelligence

Scale for Children. It was argued that 1) the tests were inappropriately administered in

English despite the fact that the children were primarily Spanish speaking and 2) the

tests administered did not adequately represent the cultural background ofthe Mexican

migrants (Esquivel, 1985). After being retested in their native language, the children

experienced an average gain of 15 standard score points; seven of the nine children no

longer qualified for the mild mentally retarded criteria (Olmedo, 1981).



The court ruled that the Spanish-speaking children had been inappropriately

misrepresented and misplaced in special education programs. Consequently, several

provisions were created to alleviate language barriers in testing (Esquivel, 1985).

First, the court declared that children must be tested in both their native language and

in English. Second, it was determined that the nonverbal sections of intellectual tests

are an adequate means to assess the abilities ofLEP children. Finally, school districts

in California were required to retest children previously diagnosed as mentally retarded

using nonverbal sections of tests. Diana vs. the California State Board ofEducation

was the initial spark in litigation that identified language as a potential barrier in

intelligence testing and special education placement. Several similar cases followed

Diana, spreading the results to various states and across various ethnic groups.

The 1974 decision in Lau vs. Nichols had ramifications on the assessment

process ofLEP children. Twelve Chinese-American students filed a class action suit

against the San Francisco Board ofEducation on the grounds that Chinese students

were not receiving an appropriate education to account for their LEP status. It was

argued that the students required special English language classes (English as a second

language) with bilingual instructors. The Supreme Court ruled that both educational

instruction and evaluation should be provided in the child's native language in order to

make education both a meaningful and comprehensible experience (Wang, 1995).

This decision furthered the notion that non-English speaking children should be

assessed using their primary language.



Public Law 94-142, The Education for All Handicapped Children Act, brought

the previously described judicial decisions to the legislative level. It mandated that all

psychological tests and supplemental materials be nondiscriminatory in nature and be

presented in a manner that reflects the child's native language (Figueroa, Sandoval, &

Merino, 1984). This position was reconfirmed in Public Law 99-457 (Education of the

Handicapped Amendments) and extended in the Individuals with Disabilities

Education Act (IDEA) of 1990. IDEA required that all assessment procedures be

1) nondiscriminatory in nature and 2) psychometrically valid for the intended use

(Lopez, 1997).

Professional standards have also been established to ensure valid assessment.

The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (American Educational

Research Association, American Psychological Association, National Council on

Measurement in Education) contend that assessment ofLEP individuals with translated

tests is not necessarily psychometrically sound~ using such an instrument requires that

the test's reliability and validity be identified (Figueroa, 1990~ Lopez, 1997). The

National Association ofSchool Psychologists further supports this position in the

Standards for the Profession ofSchool Psychological Services (1995) claiming that

assessment should be conducted with the child's dominant spoken language or

communication system and interpreted based on empirical evidence.

In summary, litigation, legislation, and professional standards have created

guidelines to assist in appropriate cognitive assessment ofLEP children.



Unfortunately, the guidelines provided give little infonnation on specifically what

techniques, strategies, and instruments should be used in assessment but, rather, focus

on what should not be done. Combined with the fact that school psychologists have

traditionally received little training in working with ESL populations, many are

helplessly left in the dark. Esquivel (1985) has suggested that providing school

psychologists with in-service training, focusing on nonbiased assessment, may assist in

greater sensitivity and awareness of the issues surrounding the ESL population.

However, the problem may actually be larger than a lack ofappropriate training.

Another contributing problem resides in the fact that little research has been conducted

on the efficacy ofboth nonverbal tests and translated tests for ESL populations.

Therefore, the leaders in the field ofESL assessment may be standing right alongside

the practitioners in the dark.

Using Interpreters and Translated Tests

As previously stated, legislation, litigation, and professional standards support

the use of interpreters and translated tests for the cognitive assessment ofESL children.

As a result, these strategies have been readily practiced throughout the nation. The

efficacy of such measures will be further evaluated in this section.

Theoretically, testing minority children in their native or primary language via

interpreters should eliminate language barriers, reducing the potential for bias.

However, a careful analysis of the interpretation process provides insight into several



areas ofconcern. First, a limited supply ofbilingual school psychologists results in an

increasing need for third-party interpreters. Aside from qualified school psychologists,

interpreters who are familiar with psychometrics and the importance of standardization

procedures in cognitive assessment are few and far between. A survey of21 school

agencies confinned that such a shortage ofqualified interpreters exists (Nutall, 1987).

Therefore, it is often the case that under qualified interpreters are chosen to assist in

cognitive assessment.

Unfortunately, interpreters who do not receive training in psychometrics are

presumed to incidentally produce indirect translations and inappropriate reinforcement

in testing situations (Lopez, 1995). Indirect translations oftest items may produce

confusion on the part of the examinee, resulting in an inability to answer the question.

Indirect translations of item responses may influence how the particular item is scored.

Inappropriate reinforcement may cue the child as to whether or not the response was

correct or incorrect. Such feedback may have detrimental impacts on the child's

overall test performance.

Secon<L translations may alter the technical properties of tests because of

inequivalencies in languages (Olmedo, 1981). For instance, some words may not have

a direct translation or an equivalent level of difficulty. This produces complications

that are not easily alleviated. Eliminating such difficulties would require one to

re-norm the instrument on the desired population and perform a Rasch item analysis to

ensure that the progression ofdifficulty has not changed between the items.



Several researchers have translated and re-normed IQ tests in hopes ofbetter

representing the characteristics ofminority/ESL populations. Researchers have

developed over 100 Spanish translations (Figuero~ 1990; Olmedo, 1981) including

instruments such as the WISC-R (Escala de Inteligencia para Nivel Escolar Wechsler),

the K-ABC (Kaufman Bateria de Evaluacion Intelectual), the PPVT (Test de

Vocabulario en Imagenes Peabody), and the WJ-COG (Prueba de Habilidad

Cognoscitiva of the Bateria Woodcock Psico-Educativa en Espanol). Such tests

commonly have inherent flaws in form-equivalency and in standardization procedures.

First, the psychometric properties do not necessarily translate as a result of the

inequivalence oflanguages (Olmedo, 1981). As previously noted, Rasch item analysis

would have to be performed to evaluate for changes in difficulty. Second, the

normative data developed for such instruments tend to be limited in size and

representativeness (Olmedo, 1981) and come from foreign nations (Figuro~ 1990).

This is problematic because the characteristics of the standardization sample may not

reflect that of the population of interest. Because of such poor standardization

procedures, the newly-developed tests may have less validity for the population of

interest than the original versions. A third and final criticism oftranslated tests is that

the predictive validity of such instruments is relatively unknown (Figuero~ 1990).

Therefore, it is difficult to determine if these instruments can accurately predict future

performance in the school setting and assist in the appropriate placement of referred




In summary, using interpreters and translated versions of tests does not appear

to be a viable method in the assessment process ofESL children. A lack ofappropriate

training for interpreters, inequivelance ofvarious languages, and poor standardization

procedures have reduced the validity of such procedures. It may be worthwhile for

researchers and practitioners to seek other means of assessment. For instance,

nonverbal intelligence tests may help to eliminate the barriers that language has created

in the valid assessment ofthe ESL population.

A Historical Analysis ofNonverbal Tests

Evidently, verbally-loaded intelligence tests present several challenges when

assessing minority or ESL populations. As previously noted, legislation, litigation, and

professional standards have stated that administering such tests in the English language

has a detrimental impact for ESL students and, consequently, state that administration

should occur in the child's native or primary language. However, several factors make

such practices difficult, including a lack ofbilingual school psychologists, a lack of

trained interpreters, and the possibility for misinterpreted questions and responses

(Lopez, 1995; Nuttall, 1987~ Olmedo, 1981). It is also important to recognize that the

child may not only lack proficiency in English but also in hislher native language. In

such instances, translating tests would not function as an appropriate strategy for

eliminating language barriers in assessment.



A historical and once-popular methodology for reducing language bias in IQ

testing involved administering only the Performance scale of the Wechsler tests. Such

practices enable the examiner to remove the bulk of the verbal component, minimizing

the possibility for language-based bias. Some research has supported this practice,

claiming that minority groups, such as the Hmong, achieve performance scale standard

scores that do not deviate significantly from that of the total, normative population

(Irwin & Madden, 1986). Although performance scales may appear to be a valid

measure of intelligence for children with limited English skills, it is important to

recognize a severe limitation. According to Cummins (1984), performance scales

provide useful assessment information but do not provide a comprehensive analysis of

academic potential. Therefore, relying solely on a performance scale to determine a

child's intellectual functioning may not be the most psychometrically valid or

appropriate alternative.

Several nonverbal IQ tests have been developed to assist in the comprehensive

assessment of children with limited language skills. In this paper, the Leiter

International Perfonnance Scale (LIPS) and the Test ofNonverbal Intelligence (TONI)

will be evaluated from a historical perspective. In addition, a newly-developed

instrument, the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT) will be compared and

contrasted to the most recent updates of the LIPS (Leiter-R) and the TONI (TONI-3).

The TONI (Brown, Sherbenou, & Dollar, 1982) can best be described as a

quick, nonverbal intellectual screener for individuals between the ages of 5 and 85.



Administration requires gestures and hand movements as opposed to traditional verbal

directions. The TONI includes two separate forms (Form A and B), consisting of50

items each and requires approximately 15 minutes for administration. In the TONI,

examinees are required to recognize relationships among a sequence ofblack and

white abstract designs and identify the answer that completes or fits the relationship

from a series of foW" to six options. All test items are untimed.

Research on the TONI has identified several weaknesses and flaws. Mart~

Blair, and Bledsoe (1990) have contested that the two forms may not be

psychometrically equivalent based on a weak correlation of0.56. In addition, the

TONI has test-retest reliability coefficients of .89 for form A and .83 for form B~

neither meet the suggested.90 criteria required for diagnostic purposes (McGhee &

Lieberman, 1990). It is also important to note that the TONI has been criticized for a

lack ofdata supporting the validity and reliability of the instrument for various ethnic

groups (Clark, 1985). Finally, the TONI has been criticized by researchers as being

rather limited in scope, only measW"ing a small portion of cognitive functioning. For

instance, it hac; been hypothesized that the TONI is a test that measures primarily visual

organization, visual comprehension, and the ability to attend to visual detail (Kowall,

Watson, & Madak, 1990).

The LIPS (Leiter, 1979) is another noteworthy nonverbal scale of intelligence

for children from 2 to 18 years of age. On the LIPS, children are required to arrange a

series ofblocks according to given rules including matching/pairing, analogies, and



perceptual patterns. Similar to the TONI, responses on the LIPS are not constrained by

time limits. It has been argued that the LIPS is a culture-free measure of intelligence

despite a lack of solid evidence (Sattler, 1988). In addition, Lewis and Lorentz (1994)

noted that Latino children scored significantly higher on the LIPS than on the

Wechsler scales, suggesting that the LIPS may reduce language-based biases.

Unfortunately, the LIPS has received a fair amount ofcriticism. According to

Sattler (1988), the LIPS has several limitations including outdated pictures/materials

and nonns, uneven item difficulty progression, and an inadequate standardization

sample. In addition, it has been argued that the LIPS measures primarily perceptual

organization and the ability to make discriminations (Sattler, 1988).

The nonverbal test market has exploded in the late 1990's with the introduction

of the TONI-3 and the Leiter-R in 1997 and the UNIT in 1998. These three tests

provide great promise in nonverbal assessment ofintellectual functioning. There are

several commonalities among these tests including nonverbal content and

administration as well as representative and well-stratified normative populations.

However. it is important to note the unique properties of each test. The TONI-3

remains a screening instrument, requiring only 15 minutes for administration. In

addition, the size of the nonnative sample of the TONI-3 is superior to other nonverbal

scales with a total of3,451 participants. The Leiter-R is a comprehensive instrument

that consists of20 subtests measuring several factors including fluid reasoning,

fundamental visualization, attention, recognition memory, associative memory, and



memory span. In addition, the Leiter-R offers social-emotional rating scales for a more

comprehensive and holistic evaluation. The UNIT spans a smaller age range than the

other two tests (ages 5 to 17). It consists ofsix subtests measuring four factors

including memory, reasoning, symbolic processing, and nonsymbolic processing.

These three measures will be further evaluated in the next chapter.

In summary, early versions of the LIPS and the TONI had been routinely

criticized. Among these concerns are outdated norms, weak theoretical foundations,

and unidimensional focuses (McCallum & Bracken, 1997). Recently developed

nonverbal measures of intelligence have addressed many ofthese concerns and provide

a great deal ofoptimism for language-free, nonbiased assessment.

The UNIT's Normative Data: The Nonrepresentation ofthe Hmong

The UNIT is a new cognitive assessment device that assesses intelligence in

both a completely nonverbal and a comprehensive manner. The standardization

sample selected for the UNIT adequately represents that ofvarious minority groups,

including the ESL population. Unfortunately, the Hmong population was not included

in the standardization sample. Therefore, it could be argued that the developed norms

may not be appropriate for the Hmong culture.




The rising LEP population in the United States has brought about the need for

appropriate, nonbiased psychological instruments. It is important to recognize that

many Hmong children enrolled in public schools may have limited English and/or

Hmong language skills. Consequently, traditional verbally-loaded IQ tests may not

adequately and validly assess the intellectual abilities ofHmong students. Legislation,

litigation, and professional standards have supported the use of interpreters or

translated tests to account for such language barriers. Unfortunately, there are several

practical and methodological problems that result from such practices. Therefore,

alternate forms ofassessment must be considered. For example, language biases in

intellectual assessment may be alleviated by using nonverbal scales of intelligence.

Historically, nonverbal measures ofintelligence have been hindered by poor

psychometric properties. However, the new generation ofnonverbal tests appear to

alleviate such concerns.

The UNIT, a recently developed nonverbal IQ test, has been designed to

evaluate cnmprehensive intellectual slcills in an entirely nonverbal manner. The UNIT

was standardized with a rather diverse population representing various ethnicities and

disabilities as well as various levels ofparent education and socio-economic status.

Chapter 2 ofthis paper will further evaluate the UNIT as a measure of intellectual

functioning for the Hmong population.



Significance ofthe Problem

To date, there is no published research that evaluates the efficacy of a

comprehensive intelligence instrument for the Hmong population. This "gap" in the

research is ofconsiderable importance with the rapidly growing Hmong population

throughout the United States. It is recommended that a set ofnormative data be

created for the Hmong population with a culturally and linguistically appropriate

instrument such as the UNIT. Such data would prove useful in the accurate

assessment and placement decisions of referred Hmong children. In addition, the data

will allow practitioners to compare the individual abilities ofa Hmong child to hislher

local peers.

Research Questions

The following research questions will be answered through a literature review

and subsequent research:

1) How does the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT) compare to other

modem nonverbal scales of intelligence (e g the Test ofNonverbal Intelligen('.e-3 and7

the Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised)?

2) Can the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT) function as a valid and fair

measure of intellectual/cognitive functioning for Hmong children?

3) Do significant mean differences exist between the scores ofHmong children

receiving ESL services and those not receiving ESL services?



Review of Related Research

The American population is becoming more and more ethnically and culturally

heterogeneous, resulting in a need for dynamic psychometric instruments.

Unfortunately, many traditional and modern intelligence tests may not adequately

account for such a dynamic population. Sattler (1988) suggested that mean differences

ofup to 15 points exist between the composite IQ scores of African Americans and

Caucasians. Therefore, it could be argued that biases are created in either the content

or the administration procedures of intelligence testing. Several realms ofbias have

been proposed, including culturally-inappropriate content, culturally-inappropriate

criteria, nonrepresentative standardization samples, and language-based biases

(Reynolds & Kaiser, 1990). Ofthese concerns, language-based biases appear to have

the most empirical and theoretical support. Ethnic populations with a large proportion

oflimited English proficient (LEP) individuals, such as the Hmong population, may be

hindered by such language-based biases on language-loaded tests. A potential means

ofreducing or eliminating language-based bias lies in the utilization ofnonverbal

measures of intelligence.

The following chapter intends to evaluate the validity ofa recently-developed

nonverbal scale of intelligence, the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test

27 .



(UNIT), for the Hmong population. The following research questions will be

answered through a literature review and subsequent research:

1) How does the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT) compare to other

modem nonverbal scales of intelligence (e.g., the Test ofNonverbal Inte1ligence-3 and

the Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised)?

2) Can the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test function as a valid and fair measure

of intellectual/cognitive functioning for Hmong children?

3) Do significant mean differences exist between the scores of Hmong children

receiving ESL services and those not receiving ESL services?

The following chapter will begin with an evaluation of the validity ofvarious

measures ofintellectual functioning for English as a second language (ESL) and LEP

populations. Next, three nonverbal measures of intelligence, the TONI-3, the Leiter-R,

and the UNIT, will be evaluated according to their theoretical underpinnings,

standardization procedures, and psychometric properties. The final section of this

chapter will focus on the utility of intelligence tests for the Hmong population.

Validity of10 Tests for ESL Students

It has been proposed that ESL children, particularly those who are LEP, may be

significantly hindered on verbally-loaded intelligence tests (Cummins, 1984; Esquivel,

1985; Figueroa et al., 1984; Lopez, 1997). Such language-based biases have been

demonstrated in the psychological research. Cummins (1984) conducted an analysis of



Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) and Wechsler Preschool

and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) scores, including 264 sets ofPerfonnance

IQ scores and 234 sets of Verbal IQ scores, from referred kindergarten and first grade

ESL students. A careful evaluation of the data revealed that ESL students perfonned

significantly lower on the Verbal IQ scale (mean = 77.9) than on the Perfonnance IQ

scale (mean = 89.1). A breakdown of the Verbal IQ scale revealed that ESL students

perfonned poorest on the Infonnation subtest with a median scaled score of4.9,

followed by Vocabulary and Similarities with medians of6.0 and 6.5, respectively.

The ESL students highest Verbal scale subtest scores included Arithmetic and Digit

Span with medians of7.4 and 7.6, respectively. Median scores on Perfonnance scale

subtests did not differ significantly, ranging from a median of8.1 to 9.0. The data

supports the notion that the WISC-R and the WPPSI, two ofthe most popular

measures of intellectual functioning, may have embedded language-based bias for the

ESL population.

Current nonverbal scales of intelligence, such as the Test ofNonverbal

Intelligence-3 (TONI-3). the Leiter International Perfonnance Scale-Revised

(Leiter-R), and the UNIT have been evaluated to determine if they are fair instruments

for ESL and LEP populations. Ninety ESL children were included in the

standardization sample of the TONI-3. The mean standard score of this particular

population was 93, deviating 7 points or approximately one-halfof a standard



deviation, from the mean ofthe entire standardization population (Brown, Sherbenou

& Johnsen, 1997). Consequently, the TONI-3 may be more appropriate than

traditional, verbally-loaded tests for assessing LEP populations.

During the developmental process of the Leiter-~ mean scores for two groups

ofESL students were compared to the mean scores of the standardization population.

The first group, composed of 73 ESL children whose dominant language was Spanish,

had mean scores ranging from 7. 1 to 10.9 on the individual subtests of the

Visualization and Reasoning (VR) Battery. The second group, composed of 26 Asian

ESL children, had mean scores ranging from 7.0 to 11.0 on the subtests of the VR

Battery. According to the manual, these scores were consistent with individuals who

have similar levels ofparental education. Overall, for both ESL groups, the mean

scores were within one-third ofa standard deviation of the normative sample mean

(Roid, & Miller, 1997).

The efficacy and fairness ofthe UNIT for the ESL population was evaluated in

a study of78 individuals. The mean Extended Battery scaled score for the ESL

population was 93.3. This score falls 6.7 points and approximately one-halfofa

standard deviation from the population mean. It is also important to note that 90% of

the individuals composing this group had a parental education level equivalent to high

school or below. This variable may account for some ofthe minimal variation in the

average ESL score as compared to that ofthe overall population (McCallum &

Bracken, 1998).



In summary, traditional, verbally-loaded scales of intelligence, such as the

WISC-R and the WPPSI, may underestimate the cognitive abilities ofESL students

due to language-based biases. Nonverbal scales of intelligence appear to alleviate such

concerns to some degree, as evident by fairness data developed on the TONI-3, the

Leiter-R, and the UNIT. School psychologists should consider using nonverbal scales

of intelligence in the cognitive assessment ofboth ESL and LEP children. Such

practices will assist in valid and appropriate placement decisions.

Evaluation ofNonverbal Scales of Intelligence

The following section will present basic information on nonverbal measures of

intelligence including the TONI-3, the Leiter-R, and the UNIT. An analysis of the

theoretical foundation, standardization procedures, and psychometric properties will be

presented for each instrument. It is important to keep in mind that traditional

nonverbal measures of intelligence have been plagued with outdated norms, weak

theoretical foundations, and unidimensional focuses (McCallum & Bracken, 1997).

Current nonverbal tests of intelligence, including those discussed in this section,

should address these concerns.

General Information.

The TONI-3 (Brown et al., 1997) can best be described as an intellectual

screener for individuals between that ages of6 years 0 months and 89 years



11 months. The test includes two separate fonns, Fonn A and Fonn B, each consisting

of45 items arranged in order of increasing difficulty. The entire battery can be

completed in approximately 15 minutes. Items on the TONI-3 require the examinee to

use complex reasoning strategies to identify relationships among sequences of abstract

designs. The examinee must identify the correct response for each item from a series

offour to six options. The TONI-3 was developed to comply with Jensen's (1980)

guidelines for language-free and culture-reduced assessment. These guidelines

suggest 1) the inclusion ofperfonnance measures, 2) pantomimed instructions, 3) the

inclusion ofpractice items, 4) unlimited response time, 5) abstract content (to reduce

cultural biases), and 6) the inclusion ofreasoning and problem solving. The TONI-3 is

entirely nonverbal, requiring no verbal directions or responses. In addition, it was

developed to be motor-reduced for individuals with physical limitations.

The Leiter-R (Roid & Miller, 1997) is a comprehensive, nonverbal test of

intellectual functioning for individuals between the ages of2 years 0 months and 20

years 11 months. The entire battery consists of20 subtests with 10 measuring

visualization, reasoning, and ~patial ability (Visual and Reasoning battery) and 10

measuring nonverbal attention and memory (Attention and Memory battery).

Depending on the age of the examinee, between 10 and 17 ofthese subtests are

administered in a comprehensive evaluation. Three types ofresponses are required

from the examinee, including placement ofresponse cards, sequencing or placing



response shapes, and identifying response pictures, all ofwhich are done in an entirely

nonverbal and motor-reduced manner. The Leiter-R yields growth scores in addition

to the traditionally-used norm-referenced scores. The inclusion ofgrowth scores

enables the examiner to assess small gains or improvements in cognitive functioning

over time. Additional social-emotional rating scales can be filled out by the examiner,

the examinee, the parent(s), and the teacher(s). Such rating scales may be particularly

relevant for minority children by helping to provide an evaluation offunctioning across

various contexts.

The UNIT (McCallum & Bracken, 1998) is an instrument ofcomprehensive,

general intellectual functioning for children and adolescents between the ages of 5

years 0 months and 17 years 11 months. The comprehensive battery of the UNIT

includes six subtests measuring both broad reasoning and memory functioning with

materials that are either SYmbolic (i.e., visual stimuli that lend themselves to verbal

mediation) or non-SYmbolic (i.e., abstract, nonmeaningful visual stimuli). Bracken and

McCallum (1997) contend that the SYmbolic materials used in the UNIT may provide

insight into an individual's verbal abilities. However, such claims are entirely

theoretical and have no research support to date. Administration of the comprehensive

battery is estimated at 45 minutes. Three types ofresponses are required from the

examinee including sequencing and placing of response chips, pointing to response

pictures or objects, and completing mazes with a pencil. Similar to the TONI-3 and

the Leiter-R, the UNIT was developed to be a language-free, motor-reduced



measure of intelligence. However, the fine motor skills required for the maze activities

contradicts the motor-reduced claim. The UNIT was developed to 1) be entirely

nonverbal, 2) assess several facets of intelligence, 3) measure higher-order processing,

and 4) have materials that are interesting and motivating to children (McCallum &

Bracken, 1997).

Theoretical Underpinnings.

The TONI-3 was developed with little theoretical foundation. The authors

contend that the TONI-3 was designed to be a strong measure ofSpearman's g, or

general intelligence, with an emphasis on cognitive agility, adaptability, originality,

and flexibility. Factor analysis of the test's 45 items supports the notion of a general

factor, accounting for 67% ofthe variance in Form A and 68% ofthe variance in

Form B (Brown et al., 1997).

The Leiter-R was developed based on the hierarchical model of intelligence

developed by Carroll (1993), in which a series ofsub-skills or abilities underlie an

encompassing general intelligence factor (g). Skills measured in the Leiter-R,

although varying by age, include fluid reasoning (Gf), broad visualization (Gv),

attention, recognition memory, memory span, and general memory. Factor analysis

supports the independence of these skills in the Leiter-R (Roid & Miller, 1997).

The UNIT was developed on a variation of Jensen's (1980) parsimonious

model of intelligence, claiming that a general g-factor of intelligence exists with two



subordinate factors ofbroad reasoning and memory. In addition, Bracken and

McCallum (1997) theorized that the inclusion ofboth symbolic and nonsymbolic

reasoning and memory allows for a more thorough assessment of cognitive functioning.

Consequently, a two-tiered model of intelligence, including broad reasoning and

memory with additional symbolic and nonsymbolic dimensions was implemented in

the UNIT. Factor analysis supports the theoretical structure of the UNIT. Goodness of

fit indicator values (GFI) support the notion ofa single factor (GFI = .987), the

memory and reasoning breakdown (GFI = .991), and the symbolic and non-symbolic

differentiation (GFI = .989) in the UNIT (McCallum & Bracke~ 1998).

Supplementary factor analyses support the notion ofa single factor with loadings

ranging from .55 to .78. Loadings from a two-factor confirmatory factor analysis ofthe

UNIT support the notion ofthe memory and reasoning dichotomy (Testerman-Reed &

McCallum, 1995).

Standardization Procedures.

The TONl-3 was standardized and normed in 1995 and 1996 on a population of

3,451 people. The normative population was representative ofthe United States

population according to geographic regio~ gender, race, urban/rural residence,

ethnicity, disability, socio-economic status, and education or parental education level.

Ethnic groups represented in the normative data include Caucasians, African

Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans. For the purposes ofdeveloping



nonnative tables, the data were broken down into age intervals ranging from 6 months

to 10 years (Brown et al., 1997).

The Leiter-R was standardized on a population of 1,719 people. It was

stratified across geographic region, gender, race, ethnicity, and parent education. The

Leiter-R did not stratify the nonnative data for socio-economic status or for disability.

In addition, only 763 people were included in the standardization procedures of the

Attention and Memory (AM) battery. Such standardization concerns put the Leiter-R

at a distinct disadvantage compared to that of the TONI-3 and the UNIT. On a more

positive note, the nonnative data of the Leiter-R was broken down into age intervals of

2 to 6 months, making it a highly sensitive instrument (Roid & Miller, 1997).

The UNIT was standardized on a sample of2,100 people. It was stratified to

match the characteristics of the United States population according to geographic

region, gender, race, ethnicity, parent education, disability/special education services,

and principle language. Various ethnic groups were represented in the standardization

sample including Caucasian, African American, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and Native

Americans. Unfortunately. the Hmong population was not represented in this process.

In addition, the UNIT has a unique advantage in that ESL children composed 2% of

the normative population. Since 175 people composed each age group of the

nonnative sample, the UNIT was developed to be a highly sensitive measure of

intellectual functioning with nonnative data being broken down in four month age

intervals (McCallum & Bracken, 1998).



Psychometric Properties.

Reliability measures of internal consistency for the TONI-3 were evaluated

using coefficient alpha and alternate form reliability. The coefficient alpha level,

which provides information about how well individual items correlate with others, was

identified as .93. The alternate form reliability test, which evaluated the equivalence of

Form A and Form B, produced a correlation of .84. In addition to tests of internal

consistency, time sampling tests identified test-retest scores of .91 and .92,

respectively, for Form A and Form B, supporting the notion that the TONI-3 is not

hindered by time sampling errors. Lastly, inter-rater reliability coefficients of .99 were

obtained on the TONI-3, suggesting that the scale provides little possibility for

examiner scoring error (Brown et. al., 1997). These data support the notion that the

TONI-3 is a reliable measure of intellectual functioning.

Several statistical analyses were used to evaluate the validity of the TONI-3.

Criterion validity was established by evaluating the correlations between the TONI-3

and the Comprehensive Test ofNonverbal Intelligence (Form A = .76, Form B = .74),

the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III (Form A = .63, Form B = .63), and the

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (Form A = .73, Form B = .71). Construct

validity was established by showing that raw scores were correlated with age

progression and that TONI-3 standard scores correlate with school achievement as

identified by the Woodcock Johnson Test ofAchievement-Revised (Brown et al.,




Reliability for the Leiter-R composite score is supported through coefficient

alpha correlations ranging from .91 to .93. Coefficient alpha correlations between .75

and .91 support the reliability of the factors, or subscales, composing the Leiter-R. A

standard error ofmeasurement score of4.24 was identified for the comprehensive

battery. Overall, the data presented supports the notion that the Leiter-R is a reliable

measure of intelligence (Roid & Miller, 1997).

Validity for the Leiter-R was primarily established through criterion and

construct validity. Criterion validity was established by comparing scores on the

Leiter-R to that of the original Leiter International Performance Scale (r = .85) and the

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-ill (r = .87). Construct validity was

established by comparing Leiter-R scores to academic achievement as measured by the

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test Reading (r = .67) and Math (r = .78) scores and

the Woodcock Johnson Test ofEducational Achievement-Revised Broad Reading

(r = .82) and Broad Math (r = .82) scores. Overall, the validity studies in the Leiter-R

provide ample support (Roid & Miller, 1997).

The UNIT's reliability was estahlished through several means. An internal

consistency reliability coefficient of .88 was identified for the Extended Battery.

Individual subtest coefficients ranged from .64 to .91. In addition, a test-retest

coefficient of .81 was identified for the Extended Battery. Lastly, the standard error of

measurement for the Extended Battery was identified as 4.10 (McCallum & Bracken,

1998). Overall, the UNIT appears to be a highly reliable measure of intelligence.



Validity support for the UNIT was established through criterion and

construct-referenced correlational data. Criterion-referenced validity was established

by comparing the UNIT to the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-ill for learning

disabled (r = .71), cognitively disabled (r = .72), and intellectually gifted (r = .54)

individuals. Construct validity was established by correlating UNIT scores with the

Woodcock Johnson Test ofEducational Achievement-Revised (r = .72) and the

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (r = .62) (McCallwn & Bracken, 1998).

Summary ofNonverbal Scales of Intelligence.

The TONI-3, the Leiter-R, and the UNIT are all recently-developed nonverbal

instruments of intelligence. The theoretical foundation ofeach instrument is relatively

solid. In addition, factors ofability identified in the theoretical structure of the Leiter-R

and the UNIT are supported through factor analysis. The developmental procedures

used in the collection ofnormative data were outstanding for both the UNIT and the

TONI-3 but somewhat weak for the Leiter-R. This weakness is primarily due to a

small standardization sample for the Attention and Memory battery and the lack of

accountability for disabilities and socio-economic status in the stratifying procedures.

The psychometric properties of the TONI-3, the Leiter-R, and the UNIT are adequate

to support their utility as measures ofintellectual functioning. Since all three of these

measures are relatively new, little research has been published on their psychometric



properties apart from that reported in the manuals. Therefore, future research will be

required to assess the characteristics of each of these instruments.

Overall, all three ofthese instruments appear to be solid measures of intellectual

functioning. However, the UNIT may have some distinct advantages over the other

instruments. First, unlike the Leiter-R and the UNIT, the TONI-3 is primarily a

screening device and cannot assess intellectual functioning in a comprehensive

manner. In addition, the TONI-3 does not provide a profile of individual strengths and

weaknesses in functioning. Therefore, the Leiter-R and the UNIT have a distinct

advantage over the TONI-3. Second, the standardization sample of the Leiter-R is

smaller and was not stratified according to as many variables as the standardization

sample of the UNIT. Third, the UNIT is a shorter instrument, consisting ofonly 6

subtests versus the 10 to 17 used in the Leiter-R, and consequently would require far

less administration time. Using tests that are less time consuming enables the

time-crunched examiner to free up time for additional methods of assessment for the

child. In addition, shorter tests prevent examinee fatigue and loss ofmotivation,

resulting in more valid test scores. Because of these distinct advantages, the I JN1T

may be a favorable nonverbal instrument of intellectual functioning.

10 Tests for the Hmong Population

To date, only a single published study evaluates the efficacy of a psychometric

instrument for the Hmong population. As part of a comprehensive assessment plan for



Hmong children, Irwin and Madden (1986) developed nonnative data for 1) the Raven

Coloured Progressive Matrices and 2) the Mazes, Block Design, and Coding subtests

of the WISC-R. Irwin and Madden hypothesized that testing the Hmong population in

their native language would enable them to score at equivalent levels to that of the

American and British norms. Consequently, both of these instruments were translated

into the Hmong language. The sample in the nonn development procedure consisted

of 110 nonreferred Hmong students from a small mid-western city enrolled in a

summer school program ranging in age from 6 years 0 months to 16 years 11 months.

The Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices data obtained from the Hmong

students is best interpreted when split into two separate age groups. Children from 6 to

11 years of age (n = 55) achieved scores that did not differ significantly from that of the

British nonnative data. However, children between 11 and 16 years of age (n = 48)

achieved scores that were significantly lower than the British normative data. In fact,

the mean score obtained from the Hmong sample was equivalent to that of the 35

percentile of the British norms.

The Hmong students in the study perfonned remarkably better on the WISC-R

subtests than on the Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices. Mean standard scores for

Mazes, Block Design, and Coding were 11.54, 10.05, and 10.63 respectively.

Interestingly, each of these scaled scores is equal to or greater than that of the overall

population mean score. Overall, Irwin and Madden contend that the WISC-R' s

Mazes, Block Design, and Coding subtests provide a valid means of assessment based



on the minimal discrepancy in scores between the Hmong nonns and that of the

American nonns.

Unfortunately, using the Mazes, Block Design, and Coding subtests of the

Wechsler scales does not provide a comprehensive assessment of intellectual

functioning. It is important to recognize that these three subtests only measure a

portion of intellectual functioning. Consequently, such procedures have little

applicability in the assessment process of Hmong children. No published research to

date supports the efficacy of a test of comprehensive intellectual functioning for the

Hmong population. Further research needs to be conducted to evaluate the efficacy of

intelligence tests for the Hmong population.

As previously noted, nonverbal scales of intelligence appear to reduce

language-based biases typically experienced by ESL and LEP populations similar to

the Hmong. A likely next step in the research would be to evaluate the fairness of a

nonverbal measure of intelligence, such as the UNIT, for the Hmong population. Such

research would be invaluable to school psychologists who either occasionally or

routinely are involved in assessment of Hmong children.


Research on the validity and reliability of intelligence tests for ESL and LEP

populations has confirmed that traditional, language-loaded tests may yield scores that

do not accurately reflect intellectual abilities (Cummins, 1984). This can be attributed,



in part, to language-based biases. Fairness data for nonverbal scales of intelligence

suggests that minimal differences exist between the scores ofESL populations and the

overall population (Brown et al., 1997~ McCallum & Bracken, 1998~ Roid & Miller,

1997). Consequently, nonverbal scales of intelligence may be useful in eliminating

language-based biases.

Inherent flaws in traditional, nonverbal intelligence tests, including outdated

norms, weak theoretical foundations, and unidimensional focuses (McCallum &

Bracken, 1997), have been recently addressed. Contemporary nonverbal scales of

intelligence including the UNIT, the TONI-3, and the Leiter-R have excellent

theoretical foundations, standardization procedures, and psychometric properties. Of

these instruments, the UNIT may have distinct advantages in that it is comprehensive

in nature, has an outstanding normative population, and requires minimal

administration time.

Little empirical evidence has been established to support the utility of an

intelligence test for the Hmong population. Currently, there are no published studies

that evaluate the efficacy of an entire, comprehensive battery of intelligence for Hmong

people. Future research needs to fill this "gap" in order to assist clinicians and school

psychologists in meeting the needs oftheir Hmong clients.





The following chapter will review and synthesize the infonnation presented in

the first two chapters of this paper. Such infonnation is organized into three broad

categories, including current practices in the intellectual assessment of the limited

English Proficient (LEP) population, a comparison of the Universal Nonverbal

Intelligence Test (UNIT) to other modern nonverbal scales of intelligence, and the

utility of the UNIT for Hmong children. Next, the relevance of such information for

school psychologists will be discussed. Finally, this chapter will detail weaknesses in

the literature and provide suggestions for future research.

Intellectual Assessment for the LEP Population

Legislation, litigation, and professional standards have routinely identified the

inappropriateness of conventional, verbally-loaded intelligence tests for English as a

second language (ESL) and LEP populations and suggested that such measures must

be administered in the child's native or primary language (Esquivel, 1985; Figueroa,

1990; Figueroa et al., 1984~ Lopez, 1997). Consequently, school psychologists

throughout the nation have complied with such "recommendations" by either using

translators during the process of assessment or by using translated, re-nonned versions

44 .



ofpopular tests. It is important to recognize that such procedures have not been

supported by research as valid methods ofassessment. In addition, hypothesized

methodological flaws within the interpretation and translation process may have

devastating impacts on assessment outcomes. Using interpreters during the assessment

process creates a possibility for indirect translations and inappropriate reinforcement

(Lopez, 1995). Examiner's should also be cautious when using translated, re-nonned

versions ofpopular tests. Such measures are plagued with problems, including small

and inappropriate standardization samples (Figueroa, 1990; Olmedo, 1981) and

unknown predictive validities (Figueroa, 1990).

Attempting to assess children in their primary language may have an additional

inherent flaw. Such practices assume that the child is proficient in his or her primary

language. However, it is important to recognize that primary language proficiency may

actually decline during the process of learning the English language, termed

subtractive bilingualism (Cummins, 1984; Dao, 1991). Consequently, it is quite

possible for the child to be lacking proficiency in both languages. In such cases, the

child would not have the adequate language skills to be validly tested with a

verbally-loaded intelligence test, regardless ofwhether it was administered in English

or the child's primary language.

Hmong individuals are more likely to be LEP than many other linguistic

groups, including Spanish-speaking populations. In addition, Hrnong children are

more likely than Spanish-speaking children to maintain LEP status through their junior



year ofhigh school (Ima & Rumbaut., 1995). Low levels ofparental education and

literacy (Morrow, 1989~ Westermeyer, Bouafuely-Kersey, & Her, 1997) as well as

several incongruencies between the Hmong and English languages (Lewis, Vang, &

Cheng, 1989) may have a tremendous impact on the acquisition ofthe English

language. Consequently, concerns relating to identifying appropriate intellectual

assessment instruments for LEP populations have particular relevance for the Hmong


The Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test

A primary purpose of this paper was to determine how the Universal Nonverbal

Intelligence Test (UNIT) compares to other modem nonverbal scales of intelligence.

As previously noted, several of the concerns addressed in the research about historical

nonverbal tests, including outdated norms, weak theoretical foundations, and

unidimensional focuses (McCallum & Bracken, 1997) have been addressed in

contemporary nonverbal tests including the UNIT, the Leiter International Performance

Scale-Revised (T .eiter-R), and the Test ofNonverbal Intelligence-3 (TONI-3). All

three of these measures have adequate theoretical foundations, standardization

procedures, and psychometric properties. The UNIT may have a distinct advantage

over these two main competitors in the nonverbal testing market in that it has superior

standardization procedures, is comprehensive in nature, and requires minimal time to




The Utility of the UNIT for the Hmong Population

Another primary purpose ofthis paper was to detennine if the UNIT is a valid

and fair measure of intellectual functioning for the Hmong population. Although not

specifically tested with empirical research, several conclusions can be drawn by

inferentially combining information about the characteristics ofthe Hmong population

with the properties of the UNIT.

To date, there is no empirical support validating the use ofa comprehensive

intelligence test for the Hmong population. Evidently, research must be conducted to

determine the efficacy of such measures. In the meantime, one must evaluate the

characteristics ofthe Hmong population to determine which instruments are most

appropriate. As detailed in chapter 1, a good measure of intellectual functioning for

the Hmong population should 1) have limited verbal administration or content, 2) offer

plenty ofdemonstration and training items, 3) have minimal emphasis on time and

speeded responses, 4) be relatively culture-free, and 5) de-emphasize the use ofpaper

and pencil-based tasks.

Recently developed nonverbal measures of intellectual functioning appear to

address these issues in an adequate manner. The UNIT was designed to be entirely

nonverbal, eliminating the use oflanguage in both the content and the administration

ofthe test. In addition, the standardization population of the UNIT included children

who were classified as ESL (McCallum & Bracken, 1998). Conse.quently, the UNIT

is an ideal instrument for populations with language deficiencies. In fact, research



supports the effectiveness of the UNIT for LEP populations (McCallum & Bracken,

1998). Therefore, it can be asswned that the UNIT will reduce or eliminate any

language-based biases that the Hmong children may experience during testing. The

UNIT also provides training and practice items for each type of task, ensuring that the

child has a thorough understanding of the task before engaging in scored items.

Consequently, Hmong children, who may be reluctant to ask for help during times of

uncertainty (Williams, 1987), will have plenty ofopportunity to develop an

understanding of the required tasks. Similar to many current nonverbal scales of

intelligence, the UNIT was designed to be relatively culture-free. The stimuli and

materials used throughout the entire test do not appear to be culturally-specific.

Consequently, it is assumed that Hmong children who are unfamiliar with American

culture will not be at a disadvantage. Finally, the UNIT does not rely heavily on pencil

and paper-based tasks.

In summary, it appears as if the UNIT can function as an appropriate and valid

measure ofintellectual functioning for the Hmong population. Hmong children have

several unique needs in intellectual assessment including limited verbal administration

or content, an abundance of training items, and culture-free content. The UNIT was

designed in a manner that accounts for these considerations.



Implications for School Psychologists

The infonnation presented in this paper has particular relevance to school

psychologists who serve Hmong children. It is important to recognize the limitations

of traditional, verbally-loaded scales of intelligence when working with LEP

populations. Such measures may not accurately reflect the actual abilities ofthe child

. (Cwnmins, 1984). It is important to assess the language proficiency ofHmong

children (both in English and in Hmong) to assist in the selection of an appropriate

intelligence test. Ifthe child does not have proficiency in the English language,

nonverbal IQ tests such as the UNIT should be used in the assessment of intellectual

functioning. Incorporating the UNIT in the assessment process ofLEP Hmong

children should provide valid assessment results, leading to appropriate diagnostic and

placement decisions. The ultimate goal is to identify the unique needs ofthe child.

The UNIT is an instrument that will assist school psychologists in achieving this goal.

It appears, based on preliminary evidence, that the UNIT can function as an

appropriate instrument in the cognitive assessment ofHmong children. However,

future research needs to evaluate the validity and reliability of the UNIT for the Hmong

population. Such empirical support will provide practitioners with greater insight into

the effectiveness ofnonverbal measures of intelligence in the assessment process of

Hmong children.



Gaps in the Literature and Recommendations for Future Research

Very little research has evaluated the efficacy and validity of intelligence tests

for LEP populations. The effectiveness ofusing interpreters in the process of

assessment is yet to be extensively evaluated. In addition, the psychometric properties

of translated and renonned intelligence tests, including predictive validities, remain

unknown. A lack of such research is detrimental if school psychologists continue to

use these methods in the assessment ofESL and LEP children.

Very little is known about the performance ofHmong children on intelligence

tests. In fact, no study to date has evaluated the effectiveness of a comprehensive

instrument of intellectual functioning for the Hmong population. It is important to

detennine how Hmong children perfonn on these tests in comparison to the total

population. Such information will provide insight into potential biases that may exist

within the content, structure, or administration of the test.

The following recommendations are intended to guide researchers who are

interested in the intellectual assessment of the Hmong and other populations

characterized by high levels of LEP:

1) Eval~te the validity and reliability ofnonverbal scales of intelligence, such as the

Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test, for Hmong and LEP populations.

2) Compare the efficacy and validity ofnonverbal scales of intelligence, such as the

UNIT, for Hmong children receiving ESL services and Hmong children who are not

receiving ESL services. Asswning that these two groups have similar abilities, both



groups should perfonn at approximately equivalent levels. This would support the

notion of the absence of language biases in such measures.

3) Develop nonnative data for the Hmong population with nonverbal measures of

intelligence, such as the UNIT, to assist in valid assessment and placement decisions.

This may be particularly important for geographic regions in California, New York,

Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin where there are larger Hmong populations. Such

data can be used to compare the perfonnance ofa particular Hmong child to that of

hislher peers within the city or local region.

4) Further evaluate the psychometric properties ofthe UNIT to provide support for the

validity and reliability ofthe measure for various populations.

5) The authors of the UNIT contend that the Symbolic component oftheir measure

provides insight into an individual's verbal abilities. Empirical support is required to

justify this claim.

6) Evaluate the effectiveness of translators and translated tests in the process of

intellectual assessment. Empirical data is necessary to justify the continued use of such

procedures in the assessment ofESL children.



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