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  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Master 2008



    ADMITERE 2008


    A. Reading comprehension.

    Report: China Faces Titanic AIDS Crisis

    Beijing, June 27 - A United Nations team warned today that China faces an AIDS epidemic of

    proportions beyond belief and compared Chinese leaders to officers aboard Titanic who

    refused to believe the ship was sinking until it was too late.

    The U.N. Theme Group on HIV/AIDS cited previously reported statistics including an

    estimate that as many as 1.5 billion Chinese last year contracted HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

    But it added unusually stiff criticism of the Chinese government for its response to the disease

    and said that nation is on the verge of a catastrophe that could result in unimaginable human

    suffering, economic loss and social devastation.

    In the near future, China might count more HIV infections than any other country in theworld, said the report, titled HIV/AIDS: Chinas Titanic Peril. Ten million Chinese could be

    infected by the end of the decade, the report said, as the disease spreads into the general

    population from already hard-hit groups: drug users, sex workers and people who have sold

    blood to unsanitary dealers.

    During the report's unveiling, one Chinese health official challenged the comparison to

    the Titanic, and, in a break with protocol, angrily asked whether the United Nations intended to

    stand by and watch China sink like the ship. U.N. officials replied that they picked the Titanic

    metaphor to emphasize that Chinese leaders could still avoid a disaster.

    If the people on the bridge of that ship had acted according to the information they had,

    then they could have avoided it, said Kerstin Leitner, a U.N. representative in Beijing. That

    tragedy was preventable, and the same applies to the HIV/AIDS situation in China.

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    The report blamed Chinas response on a lack of commitment by officials at all levels of

    government, dramatically insufficient funding for AIDS prevention programs and a healthcare

    system that has all but collapsed in the Chinese countryside.

    It described widespread ignorance of the disease and discrimination against people with

    HIV or AIDS, sometimes fueled by local laws.The report also alluded to perhaps the most sensitive obstacle in fighting AIDS in China:

    the countrys authoritarian political system. International experience has shown that free flow of

    information and the emergence of independent, grass-roots organizations are critical to fighting

    AIDS, the report said. But Chinas ruling Communist Party is uncomfortable with both.

    The government has been effective at achieving specific goals set by top leaders -

    supressing the Falun Gong spiritual movement, for example, or implementing its one-child

    policy. If this government wants to do something, it has the power to do it, said Siri Tellier,

    who heads the U.N. group.

    1. A United Nations team about China's AIDS problem.a) warnedb) threatenedc) menacedd) announced

    2. The comparison the team made was between Chinese leaders and

    a) the Titanicb) officers aboard the Titanicc) the sinking of the Titanicd) all people on the Titanic

    3. The UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS cited previously reported .

    a) polls.b) surveys.c) statistics.d) opinions.

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    4. The Theme Group brought stiff of the Chinese government for the way it responded

    to the disease.

    a) praiseb) criticsc) critiqued) criticism5. The Chinese nation is considered to be on the verge of a catastrophe that would mean

    a) a lack of products and distorted social relationsb) social and economic problems, as well as human sufferingc) human losses and economic devastationd) economic and social suffering6. , China might count more HIV infections than any other country in the world.

    a) In no timeb) Immediatelyc) Sooner or laterd) Before long

    7. Ten million Chinese could be infected by the end of the decade.

    a) The disease is very likely to spread from one person to another, no matter theirjobs.

    b) The disease is very likely to spread among the general population, like those whosell blood.

    c) The disease is very likely to spread among sensitive groups, like drug users andsex workers.

    d) The disease is very likely to spread from hard-hit groups to the general population.8. One Chinese health official challenged the comparison to the Titanic,

    a) while the report was introduced to the public.b) while the report was confirmed.

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    c) while the report was being made.d) while the report was made.

    9. UN officials replied the Chinese official that

    a) UN should talk Chinese leaders into taking the right measures.b) UN cannot take the measures that Chinese leaders should take.c) Chinese leaders still have time to avoid the disaster.d) Chinese leaders were expected to avoid the disaster.10. Kerstin Leitner, a UN representative in Beijing, made a statement according to which

    a) China could have avoided the Titanic tragedy if it had acted according to theinformation it had.

    b) China could avoid the AIDS tragedy if it acted according to the information it had c) the tragedy cannot be prevented, just like in the case of the Titanic.d) the Titanic was a good example of a tragedy.11. What did the report blame?

    a) It blamed Chinas government for not funding AIDS prevention programs.b) It blamed China's lacks of health care in the countryside and of AIDS prevention


    c) It blamed China's response to different issues, like AIDS prevention programs andhealth care.

    d) It blamed a lack of commitment by authorities, scarce funding for AIDSprevention programs and a decayed health system in the countryside.

    12. The country's authoritarian political system is a means to:

    a) fight against international, capitalist organization that would squeeze lots ofinformation from China.

    b) prevent free flow of information and the emergence of independentorganizations that would be critical to fighting AIDS.

    c) keep the Communist Party in control of the international flow of informationand to create grass-root organizations.

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    d) make uncomfortable the international information organizations that are criticalto fighting AIDS.

    13. Siri Tellier, head of the UN group, commented that

    a) one-child policy was a success for the Chinese government, which helped thesuppression of Falun Gong movement.

    b) the Falun Gong movement was suppressed by the Chinese government as a resultof one-child policy.

    c) the Chinese government is powerful enough to do what it wants to do, just like inthe case of one-child policy or Falun Gong movement.

    d) Chinese government is powerful and effective, so AIDS problem will be erased.

    14. The main idea of the article is:

    a) how Chinese authorities deal with the AIDS crisis, as it is understood from thereport issued by the UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS.

    b) the report of the UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS insisting on the idea that Chinahas an authoritarian political system, which won't fight against AIDS.

    c) how AIDS spreads into all China, without authorities taking any measures toprevent this.

    d) the Titanic is a good example for the present AIDS crisis in China.

    B. Vocabulary. Read the text and decide which word best fits each gap.

    Because of global integration, which has strengthened the connections among nations, an

    economic downturn in one country the economy of other countries. In March 2000, the

    American economy entered a recession, the stock market .., and since then, the

    Standard and Poor (S&P) 500 Index has fallen by more than 40%. The , which became

    the European currency in 1995, escaped outright recession but experienced a slowdown. In

    2001, the American economy was further undermined by the effects of the terrorist

    attacks of 9/11 and corporate fraud uncovered in the Enron and WorldCom The

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    economy showed signs of recovery in 2002, but predictions for future growth are somewhat

    , and the .. of the recession on the world financial markets have been more

    serious than expected.

    Although many economists used to believe that governments could intervene to control

    business cycle, most now agree that should not exercise this power. The businesscycle fluctuates boom periods and recessions, and according to The Economist,

    Economies, like drunks, continue to move in wavy lines. During the expansion of the late

    1990s, the new economy seemed to be immune to business cycle because of globalization,

    freer markets, and information technology. But the subsequent recession proved that these factors

    did not reduce risk. On the contrary, they probably .. the downturn. In particular,

    extensive investment in IT equities major financial losses.

    Throughout the world, . instability and speculative excesses characterized the

    beginning of the 21st

    century. Japan has been in a deep since the burst of the bubble

    economy in the 1990s, and the Asian countries have only achieved a/an . recovery. In

    2002, Latin America saw the collapse of Argentinas economy, with Brazil needing a $30 billion

    bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). On a more positive , Europe, despite

    lagging behind the United States, experienced growth in labor productivity and exports, and the

    euro climbed by 18% against the dollar, reaching $1.05 on December 31, 2002. Perhaps a long

    period of .. growth lies ahead for the world market. The Economist argues that the

    business cycle is likely to become more volatile again over the coming years, and that Americas

    recession is far from over. Until Americas excesses have been purged, robust growth is unlikely

    to resume.

    15.a) affects

    b) afflicts

    c) impresses

    d) triggers

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    a) diedb) plungedc) passed outd) broke


    a) banknoteb) coinc) eurod) leu


    a) exhaustiveb) exhaustingc) dired) cumulative


    a) disgraceb) scandalc) gossipd) rumour



    adaptableb) sensiblec) temperamentald) pessimistic


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    a) repercussionsb) targetsc) causesd) influences


    a) armiesb) presidentsc) governmentsd) clergy


    a) amongb) throughc) withind) between


    a) prolongedb) shortenedc) short-circuitedd) limited


    a) led onb) led toc)

    decided upon

    d) insisted on


    a) economicalb) rational

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    c) fiscald) mental


    a) secessionb) divisionc) partitiond) recession


    a) limpingb) totalc) Easternd) sluggish


    a) keyb) notec) assertiond) intuition


    a) mediocreb) minorityc) healthd) long-running

    C. Grammar. Choose the most suitable answer.

    31. That car, ... is rather old, cannot be expensive.

    a) that9 / 29

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    b) whoc) whichd) it32. Eram n ntrziere aa c am decis s mergem cu taxiul.

    a) It was so late that we decided to take a taxi.b) We were late so that we decided to go by taxi.c) Since we were late, so we decided to go by taxi.d) We were late, so we decided to go by taxi.

    33. _____________hard, I failed my exams.

    a) Although workingb) Though workingc) Despite workingd) In spite working34. Ne-a spus s citim propoziiile cu grij, n fiecare diminea, de trei ori.

    a) He told us to carefully read the questions every morning three times.b) He told us to read carefully the questions, every morning three times.c) He told us to read the questions carefully three times every morning.d) He told us carefully to read every question every morning three times.

    35. If the situation ... unexpectedly, he . to tell us what to do.a) would change, would be ableb) had changed, should be ablec) changed, would be abled) would change, should be able

    36. If she could she would help. If she where they keep the keys, she the police where

    they are.

    a) had known, would have told

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    b) would know, would tellc) knew, toldd) knew, would tell

    37. I ..this house now, if the bank me the money tomorrow.

    a) buy, would lendb) could buy, will lendc) would buy, lentd) would buy, would lend38. If he how difficult law school would be, he...a different profession, but it was too late


    a) knew, would chooseb) would have known, had chosenc) knows, would choosed) had known, would have chosen39. .. she is rich does not make her more attractive.

    a) Just becauseb) As long asc) Becaused) Although40. Everyone pays the same rate of tax, .. they are married or single.

    a) regardless ofb) whateverc) no matter howd) irrespective of whether41. Dac te-a sunat doar o dat pe lun, nu era n Bucureti. De cnd nu te-a mai sunat?

    a) If he called you just once a month, he couldn't have been in Bucharest. When didhe call you last time?

    b) If he has called you just once in a month, he wasn't in Bucharest. Since when he11 / 29

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    not called you?c) If he called you just once in a month, he wasn't in Bucharest. When did he last

    call you?

    d) If he has called you only once in a month, he wouldn't have been in Bucharest.How long ago did he last called you?

    42. A vast majority of Americans ... the American Constitution and must have learned ..

    of it by heart.

    a) has read, two-thirdb) have read, two-thirdsc) has read, two-thirdsd) have read, two-third43. In two months now, he .in this factory for thirty years and he still hasn't thought of


    a) is to have workedb) will be workingc) will have been workingd) has been working44. Noul director al muzeului de art modern vorbea cu redactorul ef al ziarului, dl. Fred

    Popescu la intrarea n hotel.

    a) The modern art museum's new director was talking to Mr. Fred Popescu, the maineditor of the newspaper at the entrance of the hotel.

    b) The new director of the modern art museum was talking to the paper'seditor-in-chief, Mr. Fred Popescu, at the hotel's entrance.

    c) The new director of the modern arts' museum was speaking with the chief editorof the newspaper's, Mr. Fred Popescu, at the hotel's entrance.

    d) The new director of the modern art museum was talking to the editor of thepaper, Mr. Fred Popescu, at the entrance of the hotel.

    45. The idea the book by September caused Mary to cancel her plans for the summer


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    a) of trying completing

    b) to try completing

    c) of trying to complete

    d) to try to complete

    46. Nici o secund nu mi-am imaginat c vom ntmpina attea probleme.

    a) Not a second have I imagined we would face so many problems.b) I didn't imagine for a moment that we were going to have so many problems.c) Not for a moment did I imagine that we should encounter so many problems.d) I had not imagined we were going to come across so many problems even for a


    47. "Soarele rsrea i noi nu dormisem nici mcar o or."

    a) The sun was raising and we had not slipped for an hour.b) The sun was coming out and we have not been sleeping an hour.c) The sun was rising and we hadn't gotten an hour's sleepd) The sun was arising and we hadn't sleeped for an hour.

    48. L-am ntrebat cu cine s vorbesc despre acea problem.

    a) I asked him who should I talk to about the matter.b) I asked him who must I talk to about the matterc) I asked him who I should talk to about the matter.d) I asked him who shall I talk to about the matter.

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    49. Maybe they've decided not to come.

    a) They should have decided not to come.b) It may be that theyve decided not to come.c) Perhaps they've decided not to come.d) They could have decided not to come.50. You .my glasses? I've been looking for them all over the place.

    a) wouldn't have seenb) would have seenc) couldn't have seend) may not have seen51. If the situation is looked at in this way, it doesn't seem so desperate.

    a) Looking at the situation in this way doesn't seem so desperate.b) Looked at in this way, the situation doesn't seem so desperate.c) It doesn't seem so desperate if looking at the situation in this way.d) It doesn't seem a so desperate situation if you look at it this way.52. Every day, our personal freedoms ... by rules and regulations which .to protect us.

    a) are eroded, are being intendedb) were being eroded, are intendedc) have being eroded, have intendedd) are being eroded, are intended53. Do you have enough to. this month?

    a) shell outb) get byc) break intod) run up54. The media of 9/11 was impressive.

    a) discoveringb) cover

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    c) coveringd) coverage

    55. Desperate emperors, faced ...a growing shortage of resources, turned more and more.... Germanic peoples to defend their frontiers.

    a) by, onb) with, toc) up, towardsd) by, by

    56. The cattle were longing the food ..which they had been fed for years.a) after, onb) for, withc) of, byd) for, on57. Although reluctant .for help, he was actually pleased the way his girl friend had advised

    him money matters and he became less sceptical his future.

    a) to asking, of, in, towardsb) to ask, with, about, withc) to ask, with, on, aboutd) to asking, of, with, of

    58. ... the meantime, I would like to interest you ...this convertible: the ideal way to go ... a drive

    . Sundays or to get away . it, any time of the year.

    a) in, on, on, on, afterb) on, over, on, the, withc) in, around, on, every, far fromd) in, in, for, on, from

    59. Sunt aici de o sptmn. Numai unul dintre ei a plecat azi diminea.

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    a) They are here for a week. Only one of them has left this morning.b) They have been here since a week. Only one left today in the morning.c) They have been here for a week now. Only one of them left this morningd) They came for a week now. One only left this morning.60. Paul stared at .in the mirror. 'It's all my fault not .... people like ... ought to do ... about

    their careers before they're too old to do .

    a) himself, hers, me, anything, something,b) him, her, myself, anything, somethingc) himself, hers, me, something, anythingd) himself, hers, myself, something, anything

    61. Ask .. what . will do if .. unusual happens. ..'ll tell you: nothing.

    a) somebody, they, something, Theyb) anybody, they, anything, Theyc) anybody, he or she, something, Theyd) somebody, he, anything, He

    62. thatsrightjenniferexclaimedinwonderhowdidyourememberthata) "That's right, Jennifer, exclaimed in wonder. ''How did you remember that?'b) 'That's right!' Jennifer exclaimed in wonder. 'How did you remember that?'c) ' That's right, Jennifer! Exclaimed in wonder. How did you remember that?'d) "That's right", Jennifer exclaimed, in wonder. "How did you remember that"?63. But you know if you look at that the questions are the questions that you would ask about a

    story if you were the teacher

    a) But, you know if you look, at that the questions are the questions, that youwould ask about a story, if you were the teacher.

    b) But you know, if you look at that the questions are, the questions that you wouldask, about a story, if you were the teacher.

    c) But, you know, if you look at that, the questions are the questions that you wouldask about a story if you were the teacher.

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    d) But, you know, if you look at that, the questions are the questions, that youwould ask about a story if you were the teacher.

    64. tie cineva ci bani au fcut (ei) ?

    a) Does anyone know yet how much money did they make?b) Does anyone know how much money have they made?c) Do somebody know how many money they have made?d) Does anybody know how much money they have made?

    65. 'He must be as poor as he has always been. If he were better - off, he would take me out to

    dinner,' she thought..

    a) She supposed he must be as poor as he had always been. If he were any richer hewould ask him for dinner.

    b) She supposed he was as poor as he had always been: he would have taken her outto dinner if he had been better off.

    c) She supposed he was as poor as he always was if he had been richer he would takeher out to dinner.

    d) She supposed he had to be as poor as he has always been: otherwise he'd take herout to dinner.

    66.'I think I'll take the green pair,' said the customer.a) The customer decided he will take the green pair.b) The customer said he will take the green pair.c) The customer decided on his taking the green pair.d) The customer decided to take the green pair.67. Either Mr. Rousseau or Ms Walters ..going to teach our class this year.

    For the time being, though, neither the teacher nor his assistant . here.

    a) is, areb) are, isc) are, are

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    d) is, is

    68. The crew of different nationalities and .. no common language, but the fish they catch

    all that matters.

    a) is, has, isb) are, has, arec) are, have, isd) are, have, are

    69. All this effort and sacrifice helped his people live totally different .

    a) has, kind of lifeb) have, kinds of lifec) has, kinds of livesd) have, kind of lives70. The director considers it obligatory that some of the artists. present at the press


    a) must beb) shall bec) would have beend) be71. After Caesar's ..., the . party completed the ... of the state from Republic to Empire.

    a) assassinate, conservatory, transformingb) assassinate, conserving, transformationc) assassination, conservatory, transformingd)

    assassination, conservative, transformation

    72. One of the most ... books ever written describes the . life of an , chevalier.

    a) influent, adventure, ideal, Spaniardb) influential, adventured, idealized, Spanishc) influential, adventuring, idealistic, Hispanic

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    d) influential, adventurous, idealistic, Spanish

    73. I showed my father a picture of the car I am going to buy as soon as possible.

    a) I showed my father a picture of the car I am going to buy it as soon as possible. b) I showed my father a picture of the car whom I am going to buy as soon as


    c) I showed my father a picture of the car I am going to buy as soon as possible.d) I showed my father a picture of the car which I am going to buy it as soon as


    74. None of the students came to class yesterday, surprised the board.

    a) thatb) whatc) as ifd) which

    75. In some countries the favourite beverage is coffee, while

    a) I like tea very much.b) it has caffeine in it.c) tea has a lot of caffeine, as well.d) in others it is tea.76. A fost menionat cel puin o dat importana unui astfel de proiect.

    a) Not once they mentioned the importance of such a project.b) Not once did they mention the importance of such a project.c) Seldom they mentioned the importance of such project.d) Was at least once mentioned the importance of such project.

    77. Angie is sick because she didn't follow the doctor's orders.

    a) She wouldn't be sick if she had followed the doctor's orders.b) She wouldn't be sick if she followed the doctor's orders.

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    c) She wouldn't have been sick if she would follow the doctor's orders. d) She wouldn't have been sick if she would have followed the doctor's orders.78. Please understand that Sean ran out of time. Otherwise he for you at the airport. But

    I'm here now and everything is OK.

    a) would waitb) would have waitedc) should have waitedd) should wait79. It was nice weather we went for a long walk in the park.

    a) such; thanb) such; thatc) such a; thatd) such a; than80. He looked at me as if he me before, although I'm sure he remembered how we

    trees when we were younger.

    a) never saw; climbedb) had never seen; used to climbc) should never see; would climbd) have never seen; had climbed81. The authorities haven't offered the homeless money.

    a) a fewb) such a great deal ofc) too manyd) several

    82. The kids entered the room

    a) twice at time.b) two at time.c) two at a time.

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    d) twice at a time.83. When the shuttle on the Moon, the astronauts for two days.

    a) will land; will be travellingb) will land; will have been travelledc) will land; will traveld) lands; will have been traveling

    84. a polar bears sense of smell is keen. its ability to smell prey over a mile away is important

    to its survival

    a) A polar bear's sense of smell is keen. It's ability to smell prey over a mile away isimportant to it's survival.

    b) A polar bear's sense of smell is keen. Its ability to smell prey over a mile away isimportant to its survival.

    c) A polar bears sense of smell is keen. It's ability to smell prey over a mile away isimportant to its survival.

    d) A polar bears sense of smell is keen. Its ability to smell prey over a mile away isimportant to it's survival.

    85. I promise I'll try to remember the windows, unlike last time, when rain washed awaythe colour on the courtains.

    a) to closingb) closingc) to closed) having closed

    86. The crowed was furious and quickly the sinner without any prior trial.

    a) hangedb) hungc) hungedd) was hanging

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    87. The man refuge in the American embassy, worried that the riots in the streets

    without notice.

    a) seeked; could have broken outb) sough; could have broke outc) saught; could have breaked outd) sought; could have broken out88. We almost ran out of money. We at a cash machine.

    a) had better stopb) had better stoppedc) would better stoppedd) would better stop

    89. You the kitten! Dad is going to be very angry now.

    a) should have hidedb) should have hydedc) should have hiddend) should have hydden

    90. Some people think that anyone with grey or white hair ... senile.

    a) should be beingb) bec) should bed) must be91. I don't really like books which are full of

    a) a jargon.b) jargons.c) jargon.d) some jargons.

    92. A husband and wife should always share the responsibility of bringing up

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    a) their offspringb) their offspringsc) their off-springd) their off-springs

    93. I need to write down all the information, so please tell me

    a) what is your nameb) what your name isc) what your named) what was your name

    94. The artist didn't know

    a) if will be part of the team.b) whether will be part of the team.c) whether he will be part of the team.d) if to be part of the team.

    95. The doctor is going to perform the operation on the spot.

    a) The operation is going to be performed on the spot.b) The operation is being going to perform on the spot.c) The operation is being perform on the spot.d) The operation is being performing on the spot.

    96. This book to the library before the 1st of May.

    a) had better be returnb) would better be returnedc) had better be returnedd) had better returned

    97. Nu am tiut c deja era cstorit de doi ani.

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    a) I hadn't known she had already been married for two years.b) I didn't know she had already been maried for two years.c) I didn't know she had already been married for two years.d) I hadn't known she was already married for two years.98. I didn't really like her latest boyfriend. He always her in front of us.

    a) make fun ofb) was making fun ofc) would made fun ofd) used to made

    99. When our boss gives an order he usually expects it to be out.

    a) comeb) carriedc) broughtd) borne100. This Mediterranean plant needs to benefit the sun at least 6 hours a day.

    a) atb)


    c) ofd) from

    101. Daniel seems to be very good his hands.

    a) withb) aboutc) atd) for

    102. I knew she was that kind of girl who would be jealous my former girlfriends.

    a) aboutb) at

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    c) ond) of

    103. A serious of delays put the project jeopardy.

    a) inb) up toc) tod) towards104. My car is at service now; it's repair.

    a) atb) inc) underd) to

    105. I can't believe you all the candies already! I them 10 minutes ago!

    a) ate; have only broughtb) have been eating; only broughtc) have eaten; have only broughtd) have eaten; only brought

    106. I work in this office

    a) since last year.b) all this week.c) all the time.d) when we met.107. Well, I understand from what you say that your evenings are busy. But what in the


    a) do you dob) you do

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    c) are you doingd) have you been doing108. Why did you call me? I am on holiday, but call Mary, because she my work.

    a) has handledb) handlesc) is handlingd) has been handling

    109. I'm not a particularly punctual person

    a) herself.b) himself.c) itself.d) myself.110. theyallknewtheprofessorshabitwheneversomebodywaslatehewouldtakethepenoutofitscasean


    a) They all knew the professor's habit whenever somebody was late he would takethe pen out of its case and started playing with it.

    b) They all knew the professor's habit: whenever somebody was late, he would takethe pen out of its case and start playing with it.

    c) They all knew the professors' habit: when ever somebody was late, he would takethe pen out of its case and started playing with it.

    d) They all knew the professor's habit: whenever somebody was late, he would takethe pen out of it's case and start playing with it.


    Ct de departe vezi?

    a) How do you see?b) How far see you?c) How far you can see?d) How far can you see?112. I understood and respected her decision. Then I wrote her a letter reminding her that

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    a) I understood and respected her decision.b) I should understand and respected her decision.c) I understood and had respected her decision.d) I should have understood and respect her decision.113. It's time we if we want to catch the beginning of "Saturday Night Live".

    a) would leaveb) should leavec) leftd) leave

    114. Suppose a complete stranger you a huge castle in his will!

    a) leftb) had leftc) would leaved) would have left115. His opinion hardly counts, ...?

    a) does itb)

    doesn't it

    c) is itd) isn't it

    116. into the kitchen, will you?

    a) You comeb) Won't you comec) Will you comed) Come

    117. I think this is the best solution, don't ?

    a) Ib) we

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    c) youd) us118. I wish you such a big fuss of all this.

    a) won't makeb) wouldn't makec) shouldn't maked) aren't making

    119. I you'll have a lovely time in Paris next week.

    a) wishb) wishedc) am wishingd) hope120. I wish she her mind and accepted his marriage proposal.

    a) hadnt changedb) would have changec) will changed)

    will have changed

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