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Helping energy companies find, attract and engage with new potential clients

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Energy Business Opportunities

Comparing Business Development & Marketing Strategies

Value Proposition: Business Development Program

Business Development Program: How we do it

Business Development Program: Plans and Deliverables

Business Development Program: Test Drive

Business Development Program: Professional Training

Our Clients

About Energy Business Suppliers

Request a proposal

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Energy Business Opportunities

Do you want to promote your products and services to more potential clients,

especially those that need to optimize their energy costs?

Would you like to be able to talk to qualified prospects who have the need and the

budget to buy your renewable energy products and services?

Would you like to be able to attract those qualified buyers to your sales team?

Plenty of industrial operations need to optimize their operations costs more than ever. Today, the decision makers of this industry are

open to try new technologies and processes that increase productivity or reduce operation time and costs. Do you have a value

proposition like that to offer?

We firmly believe that the best financing model for any energy supplier who wants to grow, comes from their client base.

The more energy clients you have, the more funds you will have to grow your company.

What Business Development Strategy will you use to attract qualified prospects to your business?

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Trade Shows Advertising on Industrial Publications Organizing your own seminars

Investment US$15,000 to US$50,000 + hidden costs

(brochures, booth, goodies, wages and travel

expenses of executives and staff)

Ranging from US$4,000 to US$80,000 per ad Ranging US$30,000 - US$80,000 + hidden costs

(brochures, banners, travel expenses, booth,

goodies, travel expenses of speakers + staff)

Results 25 to 50 business cards per team member for

each day of the event

They always said it was good for branding, but

rarely did we get clients from ads

We used to land 10 to 20 B2B decision makers

through telemarketing and direct mail invitations

from a 14,000 database that we owned

Problem Most attendees are Marketing and Sales

people, not purchasing decision makers.

We rarely got an email or phone call from a

potential customer because of those ads

Interruption marketing yields a very low return on


Best Case


3 to 5 qualified prospects, perhaps turning into

1 client

Nothing measurable 1 attendee of every seminar turned into a paying

customer with a long sales cycle

Basic Math Cost per qualified prospect = US$10,000 +

hidden costs (US$50,000 divided by 5)

Cost per client: US$50,000

US$4,000 to US$80,000 worth of

ZERO Qualified Prospects

Cost per qualified prospect = US$4,000 + hidden

costs (US$80,000 divided by 20)

Cost per client: US$50,000

Comparing Business Development & Marketing Strategies

These are the top 3 business development and marketing strategies implemented to attract clients. Let’s do some math:

Business Development Premise “Sign marketing checks that your sales team will be able to cash at the best possible price”

Can these “Costs per qualified prospect acquisition” be outperformed?

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Value proposition: Business Development Program

When you join our Business Development Program, you will get:

Qualified BANT prospects delivered to your sales team, which include the

coordination of business meetings (BANT Prospects = Budget + Authority to buy or

decide + Need + Time frame)

All the marketing implementation tactics and tools needed to prepare and

launch your client attraction campaign

A dedicated marketing and sales expert team to help you plan, design and

implement your client attraction campaign

At Energy Business Suppliers, we are on a mission to help companies grow their business by promoting their products and

services through our Business Development Program: implementation of client attraction action plans at a very competitive cost: A

flat fee of US$60 per day or a pay-per-performance model!

All 3 benefits for a flat fee of US$60 per day or on a Pay-per-Performance model!

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Business Development Program: How we do it

Strategy Stage:

At this stage, our Business Development Team will get to know

your value proposition and competitive edge, product specifications, certifications as well as

testimonials and success stories from

your clients

Production Stage:

In this stage, we will integrate a business development annual

plan, including targeted marketing strategies,

tactics and tools: campaign website,

social networks profiles, marketing and sales

presentations for eBooks and webinars

Implementation Stage:

At this point, we start your business development

campaign to connect and attract targeted prospects for your

company with weekly direct marketing actions

to promote your products and services through the eBook &


Reporting Stage:

Every week you will get a report of all prospects

generated, including the contact data of qualified short

term and long term prospects, as well as a

report of the direct marketing actions


Main benefit: your business development campaign done for you!




Personnel will

be able to

connect with



Time: 1 week Time: 3 weeks from day 1 Time: 8 weeks Campaign Report: Week 12

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Source: BtoB Online

First, potential clients go to

Online Communities (Social

Networks) and Search Engines

Business Development Program: Why using Business Networks, eBooks & webinars

We decided to try create eBooks and webinars and we promoted them on social business networks (Linked In & Twitter) + articles + press releases

Investment: we achieved to launch full campaigns for about US$15,000 including all the production, technology, human capital and campaign

resources for 12 weeks

Results: the first webinar we hosted had 64 B2B decision makers. Then, by launching eBooks, we had on average 100 registrants per week,

yielding us around 15 qualified leads per campaign

Great savings compared to trade shows, advertising or organizing my own live seminars!

We had to look for business development strategies that were more cost-effective and that really brought qualified prospects to our

sales team. This is how we found out about Business Networks, Webinars and eBooks:

Then, they look for whitepapers,

webcasts, videos and other online

educational media

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Business Development Program: 20 Deliverables

Based on our best practices, here is a list of the 20 deliverables you will get:

1. Client Attraction Assessment of marketing strategies, tactics and tools through the 7

stages of the client attraction cycle

2. Database integration of targeted decision makers to attract

3. Business Development Plan

4. Targeted Website to attract and capture qualified prospects

5. Linked In campaign account creation

6. Linked In registration in targeted discussion groups

7. Facebook Fan page creation (for campaign)

8. Twitter account creation

9. YouTube channel Creation

10. Slideshare channel Creation

11. eBook development to attract qualified industrial prospects

12. Monthly Webinar to attract qualified prospects

13. Recorded Webinar posted to YouTube and Slideshare Channels

14. Monthly success story or best practices story posted on your website

15. Weekly article posted on your blog

16. Monthly press release posted on more than 20 PR portals to promote live webinar

17. Sales presentation redesign

18. One pager as promotional pdf on website

19. Weekly direct marketing actions on social networks to promote eBook and webinar to

attract, qualify and filter targeted prospects

20. Weekly report on qualified BANT Prospects

The Business Development Program

monthly flat fee of US$60 includes

all direct marketing strategies,

tactics and tools.

It will be a very little investment

compared to what you would pay for

a full time marketing & sales team +

overhead + marketing tools.

You will get much better results in

your client attraction process than

attending regular trade shows.

All 20 deliverables for a flat fee of US$60 per day or on a Pay-per-Performance model!

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Business Development Program: Test Drive

Here is our best answer:

“There is only one way to find out!”

Out of the most frequent questions or comments we get, you might relate to some:

“Will it work for me?”

“Will it take too much time? Or “Will it be too expensive?”

“Can we try the service with no long term commitments?”

Try our Business Development Program for 1 year with QUARTERLY EVALUATIONS, if the

program does not deliver the expected results, there is no reason to continue.

Is that fair enough?

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Module Business Development Training Contents

Module 1 How to evaluate your client acquisition strategies, process, tactics and tools review through the “7 stage

client attraction process” (weeks 1 & 2)

Module 2 How to integrate a client attraction campaign communicating your value proposition: “Marketing and

Sales Presentation Framework” (weeks 2 & 3)

Module 3 How to integrate a solid and interactive database of targeted prospects, networking events and

associations and a follow up system (week 4)

Module 4 How to transform your value proposition into client attraction marketing vehicles: eBooks & webinars

(week 5)

Module 5 How to develop your client attraction marketing profiles and tools: business networks profiles, campaign

website, online marketing profiles (weeks 5 & 6)

Module 6 How to launch your business development direct marketing campaign with business networks and

associations promoting your eBooks and webinars (weeks 7, 8, 9,10 and 11)

Module 7 How to integrate your own Best Practices Roadmap to attract clients to be able to repeat the campaign

cycle every quarter (week 12)

Business Development Program: Professional Training

If you prefer to learn or train your team on how to put together these Business Development client attraction campaigns, we invite you to join our

Global Expansion Academy, a 12 week hands-on training program where we go through 7 Modules:

To learn more go to

Note: starting from week 1 you

will be able to implement

changes to your current client

attraction process that will help

you to increase your qualified

prospect acquisition strategies,

tactics and tools.

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Our Clients

We have helped different companies and organizations to plan, design and launch business development campaigns to attract and

convert prospects into clients. Some have required a website redesign, some other have required the creation of specific industries


Below you will see some examples of different campaigns and marketing strategies, tactics and tools deployed for our clients.

We have seen in repeated times that the results of an international campaign like these ones, yield better results in the quality and

quantity of prospects than attending a regular trade show.

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About Energy Business Suppliers

It was founded by the agency Marketing Crafter, LLC

as an integrated effort to help the Energy Industry to

become more competitive by finding and connecting

suppliers that can offer an alternative to increase

productivity and reduce costs in coordination with

different public and private industrial organizations in

the USA, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, Italy,

Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Energy Business Suppliers is a business development program (Marketing & Sales) designed to help companies find, attract and

engage with potential clients by promoting their products and services through our international business network.

Some of our clients, strategic alliances and Supply Chain Integration Projects

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Request a tailored proposal for your Test Drive

By now, you already know that when you join our Business Development Program:

1. You will get a complimentary Kick Off Strategy Session to fully understand your client profile and the solution you offer

2. You will get our team to plan and design the marketing strategies and tools to attract and capture prospects

3. You will get the implementation of the qualified prospect attraction campaign so that you can follow up with them

So, what are you waiting for?

Request your tailored proposal today at

Once you send us your information, we will contact you at our earliest convenience to schedule a conference call so that we fully

understand your needs and expectations. We will then send you a questionnaire to gather specific information so that our Marketing

and Sales Team designs the right Business Development campaign for your company.

All 3 benefits for a flat fee of US$60 per day or on a Pay-per-Performance model!

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May you

succeed as

an Energy


For more information we invite you to visit our website: | Send us an email to: [email protected]

Or call us at our US Phone number: +1 832 305 9234 in Mexico +52 614 291 5598

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