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Page 1: Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV

Lab No. 1

Lab Title CPU Instructions

Semester 01

Session 2021/2022

Lab Duration 4 Hours (2 weeks)

Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV


Instruction Sheet



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Page 2: Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV

Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions ii

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022

Table of Content

Table of Content 2

1.0 Outcomes 1

2.0 Guidelines 1

3.0 Pre-Lab (5%) 2

4.0 Lab instructions 2

Overview 2

5.0 Lab activity 1 (15%) 4

6.0 Lab activity 2 (15%) 6

7.0 Observations (15%) 9

8.0 Questions (15%) 10

9.0 References 10

10.0 Appendix 11

CPU Simulator Instruction Set 11

Page 3: Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV

Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 1

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022

1.0 Outcomes

After completing this module, the students should be able to:

1. Generate an appropriate basic CPU instruction on the CPU-OS simulator.

2. Perform the algorithm or program for computer architecture using CPU-OS simulator.

3. Adapt the current technology in computer architecture with morale and etiquette.

2.0 Guidelines

1. Lab group: should consist of two team members.

2. Pre-Lab: pre-lab questions should be answered before the lab session and should be attached with the lab report.

3. Lab Activities: all lab activities such as sample code, examples and lab assignments should be completed within the given times.

4. Demonstration: students should demonstrate the successful sample code, examples,

and lab assignments to the respective instructor. Verification only will be given upon completion of all lab activities and initialized by the instructor on the cover page.

5. Report Organization: report must be organized according to the given report template.

6. Report Submission: report must be submitted not later than one week upon

completion of the lab session.

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Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 2

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022

3.0 Pre-Lab (5%)

1. Explain the functions of the special CPU register: Program Counter (PC), Status Register (SR), and Stack Pointer (SP) register.

2. What kinds of CPU instructions are used to store values on top of the stack?

3. What is subroutine? What is the function of a subroutine?

4.0 Lab instructions


(2 marks)

(1 mark)

(2 marks)

The programming model of computer architecture defines those low-level architectural

components, which include the following

▪ CPU instruction set

▪ CPU registers

▪ Different ways of addressing instructions and data in instructions

It also defines the interaction between the above components. It is a low-level programming

model that makes programmed computations possible.

Next is some basic information on the simulator, which should enable the students to use the

simulator. The simulator for this lab is running on the MS Windows operating systems.

The main window is composed of several views, which represent different functional parts of the

simulated processor. These are shown in Figure 1.1 and are consist of

▪ CPU Instruction Memory

▪ Special CPU Registers

▪ General Purpose CPU Registers

▪ Program Stack

▪ Program Creation and Running Features

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Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 3

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022

Create program tab

Figure 1.1: Main Window

CPU Instruction

memory view

Program List view

Program Stack view

Add program

instruction tab

Special CPU

Register view

CPU Register view

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Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 4

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022

5.0 Lab activity 1 (15%)

First, we need to place some instructions in the Instruction Memory View, representing the

RAM in the real machine, before executing any instructions.

1. In the Program tab, first, enter a Program Name, and then enter a Base Address (this

can be any number, but for this exercise use 100).

2. Click on the ADD button. A new program name will be entered in the Program List view.

Now, we are ready to enter instructions into the CPU simulator. We do this by clicking on the

ADD NEW button in the Instructions tab. This will display the Instruction: CPU0 window. We

use this window to select and enter the CPU instructions. The appendix lists some of the

instructions this simulator uses and also gives examples of their usage.

3. Create an instruction, which moves number 5 to register R00. Execute the above instruction

(to do this, simply double click on it in the Instruction Memory View). Observe the result in

the CPU Registers View.

4. Create an instruction, which moves number 8 to register R01. Execute it (double click on the

instruction). Observe the contents of R00 and R01.

5. Create an instruction, which adds the contents of R00 and R01. Execute it, and observe

which register the result is put in.

6. Create an instruction, which pushes the above result to the top of the hardware stack, and

then execute it.

7. Create an instruction to push number -2 on top of the stack and execute it. Observe the

value in Program Stack.

8. Observe the value in the SP register (Special CPU Register view). Whenever we push a

value on Program Stack, the SP register is updated.

9. Create an instruction to compare the values in registers R00 and R01. Execute it, and

observe the value in SR (Special CPU Registers view).

10. Observe the status of the OV/Z/N parts of the status register. Which boxes are checked and

which are not? What do they indicate?

11. Create an instruction to unconditionally jump to the first instruction. Execute it, and observe

the value in the PC register. This is the address of the next instruction to be executed. Make

a note of which instruction it is pointing to?

12. Observe the values in the PAdd and LAdd columns. What do these values indicate? Are

they different (Hint: Check out Base Address value)?

13. Create an instruction to pop the value on top of the Program Stack into register R02.

Execute it, and observe the value in the SP register.

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Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 5

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022

14. Create an instruction to pop the value on top of the Program Stack into register R03.

Execute it, and observe the value in the SP register.

15. Execute the last instruction again. What happened? Explain.

16. Create a compare instruction, which compares values in registers R04 and R05.

17. Manually insert two equal values in registers R04 and R05. Execute the compare instruction.

Which of the status flags OV/Z/N is set? Why?

18. Manually insert a value in register R05 greater than that in register R04. Execute the

compare instruction. Which of the status flags OV/Z/N is set? Why?

19. Manually insert a value in register R04 greater than that in register R05. Execute the

compare instruction. Which of the status flags OV/Z/N is set? Why?

20. Create an instruction, which will jump to the first instruction if the values in register R04 and

R05 are equal. Test this instruction by manually putting equal values in register R04 and R05,

then first executing the compare instruction followed by executing the jump instruction.

21. Create an instruction that subtracts the content in R04 and R05 if the condition in the

previous instructions is not met. Execute the instruction that compares the content of R04

and R05. Observe the register that stores the result.

22. Save the instructions in the Instruction Memory View in a file by clicking on the SAVE


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Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 6

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022







#0, R01

#1, R01

#5, R01


6.0 Lab activity 2 (15%)

In this assignment, the students will be familiar with direct and indirect addressing modes of

accessing data in memory. The students also learn about subroutine, call and return from a

subroutine, to create an iterative loop of instruction.

First, you need to place some instruction in the Instruction Memory View, representing the

RAM in the real machine, before executing any instructions.

1. In the Appendix (at the end of this document), locate the instruction, which is used to

store one byte of data in a memory location. Use it to store number 65 in address location 20

using direct addressing mode (all numbers are in decimal).

2. Create an instruction to move decimal number 22 to register. Execute this instruction and

verify the result in R01

3. Create an instruction to store decimal number 51 in memory location the address of which is

currently stored in register R01. This is an example of indirect addressing. Note the use of

“@” prefix next to R01 in this case.

4. Observe data memory locations 20 and 22.

5. Now, create a loop. First, enter the following code. The # prefix is used to denote a literal

value thus distinguishing it from an address value that does not use it. R01 represents an

arbitrary register; we can use any of the registers from R00 to R31.

Example Code 1

6. As we can see, the label L0 represents the address of the instruction immediately below it,

i.e. the ADD instruction. The JNE instruction can use L0 as the address to jump to. As the

label L0 can represent any address this code should work anywhere in memory making it

very flexible. The $ sign indicates that L0 is a label.

7. Run Code 1 program. First, click on the RESET PROGRAM button in the CPU Simulator

window. Highlight the first instruction of the program. Adjust the speed slider to a value 80.

Click on the RUN button. After a short while, the program should stop. If it appears to run too

long, then click on the STOP button and check your code. Correct it if necessary and repeat

instruction once again.

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Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 7

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022



8. Modify the Example Code 1 so that the program loop is repeated as long as the value of R01

is less than or equal to 3, and test it.

9. From modified code in (8), create a simple subroutine shown below. Place it at the end of

your code.

Make sure you select the Direct Mem radio button when entering the first operand value 24

of the OUT instruction. This will simply display the text string at data memory location 24

repeatedly in a loop.

10. A subroutine is no use by itself, must call it using MSF followed by CAL. The MSF (Mark

Stack Frame) is needed to reserve a place for the return address on the program stack.

Place the following command before compare instruction.

11. The completed subroutine code simply displays the text starting at data memory location 24

and returns. For it to work there needs to be some text in data address location 24. You can

do this manually by following the steps below:

i. Click on the SHOW PROGRAM DATA MEMORY… button.

ii. In the displayed window highlight line 0024 under LAdd column

iii. Under Initialise Data click on the String radio button

iv. Enter some text in the text box labelled Value, e.g. BEE31101

v. Click the UPDATE button

12. In order to see the displayed text, you need to show the console window. Click on the INPUT

OUTPUT… button which will display the simulated console window. To run this program,

follow the instructions below:

i. Click on the RESET PROGRAM button

ii. Highlight the MOV instruction, i.e. the first instruction of the program

iii. Adjust the speed slider to a value nearest to the value 80

iv. Click on the RUN button





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Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 8

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022

13. Modify your code to look like the one below and run it observing the displays on the console.

The code will do the loop 5 times and this number is fixed. For flexibility, we can pass the

number of loops as a parameter to the subroutine.








MOV #0, R01


ADD #1, R01



CMP R02, R01




OUT 24, 0


Example Code 2

14. Click on the INPUT OUTPUT button which will display the simulated console window.

15. Draw a flowchart for Example Code 2.

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Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 9

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022

7.0 Observations (15%)

Lab activity 1

Step Instructions Register Content : Before After

3 R00

4 R00


5 R00


7 Program Stack

8 SP





10 OV/Z/N

11 PC

12 PAdd


13 SP

14 SP


16 R04


17 OV/Z/N

18 OV/Z/N

19 OV/Z/N

20 R04


21 R04


(10 Marks)

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Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 10

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022

Lab activity 2

Step Instructions Register Content : Before After

1 MEM[20]

2 R01

3 R01

4 MEM[20]


(5 Marks)

8.0 Questions (15%)

1. What is the difference between unconditional jump instruction and conditional jump


(2 marks)

2. Each CPU instruction is associated with two addresses: the PAdd and the LAdd. Briefly

explain the difference between PAdd and LAdd.

(2 marks)

3. What is the difference between the LAdd value of the first instruction and the LAdd value

of the second instruction? What does this value indicate?

4. Examine Example Code 2 and briefly explain how the parameter passing works.

(4 marks)

(7 marks)

9.0 References

1. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky, Nraig Manjikian; Computer Organization and

Embedded Systems, 6th Ed.; The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2012. Call number: QA76.9.

C643. C65 2012.

2. Stallings, W.; Computer Organization & Architecture: Designing for Performance, 8th Ed.;

Boston, MA : Pearson Education , 2013. Call number: QA76.9.C643 .S72 2013.

3. Triebel, Walter A., Singh, A.; The 8088 and 8086 microprocessors : Programming,

Interfacing, Software, Hardware, and Applications, 4th Ed.; Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice

Hall, 2003. Call number: QA76.8.I29293 .T74 2003.

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Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 11

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022

10.0 Appendix

CPU Simulator Instruction Set

Instruction Description and examples of usage

Data transfer instructions


Move data to register; move register to register


MOV #2, R01 ;moves number 2 into register R01

MOV R01, R03; moves contents of register R01 into register R03


Load a byte from memory to register


LDB 1000, R02; loads one-byte value from memory location 1000

LDB @R00, R01; memory location is specified in register R00


Load a word (2 bytes) from memory to register


LDW 1000, R02; loads two-byte value from memory location 1000

LDW @R00, R01; memory location is specified in register R00


Store a byte from register to memory


STB #2, 1000 ;stores value 2 into memory location 1000

STB R02, @R01 ;memory location is specified in register R01


Store a word (2 bytes) from register to memory


STW R04, 1000; stores register R04 into memory location 1000

STW R02, @2000; memory location is specified in memory 2000


Push data to the top of hardware stack (TOS); push register to

TOS e.g.

PSH #6; pushes number 6 on top of the stack

PSH R03; pushes the contents of register R03 on top of the stack


Pop data from the top of hardware stack to

register e.g.

POP R05; pops contents of the top of stack into register R05

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Electronic Engineering Laboratory IV (BEJ40401)

Lab1: CPU Instructions 12

FKEE, Semester 01 Session 2021/2022

Arithmetic instructions


Add number to register; add register to register


ADD #3, R02; adds number 3 to contents of register R02 and stores the

result in register R02.

ADD R00, R01; adds contents of register R00 to contents of register R01

and stores the result in register R01.

SUB Subtract number from register; subtract register from register.

MUL Multiply number with register; multiply register with register.

DIV Divide number with register; divide register with register.

Control transfer instructions


Jump to instruction address unconditionally


JMP 100; unconditionally jumps to address location 100.


Jump to instruction address if less than (after the last

comparison) e.g.

JLT 120; jumps to address location 120 if the previous comparison

instruction result indicates that CMP operand 2 is less than CMP operand 1

(i.e. the N status flag is set). Also, see CMP instruction.


Jump to instruction address if greater than (after the last

comparison) e.g.

JGT 25; jumps to address location 25 if the previous comparison instruction

result indicates that CMP operand 2 is greater than CMP operand 1 (i.e.

flags Z and N not set). Also, see CMP instruction.


Jump to instruction address if equal (after the last

comparison) e.g.

JEQ 1000; jumps to address location 1000 if the previous comparison

instruction result indicates that the two CMP operands are equal (i.e. the Z

status flag is set). Also, see CMP instruction.


Jump to instruction address if not equal (after the last

comparison) e.g.

JNE 220; jumps to address location 220 if the previous comparison

instruction result indicates that CMP operand 2 is less than CMP operand 1

(i.e. the N status flag is set). Also, see CMP instruction.

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Subroutine instructions

MSF This instruction is required to set up a subroutine call (see below)


Jump to subroutine address

e.g. To call a subroutine starting at address location 1000 use the following

sequence of instructions

MSF; always needed just before the following instruction

CAL 1000; will cause a jump to address location 1000


Return from subroutine

e.g. The last instruction in a subroutine must always be the following


RET; will jump to the instruction after the last CAL instruction.

System instructions

SWI Software interrupt (used to request OS help)


Halt simulation. This must be the last instruction.


HLT; stops the simulation run (not the simulator itself)

Comparison instruction


Compare number with register; compare register with register


CMP #5, R02 compare number 5 with the contents of register R02

CMP R01, R03 compare the contents of registers R01 and R03


If R03 = R01 then the status flag Z will be set; if R03 > R01 then none of the

status flags Z and N will be set; if R03 < R01 then the status flag N will be


Input, output instructions

IN Get input data (if available) from an external IO device


Output data to an external IO device

e.g. to display a string starting in memory address 120 (decimal) on console

device do the following (operand 2 = 0 for console output)

OUT 120, 0; the string is in address location 120 (direct addressing)

OUT @R02, 0; register R02 has number 120 (indirect addressing)

- End of Lab Sheet -

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