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efns stoCkholm 2012

16th Congress of the european federation of neurologiCal soCietiesstoCkholm, sweden, september 8–11, 2012


Organised in co-operation with the Swedish Neurology Society

general information

datesSeptember 8-11, 2012


Congress organisers

1-3, Rue de Chantepoulet PO Box 1726CH-1211 Geneva 1SwitzerlandTel: +41 22 908 04 88Fax: +41 22 906 91 40 e-mail: [email protected]:

loCal arrangements Committee

Sten Fredrikson, Chairperson

Magnus L.A. Andersson

Lars Forsgren

Torbjörn Tomson

Nils Wahlgren

Håkan Widner

teaChing Course Committee

Jean-Marc Léger, France, Chairperson

Christian Confavreux, France

Antonio Gil-Nagel, Spain

Hans-Peter Hartung, Germany

Detlef Kömpf, Germany

Max Hilz, Germany, efas

Isabel Illa, Spain

Hubert Kwiecinski, Poland

Bo Norrving, Sweden

Werner Poewe, Germany, mds-es

Philip Scheltens, The Netherlands

Jean Schoenen, Belgium

Liliya Zvyagina, Ukraine


efns management Committee

president: Richard Hughes, UK

past president: Jacques L. De Reuck, Belgium

ViCe presidents: Marianne de Visser, The Netherlands Sergei Illarioshkin, Russia Gian Luigi Lenzi, Italy seCretarY general: Detlef Kömpf, Germany

treasurer: David B. Vodušek, Slovenia

members at large: Michael Barnes, UK Panagiota Davaki, Greece

Congress programme Committee

Nils Erik Gilhus, Norway, Chairperson

Sten Fredrikson, Sweden, ViCe-Chairperson

Magnus L.A. Andersson, Sweden

Michael Brainin, Austria, sCientifiC Committee

Marianne de Visser, The Netherlands

Alla Guekht, Russia

Max Hilz, Germany, efas

Jean-Marc Léger, France, teaChing Course Committee

Werner Poewe, Germany, mds-es

Anja Smits, Sweden

Hilkka Soininen, Finland

please return to:

efns 2012c/o Kenes International – Global Congress Organizers and Association Management Services1-3, Rue de Chantepoulet PO Box 1726CH-1211 Geneva 1Switzerland

Tel: +41 22 908 0488Fax: +41 22 906 91 40 E-mail: [email protected]:

Co-sponsored by the World Federation of Neurology (WFN)

Co-sponsored by the European Section of the Movement Disorder Society (MDS-ES)

Co-sponsored by the European Federation of Autonomic Societies (EFAS)


16th Congress of theeuropean federation of neurologiCal soCietiesstoCkholm, sweden, september 8-11, 2012

EFNS Lecture on Clinical Neurology: Lessons from CADASIL

teaChing Courses

• Free Teaching Course: How do I examine...?• Movement disorders – basic clinical knowledge• Movement disorders – advanced• Update on intracerebral haemorrhage – basic

clinical knowledge• New aspects on stroke in the young – advanced• Multiple sclerosis work-up – basic clinical

knowledge• Multiple sclerosis pathogenesis and epidemiology

– advanced • Luigi Amaducci TC on dementia: the basics of

dementia; diagnosis and treatment – basic clinical knowledge

• Luigi Amaducci TC on dementia: update on the latest advances in diagnosis and therapy – advanced

• Clinical skills and ancillary studies in the diagnosis of epilepsy – basic clinical knowledge

• Recognition of epilepsy syndromes. Why does it matter? – advanced

• Headache• Novel treatment options in neuropathic pain• Immune-mediated demyelinating neuropathies:

clinical presentations, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment

• Neuro-otology: management of vertigo• Management of sleep disorders• Seizure – syncope – or something else?• Neurocritical care• Therapy in neurology• Hands-on course on Neuro-sonology• Hands-on morning courses on clinical

neurophysiology• Free TC: Basics on scientific publishing

Scientific Smørgasbord dinner

preliminarY sCientifiC programme

main topiCs

• Hottopicsinmovementdisorders• Hottopicsinneuro-oncology• Therapeuticadvancesinmultiplesclerosis• Therapeuticchallengesinneuromusculardisorders• Stimulationandimplantationtherapiesfor

epilepsy• Autonomicdisordersinneurologicaldiseases• EmerginginfectionsoftheCNS• Genesandenvironmentinmigraine• Strokeandhypertension–newinsights,new

challenges• Controversiesinneurology• Currentandfuturemanagementofdementia• Monitoringtreatmenteffectsinneurological

disorders: the role of neuroimaging techniques

preliminarY list of foCused workshops

• Autonomicalterationsinepilepsy• Epidemiologicaldisparitiesaffectingthe

management of stroke patients• Emergingconceptsforthework-upofneuromyeli-

tis optica spectrum disorders• State-of-the-arttreatmentinneurology:

EFNS Scientist Panels’ recommendations• Imaginginpain• Updateontremor• Autoimmuneencephalitis–clinicaland

immunological aspects• Outcomemeasuresinneuromusculardisorders:

from its basic aspects to its modern approach• Synaesthesia:theneuralplasticityofperception• Theroleofneuroinflammation/microglia

activation in ischemic stroke• Updateontauopathies• Drugsinthepipelineformigraine• Diagnosisandtherapyofmyasthenicsyndromes• Amyotrophiclateralsclerosis–themultiple

etiological factors• Socialneuroscience:clinicalimplications

sten fredriksonChairperson of the Local Arrangements Committee Vice Chairperson of the Congress Programme Committee

On behalf of the Swedish Neurological Society it is a pleasure to welcome all participants of the 16th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, which we hope will be a scientifically and socially rewarding, memorable and enjoyable experience. Welcome to Stockholm!


The Swedish Neurological Society is honoured to invite you to the 16th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies that will take place in Stockholm, Sweden, September 8-11, 2012.

The capital city Stockholm is considered to be of great beauty, safe, well kept and clean. Stockholm is built on islands, and the surrounding water is known to be so clean that one can swim in the city centre. The landscape of Stockholm is the unique and vast archipelago of 24.000 islands, offering memorable excursions to all visitors.

There is much to do and see in Stockholm – all close at hand. The city is of major historical interest with a well-preserved medieval city centre, the Old Town, founded more than 750 years ago, royal palaces and monumental buildings. Stockholm presents an abundance of culture, world-class attractions and museums. The restaurants will cater for all tastes from traditional Swedish cooking to Michelin star luxury.

Sweden has a long-standing tradition in neuroscience. In the world of medical science, Stockholm is associated with the Nobel Prize awards in December each year. We plan to arrange a reception in the City Hall of Stockholm, the site of the annual Nobel Prize Award festivities.

Stockholm is rapidly advancing as one of the world´s most popular cities for conferences and meetings, not least due to its highly developed infrastructure with excellent transport facilities. The venue of the Congress will be Stockholm International Fairs and Congress Center, conveniently located approximately 10 minutes by frequent public transportation from the city centre.

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