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Page 1: EE303: Communication Systems - Athanassios Manikas · Backward transition Matrix There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of a channel and then, based on this knowledge,

EE303: Communication Systems

Professor A. ManikasChair of Communications and Array Processing

Imperial College London

An Overview of Fundamentals: Channels, Criteria and Limits

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Table of Contents1 Introduction2 Continuous Channels3 Discrete Channels4 Converting a Continuous to a Discrete Channel5 More on Discrete Channels

Backward transition MatrixJoint transition Probability Matrix

6 Measure of Information at the Output of a ChannelMutual Information of a ChannelEquivocation & Mutual Information of a Discrete Channel

7 Capacity of a ChannelShannos’s Capacity TheoremCapacity of AWGN ChannelsCapacity of non-Gaussian ChannelsShannon’s Channel Capacity Theorem based on Continuous ChannelParameters

8 Bandwidth and Channel Symbol Rate9 Criteria and Limits

IntroductionEnergy Utilisation Effi ciency (EUE)Bandwidth Utilisation Effi ciency (BUE)Visual Comparison of Comm SystemsTheoretical Limits

10 Other Comparison-Parameters11 Appendix-A: SNR at the output of an Ideal Comm System

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With reference to the following block structure of a Dig. Comm. System (DCS), this topicis concerned with the basics of both continuous and discrete communication channels.

Block structure of a DCS

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Just as with sources, communication channels are eitherI discrete channels, orI continuous channels

1 wireless channels (in this case the whole DCS is known as a WirelessDCS)

2 wireline channels (in this case the whole DCS is known as a WirelineDCS)

Note that a continuous channel is converted into (becomes) a discretechannel when a digital modulator is used to feed the channel and adigital demodulator provides the channel output.Examples of channels - with reference to DCS shown in previous page,

I discrete channels:F input: A2 - output: A2 (alphabet: levels of quantiser - Volts)F input: B2 - output: B2 (alphabet: binary digits or binary codewords)

I continuous channels:F input: A1 - output: A1, (Volts) - continuous channel (baseband)F input: T, - output: T (Volts) - continuous channel (baseband),F input: T1 - output: T1 (Volts) - continuous channel (bandpass).

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Page 5: EE303: Communication Systems - Athanassios Manikas · Backward transition Matrix There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of a channel and then, based on this knowledge,

Continuous Channels

Continuous ChannelsA continuous communication channel (which can be regarded as ananalogue channel) is described by

I an input ensemble (s(t), pdfs (s)) and PSDs (f )I an output ensemble, (r(t), pdfr (r))I the channel noise (AWGN) ni (t) and β,I the channel bandwidth B and channel capacity C .


types of channel signalsI s(t), r(t), n(t): bandpassI ni (t) = AWGN: allpass

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Discrete Channels

Discrete ChannelsA discrete communication channel has a discrete input and a discreteoutput where

I the symbols applied to the channel input for transmission are drawnfrom a finite alphabet, described by an input ensemble (X , p) while

I the symbols appearing at the channel output are also drawn from afinite alphabet, which is described by an output ensemble (Y , q)

I the channel transition probability matrix F.

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Discrete Channels

In many situations the input and output alphabets X and Y areidentical but in the general case these are different. Instead of usingX and Y , it is common practice to use the symbols H and D andthus define the two alphabets and the associated probabilities as

input: H = {H1,H2, ...,HM} p = [

,p1︷ ︸︸ ︷Pr(H1),

,p2︷ ︸︸ ︷Pr(H2), ...,

,pM︷ ︸︸ ︷Pr(HM )]T

output: D = {D1,D2, ...,DK } q = [

,q1︷ ︸︸ ︷Pr(D1),

,q2︷ ︸︸ ︷Pr(D2), ...,

,qK︷ ︸︸ ︷Pr(DK )]T

where pm abbreviates the probability Pr(Hm) that the symbol Hmmay appear at the input while qk abbreviates the probability Pr(Dk )that the symbol Dk may appear at the output of the channel.

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Discrete Channels

The probabilistic relationship between input symbols H and outputsymbols D is described by the so-called channel transition probabilitymatrix F, which is defined as follows:

F =

Pr(D1|H1), Pr(D1|H2), ..., Pr(D1|HM )Pr(D2|H1), Pr(D2|H2), ..., Pr(D2|HM )

..., ..., ..., ...Pr(DK |H1), Pr(DK |H2), ..., Pr(DK |HM )


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Discrete Channels

Pr(Dk |Hm) denotes the probability that symbol Dk ∈ D will appearat the channel output, given that Hm ∈ H was applied to the input.The input ensemble

(H, p

), the output ensemble

(D, q

)and the

matrix F fully describe the functional properties of the channel.

The following expression describes the relationship between q and p

q = F.p (2)

Note that in a noiseless channel

D = H (3)

q = p

i.e the matrix F is an identity matrix

F = IM (4)

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Page 10: EE303: Communication Systems - Athanassios Manikas · Backward transition Matrix There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of a channel and then, based on this knowledge,

Converting a Continuous to a Discrete Channel

Converting a Continuous to a Discrete ChannelA continuous channel is converted into (becomes) a discrete channelwhen a digital modulator is used to feed the channel and a digitaldemodulator provides the channel output.A digital modulator is described by M different channel symbols .These channel symbols are ENERGY SIGNALS of duration Tcs .Digital Modulator:

Digital Demodulator:

If M = 2 ⇒Binary Digital Modulator ⇒Binary Comm. SystemIf M > 2 ⇒M-ary Digital Modulator ⇒M-ary Comm. System

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Converting a Continuous to a Discrete Channel


0..00 s t1( )=t

0..01 s t2( )=t

1..11 s tM( )= t

ts t( )=





: H ,Pr(H )1    1

: H ,Pr(H )2    2

: H , Pr(H )M M


0..00 s t1( )=t

0..01 s t2( )=t

1..11 s tM( )= tt

r t s t t( )= ( )+n( )





: D , Pr(D )1     1

: D , Pr(D )2     2

: D , Pr(D )M M


s t( )

r t( )=Detectorwith a




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More on Discrete Channels Backward transition Matrix

More on Discrete ChannelsBackward transition Matrix

There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of achannel and then, based on this knowledge, we refer to the input .

In this case we may use the concept of an imaginary "backward "channel and its associated transition matrix, known as backwardtransition matrix defined as follows:

B =

Pr(H1|D1), Pr(H1|D2), ..., Pr(H1|DK )Pr(H2|D1), Pr(H2|D2), ..., Pr(H2|DK )

..., ..., ..., ...Pr(HM |D1), Pr(HM |D2), ..., Pr(HM |DK )



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More on Discrete Channels Joint transition Probability Matrix

Joint transition Probability MatrixThe joint probabilistic relationship betweeninput channel symbols H = {H1,H2, ...,HM} and output channelsymbols D = {D1,D2, ...,DM},is described by the so-called joint-probability matrix,

J ,

Pr(H1,D1), Pr(H1,D2), ..., Pr(H1,DK )Pr(H2,D1), Pr(H2,D2), ..., Pr(H2,DK )

..., ..., ..., ...Pr(HM ,D1), Pr(HM ,D2), ..., Pr(HM ,DK )



J is related to the forward transition probabilities of a channel withthe following expression (compact form of Bayes’Theorem):

J = F.

p1 0 ... 00 p2 ... 0... ... ... ...0 0 ... pM

︸ ︷︷ ︸


= F.diag(p) (7)

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More on Discrete Channels Joint transition Probability Matrix

Note: This is equivalent to a new (joint) source having alphabet

{(H1,D1) , (H1,D2) , ..., (HM ,DK )}

and ensemble (joint ensemble) defined as follows

(H ×D, J) =


...(Hm ,Dk ),Pr(Hm ,Dk )

...(HM ,DK ),Pr(HM ,DK )



(Hm ,Dk ),Pr(Hm ,Dk )︸ ︷︷ ︸


, ∀mk : 1 ≤ m ≤ M, 1 ≤ k ≤ K

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Page 15: EE303: Communication Systems - Athanassios Manikas · Backward transition Matrix There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of a channel and then, based on this knowledge,

Measure of Information at the Output of a Channel

Measure of Information at the Output of a Channel

In general three measures of information are of main interest:

1 the Entropy of a Source - in (info) bits per source symbol

2 the Mutual Entropy (or Multual Information) of a Channel , in(info) bits per channel symbol

3 the Discrimination of a Sink

Next we will focus on the Mutual Information of a Channel Hmut

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Measure of Information at the Output of a Channel Mutual Information of a Channel

Mutual Information of a Channel

The mutual information measures the amount of information thatthe output of the channel (i.e. received message) gives aboutthe input to the channel (transmitted message).

That is, when symbols or signals are transmitted over a noisycommunication channel, information is received. The amount ofinformation received is given by the mutual information,

Hmut = 0 (9)

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Measure of Information at the Output of a Channel Mutual Information of a Channel

Hmut , Hmut (p,F) = −M




Fkm .pm log2



= −M




Jkm log2

(pm .qkJkm


= −1TK

J� log2[(


︸ ︷︷ ︸K×M matrix

1M bitssymbol



1M = a column vector of M ones

�,∅ = Hadamard operators (mult. and div.)

Note that1TA1 = adds all elements of A (13)

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Measure of Information at the Output of a Channel Equivocation & Mutual Information of a Discrete Channel

Equivocation & Mutual Information of a Discrete ChannelConsider a discrete source (H, p) followed by a discrete channel, asshown belowThe average amount of information gained (or uncertaintyremoved) about the H source (channel input) by observing theoutcome of the D source (channel output), is given by the conditionalentropy HH |D which is defined as follows:

HH |D , HH |D (J) = −M




Jkm . log2



= −1TK

J� log2

B︷ ︸︸ ︷

diag (q)−1 J

︸ ︷︷ ︸

K×M matrix




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Measure of Information at the Output of a Channel Equivocation & Mutual Information of a Discrete Channel

A similar expression can be also given for the average informationgained about the channel output D by observing the channel input H,i.e.

HD |H , HD |H (J) = −M




Jkm . log2



= −1TK

J� log2

F︷ ︸︸ ︷

J.diag (p)−1

︸ ︷︷ ︸

K×M matrix




The conditional entropy HH |D is also known as equivocation and itis the entropy of the noise or, otherwise, the uncertainty in theinput of the channel from the receiver’s point of view.

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Measure of Information at the Output of a Channel Equivocation & Mutual Information of a Discrete Channel

Notes1 for a noiseless channel:

HH |D = 0 (18)2 For a discrete memoryless channel,

Hmut , Hmut (p,F) = HH −HH |D (19)

= HD −HD |H (20)

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Page 21: EE303: Communication Systems - Athanassios Manikas · Backward transition Matrix There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of a channel and then, based on this knowledge,

Capacity of a Channel Shannos’s Capacity Theorem

Capacity of a ChannelShannon’s Capacity Theorem

There is a theoretical upper limit to the performance of a specifieddigital communication system with the upper limit depending on theactual system specified.

However, in addition to the specific upper limit associated with eachsystem, there is an overall upper limit to the performance which nodigital communication system, and in fact no communication systemat all, can exceed.

This bound (limit) is important since it provides the performance levelagainst which all other systems can be compared.

The closer a system comes, performance wise, to the upper limit thebetter.

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Capacity of a Channel Shannos’s Capacity Theorem

The theoretical upper limit was given by Shannon (1948) as an upperbound to the maximum rate at which information can be transmittedover a communication channel.This rate is called channel capacity and is denoted by the symbol C .Shannon’s capacity theorem states:

C , max (Hmut ) bitssymbol (21)


C , rcs ×max (Hmut ) bitssec (22)

where rcs denotes the channel-symbol rate (in channel-symbols persec) with

rcs =1Tcs


B ≥ rcs2


i.e. if Hmut (p,F) is maximised with respect to the input probabilitiesp, then it becomes equal to C , the channel capacity (in bits/symbol)

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Capacity of a Channel Capacity of AWGN Channels

Capacity of AWGN Channels

In the case of a continuous channel corrupted by additive whiteGaussian noise the capacity is given by

C =12log2 (1+ SNRin)

bitssymbol (25)

or (26)

C = B log2 (1+ SNRin)bitssec (27)


B = baseband band width of channel

SNRin =PsPn

Ps = Power of the signal at point T

Pn = Power of the noise at point T = N0B

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Capacity of a Channel Capacity of non-Gaussian Channels

Capacity of non-Gaussian ChannelsIf the pdf of the noise is arbitrary (non-Gaussian) then it is verydiffi cult to estimate the capacity .

However, it can be proved [Shannon 1948] that in this case thecapacity is bounded as follows:

B log2

(Ps +NnNn

)≤ C ≤ B log2

(Ps + PnNn

)bitssec (28)


Ps : is the average received signal power,

Nn : is the entropy power of the noise, and

Pn : is the power of the noise

Equation 28 is important in that it can be used to provide bounds forany kind of channel.

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Page 25: EE303: Communication Systems - Athanassios Manikas · Backward transition Matrix There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of a channel and then, based on this knowledge,

Capacity of a ChannelShannon’s Channel Capacity Theorem based on Continuous

Channel Parameters

Shannon’s Channel Capacity Theorem based onContinuous Channel Parameters

Consider a time-continuous channel which comprises of a linear timeinvariant filter with transfer function H(f ), the output of which iscorrupted by an additive zero mean stationary noise n(t) of PSDn(f ).

I if the average power of the channel input signal is constraint to be Ps ,then

Ps =



{0, θ − PSDn(f )

|H(f )|2

}.df (29)

and C ≥∞∫−∞



(θ. |H(f )|2

PSDn(f )

)}.df (30)

with the equality holding if the noise is Gaussian.I Further, if the channel noise is white Gaussian with PSDn(f ) =


then Equation 30 simplifies to the well known result

C = B log2 (1+ SNRin)bitssec (31)

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Bandwidth and Channel Symbol Rate

Bandwidth and Channel Symbol Rate

The following expression are given without any proof:

Baseband Bandwidth ≥ channel symbol rate2


Bandpass Bandwidth ≥ channel symbol rate2

× 2 (33)

The equality is known as Nyquist Bandwidth.In this course, except if it is defined otherwise,

I the word "bandwidth" will mean "Nyquist bandwidth"I the carrier will be ignored and thus "bandwidth" by default will refer to"baseband bandwdith"

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Criteria and Limits Introduction

Criteria and Limits of DCSIntroduction

Digital Communications provide excellent message-reproduction andgreatest Energy (EUE) and Bandwidth (BUE) Utilization Effi ciencythrough effective employment of two fundamental techniques:

I source compression coding (to reduce the transmission rate for agiven degree of fidelity)

I error control coding and digital modulation (to reduce the SNRand bandwidth requirements)

With reference to the general structure of a DCS given in the nextpage,

I the source compression coding is implemented by the blocks "SourceEncoder" and "Source Decoder"

I the error control coding is implemended by the "Discrete ChannelEndoder", "Interleaver", "DeInterleaver" and "Discrete ChannelDecoder".

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Criteria and Limits Introduction

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Criteria and Limits Introduction

Let us focus on the Discrete Channel: We have seen that a digitalmodulator is described by M = 2γcs different channel symbols whichare ENERGY SIGNALS of duration Tcs .

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Criteria and Limits Energy Utilisation Effi ciency (EUE)

Energy Utilisation Effi ciency (EUE)The parameter EUE is a measure of how effi ciently the system utilisesthe available energy in order to transmit information in the presenceof additive white Gaussian noise of double-sided power spectraldensity PSDn(f ) = N0/2 and it is defined as follows:

EUE , EbN0


Note that EUE is directly related to the received signal power. It willbe appreciated of course that this is, in turn, directly related to thetransmitted power by the attenuation factor introduced by thechannel.Clearly, a question of major importance is how large EUE needs tobe in order to achieve communication at some specific bit errorprobability pe .Obviously the smaller EUE to achieve a specified error probabilitythe better .

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Criteria and Limits Bandwidth Utilisation Effi ciency (BUE)

Bandwidth Utilisation Effi ciency (BUE)

The BUE measures how effi ciently the system utilises the bandwidthB available to send information and it is defined as follows:

BUE , Brb


where rb denotes the bit rate.

Specifically, the BUE indicates how much bandwidth is beingused per transmitted information bit and hence, for a given levelof performance, the smaller BUE the better since this means thatless bandwidth is being used to achieve a given rate of datatransmission.

N.B.:signaling speed , rb

B= BUE−1 (36)

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Criteria and Limits Visual Comparison of Comm Systems

Visual Comparison of Comm SystemsBy using EUE and BUE the SNRin can be expressed as follows

SNRin = PsPn=


N0B= Eb

N0BTb= Eb

N0B 1rb=


= EUEBUE (37)

By determining the EUE and BUE of any particular system, thatsystem can be represented as a point in the plane (EUE,BUE).It is desirable for this point to be as close to the origin as possible

C = B log2(1+ EUE


) bitssec (38)

C/B = log2(1+ EUE


) bitssecHz (39)

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Criteria and Limits Visual Comparison of Comm Systems

N.B.:I a line from origin represents those points (systems) in the plane forwhich the SNRin=constant

I By comparing points representing one system with those representinganother ⇒ VISUAL COMPARISON !

I It can be observed that

F CS1 beter than CS2 which is better than CS3F CS2 and CS3 have the same SNRin

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Criteria and Limits Theoretical Limits

Theoretical Limits

We have seen that the capacity of a white Gaussian channel ofbandwidth B is

C = B log2 (1+ SNRin)bitssec (40)

Please don’t forget that the above equation refers to bandlimitedwhite-noise channel with a constraint on the average transmittedpower.

Question: if B =↑ (and in particluar if B = ∞) then C =?Answer :

I From the capacity-equation (Equ 40) it can be seen that B ↑=⇒ C ↑I However, when B tends to ∞ then

C∞ = 1.44PsN0


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Criteria and Limits Theoretical Limits

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Criteria and Limits Theoretical Limits

LIMIT-1 : limit on bit rateI when binary information is transmitted in the channel, rb should belimited as follows:

rb ≤ C (42)

I ideal case:rb = C (43)

LIMIT-2 : limit on EUEI the best Energy Effi ciency is EUE=0.693. This is the ultimate limitbelow which no physical channel can transmit without errorsi.e

EUE ≥ 0.693

LIMIT-3 : Shannon’s threshold channel capacity curve

I This is the curve EUE=f{BUE} for a bit rate rb equal to its maximumvalue,i.e.

rb = C ⇒ EUE =2BUE − 1BUE−1


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Criteria and Limits Theoretical Limits

Plot of Equation 44:

No physical realizable CS could occupy a point in the plane(EUE,BUE) lying below this theoretical channel capacity curve .

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Page 38: EE303: Communication Systems - Athanassios Manikas · Backward transition Matrix There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of a channel and then, based on this knowledge,

Criteria and Limits Theoretical Limits

SNRin =EUEdataBUEdata



data rate : rb ,data = rcs × log2M (46)

info rate : rb ,info = rcs ×Hmut (47)

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Criteria and Limits Theoretical Limits

Point B always should be above the Shannon’s thr. capacity curve.

Point A may be above or below the Shannon’s thr. capacity curve.The following table gives the corresponding equivalent parametersbetween Analogue and Digital Comm Systems which can be used toplace on the (EUE,BUE) not only digital but also analoguecommunication systems

Digital CS Analogue CS

EUE= EbN0= Ps

N0rb⇔ SNRin-mb =


rb ⇔ FgBUE= B

rb⇔ β , B


where:I Fg denotes the maximum frequency of the message signal g(t), i.e. itrepresents the bandwidth of the message

I β is known as "bandwidth expansion factor",e.g. SSB: β = 1;AM: β = 2

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Page 40: EE303: Communication Systems - Athanassios Manikas · Backward transition Matrix There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of a channel and then, based on this knowledge,

Criteria and Limits Theoretical Limits

Comparison of various Digital and Analogue CS are shown below (for a fixed SNRout )

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Other Comparison-Parameters

Other Comparison-Parameters

SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS of transmitted signal(rate at which spectrum falls off).

INTERFERENCE RESISTANCEI it may be necessary to increase (EUE,BUE) in order to increase interf.resistance

FADINGI Fading problem pe =↑I Note that, if

{BUE =↑EUE =↓

}then Fading=↓

DELAY DISTORTIONI Try to avoid this problem by selecting appropriate signals


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Page 42: EE303: Communication Systems - Athanassios Manikas · Backward transition Matrix There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of a channel and then, based on this knowledge,

Appendix-A: SNR at the output of an Ideal Comm System

Appendix: SNR at the output of an Ideal Comm System

In this section a so-called ideal system of communication will beconsidered and it will be shown that bandwidth can be exchanged forsignal-to-noise performance.

The ideal system forms a benchmark against which othercommunication systems can be compared.

An ideal system has been defined as one that transmits data at a bitrate

r = C (48)

where C is the channel capacity i.e. C = B log2 (1+ SNRin) bits/sec

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Appendix-A: SNR at the output of an Ideal Comm System

Furthermore we have seen that for an ideal communication system:


log2(1+ SNRin)⇒ lim

SNRin→0EUE = 0.693 (49)

BUE =1

log2(1+EUEBUE )



−1 − 1BUE−1

⇒ limBUE→∞

EUE = 0.693 (51)

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Page 44: EE303: Communication Systems - Athanassios Manikas · Backward transition Matrix There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of a channel and then, based on this knowledge,

Appendix-A: SNR at the output of an Ideal Comm System

Block Diagram of an Ideal Communication System:

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Page 45: EE303: Communication Systems - Athanassios Manikas · Backward transition Matrix There are also occassions where we get/observe the output of a channel and then, based on this knowledge,

Appendix-A: SNR at the output of an Ideal Comm System

The previous figure shows the elements of a basic idealcommunication system.

An input analogue message signal g(t), which is of bandwidth Fg , isapplied to a signal mapping unit which, in response to g(t), producesan analogue signal s(t) of bandwidth B and this signal is transmittedover an analogue channel having a similar bandwidth, B.

I The channel is corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise of doublesided power spectral density N0/2 which is bandlimited to the channelbandwidth B.

I Let the signal-to-noise ratio at the input of the receiver be SNRin .I Assume further that the received signal, plus noise, is then fed to adetector having a bandwidth Fg , equal to the message bandwidth.

I Let the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the detector be SNRout.

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Appendix-A: SNR at the output of an Ideal Comm System

Now the capacity of the analogue transmission system (channel) is

C = B log2 (1+ SNRin) bits/s (52)

Also, the "mapping-unit/channel/detector" can be regarded as achannel having a signal-to-noise ratio SNRout and hence it too canbe regarded as an AWGN channel and its capacity is given by

C ′ = Fg log2 (1+ SNRout ) bits/s (53)

If, in order to avoid information loss (ideal case), the capacities areset equal then it can be seen, after simple mathematicalmanipulation, that

C ′ = C ⇒ ...⇒ SNRout ,ideal = (1+ SNRin)BFg − 1 (54)

= (1+SNRin−mb

β)β − 1 (55)

where β is the bandwidth expansion factor.

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Appendix-A: SNR at the output of an Ideal Comm System

The above expression is fundamentally important since it shows thatthe overall system performance, SNRout , can be improved by usingmore channel bandwidth.The figure below shows, as a function of the bandwidth expansionfactor β, typical curves of SNRout versus SNRin−mb for the idealcommunication system.

Note that all other known communication systems should becompared with this optimum performance provided by Equation .

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Appendix-A: SNR at the output of an Ideal Comm System

From the previous figure it can be seen that:I if SNRin−mb is small then on increasing β the effect on the SNRout issmall (i.e. very little increase in the SNRout is obtained).

I If, however, SNRin−mb is large then a small increase in the bandwidthexpansion factor results in a large increase in the SNRout .

I A practical consequence of this is that if the SNRin−mb is small thenthere is little to be gained from using more channel bandwidth.

Case-1:SNRin-mb=small Case-2:SNRin-mb=large=10SNRin-mb=1 SNRin-mb=10

β = 1 SNRout=1 SNRout=10

β = 2 SNRout=1.25 SNRout=35

β = 100 SNRout=1.7048 SNRout=13780

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