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    Edward Bernays

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    Edward Bernays

    !n the early "#$%s


    &dard ouis (ernays

    )ovember $$, "*#"+"*#"""$$-ienna,/ustria

    Died0arch #, "##1+"##1%2%#- +age "%2-

    3ambridge, 0assachusetts, 4nited States

    Occupation 5ublic relations,advertising

    Edward Louis Bernays+)ovember $$, "*#" 6 0arch #, "##1-, as an /ustrian/merican pioneer in

    the field ofpublic relationsandpropaganda, referred to in his obituaryas 7the father of publicrelations7.8"9e combined the ideas of;ustave e (onandWilfred Trotteron crod psychologyith

    thepsychoanalyticalideas of his uncle, Sigmund Freud.e felt this manipulation as necessary in society, hich he regarded as irrationaland dangerous as a

    result of the 'herd instinct' that Trotter had described.8citation needed9/dam 3urtis's aardinning$%%$ documentary for the ((3, The Century of the Self, pinpoints (ernays as the originator of modern

    public relations, and (ernays as named one of the "%% most influential /mericans of the $%th century

    byLife maga

  • 8/10/2019 Edward Bernays Wikipedia Ing



    " ife and influences

    $ 5= techni>ues

    2 5hilosophy and public relations

    2." 5ropaganda

    2.$ Tiein

    2.2 3ampaigns

    ? @verthro of government of ;uatemala

    1 =ecognition and criticism

    A Buote

    C Works

    * See also

    # )otes

    "% (ibliography

    "" &Dternal links

    [edit] Life and influences

    (orn "*#" in iennato Jeishparents, (ernays as a double nephe ofpsychoanalysispioneer

    Sigmund Freud. is father as &ly (ernays, brother of Freud's ife 0artha (ernays. is mother as

    Freud's sister, /nna.829!n "*#$ his family moved to )e Eork 3ity, here he attended eWitt 3linton

    igh School.8?9!n "#"$ he graduated from 3ornell 4niversityith a degree in agriculture, but choseGournalism as his first career. e married oris &. Fleischman in "#$$.8citation needed9

    (ernays, orking for the administration of Woodro Wilsonduring World War !ith the 3ommittee

    on 5ublic !nformation, as influential in promoting the idea that /merica's ar efforts ere primarilyaimed at Hbringing democracy to all of &urope7. Folloing the ar, he as invited by WoodroWilson to attend the 5aris 5eace 3onferencein "#"#.

    Stunned by the degree to hich the democracy slogan had sayed the public both at home and abroad,

    he ondered hether this propaganda model could be employed during peace time. ue to negative

    implications surrounding the ordpropagandabecause of its use by the ;ermans in World War !, hepromoted the term 75ublic =elations7.819/ccording to the ((3 intervie ith (ernays' daughter

    /nne, (ernays felt that the public's democratic Gudgment as 7not to be relied upon7 and he feared that

    7they 8the /merican public9 could very easily vote for the rong man or ant the rong thing, so thatthey had to be guided from above7. This 7guidance7 as interpreted by /nne to mean that her father

    believed in a sort of 7enlightened despotism7 ideology.8A9

    This thinking as heavily shared and influenced by Walter ippmann, one of the most prominent

    /merican political columnists at the time. (ernays and ippmann sat together on the 4.S. 3ommitteeon 5ublic !nformation, and (ernays >uotes ippmann eDtensively in his seminal orkPropaganda.

    8citation needed9

    (ernays also dre on the ideas of the French riter ;ustave e(on,the originator of crod

    psychology,and ofWilfred Trotter, ho promoted similar ideas in the anglophone orld in his bookInstincts of the Herd in Peace and ar. (ernays refers to these to names in his ritings. Trotter, ho

    as a head and neck surgeon at 4niversity 3ollege ospital, ondon, read Freud's orks, and it as he

  • 8/10/2019 Edward Bernays Wikipedia Ing


    ho introducedWilfred (ion, hom he lived and orked ith, to Freud's ideas. When Freud fled

    ienna for ondon after the/nschluss,Trotter became his personal physician, andWilfred (ionand

    &rnest Jonesbecame key members of the Freudian psychoanalysis movement in &ngland, and ould

    develop the field of ;roup ynamics, largely associated ith the Tavistock !nstitutehere many ofFreud's folloers orked. Thus ideas of group psychologyand psychoanalysis came together in

    ondon around World War !!.8citation needed9

    (ernays' public relations efforts helped to populariue of opinionmolding the 'engineering of consent'.8citation needed9

    (ernays began his career as 5ress agentin "#"2, counseling to theaters, concerts and the ballet. !n

    "#"C, 4S 5residentWoodro Wilsonengaged;eorge 3reeland reali

  • 8/10/2019 Edward Bernays Wikipedia Ing


    recommendation that people eat heavy breakfasts. e sent the results of the survey to 1,%%% physicians,

    along ith publicity toutingbacon and eggsas a heavy breakfast.8citation needed9

    (ernays also dre upon his uncle Sigmund'spsychoanalyticideas for the benefit of commercein order

    to promote, by indirection, commodities as diverse as cigarettes,soapandbooks.8citation needed9

    !n addition to the theories of his uncle, (ernays used those of!van 5avlov.8citation needed9

    5= industry historian Scott 3utlipdescribes (ernays as 7perhaps the most fabulous and fascinatingindividual in public relations, a man ho as bright, articulate to eDcess, and most of all, an innovative

    thinker and philosopher of this vocation that as in its infancy hen he opened his office in )e Eork

    in June "#"#.78citation needed9

    (ernays used the HFreudian TheoryL to deal ith the public's conception of communism, as he believedthat e should not be easing the public'sfear of communism, but rather promote that fear and play ith

    the public's emotions of it. This theory in its on as so poerful that it became a eapon of its on

    during the cold ar.

    [edit] Philosophy and pu!lic relations

    (ernays' papers, opened in /pril $%"%,8#9contain a ealth of information on the founding of the fieldin the tenties. The $iography of an Idea% &e'oirs of Pu"lic elations Counsel d*ard L+ $ernays

    +"#A1- contains an overvie of the decade. 0any of the essays selected for the 3oolidge3onsumerism

    collection from the (ernays 5apers ere ritten as early drafts for The $iography of an Idea.8citation


    (ernays, ho pursued his calling in )e Eork 3ity from "#"# to "#A2, styled himself a 7public

    relations counsel.7 e had very pronounced vies on the differences beteen hat he did and hat

    people in advertisingdid. / pivotal figure in the orchestration of elaborate corporate advertising

    campaigns and multimedia consumer spectacles, he nevertheless is among those listed in theacknoledgments section of the seminal government social science study 7=ecent Social Trends in the

    4nited States7 +"#22-.8citation needed9@n a par ith (ernays as the most soughtafter public relations counsel of the decade as !vy

    edbetter ee, among hose chief clients ereJohn . =ockefeller, Sr., (ethlehem Steel, /rmour 3ompany, and the 5ennsylvania =ailroad. ee is represented in the 3oolidge3onsumerism collection

    by 75ublicity: Some of the Things !t !s and !s )ot7 +"#$1-.8citation needed9

    The belief that propaganda and nes ere legitimate tools of his business, and his ability to offer

    philosophical Gustifications for these beliefs that ultimately embraced the hole democratic ay of life,in (ernays' mind set his ork in public relations apart from hat ad men did. The (ernays essays 7/

    5ublic =elations 3ounsel States is ies7 +"#$C- and 7This (usiness of 5ropaganda7 +"#$*- sho

    that (ernays regarded advertising men as special pleaders, merely paid to persuade people to accept an

    idea or commodity. The public relations counsel, on the other hand, he sa as an &mersonianlikecreator of events that dramati

  • 8/10/2019 Edward Bernays Wikipedia Ing


    economy +even in peacetime-, as ell as sating the dangerous animal urges8clarification neededhat

    dangerous urges,9 that threatened to tear society apart8citation needed9 if left un>uelled.8citation


    (ernays' magisterial, philosophical touch8citation needed9 is in evidence in 70anipulating 5ublic@pinion7 +"#$*- hen he rites: 7This is an age of mass production. !n the mass production of

    materials a broad techni>ue has been developed and applied to their distribution. !n this age, too, there

    must be a techni>ue for the mass distribution of ideas.7 Eet he recogni

  • 8/10/2019 Edward Bernays Wikipedia Ing


    /rticles in the Gournals of opinion, such as the one by 0arlen 5e,d*ard L+ $ernays Criti-ued as

    ./oung &achiaelli of #ur Ti'e.,8"$9and the debate beteen (ernays and &verett ean 0artin in

    Forum,re e icti's of Propaganda,, depicted (ernays negatively.8"29e and other publicists ere

    often attacked as propagandists and deceptive manipulators, ho represented lobby groupsagainst thepublic interestand covertly contrived events that secured coverage as nes stories, free of charge, for

    their clients instead of securing attention for them through paid advertisements.8citation needed9

    (ernays' brilliance for promotion in this vein emerges clearly hen one reads, in the$ernaysTypescript on Pu"lici!ing the 3e* 4odge Cars5 162781629: 7To SiDes7, the story of ho he managedto secure nespaper coverage for the radio programs he developed to promote the odge (rothers' ne

    siDcylinder cars. The$ernays Typescript on Pu"lici!ing the :ashion Industry5 162;827: 7ats and

    Stockings7 and the$ernays Typescript on rt in the :ashion Industry5 162: 7(reakfast ith3oolidge7 shos that 5resident 3oolidge too as among his clients. (ernays as hired to improve

    3oolidge's image before the "#$? presidential election.8citation needed9

    /nother selection from his papers, the Typescript on Pu"lici!ing the Physical Culture Industry5 1627:

    7(ernarr 0acfadden7, reveals (ernays' opinion of the leader of the physical culture movement. Eetanother client, department store visionary &dard /. Filene, as the subGect of the Typescript on a$oston 4epart'ent Store &agnate. (ernays' Typescript on the I'portance of Sa'uel Strauss: 7"#$?

    5rivate ife7 shos that the public relations counsel and his ife ere fans of consumerism critic

    Samuel Strauss.8citation needed9

  • 8/10/2019 Edward Bernays Wikipedia Ing


    [edit] Campai"ns

    This list is inco'plete? you can help "y e@panding it.

    Some of the campaigns (ernays orked on:

    "#"2 (ernays as hired by the actor =ichard (ennettto protect a play that supported seD

    education against police interference. (ernays set up a front group called the 70edical =evieof =evies Sociological Fund7 +officially concerned ith fighting venereal disease- for the

    purpose of endorsing the play.8"C9

    "#"1 iaghilev's (allet =usses /merican tour convinced maga

  • 8/10/2019 Edward Bernays Wikipedia Ing


    as the most fashionable color. etters ere ritten to interior and fashion designers,

    department stores, and prominent omen of society pushing green as the ne hot color for the

    season. (alls, gallery eDhibitions, and indo displays all featured green after (ernays got

    through ith them. The result as that green did indeed become a very hot color for the "#2?season and ucky Strike kept their pack color and female clientele intact.

    !n "#2# he as the publicity director for the )e Eork World's Fair

    /fter his semiretirement in the "#A%s he orked ith antismoker layer John (an

  • 8/10/2019 Edward Bernays Wikipedia Ing


    fanaticism and selfinterest.7 /nd history shoed the fla in (ernays' identification of the

    7manipulation of the masses7 as a natural and necessary feature of a democraticsociety. The fascistrise

    to poer in ;ermany demonstrated that propaganda could be used to subvert democracy as easily as it

    could be used to 7resolve conflict.7

    !n his "#A1 autobiography, (ernays recalls a dinner at his home in "#22 here

    Narl von Wiegand, foreign correspondent of the earst nespapers, an old hand at interpreting

    &urope and Gust returned from ;ermany, as telling us about ;oebbelsand his propaganda plans

    to consolidate )a

  • 8/10/2019 Edward Bernays Wikipedia Ing


    Spea= up for de'ocracy? *hat you can doDa practical plan of action for eery 'erican


    :uture of priate enterprise in the post8*ar *orld+"#?$-

    4e'ocratic leadership in total *ar+"#?2-

    Psychological "lueprint for the peaceDCanada5 +S+++"#??-

    Pu"lic relations +"#?1-

    Ta=e your place at the peace ta"le+"#?1- hat the $ritish thin= of us? a study of $ritish hostility to 'erica and 'ericans and its

    'otiation5 *ith reco''endations for i'proing nglo8'erican relations+"#1%, coauthorith his ife oris Fleischman-

    ngineering of consent+"#11, contributor- @3311%1*?

    /our future in pu"lic relations+"#A"-

    $iography of an idea% 'e'oirs of pu"lic relations counsel+"#A1-

    Case for eappraisal of +S+ #erseas Infor'ation Policies and Progra's (Special Study)

    +"#C%-, by &dard . (ernays and (urnet ershey+editors-

    [edit] (ee alsoWiki>uote has a collection of >uotations related to:Edward Bernays

    3rod manipulation

    Spin +political-

    0ass psychology

    !saac (ernays +"C#$6"*?#- his grandfather

    /nne (ernays, his daughter

    Freud family, his relatives

    [edit] )otesThis article needs additional citationsfor %erification. 5lease help improve this articleby

    adding citations to reliable sources.4nsourced material may bechallengedand removed. (July2011)

    ". * The 3e* /or= Ti'es. http:PP.nytimes.comPbooksP#*P%*P"APspecialsPbernaysobit.html.

    $. * &en, Stuart +"##A-. 73hapter ": isiting &dard (ernays7.PE Social History #f Spin

    8Chapter 1. (asic (ooks. http:PP.bay.netPQdrstuPchapter.html .2. * 7&dard (ernays7. ) http:PP.nndb.comPpeopleP*%$P%%%""2?A2P.=etrieved


    ?. * 3olford, 5aul . 7/ (!=T/E S/4T& T@ T& F/T&= @F 54(!3 =&/T!@)S For

    !mmediate =elease: &dard (ernays !s "%%7,3e*sday, ecember 1, "##". /ccessed September"?, $%%#. 7Through most of his life, home base as 0anhattan, here (ernays gre up and

    graduated from 5 S "*? and eWitt 3linton igh School, then at "%th /venue and 1*th Street,

    before going on to 3ornell 4niversity.71. * seeistory of public relations

    A. * ((3. 7T& 3&)T4=E @F T& S&$go(v/.

    C. * &dard (ernaysPropaganda,$%%1 ed., pC"*. * 5ublic =elations=eference for (usiness

    #. * (utler, John 5..7/ Finding /id to the 3ollection in the ibrary of 3ongress7.Li"rary of

    Congress. http:PPfindingaids.loc.govPdbPsearchPD>Psearch0fer%$.D>I

  • 8/10/2019 Edward Bernays Wikipedia Ing


    A?"*e$. =etrieved /pril.

    "%.* 5eters, John urham Simonson, 5eter +$%%?-.&ass co''unication and 'erican social

    thought% =ey te@ts5 1616816F9. =oman ittlefield. pp. 1"61C.!S()#C*%C?$1$*!E3pgR5/1".

    "".* &dard (ernaysPropaganda +"#$*- p. "%

    "$.* 3utlip, Scott 0. +"##?-. The unseen po*er% pu"lic relations5 a history. . &rlbaum/ssociates. p. "*1.!S()%*%1*"?A?C.

    "2.* 7&verett ean 0artin and &dard . (ernays, ''/re We ictims of 5ropagandaI'' +ibrary of

    3ongress reproduction from The Forum 0aga

  • 8/10/2019 Edward Bernays Wikipedia Ing


    Stuart &en,PE Social History of Spin+"##A, !S() %?A1%A"A*%, +eDcerpt-

    3urtis, /dam +$%%*""$A-.73entury @f Self."" appiness 0achines7. ((3.!pu"k. =etrieved $%"%%$"$.

    7Freud's )ephe and the @rigins of 5ublic =elations7. )ational 5ublic =adio.

    http:PP.npr.orgPtemplatesPstoryPstory.phpIstory!dR?A"$?A?. =etrieved $%"%%$"$.

    0arvin @lasky column on his intervie ith (ernays at

    [edit] E+ternal links

    Wikisourcehas original orks ritten by or about:Edward Bernays

    The Father of Spin

    isiting &dard (ernays 3hapter " of a book by Stuart &en +"##A-

    Torches of Freedom ideo 3lip

    &dard . (ernays tells the story of 7Torches of Freedom7 in his on ords video clip "###

    0eet &dard (ernays +audio documentary-

    The &dard . (ernays papers, "#*$"##* +bulk "##2"##1-are located in the )ortheastern4niversity ibraries, /rchives and Special 3ollections epartment, (oston, 0/.

    $oo=notes intervie ith arry Tye on The :ather of Spin% d*ard L+ $ernays A The $irth ofPu"lic elations, September $%, "##*.


    )ame (ernays, &dard

    /lternative names

    Short description

    ate of birth "*#"""$$

    5lace of birth ienna, /ustria

    ate of death "##1%2%#

    5lace of death 3ambridge +0/-, 4nited States

    =etrieved from 7http:PPen.ikipedia.orgPPindeD.phpItitleR&dard(ernaysoldidR?*?%A2"127


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