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    問題 1 下線部(ア)(イ)を和訳しなさい。(15分) 1 5 10

    In 1969 a tired and discouraged President De Gaulle resigned over a minor issue, and within a year he was dead. For much of the older generation in France, and indeed throughout western Europe, the student revolution of 1968 signaled the end of illusions and the end of an era. Social stability and material progress had resulted in conflict and uncertainty. (ア)Under such conditions, all schemes for western European equality with the external superpowers---the United States and the Soviet Union---would have an air of unreality. The student protest of the 1960s, which peaked in 1968 but echoed well into the 1970s, was due to more than overcrowded classrooms and outdated courses. (イ) It reflected a rebirth of romantic revolutionary idealism, which repudiated the quest for ever more consumer goods as stupid and destructive. Student radicalism was also related to the Vietnam War, which led many students in Europe and America to convince themselves that Western civilization was immoral and imperialistic. Finally, the students of the late 1960s were a completely new generation: they had never known anything but prosperity and tranquility, and they had grown bored with both.

    In 1969 a tired and discouraged President De Gaulle resigned over a minor issue, and within a

    year he was dead. For much of the older generation in France, and indeed throughout western Europe, the student revolution of 1968 signaled the end of illusions and the end of an era. Social stability and material progress had resulted in conflict and uncertainty. (ア)Under such conditions, all schemes for western European equality with the external superpowers---the United States and the Soviet Union---would have an air of unreality. De Gaulle Charles An·dré Jo·seph Ma·rie ド・ゴール(1890-1970):フランスの将軍・政治家;第五共

    和政の初代大統領(1958-69). signal to be a sign that sth exists or is likely to happen: scheme a plan or system for doing or organizing sth: air [sing.] the particular feeling or impression that is given by sb/sth; the way sb does

    sth: The room had an air of luxury. * She looked at him with a defiant air. * There was an air of complete confidence about her.

    ポイント ■仮定法過去の文章。Under such conditions の部分が条件を示している。 ■過去の話ではあるが、語り手の現在の立場から推測して仮定をたてているので、仮




    良いでしょう。 In 1969 a tired and discouraged President De Gaulle resigned over a minor issue,

    and within a year he was dead. For much of the older generation in France, and indeed throughout western Europe, the student revolution of 1968 signaled the end of illusions and the end of an era. Social stability and material progress had resulted in conflict and uncertainty. (ア)Under such conditions, all schemes for western European equality with the external superpowers---the United States and the Soviet Union---would have an air of unreality.

    試訳 1969 年、疲れ果てて意欲を失ったドゴール大統領は、ささいな問題をきっかけに辞任し、一年も経たずに死んだ。フランスの、というよりも西ヨーロッパ全体の旧い世

    代の人間の大半には、1968 年の学生の革命は幻想の終わり、そして一時代の終わり

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    えることだろう。 The student protest of the 1960s, which peaked in 1968 but echoed well into the 1970s, was due

    to more than overcrowded classrooms and outdated courses. (イ) It reflected a rebirth of romantic revolutionary idealism, which repudiated the quest for ever more consumer goods as stupid and destructive. Student radicalism was also related to the Vietnam War, which led many students in Europe and America to convince themselves that Western civilization was immoral and imperialistic. Finally, the students of the late 1960s were a completely new generation: they had never known anything but prosperity and tranquility, and they had grown bored with both. due to ~ to sth/sb caused by sb/sth; because of sb/sth out-dated no longer useful because of being old-fashioned: reflect to show or be a sign of the nature of sth or of sb's attitude or feeling:

    Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community. * His music reflects his interest in African culture.

    romantic very imaginative and emotional; not looking at situations in a realistic way: a romantic view of life * When I was younger, I had romantic ideas of becoming a writer.

    repudiate to refuse to accept sth 類義語 reject to repudiate a proposal / suggestion * Socialism had been repudiated at the polls. * The West has chosen to repudiate all responsibility for these refugees.

    destructive causing destruction or damage: the destructive power of modern weapons * the destructive effects of anxiety * Opencast coal mining is among the most environmentally destructive activities carried out in Wales.

    radical in favour of thorough and complete political or social change: the radical wing of the party * radical politicians / students / writers

    ポイント ■ reflect をどう訳すか。「それは~を反映している」と直訳しても良いが、「そこには、~が現れている / 映し出されている」と訳したほうが判りやすい場合が多い。■romantic ○非現実的、夢想的な、現実離れした △ロマンチックな ×ロマン的な、ロマン主義的な :一般的な意味であることに注意 ■ which の先行詞を明らかにして訳すこと ■ repudiate の目的語が quest である点を明確に。the quest for ever more

    consumer goods が stupid and destructiveであるとして repudiateした。 as stupid and destructive は the questにかかる。

    The student protest of the 1960s, which peaked in 1968 but echoed well into the 1970s, was due to more than overcrowded classrooms and outdated courses. (イ) It reflected a rebirth of romantic revolutionary idealism, which repudiated the quest for ever more consumer goods as stupid and destructive. Student radicalism was also related to the Vietnam War, which led many students in Europe and America to convince themselves that Western civilization was immoral and imperialistic. Finally, the students of the late 1960s were a completely new generation: they had never known anything but prosperity and tranquility, and they had grown bored with both.

    試訳 1960年代における学生の反抗は 1968年に頂点に達したが、1970年代半ばまでその余波は続いた。その原因は単に学生数が施設に対して多すぎることや、古臭い科目課

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    であることを確信したのだ。結局、1960 年代後半の学生たちはまったく新しい世代の人間であったと言うこともできる。つまり、彼らは繁栄と平穏しか知らず、しかも


    問題 2 下線部を和訳せよ。(15分) 1 5 10 15

    Scientists usually are careful in drawing conclusions from their research. One of the purposes of drawing conclusions from data compiled in the course of research is the ability to apply the information gathered to other, similar situations. Problems thus may develop if there are faults in the research design. For example, the study must show validity--that is, the study must actually test what it was intended to test. If you want to say one event is the cause of another, you must be able to rule out other explanations to show that your research is valid. Suppose you conclude that marijuana use leads to heroin use. You must show that it is marijuana use and not some other factor, such as peer pressure or emotional problems that leads to heroin use.

    The study must also demonstrate reliability--that is, the findings of the study must be repeatable. To demonstrate reliability we must show that research can be replicated--repeated for the purpose of determining whether initial results can be duplicated. Suppose you conclude from a study that whites living in racially integrated housing projects, who have contact with African Americans in the same projects, have more favorable attitudes toward blacks than do whites living in racially segregated housing projects. If you or other researchers carry out the same study in housing projects in various cities throughout the country and get the same results, the study is reliable.

    Scientists usually are careful in drawing conclusions from their research. One of the purposes of drawing conclusions from data compiled in the course of research is the ability to apply the information gathered to other, similar situations. Problems thus may develop if there are faults in the research design. For example, the study must show validity--that is, the study must actually test what it was intended to test. If you want to say one event is the cause of another, you must be able to rule out other explanations to show that your research is valid. Suppose you conclude that marijuana use leads to heroin use. You must show that it is marijuana use and not some other factor, such as peer pressure or emotional problems that leads to heroin use. compile to produce a book, list, report, etc. by bringing together different items, articles,

    songs, etc validity the state of being logical and true:

    We had doubts about the validity of their argument. rule out to state that sth is not possible or that sb/sth is not suitable

    同意語 exclude Police have not ruled out the possibility that the man was murdered.

    Suppose … suppose/supposing (that) used when talking about a possible condition or situation, and then imagining the

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    result / たとえば、~だとしてみよう (仮定の条件をしめす) Look, suppose you lost your job tomorrow, what would you do? Supposing it really is a fire!

    peer pressure 仲間(周囲)からの圧力 Peer pressure is strong among young people (= they want to be like other people of the same age).

    Scientists usually are careful in drawing conclusions from their research. One of the purposes of drawing conclusions from data compiled in the course of research is the ability to apply the information gathered to other, similar situations. Problems thus may develop if there are faults in the research design. For example, the study must show validity--that is, the study must actually test what it was intended to test. If you want to say one event is the cause of another, you must be able to rule out other explanations to show that your research is valid. Suppose you conclude that marijuana use leads to heroin use. You must show that it is marijuana use and not some other factor, such as peer pressure or emotional problems that leads to heroin use.

    試訳 通常、科学者は、調査から結論を引きだす際に慎重を期す。調査の過程で積み重ねられたデータから結論を引き出すのは、ひとつには集めた情報が他の同様の状況に








    題ではない、ということが示せなくてはならない。 The study must also demonstrate reliability--that is, the findings of the study must be

    repeatable. To demonstrate reliability we must show that research can be replicated--repeated for the purpose of determining whether initial results can be duplicated. Suppose you conclude from a study that whites living in racially integrated housing projects, who have contact with African Americans in the same projects, have more favorable attitudes toward blacks than do whites living in racially segregated housing projects. If you or other researchers carry out the same study in housing projects in various cities throughout the country and get the same results, the study is reliable.

    findings information that is discovered as the result of research into sth 知見、所見、成果 replicate to produce exact copies of itself: duplicate to make an exact copy of sth housing projects

    a group of houses or flats/apartments built for poor families, usually with government money 公営住宅団地

    integrate to combine two or more things so that they work together; to combine with sth else in this way:

    ポイント ■ 下線部全体が、Suppose につながって、「たとえば~~だとしてみよう/仮定してみよう」という仮定を示している。例示の方法のひとつ。それを前提として、次の

    文で、「その場合もし~ならば」と仮定を重ねている。 ■ that 以下下線部の最後までが名詞節として conclude する内容を示している。 ■ housing projects は知らなければ難しいが、integrated と segregatedの対立は抑えておきたい。

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    ■ l.13 の that 以下では、whites が主語格それを living …projects と who …projects が修飾、whites (S)+ have[l.14末尾の](V)+ more favorable attitudes (O)という構文。 ■ more favorable attitudes….than do whites… という比較級, do = have で、living in racially segregated housing projects のwhites よりも好意的な態度を持つ、という意味。

    The study must also demonstrate reliability--that is, the findings of the

    study must be repeatable. To demonstrate reliability we must show that research can be replicated--repeated for the purpose of determining whether initial results can be duplicated. Suppose you conclude from a study that whites living in racially integrated housing projects, who have contact with African Americans in the same projects, have more favorable attitudes toward blacks than do whites living in racially segregated housing projects. If you or other researchers carry out the same study in housing projects in various cities throughout the country and get the same results, the study is reliable.

    試訳 また研究においては信頼性も示されなければならない。つまり研究の結果は何度も繰り返して示すことができることが必要だ。信頼性を示すためにはそっくり同じ調査を








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    問題 3

    次の文中の下線部を和訳しなさい。(10分) 1 5

    There is nothing which appears in a mirror, however, with which we can even begin to compare these discoveries. With one exception the mirror shows what we could just as easily see by looking around us. Without the aid of a mirror, however, we would be completely ignorant about the appearance of our own face. But in contrast to the microscope and the telescope which introduced human beings to a previously unknown class of objects, it did not require the invention of the mirror to familiarize us with the existence of the human face.

    There is nothing which appears in a mirror, however, with which we can even begin to compare

    these discoveries. With one exception the mirror shows what we could just as easily see by looking around us. Without the aid of a mirror, however, we would be completely ignorant about the appearance of our own face. ignorant lacking knowledge or information about sth; not educated ポイント ■(l.1) which appears in a mirror と with which we…discoveriesの二つの

    which節はともにnothing にかかる。 ■can even begin to compareは、「比較をともかくはじめてみることだけでも可能な」 ■these discoveries は前の部分がないので何を指しているのかわかりづらいが、最後まで読むと、microscopeや telescopeによって「発見されたもの」=「はじめて見えるようになったもの」という意味であることがわかる。

    試訳 しかし、鏡に映るものでこれらの発見にたとえわずかでも比較できそうなものはない。ひとつの例外を除けば、鏡に映るものはみな周りを見れば簡単にみつ


    ければそれがどんな風に見えるのか、まったくわからない。 But in contrast to the microscope and the telescope which introduced human beings to a previously unknown class of objects, it did not require the invention of the mirror to familiarize us with the existence of the human face. introduce to make sb learn about sth or do sth for the first time:

    The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course. class a group of people, animals or things that have similar characteristics or

    qualities 類、分類、レベル familiarize to learn about sth or teach sb about sth, so that you/they start to understand

    it: But in contrast to the microscope and the telescope which introduced human

    beings to a previously unknown class of objects, it did not require the invention of the mirror to familiarize us with the existence of the human face.

    ポイント ■ in contrast to がわかっているか。(l.5)whichの先行詞は the microscope and the telescope ■previously unknown class of objects つまり顕微鏡によってそれまで(小さすぎて)知られていないような種類の物体がわかるようになり、また望遠鏡に

    よっても(遠すぎて)知られていなかった類(class)の物体の存在がわかるようになった、ということ。 ■ it (l.6)は to 以下を意味する。to 以下するために、the invention of the mirrorを必要そしたわけではない。

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    ■この下線部ではmicroscope, telescopeとmirrorが対比されている。 その対比関係がよくわかる訳文になっているか。

    ■ introduce と familiarize がここではほぼ同義であることに気づいているか。

    試訳 〔直訳〕しかし、以前は知られていなかった種類の物体の存在を人間に知らせてくれた顕微鏡や望遠鏡とは対照的に、人間の顔の存在を知らしめるために鏡

    の発明が必要とされたのではない。 〔別訳〕 とは言っても、顕微鏡や望遠鏡によって人類がそれまでは知らなかったような



    問題 4

    次の文は第一次大戦後のヨーロッパについて述べたものです。文中の下線部(ア),(イ)を和訳しなさい。 (15分) 1 5 10

    Christianity and religion in general had been on the defensive in intellectual circles since the Enlightenment, especially during the late nineteenth century. (ア)But the loss of faith in human reason and in continual progress now led to a renewed interest in the Christian view of the world in the twentieth century. A number of thinkers and theologians began to revitalize the fundamentals of Christianity, especially after World War One. They had a powerful impact on society. Sometimes described as Christian existentialists because they shared the loneliness and despair of atheistic existentialists, they revived the tradition of Saint Augustine. They stressed human beings' sinful nature, the need for faith, and the mystery of God's forgiveness.

    This development was a break with the late nineteenth century. (イ)In the years before 1914, some theologians, especially Protestant theologians, had felt the need to interpret Christian doctrine and the Bible so that they did not seem to contradict science, evolution, and common sense. Christ was therefore seen primarily as the greatest moral teacher, and the "supernatural" aspects of his divinity were strenuously played down.

    Christianity and religion in general had been on the defensive in intellectual circles since the Enlightenment, especially during the late nineteenth century. (ア)But the loss of faith in human reason and in continual progress now led to a renewed interest in the Christian view of the world in the twentieth century. the Enlightenment

    a period in the eighteenth century when many writers and scientists believed that science and knowledge, not religion, could improve people's 啓蒙時代

    on the defensive trying to protect yourself because someone is criticizing you 守勢に回る、自己弁護に追われる

    lead to to cause something to happen or cause someone to do something the events that led to the start of the First World War

    Christianity and religion in general had been on the defensive in intellectual circles since the Enlightenment, especially during the late nineteenth century. (ア)But the loss of faith in human reason and in continual progress now led to a renewed interest in the Christian view of the world in the twentieth century.

    ポイント ■下線部 the loss of faith ……progress が主部 ■ faith in human reason

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    (faith) in continual progress ■ lead to の訳。「つながる」「結びつく」 ■ loss of faith や renewed interest と言った名詞句を訳では動詞的に訳すのもひとつの方法 ■chronological (時間順、年代的な)記述。前の文からの流れから考えて、下線部最後の in the twentieth century は文章全体にかかる。

    試訳 啓蒙期以降、キリスト教だけでなく宗教一般が、知識人の間では不評でとかく守勢に回っていたが、19 世紀後半になると特にその傾向は顕著なものとなった。しかし、20 世紀になって人間の理性と絶えることのない進歩に対する信頼が失われると、キリスト教的世界観に対して新たな関心が呼び起こされたのである。

    A number of thinkers and theologians began to revitalize the fundamentals of Christianity, especially after World War One. They had a powerful impact on society. Sometimes described as Christian existentialists because they shared the loneliness and despair of atheistic existentialists, they revived the tradition of Saint Augustine. They stressed human beings' sinful nature, the need for faith, and the mystery of God's forgiveness. theologian

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    opposite of the other one divinity the state of being a god, or the quality of being like a god:

    ・After 1946, the Emperor no longer claimed divinity. strenuous active and determined:

    ・Fernandez was approved as director over the strenuous objections of the faculty.

    play sth down to try to make something seem less important than it really is: ・The White House is trying to play down the latest scandal.

    This development was a break with the late nineteenth century. (イ)In the years before 1914, some theologians, especially Protestant theologians, had felt the need to interpret Christian doctrine and the Bible so that they did not seem to contradict science, evolution, and common sense. Christ was therefore seen primarily as the greatest moral teacher, and the "supernatural" aspects of his divinity were strenuously played down.

    ポイント ■(l.10) This…century. 直訳すれば、「このような展開は、19世紀後半とはまったく断絶したものだった」 ■下線部 In the years before 1914 なので had felt と過去完了(大過去)が用いられている。ll.5-6 に after World War One と示されているので、この文章の時点は、(第一次世界大戦の終わった)1918年以降に置かれている。 ■ so that …… なので「~となるように」(この場合は that 以下にnotがあるので、「~しないように」 ■ were strenuously played down = はっきりと軽視されていた→「ほぼ無視されていた」

    試訳 このような展開によって 19 世紀後半とはまったく異なる事態が生まれた。1914年以前は、神学者、特にプロテスタントの神学者たちはキリスト教の教理や聖書を




    問題 5

    1) 次の文中の下線部(ア)を和訳しなさい。 2) 下線部(イ)はどのような状況を意味するのか、文脈に沿ってわかりやすく説明しなさい。 両方で(10分) 1 5

    Great social transformations mark both an end and a beginning. In the structural changes of the past twenty years, Americans have struggled to define which elements of their lives have been destroyed forever and which are in the process of being created. (ア)Swiftly fading from mind are the industrial prosperity that was guaranteed by U.S. dominance in the world economy and a shared middle-class way of life that was accessible by work and skill. In their place rise alternate images of great wealth, insecurity, and (イ)fragmentation.

    Great social transformations mark both an end and a beginning. In the structural changes of the past twenty years, Americans have struggled to define which elements of their lives have been destroyed forever and which are in the process of being created.

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    mark SHOW A CHANGE◀ [transitive] to be a sign of an important change or an important stage in the development of something Her latest novel marks a turning point in her development as a writer. / The move seemed to mark a major change in government policy. / These elections mark the end of an era.

    ポイント ■最初の文 (直訳)「大きな社会の変動は、ひとつの終わりとひとつの始まりを示す」→「大規模な社会変動は、あることを終わらせ、あることを始めさせる」 ■have struggled 現在完了(継続)であることに注意 ■define の目的格として which…forever / which … created という二つのwhich 節がしたがっていることに注意。 ■あとのほうのwhich (l.3)の後ろには elements of their lives が省略されている。

    試訳 大規模な社会変動は、ある事態に幕を引き、別の状況を生み出す。過去の 20年間の構造変化のなかで、アメリカ人は自分たちの生活のうちどのような要素が永遠


    (ア)Swiftly fading from mind are the industrial prosperity that was guaranteed by U.S. dominance in the world economy and a shared middle-class way of life that was accessible by work and skill. fade to gradually disappear:

    ・Hopes of an early end to the strike are beginning to fade. ・Over the years her beauty had faded a little.


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    試訳 そして、それに代わって現れているのは、莫大な富の一方で社会不安が広がり、そして皆孤立化してばらばらになっているというイメージである。


    ■fragmentation「 細分化、断片化」という意味だが、 ・何がどのような細分化しているのか、明確にする。 ・前文と対比的に書かれている点に注意。前文の内容を利用して書く。

    (イ) 解答例 経済繁栄による安定した中流の生活、というイメージを共有できなくなり、経済面でも生活様式の面でも社会階層の細分化、個別化が目立つような状況

    問題 6

    次の文章を読み、下の設問に答えなさい。(15分) 1 5 10 15

    If you close your eyes and think about it for a while, as philosophers have done for centuries, the world of the mind seems very different from the one inhabited by our bodies. The psychic space inside our heads is infinite and ethereal; it seems obvious that it must be made of different stuff than all the other organs. Cut into the body, and blood pours forth. But slice into the brain, and thoughts and emotions don’t spill out onto the operating table. Love and anger can’t be collected in a test tube to be weighed and measured. René Descartes, the great 17th century French mathematician and philosopher, enshrined this metaphysical divide in what came to be known in Western philosophy as mind-body dualism. Many Eastern mystical traditions, contemplating the same inner space, have come to the opposite conclusion. They teach that the mind and body belong to an indivisible continuum. In the past, doctors and scientists have tended to dismiss (A)that view as a nonsense, but (B)the more they learn about the inner workings of the mind, the more they realize that in this regard at least, the mystics are right and Descartes was dead wrong. 設問1 (A)はどのようなことを表すか、日本語で答えなさい。 設問 2 下線部(B)を和訳しなさい。

    If you close your eyes and think about it for a while, as philosophers have done for centuries, the

    world of the mind seems very different from the one inhabited by our bodies. The psychic space inside our heads is infinite and ethereal; it seems obvious that it must be made of different stuff than all the other organs. Cut into the body, and blood pours forth. But slice into the brain, and thoughts and emotions don’t spill out onto the operating table. Love and anger can’t be collected in a test tube to be weighed and measured. mind 1.the part of a person that makes them able to be aware of things, to think and

    to feel: 2. your ability to think and reason; your intelligence; the particular way that sb thinks intellect の同意語: ■この2の意味で用いられた場合は「感情」の生まれる場所(日本語で言う「心」)

    というよりは、「知的機能/知性」(日本語で言う「頭」に近い)を指す。 to have a brilliant / good / keen mind

    参考 heart the part of the body where the feelings and emotions are thought to be, especially those connected with love: She has a kind heart. * Have you no heart? *

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    ■mind に比べ、「感情」との結びつきが強い inhabit to live in a particular place psychic (formal) connected with the mind rather than the body ethereal extremely delicate and light; seeming to belong to another, more spiritual,

    world: stuff used to refer to a substance, material, group of objects, etc. ポイント ■この文章はいわゆる「心身(精神と肉体)問題」を扱っている。mind と body が

    対比されていることをこの部分からまずつかみたい。 ■そのうえで、ここでは精神の非実体的(非物質的)性質が強調されている。 ■(l. 4) different … than ,この than は from と同じ ■(l.4-5) Cut into the body / But slice … ともに、「~してごらん」という命令

    形と考えても良いし、先頭に If you を補って考えても良い。

    If you close your eyes and think about it for a while, as philosophers have done for centuries, the world of the mind seems very different from the one inhabited by our bodies. The psychic space inside our heads is infinite and ethereal; it seems obvious that it must be made of different stuff than all the other organs. Cut into the body, and blood pours forth. But slice into the brain, and thoughts and emotions don’t spill out onto the operating table. Love and anger can’t be collected in a test tube to be weighed and measured.

    試訳 何世紀にもわたって哲学者たちがしてきたように、目を閉じてしばらく考えてみると、精神の世界は肉体の中の世界とはまったく異なっているように思われてく





    りすることはできないのである。 René Descartes, the great 17th century French mathematician and philosopher, enshrined this metaphysical divide in what came to be known in Western philosophy as mind-body dualism. Many Eastern mystical traditions, contemplating the same inner space, have come to the opposite conclusion. They teach that the mind and body belong to an indivisible continuum. René Descartes デカルト(1596-1650):フランスの哲学者・数学者・物理学者.

    enshrine to make a law, right, etc. respected or official, especially by stating it in an

    important written document: These rights are enshrined in the country's constitution. / November 9, 1989 is already enshrined as a key date in 20th century European history. Ÿ形式張った語 …を(公式文書などに)正式に記す, 一般に記憶されている

    meta- higher; beyond: metaphysics * metalanguage いわゆる「メタレベル」の「メタ」。たとえばmetalanguageとは、言語について語るときの言葉(文法用語なども含まれる)

    divide a difference between two groups of people that separates them from each other:the North / South divide * the divide between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland

    dualism (philosophy) the theory that there are two opposite principles in everything, for example good and evil 二元論

    mind-body 心身二元論

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    dualism デカルトによれば,人間の身体もまた,心臓を一種の熱機関とするきわめて精巧な自動機





    精神の受動passion が情念 passion であり,情念のメカニズムは体内の動物精気の動きに






    mystical having spiritual powers or qualities that are difficult to understand or to explain: mystical forces / powers *

    tradition a belief, custom or way of doing sth that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people; a set of these beliefs or customs:

    contemplate to think deeply about sth for a long time: indivisible that cannot be divided into separate parts: continuum a series of similar items in which each is almost the same as the ones next to it

    but the last is very different from the first 連続体 (すこしづつ変化しながらもはっきりとした切れ目がなく続いているも

    の。虹などのスペクトラムもそのひとつ) It is impossible to say at what point along the continuum a dialect becomes a separate language.

    ポイント ■divide (l.9) は名詞 ■ in (what came to be known in Western philosophy as) mind-body dualism と、括弧に入れて考える。「this metaphysical divide をmind-body dualism として(中に= in )はっきりと書きとめた(enshrined)。」 ■what came to be known [in Western philosophy] as 「西洋哲学において(mind-body dualism)として知られるようになったもの」 ■ René Descartes, the great 17th century French mathematician and philosopher, enshrined this metaphysical divide in what came to be known in Western philosophy as mind-body dualism. 直訳:「17世紀フランスの偉大な数学者であり物理学者であったルネ・デカルトは、この形而上的な分裂を、西洋哲学


    出した」 ■contemplating the same inner space 分詞構文 ■divide のないのが continuumです。 ■このパラグラフでは西洋の心身二元論と対比する形で東洋の一元論が紹介され


    René Descartes, the great 17th century French mathematician and philosopher, enshrined this metaphysical divide in what came to be known in Western philosophy as mind-body dualism. Many Eastern mystical traditions, contemplating the same inner space, have come to the opposite conclusion. They teach that the mind and body belong to an indivisible continuum.

    試訳 17 世紀フランスの偉大な数学者であり物理学者であったルネ・デカルトはこの形而上的な分裂を明確に指摘し、それが西洋哲学において心身二元論として知られ

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    不可能だというのである。 In the past, doctors and scientists have tended to dismiss (A)that view as a nonsense, but (B)the more they learn about the inner workings of the mind, the more they realize that in this regard at least, the mystics are right and Descartes was dead wrong. dismiss to decide that sb/sth is not important and not worth thinking or talking about nonsense ideas, statements or beliefs that you think are ridiculous or not true mystic a person who tries to become united with God through prayer and

    MEDITATION and so understand important things that are beyond normal human understanding ※ここでは「超越的」としたが(やや苦しい)、つまり人間の理性による合理主義


    な理解の仕方)を重視するというような意味。 dead completely; exactly:

    You're dead right! 君はまったく正しい! ポイント ■dismiss … as --- =「…を---だとして退ける」

    ■that view は東洋の ■the more…the more…の構文がわかっているかどうか。 ■in this regard が心身問題(一元論か二元論かという問題)を指すことが理解できているか(訳文で内容を書く必要はないが) ■dead がwrongを修飾する副詞だとわかったかどうか。

    In the past, doctors and scientists have tended to dismiss (A)that view as a nonsense, but (B)the more they learn about the inner workings of the mind, the more they realize that in this regard at least, the mystics are right and Descartes was dead wrong.

    試訳 これまで医師や科学者達はそのような考え方を馬鹿げたものだと退けるのが普通だった。しかし、彼らが人間の頭の中の働きについて知れば知るほど、少なくとも


    とがより明らかになってくるのである。 (A)ポイント ■that view とは東洋のmysticsたちの心身一元論を指す。したがって、それを説

    明する(ll.9-10)that the mind and body belong to an indivisible continuum.の部分を訳して示せば良い。

    (A)解答例 A) 精神と肉体はひとつながりになっており、切り分けることができないという考え方。

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    問題 7 下線部(ア)、(ウ)を和訳し、また下線部(イ)の内容を説明しなさい。(30分) 1 5 10 15 20 25

    (ア)Technology has been a fact of human life as long as there have been human lives. From the time that human beings emerged as a separate species on this earth, they have been trying to control to manipulate to exploit and sometimes even to subdue the earth with tools. Technological change has occurred so rapidly in the twentieth century that we sometimes think of ourselves as living in a characteristically technological age, surrounded as we are by automobiles and superhighways, skyscrapers and plastics, and more technological than any of our ancestors. In all times and all places human beings have attempted in some fashion to use tools to control the natural environment in which they were living and this is as true of the human beings who first learned how to rub two stones together to make a spark as it is of those who subsequently created the atomic bomb. We like to think that in times past people lived more "natural" lives than we do today, but in point of fact, log cabins, tepees, and grass huts are as "artificial" as hydraulic cement, atomic bombs, antibiotics, and computers. They are all equally products of human hands, of human artifice of making things, of homo faber. (イ)That is why we should be suspicious whenever we see the labels "handmade" or "natural" on a product, no matter what that product may happen to be, no matter how "old-fashioned" it may happen to look or feel or taste. All products are both handmade and natural because all human beings are naturally equipped to make things with their hands. Is a piece of cloth more handmade because it has been woven on a wooden loom rather than a metal one? Is bread that has been baked in a wood-fired brick oven more natural than bread baked in a metal oven fired by "natural" gas? And when we actually do encounter something that is more handmade than something else why do we assume instantly that the former is better than the latter? (ウ) Studying the history of technology may help us to understand why so many people seem to believe that being handmade and natural somehow means simultaneously both "better" and "traditional."

    Technology has been a fact of human life as long as there have been human lives. From the time that human beings emerged as a separate species on this earth, they have been trying to control, to manipulate, to exploit and sometimes even to subdue the earth with tools. Technological change has occurred so rapidly in the twentieth century that we sometimes think of ourselves as living in a characteristically technological age, surrounded as we are by automobiles and superhighways, skyscrapers and plastics, and more technological than any of our ancestors. a fact of life a situation that cannot be changed, especially one that is unpleasant:

    人間が生きていくうえで避けられない(厳然たる、否定しがたい)事実 It's a fact of life that some people will always be racist.

    subdue to bring sb/sth under control, especially by using force 同意語 defeat

    ポイント ■ technology が a fact of human life であった、ということは、「technologyが human lifeの中の否定できない事実であった」→「まぎれもない事実としてそこにあった」→「そこにあったのは決して否定できない」 ■as long as は「~である限りは」ということだが、ここでは「human lifeと同じ長さ=始まってこのかたずっと」 ■(l.4) Technological change has …以下の文、so (rapidly)…… that というso…that 構文がつかめていたか。

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    ■(l.5) think of … as --- = 「…を---と考える、みなす」という構文がつかめたか。 ■think of ourselves as living……plastics and (as) more technological than any of our ancestors 赤字の部分は並列

    Technology has been a fact of human life as long as there have been human lives. From the time that human beings emerged as a separate species on this earth, they have been trying to control, to manipulate, to exploit and sometimes even to subdue the earth with tools. Technological change has occurred so rapidly in the twentieth century that we sometimes think of ourselves as living in a characteristically technological age, surrounded as we are by automobiles and superhighways, skyscrapers and plastics, and more technological than any of our ancestors.

    試訳 人間の生活が始まってこのかたずっと、科学技術は常にその一部としてあった。人類は、独立した種として地球に登場して以来、道具を用いることでこの地球





    いると思いがちだ。 In all times and all places human beings have attempted in some fashion to use tools to control the natural environment in which they were living and this is as true of the human beings who first learned how to rub two stones together to make a spark as it is of those who subsequently created the atomic bomb. We like to think that in times past people lived more "natural" lives than we do today, but in point of fact, log cabins, tepees, and grass huts are as "artificial" as hydraulic cement, atomic bombs, antibiotics, and computers. They are all equally products of human hands, of human artifice of making things, of homo faber. in some fashion = in some way 何らかの方法で、形で subsequently afterwards; later; after sth else has happened:

    The original interview notes were subsequently lost. in point of fact used to say what is true in a situation: 実は

    In point of fact, she is their adopted daughter. tepee a type of tall tent shaped like a CONE, used by Native Americans in the

    past hydraulic moved through pipes, etc. under pressure:

    hydraulic fluid 水力の、水圧の、hydraulic cement 水硬性セメント antibiotic 抗生物質 artifice 工夫、考案 ポイント ■(l.9) and this is ……bomb までの部分について、

    this is as true of [ the human beings who…] as it is[true] of [ those who… ] の対応関係が理解できたか。 ■(l.13) They = log cabins, tepees, grass huts から hydraulic cement, atomic bombs, antibiotics and computer まですべて ■homo faber ラテン語で「作るヒト」(人間のことをhomo sapiens「考えるヒト」と言うのと同じ言い回し。「作る」ことが人間を他の動物を分ける大きな

    特徴だとしたもの。) In all times and all places human beings have attempted in some fashion to

    use tools to control the natural environment in which they were living and

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    this is as true of the human beings who first learned how to rub two stones together to make a spark as it is of those who subsequently created the atomic bomb. We like to think that in times past people lived more "natural" lives than we do today, but in point of fact, log cabins, tepees, and grass huts are as "artificial" as hydraulic cement, atomic bombs, antibiotics, and computers. They are all equally products of human hands, of human artificeof making things, of homo faber.

    試訳 時代と場所を問わず、人間はこれまで道具を用い、なんらかの方法で自分の住んでいる自然環境を統御しようとしてきた。その点では、二つの石をこすりつ






    よって、「作るヒト」によって生み出された製品なのである。 That is why we should be suspicious whenever we see the labels "handmade" or "natural" on a

    product, no matter what that product may happen to be, no matter how "old-fashioned" it may happen to look or feel or taste. All products are both handmade and natural because all human beings are naturally equipped to make things with their hands. equip to provide yourself/sb/sth with the things that are needed for a particular

    purpose or activity ポイント ■最初の文 That is why we should be suspicious 「それが私たちが疑ってか

    かるべき理由である」という部分に whenever…..product (~するときはいつでも=~する場合には必ず) no matter what ……to be (何が~であろうが) no matter how ….. taste (いかに~であろうが) という三つの譲歩節が続いている。

    (イ)のポイント That は直前の文(前のパラグラフの最後の文)の内容を示すが、ただその文を訳すだけでなく、They(l.13)の内容など具体的に示したほうがわかりやすい。

    (イ)の解答例 ※昔の人が作った丸太小屋のようなものも、それが人間によって作られたものであるという点では原子爆弾などと同じく「人工的な」ものだということ。

    That is why we should be suspicious whenever we see the labels "handmade" or "natural" on a product, no matter what that product may happen to be, no matter how "old-fashioned" it may happen to look or feel or taste. All products are both handmade and natural because all human beings are naturally equipped to make things with their hands.

    試訳 だからこそ、私達は「手作り」とか「自然の」というラベルが製品に貼られているのを見たときには、その製品がどんなものであろうが、いかにその製品の




    Is a piece of cloth more handmade because it has been woven on a wooden loom rather than a metal one? Is bread that has been baked in a wood-fired brick oven more natural than bread baked in a metal oven fired by "natural" gas? And when we actually do encounter something that is more handmade than something else why do we assume instantly that the former is better than the latter? loom loom 機織機械、

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    ポイント ■ ここの3つの疑問文はすべて反語疑問文。「だろうか?」と訳せばよいのだが、否定的な意味合いが込められている点に注意。 ■最初の文、a piece of cloth についてwoven on a wooden loom の方が(woven on ) a metal one[=loom] よりもよりhandmade なのだろうか、という比較。because の後の it= a piece of cloth ■(l.21)の “natural” は、「(煉瓦の釜で薪を燃やして焼いたパンのほうが)たとえ「天然=natural」ガスであっても、金属製の釜で焼いたパンよりもより自然=naturalだというのだろうか?」というくらいの意味。複雑だが、natural という語が gasにも使われることを利用して、反語をもう一度ひねっている。 ■(l.21)And when…の文は、(l.22)のwhyの前にカンマを入れて考えるとわかりやすい。 ■(l.23) instantly =ただちに、即→ 反射的に、何も考えずに ■ the former= something more handmade

    the latter = something else

    Is a piece of cloth more handmade because it has been woven on a wooden loom rather than a metal one? Is bread that has been baked in a wood-fired brick oven more natural than bread baked in a metal oven fired by "natural" gas? And when we actually do encounter something that is more handmade than something else why do we assume instantly that the former is better than the latter?

    試訳 金属製の織機ではなく木製の手作りで織られたからできた布が手作りの度合いが高いのだろうか。薪をもやして煉瓦の釜で焼いたパンは「天然」ガスを使っ



    よりも良い、などと考えてしまうのだろうか。 Studying the history of technology may help us to understand why so many people seem to believe that being handmade and natural somehow means simultaneously both "better" and "traditional." simultaneous happening or done at the same time as sth else: 即座に、同時に ポイント ■主部はStudying the history of technology で無生物主語、動詞は help us

    to understand になる。直訳すると「科学技術史を学ぶことは…私たちが理解するのを助ける」となるが、主部が動名詞で行為を示す場合は、「科学技術史を

    学ぶと、……が理解できるようになるだろう」などと訳すとわかりやすい。 ■believe that 以下の節の主部は being handmade and natural、動詞はmeans

    試訳 科学技術史を学ぶと、手作りで自然なものは、すなわち「より良い」もので「伝統的だ」とともかく信じてしまうような人が多いのはなぜか、その理由が分っ


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    問題 8 次の文章を読んで下の問いに答えなさい。 (10分) 1 5

    Social thinkers writing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries could not have foreseen the invention of nuclear weaponry. But the connecting of industrial innovation and organization to military power is a process that dates back to the early origins of modern industrialization itself. That (ア)this went largely unanalyzed in sociology is an indication of the strength of the view that the newly emergent order of modernity would be essentially pacific in contrast to the militarism that had characterized previous ages. Not just the treat of nuclear confrontation, but the actuality of military conflict, form a basic part of the “dark side” of the modernity in the current century. 設問1(ア)this の指している内容を日本語で示しなさい。 設問 2 下線部を和訳しなさい。

    Social thinkers writing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries could not have foreseen the invention of nuclear weaponry. But the connecting of industrial innovation and organization to military power is a process that dates back to the early origins of modern industrialization itself. weaponry weapons of a particular type or belonging to a particular country or group

    nuclear weaponry / It is a highly-trained army, with very sophisticated modern weaponry.

    innovation a new idea, method, or invention innovation in recent innovations in English teaching

    organization a group such as a club or business that has formed for a particular purpose The public expect high standards from any large organization.

    date back to … =date from … phrasal verb to have existed since a particular time in the past The church dates from the 13th century. その教会の創建は 13世紀までさかのぼる。

    process a series of actions that are done in order to achieve a particular result Repetition can help the learning process. 過程、方法、流れ

    ポイント ■writing 直訳としては、「著作活動を行っていた」という意味。 ■could not have foreseen は仮定法過去完了 条件節は主部に含まれている。(もし in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuriesならば…) ■But 以下の文。 the connecting …..military powerまでが主部。その中でthe connecting of A to B =AをBに結びつける A= industrial innovation and (industrial) organization B=military power つまり「産業上の新技術と組織を軍事力に結びつける(転用する)」 ■date back to / date from(~[の時点]から存在する、~までさかのぼる)

    Social thinkers writing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries could not have foreseen the invention of nuclear weaponry. But the connecting of industrial innovation and organization to military power is a

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    process that dates back to the early origins of modern industrialization itself.試訳 19世紀後半から20世紀前半頃の社会思想家たちには、とても核兵器の発



    るものである。 That (ア)this went largely unanalyzed in sociology is an indication of the strength of the view that the newly emergent order of modernity would be essentially pacific in contrast to the militarism that had characterized previous ages. indication a sign, remark, event etc that shows what is happening, what someone is

    thinking or feeling, or what is true indication of Dark green leaves are a good indication of healthy roots. He gave no indication of his own feelings at all.

    emergent in the early stages of existence or development the emergent nations of the world

    modernity formal the quality of being modern a conflict between tradition and modernity

    pacific peaceful and loving or wanting peace a normally pacific community

    ポイント ■この文の主部はThat ……in sociology という節 ■this は前の文の process を指すが、解答としてはどういう process 過程、経緯か示すことが必要。つまり the connecting ……military powerまでが内容となる。 ■go unanalyzed 分析されないままになっている ■an indication of … ( of 以下)を示すものである/の証拠である ■(l.5)の that 以下は the view を修飾。その節の中で、(l.6)の that had …はmilitarismを修飾している。 ■ (l.6)の would be は過去における推測(過去における社会学者による推測)■ (ll.6-7) that had characterized previous ages. /previous ages とは「それ以前の時代=近代以前の時代」 だから had characterized と過去完了になっている。

    That (ア)this went largely unanalyzed in sociology is an indication of the strength of the view that the newly emergent order of modernity would be essentially pacific in contrast to the militarism that had characterized previous ages.

    (ア)this の内容 産業上の新技術と組織を軍事力に結びつける過程 試訳 この産業技術と組織が軍事活用される過程が社会学においてほとんど分析され


    特徴であった軍国主義的性格とは 180度異なって本質的に平和的なものとなるだろう、という思い込みがいかに強かったか、ということを示している。 別訳 産業における新技術と組織が軍事転用される過程は、社会学においてほとんど



    するものだ、という考えがいかに強かったか、ということが分かる。 Not just the threat of nuclear confrontation, but the actuality of military conflict, form a basic part of the “dark side” of the modernity in the current century.

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    actuality facts, rather than things that people believe or imagine

    ᅳsynonym realities / the grim actualities of prison life

    ポイント ■ Not just … but =Not only …… but also という構文 ■ Not just … conflictまでが主部。 ■ form a basic part 基礎的な部分を形成する=基層(底)にはある ■前の文とのつながりでいえば、「(近代社会は本質的に平和なものだ、という

    思い込みにも関わらず)実際には」と補って考えると良いでしょう・ 試訳 しかし今世紀においては、核と核の対立だけでなく、軍事紛争の現実性が、近


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    問題 9 次の文の下線部(ア)(イ)を和訳しなさい。(25分) 1 5 10 15 20

    It is almost an article of faith for many Americans that disputes should be settled by the disputing parties without outside interference. Parents often send their children back to the playroom or playground with instructions to settle fights for themselves. Relatives and friends can be heard to say, “'It's between the two of you. I’m not getting in the middle.” The Western view of intermediaries is reflected in the fate of Mercutio in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: When he tries to break up a sword fight between his friend Romeo and Romeo's enemy Tybalt, Mercutio is accidentally speared and killed, living just long enough to utter the now-famous curse "A plague on both your houses!' Even psychologists tend to regard it as a sign of maturity when someone settles disputes without third parties, whose intervention may be regarded as unhealthy and inappropriate enmeshment.

    Yet many peoples of the world expect conflicts to be resolved by intermediaries. (ア)This reflects an emphasis on harmony and interdependence: the tendency to see individuals as located inextricably in a social network, in contrast to Americans’ tendency to glorify independence and see the individual as the fundamental human unit. To manage disputes ranging from private family matters to public conflicts between villages, cultures develop habitual ethics and formal proceedings, just as we have assumptions about how to fight fair as well as legal trials. (イ)Some cultures have ways of settling private disputes that involve the participation of others: these can be formally ritualized events or informal ways of involving the community in settling disputes. We cannot simply adopt the rituals of another culture, but thinking about them can give us pause and perhaps even ideas for devising our own new ways to manage conflict.

    It is almost an article of faith for many Americans that disputes should be settled by the disputing parties without outside interference. Parents often send their children back to the playroom or playground with instructions to settle fights for themselves. Relatives and friends can be heard to say, “'It's between the two of you. I’m not getting in the middle.” article of faith something that you feel very strongly about so that it affects how you think or

    behave: 信仰箇条、信条、行動基準 dispute noun : a serious argument or disagreement party one of the people or groups who are involved in a (legal) argument or

    agreement ※弁護側とか、相手側、などというときの「側」にあたる。この場合は「(論争

    している)当事者同士」というほどの意味 settle to end an argument or solve a disagreement in the middle between two or more people or things

    get in the middle = 間に入る、介入する ポイント ■(l.1)の disputes は名詞、disputing parties の disputing は動詞の現在分詞で

    parties を修飾している。 ■can be heard to say 直訳すれば「と言っているように聞こえる」。そこから、「~とよく言いがちである」という意味になる。

    It is almost an article of faith for many Americans that disputes should be settled by the disputing parties without outside interference. Parents often send their children back to the playroom or playground with instructions to settle fights for themselves. Relatives and friends can be heard to say, “'It's between the two of you. I’m not getting in the middle.”

  • 自習問題集 解答と解説


    試訳 争いごとは、争っている当事者同士で解決すべきで外部から干渉してはいけない、と固く信じているアメリカ人は多い。子供たちが喧嘩していると、自分たち



    つもりはないからね」などと言ったりする。 The Western view of intermediaries is reflected in the fate of Mercutio in Shakespeare's Romeo and

    Juliet: When he tries to break up a sword fight between his friend Romeo and Romeo's enemy Tybalt, Mercutio is accidentally speared and killed, living just long enough to utter the now-famous curse "A plague on both your houses!' Even psychologists tend to regard it as a sign of maturity when someone settles disputes without third parties, whose intervention may be regarded as unhealthy and inappropriate enmeshment. intermediary a person or organization that tries to help two other people or groups to agree

    with each other: 仲裁者 Jackson acted as an intermediary between the two parties.

    Mercutio, Tybalt Romeo and Juliet を読んでください。 curse a swear word or words that you say because you are very angry

    He muttered a curse under his breath. enmeshment < enmeshed

    very involved in an unpleasant or complicated situation enmeshed in/with Congress worried about becoming enmeshed in a foreign war. enmeshment= involvement in an unpleasant or complicated situation

    unhealthy not normal or natural and likely to be harmful an unhealthy relationship

    ポイント ■The Western view of intermediaries が主部、「西洋人が仲裁者についてどのように考えているか」 ■is reflected in …… ~に映し出されている、現れている ■Mercutio 以下は Romeo and Juliet の内容を知っていれば非常によく分かる。 ■A plague on both your houses! A plague on …! は「~に呪いあれ」。戯曲の内容に沿って訳すならば「両家に呪いあれ」。ここから現在ではこの言葉が「ど

    っちもどっちだ!」という意味の慣用句になっている。 ■regard it as ... = it を…とみなす ■この it = when ……parties ■third parties (当事者以外の)第三者 ■whose の先行詞は third parties

    The Western view of intermediaries is reflected in the fate of Mercutio in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: When he tries to break up a sword fight between his friend Romeo and Romeo's enemy Tybalt, Mercutio is accidentally speared and killed, living just long enough to utter the now-famous curse "A plague on both your houses!' Even psychologists tend to regard it as a sign of maturity when someone settles disputes without third parties, whose intervention may be regarded as unhealthy and inappropriate enmeshment.

    試訳 西洋で仲裁者がどのように見られているか、ということは、シェイクスピアの『ロミオとジュリエット』に書かれたマーキューシオの運命によく表されてい



  • 自習問題集 解答と解説





    害で不適切な口出しだとみなされることがある。 Yet many peoples of the world expect conflicts to be resolved by intermediaries. (ア)This reflects an emphasis on harmony and interdependence: the tendency to see individuals as located inextricably in a social network, in contrast to Americans’ tendency to glorify independence and see the individual as the fundamental human unit. To manage disputes ranging from private family matters to public conflicts between villages, cultures develop habitual ethics and formal proceedings, just as we have assumptions about how to fight fair as well as legal trials. inextricably < inextricable

    two or more things that are inextricable are closely related and affect each other the inextricable connection between language and culture

    glorify to make someone or something seem more important or better than they really are films which glorify violence

    manage to succeed in dealing with problems, living in a difficult situation etc We didn't have the proper equipment, but we managed somehow.

    range to include a variety of different things or people in addition to those mentioned range from something to something The show had a massive audience, ranging from children to grandparents.

    proceedings an event or a series of things that happen We watched the proceedings in the street below.

    assumption something that you think is true although you have no definite proof ポイント ■下線部(ア) This reflects emphasis on … これも reflectをどう訳すか、工夫の余

    地あり。This は前の文を指す。直訳として「これは~についての強調を反映している」だがわかりにくい。「ここには、~に対する強調が現れている」→「こ

    れは~を強調しようとする姿勢の現れである」 ■ to see … as ~ = …を~と見る ■ as ( being ) located inextricablyと補って考える。 ■ To manage … village までは副詞句 「~に対処するために」 ■ 主部は cultures だが複数になっていることに注意。「それぞれの文化はそれぞれの ethics ~を作り上げてきた」と言う意味がこめられている。

    Yet many peoples of the world expect conflicts to be resolved by intermediaries. ( ア )This reflects an emphasis on harmony and interdependence: the tendency to see individuals as located inextricably in a social network, in contrast to Americans’ tendency to glorify independence and see the individual as the fundamental human unit. To manage disputes ranging from private family matters to public conflicts between villages, cultures develop habitual ethics and formal proceedings, just as we have assumptions about how to fight fair as well as legal trials.

    試訳 しかし、紛争を仲裁者によって解決してもらうことを期待する民族も世界には多くある。ここに現れているのは、お互いの調和と相互依存を重視する考え方で






  • 自習問題集 解答と解説



    れ考えを持っているのと同じである。 (イ)Some cultures have ways of settling private disputes that involve the participation of others: these

    can be formally ritualized events or informal ways of involving the community in settling disputes. We cannot simply adopt the rituals of another culture, but thinking about them can give us pause and perhaps even ideas for devising our own new ways to manage conflict. ritualize < ritual

    a ceremony that is always performed in the same way, in order to mark an important religious or social occasion

    give sb pause give somebody pause (for thought) to make someone stop and consider carefully what they are doing 立ち止まって考え直す an avoidable accident that should give us all pause for thought

    devise to plan or invent a new way of doing something She devised a method for quicker communications between offices.

    ポイント ■下線部(イ) (l.17) that involve the participation of others の節がかかっているのは、ways (disputes ではない) ■these = ways of settling private disputes ■can be … or ~は、「…の場合もあれば、~の場合もある」という意味。 ■(l.20) thinking 以下の部分、thinking about them が主部。 can give us pause and (can give us) even ideas for ■thinking about them(=the rituals of another culture) 「他の文化の持つ慣習について考えることは」pause と even ideas を与える。→「他の文化における問題解決の慣習的方法について考えてみることで、私たちは自分たちのやり方を


    出すための発想すら与えられることがある」 (イ)Some cultures have ways of settling private disputes that involve the

    participation of others: these can be formally ritualized events or informal ways of involving the community in settling disputes. We cannot simply adopt the rituals of another culture, but thinking about them can give us pause and perhaps even ideas for devising our own new ways to manage conflict.

    試訳 中には私的な争いを解決するのに、他人が加わって関与することで解決するような文化もある。これらの解決は正式な儀式として行われる場合もあれば、単に






  • 自習問題集 解答と解説


    問題 10 次の文を読んで下の問いに答えなさい(30分) (ア) 下線部(ア)について、’stereotypes’ と ‘their opposites’ の具体例として文中ではどのような事柄が挙

    げられているか、述べなさい。 (イ) 下線部(イ)を訳しなさい。 1 5 10 15 20 25 30

    Anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson was worried about her pregnancy, which took place in the Philippines where she had been doing research. After weeks on her back fruitlessly hoping to avert a premature delivery, she gave birth in a Manila hospital to the son she planned to call Martin, who died a few hours later. For her, the death of her baby was something that should not have happened, unthinkable, unbearable. However for the gentle Filipino nurses, the loss was sad but part of life, bound to happen from time to time. Their sympathy was firmly mixed with a cheerful certainty that she would be back next year with another baby.

    Her fieldwork in the village had allowed her to observe and compare responses to death. On the afternoon of Martin's birth, she described to her husband, Barkev, the way Filipinos would express their sympathy. "Don't expect to be left alone," she said, and "don't expect people tactfully to avoid the subject. Expect friends to seek us out and to show their concern by asking specific factual questions." Rather than a euphemistic handling of the event and a denial of the ordinary course of life, she advised him to be ready for the opposite. An American colleague . . . might shake hands, nod his head sadly, perhaps murmuring, "We were so sorry to hear," and beat a swift retreat; a Filipino friend would say, "It was so sad that your baby died. Did you see him? Who did he look like? Was he baptized? How much did he weigh? How long were you in labor?"

    ( ア )Stereotypes often conceal their opposites. In other contexts, Filipinos describe Americans as "brutally frank," while Americans find Filipinos frustratingly indirect and evasive. Yet in the handling of death, Filipinos behave in a manner that Americans might characterize as "brutally frank" and seem to go out of their way to evoke the expression of emotion, while Americans can only be called euphemistic and indirect, going to great lengths to avoid emotional outbreaks.

    If Bateson had not had experience with the culture of the village, the most caring behavior on the part of Filipino friends, genuinely trying to express concern and affection, would have seemed like a violation. (イ)To avoid breaking down in the face of sudden reminders of grief, she might have imposed a rigid self-control, which would have reinforced the belief that many Filipinos hold, that Americans don't really grieve; or she might have reacted with anger to the affront, losing valued friends.

    Anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson was worried about her pregnancy, which took place in the Philippines where she had been doing research. After weeks on her back fruitlessly hoping to avert a premature delivery, she gave birth in a Manila hospital to the son she planned to call Martin, who died a few hours later. For her, the death of her baby was something that should not have happened, unthinkable, unbearable. However for the gentle Filipino nurses, the loss was sad but part of life, bound to happen from time to time. Their sympathy was firmly mixed with a cheerful certainty that she would be back next year with another baby.

  • 自習問題集 解答と解説


    fruitless producing no useful results premature delivery 早産 bound to to be very likely to do or feel a particular thing

    Don't lie to her. She's bound to find out about it. ポイント ■something that should not have happened = 起きてはならなかったことが

    ら ■ (being) unthinkable, unbearable と補って考える ■ the loss は何を指すか。→子供を失うこと ■ part of life 人生の一部、とはどういうことか? 次の bound to happen from time to time もほぼ同じことを言っている。 ■Their sympathy was firmly mixed with a cheerful certainty that she would be back next year with another baby. つまり、 フィリピン人の看護婦たちはBatesonに同情しているが、その同情(sympathy)には cheerful certaintyが確かに混ざっている。/ that 以下は certaintyの内容を説明している。 cheerful certainty をどのように訳しだすか。 (直訳)彼女達の同情には、彼女が来年次の子供とともに戻ってくるという明

    るい確信がはっきりと混ざっていた。 (もう少し分かりやすく)同情しながらも、その一方で彼女が来年は次の子供



    Anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson was worried about her pregnancy, which took place in the Philippines where she had been doing research. After weeks on her back fruitlessly hoping to avert a premature delivery, she gave birth in a Manila hospital to the son she planned to call Martin, who died a few hours later. For her, the death of her baby was something that should not have happened, unthinkable, unbearable. However for the gentle Filipino nurses, the loss was sad but part of life, bound to happen from time to time. Their sympathy was firmly mixed with a cheerful certainty that she would be back next year with another baby.

    試訳 人類学者のマリー・キャサリン・ベイトソンは研究をしていたフィリピンで妊娠してしまい、不安にかられた。なんとか早産は避けられないだろうかと思










    Her fieldwork in the village had allowed her to observe and compare responses to death. On the afternoon of Martin's birth, she described to her husband, Barkev, the way Filipinos would express their sympathy. "Don't expect to be left alone," she said, and "don't expect people tactfully to avoid

  • 自習問題集 解答と解説


    the subject. Expect friends to seek us out and to show their concern by asking specific factual questions." tactful careful not to say or do anything that will annoy or upset other people:

    That wasn't a very tactful thing to say! specific detailed and exact =PRECISE:

    I gave you specific instructions. concern a desire to protect and help sb/sth:

    parents' concern for their children * I appreciate everyone's concern and help at this difficult time

    ポイント ■(l.9)からの文。主部は Her fieldwork in the village 動詞は had allowed。S + allow + sb +to~の構文。Sは誰々が~するのを許した、というのが直訳だが、この場合は特に Sの部分が無生物主語なので、「…のおかげで、誰々は~することができた」と訳すとわかりやすくなる。 ■had allowed と過去完了になっている点に注意。つまり出産以前に観察していたフィリピンの村人たちの死に対する反応について、Batesonは実際に自分の体験として確認することができたのである。 ■(l10.) described の目的語は the way (how) Filipinos would express their sympathy. ■seek us out 「(そっとしておかずに)わざわざこちらを探し出してきて」というのが直訳 ■specific factual question =「具体的な事実についての質問」

    Her fieldwork in the village had allowed her to observe and compare responses to death. On the afternoon of Martin's birth, she described to her husband, Barkev, the way Filipinos would express their sympathy. "Don't expect to be left alone," she said, and "don't expect people tactfully to avoid the subject. Expect friends to seek us out and to show their concern by asking specific factual questions."

    試訳 村で実地調査をしたおかげで、すでに�

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