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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017


Page 2: CRYSTALS AND PSYCHIC ABILITIES · Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017  Check out my Heart-Centered Protection Crystal

Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017

Hi! Thank you for downloading this free “Crystals and Psychic Abilities Quick Reference Guide”. In this manual, I share some of my favorite crystals for enhancing psychic abilities, or spiritual gifts, as I like to say! Before we continue, I would like to mention a few things that I find very important when working with crystals and psychic development. I’m basing these suggestions from my own personal experiences. I started this process back in 2012 and have hit a few bumps and turns along the way, so I feel inclined to make note of the following.

CRYSTAL USE We don’t NEED crystals in order to tap into our own inner knowing. We have all we need right there inside us. Crystals, however, are wonderful tools that we can use to alter our vibration, clear our energy field, and amplify energies. It’s kind of like trying to view the beautiful mountain on a foggy day. We need to clear away the fog in order to see the glorious view. Crystals can help clear away that debris so we can tap into this aspect of ourselves. They help us to be more aware of signs and synchronicities, see from various perspectives, and see the bigger picture. Through chakra healing and balancing, we can also remove energy blockages and clear the path, which may lead to heightened spiritual awareness and enhanced psychic abilities as well.


I find grounding to be crucial when developing our psychic abilities. Remember, a tree with weak roots, will fall. Hold that image for a while because it is truly very important. I personally love working with the Earth Star Chakra to maintain a strong connection to Mother Earth. The Root Chakra is great too, but when working on the upper chakras, the Earth Star seems to have a greater grounding effect.

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017

The Earth Star Chakra is located anywhere from 6 to 36 inches below the feet, aligned with the spine. That’s a very large difference but it’s important to try various techniques and distances, until you find what works specifically for you. The colors often associated

with this chakra are black, brown, and deep burgundy. Some crystal suggestions include: Hematite, Black Kyanite Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Chiastolite, Smokey Quartz, Garnet, Ruby, Petrified Wood, Picture Jasper, Shungite, Fire Agate, Black Onyx, Lodestone, etc. I also LOVE working with rocks. I find them to be very grounding. Check out this video Below are sample grounding layouts. In my opinion, nothing works better for grounding than walking barefoot on the grass or at the beach. You may also lay on the grass or beach in any of these crystal layouts. Sometimes, however, this isn’t an option and we can use crystals and other means to assist us. Grounding mats are available on the market and can be used to amp up your crystal healing and meditation sessions. The picture on the left shows the grounding mat being used with Black Tourmaline and Hematite. The picture on the right is Black Tourmaline above the head, below each foot, at the Earth Star Chakra, on the Heart Chakra, and one in each hand. Also shown is a Black Tourmaline bracelet and anklet.

Earth Star Chakra Ethereal Crystal Energy

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017


One of the most commonly asked questions regarding crystal use is, “What crystal can I use to open my third eye”. I highly recommend that if you are new to this arena that you start from the ground up. Be sure you are grounded and work your way up through the main chakras, clearing the path as you go. Have you ever tried to blow up a balloon that has a knot in it? It’s not a pretty sight is it? Take your time and work through the main chakras (Earth Star, Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. There are many more chakras depending on what school of thought you follow, but these are the common ones. Take your time to open up your spiritual gifts. Some folks will speed through this process, while others may need more time. This isn’t a race. I know you are excited. I was too when I started! But when we rush to open up a special gift, we may leave little remnants of wrapping paper or tape on the package, which could interfere with us truly embracing the gift. Check out my free chakra guided meditation video playlist

SPIRITUAL PROTECTION Safety first! Please be sure to cleanse your space, yourself, the crystals, and whatever other tools you may use in order to enhance your psychic abilities. There are MANY ways to do this, and how you choose to protect yourself, is totally up to you. Common methods include: smudging, sound, salt, and protective crystals such as Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Labradorite,

Nuummite, etc. I have many ideas and techniques listed on my website at

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017

Check out my Heart-Centered Protection Crystal Grid! This beauty includes: Black Tourmaline, Tibetan Quartz, Nuummite, Clear Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian, Rose Quartz and Labradorite. All crystals and candles were anointed with White Sage Essential Oil. To date, this is the most powerful crystal grid I have ever created. The Rose Quartz element played

a huge part, which leads me straight to the last important item that I wanted to mention….heart-centeredness.

HEART-CENTEREDNESS As with most aspects of our lives, being in a place of heart-centeredness is usually the best approach. If you are in a place of darkness, depression, anger, and so on, then I do not recommend trying to work on your psychic abilities. Crystals amplify energy. Energy isn’t biased. Basically what this means is that if you are in a really bad mood, Quartz crystals for example, may actually amplify that bad mood. This is surely not the case for everyone. I’m just pointing out that we should show caution. Working from a place of love helps us to tap into the divine within ourselves. I generally save the psychic work for days when I’m feeling happy, at peace, and in tune. Great crystals for this include: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Pink or Green Tourmaline, Rhodocrosite, Pink Danburite, Pink Calcite, Unakite, Epidote, Malachite, and many others.

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017


It’s time now to get on with some of my favorite crystals for psychic enhancement. Please remember to always use your inner guidance when working with and selecting crystals. What works for one, may not work for another and there is no “one size fits all”. I am not going to get into HOW to use these crystals in this quick reference guide, but I do stress the importance of meditation and establishing a connection with your crystal friend. That’s me above, holding my ginormous Labradorite! Talk about crystaliciousness! The following are some of my personal favorites! Labradorite – Psychic abilities, repels negative energies, repairs energy leaks, strengthens empathic abilities, etc. Check out an awesome Labadorite and Clear Quartz Crystal Grid at Auralite 23 - Astral travel, intuition, spiritual transformation and much more! Amethyst - Vision, intuition, spiritual transformation, dream recall, etc. More about Amethyst at Petrified Wood - Past life recall, past/childhood recall, grounding, and more. Black Obsidian - Scrying, grounding, protection, etc. Learn about scrying at Black Tourmaline – Protection, grounding, transmutes negative energies, etc.

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017

Fluorite – Intuition, focus, vision, grounds spiritual energies, etc. More about Fluorite at Septarian Nodule – Psychic enhancement, grounding, shamanic work, etc.

Celestite – Spirit and angel communication. Check out this lovely Celestite crystal grid. Lapis Lazuli - Lucid dreams, astral travel, clairvoyance, communication, and more. Angelite – Spirit and angel communication. Learn about my Angelite experience at

Sodalite - Akashic records, communication, spiritual development, etc.

Apophyllite - Connection to higher self and spirit, astral travel, divinity, clarity, etc. Learn more at Herkimer Diamond - Dream recall, lucid dreams, astral travel, etc. Herkimers are very high vibe Quartz crystals. Wowza! Lemurian Quartz - Connect to ancient times, angelic realm, increased clarity, heightened consciousness, and much more! Clear Quartz - Amplification, direct energies, great for all chakras, etc. Let’s just take a moment to absorb some of that massive Quartz energy above. Whoa baby! Learn more at

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017

CRYSTALS FOR PSYCHIC ENHANCEMENT (BY CHAKRA) Throat Chakra Crystals Blue Kyanite, Blue Calcite, Celestite, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Blue Chalcedony, Lapis Lazuli, Angelite, Tanzanite, Amazonite, Chrysocolla, Sodalite, Eilat Stone, Ajoite, Azurite, Blue Aventurine, Cavansite, Larimar, Labradorite, Blue Fluorite, Blue Lace Agate. Many Third Eye crystals will work wonderfully on the Throat Chakra too.

Third Eye Chakra Crystals Sugilite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Chevron Amethyst, Super 7, Brandberg Quartz, Auralite 23, Clear Quartz, Labradorite, lolite, Purpurite, Dumortierite, Lepidolite, Charoite, Lithium Quartz, Indigo Gabbro, Purple Smithsonite, Kyanite (indigo, blue), Fluorite (purple, blue, clear), Axinite, Lazulite, Azurite, Sodalite, Merlinite, Ulexite, Iceland Spar, Phenakite. Many Throat Chakra and Crown Chakra crystals work wonderfully on the Third Eye Chakra as well.

Crown Chakra Crystals Clear Quartz, Apophyllite, Auralite 23, Amethyst, Indigo Gabbro, Brandberg, Chevron Amethyst, Danburite, Charoite, Golden Healer, Stellar Beam Calcite, Herkimer Diamond, Lemurian Quartz, Lithium Quartz, Moldavite, Selenite, Phenakite, Spirit Quartz, Stilbite, Tanzanite, Tibetan Quartz, White Calcite, White Topaz, Scolecite, Fluorite (clear or purple), Candle Quartz, Iolite, Optical Calcite, Herderite, Nirvana Quartz, Heulandite, and more!

Download a FREE Crystal Chakra Layouts E-book at

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017

CRYSTALS for COMMUNICATING with ANGELS and SPIRIT GUIDES Many people are interested in establishing communication with spirit guides, angels, deceased loved ones, entities, etc. Now before I continue, let me say that it is really important that you protect yourself. Once you open up these channels, it can be hard to close or stop, so be prepared. Grounding is also crucial as mentioned earlier. I also like to point out that it is fun and interesting to receive messages from “beyond” but I highly recommend you take it all with a grain of salt. At the end of the day, follow your OWN intuition and internal compass. Be cautious of the advice of someone else, and that means spirit guides, angels, etc. Don't forget that saying, "If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.” We certainly do not need crystals to establish communication with angels, guides, and so on, but they surely make it easier. The crystals can help raise our vibrations and clear out energetic debris or blockages. Some great crystals include: Angelite - Strong angelic connection (Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras) Tanzanite - Higher realms Celestite - Increases communication and heightened consciousness Danburite - Very high vibe, Crown and Heart Chakras Amethyst - Third Eye and Crown Chakras, spiritual wisdom Apophyllite - Crown and upper Chakras. Phenakite - Very high vibrational crystal Selenite - Soft yet powerful, cleansing Labradorite - My go to stone for protection and enhanced psychic abilities

For a great angel and spirit guide communication crystal power pouch, visit

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017


Astral Projection is a topic that comes up often. There are various theories as to what it actually is. Some say it is when the Astral body leaves the physical body and travels the astral plane. Others believe it is another level of consciousness, but you aren’t really leaving the body. Of course there are those who say that this is all nuts and people like us belong in special psychiatric institutions. Yes, someone commented under one of my videos. Whatever it is, it is a wild experience! I also believe that some of our dreams are actually out of body experiences! There are many methods that will assist you in having an out-of-body experience (OOBE), another term for Astral Projection. The key is to try different techniques and find what works for you. The best advice I can give is to relax. You really have to clear your mind and let your body fall asleep, while keeping your mind awake. Crystals can help you achieve an OOBE and also provide you with protection and grounding. Some crystals include: Auralite 23, Amethyst, Herkimer Diamonds, Selenite, Labradorite, Apophyllite, Tanzanite, and more. Check out the video below to learn more about Astral Projection including tips, sensations, and crystal usage.

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017

ADDITIONAL VIDEOS AND RESOURCES FOR YOU TO CHECK OUT My entire playlist of videos related to crystals and psychic abilities Psychic abilities and crystals video Psychic boost crystal grid video Psychic boost ethereal crystal energy

Angel communication crystal grid

Ethereal crystal energy: communication with angels, spirit guides video Spiritual protection and cleansing video play list Ethereal crystal energy for spiritual protection video Ethereal crystal energy for grounding video

Cleansing and retuning crystals

Chakras and crystals

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017

Sensing crystal energy video Chakra products available at Crystal healing, coaching, and intuitive readings available at Online crystal store available at Variety of crystal mojo bags available at DISCLAIMER The information stated herein is for the purpose of accessing your own inner resources of healing energy through crystals and spiritual guidance. Never use crystal healing, any non-traditional complimentary healing method, or spiritual guidance, in lieu of obtaining professional medical or psychiatric help. If you believe you have a condition requiring medical or psychiatric treatment, please seek professional treatment immediately. The information and services provided here are not to be used to diagnose, heal, or cure. Re-Creative Resources Inc. is not liable for claims of any nature that may result from information provided herein, or from your failure to obtain professional medical, psychiatric or other professional help. You accept all risks and responsibilities concerning any actions as a result of using any information or services provided herein. This e-book is for your personal entertainment. ©2017 – Please do not share copies of this eBook. I appreciate if you tell others where they can get their own copy. Thank you for taking the time to review this material. I wish you much success on your spiritual journey! Blessings, Kim

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017

ABOUT KIM Hi, I am Kim Grandal. I am a mom, wife, friend, business owner, crystal lover, singer, among many other things. Most of all, I am simply ME. I know I am a natural crystal healer for I feel it in my being. I studied under Hibiscus Moon and received certification as a Certified Crystal Healer (CCH) and Advanced Crystal Master (ACM). I also studied under Ashley Leavy of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy where I received certification as a Certified Crystal Healer (CCH), Certified Crystal Reiki Master (CCRM) and Certified Stone Grids Practitioner (SGP). I continue to study and learn all I can about crystals, energy healing, and other spiritual/metaphysical concepts. I am also an intuitive, an empath, and I am claircognizant. I have some awesome Kimtuition, as I call it.

ABOUT RE-CREATIVE RESOURCES INC. Re-Creative Resources Inc. is a company dedicated to assisting those on a spiritual journey of wellness and joy. In 2006, I founded the company and offered consultation, education, and resources for those who enhance the lives of the elderly in various health-care settings. In 2012, the company expanded its services to include crystal resources and spirituality. Services include:

*An on-line crystal store with a variety of crystals and minerals. *Crystal healing - many types of sessions available. *Crystal Coaching - need some help learning about crystal healing? *Oracle, energy, crystal, and/or intuitive readings. *Wonderful resources to aid in the exploration and growth of one's spirituality. *Education, resources, training materials and products for Activity and Recreation Professionals who work with seniors and individuals with disabilities. Learn More/Contact/Links Website: FB Biz Page: YouTube: Email: [email protected]

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Crystals and Psychic Abilities: Quick Reference Guide ©Re-Creative Resources Inc. 2017

*SPIRITUAL JOURNEY JOURNAL* Directions: Use this sheet (make copies) to write down dreams, synchronicities, spiritual signs, meditations, crystal experiences, etc. Be sure to include the date, time, what is happening in your life at the moment, or any relevant information.

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