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Caring & Inspiring PSYCHIC SIGHT · Parapsychology is the study of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, and life after death. It uses scientific method experimenting with random

May 24, 2020



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Page 1: Caring & Inspiring PSYCHIC SIGHT · Parapsychology is the study of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, and life after death. It uses scientific method experimenting with random

PSYCHIC SIGHTCaring & Inspiring

Page 2: Caring & Inspiring PSYCHIC SIGHT · Parapsychology is the study of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, and life after death. It uses scientific method experimenting with random

Parapsychology is the study of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, and life after death. It uses scientific method experimenting with random number generators which are used to test for evidence of precognition and psychokinesis on humans and animals.

Parapsychology ExploredOne of the former most studiers of Parapsychology was J.B Rhine who famously coined the term ESP (extrasensory perception). He studied at The Society for Psychical Research which was founded in London in 1882. He was pivotal in the study of Parapsychology

and began to change the way studies were carried out. Rather than carrying out qualitative evidence for paranormal phenomena Rhine pursued a quantitative, statistical approach using cards and dice. This way soon became standard and interested researchers across the world adopted this approach.

Amongst the main disciplines that have

been studied by the society and within the realms of Parapsychology is Telepathy which is the ability to transfer information or thoughts and feelings between people using five classical senses. Clairvoyance, which is the ability to gain information about events or places by means of an unknown science. Precognition, which is the ability or skill to perceive information about future events before they even occur. Then there’s reincarnation which is the rebirth of a soul into a new physical body after death. Apparitional experiences are the phenomenon of ghosts and places where the deceased are thought to have been.

Some of the most famous Parapsychologists include Carl Reichenbach, Ciarán O’Keeffe, Stephen E. Braude, Jim B. Tucker & Hans Holzer.

The Unicorn is the universal symbol for mystics of enlightenment and spiritual transformation. Whilst its depiction often differs the mythology of it being a magnificent and elusive creature does not.

The oldest form of the Unicorn is probably the Chinese Ki-Lin in about 3000BC. Chinese symbolism describes it as one of the four spiritually endowed or auspicious creatures of the

Ssu Ling; it is the essence of all five elements whilst embodying both the male /female yin and yang.

In the west the Unicorn is strongly associated with the moon; it is nearly always coloured white or silver. The mythical creature represents purity, gentleness and strength of mind – the horn a symbol of enduring individuality and power.

The Unicorn is also closely associated with royalty and is prominent in heraldry, often opposite a lion representing both lunar and solar energies.


Wicca is a duo-theistic religion worshipping two deities - a God (typically horned) and a Goddess. The Goddess has three forms; the Maiden (enchantment, inception, expansion, the promise of new beginnings, birth, and youth), the Mother (ripeness, fertility, sexuality, fulfillment, stability, power and life) and the Crone (wisdom, repose, death, and endings). The Maiden is represented by the waxing moon, the Mother by the Full Moon and the Crone by the waning moon. The femininity of the Triple Goddess is counteracted by the masculinity of the Horned God which is associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle.

The lore of Wicca is made up of the traditions and teachings of the God and Goddess and is passed onto the members

Duo-theistic Religionby a grade system of three degrees. Each level is reached by studying a range of magical exercises and teachings. The equipment Wiccans use relate to the elements – fire, water, earth, air and spirit. Typically they would be a black hilted knife, wand, cauldron, pentacle and scarlet cord (garter).Wicca is a belief system and way of life which has been based on pre-Christian traditions. They follow a code of morality known as Wiccan Rede “An it harm none; do what ye will; if harm it does, do what ye must”. The Rede forms a major difference between the Wiccan religion and other types of witchcraft. White Magic is used by Wiccans to bring about real changes in the physical world relating to matters like healing, protection and fertility as well as banishing negative influences.

Wiccans have an overwhelming respect and admiration for the Earth and celebrate the elements throughout the year. They have eight festivals called Sabbats, collectively known as the Wheel of the Year, that are separated every six to seven weeks throughout the calendar year in which they celebrate the seasonal cycle of the Earth.

The best Lapis Lazuli stones have been mined from the steep Hindu Kush in north-east Afghanistan for 6,500 years. Nature also created deposits in the Chilean Andes and in Russia.

Lapis is the Latin word for stone and Azula means blue in Arabic. The gemstone was amongst the first to be used as jewellery; decorative chains and figures have been found at Predynastic Egyptian sites, and in Neolithic burials

grounds in Mehrgarh.

The Romans believed that Lapis was a powerful aphrodisiac. In the Middle Ages it was thought to keep the soul free from error, envy and fear. In other cultures Lapis Lazuli is regarded as a holy stone with magical powers – a symbol of truth.

Lapis lazuli is regarded as the stone of friendship and truth. Helping its wearer to be authentic and give his or her opinion openly. Used in meditation it can bring matters more clearly to the mind.

Lapis Lazuli

Page 3: Caring & Inspiring PSYCHIC SIGHT · Parapsychology is the study of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, and life after death. It uses scientific method experimenting with random


Adam is a medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient. He comes from a psychic family bloodline and has been gifted from childhood. He has been president of his church for 5 years and does many platform demonstrations in and out of his local area. His background has seen him studying Wicca/Pagan beliefs, mythology, astrology and kabbalah as part of his lifelong spiritual development.

As a spiritual adviser he undertakes dream analysis, uses crystals and is a pet medium. Adam has worked hard for many years helping people with a wide range of problems. Adam will tune in to your environment, aura and energies to help you find direction.

our readersThis is a selection of our Elite Readers, each as individual as you are. Detailed is their Personal Identification Number. Quote this number to the Receptionist when you call.

4774helenFrom the age of 10 I have been able to hear and sense spirit world. I consider myself to be a natural clairvoyant medium with clairsentient and trance abilities. I have many interests including Art, Photography and Music with a love of travel and experiencing different cultures and ways of life across the world and my future ambition is to travel much more widely.

Another interest of mine is Astronomy. I find it absolutely fascinating to be aware that all the time around us and above is the solar system everything is constantly changing and developing. New information is frequently being discovered. I feel it is an important aspect of our being, altogether giving a much bigger picture.


Hi everyone I’m Yianna, I am a spiritualist clairvoyant, astrologer, and tarot reader and I also have a PhD in criminal psychology. I have been a professional clairvoyant for over 25 years now.

The beauty of being a Clairvoyant and a Psychologist is that when clients ring me for a reading, I can combine my skills to get the clearest insight... This is especially helpful when I focus on relationship issues, particularly when it comes to how we communicate with each other. Human behaviour is the most interesting subject of all, so if you have a problem with someone’s attitude, lack of communication, lack of trust, insecurity, give me a call - I’m a very down to earth reader.


Hi I’m Wanda and have been working with spirit all my life. I have carried my psychic ability from childhood and was encouraged by my mother who also was gifted. My aim is to help bring insight and clarity into your life at those difficult times. When relationships fall apart it’s hard to understand why and even more difficult to see a way ahead.

Let me, together with spirit help you understand your loved ones more. I can also help with work issues and bring insight especially in times of stress and anxiety. We meet certain people for a reason and we attract challenges into our lives to better ourselves but sometimes it is impossible to see why. Let me help you make sense of times like this and with spirit see what your life’s path is. I am a natural clairvoyant and clairaudient with an interest in dreams, magic, numerology and astrology.


Katy has over 12 years of experience as a clairvoyant medium and her credits have included TV work, reading for various minor celebrities, magazine work and horoscopes. Katy has taught students how to develop their own psychic ability and she is gifted in many areas such as clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognisence and clairoma.

Katy is very down to earth, with a no nonsense practical attitude - giving information in an undiluted way as she gets it directly from her spirit guides. She is best known for her validations, being able to accurately tune in to names, places, timings and especially how people really feel about things.

email readingchrystalyte Chrystalyte specialises in tarot and astrology and is a well established consultant. She has been hired to write horoscope columns and create tarot services, and has featured regularly on radio stations, within the national and regional press.

Chrystalyte has now gone on to write articles on holistic health and mysticism, and radio slots have included regular predictions and chart profiles for MP’s and celebrities. Not one to rest on her laurels Chrystalyte is a founder member of a national tarot body.

Feedback from clients emphasise her natural intuition, psychic perception and grounded, yet compassionate, approach. Chrystalyte has a rare ability to get to the heart of a problem, whilst providing a sense of calm and trust when dealing with sensitive and critical issues.

Page 4: Caring & Inspiring PSYCHIC SIGHT · Parapsychology is the study of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, and life after death. It uses scientific method experimenting with random

what planet is ruling you?

Each sign has a ruling planet - Mercury and Venus both rule two signs. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered in 1781, 1846 and

1930 respectively – until then Mars ruled Scorpio and Aries and Jupiter ruled Pisces and Sagittarius. Saturn ruled Aquarius & Capricorn and the Sun and the Moon have only ever ruled one sign each. Once Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were accepted into the pantheon rulerships were reassigned and it is possible that new planets in the future will allow Mercury and Venus to rule only one sign each also. The association between ruling planets and peoples characteristics has been accepted for over 2000 years.

Here is what your ruling planet and sign says about your personality:

The Sun (technically a star not a planet) – Leo

The Sun God you are probably most familiar with is Apollo the son of Zeus. He is often depicted as the perfect man, mirroring the brightness and purity of the sun. In terms of astrology The Sun is the ruling planet of Leo and represents generosity of

heart, affection, magnanimity, creativity and simple joy. One thing to be cautious of is when it’s positive aspects encourage self-esteem to the point it becomes arrogance.

The Moon – Cancer

The Moon rules the sign Cancer; myths associated with Cancer tend to be beautiful and feminine – as Circle she seduced Odysseus and as Hecate she rewarded her favourites with riches. She is also associated with natural childbirth and encourages instinctive thinking

and behaviour. The traits are imaginative and sympathetic with a close connection to emotions. On the down side their moods can be up and down – patient one day and narrow minded on another, perhaps at times even unreliable.

Mercury – Gemini & Virgo

Mercury is a direct descendant of Hermes – the messenger of Zeus (the god of travellers). Mercury is usually clad only in a helmet and winged sandals ready for sport.

His characteristics are what you would expect from a Gemini – reasonable, perceptive, versatile and a great communicator and sometimes argumentative. This planet stimulates the mind, but it can make a Virgo nervous, tense, critical and again argumentative.

Venus – Taurus & Libra

Venus – the goddess of love; legendary beauty and with the attributes of Aphrodite. For astrology purposes it is all about love and personal relationships, with a perspective being slanted towards a feminine nature. An interest in art and fashion is likely and the person will have good social graces. Venus encourages tact, gentleness and friendliness but can also make a person indecisive, overly romantic and dependent on others.

Mars – Aries

The planet Mars is associated with Greek god Ares, he was originally a farming god but became better known for being

god of war and unfortunate in love. Mars is often depicted as dressed for the battlefield – powerfully built with amorous adventures in mind! As such Mars astrological association is with the masculine side of a person’s nature – strong, sexual, assertive, positive and energetic. They just need to keep in check their aggression levels and tendency to be hasty or rude.

Uranus – Aquarius

Uranus – an unattractive mythical figure associated with the Aquarius sign, science fiction and space exploration. At its best this planet encourages independence, versatility and originality. At its worst it encourages eccentricity and rebellion. Keywords for Uranus are disruption, shock and change!

Jupiter – Sagittarius (originally also Pisces)

Jupiter protected the city of Rome, blessing warriors before they went off to battle. He was a frequent thrower of thunderbolts and he had the power to both reward and punish warriors. Astrologically it is now associated with Sagittarius but it used to

be Pisces. The planet is primarily concerned with languages and philosophy. It influences optimism, justice and loyalty. People born to this planet should be wary of being conceited, self-indulgent and overly extravagant.

Neptune – Pisces

Neptune administered lakes and rivers as well as being the lordship of the sea inherited from the Greek sea

god Poseidon. Water horses drew his chariot and he later became a stallion in order to woo Demeter when she became a mare. This planet is associated with the most watery of signs – Pisces and is connected to the arts like dancing and poetry. It inspires sensitivity, imagination and idealism but on the flip side can cause deceit, indecision and carelessness.

Saturn – Capricorn (originally also Aquarius)

Saturn was originally an agricultural god like Mars but in Rome he oversaw Saturnalia (a public holiday) – a feast that the Christians adopted and we now know as Christmas. Originally Saturn ruled both Capricorn and Aquarius but now only rules Capricorn. Traditionally Saturn is linked to limitation as in ancient times it marked the limit of the known solar system. But now it is known for tenacity and perseverance. People are probably practical and cautious in equal measure. Looking on the negative side they can be cruel, narrow-minded and even selfish.

Pluto – Scorpio

Pluto was the last of the agricultural gods who ruled over the underworld. He often wore a helmet to render him invisible. No creature was known to have escaped transportation to his land of death beyond the river Styx. The planet he is associated with is Scorpio; despite his connection to death astrologically he is connected to human reproduction. Those born a Scorpio are likely to bury their emotions and they can be secretive, critical and even cruel at times – but an overriding trait is the ability to overcome obstacles.Ref: Parkers Astrology New Edition (Julia & Derek Parker)

Page 5: Caring & Inspiring PSYCHIC SIGHT · Parapsychology is the study of psychic abilities, near-death experiences, and life after death. It uses scientific method experimenting with random


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