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Page 1: Costume and Prop


Melissa Moon

Page 2: Costume and Prop

Paige Harker (Jessie)

I have chosen to use similar clothing to what has been used in professional texts for my female character Jessie. Her costumes are going to be mainly smart casual to show that she is of a higher class to that of Laurence, and it will be fashionable amongst the wider age group in which she is part of because she will be wearing dresses, or shorts from well known stores. From my own knowledge most females wear this stereotypical clothing as they seem to care more about their appearance than males do. The costumes will show that she is interested in fashion but will also show her personality and views through the use of smart clothing comes the view of professionalism and higher class. However, it is typical that all females will wear this in order to impress but I am going to show her wearing casual clothes also to show that it is not a case of impressing but a case of comfort and moral values and belief, as well as aspiration to be successful. I also know that my actor, Paige Harker does have this type of clothing and wears it on a daily basis so I will not need to exceed my small budget in terms of costume and this is therefore helpful.

Page 3: Costume and Prop

Ideas of Costume

I have created a few outfits in which I think would be possible to pull off in my products, without going over my low budget for costumes. I decided to create some casual looks for my character as well as fashionable one’s just to show that she can be like everyone else. I decided upon this because I think it would clearly show my characters personality.

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Chris Brown (Laurence)

I have chosen to use similar clothing to what I have looked at on my mood board and genre research (looking into professional texts) for my male character Laurence. His costumes are going to be casual yet will be fashionable amongst the wider age group in which he is within because he is going to be wearing band tops, or clothing in which is from well known brands. I have chosen this because from my knowledge most males (between the ages 16-25) wear similar clothing as it is the stereotypical costume and therefore it will be well suited and seem more realistic in terms of the character and his personality. However, it is also stereotypical that this age range and gender are quite sloppy and don’t care about what people think so they just wear anything, this could be represented through this selection of clothing. I also know that my actor, Chris Brown does have this type of clothing so I will not need to exceed my small budget in terms of costume and this is therefore helpful.

Page 5: Costume and Prop

Ideas of Costumes

I have created a mixture of costumes that I think would show my male character well, and I had chosen to do these costumes because I wanted some contrast between my characters with something similar in which they could connect on. I didn’t look into make-up as my main character will not be wearing any and once again this did not exceed my budget but it was still fashionable.

Page 6: Costume and Prop


I have chosen the costumes in which I have to connote the personalities of the characters as being very different with the female being career and family oriented, and the male being bubbly and a stereotypical boy. I am planning on showing the female character as career oriented by the smart clothing, and the male being bubbly through the use of patterns on his clothing such as band logos, stripes, etc. The fact that the two characters personalities will be pushed through by the use of costume could show the idea that they are very different people and it will lead to the audience rooting for them to be together in the end and for it to have a happy ending. I am not going to use any props on the poster because I feel it should show the genre more clearly and not focus on the minor details, and I think this because I want it to focus on the image and not look to busy on the page. Furthermore, the costumes are not all that important in the magazine because I am using a close up shot of the two characters going into kiss each other and this therefore means that I will not need to focus on the costumes as much in this part of the print production.

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