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Page 2: Copyright 2008, The Johns Hopkins University and Francesca Dominici. All rights reserved. Use of these materials permitted only in accordance with license.

How Risky is Breathing? Statistical Methods in Air Pollution

Risk Estimation

Francesca DominiciDepartment of Biostatistics

Bloomberg School of Public HealthJohns Hopkins University

Page 3: Copyright 2008, The Johns Hopkins University and Francesca Dominici. All rights reserved. Use of these materials permitted only in accordance with license.

From crisis to questions

• We began with crisis-- the London fog in 1952, and have moved to questions:– Are there adverse effects of

today’s air pollution?– How large are these risks?

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December 5 1952: London's Piccadilly Circus at midday

Particulate levels – 3,000

g /m3

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Maureen Scholes, a nurse at the Royal London Hospital in 1952, says the smog penetrated through clothes,blackening undergarments

Source: Royal London Hospital Archives and Museum

4,000 deaths the first week

8,000 over next 2 months

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not able to secure permission for its use.

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Designer Smog Masks - London 1950’s

Davis When Smoke Ran Like Water (2002)

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Air pollution and mortality: Then and now

London, December, 1952 Mortality and PM10 in Chicago, 2000

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not able to secure permission for its use.

"London "Killer" Smog of 1952" from Environmental Health. Available at: Copyright © Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Adapted from Turco, R. P.

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Air pollution and health: Fundamental questions

Is there a risk at current levels?

How can we estimate it?

How big is the risk?

What causes it?


The risk is very small but everyone is exposed!


By integrating national data sets and developing methods to analyze them

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Bad air day?

Chicago PM2.5 = 10

g /m3

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Bad air day?

Chicago PM2.5 = 20

g /m3

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Bad air day?

Chicago PM2.5 = 30

g /m3

Standard setting process in the US is evidence-based

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National Data Sets

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National Morbidity Mortality Air Pollution Study

• Collected data 100 largest cities in the United States– Daily mortality– Daily temperature– Daily level of PM10

• Long time series– 1987 to 2000

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The National Medicare Cohort Study, 1999-2005 (MCAPS)

• Medicare data include: – Billing claims for everyone over 65

enrolled in Medicare (~48 million people), •date of service•treatment, disease (ICD 9)•age, gender, and race•place of residence (zip code)

• Approximately 204 counties linked to the PM2.5 monitoring network

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MCAPS study population: 204 counties with

populations larger than 200,000 (11.5 million people)

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Please visit for maps and other MCAPS information

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Daily time series of hospitalization rates and PM2.5 levels in Los Angeles county (1999-2005)

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Please visit for maps and other MCAPS information

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Statistical Ideas

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3 Statistical Ideas forAnalysis of Observational


1. Adjusting for confounding – Semi-Parametric Regression

2. Combining health risk estimates across counties– Bayesian Hierarchical Models

3. Accounting for the uncertainty in the selection of the statistical model– Model averaging for confounding


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• Compare day-to-day variations in hospital admission rates with day-to-day variations in pollution levels within the same community

• Avoid problem of unmeasured differences among populations

• Key confoundersSeasonal effects of infectious

diseases and weather

Statistical Methods for multi-site time series studies

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Statistical Methods

Within city: Semi-parametric regressions for estimating associations between day-to-day variations in air pollution and mortality controlling for confounding factors

Across cities: Hierarchical Models for estimating:– national-average relative rate– exploring heterogeneity of air pollution

effects across the country

Dominici Samet Zeger JRSSA 2000

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• The association between air pollution and mortality is potentially confounded by:

– Weather– Other pollutants– Seasonality– Long-term trend

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1) Semi-parametric regression model for estimating health risk within a


logE[Ytc ] logN t

c cx t s(temp) s(time)

# of adverse events on day t

# of people at risk on day t

health riskTime varying confounders:•Weather variables•seasonality

Kelsall Samet Zeger Xu AJE 1997

air pollution series

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2)Bayesian hierarchical models for pooling risks

across cities

ˆ c c c

c c

c ~ N(0,v c )

c ~ N(0, 2)

County-specific risk estimate

County-specific true risk

Within-county statistical error

Pooled risk Across-county variance of the true risks

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3) Do I have the “right” statistical model?

Explore the sensitivity of the risk estimates to the statistical model

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Sensitivity of the national average lag effect of PM10 on mortality to different statistical models to adjust for

confounding (NMMAPS 1987-2000)

Peng Dominici Louis JRSSC 2006

Reported estimate

Different statistical models to adjust for confounding

weak moderate strong

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3) Do I have the “right” statistical model?



Z1 Z2Z1 is a predictor of YZ2 is a confounder

Regression Models Weights based on prediction(BIC)

Weights based on ability to adjust for confounding

0.9 0.0

0.0 0.9

0.1 0.1

y x 2z2

y x 1z1 2z2

y x 1z1

Estimating risks by averaging across statistical models

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3) Model averaging for confounding

adjustment in observational studies • We assign zero weights to models that have

optimal prediction properties but that do not include all the potential confounders

• We identify all the potential confounders by searching for good predictors of the exposure X

• Theoretical results and simulation studies have showed that this approach outperform existing methods to account for model uncertainty

Crainiceanu Dominici Parmigiani Biometrika 2007Wang Crainiceanu Parmigiani Dominici technical report 2007

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Biostatistics in Action: The weight of the


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Full-text available at

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November 17 2004

O3 Mortality

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Full-text available at

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March 8 2005



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Full-text available at

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The new challenge:Estimating the toxicity of the PM complex mixture

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New Scientific Questionsand Statistical Challenges

What are the mechanisms of PM toxicity?

Size? Chemical components? Sources?

New Methods for estimating health effects of complex mixtures

Page 36: Copyright 2008, The Johns Hopkins University and Francesca Dominici. All rights reserved. Use of these materials permitted only in accordance with license.

PM2.5 PM10


Chemical constituents

Size Total mass















Bell Dominici Ebisu Zeger Samet EHP 2007

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% in


se in



on w

i th

a 10


3 in


se in


0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2









PM10 2.5 PM2.5 PM10 2.5

Adjusted by PM 2.5


Adjusted by PM 10 2.5

% change in CVD hospitalization rate associated with 10 increase in PM10-2.5 on average across 108 US counties (1999-2005)

g /m3





adjusted by PM2.5


adjusted by PM10-2.5


Peng Bell Chang McDermott Zeger Samet Dominici tech report 2007

Lag Lag Lag

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The policy impact

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NAAQS: Science has had an Impact

• From US EPA NAAQS Criteria Document 1996: “Many of the time-series epidemiology studies looking for associations between O3 exposure and daily human mortality have been difficult to interpret because of methodological or statistical weaknesses, including the failure to account for other pollutants and environmental effects.”

• From US EPA Criteria Document 2006: “While uncertainties remain in some areas, it can be concluded that robust associations have been identified between various measures of daily O3 concentrations and increased risk of mortality.”

Page 40: Copyright 2008, The Johns Hopkins University and Francesca Dominici. All rights reserved. Use of these materials permitted only in accordance with license.

Assessing the Public Health Impact of the Air Quality Regulations

Page 41: Copyright 2008, The Johns Hopkins University and Francesca Dominici. All rights reserved. Use of these materials permitted only in accordance with license.

Reproducible research

• We want to reproduce previous findings– “Did you do what you said you did?”

• Test assumptions, robustness of findings; check methodology– “Is what you did any good?”

• Implement and test new methodology– “I can do it better!”

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Peng Dominici Zeger AJE 2006

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NMMAPSdata package for R

• R is a free software environment for statistical analysis and graphics

• NMMAPSdata package contains the entire updated (1987—2000) NMMAPS database as an add-on module for R

• Supplemental code available online for reproducing canonical NMMAPS analysis and other analyses

• iHAPSS: Internet-based Health and Air Pollution Surveillance System–

Peng Welty R news 2004 Zeger Peng McDermott Dominici Samet HEI 2006

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A new book to appear this summer…

Environmental Epidemiology with R: A Case study in Air Pollution and Health

Roger Peng & Francesca Dominici


g &




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Concluding Thoughts

• The weight of the evidence:– Has an explicit role in the Clean Air Act

• New NAAQS process • New Research underway: especially PM Components

and Sources – the cycle begins anew


Questions Data



Biostatistics in Action!analyses of observational studies

can be used toaddress otherquestions beyondair pollution

Page 46: Copyright 2008, The Johns Hopkins University and Francesca Dominici. All rights reserved. Use of these materials permitted only in accordance with license.

Collaboratorsin the BSPH

• Michelle Bell• Patrick Breysse• Ciprian Crainiceanu• Mary Fox• Alyson Geyh• Aidan McDermott• Tom Louis• Giovanni Parmigiani• Roger Peng• Jonathan Samet• Ron White• Scott Zeger

PhD Students

• Howard Chang• Sandy Eckel• Sorina Eftim• Jennifer Feder• Haley Hedlin• Yun Lu• Chi Wang• Yijie Zhou

Medicare data users and

collaboratorsin the BSPH and


• Gerald Anderson• Emily Smith• Ben Brooke• Lia Clattenburg• Robert Herbert • Peter Pronovost

Funding sources•EPA: PM Research Center (Samet)•NIEHS: Training grant in Environmental Biostatistics (Louis and Dominici)•NIEHS R01: Statistical methods in Environmental Epidemiology (Dominici)

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