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Page 1: Common Communicable Diseases

Common Communicabl

e Diseases (Preventions, Symptoms & Cure)

Kenneth Karl V. PilapilIII – Hydrogen

Page 2: Common Communicable Diseases

Common Colds


Here are 4 proven ways to help lower your

chances of getting sick:

Always wash your hands: Children and

adults should wash hands after nose-wiping,

diapering, and using the bathroom, and

before eating and preparing food.

Disinfect: Clean commonly touched surfaces

(such as sink handles, door knobs, and

sleeping mats) with an EPA-approved

Choose smaller day-care classes: Attending

a day care where there are six or fewer

children dramatically reduces the spread of germs.

Use paper towels instead of sharing cloth towels.

The immune system helps your body fight off infection. Here are 4 ways to support the immune


Avoid second-hand smoke: Keep as far away from second-hand smoke as possible. It is

responsible for many health problems, including colds.

Drink water: Fluids help your immune system work properly.

Eat yogurt: Certain yogurts contains "active cultures," or beneficial bacteria that helps

prevent colds.

Get enough sleep: Not getting enough sleep makes you more likely to get sick.


Cold symptoms usually start about 2 or 3 days after you came in contact with the virus,

although it could take up to a week. Symptoms mostly affect the nose.

The most common cold symptoms are: Nasal congestion, runny nose, scratchy throat, sneezing


Get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids.


Over-the-counter cold and cough medicines may help ease symptoms in adults and older


Antibiotics should not be used to treat a common cold. They will not help and may make the

situation worse. Thick yellow or green nasal discharge normally occurs with a cold after a few

days. If it does not get better within 10 to 14 days, then your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

Kenneth Karl V. Pilapil – Communicable Diseases

Page 3: Common Communicable Diseases


The flu, more scientifically known as

influenza, is a highly contagious respiratory

infection caused by influenza viruses. The

influenza virus usually enters the body

through mucus membranes in the mouth,

nose, or eyes. When a person with the flu

coughs or sneezes, the virus then becomes

airborne and can be inhaled by anyone

nearby. You can also get the flu if you’ve touched a contaminated surface like a telephone or a

doorknob and then touch your nose or mouth. Of course, the risk of infection is greater in highly

populated areas like schools, buses, and crowded urban settings.

Flu symptoms can be mild or severe, and can come on suddenly — be sure you know your flu

treatment options so you can be prepared. Symptoms generally appear 1 to 4 days after

exposure to the virus.


Symptoms of the flu include chills, fever, aches, and tiredness.

The common symptoms of the flu include:

Fever (100°F or greater), headache, muscle aches, chills, tiredness, cough, runny nose (more

common in children than adults); f you have one or more of these symptoms, it could be the flu.



Flu Vaccines

Good hygiene



Wash those hands

The flu virus can spread by direct contact, such as sharing drinks, or through indirect contact,

such as when an infected co-worker sneezes on her hands and touches an object like the

lunchroom microwave door. The influenza virus can live for 2 to 8 hours on surfaces. During flu

season, everyone should wash their hands frequently to reduce the risk of transmitting germs to


Cover your mouth

When you sneeze or cough, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue (not your hands), and be

sure to throw the tissue away immediately.

Kenneth Karl V. Pilapil – Communicable Diseases

Page 4: Common Communicable Diseases


Bronchitis is an inflammation of the

lining in the bronchial tubes. This is the

airways that connect the windpipe (trachea)

to the lungs. The respiratory system is

covered and protected by a mucus-

producing lining. When a person contacts

bronchitis, it is often painful and hard for air

to pass through in and out of the lungs when



The main sign of bronchitis is a cough that brings up yellowish-grey or green mucus

(sputum). Mucus itself is normal. Your airways produce at least an ounce of normal secretions

every day.


If you have frequent or repeated attacks of bronchitis, the culprit may be the environment

of where you live or work in. Combination of cold, damp locations, pollutions or smoke can make

you susceptible to bronchitis whether it is acute or chronic.


If you get acute bronchitis as a result from a viral infection antibiotics will not be effective.

In most cases you are advised to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids and to stay in a warm

and moist environment. This would be your best cure.

For chronic bronchitis suffer, your goal is to reduce you exposure to whatever it is irritating

your bronchial tubes. If you are a smoker, the best advice is to stop smoking. Antibiotic maybe

prescribed in some cases. But there are not guarantee that bronchitis won't occur again. In some

cases bronchitis can be life threatening.

Are you working or living in an environment that continually irritates your airways and you

have repeated bouts of bronchitis and your doctor has not been able to help you.


Bronchitis may be caused by a virus, bacteria, smoking or the inhalation of chemical pollutants

or dust. Smoking is said to main cause 80% of all cases of bronchitis. This is a long term

conditions and suffers who smoke find it much harder to recover from bronchitis and other

respiratory infections. Bronchitis occurs when the cells of the bronchial lining tissues are

irritated, the tiny hair (cilia) within them, which normally traps and eliminate pollutants, such as

smoke, dust and etc., stop functioning. When the air passages become clogged by debris and

irritation increased, a heavy secretion of mucus develops, which causes the characteristic cough

of bronchitis.

Kenneth Karl V. Pilapil – Communicable Diseases

Page 5: Common Communicable Diseases


Tuberculosis is a chronic infection caused by

the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis (and

occasionally other variants of Mycobacterium).

It usually involves the lungs, but other organs

of the body can also be involved.


In the early stages of the disease, there

is an irritating cough, particularly in the

morning, either without an expectoration or

with a clear mucus or phlegm.

The first sign of the disease is blood-

flecked phlegm accompanied by fever in the

evenings and below normal temperatures in

the early morning and also night sweats.

When the symptoms are aggravated and emaciation has set in, the second stage is

supposed to have been reached. If extreme care is not taken and treatment is not done it may

spread to the throat and the intestines

The terminal stage is characterized with illness reaching deep into the lungs and they

become full of cavities. The voice of the patient may become husky at this stage, there may be

diahorrea and extreme prostration, with the patient being unable to leave the bed and finally.

The death comes because of extensive haemorrhage.

Treatment And Preventive Measures

Treatment of tuberculosis has two faces:

Preventive, and

Curative or remedial.

The preventive aspect is more social than medical. Provision of clean, healthy

surroundings with properly ventilated and clean houses is the first imperative.

Detection and isolation of the victims of the disease is the second most important thing

that can be done.

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Page 6: Common Communicable Diseases


Mumps is an acute viral illness characterized

by swelling of the parotid glands, just below and in

front of the ear, and at times, the salivary glands

under the jaw.


The symptoms and signs of mumps are:

Soreness or swelling of the parotid glands on

one or both sides. Discomfort may range

from vague tenderness to obvious pain when

opening the mouth or swallowing

Fever, usually lasting about two to three


Sore muscles

Loss of appetite


Earache that is aggravated by chewing


Treatment includes analgesics for pain, antipyretics for fever, and adequate fluid intake to

prevent dehydration from fever and anorexia. If the patient cannot swallow, I.V. fluid

replacement may be used.

Acetaminophen or ibuprofen is commonly used to reduce fever and relieve discomfort.

Bed rest is advised for the duration of the fever. Ice packs or heating pads may ease the pain of

swollen glands.

For males with orchitis, doctors may prescribe stronger pain medication as well as

corticosteroids to reduce inflammation.


For prevention, the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine should be given to


There is no effective post-exposure treatment.


Mumps is a virus that is spread through saliva. When someone coughs or sneezes those

small drops of moisture inter the air and can land on another person spreading the illness. It can

also be spread through kissing or through the sharing of eating utensils or cups.

Kenneth Karl V. Pilapil – Communicable Diseases

Page 7: Common Communicable Diseases


Diphtheria is a life-threatening disorder

caused by a highly contagious bacterial

infection caused by the bacterium

Corynebacterium diphtheriae.


Diphtheria toxin usually attacks the

tonsils first and causes fever, red sore

throat, weakness, and headache. The toxin

destroys the normal throat tissue, causing

the throat to swell. As the tissue dies, the

toxin forms a thick, grayish white membrane

that completely covers the throat. The

appearance of this membrane is important

in making a diagnosis. Without treatment,

the membrane will spread to cover the

entire throat and larynx.

The victim has difficulty breathing

and cannot talk. The lymph glands in the

neck become enlarged and swollen. The

breath has an unpleasant, distinct odor. Skin diphtheria causes a nasal discharge and excoriated

skin around the nose.


If a diagnosis of diphtheria is suspected upon physical examination, diphtheria antitoxin is

administered (either intravenously or by intramuscular injection) before laboratory results of the

culture confirm the diagnosis. The antitoxin helps to prevent damage caused by the bacterial

toxin to vital organs. Antibiotics are given to treat the infection.


Immunization for diphtheria has been part of routine well-child care for decades. This is

the "D" in the "DPT" shots. Immunization of all infants and booster doses throughout life will

prevent any resurgence of diphtheria.

Diphtheria vaccine is made of a toxoid, which is a weakened form of the diphtheria toxin.

This stimulates the immune system to make antibodies against the toxin to protect against the

disease. The immunity wanes so that a booster is needed every ten years.

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Page 8: Common Communicable Diseases

Rubella or Measles


The symptoms of rubella are often very

mild and rarely noticed. When they are noticed

they only last 2 to 3 days. The most well-known

symptom of rubella is a rash. The rash is fine

and pink and begins on the face. It then spreads

to the trunk and then to the arms and legs. The

rash disappears in the same order it appeared.

Rubella may also cause a mild fever not

exceeding 102 degrees Fahrenheit, headache,

stuffy or runny nose, red and inflamed eyes,

aching joints and enlarged, tender lymph nodes

located at the base of the skull, the back of the

neck and behind the ears.


There is no treatment available to

shorten the length of a rubella infection. In

almost all cases the infection is simply allowed

to run its course. It is recommended that the person with the virus be isolated as to prevent

them from spreading it to others. A pregnant woman who contracts rubella is given antibodies

that help fight the infection. However, this does not decrease the risk of the baby contracting the



Rubella is easily prevented through vaccination. A vaccination is given to babies between

the ages of 12 and 15 months and then a second vaccination is given between 4 and 6 years old.

These vaccinations are combinations vaccines called MMR. The prevent measles, mumps and

rubella. If a person did not receive the vaccination as a child they can receive it at any time.

Pregnant women should not get the MMR vaccine as it could cause the fetus to contract the

measles, mumps or rubella viruses. People who are allergic to gelatin, to the antibiotic neomycin

or have had an allergic reaction to the MMR vaccine in the past should not get the MMR vaccine.

Kenneth Karl V. Pilapil – Communicable Diseases

Page 9: Common Communicable Diseases


Polio is a crippling and

potentially fatal infectious

disease. There is no cure, but

there are safe and effective

vaccines. The strategy to

eradicate polio is therefore

based on preventing infection

by immunizing every child

until transmission stops and

the world is polio-free.


Most infected people (90%) have no symptoms or very mild symptoms and usually go

unrecognized. In others, initial symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, stiffness in

the neck and pain in the limbs.

Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP)

One in 200 infections leads to irreversible paralysis, usually in the legs. This is caused by

the virus entering the blood stream and invading the central nervous system. As it multiplies, the

virus destroys the nerve cells that activate muscles. The affected muscles are no longer

functional and the limb becomes floppy and lifeless – a condition known as acute flaccid paralysis


All cases of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) among children under fifteen years of age are

reported and tested for poliovirus within 48 hours of onset.

Bulbar polio

More extensive paralysis, involving the trunk and muscles of the thorax and abdomen, can

result in quadriplegia. In the most severe cases (bulbar polio), poliovirus attacks the nerve cells

of the brain stem, reducing breathing capacity and causing difficulty in swallowing and speaking.

Among those paralysed, 5% to 10% die when their breathing muscles become immobilized.

Treatment and prevention

There is no cure for polio, only treatment to alleviate the symptoms. Heat and physical

therapy is used to stimulate the muscles and antispasmodic drugs are given to relax the

muscles. While this can improve mobility, it cannot reverse permanent polio paralysis.

Polio can be prevented through immunization. Polio vaccine, given multiple times, almost

always protects a child for life.

Kenneth Karl V. Pilapil – Communicable Diseases

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