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Page 1: Comic Comenius Greece


A fairytale

of four countries:

Germany Greece

Turkey Romania

Comic-Version in

co-operation with:

Once upon

a time there was a

large kingdom with deep lakes, high mountains and a big dark forest. An old king and his wife lived there. They were very sad because they had no children and an evil power threatened their kingdom. The king felt his days numbered and searched for the one who could take over his throne.

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My kingdom is in danger. The one with the most

courage will get the throne.

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The witch hated the King because she wanted to be queen. She was the King‘s sister. And the very day their father had decided that his son should become king, she changed into a bad witch and swore revenge.

My time will come!

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I‘m John, that‘s what I want to


The first task is:Find the robbers and prevent damage!

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John was the King‘s faithful servant. He and his beautiful sister lived in the castle. He faced the first task and dared to go into the scary forest.

I have to find the robbers!

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A thick mist lifted everywhere and suddenly at a short distance in front of him under the moonlight stood an incredibly beautiful mare. It was white as snow, with a dark red mane. Without delay, he jumped on its back and let it lead him through the forest to a darker place, which then opened up into a waterfall with crystal, clear water.

Come John, I‘ll show you the way!

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In a little while, the horse disappeared and John saw a figure emerging from the waters. It was a woman in a long white dress, with red hair flowing down to her waist.

I am Hippolyte, Queen of the Amazons. I‘ll help you.

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Here, take this amulet, the symbol of my tribe, to help you and us.

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They galloped across mountains and rivers, valleys and lakes to the hiding place of the robbers.There was a horrible fight.The earth shook and cracked and then it was over.

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The curse is lifted. Keep the amulet. It will always

protect you.

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My king, the task is done. What is next?

Thank you, my faithful servant and listen now…

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A thick black fog threatened the throne and the kingdom. Only the ashes of the phoenix can save us.

Hurry and find me Phoenix Simur Anka.

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It‘s time now!

They were, however, overheard. The witch had a wicked plan. The dwarf had to obey her orders.

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John met the clever Keloglan, who lived with his mother in a small shed. Keloglan invited John in.

How long is it to the other end of the world?

The sun needs only 24 hours.

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This soup is called


It is delicious!

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I‘m in love with the Sultan‘s daughter, but I can not marry her, because I‘m poor.

We need a treasure!

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It was time.In the mountains the dwarf caused a landslide that almost killed John and Keloglan.

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John and Keloglan found the dwarf trapped under a big rock and he could not move. Without hesitating, they helped him. This was the moment when the dwarf changed his mind and stood by John and Keloglan.


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The three companions continued and finally found the Castle of the Phoenix.A huge door blocked our friends‘ entrance and embossed on its iron bar were numbers and symbols.How to solve the riddle?John held up Hippolyte‘s amulet and the markings gradually became words:

Open the three locked doors to find the phoenix. Find the keys.

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Each of them found in their heart a key to one of the doors.

„ Gratitude“



I feel gratitude.

I feel love.

I feel altruism.

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When the last door opened, they found the phoenix sitting on his nest full of precious stones.But the treasure in their hearts was more valuable.They had gratitude, altruism and love.Simur Anka took them on his wings and they quickly flew away.

The treasure is yours!

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• John and the dwarf decided that Keloglan should have all the phoenix‘s treasure.

• Now he was able to marry his great love, the Sultan‘s daughter.

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Thank you, my faithful servant and listen now…

My king, it is done. What is next?

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There is a flower you can see only with your heart.Its fragrance makes people happy.Hatred and rivalry become confidence, respect and love.

Look for the rare hyacinth!

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This time John did not have much hope.The task was difficult, very difficult.But he set off immediately.

I have to find the flower!

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During the night, a flute woke him up.Its sweet melody directed him to a young shepherd called Bucur.

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Bucur invited John and offered him food at his home.

„Mamaliga“ is delicious!

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My name is Hyacinth.

Bucur had a sisteras beautiful as an angel.The lovely girl gave him a white hyacinth.What he had sought for such a long time stood before him.It was the girl herself.He asked her to come with him.

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My king, it is done.

Thank you, my faithful servant. You have saved us all. You will be richly


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The King nominated John as his successor. The precious amulet became the emblem of the crown.Bucur married John‘s sister and became very happy.The dwarf stayed in the castle and became the loyal servant of the new king.

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John married the beautiful Hyacinth.Day after day, King John and Queen Hyacinth strolled through the garden to admire the numerous hyacinths that spread their wonderful fragrance all over the kingdom.

And they lived happily ever after.

What happened to the evil witch?Nobody knows.

The magic word is „love“.

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