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Page 1: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION 0RJ:fXll1ln8 AG1::1'1{;)' Reponing Officer CaseReport No

!'DRRLEVIENT X JCSO OBBEMA 9<)·7625-0C'tll'lnteting Case Reporr N(1- Victim NameOriginal Report DateThisReport

04-24·99f-- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X 0( altl1n Offense Status; Orw:tI- eltcephl:lrtally C1eircU Recommend Case: Review 0

.' ~~l«;"lim~ CJ Cielll't'd by Am:s:l 0 Unfp;jl1d«! 0 Closure CJ

l~ I(lualllil)' j grand Namt I Des<ril'tIDtl ISerialNoI

¥-~~~ 1R Vlll\.,~ I ValLIeI i!ttwerro Damaged

talking about weapons, bombs, and the Anarchist Cookbook. Ungerland stated he had heard there was video footageof the

two making bombs or exploding bombs. He did not know where the footage was, and said that the bombs were apparently

small bombs.

Ungerland stateda student named Chris Moore (unknown if this is a referenceto Chris Morris) alwayswore a black beret and

wore sunglasses. Ungerland stated he hasn't seen him in a coupleof months, bUI that his friend, Ben Biehl.saw Chris walking

to theschool the night that the locksof theschool weresuperglued. He thought that mighthave possiblybeenaround04-14-99

I asked Vngerland to describe Brian Sergent to me. He described as having a round chubby face. a big guy With bushy

eyebrows He staled he had seen Sergent at about0720 hours. on the morning ofthe shooting by the school's main entrance

Hestated Sergent did not have a duster on at that time, Hewas wearinga short sleevedingy while button up shirt, a Polo type.

He said Sergent was with a white female, short. long blondehair. glasses. and chubby, The two of them were holding each

.rher. She was wearing a white shirt and an unknown style of pants.


r-U1i1' Number Supervisor lnllials-.;md Dare AssignW!{J t Page i

W/~A....- ni •VICTI'.I'iE?\I{'ES OT!-iEIt JC·001·001701

Page 2: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CON;INUATIONI ~'~;~''''''

l"h::ll.1rtUl~ cmcer ....lill! ...~!'; ...."

S'c1'PLEVlE?-<l M. Russell 99·7625l Wmnecant CoiSll R.rt ~Q "'\Gum i'!Utl¢ vng:l.l1:U It4pCtt ~( .im:.l'Vi'\I'"

04-03·1999.:lmi.fu;;).!.ion Oneese 5utus: Opm Exceptionally Oeued :eteam)lIE1!d Case: Revttw

R' ifiCJtiOtl Cle:.ll'ed by Arrest lJniounded ct""""~,

!Description ISerial ~o.VlllWl Iv;u~ IValue

So,. , Br.mI1N:um Swi'" Recc'i"ered Dum[tt:d

Narrative:Ae: Control #1500

On 04-30·1999, witness John Ungerland was interviewed at his residence, 8081 So, Kendall Blvd, (303·933-2103}. He acknowledges being at CHS on 04-20-1999, and was present at his 1" hour class, VideoProductions, at 0730. He describes Harris and Klsbold as being In this class with him, and arrivingapproximately 10 minutes late, and walking directly into the video editing room. He described Harris asbeing dressed in black military·type trousers and a white tee shirt Klebold was wearing a black trench coat,and a Colorado Avalanche hat. With the letter "B" sewed on it He was wearing the hat backwaards. Theteacher for this class was Identified as Mr. Talocco. At the conclusion of this class Ungeriand went to theTech Labs, and he did not see Harris or Klebold again.

He notes sitting directly in front of Harris and Klebold in this class, and describes them oiten of talkingamong themselves about their shared racial hatred.

He first became aware of problems in the school While he was in his math class in Math Room 11, with Mr.Havens. He heard shots and heard someone yelling gunmen were in the schccl. He immediately ran fromth. "a, leaVing his Green/Black REI backpack in the math room. He exited the school with JennyAE 'ws via the east door and ran to Leawood Park. While standing at Pierce and Fair St., he heard shots

COl. Ig from the school and observed rounds impacting a sign at that lccatlon.

Following the incident, at approximately 1430, while he and Jenny Mathews were southbound on YukonStreet from the area 01 the scbool. they had occasion to pass another vehicle which was northbound onYukon Street at a high rate of speed. He observed both occupants of the vehicle as being dressed in blacktrench coats, and felt fairly certain of his identification of the driver of the vehicle as being Hedescribed the passenger of the vehicle as being a White male with long dirty blond hair, and recognized himas a former student who had been in a tech lab class with him in 1998. The passenger of the vehicle wasleaning halfway out the window holding what Ungerland described as a black pistol with a short barrel. Hedescribes the suspect vehicle as a red GEO metro, with a very bad paint job. He describes the vehicleappears like the clear coat is peeling off. He had never seen the vehicle before, or since.

He identified TCM members known to him as Robert Perry. Brian Sargent, Tadd Boyles, Chris Moore. ZackHeckler, Eric Butros , Bobby (LNU), a sophomore who lives near him on Kendall Blvd, and Harris andKlebold.

He confirms use of the internet, and. provided his email [email protected].

JC-001- 001102

Paqe 1

01 ,

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_~20RT DATE, 04-28-99REPORT ID#' 990SS04.AJKCLASSIFICATION' Agency Assist J.e.s.o.

CRt, 99-1362INi, 9908504

Detectives, 1150/2260


Jeffco Case #99-7625

F.B.I. Case #174A-DN-57419

Control Number 2125, Assigned 05-03-99, Kreutzer/Watson.

On 05-03-99 lead #2125 was assigned to follow-up with John Ungerlandin reference to gun simulations in videos which were made by Harris andKlebold.

I spoke to John ungerland via the telephone. He has been interviewnumerous times by other investigators about various items. With regard tothe videos he was aware of there which he saw when Klebold and Harris wereediting them in che video class. He described che videos: one was int heMountains, one at their house and the last some kind of music video. JohnUngerland passed this informacion onto other investigators int he course of~"'e interviews he has had. I am aware of the videos he spoke about are in

= custody of law enfOrcement and have been reviewed.

JC-001- 001703

Officer INumber I Date Supervisor I Number IDate Page I # of #

Page 4: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

COi"lINUAnON 0Reporting Agency R4mningOrflcee -c~ R::port No

SUPPLE~IENT y JCSO MCFADDEN 99·7625-NICoftnt:1:ting Case~n No. VlctimNa:m~ Original lUpcrt DaleThis Repct't' I

COLUMBINE H.S~ ET AL 05-05-99Clasilkalloo X FIRST DEGREE MURDER OfTeMt Sttl.l1l.£ Opm X ~~j'CJami a Re(Qmmcmi Cast: R¢\'iew 0

Rl'Ielwi(ldlriOl\ a Cltltl'l!!dby~t C Uniotnukd a Closu;: 0

l~ I QlJAtlli~ I e.nru.; ~lll'Il~ , De5crit>don ISt'rial;..lo.. ~lljl,lf I ~ltHI I V:\lue:~I~ <;~ DariitljOli


DN 2661 DATED 05-05-99


On 05-05-99, at about 1025 a.m., I went to 808l S. Kendall St., Lirtleton, Colorado, for the purpose of interviewing John

Ungerland, conceming rwo individuals in a redGee Metro brandishing a firearm on 04-20-99 at approximately 1430 hours.

Ungerland stated that on 04-20-99 at about 2:30 p.rn., he was in the area of Pierce and Weaver Street. by ColumbineHigh

School, drivinghis vehicle. northon Weaver. when he observed a redandblackGEO Metro. traveling south on Weaver. wherein

the passenger was hanging out thepassenger front window. brandishing a handgun. Ungerland further described the Gee Metro

as having oxidizing paint. which"as locatedin the areaof the bottom of the doors. Ungerland stated thathe first noticedthe

vehiclecoming towardhimand whatcaughthisattentionwas the passenger hanging out a third or'his body out the passenger

fromwindow, Ungeriand described the passenger as a whitemale, approximately 18 to 19yearsold. with long shoulder length

dirty blond hair. cleanshaven andthinbuild. Ungertand slatedthatthe passenger waswe..ring a trenchcoat, black in color,and

had a gun in his one hand.describing the gun as black in color. and a pistol. Cngertand described the driver as a white male

approximately 18 years of age. 6'S". blackhair. regular in length. witha longface, with acne on his face, sunken cheeks and

crooked teeth.believedto be..-rvngerland also statedthat thedriver waswearing a blacktrenchcoat, a dusterrype

Ungerland stated that the vehicle in question wasdrivingapproximately 45 to 50 miles an hour. when h. noticed the vehicle

when the vehicle passed. Ungerland stated thaihe believed that neitherof these individuals were students at ColumbineHigh

School. Ungerlandstatedthathe observed the vehicle coming towardhim approximately a blockto twoblocks prior to passing

him. Ungerlanddescribed the handgun as blackincolor. shaped likea box. witha littlebarrel. Ungerland stated that he has

neverseen the vehicle before. Ungerland statedthathe knows....omgoingto Columbine HighSchool in 1998 and

that he had talked to him before in computer labandknew trim to be associated with theTrench Coatylafia. buthe believed that

• was no longera studentat Columbine HighSchool. Ungerland also statedthat. "as very tall, and had bad acneOn

his face, Ungerland 'rated that he"as tOO percent sure that the passenger was holdlng a gunwhilehanging out of the vehicle

"ricr to concluding the Interview. I advised Ungerland that I would be showing himtwo photo arrays to which i would mark

JL--1.1Iii :-Jllm~r s~i~or !zmials anl1 Date -.\ssigned: To Page 1

Jk:( 0::;/ ,r •"Ve5nG~ roe ' le':1'1 5B:\'1C£S ornt" JC-001- 001704 ASAf'J Ji98 lCSl)ll~-.t

Page 5: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTL"IUATION o Reponing Ai""" R.,.,"'nll Offi<:cr Cue Report /Ii{)

SUPPlEMEo.'T X JCSO MCFADDEN 99·762S-NI CCAtl«dngCase Rel;)(U"( No. Victim Nam;e- Origittal. Report O..._~n


05-05-99C1aa:i11=lott X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Ot'tlnw SIMliS: 0,. X "'""""""" """"" o !'tecom~Cau: Review cRP;;!:tNifiwlon Q Clol\!tli'ed by .""'* Cl u.......... 0 C!O$llR o

~ IQuw!trty I Bt'IJ'ld Nam;e ( o-ri¢otl J SNNo, rJi~ tV-lv_wRe!:O'<mM Dvriasi!:d

number one and numbertwo on the back of each photo line up and advised it had no significance. I first showed Ungerland

photoline up numberone, to whicb be statedthat numberfive looks likethe passenger, stating he was 75percent sure of that.

I then showedUngerland photo lin. up numbertwo, to which h. advised number sixw~ but that h. was not

positiveand only 85 percent sure.

ADDITIONAL INFOR.I..fAnONi Ungerland stated that at the time of this incidenthis girlfriendJenny Mathews was a

passenger in hisvehicle and observed thesameincident thatbe did. When asked, Ungeriand statedthathe hadbeenOn TV three

times, once on Channel 9, onceon CNN. and onceon the Sally Rafael Show. Ungerland statedthat the SallyRafael paid for

his flight and room, but that he was not paid for his story.

DISPOSITION: Case open. pending further investigation. Theoriginals of me photolineupsshown to witness Ungerland are

attached to this report.

"fficer Signal:UN: Unit Number Supcr\'i$Qr lQjtiaband Oiue AssignedTo Page ,•

w\ 0; 1:>;'-: ....':.1. I ~"£S7'lcr..>,TOR \l~M SERV1CfS I,,,,..• JC-001- 001705 J AS,.\F34/98 JCSOH6,':'4

Page 6: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


DATE 05118199




Pi Jonatban Ungerland8081 S. KendallBlvd. Littleton, Co. 80123Columbine High School

Mother: Denise FennerPatner: Tom Penner




DOB 121581303-933-2103

Sameas borne303·797-7500

On 0514991 contactedJohn and his motherat theirhome00 Kendall Blvd.AlongwithSgt. Webb. At thattime I told John that I was conducting followup workon his reportedconversation withEric Veik, and that1needed for him to tell me the story again. John staled thatEric was talkingto him in the hallway and theywere talldng about school security, and thatEric wastalking about goingan a "rampage", ustng road flaresand gas that be had in his car, then he would load it all up andbring it into schoolin his backpack. I askedJohn when hebad heard thisconversation and he stated that itwasathe beginning of 5th hour onMondaythe 10" of May.

I askedJohn if Eric had said anything else, and be stated thatEric told him he was friend's with Eric andDylan,the shooters. John remembered Ericstanding up in class atter the shootings and tellingeveryonethat be knewit was Eric Harrisand Dylan Klebold. because they had finallycarriedout their big plan.John stated thatEric hadtalked aboutworking with Harrisand Kleboldin the videoclass, and that he bedworked for them"exclusively" when they madevideos. loll. staled iIlatEricwasreallyupset about avideo that the threeof thembed madewhere Harrishad said be wantedto burt him.

John stated that he had also beentold byEric thathe bad madebombs,and ,110memade nail gun once, andthat he was reallyconcerned about theease that you couldgel something in theschool. He even talkedabout usinga digitalvideo cas. to smuggle swff in with.

I askedJohnand his motherif therewas anything else theybad questionsaboutor would like us to clarify,and Johnstated no, but his motherstatedmat she wasconcerned about 11. son's safety Mrs, Fenner statedthat she wouldnot besendingher children back to sel1001 thisyear and she would be keeping her childrenhome to borne school them.

NQ further action taken by theseInvestigators.



Page 7: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINt:ATION 0Reporting:\g<mey Reporting Officer Case Reptll'{ ~o

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO Inv, Jack McFadden 99-7625Connecting Case Report \10 Victim ~ameOngi!lai Report Oate: This Report

Columbine Hlzh School, er al 10-22-99. ,caw::;; X First Degree Murder Offtm~ ~tm: 0ptJ1 X Cll;CllpUoml1iy Clemti 0 Recommend Case: Review X

R,«IMSi("<3ti(m 0 Clem:d by Arrest 0 Ulllcl.JTll1cd 0 Closure 0

[re~ IQuallti!'\' I 8mfld Name I """'pUoo I Serial No ~g\~ , Value I ValueRC\:(lycl1lld O.aftl31Wi;l

Interview with John Ungerland, dated 10-21-99,


On October 21. 1999 at approximately 1615 hours, John Ungerland responded to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Officeat my request to be reinterviewed concerning information he had given about a Geo Metro, I advised Ungerland that Ineeded to talk to him about his previous interview. which was dated 05-05-99,

l first asked Ungerland if he was sure that Harris and Klebold were in his first period video class on 04-20-99,Ungerland stated he had changed his mind and was possibly mistaken that Harris and Klebold were in that class on04-20-99,

Ungerland stated he was sure he saw a Geo Metro with two individuals inil~ly 1430 hours on 04-20-99Ungerland stated the driver of the vehicle was an individual that looked like~but he was not sure if it wasP I explained to Ungerland that was with family members at that time and Ungerland reiterated hewas not sure, hut thought the person 100 ed like Ungerland stated he was [00% sure that the passengerof the vehicle was hanging out the window with a weapon/firearm.

At approximately 1630 hours this date. the interview was terminated,


Lead #506i closed. case open.

!JC-001· 001707-\S \F3" <nt JCSD 16":.1L-"-__--'-- -'-- --'-- ----'

Page 8: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


JC·001· 001708

Page 9: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

Reference' ControlNumber 4829

InterviewingAgent: Larry A Brown,Colorado Bureauof'Investigation, 690 KiplingSt.,Suite 4000, Denver, CO, 80215, phone (303) 239-4211

This report is referencedto Control Number4829

The following students were telephonically contactedand interviewed:Christine SZYMANSKJChristopherMYERSElizabeth CARLSTONElizabeth MARZONIJennifer SCOTTJessica PRACHKatherine WILLIAMSLaurenJOHNSONLucas JOHNSONNicholas HERRERASarah AUGUSTINITyson MIKLEBOST

All of the abovestudents gavesimilar accountsof their actions on the April 20, 1999, attackon ColumbineHigh School They were all in their fifth hour Math class with an unnamedsubstitute teacherwhen the school fire alarm sounded. The studentsthoughtit was a typicalfire drill or the long anticipated 'senior prank'. The studentsstarted walking out of the eastdoorof the Math wing when other teachers told them to movequicklyacross Pierce StreettoLeawoodPark Once they were in the park, several students heard the soundsof what theybelievedto be explosions. Dozensmore studentsarrived in the park and reponed there werepeople in the school with guns and shootingpeople. Mostof the students then dispersedthroughout the neighborhood and took refuge in several homes that were opened to them.Some of the studentswalked home or to the home of a nearby friend, None of the studentssaw the shootersor had knowledge ofanyoneelse being involved in the attack. A few of thestudents stated they knew tIARRIS and KLEBOLD from current or prior classes

Parents of the following students (students unavailable) were contactedand statedthat theirchildren related to them the same set of events.Emily BARRELL (Mother- Regina BARRELL)JenniferSUMIDA (Mother - Sue SUMIDA)Michelle VOSSBRlNK (Mother- Donna VOSSBRlNK)Ross LAMBERT (Mother - Rhonda HARDCASTLE)

The following studentscould not be reached but were confirmedby other students to haveevacuatedthe classroomand ran to Leawood Park,Crystal LOVEEsther SPENCEKerry SPENCE


Page 10: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

Reference: ControlNumber 4829

Additionally, studentRebekahTRIPPstatedshe was homesick on the dayprior to and theday of tbe attack. This information wasconfirmed by her parents.

arty A. Brown, AgentColorado Bureau of Investigation

JC-001- 001710

Page 11: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Page 12: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



o Person advisad

Soctal SItCUrlty No,

MaIti09Statement is:o Officer 0 Witne"



CountY St;t!(\ c n I \.....0

Denver PoIic:e D9pal1mentSTATEMENT


« J=" -

Paga__ of__

s.--v of Sm....'....'c

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?l.,,//ch ? 0/ -rAe /Jr'&"1 #/1-/1 6/-7 ;;; de Net I<BcH/

1_ read !hef~$1JB_r and the facrs contained therein are true to the best ofmy knowledge and belief. ido !JDt mD7lai'J that ;;t Qtij!irafts sJI of the facts Dr details of me incident, but only those faCTS about which I have been1JSI.ed.

JC·001- 001712 Ilmllllll~~1111'0600'

Page 13: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

clll.2.'1.J I,..iP. 17'lit -1,lAl ' f7'O/** UPDATED APRIL 28, 1999 **J'«,i' <.b ~-76J.f


1. Did youever see the twolargeduffelbags in the cafeteria?V-v2. Did yousee anyone carrying or in thepcssessicn of those'duffelbags. at a ll"'viou, tlme ?

,V-t53. Did you seeEric Harris or DylanKlebold either on Moo<lay ofTuesday? Whatwen: t!J<>y doing?

Whatdid t!J<>y say? Weret!J<>y with anyone else? Jlo

4. Did you leaveanydJ.infj behind in the cafeteria or ooywbere else in the school ? ,M·Y ;Jet tt'c :t,vW!liltl'tt, ('fa,) . '

S. Who wereyou with in t!J<> c:il'eteri.? Wherewere yousitting? --J1?'lt6, Did you see or tJllk to ooyof the TrenchCoat Mafia members on Mooday? Tuesday? Howabout the

priorweek orweekend? ~k)

7. Haveyou heardanything from anybody else about other suspects, bomb maldng. gun buyUJg, etc. ?« L'

3. )I'1>at .were..J:0u wet9":;,: Did you have a hack pack .,V'bat.did it J90kJll<e andlor have in it ?;flul,:- v1q,vJ/Nr I--r/f .z>v,#!cHlt c. £<AX> :;>

9. ijgwdid you leaver.h~c~ep:ria or the bUi!d#l...,.g ? What were tPe events tbar~you leave i(ftZcouJ-& or r w;J"i,u''<'/7 +A!.:,;..P! /fJ f __~c'k-"l'

1O. Whattimedid you<Iller the c:lfeteri. ' Where did youcome from (prior to the cafeteria) ,

11. Havethemmarkw6Y"~CY were sitting. their route out of the buildingandwhomthey werewith {ifknown) ;

12. Howdid youexit the building· Wheredid you go wben you got OUt aad wbardid yousee on theoutSide of the building " if" /Tifc! cI'y 1'1/# /2c, V ,J""(f-<

13. Do you userbeInternet: If 'a, what is your screen name? Do you have an ICQ(aim: 1 seek you Isimilar roa chat linej account ? /l1:f' ?/ft].e;' t~ ;V.<'!"Je.:-/'"

14. Doyou know anybody witha "doublepierced eyem-0x;.bIS. Did you see or bear any unusual erecuacements prior to the shootings" 00 you know what the

"'Thought of the day was"over the Rebel News Network(R.'!N)? Nulhi7

16. Can you providetllly !i.tnller infQn:na.UOQ on the memben; of theTrenchCoatM:lfin: ),'6

17 Ask the parents if the kidshave told themanything else: Different"


Page 14: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


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JC-001- 001714

Page 15: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Page 16: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION 0_lnlIApacy ~Offif# CaseReportNc

SUPl'LEM:ENT y JCSO MOORE,C. 99-7625-GGGGCooneetiD$ Cut R¢pon No, Victim Name OrifPnal Rcpott OalcTbis R¢i'l'Jt1

COLUMBINE 06-22-99ClwU'icariQJl X FIRST DEGREE MURDER 0flitI'I&e 8WLll: ClIa X Ex.~Clemtl 0 Recommend Case: R<w.w 0

Reciullifianon 0 CleIn:dby Am::st 0 u_ c Closure c

l~ I QUltl'llilY IBrand~ I"..",..... 1serial No. s~l~g I Vahll:: 1 \-aiveIt.eeo'iemJ Damagtd


CFlRlSTOPHER LEE WELSH, D08/1 ()..16·82

TI19 West Portland Avenue

Littleton,CO 80128



On06-22-99, I was assigned Lead #4246 to contactColumbine High School student Christopher Welsh, who was assigned to

Mr. Bundy's fifth hour Algebra I class.

On06·22.99, at about 1607,I contactedthe listednumberfor Welsh, 303·978·1976. A female answered and connected me with

a malewno SUIted he was Christopher Welsh. I toldWelsh1wascalling Columbine High School students referencethe incident

occurring at the school on 04-20-99. I asked him if he was at the school on 04-20-99 and he staled that he was. I told him 1

understood he was assigned to Mr. Bundy's fifth hour Algebra I class and asked him ifhe was in attendance On that date. He

statedbe was. I told Welshthat I understood classstarredat 1115. I asked him whatthe first indicationwas that something was

wrong. He stated that five to ten minutes after they sat down,whilethey were taking a quiz, he heard shouting and thought it

mightbe a light Almost immediately afterwards, he heard the fire alarm. Welshstaled that almost immediately after the fire

alarm, Mr. Ortizthrew open the doorto their classroom and said, "Getout ofhere,now." Welsh statedthat Mr. Ortiz then began

pushing everyone out of the class. I askedWelshwherehe wentfrom there. He stated he went right in the hall then turned left

intoanother halland then right out of the building,throughsomedoubledoors. I asked him if he had seen anything in the hall

and be stated he had not I asked him ifhe had heard anything in the hail. He statedhe had not. He stated that once outside,

they crossedPierce into Leawood Park, immediately behind the fence. Welsh statedthat someone said that someone brought

a gun to school, hut he didn't know who said it The teachersthen moved everyoneback. Welsh stated that about ten minutes

'Iter arriving at the park,he heard whathe thought to be a couple of explosions. He statedthat about ten to fifteen minutesafter

0(j5~0"'--LUnit Number Super-.;oor Initials andDate IAssign'tdTo ?'gI' 1

)<:.~( ~:r<p or I,,

X: I p..:""E$T!(j", "{WI.

, JC-001- 001716 J ASAF::4198 JCSD"16"'4( ')fU~l.'.lJ. \-1CTThl SE'R\'1ctS ! ':mlIJl

Page 17: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION a RcportmgApnoY Reporting Offi= Case ReccrrNo


CoonmingCaseReportNo VictimNameOripwR<pan OatcThisR.epmt

COLUMBINE 06-22-99ClWifitatiO!l' X FIRST DEGREE MURDER ow...e $ratw.: Open X -.0...... o Ral',100unend Case: Review cRedusification c CICll'CCi by Ann:. c U"""""'.. c Closwl!' 0

'Ilil' 1 Qw.ori<y I..... NIm. I Otscri~~ IScritlNo. ~.tlue I Re¥:~ I ~td.....that, he heard what he believed to be two silenced gunshots.I askedhim if becould see anything from thepark and he stated

he couldnot. I askedWelsh if he recalled whohe was Bining within !he classrocm, Hestatedthat a girl named Samwas behind

him, Alayna.Muscolino was in front of him and BrianDeidelwas to the left of him. Welsh stated that he could not recall who

was sitting to the right of him,

1askedWelshifhe had been intoor aroundthe cafeteria on04-20·99, He statedthat before school he come, into the cafeteria,

He statedon thatday, he arrivedabout0720, He stated the hell rings about0730 and he went to the library, I asked him if there

was anything unusual hebed seenin the cafeteria and he stated there wasnot, He stated it was normal. I asked him ifhe noticed

any unusualhags or backpacks and he stated he did not.

I askedWelshifhe knew eitherDylanKlebold or Eric Harris and he statedhe did not He stated he had seen both in the halls.

Jut did not knowthem. I askedifhe had seen either one of them 00 04·20·99 and he stated he had not. I asked Welsh if there

was anythingwhich he had seen or heard. either prior to or sincethe incident. whichhe thought might beof assistanceand he

stated there wasnot.

DISPOSITION: Open, pending further investigation.


C1\~~JUnit Num'" Supervisc! initials andDate Assigned To hge 1

x.:Sl --- of ~

OlUGt'-Al Y I NV!SiTGAiQR V1rn~ SER\lC£S 10_ I A$AfJ 4198 J<:SD,'Ui~4

Page 18: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


JC-001· 001718

Page 19: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Method of Contaot"

_ In Pe",on _ Telephone

_ Observation _ Written

Date': 6: )-17 Time', /fd() ,

7!,J 'S 7/1 ;.1,,;,/ &9[&;;

t!k~ &.4--'1'NAFlFlATlVe*, _.u...!...;z.,._.::z.~;""-G=~I'L!.'--_"""...Il:J'-"''''''ct:.L--'-----_--- _



Lead Set? (YIN):

-]Date: _

o TIme Value (Circle leJ<110 be entered)

Assigned to: ??o).'::: S

LEAD: '-:1-:14 21 1M M >4','" ,j,+r ,;',.,5

Oale _ Tlme _

JC-001- 001719

_ continued

DISPOSITION: I"';r.tlt '" ,,,;Wc'V I!J-t 1'tf<mi4F t!I(!J '-(:/1 fOil{).. #<'"...,. ,"'swcf" ~$""""'_ MJ'.-"1

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~~"!> Pt~ '!rr: tf'J'1C "",,":M'ltmp 1"1f1'!K. ~ "f>,:>M'f:!" ~'7H-1t~ t;J1ft,w:- ,AI ~,

,. fl,t) r.r<:r ~<;;;l7'~ ~'!?'!C':i). 1'tt:.."1HIo9 <'i(WIIJ"cf4: ~f't<E" (1</ (.~P t'<1'1t:.J£. .

--:::5~ U ..~ q{l15/~'!> ~'1't:JULead Completed' _

White - Original Yellow· Rapid Start Pink - Lead


Page 20: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Page 21: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


SUPPLEMeNT 121'CO(lJt&Cting case Aspen No

Off~!Ml: SlaWs; OpenC1&ared by Arrest 0

Exceptionally CIBlll'ed CJ\,ln10\ln4ed 0




a ~,> #'~ Z /~~ ,~&2JeJAdf~/47U/l ~>.Ii'P£ .J£faA:t:t1 L~~ ~£d'l!!' l''i''d>~..,;trI!p/«'~­1z~ ~~~~tP.-e£~8f~~rn:J~ &> 17!7S~,R&~AIt'k~ ..~ ~~ ~"'1'.!: / tV d'I..b?I£.t';fl:f'.p- d:ad""~&!f2 #tift7~ ~ ,:7{'" '2'¢' f'9 ~/I2f;iII.~~~ ,r:ff'~(.LGr~ c/v' ~.Pf:~;5-~£t!/-1"Z[Pi?/¥ ~~~~ :2{;'~","/A/o/ ~~~

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T ~ 7?1?1'7 «///'7<1.

Page 22: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



eta Ottet!H $latus; Oil:f" Ex(:'tltlCl'lally C!wed 0 ~~ ea..: R~lew 0RPL Cldl'$(J: by A"ftl 0 lk'lkluntted Cl CfOSl.!t6 CJ!~m Vatu. , Vah.!&No. DHCriptkm S.titl No. R~'&d i Dam eq

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JC-001· 001722

.... "';::'---1'f

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JC.o01· 001723

Page 24: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

Control Number 4829

Interviewing Agent: Larry A. Brown,Colorado Bureau of Investigation, 690 KiplingSt.,Suite4000,Denver, CO, 80215,phone(303) 239··1211

Placeof Interview: Telephonic to 5231 S.lndependenceST., Littleton,CO 80123(303) 973·7806

Person Interviewed: Columbine studentAlise WILLIAMSON, 5231 S. Independence ST ,Littleton, CO80123

On July 12, 1999, Ms. AliseWILLIAMSON, Columbine High School student, wasinterviewed regarding the events that occurred on April 20, 1999. Shestatedshe was in herfifthhourMathclass when the firealarm sounded A substitute reacher, whosenameshecouldnot recall, wasin chargeof theclasswhichwasnormally taugbtby teacherDaveSMITH. Ms. WILLIAMSON described the substitute teacher as beinga white female,approximately 50 yearsofage, with shortbrownhair. When the firealarm sounded, thestudents began a normal evacuation of the school. According to Ms. WILLIAMSON. mostof the students thought it was the longanticipated 'senior prank' She realized it wassomething senous when someof the teachers directed them to cross PierceStreetto LeawoodPark. Normally theyremain on school grounds during firedrills. Ms. WILLIAMSON saiddozens morestudents arrivedat the park and related stories of kidswithguns in the schoolshooting at people. The students wen: then told to runfurther in to the neighborhood to takecoveras thesounds of gunfire and explosions couldbe heard coming from theschool Ms.WILLIAJ.1SON statedshedid not know HARRlS or KLEBOLD. Shesaid she heardsecondhandthat~may havebeen involved withtheattack.

~~Colorado Bureau of Investigation


Page 25: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Page 26: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


, CMnKrinq eu. A&PCrt Noo

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Page 27: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


JC-001· 001727

Page 28: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



0tf6ttM $tIUUS: 0pfII'\C1Ul.o by Amlst CJ

~Ildy CIW'fd a ~4lCQmmend CaN: "i..,. 0UnfQl.lno.a 0 Cl6Il:utti 0

5erial No,

.', .~=;:'''L:v.\i~~~~~·~t1 .un __ ..... ::.--•••-:•• --

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Si::\.c.a;<, 1.£.,..::...coY H?i!':-:.:;;,t.,::lu, i q'i'tik!/t"" J.I&Ii. , ~.5/LW-"" z s Sn;;1d.,.

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JC·001· 001728

u.." .......l-_-jof

Page 29: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


JC.o01· 001729

Page 30: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINLATION .C]RtpOrtUlg I\g;r.ey R~UliOtU;~ Cue Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSD Inv. Larry Erzen 99-7625Connectmg Cast Re';iOtl: xc Vil;tim Name OTlginal RfPM DateThi.s Rc:pon

.llN 4977 08-31-99c ,,~ c First Delree Murder O~ Sow; 0petI X E~na!lyCI¢Ul!d a ~mmel'l4Case' Review C

R-!clwiJiC:imcr " C~byAnm Cl Ul1p.uncWO 0 CloSl.lte 0

!~ IQlmIl;lY ''Bnmd NlIIIl<: I"""""',' I~alN¢ ftM~ I Y!lUf I Yjjw:RccllVI!'1'Cd DlIma!~


Wolff, Nicholas, 003108-06-81475 West Aberdeen Placeirtleton, CO 80[23

-usiness Address: CU" Colorado SpringsCampus19-262-4209

lParental Information)

Wolff. Dianne<475 West AberdeenPlaceLittleton. CO 80123B' 303-708-0 I00

Wo,,,, GaryH7S WestAberdeenPlace~Jttleton, CO 801233: 303·233-9090


)n August31, 1999at approximately 1000hours, I attemptedto contact Nicholas Wolff in reference to the Columbinencident that occurredon April 20, 1999, I was contactingNicholas to see ifhe was on campus when the incidentlCCurred and if he had any pertinent informanon to provide reference this incident

ultimately contactedNicholas' father, GaryWolff, who told me that Nicholas is attending college in ColoradoSprings: at which time, he providedme with Nicholas' telephonenumber, I asked Gary if Nicholas had providedhisiarents any information in reference to this Columbine incident. Nicholas was apparently in his fifth hour math class,»hich was located in the mathisciencehallway and his classroomwas near the east exit. Gary stated the fire alarmsathe school wentoffand Nicholas told his parents that he exited from ColumbineHigh School and ran over to Leawood'ark, :-iieholas told his parents that he had no ideawhat wasoccurring initiallyand it wasn't until other studentsirrived at Leawood Park, where they began to explain whatwas going on at the school. Nicholas never observedanyfJnmen and he had no additional informationto pass on reference this incident.

JC-001- 001730

Unil Page 1

Page 31: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTIl'l1JAnON 0~l'tinJAgm.~ Reporting Of'flIY~ c~ R,cpol't No

SlJPPLEME1-IT X JCSD IIlV. Larry EneD 99·7625CPr.n~tiqem: Rr:port Nit victim NameOripw R~ Date ThisR4pQrt

nN 4977 08-31.99fiCllUtm Cl First Degr.. Murder Ol'!i:n$«! Sll'iM: O;lett x ~);)'Cldttd c Rb:;o~<t cese: Revi¢w Cl

~M o Cl..c byAmll c u,"""" o Closwe c

l!!f~ I Quulity f SnM Name I~rill'Wrtt ISCrWNo 1'': I v""' I V....R.eoov.eml Dm.llpl!



FBICase #4-DN-57419. DN#4977.


Case openpending further investigation.


'i1cr~S£Il\'!CESJC-001- 001731

Page 32: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Page 33: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTiNUATION 0Reporting A~y ReI)ortil'l$ Officln' Calill'Report ","0

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO MooRE,C. 99-7525-VVVVCO"'~....-:tin8 caseR~ N<l Vicnm Name Origwd Report Oatt" This Rcpon

COLUMBINE 00-30-99C~liOll X FIRST DEGREE MURDER 0fftmI: SlIlL\I: Opim X ~yCielted. 0 Re«Jmrnend Cil$e~ Review cRccJasi&f;~jl o ClOlllCJ byAmt! c u_ 0 ClQJlunt 0

(1tr IQIwlUlY I BRlII:1 "NaJlIll I'l:'le!u:nj)lll,'l/'l I"""""V:lilm' I ~alilt I ValueSWltn _ ll'l~ DMI\I.~



7374 W. WaldenDr.

Littleton, CO 80J28



On 06-22-99, I was Lead#4257 to interview Zachary Ziccardi. a Columbine HighSchool studenton 04-20-99. who hadfifth

"our Algebra I class with Mr. Bundy.

After numerous attempts to reach Ziccardi at the listed home phone number of 303·973·2313. on 06-30-99.•t1632 hours. I

received a phonecall froma male identifying himselfas zacharyZiccardi. Hestatedthat he had been on vacation and unable

to contact me. ! toldZiccardi that I wascallingColumbine HighSchool students reference the incidentoccurring at the school

on 04-20-99. Ziccardi statedthat he had been at the school and badbeenm attendance of Mr. Bundy's class. I toldZiccardi

thatmyunderstandmg wastilar fifth periodstarted at 1115. I asked himwhat his first indication wasafterthat, that something

waswrong. He stated thatpossibly fiftctm minutes after class began, thefirealarm went off He swed that thirty seconds to one

minute after that, CoachOrtiz ran into the room, tellingthem. "Getout, get out," rasked Ziccardiwoowas sittingnearhim in

class. Hestated that Kyle Ashton (AdamKyleAshton) wassitting righr behind him. He Slated that SteveTurilliwas sitting to

Iris leftandone sear back. He statedhebelieved Lauren Carraya was sitting in front of Turilli. Ziccardi statedthat afterleaving

the doorof theclassroom, be turned right,wentTO the end of thehall, turned leftand then turnedrigbr into the south maln hall.

He Staled theywent to theend of marhall andout the doors. Hestated theyWent acrossPierce into LeawoodPark. I askedhim

ifhe hadseenorheard anything in the hallsand he stated he had not I asked him ifhe had seen or heard an;thing afterexiting

the school and he stated he hadnot Hestaled afterbeing in lbeparle forfive '" tell minutes,the teachersbeganrunning arthem

,d tellingthem. "Getback.getback." Ziccardi staledtheythenbegan going intothe neighborhoods, jumping fences and going

i(!Yt~ """ JLoUnil N.....r Supervisor INIW.JUl4 OW: { A.ss1gned To

"'II" 1;.::~ =T1<4 of •

OlllVl:l'<AI,. .f f ::'<\tsTIV >.TOll. VlrnM SERSTctS 10_ JC·001· 001733 ---l "s"n">98JCSO,W·4

Page 34: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTiNUATION c ~A-, R_Otfi= C* Rq:IWi No


C' --:tin8Casc~No, V~1Jm _ Oripw"""'" Ow ThisRepon

COLUMBINE 06-30-99CIISJit'iCltiOt\. X FIRSTDEGREE MURDER 0frcnNS.. 0Ja X ~yCl«md 0 R.fIt<m'l1'l'let'lcl Case: - 0

.R:<:14ril'il:lmm <:) a-ol., ..... o tw_ o Closute o

l~ IQ.-DJy IBrud Ndl. 1-.. I"",,"" ~ 1~1 ~aed

intobackysrds. I askedhim if he heard or saw anything at thispoint. Hestated that some people said that theybeard bombs,

however, be didnot belli" anything !.ike that. I asked Zicclll"di ifhe bedbeen through or into thecafeteriaat all on that date. He

Slated be bed not. I asked him ifhe knew either Dylan Klebold or EricHarris and be swed be did not. I askedhimif either

Klobold or Harris _ anyone be recognized fromthehallways and he statedbe did001. I askedhim if therewasanytl:tiDg he

bed heardor seen, prior to or sincethe incident, whicbbe thought might assistus. Hestared therewas not.

DISPOSITION: Open,pendingfurtherinvestigation.

17~i~'7'~~Unit N"""'" Sup=rviSOf Initials and Dale t AaiIDe4 Te PA,. •t·~ O~

JC-001·001734of 1

),JO;;.. ...;. -; ~\'!S71G ...r-C.. V!("'TN 5U\I1C'U I,m r 4.S,U3.tJ93 JCSD 10"'4

Page 35: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

',-...... ..




Page 36: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Page 37: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

JBITElUilON COOlWr D:tSTlI.J:C'r AftOlUlln" S OnJ:CB


Deputy D.A. :


May 4, 1999

Dooket ~.r,Case ~er,




Gallagher M.

On May 4, 1999 this investigator conducted an interview

Angela Adams, who is a sophomore at Columbine High School.

Adams made the following statements.



Ms. Adams stated she did not see anything or heard anything

pertaining to it was going to be a bad day at school or any thing

like that.

MS. Adams stated she was in Mr. Petersen's science class when

Ms. Miller another teacher came into their room and got Mr.

Petersen. Shortly thereafter the fire alarms went off in the

school. All of the students headed for the door of the classroom.

Ms. Adams stated she saw blood on the floor.

lois. Miller came back to the classroom and told everybody to

stay in the classroom. There was somebody out in the hall with a

gun. They stayed in the room until Police swat Teams rescued them.

Ms. Adams stated she did not see the gunmen. She does not know

Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold. A student identified as Jen Smull

told her she saw the shooters and she knew there names.

Ms. Adams stated she left her blue back/pack

room. The back/pack contained a calculator,

certificates, and credit cards.

Information: Angela Adams


in her science

checks. gift

JC·001- 001737

Page 38: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

DOB 12-19-82

7766 W. Frost Dr.Littleton, Co.

303-933-1557Susan Cook (mother)

Investigator Date

JC..Q01- 001738

Page 39: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


JC·(l(l1· 001139

Page 40: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800




Date' 5/25/99

CONTROL ~~ER: 3643

Docket NUIll:ber,

FBI#: 174A-DN-57419

Investigator, Vondenkamp

On 5/25/99 I ccncaczed ellS student Bryan Adams at his home phone

number of 302-979-1840. Brran is 15 years old, and agreed to speak

with me about the CHS shootings.

Bryan had not been concacced by any Invest.igat.ors regarding t.he

incident. He stated that en 4/20/99 he was in Ms Mosier's science

class in science room 7 at 11:20am. This is his scheduled 5th hour

class. Ms Mosier was using an overhead projector to show some notes,

50 the lights were off in the classroom. Around 11: 25am a student

came running by the classroom, in the hall. Another student came in

and said that someone had a gun. Bryan recalled thinking it was a

prank. The class then saw several kids running and a few more

students came into t.he classroom wit.h the same information. Bryan

did not know who they were. Ms Mosier advised the s cudent.s to get

under their desks, which they did. Bryan recalled he began hearing

gunfire out in hallways, coming from the area of the cafeteria. He

also heard a few explosions, whicb shook the floor in the classroom.

Ms Mosier locked the door into the classroom from the inside. Bryan

believed there were 27 students in this room. The students all

remained on the floor and one window into the ballway was covered

wit.h paper. Bryan did not see anything while waiting. He recalled

that he heard several gunshots for about 20 minutes. He did not know

where they were coming from, but described them as "louder than a

pistol". Some of the gunfire was definitely closer and louder than

others, possibly outside the science rooms. Bryan explained that he


Page 41: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

hunts, and has shot different types of guns. He thought they couldhave been shotguns.

Bryan stated at no time did anyone attempted to get into the scienceroom where he was. He could not see out into the hallway, so did notknow what was going on. When the gunfire stopped, nothing happeneduntil SWAT arrived around 3: OOpm. He was escorted out by SWAT and

taken to Leawood Elementary school.

Bryan had no further information about the shootings and did not see

anyone carrying a large duffle bag into school on 4/20/99. Bryan didstate that he has 4th hour free, and usually sits in the commons areanear the west windows. On 4/20/99 he sat in the commons area, but

did not see anyone carrying a duffle bag, or a duffle bag laying onthe floor.

Bryan Adams7211 S. Zephyr WayLittleton, Co. 979-1840.




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Page 43: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION 0Reporting Ag,mcy !Rqxn'tmgotf1cer CaUl R¢pOrt ,,,<,,


i ('onnecting (.:.1'$1;Report:So ViClimN.antt Ortgutaf R~rt Date: This Rep<Jrt

COLUMBINE 08-11·99r 'cJ.non X FIRST DEGREE MURDER O>Kr:5t $l.atU$; {)pert X €~.JrnUllly Cf9rt:'d " Reccrarnend Case: Review 0

R~,dtiflclllimt c ('lwtd. 01 Art'll$[ o Unftt\ln1tli 0 Closui"e 0

I~~ IQuantitY I ~rn:! Nal'l'Ul I i)eoscriplioll ISimal N(l $:':;' I Vidll~ I V,alucRf:Cc~ti'«I ThviillgM



5442 S. Holland SI.

Littleton, CO

(303) 978-9319


On08-03-99. I contacted Columbine HighSchoolstudent Paige Allison. I askedher abouttheeventswhichsheobserved on

04-20-99. This interview is connected with DN#2747.

I asked Allison whather familiarity was wirh the suspects Dylan KleboJd and EricHarris. SheSlated she did not know either

suspectand she did not see eithersuspect on 04-20-99. nordid 'he see any weapons.

Allison statedthatshe has first, secondandthirdperiodclasses whichsheattended On 04-20-99 Shehas fourth periodoffand

leftthe school for lunch, returning atabout 1110 hours. Shestaledshe hadgoneto lunchwithfellow student Brianna Peters.

When theyreturned to the schoolafterlunch. Peters parked hercar in thescurbstudentparking 101. Allison andPeters entered

the school by the entrance which is near the school store. She did not notice anything unusual or out ofplace when she entered

that area. Shewentupstairs to go to her fit'..!t periodChemistry classwith Mr. Cram.

A few minutes intothe class. she heardwhatshe thoughtwere fireworks. She lookedout the classroom window which locks

mtc the southmainhallway Shestatedtherewere "tons of people" running east alongthe southmainhallway. Shesaid she

did not know what was going on. Her teachertold the class to pay attention, but the teachersoon realized something was

wrong Hewent to the door, then toldthe class."Get up. hurry" He thensent his students out toward the Tech Lab

Allison stated that she spent about five minutes in the hallway near the Tech Lab. She then heard a bomb going off




.\$"n -'198 JCSOI167.i

Assigned To

Page 44: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION 0Reponing Agency Reporting Officer C.JSc Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO OBBEMA 99-762S-RRConnectmgCase Itepcrt No VIctimName Origi:naJ f{~rt Date: "Miill fleport

COLUMBINE 08-11-99; 'icaUOI' X FIRSTDEGREE MURDER Offc:ug S\fl1\4;~ X EACtjll1Ot\1lil)' (!t2red C Recommeod Case~ Re.... iew n

k..-4Mifld.!io!'l o Cl~d bo~ AlftM o """""".. 0 Cle_ O

:~ IQowlrily j GraMN_ j De$l;lip1iQn i Selll No ¥t~\~ l~t~[~G

Approximately seven people who were in that hallway area.ran wough the Tech Lab and into the north main hallway. Her

friend, Brooke Skinner took her hand andbegan running toward the mainoffice. They turned left and ran north down the

ballway which runsin frontof the counseling offices. Skinnertold her later that she bad observedbroken glass in the office

area. At the end of the hallway,which runs in frontof the counselingoffices, there is. door which exits to the north sideof

Ibe school. The girls ran out that door. They then passed the tenniscourts areaand bopped a fence going to an area known

as the smoking pit. Thoy then ran to Clement Park.

I asked Allison ifher friend BrookeSkinner bad seen the suspects or any weapons. She stated thar Skinnerdid not

I questionedAllisonabout pans of a previousreport takenbya Lakewood Agent RichardHalpin. in which Halpindocuments

that both girls saw one suspect with a rifle. The reportalso states that Allison sawat lease two students woundedin the front

office area and two more in the cafeteriaarea. Allisonstatedthat this did not occurand shedoes not understandwhere Agent

Halpin got his information,

D1SPOsmON: Open.

-:Unit Number

G ••~. r;,l/#7 SUpe'I"\lsor lnitiatsand Date ASSIgned TIJP'S" 1

/l1t:A. / ,. (r t:<.- «VV' sr4>7 o]" 1

,)RlVl'Al --- 1,.\fSTlG"mll. '';:CTlM SUVIC!\S \ onee ~ "SAFJ .4198 JCSOI16'..


Page 45: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Page 46: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800




()ffatI~ sWos; OpenCIHNtd Uy Amtal Cl

ExclJPtionelly Cl&arad 0 AiiCOn'lmlWKt Cut:tJ(1f1:l~ 0


't2JV' bt""zff Z. Ld.C.~(~ ~4¥.~~. ('$ ~ p~ tfM" ~&-.&£'M(!J.4~:f??-:~

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Page 47: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

Jc.o01- 001747

Page 48: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION o Agl!tlo;y Repomtng Officer CaseR~rtNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO GALLEGOS 99-1625WWCoftllecUns C,ue Reptxt No Victim Nam. Ol"ilinlli Repon: nate Tni" ll.epM

~ONTROLNUMBER4~8 062899c .""" X HOMICIDE Ofl!enu StalW: Opm X !;teplmnaliy Cleated c Recommend Case'". Review o

R-.~fi<:t1jOll a ClarW by ""ms1 a Unfounded c CI_ a

~ IQufflliry IBnnd Nirt'It l-,~ ISft'i'INo = IR~~ I o~~~WITNESS,


(303) 979-6164


On June 14, 1999. [attempted W contactSaraNicoleArbogast by telephone, Thenumberprovided hasbeen disconnected. I

calledIl.S. West Communications and attempted to obtainthe number from themfor the Arbogast residence, I was advised

that the phonenumberis non-published andan unlisted number,

I havehad other interviews where the person interviewed indicated that theyhad beentrapped insideof the Tech. Lab, With

..ara Arbogast, Idon't believe .hatshecanprovide us withanyadditional information, besidethat information alreadyobtained

from the other students who havebeeninterviewed,



Unit Number Supervisor Inilialll andOat(! Assigned To


Pagt i

,r 1

ASA134it8 JCSDil,'4

Page 49: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Page 50: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 105/la/1999

Ref ~ 99-12067 Report.<;\Type 1\55'\'01\

Location 62Q~ S PIERCE/~

DET70 05/18/1999 05179~~KK

JCSD 99-76.5CONTROL ~2990

Date 04/.0/1999 Time 12,39,32Stat". R'\'F

On May 14, 1999 lnve$tigator Duane Eaton of the Arvada PoliceDepartment was assignaa investigative lead bearing oontrol #2990The source of the information ~as listed as Kelsey Bane, aColumbine High School student. The nar4ative portion of the formliote<;\ the name of Sarah Arzola InoB 05/05/82) with an address of6352 West Morraine Place, Littleton. Colorado, 80129, telephone932-7471, as a Columbine High School student in Clement park. Thelead portion of the form advised that Arzola had spoken w~th awhite ~~le in Clement Park whom she observed co be laughing andthat this male supposedly told her to mind her own businaS$ and hewc~ld mind his, Investigator Eaton was assigned the task ofcontacting and interviewing Arzola.

On Monday, May 17, 1999 at approximately 1055 houts l

Investigator Eaton was able to make telephone contact with Arzolaat her residence. Arzola agreed to i~terview with InvestigatorEaton in ref$rence the information she had.

Arzola advised Investigator Eaton that on Tueeday, April 20,1999 she had walked into Clement Park aftar ~eing evacuated fromColumbine High School Arzola advised Investigator Eaton that atapproximately 1130 hours this date she was in science class, Sheadvised the class was Chemistry and the teacher was Mr. Cran, Shead~i$ed thac while in class, she heard numerous people running downthe hallway outside the classroom door and heard studentsscreaming. Arzola advised thac she looked out the window of thedoor and observed numerous students runnins down the hallway.Arzola advised that at first the teacher Mr Cr~~ advised thestudents co stay in che room and g~ay seated. Arzola advised thatshorcly thereafter the fire alarm activated and Mr. Cran orderedthe students to evacuate the school at that time, Arzola advisedInvestigator Eaton that she and her fellow classroom a~udents

exited the building through the Tech Lab and then o~t the hallwayby the classrooms. She advised thac this hallway exies into apa~king lot behind the school near the tennis courts and ClementPark,

Arzola advised Investigator Eaton that once in Clement parkand before she realized what Wa$ ta~in9 place ~nside the school.she observed fellow et~d~nt Josh Neilson, a junior at the school,laughing. She askect what he was laughing about and he told her,'IPeopla are getting shot in there." Arzola advised Investigatoriaton that thia greatly upset her at the time. She advised thatshe told Neilson this upset her ana he told her to mind her ownbusiness Arzola advised Investigator Eaton that later that dateshe observed Neilson crying instead of laughing. She advised thatshe believes now he was pO$$lbly in shock and that is why he waslaughing. Arzola advised Investigator Eaton that Neilson's mother

Jc.o01- 001750

Page 51: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

Arvada Police/COurt System~4ada Police Oepa~~ment


~age 205/lS/1999

Ref # 99·12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S ~IERCE ST

Reported Oate 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

OET70 0,/18/1999 051799/EATON/KK

is an employee inside the school cafeteria and had been on thetelevision news discussing rescuing $tudencs from the Gafeteria,

Investigator Eaton asked Arzola if she had any knowledge thatNeilson was acquainted with or socialized with either Eric garrisor Dylan Klebold. Arzola advised Investigaeor Eaton that she hadno knowledge of Neilson being acquainted with either Harris orKlebold.

Investigator Eaton asked Arzola if she was acquainted with orever socialized with Eric, Harris or Oylan Klebold. A~;ola advisedInvestigator eaton that she knew neither Harris nor Klebold. Sheadvised that she knew the twO by face only and recalls seeing themaround school. She advised that she did net know their names untilafter the incident and she learned the~ through other 3tudents andthe news.

Arzola did advise Investigator Eaton that she was suspiciousof HarrlS and Klebold's friend dB She advised that shewas suspicious of him because she later learned that he hung ouewith Harris and Klebold. She advised thatdS was veryrebellious. Arzola also advised that was in her fourth houracting class, She advised, however, that on the day of theincident., April 20, 1399, 2 was not :in the acting class andhadn't been in the claas for approximately the past twa weeks.

Investigator Eaton advised Arzola if she had any otherinformation that she thought might be helpful in thisinvestigqcion. Arzola advis~d Investigator Eaton that all $hecould recall from that day was see~n9 her friend Rachel Scott.Arzola advised Investigator Eaton that Rachel Scott was in herfirst. second and fourth hour classes. She advised that she hadmet Scott last year during second Semester and that they had becomeclose friends and often socialized outside of school. InvestigatorEaton asked Ar:ola if she was aware of Rachel Scott having anyprOblems with anybody at school and more specifically any ptoblemswith Harris or Klebold. Arzola adVised that Scott never mentionedto her any problems with Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold or any ofHarris and Kleboldls friends and associates. Arzola advisedInvestigator Eaton that it was her opinion that Rachel Scott neverhad problems with anyone at school.

Arzola adVised Investigator Eaton that she had no otherinformacion that she believed helpful to this investigation.Investigator Eaton concluded the inte~view at approximately 1110hours.

JC-001· 001751

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Page 53: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



D'llfendllIlt, (CQlumbine shooting)

Date: 052099D<llputy D.A.,

Dock.t NUmb.r. 99A062 (KK)

Ca•• NUmber: 99-7625Investigator. Mike Heylin -


Alex Babiniec DOB: 0503839674 W. Arlington Ave.Littleton, CO 80123303-973-7945cia mother; Katherine Sabiniec (no work)

father; Dennis Sabiniec (w) 303-451-5233-CBS student; wore blue cast on right leg and crutches day ofshooting; in cafeteria for 4th hour at table Q or X with llrillm.....lselier, Ian Morris, Scott Streab, Art Mar, and Nathan Anema; wasin Mr. Mosier's science clasa (Science room 5) for 5th hour;remained there until rescued by SWAT i no suspect or duffle hag



On May 19, 1999 at 1134 hours I contacted Alex Babinieo at his homefor an interview. His mother was present. Alex then told me thefollowing:

* He is a freshman at Columbine High.

* When asked about Eric Harris, he said that he did not think heever saw him before the shooting. He never heard. his name before.

1 JC-001- 001753

Page 54: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

• When asked about Dylan Klel:lold, he said that he did see himabout three times a week in school passing in the hallways. He hadto look at the yearbook photo of Dylan to be sure he was rememberingthe same student. He thought Dylan wore a trench coat all tha time!!he saw him. He .did not know Dylan's name.

• When asked about he said that;... he may have hea::<d-of his name before, but did not know him.

• He did not know""""'r


When asked aboutname before but did not know

he said that he may have heardhim.

• He has heard of the name "Trench Coat Mafia" before and thoughtthey were just a "wannabe· gang-type group at school. He avoidedthose students as he thought they were ·devilish." He thought therewere about six students who wore the trench coats in school and thatthey were not always together.

• He did not know the names of other trench coat students orassociates. He said he does not think he saw any of the trench coatstudents or associates in SChool the day of the shooting. He saw nosuspicious objects at school the day of the shooting. When askedspecifically, he saw no duffle bags.

• He wore a lightshooting:. He also hadfrom an ankle injury.

gray t-5hirt and shortsa blue cast on hi5 right

the day of theleg and crutches

• He had 4th hour off afterAfter his 4th hour class, hecafeteria. He had an elevatorcrutches. Once in the cafeteria,with Brian Fuselier, Ian Morris,Anerna.

his 3rd hour Language Art5 class.took the elevator down to the

key because of his leg cast andhe spent the hour at table Q or XScott Streeb, Art Mar, and Nathan

JC·001· 001754

Page 55: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

• He left the cafeteria arouna 11,05 a.m. so he could make it up

to his science class for 5th hour.

• His 5th hour class was Mr. Mosier's sciance class that was in

science classroom 5. He thought it was around 11,15 a.m. when he

first heard the fire alarm go off. He ana some others went out into

the immediate hallway from the classroom and were_tola by an~unkno~

female teacher to go back in the class, that someone had a gun

downstairs. He went back into the classroom.

• He then heard some explosions. Mr. Mosier lockea the classroom

door and stood guara between the interior doorway between classrooms

5 ana G. When the students returned into the classroom, most of

them went into classroom 6. He said only 9 other students were with

him in classroom 5.

• He said that they crawlea over to the north wall of the

classroom and flipped over two tables to hiae behind. While behind

the tables, he knew someone was in trouble in one of the other

science rooms but did not know at the time it was Mr. Sa.'1.ders. He

saw a male with no shirt on run through the interior docrways for

his classroom. He did not know if that was a student or a teaoher.

;, He heard gunshots ana more explosions. He thought the

explosions were coming from the level he was on and from downstairs

at the same time. He also heard a lot of soreaming coming from

classroom 6.

;, FrOll', what he heard, he could tell that a suspect or suspects

were outside their room in the interior hallway. He heara shooting

an<i explosions. He did not hear any voices from out in the

hallway. At one point, he thought someone from outside, possibly a

suspect, grabbed or brushed against their locked olassroom door.

;, After

class bell

about 1 1/2 hours,

started ringing. The

the fire alarm turned off and

class bell would not shut off.


3 JC.Q01- 001755

Page 56: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

* He said that the students in classroom;; had a television on.

Those in his classroom found a small ractio to turn on to listen to

what ....s being reported as going on. He could hear someone in the

ceiling moving around and beard the sound of what he thought was a

drilling noise that was far away.

* He said that some students were signaling ta-police outside ~

eventually, SWAT personnel came in their classroom. He said that

SWAT came in from classroom 4 and led them out through classroom 6.

Once out in the hallway, they were led east down the hallway there.

north to the other east/west hallway, and out the school via the

east door just south of the main east doors. He thought he was in

the classroom for 3 hours.

This concluded my interview with Alex Babiniec.





Page 57: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Page 58: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

Pag"__ 01_ Page.

OfficI( Taking Statemente::;,

Conceming an incident oc-CYtring at:

Summary of Statement:

Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMENT

Social Socudty No.

Ca.e No, _

F'trsOtl adviud


I have !Net the foregoing statement and the fscts contained therein are true to the best of my knowledge and beNef. nor maintain that it con rains all of the facts or detaJls of the incident cur only those facts about which I have been"Sked.

Jc.o01- 001758 11100 I1111 BIIII~ 11111111·0600'

Page 59: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

C... No. _

Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMENT

P,ge__ "1___ Psge.

10 ~ast. F!rll. Middle Jnitiall Maklng Stltemen.t is;"

- - > a Offi¢lr 0 Witnen 0 Person advised

Ro~denC& Sueat Addr...

~N."'A. J ...,.,..

!Clry County IState ZIPCode

$453 c: J, ,RqiO&nce PhO(ie Btlsinass PhoM Il!iOCil!ll SecuritY No. Oate of Strth f Serial No.I J 973- rcze: . I J

Buaineu Street Addreu Clty Counly lstate ZiQ CO"

OffIcer Talting Stitement S.,.,. No. 1°'" ffTime

"'-r, ~. / ' 117007 ....- 41- Hout.

COl"¢lWnit'lQ..4~:r\Cid.nt Oc;CJ.Itti!"lO jt LL_ ILac.ltion whtIJe S'l:atamentta~..- cA.~~ "'''''S3 e:» .~ I

Summary "I Statament:


...,..... AS' '£C!KC-a d7?'.... :rr,jif';,;:CAtif<t; r 7'2f:;:! '-" 6".,.,-r ;;z;r /f r1C z:,~

r: <

.,. ,-$:-{<:;sn;f e~r: C.,::S .;s;:741 ?'f:"{\ VJ M.s 4f!">

.3 .QD " ......t"l%'Y' U1: S"4<......!!l7"" ~C"1 C'AC76 ::::z::;.,_- -



! have read the foregoing statement and the facts contained the,si" are true tc the best ofmy knew/edge and belief, Jdo nor maintain tfult it coatsins all of the facts Of detaJls of the incident, but only those facts ab(Jut which {have been..ked.

/ /-- ~-- CAM

C PMTlrmll Statem8J"lt Completed


JC.001· 00175911111m1111!lIillln lUI'06liO'

Page 60: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

Pllfle _ of _ Pege. C..... II _

Summery of Stlitoment ieont.1 _

An £I~~ C¥£T. ';;;;""9" SA $< Mzc;r:.:.>'" ?3:rVs>V <to lrrk

~ "W<'X>/ -z::yq' .4 I"'afli' P../ 77,te= :n:rMi?i'YA+= b!IXd

"'T) A;p:; a:ce'+« ~ e 1U' d1ii' T%2, ~ ..i1iAz?'> ~~.c

( £4f':~ 7Z2 AlE. !"GP!zc ~a~ (, eva 4'7 r 4

<?aec Gar

I have reH the foregoing sletement and the 1""tII.contained therein "'" true II> the but of my lenow/Hge and beliel. Idt.I not maintain that it contains aU of the faetll.Dr aatails of the Incident, but only thos" fa.ts about which I have been""/ted.

/ /Diit--O AM

-.:=====;;;< 0 PMnme sunement CCmpletad


Page 61: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

'1"7 ~ 7, 2."l-

:z:t:; c.~1.! ~ <90/ <tJ'

OffI&nM Sia!\3: Open l:r Exqspllonally Cleated 0 Rl!iCtJmmend: Cell: ReVi.w 0Ciitare4~ An'etl Cl unfountll!!d tJ C1o,l..1re 0

Qo?? -;; -z .f~

S~5$ (.J ~~y.,.J



JC-001· 001761

IOl'f>el!r s,g~atVf'"

'2440~urnl N!.;!l'\tltllt SulUl/'Vl$Q( IMla's and. Qal. ! M.$'Qrl<Kl rc

3~7.~ 6'&22.84 !Jf' -...0' _.9",'; ~._."'••_.

Page 62: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

JC.o01· 001762

Page 63: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CQmoL Nl1MBP: _

WIJ'N'ESS: JERDfY WAYlIE BAKIIl. DOll: 7114183, STUDeNT, 11911 W. Clift<ln A..." Ulllcum.Co., allllS, JOJ·m-l)114

!!'miRmWEll: i\gIml SCO'M'M1JND!NE, Colonldo llureaof!lMlsliptiOll, 6901Cil'Iht& DolMlr,Co.. 8lnlS, JOJ-23HZll

D.UIi 4iZilm

PLAQi 9F lNTEB}I1IW: Studont poddng 101 North of~1_lIigll School

'""'~ Aacllt__of_LawEutoJ_~-'10~ Sllldoml:slleing broug!ll Ollt of thesdlcol in OPD paItOl= BAm...... "",",vil:wcri IIlli """'" the foIIowirlg;tIIat llo...... ill BiGlo&f cIaslIlIl the _ ofthe=-_llo lIClIrd """"" Jboa. llil """'" tbIt OllIe ofthe"'bId~. banged011 the wilIdI:lw oftheScieII= l'OOIII door bill did llCt_. Hesaid tIIat lloelld seewho tbc _ .... tbIt _ bobl&iDi OIl tbcdoor.


Page 64: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

BALLARD, J •. ~ ....- ...... "


Page 65: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

, ......'iC,1~ I-\:; 1 ..... , S'

I ) 'T ~"t+ '" :h,


___--JI/IAf... "b".rl \\~40 .... .yl.

W '£. bcc-<c~ io _ ....

"-- al :::c '- "- .......\ "......,. , r 6""""t 'i._:r~~ ~ '" -."I -<.l 1.. L. "

'" b",J...'1'- ., \".,.+., .. 0 -~ 0+ it..._ \i ,<>'I ( ,,-g... ? .....6,., ~+ 6' ,,- "'~


I l I

Jc.o01- 001765

Page 66: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


Defendant. Harris/Klebold

Date I 4/25/99

Deputy D.A.,

Docket Number.

Case Number. 99A062

I:aves tilJator: Vondenkamp


On 4/21/99 I spoke with 16 year old Jonathan Ballard regarding the

incident at Columbine High School on 4/20/99. Jonathan verified he

was at the school and agreed to speak with me. Jonathan stated he

was in Mr Johnson's Science class on the second floor when he heard

a loud explosion. He believed this was about 11:3Qam. He stated Me

Wyatt came running into his class and the teachers left the class.

Jonathan recalled he and his fellow students ran to the corner of the

room and attempted to put up tables in front of the doors. They

continued hearing gunshots and screaming. A few minutes later, Mr

Sanders came into the classroom and was badly bleeding. Some

students attempted to help him.

About 15-20 minutes later a white male wearing a dark trenchcoat

walked by the room. !ie was described as tall (over 6'), hat on

backwards, blond big hair out the back . Jonathan had a very quick

look at him while trying to stay hidden. The man, later identified

as Dylan Klebold tried to open the door. He then moved on. Jonathan

recognized Dylan as student as Columbine. He did not see the man

identified as Dylan again. Shortly after Dylan walked by, a loud

explosion happened outside the room.

Mr sanders was badly injured and the students were trying to help

him. At one point Mr Sanders told the kids to get a message to his

own children. He said "tell them I love them". Jonathan recalled

hearing gunfire until around 2:00pm


Page 67: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



The SWAT members arrived and escorted him and his classmates out of

the building around 3 :OOpm. He stated Mr Sanders wall alive when they

left him.

I aaked Jonathan if'there is any other information he could tell me.

He asked if was involved. I advised Jonathan I did not

know nor did I know if he was involved. Jonathan stated he

was the Pleader' of this trenchcaot mafia group that

Dylan Klebold was part of. Jonathan advised me he did not see _

_ during the time he was hiding in the science class,

Jonathan Ballard

5506 S. Garrison

Littleton. Co.





JC·001· 001767

Page 68: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

i\~40 A.M. i_ j~.3'~ +-""" .... , r

1 d 'r '"-r'l- <:."'==-e. -t '"

)(..... 1:-"V- V 1' .. c; '-", A

,(, \ '" ,A.c d-- c k:+ ,,_ !;;;,<;.-<:. V '...oocJ\ ", ,"=..( "I 7p _ t 'k....,.~

JC.Q01- 001768

Page 69: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


JC-001- 001769

Page 70: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


SUPPLEMENT ~~nn;"i"g c... _" No

C' '''.n 0 /1' :I!1 R$ci<lo$$il1catkln Gf t1Offertn Status: 099n

Clttar&O "yAl'T9St 0Excaotkma;!ly Claa.l'$(j 0 Aeecmmend Case:Unlounded 0

Serial No.

tI# mt.s ,)R,lf'1'?: .s: 4:'?"~"""" -"'" ~~(~~#,d11 ~~~7 ,# ":£l"'J:R'@"r>,l!r- ~~2::~$q# ",:£~,

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. ~?"<?R /!d~~kr~~,~~~ 44~/¢M~ K/If:{ ~ 2?',(t1J\?C ?"N .4tL(~ i!'e1'f9"fl'i£~~:l'4?tf 5.&2: <&?~ d!t ;j"':;(~~<:1&'-1 A&!9'-:' f~"-:4 ~,71n:,,-f(~ d/tt? g~.R8/,{':fttJr~~ ~ ~qr- f &/N~~~§

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Page 71: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800





SUP"lNt$Of Initials ant:! Oafe Assigned To

! ~D73oqq!

Page 72: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


Page 73: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


EXG~[y ClelU'4ld 0 Rocom"'8nd case;Unloutldlld 0


otI'en$4l Statu.: OpenC_.e byAl'J'ft.t



Cjar"~"'allon [i-Rt zatiotl 0

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JC"001,, 001773

Unil NombM S~.rv~sor initials and QatlJ

Page 74: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


Page 75: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION 0Rcpm'ting A.gency Reportll'lll Officer Case Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JeSO GALLEGOS 99-7625XConncetitli CaseRepcrtNo VictilJl NamcOriginai Repon. Date ThisReport

CP~ROL NUMBER 4569 06-14-99- X ac. 4lioh X HOMICIDE Offense StIlM: {)pen mepliooalJ}i CICtlft'd RecOOlmcod Case; Review 0

Rel;l;mifiatiffll a Clnmtl by A~t e Urt(Ol.llldlMi 0 CI"",.. o

'mr IQuantitY I OrIlla Narntl IOes¢rJ(»to/\ t Serial Nl) ~~l= r R. val~ f D.1v ahi1J'(:(:O¥ ma~



7637 W. Brook Drive

Littleton, CO. 80123

(303) 932·6503


On June 14, 1999, at 1715 hours l interviewed Melanie Bauer, by telephone. in reference to the Columbine High Scbool


tlauer indictedto me that she was in her 5th hourChemistry classwhichstarts at about 11,IS a.m., She said that her teacher

Mr. Cramhadcome intothe class latearriving at about 11 :20u Bauer said thatshepulledouther books to start classand about

3-5min, latertheybeard(2) twogunshotsandstudents running down the hallway, She said that a short time laterstudents and

the teacher from the adjacentclass. Mr Manuele.camerunning Into her classroom.

Bauer said that she ran towards the tech. lab. And was told by several students that they could not go out that way because

someonewas out there with a gun sbooting, Bauersaid that they tried to go out the other door into the hallwaybut they saw

students runningdown the hallwayand were told by Mr.Cramand Mr. Manuele to hid Insidethe classroom. Bauersaid that

she and (13) thirteen otherStudents stayedinsideof thePhysics classwith Mr.Manuele until theywere rescued Oy theSWAT

ream at aoout3:30 p.m..

1asked Baueraboutwhattimeit was whenshebeardthe first gunshots. Bauer said thatclasshadjust startedand it was around

11 :25 a.rn. when rhey heard the first gun shots. Bauersaid that shortly after they attempted to run and hid in the Physics

classroom. the fire alarm went off and began ringing and continued to ring. Bauer said that 30- 60 min, Aftershe hid. they

eardtheTV" whichis located in theTech. lab. Go on.She saidthatthe light in thePhysicsroomthatshe washidingin went

l:~'kMlun Ultit Number Supervisor ~nj-tials andDate AS3,gJ'leliTo !'ag, 1

I ?~tu.». v#,y .f 1

'JIUCf?'<Al f./ !"<VE$T10ATOl< ~'ICTIM seevices I aJ'HER JC-001- 001775 J ASr\f3 4198JCSDI167.1

Page 76: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION 0Reporting Ai~Y Reporting Offtcer Case ReportNo


Conn.«ting: Case f{e-po"No Victim NameOrigirtll Report DateThis Report

cn~ROLNUMBER4569 06-14-99-c. ..- X HOMICIDE arrenu SliIM; Ope:ll X E,~jonall~ Cl~ o Recommend Cue: Review n

Rl!'CwsificanQ!l o Clearedbr "m'$( o Unftlllnd$d c Closure o

'i5:' IQuarllily ; Bl'\lllld Namt! ! Description IStrial No ¥= 'R:~~ I O~~off shonly after the T,V, came on. Bauer said that the light switch for the Physics room is located insideof the Tech. lab..

Bauer said that she and the other studentsand the teacherhid and did nor look to see who it was that had turned on the T.V

and turnedoff the light.

Bauer saidthatshedid not knowhowlongtheyhid in the classroom andsaidthat the T.V, cameon and the lightwentoffeither

rightbeforeor rightafter the bell for "B" lunchsounded. Bauersaidthatwhilehidingin the classroom they could hear VOICes

in the hallway outsideof the classroom she washiding in, Bauer said that shedid nOI know if the voices she heardwere those

of the suspect or SWAT Tearn members. Bauer said that no one in the classroom went out into the hallway to see who was out


Bauersaid that sometime around3:00or 3:30 p m, they were rescued by the SWAT Team and escorted down thehallway and

'ut thedoorslocated on Ihe front (east side)of theschool. just southof the front doors of the school, Bauersaid that they ran

across The street and were lined up along a fence where they weresearchedand sent through a bole in the fen~e into the

adjacent neighborhood where theywere put on a bus and driven to Leawood Elementary school

Bauer said that about two (2) hours after she hid in the classroom. the school bell soundedand continued 10 nng along with

the firealarm sounding, Bauersaid thatabout5·10 min. Later the firealarm went off and only theschool hen remained ringing

for aboutan other hour and it to stopped.

IaskedBauerwhoelsewas Intheclassroom hiding withher, BauersaidthatML Manuela,JimBisgard, Kim Laurens, Andrew

Largabor, Mark Mahoney, Tiffany Chamanzad, Cartee Win. B1I1 Vanderrnere, John Reak, SpencerGrange. Sara Arborgasr

and eitherRyan or Brian were all ill the room with her. Bauersaid that there mayhave beenone or twoadditional people but

she does not recall their names,

I askedBauer ifshe had heard abouttheTeM or knew anyone who wasa memberof theTCM. Bauersaid that she had heard

of thembefore and knewAlex Marsh who is a member oftheTeM. Bauersaid tnat she neverhad a run in with or a problem

ith anyone whoclaimed10 be a member of the TCM. Bauer saidthatshedid not know whatadditional information shecould

Page 1

of l

ASAFJ 4198 JCS()f161'4

Assigned To

JC·001- 001776OTHER

uen Number Supervisor lnilialsand Date


Page 77: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION 0Rq,ortin&Agency ReportiBl Oft~cr CaseReportNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO GALLEGOS 99·762SXCunnming Case Rtpon No Victim N4rnc OriJin~1:l Repon Oal¢ Thn Rqxm

CONTROL NUMBER 4569 06-14-99-X HOMICIDE Xc !tlofl. 0f&Me StaIll'S; Open Exctfl1ionahy Cillfoml- 0 Recommend Case: Review 0

Rbelwii'icttioo 0 C~byAl'nJ'S'l 0 UnfullJlded 0 Ctceure 0

~ I""'''''' 1...", ""m, I ~tif)tiOn ISmfltNe l''= I ¥,jihle 1 v.u~Ro:ovt'*<l Oama~

provide to me at this time and the interview was terminated.



JC.001· 001777


of JCSD!f614


Page 78: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


JC-001- 001778

Page 79: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800




special Agent in charge Phoenix FieldDivisionTlTI.£OFINVES'!1GA'TlON:

Columbine High School ShO¢tin~/aombing

CMe Numtl.,

78503Q 99 0009

TVI'! OF REPORT'(CII_ Appiies'" a""OS)


IREPORTOF INiELlJGENCE ISUBMITIl1.0 BY(Name) SUBMrrreO BY(11lfo and Ollico) SUilMITIl1.0 BY(Oate)

Matthew C. Traver SA/Denver II 05/03/98


Carrie A, OiPirro RAe/Denver IXAl'P!\OVED BY (Nam.! APPROVED BY(Titlo aM 0_1 APPROVED BY (Dar.,

Chriscopher P. Sadowski SAC/Denver II

DlSgnTIQN OJ!' ACTIVID.,Interview with Nicholas J. Baumgart,

S'U!9PSIS iOn 4/30/99, Saumgart was interviewed by SA's Wurm and Traver, in the presence of hisparent,:s




On 4/30/99 at 1800 hrs. SA's Traver and Wurm interviewed Nicholas J. Eaumgart, DOB5/14/99, at his residence, located at 1154 S, Kendall Ct" Littleton Colorado.Baumgarts' parents were present dur~ng the interview.Baumgart stated that he had known Dylan Klebola since they were kids. They were inthe sam~ Cub Scout troop. He knew Dylan from about 3~ ehrough S~ grade and then againduring 7 t h and a~n grade.He statect ,hat Dylan was always sort of a follower. when Bric Harris eame along, Dylanand Harris quickly became friends. Harris waS an avid, almost obsessive video gameplayer. It was during this time that Baumgart stopped hanging around with Dylan. Thishappened around ene time they were all in 9t h grade.Baumgart has been very actively involved in Forensics and for the first time took par~

in the spring play, His date for the prom had been Rachel Scott{one of the victims ofthe shooting)who had also been active in theatre.He $ta~ed that he had not,had any falling out with Dylan or £ric, and would still sayhellO to them when he would see them. He stated that Dylan was very gentle.Baa~gart did r~t participate in any high school sports. He uses the computer a littlebit. He has a business that he sets up Web pages fo~ bus~ne5Se$. He never accessedthe Web page that was set up by Bric Harris.

JC.001· 001779

Page 80: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Page :2 of:2 Pa. ea


___________________I_R_E_POR_T_N_U_MIl_ER_' _

mad at him. Earlier in the year he had been inBaumgart dropped the class after the firsthad reminisced about earlier school days.cartridges that he used for a model car. He





t i .






1.9.•_ 20.

He stated that the Trench Coat Mafia has been turned into a big thing by the Media.It was just a sroup of kids that hung out, a click, He stated that £ric and Dylan wereon the fringe of the g4oup. That most of the TCM were seniors and had graduated in 98,this year the TCM had not been so prevalent,He had not received any threats nor had he heard of anyone receiving any threats fromanyone in the TCM.He stated that Dylan and Eric were not• video production class with Harris.week, but before he did, he and HarrisBack in the 7t h grade, aaumgart had C02does not own an air could noe understand why he woul~ be linked to this group, the only persons angrjwich him might be girls.Rachel SCOtt never had anyching eo ~o with Dylan or Eric, she prohably did not evanknow them.During their Freshman or Sophomore year, Sric hact asked him for some C02 cartridges.Saumgart did not have any so he did not give him any. Er~c was always really intofireworks. He used to work at a fireworks stand and had been paid in fireworks. Erichad stated that he was going to use :he C02 cartridges to make like an M-l000.Baumgart really had not spoken with Oylan in 2 to 3 years, ~!lan had never aSked himfor any C02 cartridges.Baumgart had noe heard anyone talking about the event prior to the shootings cakingplace Nor has he heard anyone mention anything about who else may have been involved.Ba~~gart stated that as he was runn~n9 au: of tha school, he knew it was Dylan andEric, doing the shooting Dylan weuld not do it on his own, he was a follower, Erichad lost touch with reality. Dylan and E=ic had pr~viously made a video showing thedestruction of a bicycle with a ba~ or something. Eric appear~d to really enjoybeating up the bike. The other videos Eric and Dylan madder were weird, but t~e videoswere not ~eally scary so everyone figured, "why bother?".

7 •aaum9ar~ stated that he always stayed clear of 2& always tried to stay onhis good side. There always appeared to be something under che surface, He wasbelligeren~ and always ready to kick anyone's butt. He did not care if he gotsuspended. He was not a bully, not looking for a fight, but always ready for one.Baumg&r~ was nOt really sure if there was some sort of hond between j£ , Dylan!Erlc,Brooks Brown is on the Forensics team, they are all friends, Maybe that was why Dylanwould be mad ac him, because Baumgart was friends with Brooke,The Forensic team had just recently 90t:en some school wide recognition.Baumgart was in the Science room at 110~, he and others were making ceramic tiles .People started runni~g by and screami~g Baumgart heard a loud deep boom. people wererunning by saying people are getting shot. Baumgart and other $cudents ran into anadjoining room. They then ran and got out the exit door on the northeast side of thebu~lding, About 30 to 40 kids were rJr~ing and ex~ting with him. He has nc idea ofthe length of time everythin9 took. While still inside the building he heard t'NO morelOUd booms, but did not hear any gunfire.


Page 81: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Offeon StalUS: Open...g.,. E>:<:eptionally CI88t&d 0 Ree4mmena Case: A~Clewed tly Al'I'est 0 Unkluntktd 0

:Serial No.

....... I N£s:5 ' /J:;;..c..,Ha '-A'5" -Jerli iJ.' IJ,Q! 13. e:t? li.f 'it.l.~{Sy jo~J:..d i281..J... C::1::u-t"7'LJ;E.--rriJ c... '&'Ci.I'Z.:i .. 9. 73-'Q :SSb. ~&.IT CaL..l..&/13:t;l'\/E. H ~'., .

, ,i3f\"\l""'GrA~, J~t.I, -: ..,FM'/:lEfLQr:k~tJ..t<,$,, .

JC·001· 001781bl

,,;,",~Jie~r~6Irr~Q..l,.. '_'=' .. "~'='==,'" '~'-DtJ~99 ;1!, -::J:.e,m::.J!!.i/:;;;r:=.JA.l£,;:) ..JciJ-Id &k\r.'1,&,4",e;r tiJ ,-J/-IE'

-JJ£ fi:.. .j j,o.HtJ 5r~b "IC-IllT:fb;:s So,,) !l.J:l:.t:.J-Io~5. ;;:Q Gj~?-.;JI

(?>.rrr:tN[)~G'-"LLi:C,f. lIT,. ""~_, . ..,-.JDHt:i Pic,.g-rr!t£p, .:5r,A77.E.D -::t'b'6. N:~(,.AS HWP,'s brT':_" ~

Sc:J.iclQ.b ~ D.!-tZ,o'1'l A~Q,,:1::-/r£ f{e4)...I~ftr:x.A5) ~'.5J. ,5ft!:::j-TA/.,.'" j,.Ht:::s /::14:r:~ h6ak'1:T ,t:1ZS O"BS-tBVA?r::::;;;oN.5.. L, .. '

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fJ:IA.!..k A..d2 ":1"d<::-...d ':«.=;:1"M,&1.-r;.i? -r.Q.. ,.'SrilJ:r j';:'-:Jz;,-,j~(',d> T}I.e"'7: ..., "., :;:;::::-CJ..J~$ Sc>.a:e.~ of S:r!:1IJ!'=.....i:!"C..flf'!,4~, --r.f/tZ -re;4c.H.~I'S , '"~Lag~i:;;, ,j;;,.,JTt:> -a/£ MLL(:!,t:l~~j".d2 k~f\J..e:..;;;;; -r6..,t:£.._.~5j~.r'\ :nt,t,,-;-AlG. J~.wIZ.R.\c:Q,hJ~ ~ C:::r::::r/.:lr..<T, -rl::l.e-~

, .-::F::iELJJ.<1.../~ -;;:),) L tl ,(YJ,I,";,c,.s:.s1':!s.3,~jY') wiJ~ ':r7i'r- ':J.~,~<E::~~\;l r""=.. ~!6.!bY. b.LD D..eIT' Q(- .--rtfr::.~~-r:·-t:~,6bt,Ld:l. -jilc.'tJf)~.i;;bC2.:S." u..;;,cJ!Q(.A$,--r;;.J<;,d~ Tc,CL~~, ?A"?-'< ~br...R::5 LQ bQ H:;::"S Rrrdeg --r;.-#TbJE... J2:r-..:p /-!=B.F?' &~6J;;;i;J~ S_~ Hr.:: Oi::s~EU -ri~.As .~ l3.dcf"s.'-J6tf.) :57A'r€'u ""'7:'"-6{4T t--/;;;;s. 5~ .~.J K~ ~..~_~gy SJ:-d QQk: AAJ.2:::l.£d..;~~.?z, J,J;C.. H0("..12. SfK "..!'Z..I<J -0c.rr-t-J, r<'~~;:;. A~).. l·j~ ~ :z:::AJ ,.)"?,!~H :::K.HQQ b

!7-1"t4.~GT ~Os. :z.~ f-kc.rI:ic/i o'Qr-,. LJ:l;;SPD SL._ b.N ,.' .. .


Page 82: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


JC-001· 001782

Page 83: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

Case No. _

lMoking _ ill;

;0 Offlcor "w.-Denver Polioe Department


Pagespage__ Of__

..::L I .aCJ~S0lI00 DAM

r•••Ji:2f~)(PM tatement

JC-001. 001783 IllBIJllIJII'I~~lll

Page 84: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

Pag8 __ of__ Pages Case , _

I have read the foregoing stluement and the facts contained tharein are tIlIe to the best ofmy knowledge and belief. Ido not meintaln that it contains a/l of the facts or details of the incident, but only those facts abDlJtwhich I have beenasked,

1~3Oate 0 AM

( 'r~ ....."" '> ""' PMTime Statement umPieted

JC·001· 001784

Page 85: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


Control Number: 1583

On 04-30-99 at about 1845 hrs., this Investigator responded to 8112 W. Frost Ave. andcontacted:

BEACHEM:, LAtJRENRITA07-22-82HomePhone: (303) 933-0899

Beachem related when the incident started she was in a science room, unknown roomnumber. The teacher was Ms. Williams. Beachem during the incident never saw anyonewhowas invo lVed in the incident.

They were in class, getting ready to take a test. Suddenly, they felt vibrating soundsunderneath them. They thought it was some type of senior prank. Then they heardscreaming. They got up from their seats and went to the door. They heard kidsscreaming. The was a teacher putting kids in a room.

Theygot away from their door and turned the lights off. They all got down. Theywentinto a room called the "Green Room." There were about twenty five kids in the room.They were all ducking. It was at this point they beard a suspect yell. The person yelled,"I went to die tonight." The person also yelled, "This is revenge, Fuckers,"

This Investigator asked Beachem is she heard anyone make the statements, "I got three"and"You are all going to die." She said no. She heardthe statementsby the personwhenthey were in the green room, She also heardgun shots and bombs going off.

In regards to her back pack, Beachem indicated it is in the science room and it had her IDin it. This Investigator asked Beachem if there was anyone in her group that came fromeither the cafeteriaor the library. She related there was one andidentified that personas:


Beachem related her knees were all skinned up.

When rhey were in the green room, it was really quiet for about fifteen minutes. Theystarted sitting up. It was at this time she heard someone yell "I went to die tonight."Someonethen knocked on the door to the room, Someonestarted shooting at the door.The personalso said , "Hello" then apparently got distracted and left.

They were in the room for about 3 Yz hrs, Then a SWAT team member knocked on thedoor.. They were told to put their hands on their beads and follow them. Ms. Williamswas the teacher in the room.

JC.o01- 001785

Page 86: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


Control NUItlber: 1583

When the exited the blJilding, theywent out the little door of the caR:teria and went up tothe grass area.

The interview withBeachem was terminated.


Page 87: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


Page 88: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION 0ReportinS Agency Report ins: OtTtcer C~RqxmN"


CQIUlccting Case Rq:mrt No Victim Name-OriginalReport DateThis Report

CONTROL NUMBER 4588 06-13-99l- X HOMICIDE O~ Slaill>~ Open X E'i!«;lliolaily Cleal'Cli 0 Recommend Case: Review 0,


RIre"nifl~lItim' 0 Ch:ll;fI!'d b)' Arml 0 UhfoYlld¢d 0 Closure 0

1m' ~ Q\l;:loritY I 8fa:nd N4mt II)eo;,rnPliQI\ f SerialNo :r~I~ I ValUe I \ttl\!<!R«o",1ried D~mi$ed



(303) 973-6557


On June 17, 1999, I was assigned the listed control number and assigned to interview Christopher Behner, I called the telephone

number listed and discovered that the telephone number had been disconnected. I then called U.S. West in order to attempt

to obtain the correct telephone number, I was advised that the new number was unlisted and unpublished and they could not

provide me with the telephone number, I advised Sgt J.j, Webb of the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office, and my current team

leader, Sgt Webb asked if I believed Behner could provide me with any new information. [ laid Sgt, Webb that all of the

.rudents from Mr. Manuello's and Mr. Cram's classes, I had interviewed, so far, had all said that same thing and that I did not

believe that Behner would provide mewith any additional information,



Number Supervisor Initials andDate rage 1

ASAfJ 4198 JCSDi16i~


Assigned To

JC-001· 001788OTllER


Page 89: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION CI "'-- ~0!Ile0t c...~No


""""""'"c...~No. VicUm NamtOrigbW Report ---.,f0NT.#3763 6-25-99c ti", 0 ~ Slaa: q:c,. 0 ~ae.nd 0 _e- - 0

-'" 0 a-dby..... IJ u_ IJ Ct..... D

'11':1 O-<lY 1_-. 1_", I"""No ¥:J: 1~ I r;$.";-


Behner, Christopher 12-30-80

5472 W. Prentice Littleton, Co. 303 797-5521 Wk: 970 224-9399

On 6-24-99 I spoke with Behner who told me that on 4-20-99 hewasin the Physics room andat about 1125 hrshe

saw somepeople running by the door out in the hallway. Oneof the students in the class went outside the room to

lind out what was happening and upon his return told theclassthat someonehad a gun. Behner hidfur a short time

betweenthe Physics and Sciencerooms thenran out thruthe Techlab to the Gym/Weights room area. Fromthere

heleft the building and went to the tenniscourt area. Fromthere theyweredirected to the smokers pit and theninto

Clements Park. Behnerdid not see or hear anything during the incident.

dehner further told me that he did know J(]ehold from elementary school and had had Harris in his howling,

Philosophy, and Creative Writing classes. Behner did not socialize with either Harris or IGehold and did not really

speakwith either eventhough they were in someofhisclasses.

No further information.

~0, ,ipture Unit NWlIl1er SUpcr"l'Uor IDitiIW andOatt AssignodTo l'1>gt !

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Page 90: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

BEllllNIN, J.

JC-O(l1- 001790

Page 91: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION c RrporringAlene)' ReportingOffiecr Case Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO GALLEGOS 99.762500Coonecting CaseReopen: No Vietim NameOrigmal Report Da«lThis~rt

rtlNTROL NUMBER 4590 062899c ,~iV!l X HOMICIDE Offense- SlilUS: Open X E.«:epdol14ll)' Clured a Recommend Case: Rovsew aRecl_ificatioll a Cleared b)" An'eM a UlIMi.ll1ded a Oesure a

I~ I (fuanlily I BlandName 1l'.>C'!!(:rlPliClJ'l ISerial No- ¥t~1: I R Yll!ue I Val~e.:o~ OlfllltgC\J.



1818 S. Marshall St.

Littleton, CO 80128

(303) 912-8188, (1201 962-0869


On June 23, 1999, I spoke to Jonathan Behunin by telephone. Behunin said that he had been in Me, Manuellos 5 th hour

PhySICS class. but had gone out into the hall and walked to the restroom. Behunin said that he was talking' to friends when he

saw to male students carrying their lunch trays. He said that he asked them why they were carrying their trays upstairs. and

they told him ilial there was someoneoutside the cafeteriashooting a gun. Behuninsaid that he was standingby the choir room

with his friend Adrian Grimm, when he saw "a whole bunch" of students running up tbe stairs from the cafeteria and down

the hallway towards the front southeast doors.

Behunin said that he had to wait againstthe wallso that he would not gel run over becauseof all the students that were running

down the hallway. Behunin said that he ran out the southeastdoors and ran across the street to Leawood Park. He said that he

got into his car and drove to his mend Emma's house and then back to Leawood Park. Behunin said that when he got back to

Leawood Park, several people started running and yelling that the shooters were by the front doors of the school and were

shooting at them at the park. Behunin said that he never saw the shooter and never heard the gun shots when he was outside

of the school.

Behunin said that he thinks the shooting started around 11 :25 a.m.. He said thai he had class with Erik Harris and that Dylan

Klebold had been mends with his room mate. He said that his room male had alreadybeen interviewed by two detectives.

asked Behuninif he had heard any rumorsbeforeor after the shooting. He said that he had heard that Harris and Kleboldhad

Qrw-sioll'lafo\re Ull!l Nurr,ber Supervl00r inllials and Date IAssignC'd To Pilge 1.~k:!\~

! (tJV u» J ,r •! Oll.1GffiA,!.. ~ ;';iVE.STIQATOit Vl('T1!.l SERVlC£S IOniER

JC·QQ1.001791 J ASAf3 4198JCSD116 i4

Page 92: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

CONTINUATION 0ReportingApcy Rq:!orritlg Offu:el' cee Repon No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO GALLEGOS 99-7fj25UUConnecring esseReport No VictimNameOriginalReport DateThis Report

1NTROL NUMBER 4590 062899\, ,mi&:alion X HOMICIDE 0I1'e_ Sia:ws:~ X ExceptimWly Cleefed a R4eommendc~ Review 0

R~I=tifi!:lriOJ'l Cl ~byArmI o Unfuurded 0 Closure 0

I~ !Qmnrity I&r:mdNaI'H t~'/}ikm , Serial No ¥~\= I~~~ Il)~~~

planned to plant bombsat the exits to the school in order to preventanyone from corning. He also said that he had heard that

they had plannedto blow up the wholeschool so that noOne wouldbe able to ever attend it again.

Behunin saidthathe had seenone of the videosthat Hams andKlebnld had made for a class.He said that thevideowascalled

"HiredHitmnn," he said that the videoshowedpeoplebeingchased down thehallway of the schoolandbeingshot in theback.

Behunin could provide me with no additional information.



Unit Number Supervisor Initialsand Date Asstgned Tc Po:ge 1

I"N of •)lti:l''''",,- '''VESllC,'I roe O;:-lER Jc.o01- 001792 ASAF3 -t;98JCS1H6':',!

Page 93: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


JC·001· 001793

Page 94: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


Defendant. Harris/Klebold

Date. May lB, 1999

Deputy D.A ••

Dooket :NwIll:>el."'Case Number.Investigator,


Gallagher M.


Witness: Alysa Bernard

DOB 12-6-82

7479 So. Alkire #202

Littleton, Co.


On May 18, 1999 this investigator conducted a telephone

interview with Alysa Bernard. Ms. Bernard is a sophomore at

Columbine High School. Ms. Bernard made the following statements.

Ms. Bernard stated she was in Mr. Doug Johnson's science room

when she heard gunshots. Mr. Sanders came into Mr. Johnson's room

shortly thereafter.

MS. Bernard stated she never saw the gunmen, nor did she hear

any talking between the gunmen.

Ms. Bernard stated she saw an announcement in the morning at

the shool something to the effect today is not a goad day to be here

in schoal.

Ms. Bernard stated she does not know either Eric Harris or

Dylan Klebold.



Page 95: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

MS. Bernard had a back pack which contained her purse. The

purse contained $20 and her drivers license. The back pack had

school books and a calculator.

Nothing further.

Investigator Date

JC.001- 001795

Page 96: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


JC·001· 001796

Page 97: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800

Zip COde

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Demler Police DepartmentSTATEMENT

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1 the ""-"'1StliiWihW1t _ the /'actS etmtaintKI therein are true to the best 01my knowledge and not lbIIilmil> t1lBt it """'toilS IiIil at tiJe fat:fs (N dfftails of the liu::idenr. but only those facts "bout which I hove be.askBd.

...!LJ 2" I J!L- DAM



Page 98: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800



Page 99: Columbine Report Pgs 1701-1800


On 05-18-99 at about 1145 hrs., this Investigatortelephoned:

BINGEL, PATRICKTHOMASDaB: 01-18-84(303) 797-0402

Control Nwnber


Bingel indicated he was in a science room when the incident started. The teacher wasDick Will. Initially they thought something might be wrong because the floor startedshacking and then they heard shooting. There were some kids in their classroom that wasagainst the far comer. They saw one of the shooters, then a bullet went through the wallinto a poster.

When they first went into class, they started watching a movie. Then a bunch of peoplewent running and screaming by. Mr. Will thought another science teacher had donesomething wrong.

Theyheard the fire alarm and they left their room. A teacher ran up to them and told themto get back to their room. The class then became separated. Halfthe class went into thescience office and the other halfwent into the classroom. There was a teacher next door,betweenthe two rooms. Bingel identified himas Mr. Moser.

Bingelindicatedhe never saw any ofthe shooters. He only recognized Klebold and Harrisfrom seeingthem in the school. He didnot know their names Ulltil seeingthem on TV.

This Investigator asked Bingel if he had a backpack and he said yes. It was at his deskwhen he left the school. The backpack is a Greatland, black in color. Bingel has a lot ofpapers in the pack with his name on them. He also bad a pairof glasses in the pack.

This Investigator asked Bingel if he knew the time when they thought something waswrong and he related it was ahout 1125hrs, Whenthey went back to their room, they gotunderthe tables,

At one point, they were lookingout the windows at the police. They waived at an officerand he waivedback. A short time later, he sent in a SWAT team. They came in and gotthe kids out.

When they exited the building, they went out the Social Studies door to Pierce St. Theycrossed Pierce to the fence, went through the hole and onto the schoolbus.

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