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BAY, s. JC-001. 0061 01

Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

Nov 12, 2014



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Page 1: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

BAY, s.

JC-001. 0061 01

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Colorado State PatrolInvestigative Services Section

Columbine High Scboollnddent

Dateor Report: 05·26-99 Control Number: 3279


Sarah Bayis a junior at col1llllbine HSwhobas fifth bourfree and bet whereabouts dIuiog lhe incident arelJll1nown, This report <k:lails the inlerYiew ofBay


BAY, Sarah DOBl1l4-07-8266118 W Al!>or DriveLittletoll, CO80123rele 303797·2192


OnOS·18·99 I intezviewe<l BAYvia telephone. BAYsaid her fourth hour class and< at 11:10. Bay,""" lIll:CliIlgafriend, Chris Beets, for IllIll:h and exitedthe school throuIh the cafeteria BAYsaid thatshe didnot seeor heatanythingIlIlUSUaI in the cafeteriaor outside the school. All...-BAYleft the sc1loo1 she walked to the junior"parking lot, entered the car with Baets. andthey drove to the Southwest Plaza'bopping lIlll11 where they ate lunchat til. Chiok·Filet restalll'lUlt.

BAYsaid iliat sheaad Beetsauempted 10 return 10 school ataJllll'OllimateIy 11'3' but were <1eniedentranee to !heschool grounds by the p<>~.

Baysaid thatshe knewKleboldfrom the drama club al school. Bay _iliat KlelloId_ neverdisplayed anytendencies towardviolence. or anli social behavior in bet presenee,

JC-l101· 006102

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JC..()O~'0061 ()3

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DATE 06/03/99


CONTROL # 3281


JillMarieBecerra6855W.Rowland Ave. Littleton. Co. 80128Columbine HighSchool

Mother: Lind. BecerraFather: Rockey Becerra




DOB 021381303·932·2748


On0603991 contacted Jill by phone. At that time I asked her Ifshecould tellme whereshewasduring 5"hour me day of the shooting. Jill stated that she had teftschool at 9'25 .AM.becausesbe bas no otherclassesuntil rheafternoon.and as a resultof the shooting she didn't return to the school thaiday

No further actiontaken by this Investigator.


JC.001- 006104

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BEER, K.~=-~-~


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- I -



On 5/26/99, Kelly Beer, OOB 2/14/81, 5141 South EstesStreet, Littleton, Colorado was advised of the identity of theinterviewing Agent, and the nature and purpose of the interview.She was interviewed in the presence of her Father, Jerry Beer,OOB 3/23/55. She provided the following information.

On 4/20/99, Kelly arrived at the Columbine High Schoolat approxi~ately 7:15 a.~., with her Sister, Katie who is afreshman at Columbine. They parked in the senior parking lot.She went to her normal classes, her last class prior to first orA lunch period was cooking class. She normally has this lunchperiod, but usually goes to the library to study. However, onthis particular day, she decided to go out to lunch with herfriend, Jessica Rosecrans. They walked to the senior parking lotat approximately 11:15 a.m., and drove to the Southwest Plaza forlunch. While in the parking lot, she didn't see or hear anythingunusual. When she and her friend attempted to return to school,Pierce was blocked off, so they drove into Clement Park, andparked where the sophomores normally park. At Clement Park, shefirst learned that there had been a shooting at the sohool. Sheattempted to look for her Sister in the park, but oould not findher.

She knew who the Trenoh Coat Mafia (TCM) was, toinolude Eric Harris, and Dylan Klebold. She also knew of otherstudents that were involved with the TCM, although she didn'tassooiate with any of them. She believes that a girl namedAlejandra Marsh was also a TCM member. She didn't See eitherKlebold or Harris on either Monday or Tuesday. She had acomposition class durinq the first semester of this past schoolyear with Eric Harris. She said that Harris was strange, andwould say strange things in class. On one occasion, Harris spokeof survival of the fittest, and that if you weren't fit, you'ddeserve to die.

Shein the Springand the TCM.Dutro were inperiod. PaulMarshall were

related another incident that occurred in Columbineof 1998, that involved her boyfriend, Paul Maten,She stated that Joe Stair, and a student named Ericthe commons during 7th period which was a freeMaten and several athletes to include Scottalso in the commons at this time. There were also


F~' 4-DN-57419/ 99-7625/ eN 3689

by SA Russell J. AtanasioJC-001· 006106

1'biI docum.ent contlinl.ncilhc: recOJTU1W!wtiOOJl nor <;Ottdunorv of the Fat. k ii the ptoptrty of the FlU and is loaned. to )'t.'lt "a:enty:

iI .tr:ld ill ;':Onl.tW He l'Klt 1.0 be d(Mbu~d (AA&i~c: .illlnc,:y

Page 7: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


2..... _=--Kelly Beer

welLDutro got

several other student.s present. for their free period asOutro and St.air were at a table playing cards.up from his table, and began harassing

other students by getting in their faces and saying 'Satan lovesyou" , Many students were upset by Dutro's behavior, Outro andstair then began kissing each other in front of the entirecafet.eria. In disgust., Paul Maten went to their, andpushed all of their playing cards to the ground. stair yelled at.Maten and told him ·that is Why we hate you, and that. is why youare on our list.", that s~er, Maten began receiving deaththreats on the telephone. He would anSWer the phone, and anindividual would say that he was going to kill Maten. Germanmusic was playing in the background. This happened as many as20-30 times in one evening. Maten went to the police, but thepolice informed him that there was nothing that they could reallydo,

Kelly does not use the Internet, or chat rooms. Shedoes remember the thought for the day on 4/20/99 being ·you'llwish you weren't at school today', with 4/20 flashing on thescreen. She thought that this was referring to 4/20 beingnational pot smoking day.


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Jc..o01- 00&108

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CONTINUATION 0Rt;portin,g Agency Reponing OffiCtl' Case ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSD Inv, Larry Erzen 99.7625COfU"~>mgCase:ReportNo vicrim Name Qriainal R¢port Thi$!\¢pert

DN 4960 08·10-99c ;!KiQD Q First Degree Murder O~Sb'llU$~ 0p01\ X txccptkllUtlty Clelred 0 Recommend Case: R¢view 0

RIlQlauificaooll 0 Cl~bYAll'eI[ 0 Ullfuunded 0 Closurt- Q

!iS~ 1QllL"Ili~ I B1'3nd Name , ~ril'ltion ISerWNo ~I: I ~1I1ne: ~ Valt:~OV~~ Damaged


Beets,Christopher, DOBJI1-17·805%3 West IndorePlaceLittleton, CO 80128H; 303·979·6936

Business Address; Student- Columbine High School

(Parental Information)

Beets, Gail5963 WestIndore PlaceLittleton, CO 80128H: 303·979·6936

B , Kenneth5963 WestIndore PlaceLittleton, CO 80128H: 303·979·6936B: 303-979-8891


On August 10, 1999between the hours ofl115 and 1120, I attempted to Contact Christopher Beets in reference to theColumbine incident thatoccurredon April20, 1999.

I contacted Christopher's mom,Gail Beets, and she proceeded to tell me thatChristopher had left schoolprior to theincident occurring on April 20, 1999, GailBeets explained thatChristopher left school at approximately 1l:15 am,and went to lunchwith his girlfriend, SarahBay. Christopher had toldhis motherthat he did not observedanythingout ofthe ordinary when he left school for lunch andtherewasno additional information he could pass on in referenceto this incident.

I left my name and telephone number withGail and instructed her that if Christopher has any additional information topasson reference this incident, to havehim contactme.


VICTtM s,fJI.VrCt5

Unit Nu~ Supervisor Initials and Da~ Assignedto Pap !


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CONTINUATION [JRqJQrting Agency Repcrtin& Offieer Case R.qXfl'l No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSD Inv, Larry Eneo 99-7625Conr.ecti:p.g Caae<>rt No VictimNameOriginal Report Dale This Ikpon

DN4960 08-10-99C ':alion n Fint Degree Murder Offense Smms:~ x Exceptionally CIII-.i I:l Recomrrn:nd cese Review 0

ReelanitiQtioIl 0 C~byJur=n 0 L'nfuundtd 0 Closure 0

~:r IQuMtiry I B:3lldName f ~priOl'l , SerialNo ~~~ I V;lralll' r Vahl"~ovmd Dal'M!lec.l


FBI Case#4-DN-57419, DN #4960.


:ase openpending furtherinvestigation.

JC-001- 00611 0

!Officer Unit Number SupervisorInitialsandDInt Assigned To Pal<'

"!di:.. 1-. - 0"'-) of ")Iti:;","..!. 'I' ,...'.ESTlC.>,.TO!l: \ !CT!M $.UV[CES I <mfA. I ASAFJ 4/9fi )CSOI[674


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JC.OD1· 006111

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SUBJECT, Behan, Sean w/m dob: 3/14/83

6374South Jay Way

Littleton,CO 80123


Jane Behan (mother)

6374 S. Jay Way

Littleton, CO 80123


303-932-0300 (wk)

Dennis Behan

6374S. Jay Way

Littleton, CO 80123


303-977-3137 (wk)


On 5/26/99, at 0820hours,Lspoketo SeanBehanon the phone. Seanstatedhe was a Sophomore at the timeof

the shooting. He did not know Harris or Klebold at all. He didnot recognize themwhenhe saw their photos on

TV. He knew the trenchcoatmafia existed, but did not know the members. He statedtheyWere a groupthat

he wouldnot hangout with, he statedtheywere"kindacreepy".

Sean staledhis father tookhimto schoolthe morning of 41201199, arriving at approximately 0725hours. He

entered through the main entrance and saw nothing unusual outside. He has American Historyfirst hour,

Student Senatesecond hour (lowerlevel),Science thirdhour andChoir fourth hour. Seanhas "At< lunchand

after Choirhewent downthe stairs into thecafeteria. He stated he metwith his friends Brian Blaskovich and

Joey Marino. They decidedto go to McDollllld's for lunch. He stated theywentout into the senior lot andgot

Sean's sister's car. He stated they saw nothing unusual going on outsidethe school. He stated they leftmaybe

around11:20am. They went to theMcDonald'sat Ccalmine andPierce and didn't realize anything had

happened until they droveback on PierceStreet. He stated they thensaw an ambulance, fire truck, and police

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carsparkedonPierce. He statedhe went through theneighborhood and got to LeaWOOd Park andsawa lot of

studentsin the park. He parkedhis car and spokewithsome of the students and found out about theshooting,

Seanstated the onlything unusual that happened around theschool was someprom posters had been tampered

with. He stated theJuniorSenatehad madeposters advertising the promwith the dateon it, 4117/99, He stated

he had heard that someone had crossed out the 17andhad written 20 above it



Page20f 2

Sergeant 's Stgnature/Number/Dtue

JC-Q01· 006113

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Jc.o01- 006114

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CONTINUATION 0Reporting Agen.;.y RJ.:porting Otr«.:er CaseR<port No

S\JPPLEMEl'-'1 y JCSO WEBB 99-7625-1Co~ing c~ Rtport No Victim Name Original Report OatJ; This Report

C, 'trol #3282 05-19-99- Flnt Degree Murder ac. ,calion x """'"s""" 01>«> X EJIi::eplionally Clelltl!U Recommend Case: Review 0

!\e.r:IMtifiIlIUi.<l/'l Q Cl~ by "'rt'M( 0 U",fou~ c Closure 0

i~ I~itr i Bmnd Naltlt I Qw:tipllotl I Stri""l No: ~~\~ I Vah.l¢ I V.lutRecovered Damaged



6 PenOak Drive

Littleton, Colorado 80127

(303) 932·7479


On 05.19.99, [spoke with Daniel Bellby telephone. This lead wasto determine Daniel's whereabouts during fifth period. as

the records reflectthat fifth hour is a free periodfor him. During mytelephone interview with Daniel Bell, he told me he had

'eft theschool at approximately 1120 hoursbefore anything happened. He saidhe had leftclassat approximately 1110 hours.

thathe was ina Sociology classwith Mr. Keritzen. Hesaidhe lefttheroom,but thenreturned to retrievea bookhe hadleft. He

men exitedthrough the front doors by the teacher'sparking, walked to Clement Parkwhere hiscar wasparked.and went home.

He toldme he did not see anything on the day of occurrence. He did tell me that earlier in theday, approximately thirdhour.

at approximately 1005 hours,he wascomingout of the gymandsaw Eric Harris coming outof the videoroom. Ericwaswearing

a blackshirtwith greenwriting on it. blackpants. boots. andhe wasalone. Hesaidhe did speak ttl Eric.just by saying "hi." Eric

did askhimwhar timehe gotout of school today. H. replied toEricthaihewasleaving now. and Eric replied. "Good." Hesaid

Eric hada smallbackpack on, likea knapsack. [ asked himhow Eric's demeanor was.andhe told me it wasjust fine. he seemed

normal and not preoccupied by anything. I asked Daniel if he was sure that this wasthe sameday of the Incident. andhe said

It was. I asked him if he knew Eric Harris and he said yes h. knew who Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were from past

association a! the high school.

DISPOSITION: Lead dosed.

JC..(I01· 006115

OfficerSignatUfe Unit Number SlJpcrviMJf Initials and Date A5SIg,MdiQP'g< 1

S7Qc4:1fJ,J;e ~.. S,H.~._ of 1'11W:;r<.-\;' , ;>,;\E5Ti<;;",WR "feTl\, 5~1l.\ ICES IDUrER I ASAFJ-1{'18 -,CSDil6H

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JC-001· 006116

Page 17: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

CONTINUATION IRepxtJJ:lg Iroptcy ..........""""SUPPLEMENT X .TCSO CSCBOSHKE 99·7625~. No. ~ ..... '~K_CONT.#l", ",] 5·5-99Clusifieatka Olf_S~OpolI EJl~yCl_ '~Ca>e; Review

R 1tlic:ation CIou«lIly ""'" UIlf_ C1o<tIre

"I I In..criplioo ISerial ~~ Value IVII.. Iv.....~, BnlDdName SI<ll<ll ~ Damaged

WITNESSBelliston, Aaron q. 4-15-819326 W. Geddes PI. Littleton.Co 303913-2130 orcellS6250Q.4612

Narrative:On 5-5-99 I spoke with Balliston. He said he hasknown Harris since their freshman yearanddouble datedwith Harris to their freshman homecoming. HehadmetKleoold in an economics class last semester andcould nevergethim to talk. Balliston first sawthe trenchcoats atCHS in the beginning of his junioryearand f rst saw Harris in a trenchcoat at the end of thei r junior year. BeUiston said he is not an athlete but waskind of the class clown and did occasionally make funof theTCM in general but neverat anyone individual.

No further information.

JC-001· 006117

!,JOlt ervl!5Qt .n s an ate

Page 18: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

CONTINUATION 0Reponing Agency Reponing Officer Cut Repol"l No

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO WEBB 99-7625-ZCOMe<;(j ngCase Repel"! No V\ctlmN~ Original RepOct Date This Report

_ Cfit-)~. 3;;1. fl'3. 05-24-99! ~illn X First Degree Murder Offi,nse StaMJ: Qpe:l'l X Exceptionally Cfeaeed 0 Recommend Case: Review 0

R~I_ifll::ltiOll o Cleared byAm!sl 0 ",- Cl Closure 0

1~ I QIwllity I BrnM Name 1Oe$I;riptillll IS<ri>l NoVatu¢ !RJalue ! Vatu\!;S_ ovcwi Damaged



9326 WestGeddes Place

Littleton, Colorado 80123

(303) 973·2130


On 05-24-99, J spoke with Aaron Holliston by telephone, This leadwas to determine hIS whereabouts during the time of the

incident on 4·20·99, as records reflecthe had fifthhourfree, During the telephone interview withAaron. he told me thathe had

graduated earlyand had moved to California in February of 1999, He told me he was not on campus and has not beenbackto

":oloradountil May 20.1999, Aaroncould not provide me any information as to the incident, nor has he heard anything that

wouldbe of benefit to this investigation,

DISPOSITION: Lead closed.


ASAF3 4198 JCSlH6i.a



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JC·001· 006119

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Deputy D.A. :

Harris/KJ.eboldMay 17, 1999


Docket NUlllber,Case Number, FBI174ADN51419

:tnvestigator: Terry Paczosa

On May 17, 1999, I contacted cas student Andrew Bengston by phone athis residence. Bengston said that he attended 1st hour, WorldHistory from 07:)0 to 0820. He met with his Marketing Class teachernear the commons area and then went to a school sponsered marketingbanquet at the WeIshire Inn.

He returned to cas at approxirr.a.tely 1140 cut was turned away by


Andrew Bengston7991 g Wecster WayLittleton, CO. 80123303-979-3726

JC·001· 0061201

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JC.001- 006121

Page 22: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

CONTINUATION ) R~lngA~(lY ''''''''''''''''''' Lml(~.'«J

SUPPLEMENT X .leso REKER 99-7625coccediog Late Kep.:ll'lNO JC!UIl Iltl:le ;;ngm:u rpott """ "'".-5.10-99ClassdltaUOO ""_do 0_Slatus: Open l!W!pIiooaJ]yc_ Recort'lt1'l!!tld Case: ..-R il1cati:on CI_byiItre<l Unf_ CkJotn

l"~ I IDesatp!loo 1SerialNo.Value f Value ~ Value

No. BrnndNam: Stclett Reoowxed Dl1Jmg«$


Interview with Ashley Burner

On 5-5-99,lnv. Reker did conduct an interview withBerner withher parentspresent.

Berner related that she had been In the cafeteria at approx. 7:25 am and that she did not noticeanything unusual In the cafeteria at that time.

At lunch time at approx, 11:10a.m. herself,Amy Arapkiles,Kelly Hendrlks,MattDavls,Kelly(LNU),Kelly(LNU) and Cory(LNU) wentout the westdoor to the cafeteria to the seniorlot.and didnot see anything out of the ordinary and when theycamebackfrom lunch they could not get back into thelot due to a police blockade.

Berner states that an unknown person hadtold hersince the shooting that the shooting plan was thatall ..._ school doors would be covered by gunman and thattheywould be shot as they cameout of theschool but that besides the dead suspects that the otherpeople had becomescared an chickened out andran.

Shealso related thatan unknown person statedthat theywere watching the 2 dead suspects butcouldheargunshots upstairs at the samelime.

She states that she heard thebombs had been placed In the schoolat the after prom partyand thatin reality the school was accessible that night,not just the prom partyarea.

Bemerdid not haveany further information and the interview was terminated.


Uni.t SupeMSOllnilials and Date

Page 23: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


Did you eve,see the two largo duffel bags in tile oafeterta ?

Didyouseeanyone~ or iI1!he possession ot!!Jose duffel bags, 111 aprevious time ?

3. Didyou see Erie Harris cr Dylan lCIebold eitbeton Monday ofTue>day? Wllat '""'" !heY doing?Wllat didmOl' say? W""" l1ley witll anyone else?

NO4. Didyou leave anything bebilld in !liecafeU!lriaot llllyw!lea: else in theschool ?

tvOS. Who were youwith in !he oateteria ? Where were yousitlillg ?

6. Didyou seeor llllkto anyof!lieT,.llCh COltMafia members onMonday 7 Tue>day 7 lfuw about !hepriorweek or weekeud ? III o

1. Ha... you beard aJIytblnj Crom llllybody else ahout other.uspeds, bomblII2IdDg, gw;buying, etc. ?fio

8. Whatwere youwearing? Did.JIllu,havea oac:k p""k ?What did it took like andI orhave in it 7t!n-"""(/, T"P/K. rcf' I 6"" if' .rif'A-A/7

9. How didyou lea.. me cofe"'riaor !he building? Wllat were !lle eve1llS<bat madeyou leave ? 0."11.

10, Wllat time did you""Tel' theoat.tetia ? Wh"'" did youCOIllllfrom (pliOl'to l!leoafereria) 7/1'/5' - /I,;A(')

I!. Have them IllllI"k: whetol1ley were sitlillg, tbeir route out of the building and whomtheywere with (ifknown) 7

12. How didyou.xi, l1le building? Where did you go whenyougot outand wbaldidyou see on l1leoutside of l!lebuilding 7

13. Doyou sse the lntornot? If so, wbalis YOut seteen name 7 Do youha.. ." ICQ(akn: Iseek you Isimilarto achatline) 3<:coUllt? AS/VII/.. E I';t5"

JC.Q01- 006123

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Deputy D.A. :


May 17, 1999

Docket N\Ullber,

Case N\Ullber: FBI174ADNS7419

Investigator: Terry Paczosa

On Hay 17, 1999, I spoke with eRS student Lonnie Barrett.

Ela=ett said that she was at the Selll.inary during the incident inquestion. She heard nothing and saw nothing. She also said thatthis is the second. ti~ she has been interviewed by police.

Lonnie Barret6976 S Pierce St.

Littleton, CO. 60123

303-97B 1490

1 JC-001· 006125

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JC.001· 006126

Page 27: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

• K< ",. _ ~ ~ •• .,~., U~ .~"" • ~

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SlJPl'LEMENT cY"'Conn..oting C... AIllJlQI1 No.

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Vnit Number ~isor lniCials andOate

/()IJ I ~ 0 '2-'\ AIJC-001·006127

Page 28: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


e()Pl'LeMENTceeee, ung CMe f:tepol1 No.


.ri. ",' (;, .. CJJ?bO'r./6p:$I"1{Oi!· . ..~ ~

JC-001· 006128

Unit NiJ-mber SlJP$l'Vfwf loftiall and Oatl!l

/tnI/ q~ibsigrned To ."'--"_-1

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JC-001- 006130

CONTINUATION 0Reponing Agency Reponihg Officer Case Report No


Coufle<.ling Case Report No Victim NameOriiinal Rqlon DateThis Report

06-10-99r it3tlOfl X FIRST DEGREEMURDER 0f!'ftwI SWIMI:~ X Ex.:.llpd{ll\allyCl~ o Recommend Case, R.eview 0

Re!;!llilificat1{lf' o Clea:mt by AlTW1 0 Unwllu4cd c Oowte o

l~ IQ\.Ill'I1ity I BtlU'HI NJmf I Dci<:rl?!Jon I serial No l~ ! YaM I veteeR«O\'~ Dwagfrl


Amy Bierbach, dob/IO-OS-gl6418 WestRoxbury DriveLittleton, Colorado 80123(303)933-3926Studentat Columbine High School

Marilyn Bierbachsame as above I Work:(303)778-6370

Steven Bierbachsame as above I Work:(303)233-5838


On 06-09-99. at about 1530 hours, I responded to 6418 West Roxbury Drive to contact and interviewAmy Bierbach who is a

student at Columbine HighSchool. This Interview was in reference to the shooting that occurredat the school On 04-20-99.

AmyBierbach saidon 04-20-99. at about 1110 hours,aftersbegOI OUI of her science classat Columbine HighSchool.and then

she wentto her locker(#170),whichis in the sciencebanonthesecond levelof the SChool. Amysaid after she was done inher

locker. she proceeded to walkdownthe stairs into the cafeteria, and arrived shortly after 1110hours. Amy said she waited in

the cafeteria until approximately 1115 to 1120 hours,while her mend. Emily Jacobson. went back up thestairs to her locker to

get herkeys. AmysaidwhenJacobson returned, theyexitedthehighschool through the doors that leadfromthe"RebelCorner"

hallway to theexteriorof the highschoolinto the Juniorstudent parking lot Thisdoor is on the south side altho cafeteria. and

south of "Rebel Comer." Amysaid after exitingthe highschooland going into the parking lot, Jacobsonand herselfwentto

Amy'5 house fOT lunchat 6413WestRoxbury Drive. Amysaid theyarrived at herhouse on 04-20-99, between 1125 and 1135

hours. Amy said after leavingher houseto go backto the highschool. they found a heavypolicepresenceand werenot ableto

get back into the school, Amy saiddue to the fact that she wasgonewhenthe incident occurred at the school, she did not hear

any bombs being detonated or firearms being discharged. nor did shesee any studentswith firearmsand/or explosive devices

upon leavingthe school,

,..Nomb«t Offcer Signature linil Supervj$Ct Initials31'4DAle Msignea To

~"'" 1

1 ,,0 ..." -r-, .... .. <'~ .... of <

i ORlCr-Al I f'iVES-flCiA,OR ViCTIM SERVrCe$ I OTHER I ASAF3 -ii'S JCS:[)J167~

Page 31: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

CONTINUATION CIRepettingAgcn.;y Reponing Officer Case Report 1"00


Connecting Case ReportNa Victim Namlt Original Repon Date TIl is Rej)lm

06·10·99r l U lI OIl X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Off'Wt Stf;ws: Op!m X EJ(¢~llY Cltuod Cl Recommem! Case; Review Q

Rkl:usifx:ali"l'l 0 Clesrni b~ ,"Imst Q [)l'lfmll1ded 0 Closure 0

I". I I I~riplion I ~ri.tINo ~:ii: I Vld~ t Y":Ut'Nr; Quamity Brand Name Rl'eQI'C~ Darn:l~~


I showedAmy the photographs ofthe dufflebag and propane tankthat were laterrecovered in the cafeteriaarea of the school.

Amyadvisedshe did not seeeither item prior to the shooting OIl 04-20-99,

I askedAmyif'shewas familiarwith DylanKleboldor EricHarris. Shesaidshe did not knoweitherone of thesestudents prior

to this incident, Amyadvisedshe doesnot believethat shehadevenseen eitherone ofthese two suspects in the hallways at the

schoolpriorto the incidentor duringthe past schoolyear, Amysaid inher secondhourclass was a female studentby the name

of AlexMarshwhoAmy believed couid possiblybe an associate of the Trench Coat Mafia, Amydescribed Marshas "really

weird."and said Marshdid not wear a trenchcoat however, Amy said Marsh wouldwear a teal colored baseball hat. possibly

a MiamiDolphinshat; however,she was not certain. AmysaidMarsh was verysmart in herclasses.and seemedto say various

things that would let people around her know how smart she was, Amysaid that Marsh would play cards at a table in the

cafeteriaat lunch withother TrenchCoat Mafiastudents; however, she wasnot sure who these other students were at the time

of this interview, Amy said Alex MarshWas in the secondhourclass on 04-20-99.

When I asked Amy about the otherTrench Coat Mafia students and/orassociates, she was familiar with some of them; however,

shedid notknowany of them wen. AmysaidDavidCaravan wasin twoof her classes abouttwoto threeyearsago at Columbine

HighSchool. Amysaid Caravanwas quiet and said shehadnotseenhim in the past two years since theclass, Amysaid Krist.

Hanley wouldwear black clothingsimilar to that of what the TrenchCoat Mafiastudents wouldwear. and would stick up for

the Trench Coat Mafiastudents, Amy saidshe recalled Pauline Colby would Wearall blackclothingas well. Amysaid Kirsten

Theilbault, whoshe believedwas an associateofthe Trench CoatMafia. and saidshe possibly woreblack clothing, Amy said

Theilbault was heavyset and wouldbe teasedaboutherweight onoccasion, Amydid not knowwhoTheilbault's boyfriend was,

Amysaidshe knewwho RobertPerrywas, and 'aid healway, wore a trench coat. She recalledPerry stickingout from theother

students due to the fact he was tall, Amy said she did not recall seeing perry on 04-20-99,

Amysaidshe was familiar with the Rebel News NetworkIRNN) and the thoughtof the day, which is a daily statementmade

during second hour classes at the school. Amy said she believed Eric Harrisand Dylan Klebold were part of the Rebel News

Network, and said she was aware that they were in the video productions class, Amy said to her knowledge, Harrisand/or

Officer SIgJ'l1lf'Jr{'" Unit Number Supervisor Innisisand Date JC-001·006131 Page 1.11~

~ rv.." 01:>" I of 1QR,.:CW''',\t I "'V€H:v4f~ l,.'1('11MSERVI~S IOrHfl\ I ASAF:l4I98 JCSOI16'74

Page 32: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

CONTINUATION 0R'l11porrlng A,ency Reporting Officer CaseReponNu


Connecting CaseRtlKl"No Vi.ctim Name Original Report DateThis Report

06-10·99C' 'j(ioo X FIRSTDEGREE MURDER ~ Stmt.: Opm X ExceptiOfllll, CIe8mi CJ It-et:ommend Case: Review 0

ReeliWifu::iltion CJ CIIl<ill"tl:i'byAi"n:st 0 \)rtf""""'" 0 Closure 0

I~ f Quantity IBrandNIUM I~Plil}n ISerI,1No r= I ~~:ied ( D~~~

Klebold had pickedor selectedRachelScottto be with themat theirtableduringthisvideo productions class, Amysaid shehad

no idea why Rachel Scott would have been targeted by the suspects on 04·20·99.

Amytoldme she has not heardabout anybody, nor has sheheardanyrumorsaboutanybodywho may be constructing explosive

devicesand/or possessingor buying any firearms.

Amytold me since the incideot, she has not hadany problerns coping' withit;however, I gave herone of my business cards,and

advised her if she wanted to talk with a JCSO victim advocate in the future, to contact me and I would make the necessary

arrangements for her.

DISPOSITION: Case remains open, pendingfurther investigation.

JC.()01· 006132

-Officer Sig.mllilre Unit Numb!;, Supervisor lnilials. and Date Assigned io Page ~

AJ). -h..• -cx:... ....l ,,,","''":l of ~

JR.lGN,o,L I ['.~ESnGATOR VKTI!.-! Sf.RVleES IornER I ASAf3 4198J('SD1Ifj7.J

Page 33: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


JC.Q01- 006133

Page 34: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

CONTINUATION 0~portirlS:A~"Y R~gOfficer Case RtpcrtNo


CQf'lnttting Case Report No Victim Name OriginalReport DateThisReport

06-10-99( ~lI1l(jrt X First Degree Murder Off~ SIatuli; Open X E~lional\y Cl~ CJ Recornmtno Case: Revtew C

RtcH.I;I!i(a1tm'\ CJ Cldtfd by Atml 0 U1"Ifbundtd CJ Clcsure Cl

1~ IQl.IlIlllty i Bnillc Namff 1"",_ I SerialNo S;~ rR~~dl~



6692 West Frost Avenue



Bus: Penney'slSWP

SSOI West Bowles Avenue

Littleton, Colorado 80123


On 6-10-99, at about 1230 hours. [ interviewed Michael Bierman at the JCSO South SUbstation. Michael Bierman attended

Columbine High School during 199811999 school year. This interview was in reference to the shooting that occurred at

Columbine High Schoolon 4-20-99.

Michael Bierman said on 4-20-99, at about lllO hours, he got out of his English class at Columbine High School for lunch.

Michael said he leftColumbine HighSchoolat about 1115 hoursandwenthometo 6692 WestFrostAvenue. Michael saidafter

lunchhe tried to return to ColumbineHigh School for his afternoon classes' however. due to the police presence in the area of

Columbine HighSchool he was unableto retum. Michael saidhe did not go intothe cafeteriaof Columbine HighSchool at all

on 4·20·99.

Michael Bierman said he did not know Dylan KJebold or EricHarris well,however, he said they wereboth in his Englishclass.

aswas Michael said that~ad been in thisclass as well. bur

had transferred oul of it. Michael said on 4-20-99both Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were gone from this Englishclass. He

saidhe WaS fairly sure. however, lhatDylanKlebold and Eric Harris were inattendance inthisEnglish class on Monday, 4-19-99.

Jc..o0 1- 006134-00 .. !JlIlf Nl.lrt'l~r SUpcn'i$or Initials~d Datercer5lgnalUtI: Mlgnefi 1" Page: 1

..ti).~ w ...~ ..... \ """'''or •

')lU~I\L I i\iVtST.GAfOr. \lrCl1M'SEf!.V!CES I vTHI;R I ASAF3 419ftJCSnrl674

Page 35: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


CONTINUATION 0ReportingAgo:ncy Rept:Jrting Off'teer C35eReport }to

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99·7625·ZZCoonec:ting ClISe Report No Victim Name: Original Rl;:port DatI,: This Report

06·1(}.99,.,,~ x First Degree Murder Otl4n.sll~:~ x E)Aelltl(ll'!li.lly Clwed Cl RO'COlTlm<:rnf Case: Review 0

Ri7tI:lusiacllflul\ 0 Cl~by~t 0 f)nf<'lllnded 0 Closure 0

~ IOiW'luly f BrandN41'1le i Oe:o:tiptioll ISttial No i':i~~ ~ Vallie I\lt~ Dlmlaged


Michael Bierman said althoughhe did not know muchabout the"TrenchCOal Mafia" students, hedid know that they would

dress in blackandwearblackhatswithnames of German bands, suchas "!\:MFD", on thesehats, He alsosaid they would wear

trenchcoats andarmyboots, Michael saidhe hasseenmembers of the"Trench CoatMafia"harassed ona nearlyevery daybasis

by the "jocks"and especially by thefootball playersat Columbine HighSchool, Michael saidthese"jocks"wouldmakefun of

the "Trench Coat Mafia" students clothing,but the "Trench Coat Mafia" students being harassed would not stand up for

themselves. Michael saidhe did notseethe "Trench CoatMafia" students harass the"jocks"or anyotherstudents. Michael said

that although h. was a football player, and couldtell the "Trench CoatMafia"students did not likehim,he did not recall them

sayinganything to him or harassing him"

Michael Bierman said he could not hear the conversations between DylanKlebcld, Eric Harris,

hileinthe English class, however, hedid remember hearing bitsandpieces

of conversations wherethey wouldtalkaboutcars, theirbowling class,andjust about"hangingout," Michael saidon4-20-99

both__nd-",erepresent in the English class, however, hecouldnotremember themsaying anything.

Michael didsay heconsidere~~ "good guys," Michael saidthat as partof this English class

thestudents wererequired to put together essaysandthenvolunteers wouldread tbeir essays to theclass, HesaidDyIan Klebold,

Eric Harris, and _\loOUld volunteer to read their essays to the class, and said they would write these essays about

guns and death. Eric Harris wrote an essay about how he was "a shotgun bullet," and talked about how he went into someones

body as a"shotgunbullet." Michael saidtbe reacher of this English classwasMrs" Kelley. and Michael said he felt shehandled

these typeof essaysand situations very welt in this class.

Michael Bierman saidDylan Klebold wasdefinitely a follower ofEric Hams. HesaidifEric Harris would saysomething. a short

timelaterDylan Klebold would he saying thesamething, Michael saidhe could notrecall seeingEric Harris weara trench coat

prior to January 1999. and said in fact as far as he could recall Eric Harris would "dress normal" prior 10 January of 1999

Michael said he believed there were aboutsix to ten "Trench CoatMafia"students at Columbine HighSchool. H. said they

would all wear black clothing. and said he wouldestimate approximately three females were "Trench Coat Mafia' student

members Michael said someof the "Trench Coat Mafia"students wouldwearblack lipstick and/orwhile make-up" Michael

said he wouldconsiderthese "TrenchCoat Mafia"studentsas "Gothic."JC-001. 006135

fmcel" Signature Unit ~ Number Supe:rvi~or Initials and Dale Assigned To Page 1

I APT._ ,,~ r~ 1 I """'" vf !I UR!G~"l I "'\F&7l(i";T{)~ 'dt:l'l~ o:rRVIC£S I LlTJ.fl'.1l I ASAF34/9ijCSI)JI67".

Page 36: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

CONTINUATION I;]f\eportingAgt::ncy R~porting Officer Cast Refilm: Nc


Cor!necling Case R¢p"rt No V1Cl:im NameOriginal Report DateThis Report


"""" X fiN' 0.._ Murder ommses~ Open X .li:JlC~ptic:lIllll!y Cleand 0 Recomm'Cfld Calle: Review Cl

~~:lS!ifit:lllI;Otl 0 Cleam:I b;tAl'T"'f!: 0 UnflMl~ 0 Closee 0

lIS: I\lualltlty IBrm4NllffifJ 1~J,lliOO t SiI'riaINc j:I~~ I Vllil~ , Vtllij~Recovemi Daiiilg=t


Michael Bierman toldme thathe knewlittleaboutthe individual "Trench CoatMafia"studentsand/orassociates, H. saidRobert

Perry had been in the English class at Columbine High School, however, he transferred out of this class. Michael described

Robert Perryas "strange" andsaidhe alsoWas "Gothic." Michael said Perrywould'it in the classbyhimselfand alone, andsaid

Perrywouldalwaysweara trench coat He said Robertperrywastall, about6'4" to 6'5" tall, so he wouldstick out in a crowd

accordingto Michael, Michael also told me Robert Perrywouldwearblack lipstickand eye shadow,

Michael Bierman said ChrisMorris would weara trench coatand a "Remsrein," (Michael Biermansaid this is a German band

name),black pantswithsuspenders. and armyboots, Michael saidChris Morris wasan a Columbine HighSchool classbowling

team with NateDykeman.

Michael Bierman saidwhenthe students fromColumbine HighSchool resumed theirclassesat ChatfieldHigh School. Rebecca

Hinesdid not attendand told her class that she felt threatened, andthatwas the reason for not attending Chatfield High School

Michael also toldme thai Brooks Brawn, Nate Dykeman. ChrisMoms,and Robert Perrydid not attendthis scbooleuher, but

Michael said he did not know the reasonswhy they did not attend,

Michael Biermansaid he did not see anyonecarryingduffle bagspriorto the shootingon 4·21J..99. He said he does nat know

of anyone. norhasheheardrumors ofanybody, manufacturing explosive devices and/orsellingor possessing firearms, Michael

saidhe didnotsee the "thoughtof the day" on the Rebel NewsNelWork(RNN), For4--2IJ..99. Hesaidhe had first hourofffrom

classes an 4·20·99 and said he was late for the secondhour class, which is whenthe "Thought of the day" is broadcasted.

Michael Bierman said Illata female studentby the nameof Katy Beertold him that On 4--20·99, when the incidentbeganat

Columbine High School,she initially triedto get OUl of theschool bygoingtowards the main doorsan the eastside of theschool

by the administrative offices. however, she said she saw a third shooternext to these offices and this third shooter shot out

windows at that location. Kat)' Beer told Michael Bierman she therefore had to find an alternate location to exit the school.

Michael said Kary Beertoldhim this third shootermay havebeen~Michael said severalstudentsfrom Columbine

High School believed there were more than two shooters during the incidental Columbine High School on 4·20·99,

JC-001·006136OfficerSignature Un!l Number SUl*'Vuor lniliaJs andDate AsSI~ rc Pa!l" ~

.ILl? ..L. - 'i..~ ..., """"" of ,OItlG0iAl I !:-;.f;Jl-Tla",rCil VlC1'llVl 5E.RI,1C[S I1YI1<£!t I ASAFJ..J/98JCSO/16::'4

Page 37: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

CONTINUATION CJRepomni Agency ReponingOfficer Case ReportNo


C<ml:tttting CUt Rl:?Ort No Victim Nlll'nt" Ori'&i:ftal RI:'port Date This Report


" '1joo X First Degree Marder o~s~Open x E~lyClearod o itecommudC~ Review oReltl*ifk:lutoll c Clcaretiby Amm: 0 u",,,,,,,,,,, 0 Ch,l$Urt 0

'II: IQwntity I.....N,,'" r Descriptwn I smalNo, ~~~ I ~11N; I V,JUf~ Dam.

MichaelBierman told me lila!during his fresllman and sophomore yearsh. attendedColumbineHigh School, but said he was

the victimof so muchracial intimidation !halhe transferred to DakotaRidgeHighSchoolfor hisjunior year. (Michael Bierman

is Asian). Dueto the factMichaelBierman's grades werenothigh enough at Dakota RidgeHigh School, he had to transferback

to Columbine High School for his senior year. Michael said duringhis senior year at ColumbineHigh School, there was no.

nearly as muchracial intimidationdirected towardshim as there had beenduring his freshman year and sophomoreyear.

I askedMichael Bierman howh. hasbeencoping withthe incident since4-20-99. He told me he has had moments whereit has

beenhardon him.however, he feels he is handlingit fairlywellat thepresent. I gaveMichaelBierman one of my business cards

and asked him to contect me if he wanted to talk with a JCSO VietimAdvocate in the future and I told him I would makethe

necessaryarrangements for himat that time,

DISPOSITION: Case remains open, pending furtherinvestigation.

JC-001- 006137

1 OtfLi;(:r $lgnijhm: Ullit Number S\.l~rviror Initialsand Date r\ntgnt\iTO Pege •i A 0, ,,- -r-v,1 """'.... of •, QR:Ci~t\!. IIN'ltESTKi!\TOR \I(CTIM SERVICES 1OT1i'" I .~SAF3~ JCSDlt6':',4

Page 38: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200



Page 39: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


0""...., HOMI CIDEViet:tlll: SCOTTAg_" 1173 STEFFES, TIMOTHYl~~<, 1197 GIRSON

"'..' 990388560... < 06/01/99Faglt' 1 -of 2Key: 11415-142S·1173


-.~~_.-.----------------~----------------------------- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jefferson County Sheriffs Office C.R.: 99-7625FBI control number: 174A-Div-57419



BIGGS, Michael Lee07/22/816376 South Upham Way A-206Littleton, ce. 80128(303) 948-8783

PARENT:Mother: Denise Jacque~


On May 20, 1999 I was assigned an interview with Columbine High Schoolstudent Michael Biggs. On May 27, 1999 I spoke to Michael's mother, DeniseJac~Jez, and made an appointment to interview Michael on June 1, 1999 at0900.

On June 1, 1999 at 0850 I arrived at 8378 south Upham Way, A-206, tointerview Michael. I spoke to Denise Jacquez who informed me that Michaelhad been called in to work at Builders Square. At 0900 1. arrived at theBuilders Square at 4887 South Wadsworth Blvd. and contacted Michael Biggs.Michael confirmed that he is a student at Columbine Hioh School, in theeleventh grade. Michael also advised that he had been-in school on April20, 1999.

Michael said that he had not been in the cafeteria at all during themorning on April 20th. MiChael advised that his lunch period is afterthird period, and that he had gone to a Taco Bell at Bowels Avenue andSouth Wadsworth Blvd., across from Southwest Plaza. Michael advised thathe left for lunch between 0930 and 1030. Michael said that he wasacoompanied by two female students Kari and Monica. He did not know theirlast names. Michael continued to say that he had been in Literature classbefore going to lunch. Michael said that after the class he walked aroundthe halls for a short period of time trying tc decide where to go. He metthe girls and the left the schcol by way of the main exit near the office.Michael said that he had parked his car in the teachers lot and they leftfrom there.

Michael said that while he was in the hall way he did not observe


Page 40: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

CR' ~~03aaS6LAKEWOOD CO PD .... ::1. of ::I.Supplement 06/01/99 1173 STEFFES, TIMOTHY

anyone carrying large duffel type bags, nor did he encounter anyoneassociated with the Trench Coat Mafia.

Michael reported that after leaving the Taco Bell they went toSouthwest Plaza for a short period of time and then returned to school.Michael said that -they entered the teachers parking lot at about 11:10AM,and enco~~tered a large mass of students running from the building.Michael stated that it did not appear, to him, like a normal fire drill asthe students were not exiting the building in an orderly fashion as wouldbe the case in a fire drill, and they appeared panicked. Michael saidthat he talked to some of the exiting students and learned that there wasshooting going on inside the school. Michael advised that he, Monica, andKari left in his car. He advised that they started to drive into thesouth parking lot but pulled back out onto Pierce street. They then wentto Monica'S house where they remained for one hour watching the newscoverage. They then went to the library on West Bowels Avenue and alsospent some time at the Mann Theaters. Michael said that as they startedto turn into the student parking lot he did not observe anyone with guns.In fact he said that he did not see anyone in the lot.

Michael advised that he had a second period video class with EricHarris. Michael continued to say that he had no contact with Harris inthe class. Miohael also related that Harris'S friends would often sit inthe class with Harris. Michael said that he had noticed that Harris wouldstare at him no reason. Michael said that he felt intimidated byHarris and the other members of the Trench Coat Mafia. He said that hehad no confrontations w~th Harris or any other member of the group, so hedid not know why Harris was staring at him. Michael reported that thiswas a common tactic of the members of the Trench Coat Mafia. Michaelstated that he did not know the names of Harris's friends who would come tcthe class but described one of them as a: white/male, tall, skinny, withlong sideburns and brown hair. Michael said that this person drove a whitepickup. Michael oontinued to say that he had never seen the video'S thatHarris had made .

Michael said that he spend alot of time on the internet but he hadnever come across Harris\s website and had not corresponded with anymembers of the Trench Coat Mafia on the internet. Michael was notfamiliar with any nameS that Harris or Klebold had used on the internet.Michael did report that the internet was full of sites like Harris's.

Michael reported that he had heard no rumors about possible trcubleon April 20th, before that date. He also said that he had heard nothingabout anyone building bombs or selling guns. He did advise that Harriswas not in the video class on April 20th which he thought was a littleunusual as Harris was almost always in class.

Michael could provide no additional information and the interviewconcluded at 0930.

------------------~-------------------------~---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ••n' 1173 STEF!'ES, TIMOTHY Prm'd,06/02/99 17:53'.r"m 1292 CARTER, JOSEPH 06/02/99 10;54______________________________________________________________________ *EOR*

JC-001· 006140

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JC·001. 006142

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On 05·18·99 at about 1140hrs, this Investigatortelephoned;

Control Number: 3302


Bingelrelatedhe was at the Wellshire Inn, during the morning hours. He wasattending abanquet for the MarketingClub. The banquet lastedfrom 0830to about 1015 hrs,

Bingel's 5'" hour was free, so he just went home. A fellow student took Bingel home,who is identified as:


Bingelstated West went back to school. After the incideut started, West ran to Bingel'shome,which is not very fur from the school. Westwas in a mathclass.

Bingel stated he did not personally know Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold, He did have aclass with Klebold during the first semester, which was Government and Economics.Bingelstated he neverspoke to them.

This Investigatorasked Bingel if in conversations with his fellow students, is there anyonewho claimsthey saw more than two people and he said no. Bingel did indicatehis brotherwas also at schoolon 04·20·99, Bingelidentified his brotheras:


ThisInvestigator did conductan interview whh Patrick. Refer to anothercontrol number,not yet obtained, for information referencethat interview.


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Page 45: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

Supplemental ReportJCSO 99·7625 I FBl174A·DN·57419 I CONTROL NUMBER: 2117Investigator Dan Pfannenstiel I West Metro Fire /303-9894307 Extension 530

On May 10, 1999at about 1000 hours Ispoke withLauren Danielle Bixlertdob /6-5-84)and her mother, Monica (cell# 303-807-6067), bytelephone. Personal information onLauren Bixleris as follows:

6315 South Lamar CourtLittleton, CO 80123303-795-9807

Lauren stated that she was not in the cafeteria at thetimeof the incident and thustheinterview was conducted overthe phone. Inaddition, Monica's schedule did notallowfor a face to face interview in the near future.

Lauren gave thefollowing information in regards to theApri120, 1999 incident atColumbine High School:

• Lauren stated that shehas Spanish classfirsthourand meets her friends in thecafeteria before thisclass. She stated that at about 7:20a.m, she metwith thefollowing:

Chelsea BrownJanelle Haslet(sic)Eric ParsonsChrisTherian (sic)JasonBrianBrian FryDan GreerRyan (unknown last name)

• Lauren stated that theymetnear the bottom ofthe cafeteria stairs foraboutfiveminutes prior to goingto Spanish class. Shestated thatthisis a typical routine forher, She stated thatshedid not see anybody resembling me"Trench Coat Mafia" thatmorning, nordid shenoticeany"largeduffel bags or backpacks".

• Lauren stared matshe then returned to me cafeteria at about 10:55 or 1I:00 a.m. Shestatedthat shegot out of gym classa few minutes earlyand met some friends in thecafeteria so mat they couldgo out to lunch. Shestated that shecamedown meinterior stairs and walked straight through mecafeteria to the rabies near mewestwindows.

• Lauren statedmat shemetwithEmerson (unknown lastname / attend GreenMountain High School), Chrissy Kovac andChris Fiedling(male), Shestated thattheywere only there fora few minutes and then leftfor lunch, Shestated thatshedoes have a backpack and tookit withher to lunch.

JC·001· 006145

Investigator };L1J)Vlf1J~CU::::1~__ Date~ .1. Of e.-

Page 46: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

Supplemental ReportJCSO 99·7625 I FBI174A·DN.S7419 I CONTROLNUMBER: 2117Investigator Dan Pfannenstiel I West Metro Finl/303·989-4307 ExtensioD 530

• Lauren stated that theyleft through he south doors andthen drove overto SouthwestPlaza for lunch. She denies seeing anybody resembling theTrench CoatMafiacoming or going at this time. Shedenies seeing any large duffel type bagsor largebackpacks.

• Lauren statedthat shedoes not mow Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold and therefore, didnot see themin or around the cafeteria at that timeeither.

• Lauren stated that whileat the mall theyran intosome CHS students thatsaid, "therewas a shootingat school, don't go back". Lauren stated thatthey did not believethemso the "drovebackto a sidestreetoffof Pierce" and that "all thesirensandcopswere coming SQ they wentstraight home (Lauren's house)".

• Lauren stated that she is aware of the Trench CoatMafia onlyas "guys in blackcoats". She denies anyotherknowledge of the reM anddenies every talking withthem. She stated thatshe would typically see themaround 6'"hourinand aboutthecafeteria.

• Lauren stated that sheuses the computers at school on!y fortheresearch ofhomework. Shedenies having an e-mail address.

• Lauren denies mowing anybody with a double pierced eyebrow. but mows of aBlandonRiesbech (sic), who has a single pierce eyebrow.

I informed Lauren and Monica to call the taskforce should they haveanyfurtherinformation.

JC·001· 006146

Date ,to /95 &-Ot' L--1 I

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JC·()(l1·0061 41

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,• 1 •


D... of ",",eMption 0 5/25/199 9

Brian J. Blaskovich, DOB 11/18/1982, 6916 West DavidAvenue, Littleton, Colorado, telephone (303)978-0523, a sophomoreat Columbine High School, was interviewed at his home in thepresence of his mother, Terri Blaskovich, by Special Agent (SA)Ricky V. Wright regarding the incident that took place on04/20/1999 at Columbine High School. After being advised as tothe identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of theinterview, Blaskovich provided the following information:

On the day of the shooting, at appro~imately 11:10 am,Blaskovich got out of Spanish class, taught by Mr. Brookfield,and left the foreign language department and walked directly tothe cafeteria. Blaskovich went and stood by a lunchroomtable(marked BBE on diagram sketch) and waited for his friends toshow up. There were no other students at the table whenBlaskovich was there. After one or two minutes, Elaskovich sawhis friends, Joe Marino and Sean Behan, motioning to him by thestudent entrance. Blaskovich, Marino, and Behan then walked outto the senior parking lot and drove to a McDonalds for lunch.Blaskovich did not see anything unusual while they were leaving.Blaskovich first became aware of the shooting when they werereturning from lunch at approximately 11:30 am. Blaskovich,Marino. and Behan saw the police cars and all the studentsoutside and stopped to ask what was going on.

Blaskovich was not in the cafeteria at any other timethat day. Slaskovich did not see any large duffle bags in thecafeteria while he was there. Blaskovich did not know EricHarris, Dylan Klebold, or any of the other members of theTrenchcoat Mafia.

Blaskovich has an Internet screen name of Blasko55. Onthe day of the shooting, Slaskovich was wearing a blue long­sleeved shirt, khaki pants, and brown shoes.

JC-001· 006148

lnvostis>tion on OS/25/1 S9 9 et -,L::;~::.·t::;t=l:::e:::t:::o::;nC<,---'C:::o:;:l:::o"r:::a:;d:;o"- _Jeffco #99-7625;

Fuel 174A-DN-57419 i Control #3714 Dared!"""" OS/25/1999

by SA Ricky V. Wright 0101

This dceumenr COn41lt'lS rlelr."ler reccmmerdaricns not cOl'lduskms of the Far II is mepropertY of the: Fa] and is loaned to your agency:(I aoo rts ccruerus are ffi)t l0 be J(SI'n!::uted GlJtsllk your J,gern;~

Page 49: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200



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SUSPECTS: Eric Harris

Dylan K1ebold

WITNESS: BLENKER, Ryan dob; 1/26/84

9570W. MaplewoodPI

Littleton,CO 80123


ChristineBlenker (mother)

9570 W. MaplewoodPI

Littleton, CO 80123



KennethBlenker (father)

9570 W. Maplewood PI

Littleton,CO 80123




On 5/20199 I was assigned information controlnumberDN3699 for follow up investigation. Information

narrativestated that Ryan Blenker is on the "A" lunch list.

On 5/24/99 I contactedChristineBlenkervia telephone. She advised that her son, Ryan Blenker, had been

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JC-001- 006150

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suspended on 4120/99 and was not at schoolwhen the incident occurred. He was not availablefor a telephone

interview, howeverspeakingwith Christine, she had already spoken to him about any knowledgehe hadof the

trenchcoal mafia and their associatesand he had none,other than he had seen themin the balls, and knew that

they were considered trench coat mafia. She said that with her conversations with her son, she has not gleaned

anyinformation that she considers to be helpful to our investigation, as her son was not at school that entireday

nor the previousweek. She also indicatedthat she has not heard fromany otherpolice departmentsor

detectives in reference to interviewing her son.

e '3 Signature/Number/Date


Page 2 of 2

Jc-001· 006151

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""Bk6\.crAlS) Got\\".."l:"~'ttl91:1eB II ::! .".,. /d"XUJt5IZ. .Ai.!a*

J..!'lt..J I CclLl:l . 3"&UZ.:3.

! 13a.;r '1JJ.JIl.i~,


uemNo. SranoName

! Conneclln§ C1JSIJ Report No.

f-- --=-------I----...lCIa- 'km Offen" Stat'.ls: Open ~ SxcePtKm61ly CleaMKl 0 RlJCQrntTllU1d Can:Rae. ,lCatfon 0 Cleared by Nffl'at 0 Unt;)UndfW 0

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.;:r:;' A.oS--U.<:\.·.· 'c.J.,{.l.\rs-n:lRi./Ji"&... .:::1i1$. . .WEi . l.I..!J9:1>.. ..X'l>!. '11lc::;, 4o":l:W.tmt-. A1'>¥ r.r,"Ull. ~~ 't:"" ~y ....~ .. ::i<Ql:m. n!liI.~ JJ.a.d~l..~ ..'n1\.Q\lJ JJ;. . 'tOlt:: .f,-A EaT'lXU'1ll . aA lI.l..l'G'.6.. :n:i. s:- !nnboJ..:Dl.b..\..

"au-.::-' ~D Ain't:"" S.cs;a..... A~ nl.n..L •

JC-001- 006153


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JC-001. 006154

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SUBJECT: BOES, Michael w/m dob: 3/3/80

6568 South Newland Circle

Littleton, CO 80128


Kim Bees(mother)

6568 South Newland Circle

Littleton,CO 80128



Gerald Boes (father)

6568 South NewlandCircle

Littleton, CO 80128


303-744-7303 (wk)


On 5/25/99 at 0955 hours I spoke with MichaelBees on the phone, Michael was a Junior at the time of the

shooting. He stated he knew Eric Harrisby sight, and considered himself an acquaintance and not a friend. He

stated he knewwho Klebold was.

Michael stated that he did not go to school at all on 4120/99, He stated that he attendeda MarketingBanquet at

the WellshireInn on that day at 0900 hOUTS. He statedthe teacherfor Marketing, Ms. Fromer, arrangedthe

b--1uet fur him and other students.

Page I of 2


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A typicalday for MichaelBoes wouldbe firsthour"off' hour, secondhour AdvancedDrawing, third hour

Mmeting, fourthhour LanguageArts, and "A"lunch.

Michael statedthat he knew the trenchcoat mafia groupexistedandhe consideredthem more of a "clique". He

didn't know the members, but didknow JosephStare, who was in a previousdrawing class with him.

Michael statedthat they were drivingback to the schoolon WestBowlesAvenuewhen they were passedby

several policecars. He estimatedthis to be between II :30 andnoon. He stated they all thought that it was drug

relatedbecauseof the date, 4120. He stated he waswith Andrew Bankston in Andrew's car and they went to

ClementParkand met other students there.

Detective's Signature/Number/Date


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Sergeant's Signature/Number/Date


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Phone Number:

Prepared by:

Event Narrallve:

Control Number: ON3239174A-DN-57419

PRIORITY Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Method of Contact

ARCHIBEQUE, JAMES @ In Person 0 Telephone

STUDENT 0 Observation 0 Wril!en

(303) 979-0575 Information Received Dale: 05110/1999 Time: 3:40 PM



Event Date:


Event Time:




,_ Event Reviewed by: SL Lead Required? YES

Lead Control Number: DN3239


A.signed To: REKER, RICK Date: 05/1111999 Time: 1:50 PM


Lead Reviewed by: KE Load Completed? El Date: OS/26/1999

Jc.o01· 006158

Printed on 5/26/99 at 3,37 PM UNCLASSIFIED Pagel

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PlRNARR Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 104/30/1999

Ref # 99-12051Type ASSTQA

Location 620l S PIERCE ST

Reported Pate 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

DET27 04/29/1999 042699/VONDEROHE/SH

The following supplement is being submitted in reference toJefferson County Sheriffis Department CR#99-7625 and Arvada policeDepartment CR#99-~2051 regarding the murders committed at ColumbineEigh School on 04/20/99. The fOllowing report is being submittedby net. Jim Vonderohe, Arvada Police Department who is a member ofthe task force that is investigating the shootings at ColumbineHigh School. The following supplement is a synopsis of aninterview conducted by Colorado Bureau of Investigation Agent JerryMeans and Det Jim Vonderohe of Abigail J. Boles, DaB: 03/10/82.This interview was conducted at Abigail Boles! residenee and inthe presence of her mother.

Abigail Boles was interviewed in the living room of herresidence located at 7G16 S. Ingalls St., Littleton, CO, 303-973­9159

Regarding the shooting incident at Columbine High School,.~igail Eoles seated that she was at school that morning, but leftfor home approximately one hour before che incident erupted. Shestated that her mother picked her up between 0930 hours and 1000hours, after the school nurse had telephoned her mother, statingthat she should come and get her since she was sick, AbigailBoles stated that she was sick that morning and was vomicing, soher mocher came and picked her up. The above information wasverified by Abigail Soles' mother, who as mentioned previously,was sitting in the living ~oom during this inte~view, AbigailBoles stated that she found out about the shooting incident onT,V. at 1130 hours, when her mother woke her up in order to watchthe breaking newscasts on T.V.

In discussing what took place at school that morning when shewas at school, Abigail Boles stated that her first class begins at0730 hours and that approximately fifceen minutes before the classbeginning, she did see Eric Harris. She stated that atapproximately 0715 hours that day, she saw Eric Harris in thecommons, or cafeteria area, at which time she said, "Hi 11 to him,She stated that he returned the greeting and then she said goodbyeto him while she was en route to her first class, Abigail Bolesstated that when she made the greeting to gric Harris l she wasalone She furcher stated that was the only time that day that shedid see and talk to Eric Harris. She stated that Eric Harris atthat time was wearing normal blue jeans and a white t~shirtl withsome type of prine on it, She also stated bhat he was carrying ablack backpack with him.

Abigail Boles further advised the investigators that when shemet him that morning in the commons area he was with some othermale that she did not know ~y name, She stated that she r~s seenthis person around the school before and that he had not graduatedfrom the school, Upon further questioning, she was explicit in thefact that this other person was not Dylan Klebold with Eric Harrisin the commons area, She further was certain that this person also


Page 61: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 204/3,/1999

Ref n 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04(20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RTF

DET27 04/29(1999 042e99/VONDEROHE/SH

was not a "Trench Coat Mafia n member, otherwise she probably wouldhave known his name. She could only describe this Qthe~ person asbeing a white male, and ~eing of the same height as Eric Haz~is.

She further stated that this person had short dark brown hair.

Abigail 801es stated that she is familiar with most of themembers of the 'fTrench Coat: Mafia," with he z identifying the peoplethat ahe knew in thi$ sroup as being her brother, Tad Boles, JoeStur, Robert (Ll/UJ, Joho (Ll/UJ who also goes by the name of"Screech ll who has eurly hair and is dorky looking. She also statedthat she knows Brian Sargent and Chris Morris. who are members ofthe g~oup. She further stated that there are no girls in thegroup, although there are girls that associate with the malemembers of this outfit.

Abigail Boles stated that the original group consisted of JoeStair. her brother ~ Tad, and Chris Morris. She further statedchat Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were really not even part of themain group, bu~ basically, hung together as an off-shoot of this9XOouP. She further stated that the name flTrench Coat Mafia" wasgiven to them by other people because of the black dusters ortrench coats that they wore.

In discussing her relationship with Eric Harris and DylanKlebold. she stated that she really didn't know either one of themvery well, but was just acquainted with Eric. She further statedthat she says hi to almost everyone that she meets, at least oncein order to see what type of response she receives from them.Abigail Boles stated that she has never been to eicher EricHarris' house or Dylan Klebold's house She stated that of thelimited conversations that she has had with these two individuals,they never mentioned to her anything about their interests or usein any type of weapons or explosive devices. She stated that theonly thing they really talked about was a video game called "Doom,"She further confirmed the fact that on April 20th, Tuesday, shenever talked to nylan Klebold that day.

In questioning Abigail Boles as to if any of her friends knewwho committed this violent act at Columbine High Scheol l she statedthat most of her friends were in a panic when this wae occurringand t.hat the only thing they could s eere was that the uTrench CoatMafia" meml;lers: did it:. She dl.d state that several of her friendswho wi~nessed the shootings said that one of the suspects lookedlike Dylan Klebold,

When asked if any of the students killed at Columbine HighSchool were known to her, Abigail Boles stated that Isaiah Shoelswas a friend of her" and that Rachel Scott used to push herdownstairs some~ime earlier in their school life history. Shefurther stated that Cassie Bernall was an acquaineance of her'S andthat she personally admired Cassie Bernall because she carried aSible around school with her.

JC·001· 006161

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PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 3o4/30/H99

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RTF

Ref JI 99-n067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

D!T27 04/2~!"999 042899!VONDEROHE/SH

In discussing with Abigail Soles if she had any informationor if any of her friends knew of any significance that April 20,1999 would have, she stated that the only thing that the people sheassociated with were talking about that day because it was NationalPot Smoking Day.

Abigail Boles was asked directly if she had any knowledgethat either Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold were going to commit theviolent acta that they did at Columbine High School, with herstating that ahe had no knowledge whatsoever. She further statedthat ahe has never talked to Eric Harris on the telephone in herlife, She also was very frank about the fact that she didn't havethe telephone numbers of any of the students at Columbine HighSchool because she didn't like the majority of them.

With nothing further, this incerview was concluded withAbigail Boles at approximately 1150 hour~.

JC-001· 006162

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• 1 •


Dour tmlSCrip""n 05/:24/ 1999

Nathan Michael Bondar, DOB 03/24/1982, 6380 BrentwoodStreet, Littleton, Colorado, telephone (303)972-2115, a junior atColumbine High School, was interviewed telephonically by SpecialAgent (SA) Ricky V. Wright regarding the incident that took placeon 04/20/1999 at Columbine High School. After being adviSed asto the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of theinterview, Bondar provided the following information:

Bondar has "A" Lunch, but was not at the school at thetime of the shooting. Bondar and a friend, Brandon Burgess, wentto a Marketing class breakfast away from school for second andthird period. Bondar and Burgess were also together duringfourth period and were just returning to the school when theywhere passed in the vicinity of Pierce Street and Coal MineAvenue by police cars that were responding to the Shooting.

Bondar was not in the cafeteria at all that day.Bondar did not know Eric Harris, Dylan Klehold, or any of theother members of the Trenchcoat Mafia.




Im,osmon en OS/24/1999 at _L=i.::t.::t~l.::e:.:t::::o::::n~'c....:c:::o:::.l~o:::::.ra~d;:o ...:.:::.:::.::.;::=====,,-,-_Jeffco #99-7625;

FHu 174A-DN-57419; Control #3688 D'~d".. ~<l

by SA Ricky V. wright~

Thi..l dOl;Umem comanI'$. neither eeeommendaucns norconclusions (if the FBI It is dieproperty of theFBI and is loaned to youragency:it and It.'! contents are:001 :0 be JjsUlb'JUldilutside.your a~nty

Page 65: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200



Page 66: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


00 05-17-99 at about2225 hrs., thisInvestigator telephoned:

BOOZE, RAISSA LYNNEDOB: 11-26-811946 A S. Depew St,Littleton, CO 80128(303) 904-6481

ControlNumber: 3304

Booze indicated during 5"' hour, she was going to go to IllIlCh with her mend, EricaDendorfer, Booze waited fur Erica at the top of the stairs. Initially Erica did not showup,so Boozewent downstairs. AI the bottomofthe stairs, Booze found Erica.

Erica related she bad forgotten her keysin MadamLutz's office. They went to theFrenchoffice and Erica got her keys. After that, they went out the doors to the COIIlI1lOll:S andhalfway into the senior patking lot.

They got in Erica's car and left. Erica was driving. They left the school at about 1118hrs, Booze remembers hearing the five minute bell when she was at the bottom of thestairs and they bad not yet gotten the keys. This Investigator asked Booze if they everbeard or sawanything and she said no

Booze was asked if she knew or bad seen either Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold? Boozeindicated she may haveseenthemat school, but she does nol know who they are. Boozerelated shejust moved here thisyear,


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JC-001· 006167

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00 05-17-99 at about 1430hrs., this Investigator telephoned:

Control Number: 3305

BORNHOEFT, BRIAN THEDOREDOB: 07-04-795690 W. Canyon Ave.Littleton,CO 80128(303) 971-0989

This Investigator inquired from Bomhoeft where he was during 5'" hour. He related hewas at Warren Tech. He classes start at noon and go to 1700!lrs. He takes the bus andleaves at about 1030Ms.

This Investigator asked Bomhoeft nile knewEric Harris or DylanKlebold and he said no.He also relatedhe does not know anytlling about the TTench Coat Mafia.

This Investigator asked Bomhoeft in his discussions with his friends. have any seen thegunmen? Bomhoeft indicated his sister saw a gunman standing over a dead body. Heidentified his sisteras:


April saw the gunman when she was escaping fromthe school. This occurred right afterthe incident started.

JC·001· 006168

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o Te"'phonolRJldlo@Wtl1ten

Method of Contact

o In Pe",on

o Obsarvatlon

Information Received Date: 05/18/1999 Time: 1:30PM

I&I/DENVER PO(Component/AgencYl






(303) 760-7599


Event Narrative:

Case 10:





Prepared by:

Event Dete:


Event Time: ReferenclllI:


) Event Reviewed by: SL Lead Required? YES

Lead Control Number: DN3732


Assigned To: RUSSELL, MIKE Date: 05120/1999 TIme: 3:17PM


LeadReviewed by: KE ,Lead Completed? r;;) Date: 0610811999

JC-001· 006170

Printed on I0J411999 at 1:l7 PM UNCLASSIFIED Pagel

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JC-001· 006171

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SUBJECT: BOWERS,Denise dob: 6/24/81 w/f

5128 South Zang Way

Littleton, CO 80127


Dawn Bowers (mother)

5128 South Zang Way

Littleton, CO 80127



Kenneth Bowers (father)



On 5/25/99at 0925 hours, I spoke with Denise Bowerson the phone. Denise was a Senior at the time of the

shooting. She did not know Harris or Klebold, She staled she had a video class with Klebold the last two

semesters, however, he kept very much to himself and she really didn't know him very well at all. She knew

the trench coat mafia group existed, however she did not know any ofthe members.

Denise stated that on a typical day she had first and second hour off, third hour video class, and fourth hour

ceramicsclass. She has "A" lunch. She stated that on 4110/99, she did not go to school in the morning and was

headed for her class after "A" lunch. She stated she was drivingher car and got as far as Pierce and Leawood

when she came upon a police barricade. She estimated it to be approximately 11 :40=. She stated she didn't

see any of the trench coat mafia members aroundthe school at that time.

-tective's Signature/Number/Date


Sergeam 's SignatureINumberiDate

JC-001- 006172

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JC.001- 006173

Page 74: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

CONTINUATIONReporting Agtncy ~ingOfft«r Case Rt:pon No



Connecting eDt Roport No Vi¢urn Name Original Repon DateThis Report


X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X CI R~mmendCase:C aiort ~StMlSl~ Excepliondly Cltared R.evi~ CI

- CI CIReellWii flCllt1l'Jf1 CI CI~bl'Armt U"ftllmded Closun: CI

I~gt r Qwwiry IS~ NII.f)1C IDncription I SerillINt> 1~1~ '~a!lie I VaiueOYIWN ~'"


Veronica Bowie, dob/ill-2il-S3

7363 South Vance Street

Littleton, Colorado 80123

(303)978·9261 Student- Columbine High School

Edie Bowie

sameas above


On 05-20·99, at about 1600 hours, I contacted witness Edie Bowie in reference to setting up an interview with her daughter,

Veronica Bowie, Edie Bowie advised me that on 04-20~99. her daughter. Veronica Bowie, was not in the cafeteria, She said

on that date, Veronica Bowie had gone out to eat lunch. and was therefore away from Columbine High School and the cafeteria,

~di. Bowie said when Veronica Bowie returned to the school, all the roads and parking lots were blocked by police, and Veronica

dowi. could not get back in the school. Edie Bowie advised me she did not believe that Veronica Bowie had any information

tbat would be valuable to this case.

If it is determined later that an interview with Veronica Bowie is necessary, I will conduct an interview at that time,

DISPOSITION; Case is open, pending further investigation.


OfficerSienaruee Unit Number Supetveor Initia\$ and Date Assigned To hge 1

Af~n ... 'l't,"> ,.....J ~ of 1

')fi::::;~Al I iNVESTIGATOR v~cnM S1:RYICB IDTHER I A$AFJ 419I1JCSD/lli74

Page 75: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


JC.o01· 006175

Page 76: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

Stil?l?LEMENT REKER 99-7625 HOMICIDE 5-23-99


LITTLETON, COLO. 80123303-798-9070

on 5-23-99,Inv. Reker did interview Boyer at hisresidence with his mother present.

Boyer states that at 10:15 he had been in the cafeteriaand had left at approx. 11:00 to go out to lunch off schoolgrounds. Boyer relates that he had been sitting at the tables byColumbine corner prior to leaving the school,and that he wassitting with Dave Didel,Kelly Dixon,Ryan Ishino, Seth Houey,and agirl named Kelly.

Boyer states that Kliebold had been in the 3rd hourvideo class that morning but had left and that he was by himselfand was wearing a black Boston hat and a black trench coat.

Boyer states that while be was in the lunchroom he didnot see any suspicious bags on the floor or any other suspiciousactivity_

Boyer related that he had heard that Harris andKliebold had keys to the school and that this was a rumor and hedoes not remember where he heard this info.

Boyer was unable to provide any further info and theinterview was terminated.


Page 77: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


I. Did)IOu ever see thetwo lorge dllffel bagsin tbe cafeteri. ?

J. It'f - 1..'

2. Did you seeanyone carrying or ill thepossession of thoseduffel bags, at a previous time?


3. Didyou seeEricHarris or Dylan Klebald either an Monday ofTuesday? What weretheydoing? j • ,_ nWhatdidtbeysay? WeretbeywitbanyoaeeIse1 _ .' . ~'J;:<I ,·Pt :;IJo-t.{L,il:.·~A":i_11 l,"; "1.t..IJ) +r) OJ( i.,/ItJt€~; ,J. t. -f_;!!; ",P;-p: ,! rr: .~.'4./t)"J ~~,4 t"1..1 / ~/-f,n t..!! ;'7" ,/ ~'.L1-f I1t .",:J,f~~f.~ /;ji,...K < ~'f'~ ,·:~A,f r ...t-i{ , .....

4. Didyou lea""anytbing behind in the'J:afe<eria oranywhere else in the school ?1J1J5£/!/'1.' /}/).(- I f'o.' to c "rQ!/':~'_ "A; (. '-,A'"

_.... • ? Wh ,'...••• ,Jf.~i...I'-"'J:'iJ ....; /JfJ!.( i:r.rt.-~:'5. Whowere you witb in tb. earerena: ere.",;re you sitting? . _...(1 ,. -". r- r '(JA.vlf tJll)/t~/KcLt.~ .O/~'·/1lf·.~ i'iftf/V'?/5~

6. Did you see or talkto anyof tbe Trern:h C"", Mafia memhers 00 Monday? Tuesday1 Howabout!beprior week or weekend 1 .NCr /1'10



about o~er ~pectst bomb makil:m,,gun huyin~ etc, 1 ,: <:>I':J l ,.,wfl-7 ,fN, ~t. ;S"'"O~'{0ijl\i? ; f...L'~·:';':' ,/'02.2....,,_ '" -

¥ MI/..,.Af,E

_9. Howdid you I"""" thecafered. o'!be building 1 What werelbe events ?

-10, What time did youenterrbecafeteria 1 Whele did you comefrom (priorto thecafeteria) ?

_1L HavethemIT.ark where tbey weresitting, theirroute out of !bebuildiog and who theywerewith(ifknown) ?

12. Canyouprovide Myfunller information 00the members of the Trench Coa,Mafia •

13. Ask the parents if thekids have raid them anythingelse? Different?

JC·001· 006177

Page 78: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

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JC-001· 006178

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BOYLE, K--~=~.- - •--====~

JC..()O~- 006179

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ControlNUUlber: 3312

On05-16-99 at about 1940brs., this Investigator telephoned:

BOYLE, KAYLEY JAYDOB: 07-14-829555 W. Lake PlLittleton, CO 80128(303) 933-6175

Boyle relatedduring 5'" hour, she wasgoing witha friend to lunch who she ideutilied as:

COOK, BREANNE(303) 948-2129

Boyle indicated she bad not gone to schoolthat day. Currently she was attending WarrenTech. in the morning at Green Mountain. She attended school between 0730 hrs, to 1030hrs,

On04-20-99 at about 1110hrs., MI. Collins, a teacherat Columbine, called her answeringmachiae. He wanted her to come to school aad pick soJJJelhing up. Bremme bad ditchedthat day to come get her fur lunch. Breanne picked her up at about 1110 hrs, At about1115 hrs., theygot to the schooljust whenthe problems started,

At the school, the police bad Pierce blocked off and there were fire trucks and policeeverywhere. They stoppedat the corner ofPierce aDd Bowles. They went to WoodmanPark. Theysawa couple of teachers there. .

Both girls left Woodman park and drove through the neighborhood. They could not getout, so they lefttheircar. Breannewas driving.

Boyle indicated her last day at Warren Tech. was 04-30-99. Boyle was !!till a student atColumbine, but they knew she was going to Warren Tech. Boyle bas 5'" hour off atWarren Tech. She bad not beengoingto Columbine for the last furty days,

This Investigator asked Boyle if she knew Eric Harris or Dylan K1ebold personally. Shesaid no,however, sheknewthey were part ofthe trench coat group. Boyle did not talk tothemand she did not knowthem.

This Investigator askedBoyle ifshe bas spokento any ofher friends who wereat the highschool that day who saw the gunmen? She related shebas two friends who told her theysawthe gunmen. Boyle identified the two girlsas:


Page 81: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


NUNCIO, VERONICA (.rumor)(303)973·51Sl


COlIIroI NlIllI!:Jer; 3312

CLARK, LEIGH ANN (Freshman)(303) 932-6390 .

NllIlCio was outside and bad a bomb thrown at herand Clark was in the Cafeteria.


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FBI174A·DN·57419JCSO 99·7625Investigator: GlennMoore - Golden Police Department I (303) 384-8080

RE: CONTROL 112586

Investigative lead of student "ditching" from Columbine High School on 04-2Q-99.BrandonJosephBronson(OOB:060380)6743 W. Ida Drive#1034Littleton, CO 80123(303) 73Q-7739

TELEPHONE INTERVIEW:WlLSON. BenjaminM. (OOB:021882)6357 South Gray CourtLittleton, CO 80123(303)730-1958

05-10·99 / 12:IOpmBen WlLSON confirmedhe had not attended his morning classesat Columbine High

School on April 20,1999. He explained that be does not have a first hourclass,and didnot attend his World History class duringthe secondperiod, nor his Gymclass duringthird period. He furtherexplained that he had provided his friend, BRANDONBRONSON, a ride to BurtChevrolet that morning as be was havingan ignition put in hiscar. He saidhe learnedof whathad occurred at the schoolafterwards,and thus did notreturnto his afternoon classes. Ben said be had not heard anything of the pendingassault,but had met Eric Harris last yearin a classtheyhad together. He described himonlyby saying, "Eric was not crazy back then."

I then telephonedBenWilson's mother, SharonWilson. She provided a similaraccountof Ben's absence from school that day. She added thatBen is goodfriends withBrandonBronson,and that they were retrievingBrandon'scar from the repairshop whenthe incidentoccurred at Columbine High School.

Inan effort to confirmthis account I contacted Burt Chevrolet andspokewithRickJones.of their Service Department. Jones independently confirmed that on April20,1999 theyhad releaseda 1990 ChevroletCamaro afterhavinginstalled an ignition switchwith thecustomername listedas"Russ Bronson." He said their records however did notindicatewhom had accepted the caras the signature was illegible, nor do theykeeprecords of the timeof day vehicles arereleased. "Russ Bronson" is listedon the StudentInformation Card as the parentof BrandonBronson.

CN#2619 lead orBen Wilson's absence Was also cleared as related.

** NO new leads generated.

JC-001· 006183



Page 84: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200



Entry Date' Entry Ccce:__

/ Zip:

Grode: I Z

Bilthdate: 5'- 3' -BC8012.-/' ;/sex: Checkone: Q?M 0 F ~

Moiling Address: Student Social Security Number' ,["2 'f' ~B'?-OlZ?

Home Phone: Z r0- "2 Z t r.Sceer Address:67~7 i-v TI'Il

Bldg.lApt.:? /03 <ICity; l'..ft.&b7 C;;

'It *... ril Number the emergency call sequence boxes in the order people should be CGJIed in an emergency.L.!:J Female Adult iu Home: f Include Area Codesand E:cumsiOl

o Name: ~W ,b}OI1.ron Work Pho•e: _

!IncludeArea Codes and uremio,Mal. Adnlt in BOllI'"

o Name'. "'$3.."'-"'''''i''''5c- -l.:.:.:::.<..<.:;:.:;....:.. Work Phone: -4'-'<:":::"_L..!......"--"- _

Ch,ck one: ~ USa! Guardian (I) C Step Parent IJ) fifP""m IK) 0 TemporaryGuardian IMl Of." (Ll _

Employed By: !:>/s-le/l/ lIt:lZl''Ht. Serv/ceS Occupeuoa: ;,ICN'S<!- Sl(jilVV'/Sitlt<

S(../ .I'iVVI!?/.ZJUt?SS oe: .s». -#r ..Work Addre"":....... • p., Is this posmon on Fed",," Property? Check one: 0 Y 7

(V/Tlr~a&JK ~. gOII::L .

Check one: g Legal Guardian fA) 0 Sup Parent iBl ~ Parent (e) 0 Ternporary Guardian (E) :J Other (0) _

-Employed By /.../n+b/'d lU'ClS G'/lZS'S Occupation: S41e5 £e"q

Work Address: [s rhis position on Federal Property" Check one: 0 Y ).!

Day Care Provider: (X) Name: Phone: _

)1. rInclude Area Codes and£.,runsi,

o Joint Cusrody (Q) 0 N'OI loint CUSiooy i,R)Home \\'oJrk

Name: Phon" Pho"': IS)oo

Does the student have a legal parent on active duty in the military? Check one:~GlNC'f


Partnt who fesides at another address:


When a parent cannot be reeehed, who should be caLknI:

~,m, pg-681!J;' /J"f/- 6b)..J";;;;'i~~~?:;o Student's ~~::'t~7~.m, W,_~__I_'f;_"._ey....:.. Phon" _

Di$el.1.S€!{Sl. :\Iledication{s), or Conrlition{sl that may affect this student's activities:

JC-Q01- 006184



Transporrancrc__EHS__ StatusBus ~umber _

Emnii;; DOrner Record (2)

!'eder.>l S"""'1 Code: _Witb""":ll O"e: _Withdrow:ll Code: _

Student Transferred To:


Page 85: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


JC-001· 006185

Page 86: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200




Harris! KleboldMay 14, 1999

Docket Number'Case NUmber. FBI174ADNS7419

Deputy Il. A. : Investigator: Terry Paczosa


On May 14, 1999, I spoke with Bradley Brunaugh, senior and football

captain at CHS. Brunaugh said that he and two friends, KlintWoodman ana Jason Rauzi went to Burger King for lunch. He said that

they left the parking lot (space 130) at about 1119. They did notsee Harris or Klebold or anyone carrying a duffel bag nor did theyhear any shots.

Brunaugh said that he knows Harris and Klehold but did not associatewith them. He goes to bowling class on Mondays and saw Dylan at the

howling alley on Monday the 19th. As usual, Dylan was dressed in

black and wearing dark glasses.

As far aa seeing anything unusual on April 20, 1999, Brunaugh saidthat as he was walking from the parking lot to the school he noticedthat Nate Dykeman' a white truck was not in the lot as it usuallywas. When asked why he noticed that, Brunaugh said that the truck

was big and beat up and he would walk by it most every day.



Bradley Brunaugh

6378 S Chase Ct.Littleton, CO. 80123



Jc-001· 0061861

Page 87: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

BueHL, J.

JC.o01· 006187

Page 88: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200


Off6nu Slaws:~n is­CMMbyA!l'(lllt 0

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JC-001- 006188

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Page 90: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

ArVada police/court SystemArvada police Department


Page 1OS/25/1999

Ref # 99-120Q7 ReportedType ASSTOA

Location 0201 S PIER~

DETS? OS/25/1999 0524;~

JCSD ~~-7525


Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39:32Status RTF

On May 21, 1999 Investigator Duane Eaton of the Arvada PoliceDepartment was assigned investigative lead bearing control #1929.The information control sheet listed the source of information asKathy Paavilainen with an address of 5445 W, Karyl Place,~ittleton, Colorado, telephone 303-932-0045, The informationcontrol sheet was prepared by Detective James Vonderohe of theArvada Police Department. The narrative portion of the formadvised that during an interview of Paavilainen by InvestigatorMike Gallagher of the ~efferson Co~ty District Attorney'. Officeand Detective Vonderohe, Paavilainen stated that while working atthe after prom party at Columbine High school I she had observed twomales attempting to enter the high school by tr/ing the doors atapproximately 0230 hours. Paavilainen advised that she alsoobserved student Amber Burgees and a male friend exit outside viathe weight room door that was propped open. Investigator Eaton wasassigned the task of interviewing Amber Burgess and her male friendto determine if they observed anyone or anything suspicious.

On Monday! May 24, 1999 at approximately 1025 hours,Investigator Eaton was able to make telephone contact with AmberLeann Burges. (DOB 10/22/80), 9050 W, Portland Avenue, Littleton,Colorado; 80123, telephone 303-979-7015, Inves~igator Eatonadvised Burgess of the reason for his call and re~~ested thatBurgess speak with him about what took place at the aft$~ promparty on April 1/ and 16, 1999. aurge$S agreed to an interviewwith Investigator Eaton,

Burgess confirmed for Investigator Eaton that she was at theafter prom party at columbine High School on the two previouslymentioned dates, Burses5 advised that at one point during theparty, she was with a friend she identified as Kristi Held(telephone 797~l591). Burgess advised that at some point duringthe after prom party, Held's prom date left the party and did notreturn. aurgess advised that a male who Held is interested indating wanted to come into columbine High Schoolfg after promparty. Burgess advised Investigator Eaton that this male friendwas identified as Ron, Burgess also advised that two other males.Cory and Brian (last na~es unknown}¥ were supposedly with Ron.Burgess advised Investigator Eaton that Held asked Burgess toattempt to find a door wh~ch would allow entry by Ron, cory andBrian.

Burgess advised Investigator Eaton that she opened the weightroom door in an attempt to allow the three males entry. Burgessadvised Investigator Eaton I however, that she was confronte~ by aparent ana told to go back into the school. Burgess advisedInvestigator Eaton that she did not get a chance to allow the threemales entry into the school. aurgess advised Investigator Eaton

JC-001· 006190

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PIRNARR Arvada Police/court SystemArvada police Department


Page 2Q5/25/1.999

Ref 41 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

DETS7 OS/25/1999 052499/EATON/KK

that later during the night, school staff did allow the three malesentrl into the school and party. Burgess advised InvestigatorEaton that she believes the males were from Heritage High School.

Burgess advised Investigator Eaton that other than attemptingto allow the three males into the school, she had not exited theschool during the nigh.t. Burgess advised Investigator Eaton that$he did not observe anything suspicious or out of the ordinarywhile at the party. Burgess also advised Investigator Baton thatshe was alone when she attempted to open the weight room door andthat she was not with any male as mentioned in the informationcontrol sheet.

Since Investigator Eaton was already in contact with Burgess,~ attempted to determine her whereabouts inside or outsidecolumbine High School on April 20, 1999 in an attempt to determineif she had observed any of the activity surrounding the homicides.Burgess advised Investigator Eaton that she was not in school onthat date. Burgess advised that the Saturday previous to April 20,1999. her grandmother had died. She advised that her grandmotherlived locally. B~rgess advised Investigator Eaton that the funeralfor her grandmother was on Tuesday, so she was out of schoolattending the funeral. Burgess did advise Investigator Satan,however! that if she was at school, she would have been in choir inthe choir roo~.

Investigator Eaton asked Burgess if she was acquainted with orsocialized with Eric Harris and/or nylL~ Klebold, Burgess advisedInvestigator Eaton that she was not acquainted with and did notknow Eric Harris. Burgess did advise !nvestiga~or Eaton, however!that she was acquainted with Dylan Klebold. She advised that shewas aware of who Dylan Klebold was but never socialized with him.Surgees advised Investigaeor Eaton that every day when she comesinto school, she make$ entry into the school through the cafeteriadoors. She advised that most every day she comes in, she observesVanessa Grimes, Alex Marsh and Dylan Klebold all sitting togetherin a corner of the cafeteria. She advised that these are allsubjects who generally dress in black and act a little strange.Burgess added that last semester she was a classmate of Grimes inher Government/Econ class. She advised that Grimes was nice but abit strange. Burgess advised that Grimes discussad practicingwitchcraft while in this Gcvernment/Econ class. Burgess advisedInvestigator Eaton that she has never had any personal problemswith any of these persons I however.

Burgess advised Investigator Eaton that she had nO otherinformation eo give in reference this investigation.

rnvestigator Eaton concluded this interview at approximately1040 nours.

JC..o01· 006191

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JC-001· 006192

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Ofh.rt88 Slatl,t$: Opton~ ExceptiOnllliyCleoared 0 ;:jecommem:i ca.s.e:ClllIaredby ArrO$t 0 l1I'lfOot'tded Cl

Cla$""':ealjon .at 'MRs ication 0 I' h'8mNO.

SUPPLeMENTCOf\n9ClJng case AeportNo

'bNiI£:S"-T:,z;~.,zatJ .. .o,J 07/21 9 :z;. Sf'(>.~ -rr;>~~s -f),J -rfIg -ri!i1.£PhM~.13e.eJ<'.I~r:.~~ zs -ftie fl]trr!ir=..iS. Qy &l!r"';;x;,.) 13~$.

~t,lJ:>0N' IM~~ ,AyA;:l"A3l.£ -ro. ~ :r:~~t£'~,!I£b~

"/3>!2.CJc:;Y %Poritt::;rE.O --rt-/Fr r3AArlj;)rnJI.I.JI!.JMtri ,/rT 5c.J1ao<.­.k -z?-{r:., 7-:Z:'"'rt..~F -:tZI~ S4tJ.9-r.1"JC;,~. J3fY1Il1Q/#~ G9N=. -ro A. .J)E::(A ~I'i~-jJ./(!.~:lfrJ" ()f- C4!1£f!tL Il~ c..ri£ . •. ~;.IC?~ bk.~J-I~~(2M W,4'l> ~" 15AcJ <:; lC.C~B.=-Al.E. }-/.'S. wf,j~ tit:. WA! ~~ fW¥ t}' Peg-if E:

JC.001· 006193


Page 94: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

Dewitt. S.


Page 95: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

Arvada Police/Court System~rvada Polioe Department


Page 104/26/1999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTO~

Looation 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RTF

OET4 04/22/1999 '042199/PARSOW/SH

10 Parson and Oet. Jim Vonderohe were requested by the oommandpost to conduet an inte~~iew with Susan Dewitt, who had approachedan officer on the perimeter of the crime scene with information~

At 1155 hours. to arA Det. Vonderohe met with Susan Rebecca Dewitt,DOS, 02/03/92, wno was accompanied by her father, Steve oewitt,and mother, Susan ?jeldheim. Susan Dewitt L~d her family weremoved by I01s car to a point away from the media, at a nearby parkon Fair St. near Marshall. This is a point inside the outerperimeter and just east of Columbine High School.

At ~15S hours, the interview was conducted. hue w.s notrecorded, due to the lack of equipment. Susan Dewitt stated thatshe had known Eric Harris after meeting him at his place ofemployment, the Blackjack Pizza reseaurant, located near Ottawa andPierce St. She state. tnat she works for Great Clips 1972-0535),which is in the same etrip mall, and her job as receptionistinvolves her frequent trip$ to Blackjack Piz2a to order and pick uppi2za fer the various employees at Great Clips. She got to know€~ic, who works at Blackjack and discovered that they go to thesame school. She stated that he seemed very nice and that theytalked to each other occasionally. He somehow determined her nameand began asking some of her friends at school about her andwhether or noe she l~ked him, etc. She stated that he even wentinto Great Clips to ask for her on a couple of occasions. He hasasked a friend of he~'s by the name of Magan Ledsack about her andwhetner or no~ Susan liked Srio. sne stated that this nas alloccurred si~ce Janua~: and that she did not know him prior to thattime,

$. Dewitt stated that last Friday night (04/16/991 businesswas slow because of the snow and she went to the pizza business toplace an order and returned $hortly after that to pick it up, She.~aced tha~ he provided her ~he order, at apprQxima~ely 7,30 p.m.,and they talked briefly. She gave him her phone nun¢ler and heindicated he would call after work. Sne stated that she go~ off atapproximately 9:00 p.m. He later did, in facti call her residence,getting her mother. Susan Fjeldheim.

Su&an Fjeldheim stated that he called and identified himselfas Eric and asked for Susan. She staeed that he seemed very niceuntil she told him that Susan had gone to spend the ni9ht with afriend. She sta~ed that his tone changed somewhat and that heseemed somewhat mad that Susan was not home to receive his call.She asked if he w~nted her pager number and he took ie, Sherecalled thinking that seemed very unusual that he would get soangry so quickly. simply Qecause she was not at home.

Susan Dewitt then stated that Eric did page her, and indicatedthat the phone numbe= was still in her pager. She checked "herpager and indicated that Ihe received the page at 9;29 on Fridaynight, the 16th••nd was requested to call the phone number 9)2­8S~l. Following that phone number was ehe number 732, which she


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PIRNAlU< Arvada Police/Cou.t SystemArvada Police Department


Page 204/25/1999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 $ PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39:32St.atus RTF

DET4 04/22/1999 042199/PARSON/SH

stated she recognized as his personal code, but did not know thatit was his code until talking with him on the phone, She explainedthat many of the kids today are using code numbers following theirphone number to le:e people know t.l:1&t it is "rea.lly them. 11 Shelearned upon talking to him that 732 was his code. She stated thathe stated that he was home and that the ~32 phone number was hispersonal line in his room. She indicated sne was spending thenight at a friend named Katie's and that they talked for about halfan hour. She stated that he did not seem mad at all and seemedfine. Asked about what kinds of things thay talked about, shestated that he once men~ioned seme kids that he used to be friendswi~h, who he was mad at for making fun of him. She specificallymentioned Mike Dinkle. whose sister is president of the studenebody in their school. He stated that he had heard that Mike Dinklewas t.alking abou~ him and making fun of him and so he stoppedhanging around with Mike. Susan Dewitt indicated that MikeDinkle's sister is named Heather and that her friend, Megan, isboyfriend/girlfriend with Mike Dinkle.

In response to questions, Susan Oewitt stated that she wouldsometimes see Erie at sehool, but would most often see him standingalong the street where kids parked east of the school {Fair St.)smoking or talking ~ith friends. They would say hi to each.other.

Asked who Eric most often hung around with, she stated that hehung with a. boy named Nat.han, a senior who used to work at. theMcDonald's at Coal ~ine and Pierce and then at Blackjack, whereEric works. She stated, however, that Nathan recently quicBlackjack'a. Asked about Dylan Klebold, she stated that she didnot know Dylan.

Asked about what eLee t.hey talked about, she stated that theytalked a little bit about computers because she was attempting toinstall AOL at her friend, Katie's residence. Asked if Eric seemedto know a lot abQut computers. she stated that he did and that whenshe was visiting him .~ his home on Saturday, he talked about.making CD'. the computer.

Returning to t~e one half hour phone calIon Friday. 04/16/99,she seated that he asked if she had plans for Saturday and theyagreed that he would call her somecime in the early afte~noon, 04/17/99. He, in fact, called her later Sa~urday

evening. at approximately 6:3a or 7~OO p.m. and asked her if shewanted to come to his residence and watch a movie. She agreed,arriving at approximately 7:00 p,m. She indicated that he onlylived approximately five minutes from her and that she droveherself to his residence. She stated that his parents had justleft and he indieated that they were going out to dinner for theiranniversary. He was home alone. She stated that they watched themovie. tit.led. "Event RQrizon ll and Eric indicated that this was oneof his favorite movies. She stated that it was about demons and ahaunted ship. She indicated she could not give us Sric~s address,

JC-001- 006196

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PIMARR Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 304/26/H99


Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF


but that he had gi7~~ her directions tor her to So to his house.Sne described it as a nice house wieh blue trim and grey stone,three-story and ver/ large with a two-car garage, She statea thatwhen she arrived. she glanced around and noticed Eric's blacktrench coat laying on the stairs. She stated that she sees him init outside of the school, but not in schoOl. She seated that bewas act ing "normal," sit t; ing a"o=<I.. He asked if she wanted to godownstairs and watch the movie and they, in fact, did move to thedownstairs area. They watched the movie straight through with nOinterruptions or phone calls and the movie ended at approximatelySh30 or 9:40 pv m. After the Iliovie was over, they talked brief:;ana the only time he left was to let the dog out and retu~ and letthe dog in and ret~rn. We talked aboue other movies and made"small talk." She stated that he mentioned Mike Dinkle again andthat he seemed 'l hu~~" racher than angry about hearing that Dinklehad talked about h~~ and made fun of him. He described Di=kle asbeing a "jerkU that he did not like an.ymore. He did not rr.ake anythreats towards Oi~kle, however.

She stated that his parents returned home at approximacely10:00 or 10:30 p.m. and that his moeher j and then father, camedownstairs. They talked for about five minutes and seemed nice.Eric's mather shook her hand and Eric's father indicated thac hegoe his hair c~e a~ the Great Clips where she worked. They thenwent upstairs and ~:ic asked her if she wanted ~o listen to somemusic. They wane i~to his bedroom, which was downstairs I and justoff of the room where they were watching the movie. She s~ated

that his room had posters of bands and one of Jenny McCart~y. Shenotect that he hact a lot of C.D.'s anct that he macte them off of thecomputer. Asked aJ:)out the type of music that he was liste-=ing to,she stated that. some of the music was "soft and flowing j

U such as;Enya (sP?), but stated that. some of the music had "anger expre$sed."She stated that it was yelling and screaming. She stated thac shedid not believe :t was in any foreign languases or that proe~~ity

was used l hut tt~t there was lots of banging. He described this assome of his favorites. She stated that she was not familiar withany of the music of this nature. In response to questions, shestAted that the playing of this music did not seem to upset him.

She indicated that she saw soccer jersey's hanging in his roomand a5~ed it he played soccer. He seated that he did; untilrecently, but had d"opped out. Sha asked if he played forColumbine High Scheol and he stated, no and stated it in such a waythat was somewhat exaggerated, but very definite chat he had notplayed for the school. She stated that they continued to .it onhis bed listening to music. She leoked around his room andrecalled seeing concert and movie ticket stubs stapled around hiswindow. She stated that she did not see anything in his rOOm thatshe conside:t:'ed "suspicious." She stated that he received no phonecalls during this time. At one point, she asked him for an aspirinand he left the room to look for one for her because she had aheadache, Then, her sister paged her, which meant t1 ge t home ;" She


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Arvada Poliae/Court SystemArvada Poliee Department


Page 404/26/1999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTCA

Loaation .201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32~ Status RTF

DET4 04/22/1999 042199!PARSON/SH

indicated that he made no effort to get up or to encourage her toleave, however. She told him even~ually thae she needed to go homeso she wouldn't get in trouble. She stated that the page came atapproximately 10:30 and that she did not leave for approximately 30more minutes.

Asked if he had initiated any type of intimate contact withher. she stated that he put his arm around her once, but did notkis$ her except eo kiss her on the cheek when she left, as a way ofsaying goodbye. He mentioned to her that she could go out and warmher car up L'1d come beck in until it;. was warm, 'but she stated thatshe better get home so she did not get in trouble.

On Sunday, 04/~s/99t she seated that she was workins at GreatClips and Eric'. father aame in and said hello to her, calling herby name. She stated that he seemed very happy.

In response to questions r she stated that Eric and his parentsseemed to get along very well together.

She did no~ receive any calls from Eric on Sunday. She sawhim on Monday while walking to her ear from school at approximately10:15 a.m. She seaeed that she looked over and saw him and ~~oeher

boy thae she did not know and that they waved. He walked over eotalk to her while the other boy waited a short distance away. Sheasked him what he was doing and he stated that he was ditchingclass. She sea~ed that they talked for about five minutes and thathe seemed like someth~ng was bothe:ing him. She desc=i~e~ theother boy as be~n9 ca:l. with ear length/ curly brown hair, and ablack trench coat. She seated that she did not L~OW who he was,but that he might be named llNaee." She could not recall any facialhair and could not recall the color of his pants or shirt. Shestated that she had ~o go and turned to walk away. She turnedaround a short distance later to look back, but could not see himanywhere. She stated that he always seemed to de this/ indicatingthat as she would walk away, she would turn and he would disappear*She $taeed tnat this was ~e last time that she saw Eric.

In response to questions, she $tatea that it was her habit togo home for lunch and recurn to the school at approximately 11:45,and that Eric was aware of this because she would frequently seehim while walking to her ear to leave for lunch.

In response to questions. she stated that she did not knowDylan. but had heerd of the I'Trench. Coat Mafia II around school. Shethought that there we:e "a lot of ehem ff and had two of them in aclass last semester. However I she stated that she rarely saw Erichanging with them in a large group, only seeing him with one or twoof them at a time. She s~ated that he seamed to dress normalsometimes, as well.

She repeated that they met in January and could not recall

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Arvada Police/court system~ada felice Department


Page 504/26/U99

Ref # 99-12067TlPe ASSTOA

Location 620l S PIERCE ST

Reper~e~ Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Sta~us RTF

DST4 04/22/1999 042199/PARSON/SH

ever seeing him before January around school, but then stated thatshe thought she had a computer class with him.

In response to questions, she stated tha~ she did not recallseeing a computer i~ Eric's room or in his home. She did notrecall seeing guns or anything related to explosive devices.

Asked 4jiMsp.e.... one by the name Of·.-a she state.d tha.tshe knew a from school and tho~hat he was asenior, but no e a.e e he was a 1tTrench Coat Mafia" person,but might hang with them. She described him as being S'5~ or5' 10 tl, heavy set, w:"th dark brO'W'I'l.'\.It in a "bowl" cut ana verystraight. She stated that she saw n the news Tuesdav,04/20J99, standing around near Fair an arSh~;wearing a· stripedshirt (horizontal s~ripes). She stated that a.d "hatredtowards everyone' a~d would frequently ~~ke comme s in class aboutpeople and was «noc ndce . I' She was unaware of any nicknames thathe might have, She stated that he would frequently disrup~ ~he

class about som.thi~g that someone in the class .'ht say. makingfun of ~hem er belit:ling them. She stated ~hat was friendswith ano~her bey, who always wore a black trench , had darkcurly hair down to his sho~lder$ and was very tall. She statedtha~ ~his boy had a~~e and b~y odor and were blsck all of thetime. She seaeed t~at she did not ~~ow his name.

Asked about he= time spent inside of Eric's bedroom andwhether or not she had observed any Nazi or Hitler type items, shestated that she was='t absolutely su~e, but thought that he mi9h~

have had a Hitler p~~ture above his bed. She d~d not recall seeingany tatoos or othe= markings on his body.

Asked about viceos that he made, she seated that she was oncein their computer tech lab and saw Eric and two other boys intentlywatching a video as she walked by. She ~ecalled chat the videodepicted boys Eric's age, wearing Army camouflage type clothing andblack banda~~a's a:ound their hair. running with guns in a field.She was unsure as to who the boys we:a and was unsure whether Ericwas in the video. She stated that she saw this video about twoweeka ago and had net discussed it with Eric. She stated tha~ theyseemed to be very much "'into it" as she walked by. She againstated that the people in the video seemed to be running with sometype of guns and thac she heard what sounded like fireworks goingoff. She assumed that they were preparing a video for the II Fridayshowing, It when individuals who make their own videos have them runon the closed circuit eelavision system in the schoel, prior toarillo~ncement~. She stated that she thinks she has seen Eric onother videos during the Friday announcements in the past t but wasnot sure.

In 4esponse to questions, she stated that he did not expressany thoughts on political views with the government and did notmake any remarks about jocks or blacks.

JC.o01- 006199

Page 100: Columbine Report Pgs 6101-6200

Arvada police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


page 604/26/1999

Ref jj •• ·12067Ty;>e ASSTOA

Location 6201 $ PIERCE ST

Reported Oate 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RT!'

DET4 04/22/1999 Q4219./PARSON/SIl

ASKed again about her brief conversation on Monday. 04/19/.9,with Eric at school. she seated that he seemed as ehough he was notconcentrating on things an~ was anxious and irritated, as thoughsomething was disturbing him, She noted this in only a five minuteconversation. She seated that the other guy was smoking andwaiting for him. but did not speak to Eric or hurry him.

In response to questions! she stated that he never in any waywarned her about going to school on Monday and that on Saturdaynight had offered eo make her copies of a C.D.

Asked if Eric owned a vehicle, she stated that he drove a greyKonda , 4-door , an older model, but chat she had never been in it.She stated that she saw it at his work. parked behind the buildingwhen he was working.

ASKed about friends of her who might Know any of the trenchCaae Mafia individuals, she stated that a girl in her third periodchoir class, Pauline Colby, used to hang with the Trench CoatMafia, but quit hanging around with t.hem because theiX' llattit:udescared her. n She indicated that she had no further information toprovide. The inte~riew was concluded at 1300 hours.

Upon retu:::ning to the command. center, Det. Vonderohe and IOwere requested to meet with Oistrict Attorney Investigator MikeGallagher at the Je:ferson County Sheriff's Department in order tointerview Robin Anderson, who was coming forward to pX'ovideinformation in regards eo the purchase of weapons for and/or withEric Harris and Dylan Klebold at a gun show in Denver in oecemberof 1998, IO observed this interview, conduoted by Det. Vonderoheand Inv. Gallagher. See Det. Vonderohe's report for furtherinformation.

During the course of observing the interview by Det.Vonderohe, IO received a message from a sheriff's departmentemployee indicating that a phone call had bee~ placed to thesheriff's office from Kathy Englert of the Colorado Springs PoliceDepartment in reference to information being provided to them by aparty named Eric KrJger, Contact information was provi~ed for E.~~ger. After contacting the command post, it was agreed that IOwould follow up on this informaeion.

At lSS6 hours, 10 paged and spoke with Eric Kruger, DOB,12/lS/74, of 331l N. Virginia. Colorado Spring•• CO. Krugerindicated that he has been hearing a lot about tbe shootings andwatching the T.V. r'nan-step. II He stated that he has been onAmerica On Line {AOLl a great deal of the time since the Shootingand has been in mettlber chat: rooms entLt Led. '·Colorado shoating U and'Denver shooting." He stated that last night (04/20/99). he spoKewith a party identifying herself a$ a girl and using the internetname ItINEEDHUGS2·'. This party idtL'"1tified heX"self as the girlfriend

JC..o01· 006200