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Clifton High School Highlights Christmas Issue December 2014


Christmas Issue, December 2014

Christmas is just around the corner and we have all had a very festive few weeks at School. Our

pupils have enjoyed Christmas activities within our Clifton community: the Junior X Choir and

Head Girl Rhiannon Osborne-Tonner performed at the launch of Clifton on Ice—a seasonal rink in

the Village, the Early Years boys and girls sang Christmas songs and recited poetry for the Christ

Church Senior Lunch Club and World Challenge students from the Sixth Form organised a drinks

and canapés reception for the attendees of our Carol Service. We are also particularly proud of

our Nursery—Year 6 pupils, staff and parent helpers who have all contributed to the delivery of

three outstanding Christmas performances. Once again, the Parents’ Association Christmas Fair

was a great success and thank you to everyone who supported the School this year! It has been a

happy and busy time of year, so enjoy your Christmas break and see you in January, refreshed for

the Spring Term ahead!

Inside this issue:

Clifton Highlights

Clifton on Ice


Merry Christmas to our pupils, their families, and our staff!







School Uniform


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Clifton High School Highlights Christmas Issue December 2014


Ice Rink Launch Clifton High School pupils were eager participants in the opening of the Ice Rink in Clifton

Village. The Junior X Choir sung a number of festive songs and popular hits, and Head Girl Rhiannon Osborne-Tonner delighted guests to a spectacular skating performance.

Christmas jumpers

The whole school enjoyed a mufti day in aid of the

Christmas Fair. Lots of fantastic items were donated

with the Early Years children providing gifts for the

Tombola, the Junior School creating wonderful

'surprise jam jars' filled with treats and the Senior

School boys and girls donating copious bottles for the

bottle stall.

Clifton on Ice, the festive real ice rink which is located in Clifton Village, is offering our

pupils ice skating for only £5 per child. The offer applies Monday – Friday until Friday 19th

December from 10.00am until 5.45pm. Sessions last for one hour and include skate hire.

No booking is required just turn up and pay. For details including session times visit

Christmas Fair This year’s Christmas Fair was extremely successful, there was a huge

amount of effort put in by the Parents’ Association—as always—who spent weeks preparing,

organising, decorating and promoting. Parents, pupils, staff and external stallholders all had a great

day and current figures show that we have raised a grand total of a least £3700 for the School. Many

thanks to everybody who contributed to this year’s Fair and to everyone who came along and

supported the School on the day.

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Clifton High School Highlights Christmas Issue December 2014


Christmas Performances A number of performances took place at School and in the local community

this festive season. Nursery—Year 2 enjoyed a visit from the students of Bristol Old Vic Theatre School who delighted them

with their adaptation of the Nativity. Reception—Year 2 visited Christ Church, Clifton to perform some seasonal songs for their

Senior Lunch Club, which were enjoyed by all. Reception—Year 2 also gave us a real ’Christmas Cracker’ of a festive

performance, Nursery involved us in their ’Christmas Music Workshop’ and Year 3– 6 gave us the story of Britain during

’Christmas 1914’, a thought-provoking production considering the first Christmas of WW1 when our boys left for the trenches.

A highly relevant production in the centenary year of beginning of one of the largest and most tragic conflicts of recent history.

For more news from the second half of the Autumn Term including Dof E Gold, industry talks for Drama pupils,

the Suspension Bridge range produced by Deputy Head Boy Tristan, visits to Folly Farm and La Tomatina, and the

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Roadshow, visit our website

Garland Making Members of the Parents’

Association enjoyed a Garland Making Workshop run by Sue from

Green Garland.

Carol Service Our annual Carol Service of nine lessons and carols was a wonderful end to a busy term,

reminding us all of the reason for our celebrations this festive season and allowing the School community to come together

this Christmas.

Christmas Lunch Dr Neill joined Mr Fletcher

and his team to help serve us our lovely Christmas lunch.

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Clifton High School Highlights Christmas Issue December 2014


Don’t forget in January...

Wednesday 7th January

Term begins

Saturday 17th January

Entrance examination

Saturday 24th January

Entrance examination

Friday 30th January

Reception experience session

Contact us:

Tel: 0117 973 0201

Email: [email protected]

Visit our Facebook page at:


Merry Christmas!

‘Santa’ designed by

Victoria Carrillo Mora

(Year 6)

‘Robin’ designed by Mr

Paul Ayers (Head of Art

and Design)

and Daisy Romagnolia

Silva (Year 12)

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