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Page 2: Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Guidelines for a Healthful Eating Style.

I. Dietary Guidelines for Americans

• A. Eat a variety of foods

• No single food provides all the nutrients you need

– Food guide pyramid p. 114 tool to show dietary guide lines (old)

• B. RDA (recommended daily allowance)

Page 3: Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Guidelines for a Healthful Eating Style.

II. Balance the food you eat with physical activity • A. Balance the amount of

energy in the food you eat with the energy you use.

• B. Be aware that controlling body fat is more important to health then controlling body weight

• C. Keep in mind that all calories add up in the same way, no matter what their source.

Page 4: Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Guidelines for a Healthful Eating Style.

III. Choose Plenty of Grain Products

• Excellent source of complex carbs. – High intake of fiber

and complex carbs. Decrease heart problems, obesity, and some cancers.

Page 5: Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Guidelines for a Healthful Eating Style.

IV. Choose an Eating Style Low in Fat,

Saturated Fat and Cholesterol

• A. Control the amount of fat you eat– Cut off the fat you see on


– Eat lean meat and poultry

– Remove the skin from chicken and turkey

– Choose low fat milk

– Use less salad dressing and Mayonnaise

– Cut down of fried foods

Page 8: Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Guidelines for a Healthful Eating Style.


• Important because your body hasn’t had any nutrition for 10-14 hours.

• Studies show those who eat breakfast– React faster, think

better, have less muscle fatigue

Page 9: Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Guidelines for a Healthful Eating Style.

Lunch and Dinner

• Some cultures have dinner as the big meal, some have it at lunch

• Either way, focus on getting a variety of foods. Do not focus on just protein and grain.

Page 10: Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Guidelines for a Healthful Eating Style.

Snack-it-upIn your notes:•Make a list of your favorite snacks (include beverages)•Determine where each would go on the food pyramid (what food group?)•What vitamins and minerals do you get from each snack?•What changes could you make to consume more healthy snacks

– Fruit juice instead of soda

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