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Chai Lites

Temple Israel of Greater Miami October 2010–Tishri/Chesvan 5771. Volume 62 Number 3

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Page 2 Temple Israel of Greater Miami

Saving Mother Earth “God took Adam and placed him in the Garden of Eden to till and tend it.” (Genesis 2:15) On Rosh Hashanah I spoke about our moral responsibility to become shomrei adamah, guardians of the earth. There is so much to say on this topic that it would fill reams of paper – but that would be wasteful to our precious trees. After living through the warmest global summer on record and the BP oil spill, one of the most devastating environmental disasters in our nation’s history, it is time to take seriously our role as shomrei adamah. For the past year, the teachers, children and parents of the Joni and Stanley Tate Early Childhood Center have been actively working to reduce, reuse and recycle. As a result, the temple office also began a recycling program. This year, the religious school will focus on ways to become shomrei adamah at the temple, in our homes, schools and communities. The beginning of a New Year is an appropriate time to take a personal and communal inventory of our current practices and then target some areas in which we are willing and able to make changes. In addition to saving the environment, our efforts to reduce waste and conserve energy will also provide financial benefits, always a plus, especially in this economy. The following are some small, yet important ways each of us can become shomrei adamah, active participants in the green revolution, in our daily lives:

• Turn off the water while brushing your teeth

• Use an energy saving device to turn off water during a shower

• Collect shower water in a bucket and use for watering plants

• Use reusable cloth shopping bags instead of plastic

• Stop receiving unwanted mail and catalogues by signing up for the Mail Preference Service (

• Use a BPF free water bottle instead of plastic water bottles

• Use organic lawn fertilizers • Compost • Switch from conventional to energy efficient light

bulbs • Go meatless at least once a week • Buy locally • Use cloth instead of paper napkins • Recycle, recycle, recycle

Only human beings were given the sacred responsibility to be shomrei adamah. We must change the way we treat the environment NOW or we will face even more dire consequences in the years ahead. In this New Year, let each of us take our own “green” pledge by making every effort to be better environmental stewards. Let us pledge to safeguard this beautiful planet NOW so future generations will be able to enjoy the blessings of God’s majestic

Rabbi Jody Cohen

Share Shabbat With Your Temple Israel Family

Join us on Friday evenings from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Feel inspired as you rejoice in Shabbat and

connect with our welcoming community in the magnificent Bertha Abess Sanctuary. Our

Shabbat service is a gentle mix of traditional and spontaneous song and prayer. Can’t join us in

person? Then you can connect with us either by tuning into 880 AM radio, or you will find us

streaming on the web at: However you chose to join us, you will be

delighted that you did!

Join us for the Community Garden

Fall Planting Sunday, October 24

1pm Last year we planted a variety of vegetables in the community garden located behind the temple kitchen. Throughout the south Florida winter,

many volunteers came to weed, water and till the garden. From tiny seeds, we were able to provide Lotus House homeless shelter with a large harvest of fresh, organic vegetables to supplement their meals. Join us as members of Faith in the City plant the seeds for this year’s crop of vegetables, also to be donated to Lotus House. Women from Lotus House will be with us on October 24th. Please bring your own work gloves and tools. RSVP to Phyllis Littman at 305-573-5900, ext. 405 or [email protected] by October 21st.

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We learn from quantum physics that perspective can determine the outcome of an experiment. All matter exhibits properties of both a wave and a stream of particles. If the observer wishes to see particles, particles are what the observer sees. If waves, then waves. What does this have to do with a

restaurant in Florence? Marshall Harris, of blessed memory, was a travel advisor in his later years. If you had asked his advice about a trip to Florence, he would have told you about a favorite restaurant. No reservations taken, there was always a demand for tables, and a long line outside. He would have advised you first to visit a nearby wine shop and choose from a variety of white wines kept on ice. The owner would uncork the bottle for you and provide a stack of small cups. Once in line, he suggested you distribute cups to those who had come before you and keep a few cups in reserve for those who would come after. Then pour the wine and make introductions. It wouldn’t matter then how long the

wait might be. By the time you would be seated at the table, you would have the company of new friends. This was a profoundly spiritual teaching. Anytime you are in a line, you have a choice to make. You can consider yourself to be a particle or within a wave. If you consider yourself to be a particle in a long stream of particles, you chafe with every passing moment, looking at your watch, counting the number of particles ahead of you, oblivious to those behind you. If you consider yourself to be within a wave, then there is no resentment, only the joy and growth that comes from relationships all around you, even if you only contemplate those relationships. The next time you are in a line, you might shift your perspective from particle to wave and back again. Notice the difference. The line might be in a bank, at a theater, even making a return at a department store. When you practice enough, you are likely to recognize the value of considering yourself within a wave rather than as a particle in a stream of particles. Then you will be ready for the real test. Can you be within a wave while sitting in a long line of traffic?

Rabbi Mitchell Chefitz Scholar-in-Residence

A Particle, a Wave, and a Restaurant in Florence

Wednesday Noontime Learning

with Rabbi Chefitz

Continues every Wednesday at noon.

We are reading:

A Heart AFIRE Stories and Teachings of the Early

Hasidic Masters By Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and

Netanel Miles-Yepez Available at

Join NEXT @ 19th Street on Shabbat mornings:

9:30 – 10:30: Ohr Chadash – a fresh but traditionally connected expression of davanen / divining – drawing close to God. We pour Hebrew liturgy into new vessels and combine old rhythms with current niggunim. 10:30 – 12:30: Joseph’s Table – weaving Torah texts of the great Jewish spiritual masters into a fabric of many colors and shades. NEXT @ 19th Street aims to engage South Florida’s diverse community in fresh culture, learning, and spiritual experience through a Jewish lens.

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Page 4 Temple Israel of Greater Miami CLERGY



Rabbi, Scholar in Residence



MARLA TOWBIN Executive Director


Director of Administration Early Childhood Center

VALERIA MICHANIE Director of Education

Early Childhood Center and Religious School


Director of Music




First Vice President

JOAN L. SCHAEFFER Vice President-Administration


Vice President-Education

ROBERT L. WAXMAN Vice President-Fundraising


Vice President-Real Estate

HOWARD D. GOLDSTEIN Vice President-Membership


Vice President-Programming

MICHAEL GRAUBERT, M.D. Vice President-Religious Affairs































Rosh Hashanah 2010 This year’s president’s message is inspired by a poem written by Jonathan F. Choyce III: “Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, they serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are and who you want to become.” When I was elected President of Temple Israel, I felt confident that my skills and love of this institution would serve the greater good. I came into office at a time of transition and challenge, and welcomed the chance to

shape the history of our esteemed temple. I never expected an easy time, and I never doubted my ability to lead. With the support of my family, friends, fellow board members, and you, I began to set a course of inclusion, economic stability, outstanding programs, community outreach, and facility enhancements. So how did I do it? I took Choyce’s words to heart and started to talk to people I have never talked to before, and actually listened to what they wanted from temple life. In the 14 months since I took office, our programs have been spectacular, and if you’ve been to a themed Shabbat service, a fundraiser, musical concert, or a holiday celebration, you know what I mean. Many of you have supported these events, and that is the best compliment of all. Participation by congregants is up, and rising. New people come each time, not wanting to miss something unique, moving, and fun. Also, I thank you all so very much for your kind words, and not so kind words. I’ve heard them all. What do I take from your thoughts? It is up to all of us to create our own life for Temple Israel, and then through our personal and economic support, we must go out and live it! We need your participation because although the rituals and holidays guide us, the congregation is the life force of Temple Israel. The Board is active, but they are NOT Temple Israel. Our programs are creative, meaningful, and well-attended, but they are NOT Temple Israel. Our clergy is experienced and inspiring, but they are NOT Temple Israel. You are Temple Israel. In the New Year, I look forward to furthering our common goals, built from our collective voices, for the greater collective good. Join us and create the Life of Temple Israel. Call me. I’m listening. L’Shana Tova Douglas M. Jacobs President

Douglas M. Jacobs President

From the President

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Marla’s Meisele Maysele… (My Little Story) In the children’s book “G-d In Between” by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, the story depicts a poor village which has no roads and has no windows. “The townspeople could never look out and the townspeople could never look in.” So the people of the village gathered together, and decided that what they really needed was to find G-d, for surely G-d would help them! BUT WHERE DOES ONE FIND G-D?

After traveling to the far corners of the earth, what the villagers found was that all they needed to do was to search within themselves, and that G-d can be found “In the between”. G-d can be found in that space between people doing honest things, holy things, helpful things, healing things. THAT’S WHERE G-D IS. Standing in the rear of the splendid Bertha Abess Sanctuary, amidst all of the generations of Temple Israel members who are remembered on these hallowed walls, I peeked at the time --- it was 5:45 p.m. on Yom Kippur. I glanced around the room, drinking in the ambiance and catching glimpses of all of those people who made the events of the day possible, when a wave of nostalgia came over me—for I knew that in just a few minutes, services would conclude with Havdalah. I imagined the scent of the spices and the glow of the Havdalah candle, which would shine so brightly and all the while being cognizant of the fact that after this beautiful and inspiring service, that the sanctuary would once again be dark and empty. I realized at that moment, that each of you who were present during the High Holy Days left the comfort of your homes to come to your spiritual home…and your participation created lasting memories, which transformed our sacred space into a holy place. And because one finds G-d in what we give to each other, when we give of ourselves…to the clergy, officers and trustees, staff, and to each of you who chanted, who read, who led services, who played, who sang, who graced our bimah, who blew shofar, who volunteered, who rolled up your sleeves, who attended to the details, who attended services, who shared Kiddush with us, who broke fast with us---I say a heartfelt…thank you. The one thing that G-d cannot provide -- is the dedication and the commitment of the people…this is the gift that we have -- to give to G-d, to Temple Israel, to the community and to ourselves. We have a beautiful facility which we have built together, but the work is not yet done. We need the continued commitment of time and energy from those of you who have always been there…coupled with the time of those of you who would like to be – “In the between.” I would like to take this opportunity to take stock and to honor and recognize those of you who donate your precious and valuable time to us, as well as those who generously donate your resources. Thank you.

Your time…is of our essence. Thank you for giving us…the time of your life.


Marla Towbin

Executive Director

Executive Director

I would like to offer a special thank you to:

Marlin Lewis and Larry Leitner for taking such good care of the facility in preparation for the

holidays, Steve Citrin, for giving us “sound” advice, which makes a pleasurable experience to our listening audience, and to the staff: Melba Leiman, Linda Levin, Phyllis Littman, Valeria Michanie,

Isabel Montoto, Manny Rodriguez, Vivian Simo, Roz Smith, Jeannie Bernard, Wisly Bernard and Louis Montilus for working

tirelessly and with a smile.

And thank you to everyone who volunteered their time during the holidays.

Marla Towbin Executive Director

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For the past ten years, an international network of synagogue musicians has been communicating online at an internet site called Hanashir. The site is described as "a meeting place for everyone who loves singing, performing, leading and teaching Jewish music." Typical members include Cantors, Rabbis, cantorial soloists, song leaders, music teachers and anyone who

wants to become one of the above. Membership runs the gamut from the world's most celebrated composers of synagogue music (Debbie Friedman, Jeff Klepper), all the way down to a small town synagogue musical director

who posted a request (a few days before Yom Kippur) for someone to please show him how to play Kol Nidre on the guitar. (That struck me as similar to a church organist asking to be taught "Silent Night" a few days before Christmas Eve.) All content is public, and membership is open to anyone who registers through Shamash, The Jewish Network. The world of the professional synagogue musician is one anybody may delve into, as the profession is filled with trained and non-trained performers. You may be fascinated to view the nature of some of the requests and conversations that are exchanged on Hanashir. Alan Mason Doctor of Musical Arts

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Dr. Alan Mason, Doctor of Musical Arts Director of Music

Music Corner

For more information on this and other great events at

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Welcome back to all of you who have escaped this very warm summer. We are looking forward to a cool fall but we have some HOT news to let you in on. On Sunday, October 3rd at 11AM, we will have our PAID UP MEMBERSHIP BRUNCH. We are looking forward to greeting all of you. If you have been so busy that you neglected to send in your dues, you can still pay at the door. We have an interesting program planned about… cooking! We will talk about recipes from the Holocaust Survivor's Cookbook and how this book came to be. The Women's Seder is being planned and we have some really interesting ideas. Last year was so well received that we have started early with some new thoughts...Put it

on your calendar. Our gift shop will be open in time for you to make selections for Chanukah well in advance of the holiday. A new and wonderful year is upon stay well and a Healthy and Happy New Year to all. Esta and Silvia Page 7

Sisterhood Corner

Esta Friedman, Silvia Rosen, Sisterhood Co-Presidents

ONEG SHABBAT Roz Smith in honor of Sarah Smith Dody Raskin in honor of the birthday of Ken Raskin David Rigg and Dr. Mark Goldberg in honor of Mark’s birthday

SISTERHOOD Marilyn and Jerry Greenbaum in memory of Esther Seldes Patty Craven to thank Sisterhood for their caring at the time of her mother Bettie’s death

YES FUND Brandy and Larry Primak in memory of Esther Seldes

Donations to Sisterhood Projects

Thank You Brunch!

Temple Israel Sisterhood A way to say thanks for

your support to all of our Sisterhood members

and friends

Sunday, October 3, 2010 11:00 a. m.

Temple Israel

Please bring toiletry articles such as:

soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs,

brushes, shampoo

and feminine hygiene products

for distribution to The Homeless

Assistance Center and to Lotus House. RSVP to Phyllis Littman by phone at

305-573-5900, ext. 405 or


(Dues can be paid at the door.)

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Notes from the ECC Every year we face a new challenge… Getting to know our children and families can be one of the most fascinating and complicated parts of the beginning of the school year. The High Holidays

came early this year and the entire month of September was dedicated to exploring the holidays. The children enjoyed discovering and learning all about the sound of the Shofar, tasting the holiday foods, building and decorating their sukkah as well as the one in Brown Patio and going on their first field trip to the Bertha Abess Sanctuary to see the Torah inside the Ark. Now, during the month of October our teachers will be planning different activities to help our students become more familiar with their new classroom environment.

Classrooms have been designed with a wide array of materials. Each child will be an active participant in the learning process, developing their curiosity and following their interests. Teachers will be in charge of observing and documenting the daily life of the child at school. Each one of our classrooms has a digital camera so that we can send weekly pictures to all of our families and let them peek in on some of the learning that took place during the week. Nothing will stay static in our school… Being dynamic is the clue to adapting our classrooms to our children’s needs. It is so wonderful to see them exploring the new materials in their classrooms. Imagine the power of a 3-year-old who now can build and tape the blocks with masking tape! Think about our babies who have just been promoted to our one-year-old class and now they can walk and run to the playground instead of sitting in their special bye bye buggie! You must see the faces of our four-year-olds when Ms. Myriam and Ms. Stephanie send them to get water from

the water fountain in the hallway by themselves: what a proud face! To learn more about what is next at The Joni & Stanley Tate Early Childhood Center, we invite all of our families to our Open House on Monday, October 4th at 5:00pm. Please take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn more about your child’s classroom and teachers. You are an essential resource for your child’s learning. If you do not have a child at our school and want to learn more about our program or volunteer in our school, don’t hesitate to visit us anytime! You will find thousands of smiles and hugs that will make your day a better one.

Valeria Michanie, Director of Education

Melba Leiman, ECC Director of Administration

Celebrate Simchat Torah Temple Israel Style

We’ll complete the Torah scroll with the last verses of Deuteronomy and begin again with Genesis. Become

part of a living Torah scroll as we unroll the Torah around the sanctuary. Yizkor will be observed as we remember our loved ones.

RSVP to Phyllis Littman at 305-573-5900, ext. 405, or [email protected].

Friday, October 1, 2010 6:00 PM - Dinner (RSVP required)

7:30 PM - Service and Yizkor

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Religious School News

About our School Curriculum… This year’s religious school theme will be: To work with and take care of the Earth - l'ovdah u-l'shomra. God created the first human being, Adam, and then placed him in the Garden of Eden with a mandate: l'ovdah u-l'shomra--to work it and take care of it. We human beings are not simply of the earth; we are responsible to and for it. If we do not take our responsibility seriously, there will indeed be no one who will take care of the earth for us. What steps are we taking at Temple Israel, in our homes and in our community to take care of our environment? We as educators will review the religious school recycling program and will improve recycling where possible, including the use of high recycled content paper in the religious school’s classrooms; bringing more recycling material for making art projects; reusing books and more. We will work with the Rabbi and the teachers promoting environmental awareness and education for all of our students by:

• Learning about the Jewish holidays with green themes, focusing on environmental appreciation and healthful foods.

• Incorporating the Jewish dimension of environmental impact into the religious school curricula, including lectures, field trips, readings, discussion, etc.

• Working with the Rabbi and the families pursuing opportunities for environmental advocacy.

• Planning Mitzvah opportunities which are recycling oriented.

According to one Midrash, G’d showed Adam and Eve the Garden and said, “I have made the whole thing for you, so please take good care of it. If you wreck it, there will be no one else to repair it other than you.” Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7:13 B’ Shalom, Valeria Michanie Director of Education An Open Invitation to our Religious School Families: Please, come and join us on Sunday mornings and participate in our Tefillah (prayer) service led by Rabbi Jody Cohen and Cantor Michael Glozman. Tefillah will start every Sunday at 9:40 am starting on October 3rd.

Creating Modern Midrash: Applying Ancient Texts to Real Life

By popular request, this initial four part learning series has become an ongoing learning series twice a month, from noon-1:00 PM on Thursdays. We will study the Torah portion for that week using The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary as our primary source. No prior knowledge of texts required. All are welcome. Join us in the rabbi’s study for this upcoming session: October 7 and 21. Feel free to bring a brown bag lunch. We will provide the drinks.

Cook – Commune – Consume

Sunday, October 17 - 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

A Vegan Cooking Class Brunch Temple Israel Style

Come and schmooze as Chef Jimmy guides us in the Art of Vegan Cooking. Plan to learn and prepare some new healthy recipes and then feast on our efforts. Class is limited to the first 30 registrants. Please RSVP to Phyllis Littman at 305-573-5900 or [email protected] by Thursday, October 14. Cost - $15 /person.

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Page 10, Temple Israel of Greater Miami

The Dorothy Serotta Social Justice Forum is pleased to present:

Susana Barciela Policy Director of the

Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center

Friday, October 8, 2010 - 7:30 PM Ms. Barciela will speak about The Human Cost of Immigrant Bashing. “Everyone knows that our immigration system is broken. What we see now are the consequences of not passing sensible federal reforms. States, towns and people take matters into their own hands, often in divisive and destructive ways.”

Susana Barciela is policy director for Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, a non-profit law firm that represents low-income, unauthorized immigrants at no charge. FIAC strives to improve the treatment of immigrants overall. We challenge immigration policies and practices at every level of government, whether with a lawsuit or persistent persuasion. Ms. Barciela concentrates on FIAC’s “advocacy’’ mission. She ensures that our recommendations influence policymakers through FIAC reports, media coverage, and involvement in national, community and other efforts. Ms. Barciela is coauthor of the FIAC reports “Unleash the DREAM: End the Colossal Waste of Young Immigrant Talent” and “Dying for Decent Care: Bad Medicine in Immigration Custody.” Previously, Ms. Barciela worked at the Miami Herald for 21 years. As an editorial board member, she covered immigration and foreign affairs. She also was a business reporter and wrote a weekly column on workplace issues. She has been awarded top honors for commentary on immigration issues by the Inter American Press Association, American Immigration Lawyers Association, Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children and the Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center. Ms. Barciela was born in Havana, Cuba, came to Miami in 1961 and became a U.S. Citizen in 1976. She obtained a B.A. concentrating in Hispanic American History and Literature in 1979 and an M.B.A. in 1983, both from Harvard University. She and husband Daniel Zuckerman live in the Little Gables neighborhood of Miami.

The Dorothy Serotta Social Justice Forum presents our Opening Community Outreach Event:



Speakers: Linda Quick, President, South Florida Hospital Association

Dr. Robert Schwartz, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Representative of the Insurance Industry

Moderator—Sandy Leon


WOLFSON AUDITORIUM Reservations are encouraged. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Phyllis Littman in the Temple

office: (305) 573-5900, ext. 405 or by e-mail at [email protected].

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Bring your Children and Friends to our Monthly

Family Shabbat Service:

Sababa Shabbat

Friday, October 15, 2010 - 5:45 PM Please join Rabbi Jody Cohen and ECC Director Valeria Michanie for a Shabbat experience for children in kindergarten and younger (older siblings are always welcome!).

5:45 PM - We'll welcome Shabbat with blessings and prayers and sing and dance to upbeat, fun Shabbat songs. 6:30 PM - Stay for a child-friendly dinner, $5 per child and $5 per adult, followed by a delicious Oneg Shabbat. Please RSVP for dinner to Phyllis Littman at 305-573-5900, ext. 405 or [email protected] by Wednesday, October 13. 7:30 PM - Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary.

Sababa Shabbat

On the cover: Children from the Joni and Stanley Tate Early Childhood Center observe a beautiful basil plant in our garden.

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For different seating options, please contact Howard D. Goldstein

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Mazel Tov to: Rabbi Mitchell and Walli Chefitz on the birth of their grandson Samson Karnow Chefitz (Sammy) to Tyler Katz and Joshua Chefitz.

Central Chavurah Offers Diverse Programming for the Coming Year

Central Chavurah has a rich and varied program of events planned for this season. Be sure to keep your eyes open for future announcements of the complete schedule and description of the programs. In the meantime note that the topics for this year will include Broadway music presented by Dr. Alan Mason and the study of Pirke Avot with Rabbi Jody Cohen. The unfolding history of Miami Beach architecture will feature a pictorial presentation arranged by Arthur Marcus. The story and details behind the Jewish artifacts displayed in the glass cases located in the Temple lobby will be fully explained by Dr. Andrew Gottlieb.

In addition to the program content, the Chavurah meetings reflect a close fellowship among those who attend. Our gatherings are open to all Temple members and their friends. The first meeting this fall will be Thursday, October 21st at 7:00 pm. It’s not too early to mark your calendar. For further information contact Dody Raskin at [email protected].

Congratulations/Mazel Tov

On Your Birthday!

On Your Anniversary 1 Laura Wides-Muñoz and Carlos Muñoz 4 Hazel Trujillo and Elly du Pre 10 Linda and Michael Lapat 11 Jennifer and Oliver Pfeffer 13 Doris Galindo and Brian Hirsch 18 Susan Werth and Bernard Silver 23 Gwen Wurm and Benji Waxman 26 Dorothy and Kenneth Raskin 29 Gloria and Ronald Pallot

1 Renee Gans 1 Brian Giraldez 2 Susan Gladstone 2 Evan Orth 3 Joshua Spector 3 Michael Tarkoff 4 Marilyn Cromer 7 Helen Cowen 7 David Margulies 7 Merry Stevens 8 Jeanne Farcus 8 Asher Mones 8 Norman Silimon 8 Nathan Silimon 9 Ernest Halpryn 9 Lynn Kislak

9 Leonard Stolar 10 Herschel Green 10 Esther Reckles 10 Lauren Trushin 10 Mark Walker 11 Erik Harke 11 Doree Press 11 Stella Zaias 12 Arthur Barker 13 Kenneth Collins 15 Levi Gans 15 Cynthia Greenberg 16 Harriett Bulbin 16 Diane Halpryn 17 Jerry Chasen 17 Ernie de la Garza

18 Joann Bass 18 Natalie Snyder 19 Remy Cross 19 Ben Giller 19 Stacey Gumenick 19 Lillenor Iven 19 Daniel Rock 20 Florence Weiner 21 Charles Simon 22 David Rock 22 Elizabeth Weingrad 23 Allen Fuller 23 Alexander Futernick 25 Judith Landy 25 DylanTrazenfeld 26 David Hazouri

26 Anita Malmuth 27 Nikolas Futernick 27 Leonard Klein 28 Emma Berzofsky 28 Emma Galler 28 Dina Kabak 28 Marlin Lewis 28 Ari Mairena 29 Eric Lichtman 29 Bernard Mayer 29 Steve Rothaus 30 Shirley Keys 31 Marc Kahn


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Rosh Hashanah 2010

Rosh Hashanah Morning Service. Pictures by Temple Member and Past President Robert Glazier.

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Support Temple Israel’s Internet and Radio Guild

For over half a century, Temple Israel of Greater Miami has broadcast our Shabbat services over the airwaves to nearly two thousand homes in South Florida, and thousands of homes around the world. Transmitting to those who connect with us on the radio and the internet is expensive... and we can't do it alone. Please consider becoming a member of the Radio and Internet Guild or making a donation to

help others who rely on these broadcasts to stay connected. For details, call Phyllis Littman at 305-573-5900, extension 405 or [email protected]. We broadcast on Radio Station: 880 AM Our internet address is:

Opening Day Religious School

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Yuki and Lawrence Denmark in memory of Esther Seldes Rubin and Beatrice Dayan in memory of Esther Seldes Harriett Freed Bulbin in memory of Esther Seldes IN APPRECIATION OF OUR CLERGY Newmark family in memory of Josephine Carr IN APPRECIATION OF RABBI JODY COHEN Terry Blechman in memory of Donald Blechman Marc Barnett in memory of Rhonda Barnett JoAnn Bass in memory of Robert Bass, Jesse Weiss Joyce and Jerry Kaiser in memory of David Kosh, Ruth Kosh Helene Westreich in memory of Alexander Westreich Linda Berzofsky in honor of Larry and Brandy Primak Michael Tarkoff in memory of Oscar Tarkoff FLOWER FUND Shirley Landwirth in memory of Mollie Landwirth Phyllis Nabat and Family in memory of David Nabat Dale Gary in memory of Anna Breidt Harriett Freed Bulbin in memory of Charlyne Meyer JONI AND STANLEY TATE EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Joni and Stanley Tate in memory of Esther Seldes, Perry Kaye Joni and Stanley Tate in honor of the special birthday of Buddy Kramer Joni and Stanley Tate in honor of the Birth and Brit Milah of Jaden Seth Adler Judge Bronwyn Miller and Maury Udell in memory of Sharon Miller LEARNING PROJECT Ella Gelvan in honor of Walli and Mitchell Chefitz

DOROTHY SEROTTA SOCIAL JUSTICE FORUM Frances Siegel in memory of Solomon Siegel CANTOR JACOB BORNSTEIN AND DAVID SAMUEL BORNSTEIN MEMORIAL FUND Joan Bornstein and Ben Giller in memory of Esther Seldes Helene J. Good in memory of Daniel Good GOLDSTEIN MUSIC FUND Neil and Nancy Schaffel in memory of Arthur Schaffel DENMARK LIBRARY Harriet Freed Bulbin in memory of May Freed Bulbin Estelle and Stewart Kohn in memory of Samuel Kauffman Benes and Alan Glackman in memory of Lary Solloway RABBI COLEMAN A. ZWITMAN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Suzanne Sponder, Masha and Julian Enriquez in memory of Rose Hollinger Elyn E. Silverman/Homs in memory of Nathan Silverman Dr. Jannet Dannon-Mairena and Henry Mairena in memory of Hortensia Behar GODMOTHERS/GODFATHERS Marilyn and Jerry Ellis in memory of Esther Seldes Lisa, Robert, Bonnie and Jamie Waxman in memory of Esther Seldes TEMPLE ISRAEL Richard B. Bermont

Contributions We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Israel by remembering and honoring their friends and loved

ones through their generous contributions.

MEMORIAL FUND Robert Waterstone in memory of Bernard Waterstone Sharon Zitrin in memory of Rella Milstein, Milton Milstein Lane Coleman in memory of Milton Coleman Edward Blumenthal in memory of Nathan Blumenthal Arline and Marshall Stein in memory of Elsie Stein Alan K. Roberts, M.D. in memory of Sylvia Roberts Carole L. Gerstein in memory of David Levinson Helen C. Cowen in memory of David L. Cohn Richard Bermont in memory of Nathan Newman Yvonne Benrube in memory of Flora Alcheck Edith Margolius in memory of Georg Metzger RADIO FUND Gail and Marlin Lewis in memory of Esther Seldes, Bettie Nathenson, Natalie Pritikin Norma and Michael Orovitz in memory of Perry Kaye, Esther Seldes Jacqueline Hochberg in memory of Aline Steinberg, David R. Hochberg Joan Schaeffer in memory of Esther Bernstein, Esther Seldes Sandra Brawer Koplon in memory of Richard Sevel Beth and Ed Tavlin in memory of Leonard Van Wye Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Price in memory of Carol Price Felicia Deutch and Family in memory of Edward Deutch Marilyn Cromer in memory of Maurice Cromer Janet Q. Festinger in memory of Ruth Quartin, Irving Quartin David Press in memory of Irving Marcus Isabel and Jose Montoto in memory of Esther Seldes Angela and Barton Sacher in memory of Esther Seldes Esta Friedman in memory of Esther Seldes

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Bikur Cholim - the Mitzvah of Caring for the Sick

We rely upon our members to notify the Temple office when there is an illness in your family or if someone is in need of a pastoral visit. In the morning prayer, Elu Devarim (these are the words) from Pirkei Avot (Teachings of Our Ancestors), we are instructed to visit the sick. Please call or e-mail Phyllis Littman at 305-573-5900, ext. 405 or [email protected] so we can fulfill the mitzvah of Bikur Cholim by providing support and comfort for you and your loved ones.

Temple Israel Administrative Staff

Linda Levin, Membership Coordinator

[email protected] Phyllis Littman, Assistant to Clergy

[email protected] Isabel Montoto, Office Manager

[email protected] Manuel Rodriguez, Bookkeeper

[email protected] Vivian Simo, Comm. and PR Coordinator

[email protected] Roz Smith, Accounts Payable Coordinator

Marla Towbin, Executive Director [email protected]

The Joni and Stanley Tate Early Childhood Center

Valeria Michanie, Director of Education [email protected]

Melba Leiman, Director of Administration [email protected]

Bimah flowers enhance our Shabbat service each week. Sponsorship of the Bimah flowers is a lovely way to remember or honor a loved one. As a sponsor, your name will appear in the Shabbat bulletin and in Chai Lites.

Celebrating an anniversary, birthday or other simcha and need a gift? Why not sponsor an Oneg Shabbat to commemorate the occasion? And besides, one size fits all! As a sponsor, your name will appear in the Shabbat bulletin and in Chai Lites. Please contact Phyllis Littman, at 305-573-5900, extension 405, or [email protected].

Sponsor Bimah Flowers or an Oneg Shabbat

Rosh Hashanah Bimah Flowers Peggy and Michael Silver and Family

in memory of Rita Silver Yom Kippur Bimah Flowers

Michelle and Richard Krinzman and Family

September Sponsors:

In Memoriam

Joseph Grosbard Helene Westreich

Condolences to the Family of:

Eugenia Berezdivin

Mother of: Javier Berezdivin Mother-In-Law of Patricia Grandmother of Jayme

Helene Westreich

Companion of Seymour Rosenblatt

Sidney Kraemer Uncle of Herb Klein

Muriel Hattenbach

Mother of Arlene Mendelson Mother-In-Law of Lawrence Mendelson

Joseph Grosbard

Father of Sylvia Fink

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Join a Committee. Make a Difference!

Joining a committee in the area of your expertise is a way to connect with other dedicated members who find it rewarding to donate their time. Make a difference! Sign up for one of the following committees:

Call Linda Levin at 305-573-5900, ext. 414 or by e-mail at [email protected] to learn more.

Page 18 Temple Israel of Greater Miami

Temple Israel’s Business and Professional Directory

PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COACHING Life coaching; counseling; hypnosis; couples therapy. Free phone consult. Kendall/Pinecrest/South Miami/Gables Diane Lindner, LCSW 305-596-0802

Your best option for successful social and business gatherings in the

Performing Arts District in Downtown Miami

The Wolfson/Kahn Event Center

Complimentary parking, full service event planning and catering available

For more information, please call Isabel Montoto at 305-573-5900 or [email protected].

Fundraising House Maintenance

Marketing and Public Relations Membership

Planned Giving Programming

Religious School Religious Affairs

Sisterhood Events Social Justice

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CHAI LITES IS PUBLISHED BY TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI 137 NE 19 Street, Miami, Florida 33132 305-573-5900 (phone), 305-573-5904 (fax) Website: Member of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) Published monthly except July by Temple Israel of Greater Miami (USPS538-000) Postmaster: send returns to 137 NE 19 St., Miami, FL 33132.

Periodicals Postage P A I D

Miami, FL

The Dorothy Serotta Social Justice Forum

invites you to participate in the

Habitat for Humanity Workday at Liberty City

Housing Project

Sunday, November 7, 2010 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Join volunteers from Miami-Dade congregations at one of the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami building sites in Liberty City. We will help build houses for people who have volunteered hundreds of hours of their own labor to have a chance

at home ownership. Habitat of Miami has built hundreds of houses in Miami-Dade in the past 20 years and provides no-interest loans to its homeowners as a faith-based organization to help build community. Be part of this important work. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old (those under 18 must be accompanied by a parent). Hours from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Please bring appropriate hand tools. Water will be provided. For more information, please contact Gary Brown, chair, Dorothy Serotta Social Justice Forum by e-mail:[email protected].

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