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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change!

Coldham & Hartman Architects Amherst, Massachusetts

Caroline Petrovick


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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change


Coldham&Hartman Architects is a full service architectural practice designing residential, commercial, and institutional buildings for mission-driven public, non-profit, and private clients.   Vision At Coldham&Hartman Architects, we understand that climate change is real, and human-caused. Even as this crisis begins to break over us, we see an opportunity for design to make positive change.   We see a future in which we must live within our means, bounded by sun, wind, water, and soil.   We design with this future in mind.   Values At work, we pledge to maintain a stable, comfortable, stimulating workplace, and to challenge each other and our clients to continual improvement.   Among our network of peers throughout the Northeast, we benefit from an open dialogue around innovation and knowledge, sharing aspirations and failures and the lessons we have learned.   We value the knowledge that comes from working within our bioregion. Our designs are informed by our Northeastern climate, and by our deep understanding of building science.   We believe in collaborative design and the importance of a mutually-respectful team. We value the expertise of local builders and craftspeople, whose practical experience makes our work better. We encourage each client to become an engaged part of the design team – bringing goals and aspirations, humor, and good will to the challenging work of design.   Mission Coldham&Hartman Architects: We create transformative designs for a renewable future, making buildings that are loved in the region where we live.  

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Institutional Clients

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Institutional Clients

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Institutional Clients

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

“While LEED is targeting incremental change, working to increasingly improve building performance above code to achieve broad market transformation, the Living Building Challenge is coming from the other side, inspiring people by identifying the ideal and seeing how close they can come to it.” - Eden Brukman, ILBI vice president and research director for Cascadia

Client – Smith College

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

The Living Building Challenge

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Achieving LBC and Zero Energy

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Smith College – Whately, Massachusetts

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Smith College – Whately, Massachusetts

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Smith College – Whately, Massachusetts

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Smith College – Whately, Massachusetts

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Living Building Challenge v1.3 Summary Report Tyson Living Learning CenterPAGE 2



SITE I O1 Pending Final Audit for Documentation

I 02 3

I 03 Pending Final Audit for Documentation and Direction

I 04 3WATER I 05 Pending Final Audit

I 06 Pending Final Audit

ENERGY I 07 Pending Final Audit


I 09 Pending final audit

I 10 3MATERIALS I 11 3

I 12Pending Final Audit for Calculator Adjustments & O!set Purchase

I 13 3

I 14 3

I 15 Pending Final Audit


I 17 3

I 18 3BEAUTY I 19 Pending Final Audit

I 20 Pending Final Audit

PAGE 2 International Living Future Institute Auditors Smith Bechtel Environmental Classroom

LBC Report Card

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Mill Renovation – Lawrence, Massachusetts

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Mill Renovation – Lawrence, Massachusetts

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Mill Renovation – Lawrence, Massachusetts

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Municipal – Energy Retrofit

Temple Municipal Building (Fire Station &

Town Offi ces)

Energy Reduction Initiative - Temple, NH Energy retrofi t of a multi-use municipal building in rural Temple, NH. The building has two distinct portions -- a 3,280 square foot fi re station and 2,304 square foot town offi ce.

The goal was to save money, reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions over the long term for the Town.

Temple, through its Economical Energy Committee led by Beverly Edwards, was able to capitalize on a Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) grant that funded energy conservation work.

The renovation was a challenge. The town offi ce, originally designed as a house in the 1940’s, had certainly seen its share of miscellaneous additions and “upgrades” over the years (including being moved from its original location). The fi re department portion was added in 1985. Since we weren’t gutting the building, we looked for every opportunity to fi nd effi ciencies and upgrade systems and to allow the spaces to remain occupied while the work was being done.

We super insulated the building shell (walls & roofs) and provided aggressive air sealing throughout. We introduced an energy recovery ventilation (ERV) system. The heating system was switched from an old, oversized oil boiler to a high effi ciency modulating condensing propane boiler.

C&H also offered a unique approach to working with the Town.

By modifying the typical design process C&H was able to reduce up front design costs and work directly with the contractors at Ingram Construction to identify areas in need of insulation and sealing as well as train them in best practices.

In lieu of a traditional set of drawings, a project manual, including product specifi cations and sketches of typical and particular details was developed based on the existing conditions. C&H’s Tom Hartman worked closely with the construction team as the project progressed.

During construction, multiple blower door tests were done to evaluate and improve the air sealing details.

The Town contracted with Margaret Dillon of S.E.E.D.S. to conduct the initial, comprehensive energy audit and recommend a scope of work.

Following the renovation work, S.E.E.D.S also conducted a third party independent blower door test to measure and assess the continuity of the air barrier(s) on the building. The municipal offi ces, which started at 21.7 ACH50 reported an air infi ltration rate of 1.9 ACH50. The Fire Station portion of the building went from 9.2 ACH50 to 2.7 ACH50.

Completed: 2011

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change

Summer Slammers

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MA Sustainable Campuses Conference Partnering with Businesses to Affect Change


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