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Page 1: B&W Gala Dinner 2013 Partnership Package


The Black and WhiteGala Dinner

in support of theChildren’s Tumour Foundation of Australia


Page 2: B&W Gala Dinner 2013 Partnership Package


Neuro-What? is most people’s reaction when they first hear about neurofibromatosis (NF). Most people have never heard of it, even though more people have NF than Cystic Fibrosis, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Tay Sachs Disease, and Huntington’s Disease combined.

Neurofibromatosis is the umbrella name given to three genetic disorders that affect nerve tissue: NF1, NF2, and Schwannomatosis. in a nutshell, it means your tumour suppressor does not properly function and every nerve cell in your body has the potential to become a tumour. It also presents a whole lot of other health issues.

NF is difficult to describe because no two people with NF1 are affected the same way, even within one family. It can be very disabling, but remains relatively unknown despite Type 1 (NF1) being among the world’s most common genetic disorders, occurring in about one of every 3,000 births.

Diagnosed most often in children and young adults, NF occurs worldwide and in all races, ethnic groups and both sexes. It is a lifelong medical condi-tion. While half of all affected persons inherit the condition, new cases can arise spontaneously through mutation in the NF genes.

Symptoms of NF1 can be mild allowing patients to live normal and productive


NF Australia was established in 2011 following 25 years of operation as the Neurofibromatosis Association of Australia (NFAA), which was formed to support those with Neurofibromatosis (NF) and their families.

The NFAA was restructured in order for it to become a truly national organisa-tion that can be positioned to make a positive and measurable difference in the search for a cure for NF and to pro-vide significantly enhanced services and support to those affected by NF.

NF Australia is a public company, endorsed as a Charitable Institution with DGR status which also trades as The Children’s Tumour Foundation of Australia.FOR MORE INFORMATION

lives. However, it can also be debilitat-ing and in some cases life-threatening. NF can lead to problems within various systems, organs and functions of the body including the brain, nerves, ears, bones, heart and skin. More than half of those with NF1 also have specific learning difficulties.

The most common ways that NF1 can affect people are tumours that grow along nerve pathways throughout the body, inside and out. Sometimes these can become cancerous.

Other complications of NF1can be scoliosis and bone deformities that sometimes lead to amputation, or tumours on the optic nerve that may cause problems with vision or blind-ness. Tumours can grow anywhere there are nerves. It is a truly unpredict-able disorder.

NF2 and Schwannomatosis are rarer, affecting one in 30 to 40,000 people. NF2 can lead to tumours on both audi-tory nerves that can result in deafness and problems in balance; tumours that grow on the spinal cord, and other tu-mours can cause pressure on parts of the brain. NF2 can lead to early death. Schwannomatosis causes tumours in the brain and spine, and extreme pain.

Despite the discovery of the genes for NF1, NF2 and Schwannomatosis there is still no cure.

NF Australia and The Children’s Tumour Foundation of Australia have strong links internationally to NF organisations and researchers, including in the USA, Great Britain and Ireland, Canada and Europe.

We are also fortunate to have in Australia some of the world’s best clinicians and researchers who act as advisers to NF Australia.

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Ask Alison Alford about being a family that lives with neurofibromatosis (NF) and she gives a poignant analogy. You’re either dodging bullets, getting the all clear from eye tests or lump checks, or you’re trying to out run NF by doing intervention activities that will hopefully minimise the effects of the condition.

Chris and Alison Alford were first exposed to NF when their daughter Katie (pictured above) was diagnosed with the condition nearly three years ago. NF is a genetic disorder where tumours grow on a person’s nerve tissues. These tumours can occur just under the skin but can also grow on nerves anywhere, including in the brain, eye or spinal cord causing considerable long-term impacts. The most common form is called NF1, and while 1 in 3000 children suffer from NF1, the condition is still largely unknown and under resourced.

When Katie was diagnosed with the condition, Alison, like many others had never heard of it, and getting good quality, practical and supportive information was difficult. “Imagine how hard it is to sit in a doctors chair with your three year old by your side and being told that your child has a genetic disorder that you’ve never heard of, that there is nothing you can do about it and there is little, if any, suitable treatment for its endless list of symptoms.

And then be told to come back next year. I can’t explain the numbness or feeling of loneliness I felt when I walked out of that doctor’s room.” As Alison relates her experience of first being told Katie had NF you get a sense of the physical and emotional challenges dealing with this condition can present, but there is a steely determination in the way Alford’s have confronted the condition.

“The first six months were a real grieving process of trying to come to terms with it. I remember sitting in the kitchen one day and thinking I can’t feel like this anymore, I have to do something. I thought I can’t find a cure, I’m not a scientist, but I knew there were two things I could do, one was to raise awareness and the other was to raise money,” said Alison.

Alison’s husband Chris is Victoria’s leading harness racing driver. Using his high profile, the Alford’s decided to go public with Katie’s disorder, hoping to raise much needed funds but also increase public awareness around the issue. “We decided that as May was NF awareness month, Chris would race during that month in the NF colours. We set out to raise $10,000. I remember saying to Chris if we raise $10,000 that would be amazing. Two days into it we had raised $20,000 and by the end of the month we’d raised over $60,000.”

Alison says the support they received was overwhelming. “The support was just amazing, people we hadn’t talked to for years would come up and give us $500, an old pensioner gave Chris the last $20 in his wallet, that spirit was just overwhelming.”

The money the Alford’s raised, along with a matched donation from the Children’s Tumour Foundation of Australia, was handed to the Children’s Hospital Westmead NF Clinic to purchase a Mobile Spectral Domain Ocular Coherence Tomography System, or in layman’s terms a machine

that will be able to diagnose optic gliomas in children, and be used in an important international research project. Alison and Katie traveled to Sydney and presented a cheque for the machine, the only one of its kind in Australia at the inaugural Black & White Gala Dinner in June 2012.

While Katie doesn’t currently suffer from optic tumours its presence looms large for NF sufferers. “Optic tumours are our biggest fear at the moment, you’re most at risk up until the age of seven and touch wood Katie doesn’t have any yet.” I was thinking the other day that I could almost handle anything but having a child loose their sight ….”

Alison remembers in the early days turning to Google to try and get information about the condition. She was overwhelmed by the amount of worst-case scenario experiences of living with NF. “I really needed a voice of reason at that point, someone to say hang on a minute, you’re reading some of the worst possible outcomes, these aren’t run of the mill cases”.

Thankfully, Google also led Alison to the Children’s Tumour Foundation of Australia who focus on supporting those with NF and their families, including promoting and raising funds for further research into the condition. “You can’t describe what the Children’s Tumour Foundation of Australia does. They’re invaluable.” said Alison.

“The scary thing with NF is that you don’t know what the future holds. We don’t know what Katie’s long-term problems are going to be. NF is a wait and see condition.”

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We are happy to tailor a sponsorship package to suit your business needs and marketing objectives; however here are some examples of the opportunities available for cash sponsorship or prize donations to the same value:

Diamond Sponsors $10,000 (+ gst)

Platinum Sponsors $7,500 (+ gst) Prize or Product Value $7,000+

Gold Sponsors $5,000 (+ gst) Prize or Product Value $5,000+

Silver Sponsors $3,000 (+ gst) Prize or Product Value $3,000+ Bronze Sponsors $2,000 (+ gst) Prize or Product Value $2,000+

Prize & Product Donors > $2,000 Various

THE AUDIENCEThe 300+ guests will include directors and representatives of leading companies, who have a strong belief in giving back to the community and aiding our vision of finding a cure.

WHAT CTF SPONSORS SAY“The Thorn Group is a proud supporter of the Children’s Tumour Foundation of Australia. We are delighted that this year we have continued to make a difference to the lives of children living with Neurofibromatosis and their families.

I urge you to join me by sponsoring the Foundation’s major fundraising event, the Black & White Gala Dinner. It will be a wonderful evening for a great cause. We know it will provide your business with a range of opportunities to network with decision makers while partnering a charity that is poised to make a real difference in the lives of children living with NF.”

John HughesManaging Director ThornSponsor 09, 10, 11Diamond Sponsor 2012



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DIAMOND SPONSORS $10,000 + GSTBenefits (including but not limited to)

Acknowledgement of your Company as Major sponsor of this event

Company Logo/ Name Recognition:

Prominent placement of Company logo on event related marketing material

Prominently on NF Australia Website & Gala Dinner pages (with link)

2 VIP Complimentary Tables at the event (20 tickets)

Promotional outline built into MC’s script to promote your business

Promotional brochure or item for guests

Full page in the Event Program

The opportunity to put your brand in front of a specifically targeted market.

Promotional opportunities

Up to three Corporate Banner(s) displayed prominently at the event (Sponsor to provide)

Company Logo representation on rolling power point to be displayed on a loop on screens throughout the venue as Gold Partner

Verbal acknowledgement by MC and Chairman on the night as Major Sponsor

MC to promote prize package during the evening (for Prize Sponsors)

Prize package information including images to be displayed on screens a minimum of 4 times during the event (for Prize Sponsors)

Certificate of Appreciation acknowledging your generous contribution

PLATINUM SPONSORS $7,500 + GST Benefits (including but not limited to)

Acknowledgement of your Company as Platinum sponsor of this event

Company Logo/ Name Recognition:

Printed and electronic materials as Platinum Sponsor

Prominently on NF Australia Website & Gala Dinner pages (with link)

1 VIP Table at the event (10 tickets)

Promotional outline built into MC’s script to promote your business

Promotional brochure or item for guests

Half page in the Event Program

The opportunity to put your brand in front of a specifically targeted market.

Promotional opportunities:

Up to two Corporate Banner(s) displayed prominently at the event (Sponsor to provide)

Company Logo representation on rolling power point to be displayed on a loop on screens throughout the venue as Silver Partner

Verbal acknowledgement by MC and Chairman on the night

MC to promote prize package during the evening (for Prize Sponsors)

Prize package information including images to be displayed on screens at least twice during the event (for Prize Sponsors)

Certificate of Appreciation acknowledging your generous contribution

GOLD SPONSORS$5,000 + GST Benefits (including but not limited to)

Acknowledgement of your Company as a Gold sponsor of this event

Company Logo/ Name Recognition:

On printed and electronic materials

On NF Australia Website & Gala Dinner pages (with link) at Gold Sponsor Level

10 tickets to the event

Promotional outline built into MC’s script to promote your business

Promotional brochure for guests

Quarter page in the Event Program

The opportunity to put your brand in front of a specifically targeted market.

Promotional opportunities:

One Corporate Banner(s) displayed prominently at the event (Sponsor to provide)

Company Logo representation on rolling power point to be displayed on a loop on screens throughout the venue at Gold Sponsor level

MC to promote prize package during the evening (for Prize Sponsors)

Promotional Product or special offer in guests’ event take home show bag

Verbal acknowledgement by MC and President on the night

Certificate of Appreciation acknowledging your generous contribution

SILVER SPONSORS $3,000 + GST Benefits (including but not limited to)

Acknowledgement of your Company as a Silver Table sponsor of this event

Company Logo/ Name Recognition:

On printed and electronic materials

On NF Australia Website & Gala Dinner pages (with link) at Silver (Table) Sponsor Level

10 tickets to the event

Recognition built into MC’s script to promote your business

Promotional brochure for guests

One eighth page in Event Program

The opportunity to put your brand in front of a specifically targeted market.

Promotional opportunities:

One Corporate Banner(s) displayed prominently at the event (Sponsor to provide)

Company Logo representation on rolling power point to be displayed on a loop on screens throughout the venue at Silver Sponsor level

Verbal acknowledgement by MC and Chairman on the night

Promotional Product or special offer in guests’ event take home show bag

MC to promote prize package during the evening (for Prize Sponsors)

BRONZE SPONSORS$2,000 + GSTBenefits (including but not limited to)

Acknowledgement of your Company as a Bronze sponsor of this event

Company Logo/ Name Recognition:

On printed and electronic materials

On NF Australia Website & Gala Dinner pages (with link) at Bronze Sponsor Level

6 tickets to the event

Promotional outline built into MC’s script to promote your business

Promotional brochure for guests

Listing in Event Program

The opportunity to put your brand in front of a specifically targeted market.

Promotional opportunities:

One Corporate Banner(s) displayed prominently at the event (Sponsor to provide)

Company Logo representation on rolling power point to be displayed on a loop on screens throughout the venue at Gold Sponsor level

Verbal acknowledgement by MC on the night

Promotional Product or special offer in guests’ event take home show bag

MC to promote prize package during the evening (for Prize Sponsors)

Page 6: B&W Gala Dinner 2013 Partnership Package

We seek the donation of high quality Raffle and Auction Prizes & Products & Services

PRIZE AND PRODUCT DONORS (UNDER $2,000)Benefits (including, but not limited to)

Pre event::

Company Logo and/or Name Recognition:

On electronic materials

On NF Australia Website and Gala Dinner Page as Prize or Product Donor

Listing on NF Australia Website & Gala Dinner pages (with link)

At the event::

The opportunity to put your brand in front of a specifically targeted market who appreciate fine wine and quality products

Promotional opportunities:

Acknowledgemen tin the Event Program on the night.

Listing representation on rolling power point to be displayed on a loop on screens throughout the venue as a Prize or Product Donor

MC to promote Prize during the evening (over $1,000) or acknowledgement in Program.


We have a dedicated PR strategy for this event which will target appropriate print and online media opportunities.

Listing on Social Diaries and Media

NF Australia Website:

Promotion through Social Media

NF Australia Newsletter


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