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MTKM 5043 FPTT Business Plan - 2014

DINAMIK TUITION CENTRE [MTKM 5043 FPTT Business Plan - 2014]


Dinamik Tuition Centre is a company that offers tutoring services for a wide variety of subjects. The company is currently a partnership; however the business plans to changeits organizational form within the next year or two. Dinamik Tuition Centre was founded by Dinamik Team. While it has filled some of Dinamik Team spare time, they are now ready to concentrate on developing this business into a more efficient source of revenue while retaining the joy of teaching that attracted Dinamik Team to the business. The first step of this transformation is the writing of a business plan. This plan is being used as an internal document to assist in the development of the business. Dinamik Tuition Centre operates with very low overhead, therefore Dinamik Tuition Centre will not be seeking capital for operations.

1.0.1The MarketDinamik Tuition Centre has identified several target market segments that will be pursued. The largest segmentis thePrimary and Secondary students.Dinamik Team has close relationships with most of the teachers of the business program, allowing Dinamik Team to tailor the tutoring to the specific course material as well as receive referrals from said teachers. Within this market segment there will be three subgroups: quantitative clients, non-quantitative clients, and international students. Dinamik Tuition centre will also serve STPM students from Alor Gajah andthe surrounding Schools.1.0.2The ServicesDinamik Tuition centre offers a wide range of academic subjects. Sessions can be set up as private or students may form groups for tutoring. Private sessionsoffer intense individual assistance, butgroups sessions can alsobe beneficial with decreased economic costs and the use ofteam-based approach that the business program encourages. For the courses, Dinamik Tuition centre offers an extensive collection of past exams which are invaluable for teaching the material and for exam preparation. For all students, Dinamik Tuition centre uses the Lembaga Peperiksaan Format. This unique problem solving approach taught to students provides a system to approach all topics that they encounter in school. This system seeks to provide the student with a way in which they can better solve their own queries. This system differs from most tutors who are primarily concerned with answering the students immediate questions and not concerned with providing the students with basic problem solving skills for future applications.1.0.3Management

Dinamik Tuition Centre will be lead by Nanthakumar Subramanian. Dinamik Team brings a wealth of academic excellence as well as a proven record of tutoring. Dinamik Team first began tutoring at a large language school. It was this experience that provided Dinamik Team with the insight that he enjoyed and excelled at tutoring. While Dinamik Team attending the Seminars and courses regarding current education system made them informally began tutoring students. During Dinamik Team 's second year in the business program, the school hired him to be a tutor for the first year students. This provided Dinamik Team with incredible insight into the specific course work at Atkinson as he worked hand in hand with the teachers preparing the students for the course work and exams.

Dinamik Tuition Centre is a home-based tutoring business that offers a wide range of tutoring services. Due to Dinamik Teams expertise, teachers networking connections, and low overhead, Dinamik Tuition Centre will realize good revenue and profits the years of this plan.

1.1 Mission

Dinamik Tuition Centre exists to help students. We take a unique and innovative approach to teaching that helps students connect with the subject matter they need to master. Through personalized and focussed teaching processes, our students develop the tools they need for ongoing success in their fields of study. Our success depends on our attention to the needs of our clients and truly helping them achieve - we don't succeed unless our clients succeed.

1.2 Keys to Success

1. Developing methods of approaching subjects that helps students get their minds around challenging concepts.

2. Creating excellent word of mouth promotion of services - clients sell services to other students.

3. Truly listening to clients' needs and diagnosing where their understanding of concepts is breaking down.

1.3 Objectives

1. Generate five informal contracts/referrals with International school teachers.

2. Increase revenue steadily from Year 1 through Year 3.

3. Achieve full hourly capacity by 1st quarter, Year 2.2.0 INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY2.1 Company Background

2.1.1 Company Name : DINAMIK TUITION CENTRE 2.1.2 Product

: Tuition services

2.1.3 Owner

: 1. Nanthakumar Subramanian

2. Ms. Tan Siau Cui 3. Ms. Diana Soosai

4. Mr.Yeang Wai Keen2.1.4 Company Registration: 3289097U2.1.5 Company address

: Dinamik tuition Centre SP93, Jalan Sungai Petai Permai 2/2,

Taman Sungai Petai Permai 2,

78000 Alor Gajah,

Melaka.2.1.6 Business Type

: Partnership

2.1.7 Tel

: 06-5561337

2.1.8 Email : [email protected] Date of incorporation : Jan 20122.1.10 Authorized Capital : RM 20,000.00

2.1.11 No of workers : 10 Teacher and 1 Admin 2.1.12 Company activities

: Provide education tuition service for

Primary and Secondary School Student2.2 Business Intent & Clear indication of intended business activities

Dinamik Tuition Centre provides tutoring services in quantitative courses Alor Gajah area. Focused primarily and secondary around Alor Gajah area, tutoring is available in subjects including: 2.2.1Primary School:

Bahasa Malaysia,

English ,



Bahasa Tamil and

Bahas Cina

2.2.2Secondary Schools:

Bahasa Malaysia,

English ,

Mathematics and additional Mathematic Science,

Bahasa Tamil

Bahas Cina






Tutoring services are also available to students from other including STPM classes. Tutoring sessions focus on helping students grasp the concepts they will need to know to perform well in their class, as well as developing study strategies to effectively prepare for exams in their class. A long-term focus of empowering students is favored overa short-term problem-solving strategy.

2.3 Growth Strategies

2.3.1 Financial Strategies

As an initial starter for this project, our team have invest RM 20,000.00 which each partner invest RM 2,000.00. However, this fund is the main source of our company to start the project for in small medium which primary student and secondary student. For our strategic growth, we could regain the revenue from the deposits, rental of the contract (depend on the student increase), and also through the maintenances and additional services.

2.3.2 Technology and Product Development Strategies

To serve our clients, we used convenient online social applications like yahoo messenger and Skype to be in contact with them if we are unable to communicate in by phone calls. Besides that, the other method that is convenient for the client is by contact using Whatsapps. It is to enhance the efficiency of the communication and customer services from our staffs. As for our service, we provide internet and Computer services in order to help them up to date with the latest issues and ideas for their studies. 2.3.3 Marketing Strategies to increase market and mind share

i.Market Strategy

To market our application, we shall improve the impression of our products towards the users using promotion into schools and also internet advertisements. The main reason that we instill the information towards the seminar and briefing and also browser with made awareness to parents to get the parents trust. ii.Price Strategy

The pricing would be depending on the package and the subject taken by the students. However, we also offer different packages for large, medium and small for each level, with different packages of the subjects that provided. It shall depending on the terms and conditions of the contracts.

iii.Sales Strategy

The bulk of sales come from word of mouth. When new students come into the school, the upperclassmen tell them about the resources available. So past clients provide most of the advertising for the company.Getting seen and getting the word out to new students is always important. One important message to convey is that the tutoring services are not just for slow students who are having a hard time keeping up, but for anyone who wants an edge and to get the most out of their learning experience.2.4 Target Markets

While the graduate quantitative segment will remain the core focus of the company, much time will be dedicated to developing the undergraduate quantitative segment. This is a mere matter of population dynamics. The students (as well as an occasional law student who has chosen to take class) are limited to a total of only 150-200 students at any given time, only half of which are in the core of the program taking the required quantitative courses. Generally, those students in the elective quantitative courses in grad school are those who enjoy the math or for whom it comes easily (as well as an increasing number who have gone through the tutoring and developed the skills they need to survive). The potential market among grad students is therefore quite finite.

2.5 Revenue Model

The sales forecast has been developed to predict future sales in a conservative manner. It is expected that sales will gradually increase as more students are served andthe company receives moretestimonials. At some point, since Dinamik Tuition Centre is a part time company, capacity will be reached in terms of the number of hours worked per week. From this point forward there will be an emphasis of serving groups which provide more revenue per hour.2.6 Operational Setup

Basically, the processes include resources input and converted into higher value outputs. There are few resources that we required for this project:

a. Education Skills, which are the manpower and expertise that we used to develop the skills among the student

b. Hardware and equipments like projector and visual camera presentator will support and increase student intent to study.

c. Other important sources like the networks, which associate by TM, provide the networks that we need to accomplish this project.

By the combination of the resources above, we shall combine and produce an output of a greater value of product and services for our clients. Thus, the processes of the systems and data flows should take place as the output of this project.

Figure 2.1: Output Processes (Data Flow)

2.7 Long Term Goals of company


Dinamik Tuition Centre hopes it will be able to provide best results for their students education, which help them to make their live easier, efficient and safer. Our team will use our biggest effort to develop useful applications instead of entertainment purposes. What we focused on the mission of making knowledge to help the parents and students in order to achieve our vision which is become the leader in future. We will develop and improve more knowledge that can be useful to the daily life in order to transform their typical lifestyle into a more efficient and fast style.


There are three main objectives that Dinamik Tuition Centre shall maintain along with the whole business:

a. To offer innovative information technology development using education platforms.

b. To give maximum services by educate until to get good result c. To enable student with high performance and lead to high user knowledge. 2.8 Market and competitionThe main advantage of Dinamik is being the first tuition centre in the Alor Gajah, with the advantage it allowed to become the first mover in the market. Most of parents send their children to Melaka Town and Cheng which the journey more half an hour its not include jam. After increase petrol price its support our business they starting admin their children our centre to save petrol consumption. Furthermore, we also provide transport facilities which fetch pupils from house and send them after finish class. It made convene to parents less worry about their safety.

2.9SWOT Analysis


I. Experience TeacherWe appoint the experience teacher which specialist their subject they teach. Its bring more confident to parents to believe their pupil can score well.

II. Location

Our centre its locate at near to all school areas. And also its new building and accommodation are clean and peace.

III. Transport Services

We provide transport services to our client to made easy and safe their energy and petrol consumption.

IV. Using computer technology

We are using latest pedagogic teaching method which able provides more knowledge it the minutes only.

2.9.2WeaknessI. Need more classes and more space to conduct the class.

II. There no seminar all to conduct the seminar and we have rental other hall to conduct that


I. Parents demand towards tuition even more increase than previous2.9.4ThreatsMore student from around Alor Gajah area which the looking proper education and safe caretaker.3.0: EMPLOYMENT OF KNOWLEDGE WORKERS3.1 Management Team

This management team plan section describes about Dinamik Tuition Centre business management team and teachers. It also describes the position and their background of each person.3.1 Management Team (Cont.)PositionPrincipal

NameNanthakumar Subramanin


I.C. No.800819-01-5581

Permanent AddressSP93, Jalan Sungai Petai Permail 2/2, Taman Sungai Petai Permai 2, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka

Email Addressvir [email protected]

Telephone No.012-7418406

Academic QualificationsBachelor In Accountancy and Bachelor Degree in Education (science)

Courses AttendedEntrepreneurship courses 2012

Strength Faster learner and willing to strive in learning

Good interpersonal skills

Business Experiences Auditor

School Teacher

3.1 Management Team ( Cont;)PositionAcademic Coordinator ( Vice Principle)

NameTan Siau Cui


Permanent Address No 45, Jalan Setia 2/2, Taman Bertam Setia, 78200 Cheng, Melaka

Email Addressvir [email protected]

Telephone No.012-7418406

Academic QualificationsBachelor Degree in Education

Courses AttendedEntrepreneurship courses 2012

Strength Faster learner and willing to strive in learning

Good interpersonal skills

Business Experiences School Teacher

3.1 Management Team ( Cont.)PositionFinance And Admin Manager (Partner)

NameDiana Soosai


Permanent Address No 45, Jalan 2/2, Taman Merdeka 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka

Email Addressvir [email protected]

Telephone No.012-7418406

Academic QualificationsBachelor Degree in Hospitality

Courses AttendedEntrepreneurship courses 2012Manage your Business

Strength Faster learner and willing to strive in learning

Good interpersonal skills

Business Experiences Assistant Manager Hotel Equatorial

3.1 Management Team ( Cont.)PositionMarketing Manager (Partner)

NameYeang Wai Keen


Permanent Address 23, Jalan Lagenda 23. Taman lagenda, 78000 Alor Gajah , Melaka

Email Addressvir [email protected]

Telephone No.012-7418406

Academic QualificationsBachelor Degree in Marketing

Courses AttendedManage your Business

Marketing 3.0

Strength Faster learner and willing to strive in learning

Good interpersonal skills

Business Experiences Senior Market Manager

3.2 Organization Chart

4.0 Services Development4.1 Product description

The main function of the services that provide by our company is to additional or tuition class. We have several packages which easier to parents made choice. The package as per below:

Primary School

Year 1 year 3 each subject charges RM 30.00

In packages

Year 4 year 6 each subject charges RM 35.00

In packages

Secondary School

Form 1 Form 3 each subject charges RM 40.00

In packages

Secondary SchoolForm 4 Form 5 each subject charges RM 50.00 and STPM each subject RM 60.005.0 Marketing Program

5.1 Marketing Overview

In terms of our company marketing overview, we have been making marketing on the suitable marketing strategies to launch and introducing the business into the market towards compatible with the company core competitive advantages. As the marketing goals that has been set out, our company would came out with the appropriate marketing planning that being needed by the business development as among of the market search that has been done is carry out the market analysis,

5.1.1 Market Objectives

Under this market objective, it is being develop as where it containing the aim and goals that being needed to be achieve by the marketing team. As where the marketing objective of the Dinamik Tuition Centre is where provided a marketing plan that able to identify the customers needs and wants by offering a marketing strategies attraction that unable to be rejected by the customers.

5.1.2 Market Analysis

As in term of the market analysis, it is being conducted by our company as where it is a part of the company marketing planning; as where it is being needed so that the company able to have a better understanding on the customers needs and wants within the range of the market. Therefore, our company would be able to identify the problems that being encounter by the customer, then from there the company would be able to offering a better solution services based on the core business.

5.1.3 Target Market

Our company has been identifying the targeted market customer for the business which based on the market analysis that has been conducted in prior. Therefore, from the analysis research, it resulted that the target market that being eyeing by customer would be those that looking for solution in terms of simplifying their daily life problems. Thus, the company would be providing the suitable solution in form of product and services for the problems that being faced by their customer.

5.1.4 Market Size5.1.5 Sales Forecast

YearMonthSales Forecast (RM)
















Sales forecast for the second year:

Sales forecast for the third year:

With increase 5% from year 1:

With increase 5% from year 2:

= 5% x RM159,970

= 5% x RM167,968.50

= RM7,998.50

= RM8,398

= RM7,998.50 + RM159,970

= RM8,398 + RM167,968.50

= RM167,968.50

= RM176,367

5.2 Marketing mix


As for the marketing mix that being implemented by the company would be include with the product and services that being offered by the company to its customer and its application user. Where our product services that being produced and available to be offer by the company would be relate with application that be useful and beneficial towards their customer. Whereas, the application services that available it is the application that beneficial for providing convenience of looking for available parents and students.


Customer pricing

In terms of customer basis of pricing is being calculated based on the agreement and result of negotiations of both parties, in the point of view on the pricing statement of value of the services that being provided by the company and the payment method of services that agreeable by the customer.


As to place our application strategically for targeted customers to see it, we will position near to all school and beside AMJ Lebuh raya.


For this application to be known, we must first educate the users on the product. We will make it available through social media (e.g.: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.) so that itll reach our targeted customers quickly. It will also help us to get fast feedback from them in term of design and user-friendly factor. From the feedback, we can make improvements, and ultimately increase our expected revenue. Moreover, advertising through mobile also proved to be effective.


6.1 Financial Overview

The financial plan is considered as one of the important part for business plan. Without proper financial planning, the business plan will not able to launch or estimate future plans. In the financial parts it will determining the total project cost, choice of sources of financing and preparation of financial projections in terms of pro forma statements, which include the cash flow, income statement and balance sheet. The pro forma statement will show the company future 3 years planning statement.

The important of Financial Plan

1. To determine the size of investment

2. To identify and propose the relevant sources of finance.

3. To ensure that the initial capital is sufficient.

4. To appraise the viability of the project before actual investment is committed.

5. To be used as guidance for implementation.

6.2 Implementation Cost

The accumulation of implementation cost can be the best guideline to identify the total money that required start-up the new business. Table below shows the detail of every cost that needed to start up Dinamik Tuition Centre.

Table 6.1: Project Implementation Cost Schedule

6.3 The sources of finance schedule

Sources of financial refers to the sources where funds to finance a particular projects implementation costs can be secured. These sources can be categorized into internal and external sources. In this case, internal sources will be not implemented as input sources. To minimize the risk, the entire company founder agreed to fully look for external sources. External sources financial are mainly derived from commercial banks, finance companies and government agencies. Table 6.2 shows the detail of finance.

Sources of Finance Schedule


A) Internal Sources

Business owner 20,000

B) External Sources

Term Loan (Bank loan) 160,000


Table 6.2: Sources of Finance Schedule

Estimation Repayment (Bank loan)

Loan amount:

RM 160, 000Loan period:

10 years

Interest Rate:



Annual Rest

Annual Payment of Principal and Interest(RM 160,000/ 10 years) = RM 12,800.00 per year

(RM160, 000 x 8.0%) / 10 years = RM1, 280.00 per year

Table 6.3 shows the detail of the loan and the loan payment.

6.4Preparing the pro forma cash flow statement

Pro forma cash flow statement refers to the cash inflow and outflow of Dinamik Tuition Centre throughout the planned period. In the case, we prepare for 3 consecutive years for Dinamik Tuition Centre.

Table 6.4: Pro forma cash inflow and outflow statement for 3 years6.5Preparing the pro forma income statements

The pro forma income statement shows the expected profit or loss for planned period, usually for three consecutive years. The elements of pro forma income statement are cost of goods manufactured, gross profit and net profit. The Table 6.5 shows the company Pro Forma Income Statement for Dinamik Tuition Centre.

Table 6.5: Pro Forma Income Statement for 2014, 2015 and 20166.6 Pro Forma balance sheets

The pro forma balance sheet shows the financial position of the company at a specific point in time in terms of assets owned and how those assets are financed. The pro forma balance sheet is prepared for a period of three years. There are 3 elements in pro forma balance sheet which are assets, owners equity, and liabilities. The Table 6.6 shows the company Pro Forma balance sheet.

Table 6.6: Pro Forma Balance Sheet 2014, 2015 and 20166.7 Analyzing financial statement

Financial analysis is a technique of examining financial statements to help to analyze the financial position and performance of the business. Thus, financial analysis involves two basic steps: generating the information from the financial statements and interpreting the results. To evaluate the performance of the business, financial ratio is calculated.

There are 4 categories for financial ratio but just only three will be showed in this business plan:

i. Liquidity ratio

ii. Profitability ratio

iii. Break-even point 6.7.1 Profitability Ration

The purpose of gross profit margin is to sow the rate of return after deducted all the expenditure. The higher percentage of rate returns shows the good financial position of the business. The formula below stated the formula and the company gross profit margin and net margin. Net Profit Ration = Net Profit / Sales

High technology product and expensive equipment are needed by the company estimate during second year will started to gain back profit and will rapidly growth starting third year.

The ratio of 4% percent at the first year indicates that for each RM1.00 of sales revenue generated, company will earn 0.04 cents net profit.

Break-even point analysis

The breakeven point is the level of operation at which a business neither earns a profit nor incurs a loss. It is a useful planning due to it shows entrepreneurs minimum level of activity required to stay in business. According to the Dinamik Tuition Centre all of the equipment and labor that needed for the project is considered as variable costs. Calculation below is the break-even point of 2015.

Thus, the total cost for fixed is RM 179,580 the variable cost is RM 70, 000. The net sales estimate is RM 125,000.

Contribution margin = 1 variable costs

Net sales estimate

= 1- RM 70, 000

RM 125, 000

= 0.44Breakeven point = Total fixed costs

Contribution margin

= RM 179,580


= RM 408,136.40Thus, Dinamik Tuition Centre will need to hit RM 408,136.40 for yearly sales in order to gain back the total cost that required for yearly. The remaining money is the profit of the business.

7.0 Conclusion

Our company, Dinamik Tuition Centre is offering a solution towards the daily problems that being faced by the children which is the difficulty of studying in fast and efficient matter as nowadays the life pace of everyone has been in rapid movement. Therefore, as our company has foreseen these problems has increasing become a big issue in society; thus, we came with a product of services in the form of application which is a good educator. Dinamik Tuition Centre

Manage and give services maximum

Secondary Class

Primary Class


Results and statisfaction from parents

Mr.Yeang Wai Keen


Mr. Nanthakumar


Ms. Tan

Academic Coordinator

Ms. Diana Soosai

Finance and Admin


Mr. Vella2. Pn. Sarida

En. Mohd. Shah4. Ms. Liew Siew Mei

Mr. Mugunthan6. Pn. Anbarasi

Pn. Salbiah8. Pn. Kalsom

Pn. Mariam10.Pn. Zainon

Admin Clerk

Miss. P. Priya

Package 2

Bahasa Malaysia




+ Transport

RM 135.00

Package 1

Bahasa Malaysia




RM 115.00

Package 2

Bahasa Malaysia




+ Transport

RM 160.00

Package 1

Bahasa Malaysia




RM 140.00

Package 2

Bahasa Malaysia






+ Transport

RM 250.00

Package 1

Bahasa Malaysia






RM 220.00


Term Loan Amortization Shedule

Loan Amount :160,000.00Loan Period:10 Years

Interest Rate :8.00%Method :Annual Rest

YearInterest PrinciplePayment Balance


0- 0- 0- 0160,000.00










104,480.0016,000.0020,480.00- 01,280.00

Table 6.3: Term Loan Amortization Schedule1,280.00













Pro Forma Cash Flow Statement 2014-2016 Annually)



ACash Inflow:

Equity - Cash20,000.00- 0- 01,280.00

Term Loan160,000.00- 0- 01,280.00

Cash Sales 159,970.00167,969.00176,367.001,280.00

( Collection from Registration)1,280.00

BTotal Cash Inflow339,970.00167,969.00176,367.001,280.00

CCash Outflow:1,280.00

Sales Cost :1,280.00

- Professional Fee36,000.0072,000.00144,000.001,280.00

- Transportation4,000.008,000.0016,000.001,280.00

Marketing Expenditure:1,280.00

-Promotion Expenditure4,000.004,000.004,000.001,280.00

Administrative Expenditure :1,280.00

- Salaries& Wages5,000.005,000.005,000.001,280.00

- EPF & Socso1,100.001,100.001,100.001,280.00

- Others cost1,000.001,000.001,000.001,280.00

Loan Repayment1,280.00

- Principal16,000.0016,000.0016,000.001,280.00

- Interest1,280.001,280.001,280.001,280.00

Capital Expenditure:1,280.00

- Office Rental39,600.0039,600.0039,600.001,280.00

- Furniture40,000.00- 0- 01,280.00

- Renovation30,000.00- 0- 0

- Network nd internal system2,000.00- 0- 0

Pre - operational Expenditure

- Business Registration1,400.00- 0- 0

- Insurance1,200.001,200.001,200.00


- Rental6,600.00- 0- 0

- Utilities3,000.00- 0- 0

DTotal Cash Outflow192,180.00149,180.00229,180.00

ECash Surplus / Deficit147,790.0018,789.00(52,813.00)

FBeginning Cash Balance- 0147,790.00166,579.00

GEnding Cash Balance147,790.00166,579.00113,766.00


Pro Forma Balance Sheet for Dinamik Tuition Centre



Fixed Assets



Network And Internet System20,000.0020,000.0020,000.001,280.00

Seminar hall30,000.0030,000.0030,000.001,280.00

Total Fixed Assets110,000.00110,000.00110,000.001,280.00

Current Assets1,280.00

Deposit 9,900.009,900.009,900.001,280.00


Total Currents Assets73,600.0069,580.0070,840.001,280.00

TOTAL ASSETS183,600.00179,580.00180,840.001,280.00




Acumulated profit3,600.0015,580.0032,840.001,280.00

Long Term Liabilities1,280.00

Long Term Loan160,000.00144,000.00128,000.001,280.00

TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES183,600.00179,580.00180,840.001,280.00


- 0- 0- 01,280.00






Net Profit3,600.0011,980.0017,260.00

Sales 90,000.00120,000.00150,000.001,280.00

Net Profit Margin4%10%12%





















Pro Forma Income Statement for Dinamik Tuition Centre




Previous service collection- 05,000.004,000.001,280.00

Total Sales90,000.00125,000.00154,000.00

Sales Cost:1,280.00

Material for pedagogi6,000.008,000.0010,000.001,280.00

Professional Fee - Teacher fee25,000.0050,000.0070,000.001,280.00


Total sales Cost40,000.0070,000.0095,000.001,280.00

Gross Profit50,000.0055,000.0059,000.001,280.00



Marketing Expenditure4,000.004,000.004,000.001,280.00

Administrative Expenditure7,100.007,100.007,100.001,280.00

Loan Repayment32,000.0030,720.0029,440.001,280.00

Pre - operational Expenditure3,300.001,200.001,200.001,280.00

Total Operating Expenses46,400.0043,020.0041,740.001,280.00

NET PROFIT BEFORE TAX3,600.0011,980.0017,260.001,280.00

Tax- 0- 0- 01,280.00

Net Profit After Tax3,600.0011,980.0017,260.001,280.00

Accumulated Profit3,600.0015,580.0032,840.001,280.00


- Business Registration1,400.00- 0- 0

- Insurance1,200.001,200.001,200.00


- Rental6,600.00- 0- 0

- Utilities3,000.00- 0- 0

Total Cash Outflow115,800.00126,780.00152,040.00

Cash Surplus / Deficit(106,800.00)(114,780.00)(137,040.00)

Beginning Cash Balance- 0(106,800.00)(221,580.00)

Ending Cash Balance(106,800.00)(221,580.00)(358,620.00)


Pro Forma Cash Flow Statement 2014-2016 Annually)



ACash Inflow:

Equity - Cash20,000.00- 0- 01,280.00

Term Loan160,000.00- 0- 01,280.00

Cash Sales 159,970.00167,969.00176,367.001,280.00

( Collection from Registration)1,280.00

BTotal Cash Inflow339,970.00167,969.00176,367.001,280.00

CCash Outflow:1,280.00

Sales Cost :1,280.00

- Professional Fee36,000.0072,000.00144,000.001,280.00

- Transportation4,000.008,000.0016,000.001,280.00

Marketing Expenditure:1,280.00

-Promotion Expenditure4,000.004,000.004,000.001,280.00

Administrative Expenditure :1,280.00

- Salaries& Wages5,000.005,000.005,000.001,280.00

- EPF & Socso1,100.001,100.001,100.001,280.00

- Others cost1,000.001,000.001,000.001,280.00

Loan Repayment1,280.00

- Principal16,000.0016,000.0016,000.001,280.00

- Interest1,280.001,280.001,280.001,280.00

Capital Expenditure:1,280.00

- Office Rental39,600.0039,600.0039,600.001,280.00

- Furniture40,000.00- 0- 01,280.00

- Renovation30,000.00- 0- 0

- Network nd internal system2,000.00- 0- 0

Pre - operational Expenditure

- Business Registration1,400.00- 0- 0

- Insurance1,200.001,200.001,200.00


- Rental6,600.00- 0- 0

- Utilities3,000.00- 0- 0

DTotal Cash Outflow192,180.00149,180.00229,180.00

ECash Surplus / Deficit147,790.0018,789.00(52,813.00)

FBeginning Cash Balance- 0147,790.00166,579.00

GEnding Cash Balance147,790.00166,579.00113,766.00


Project Implementation Cost Schedule

DetailRMRM (Total)

A)Capital Expenditure


Furniture 20,000.00

Room Renovation and partition 40,000.00

Network and Internet system 20,000.00

Seminar Hall30,000.00113,300.00

B)Working Capital (3 Months)


Set - up labour and Teachers18,000.00


C)Other Expenditure Pre- Operating

Business Registration1,400.00



D)Room Rental (Two Months)6,600.00

Utilities ( Water, TNB, WiFi and Telephone)3,000.009,600.00

Grand Total151,200.00

E)Add : Contingency Cost (5%)7,560.00


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