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Page 1: building materials civil 1st sem

Silver oak college of engineering and


Page 2: building materials civil 1st sem

Topic- building materials Prepared by


1.Prajapati Narendrakumar ME-D-237

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Introduction Selection of right material is an important problem which an engineer has to face. The basic concern of a civil engineer is design, construction ,supervision and maintenance of different types of structures such as buildings bridges canals road etc. hence he/she most have thorough knowledge of nature and behavior of material. A key element field practice is to deal with type of material. Selection of material depends upon their properties in relation to intend use. Also overall economy of material should be considered. a study of these aspects of material and their application in construction is very important for an civil engineer.

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Types of building materials:-StonebrickLimeCementTimberSand Aggregates MortarConcrete Bitumen

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StoneClassification of stone

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Use of stoneThe stones are used for foundation columns ,wall ,lintel ,arches , floats, damp -proof , courses , cornices, And copings , sills ,etc.The stone are used for give massive appearance The stone are used for heavy engineering works such as dams ,docks , bridges.The stone are used for paving of road foot -paths etc.The stone are also used for the railway track ballast as a roofing material in the form of slatesEtc.

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Bricks Introduction

Bricks are manufactured by moulding clay in rectangular blocks of uniform predermine size , drying them and then burning them in klin.

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Composite of good brick earth


Alumina -20 to 30%Silica-50 to 60%Lime -4 to 6%Iron oxide- 4 to 6%Magnesium- a small quantity

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Types of bricks:-1.Traditional brick:- size-23cm*11.4cm*7.6cm

2.Modular brick:- size-19cm*9cm*9cm

Classification of bricks-first class bricks

-second class bricks-third class bricks-fourth class bricks

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Lime Introduction

Lime is an important cementing material use in engineer construction. A cement material may be defined as that material which has the capacity of holding structural unit together with sufficient strength. When it is mixed sand and water, the mixture is called lime mortar and is used to bind bricks and stones in wall of building and plaster of walls. when it is mixed with sand ,coarse aggregartes and water the mixture is called lime concreate and is used as filler material of foundation and base coarse for flooring etc.

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Classification of lime

Fat lime Hydraulic lime1.Eminently hydraulic lime2.Moderately hydraulic lime 3.Poorly hydraulic limePoor lime

Use of lime- 1. Fat lime is used in whitewashing and plastering

walls 2. Hydraulic lime is used for preparing mortar for

thick walls and damp places etc.3. Poor lime is some time used in inferior works

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Cement is binding material. It is most important engineering materials of civil engineering. In almost all types of civil engineering works cement is used. The ordinary cement which we commonly use is known as portland cement. Cement is generally divided in two type 1.natural cement2.artificial cement

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Types of cement

1. Quick setting cement 10.pozzolana cement

2. Rapid hardening cement 11.hydrophobic cement

3. High alumina cement 12.water proofing cement

4. Blast furnace cement 13.acid resistance cement

5. Low heat cement6. White cement7. Coloured cement8. Sulphate cement9. Expanding cement

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Grades of cement33grade cement43grade cement53grade cement

Properties of cementPhysical propertiesMechanical propertiesChemical properties

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Timber Timber is one of the oldest structural material used by men. Timber has been used in a variety Of ways in building construction, bridge construction , In tunnel ,and many other engineering activities. It has been extensively use as beams ,columns ,and plates in construction in variety of situations ,such as , foundation ,flooring , stairs and roofing.

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Structure of tree i. Pithii. Heart woodiii.Sap wood iv. Cambium layerv. Medullary raysvi. Bark

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Common market forms of timber :-i. Logs

ii. Baulkiii. Postiv. Dealv. Plank vi. Battenvii. Scantlings

Industrial timber i. Veneersii. Plywoodsiii. Fibre boardiv. Impreg timberv. Compreg timbervi. Laminated timber

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Sand Sand is an important material material. It consists of small rounded or angular grains of silica sio2 and is formed by the decomposition or disintegration of sand stone under the action of weather such as wind ,rain frost etc. it forms a major ingredient in concreate ,lime mortar ,cement mortar etc.

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Natural source of sand:1.Pit sand 2.River sand 3.Sea sand

Classification of sand:1.Coarse sand2.Medium sand 3.Fine sand

Function of sand in mortar 1.Strength 4.shrinkage2.Setting 5.surface area 3.Bulk

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Aggregates Aggregates are the inert materials that are mixed in fixed proportion wit cementing material to produce concrete. These act as fillers or volume increasing components on the one hand and are responsible for strength hardness and durability of the concrete on the othe hand. these aggregates are bound together by means of cement

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Uses of aggregatesAggregates are generally used to make concrete

The fine aggregates serve the purpose of filling all the open spaces in between the coarse particles , and thus by decreasing the porosity of final mass, its strength is considerably increased.For making light weight concrete , blast furnace slag is a very suitable aggregates Aggregates are used as road metal, ballast for railway sleepers , etc.Lightweight aggregates are used for lightweight concrete which are used in sound proofing and heat proofing.

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Mortar The term mortar is used to indicate a paste prepared by adding a required quantities of water to a mixture of binding material like lime or cement and find aggregates like sand.

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Qualities of a good mortar The mortar mix should be easily workable.

It should set and harden quickly so that construction could be done with speed It should not develop any cracks on drying.It should be durable.It should be capable of retaining sufficient water during its application.It should be cheap and economical.It should be capable of resisting penetration of rain water

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Concrete Fresh concrete may be defined as a plastic mixture of binding materials with sand and aggregates in the presence of water. The mixture in a plastic condition when allowed to set become as hard as stone certain other material called admixtures are also added sometimes to obtain specific effect

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Bitumen Bituminous binder used in pavement construction works include both bitumen and tar. The bitumen is the binding material which is present in asphalt . It is also sometimes called the mineral tar. Bitumen is a petroleum product obtained by the distillation of petroleum crude where's road tar is obtained by the destructure distillation of coal or wood. It is chemically hydro-carbon.

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