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Page 1: Building a mobile content ecosystem in bangladesh

Building  the  Mobile  Content  Ecosystem  in  Bangladesh  

Nash  Islam  CEO  


Digital  World  Conference  Dhaka,  Bangladesh  

Saturday,  December  8,  2012  

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Story  of  Change  BD  app  

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No  ecosystem  to  support    the  Change  BD  app  


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End  Users  


Device  Manufacturers  OS  Providers  

Developers    &    

Content  Providers  

Mobile  Market  Overview  

Source:  Charlie  Kindel  (2012)  

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End  Users  


Device  Manufacturers  OS  Providers  

Developers    &    

Content  Providers  

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Bangladesh  Mobile  Phone  Subscribers  October  2012  

Operators   AcFve  Subscribers  Grameenphone   40.7  million  

Banglalink   26.6  million  Robi   21.1  million  Airtel      6.9  million  CityCell      1.6  million  Teletalk      1.4  million  TOTAL   98.3  million  

Source:  Bangladesh  TelecommunicaPon  Regulatory  Commission  (Oct  2012)  

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Source:  Business  Monitor  InternaPonal  (Q4  2012),  US  Census  Bureau  (Nov  2012)    &  We  Are  Social  (Nov  2012)  

Mobile  PenetraFon    in  Bangladesh:  


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Source:  Business  Monitor  InternaPonal  (Q4  2012)    &  We  Are  Social  (Nov  2012)  

Bangladesh  added  more  than  

50,000  new  mobile  subscripPons  every  day  in  the  first  six  

months  of  2012  

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Bangladesh  Internet  Subscribers  July  2012  

Category   Subscribers  

Mobile  Internet   27.8  million  

ISP  +  PSTN    1.2  million  

WiMax    400k  

TOTAL   29.4  million  

Source:  Bangladesh  TelecommunicaPon  Regulatory  Commission  (Jul  2012)  

Mobile  accounts  for  94%  of  Bangladesh’s  internet  subscripPons  

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Source:  Ericsson,  as  cited  in  Daily  Star  (May  2012)  &  We  Are  Social  (Nov  2012)  

amongst  Urban  subscribers  

58%  amongst  Rural  subscribers  


Awareness  of  mobile  internet  in  Bangladesh  remains  relaPvely  low  

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Source:  G&R  Ad  Network  (Nov  2012)  

of  local  visitors  to  Bangladeshi  

websites  are  from  mobile  devices  

5%  of  NRB  visitors  to  

Bangladeshi  websites  are  from  mobile  devices  

31%  VS  

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Source:  We  Are  Social  (Nov  2012)  

Bangla  characters  are    not  supported    

on  most  handsets  

Influences  on  mobile  user  behavior  

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Influences  on  mobile  user  behavior  

Source:  UNESCO,  as  cited  in  Infosaid  (May  2012)  &  We  Are  Social  (Nov  2012)  

Adult  literacy  rate    in  Bangladesh  


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Source:  Nielsen  Media  &  Demographics  Survey  2011,  as  cited  in  Infosaid  (May  2012)  &  We  Are  Social  (Nov  2012)  

Bangladeshi  mobile  subscribers  sent  just  1  SMS  per  month  in  2011  

That’s  400  Fmes  fewer  than  the  Filipino  average  

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Radio  Access  is  Mostly  Mobile  

of  Bangladesh’s  radio  listeners  use  a    

mobile  phone    to  access  radio  programming  

73%  of  Bangladesh’s  radio  

listeners  use  a    radio  set  

 to  access  to  radio  programming  

34%  VS  

Source:  Nielsen  Media  &  Demographics  Survey  2011,  as  cited  in  Infosaid  (May  2012)  &  We  Are  Social  (Nov  2012)  

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End Users in



Device Manufacturer

s OS Providers


Content Providers

Key  Takeaways  on  Bangladesh  End  Users:    •  There  is  a  massive  user  base  on  mobile  and  it  conPnues  

to  grow  robustly  

•  Reaching  this  user  base  is  challenging  due  to  language  &  literacy  barriers  

•  Mobile  internet  &  voice  offers  the  best  opportunity  for  innovaPve  content  delivery  to  Bangladesh  end  users  

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End  Users  


Device  Manufacturers  OS  Providers  

Developers    &    

Content  Providers  

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Source:  Informa  Telecoms  &  Media,  Managing  Mobile  Data  Services  (2011)  

Data  subscribers  as  proporFon  of  total  subscripFon  base  in  Bangladesh  

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Source:  Informa  Telecoms  &  Media,  Managing  Mobile  Data  Services  (2011)  

Mobile  VAS  Market  Development  for  Telcos  

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CompeFFon  in  mobile  will  change     Future  

choice,  flexibility,  personalizaPon  

600,000+  apps  (app  store  and  web  browser)  

price    (commodity)  


reliable  delivery    of  few  services  

4  apps  (voice,  text,  contacts,  camera)  

basis  of    compeFFon  

apps/  use  cases  

telco  differenFaFon  

network  coverage,  speed  

key  control  point   app  store  network  

Source:  VisionMobile  

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AlternaFves  emerged  due  to  need  for  flexibility  Lack  of  agility  due  to  verPcal  integraPon  of  telcos  spawned  alternaPves  


Lack  of  telco  innovaPon  on  key  assets  like  voice  or  SIM  in  the  last  decade  

Operator  asset   OTT  alternaFves  

DistribuPon  and  retail   Apple  physical  retail  stores  and  digital  App  Store  

Telephony   Skype,  Viber,  TalkBox,  Tango  

Messaging   Whatsapp,  KakaoTalk,  iMessage,  Samsung  ChatOn  

Billing  and  seelement   iTunes,  Google  Wallet,  FB  credits,  Amazon  1-­‐Click  

User  idenPty  &  profile   Facebook,  Google,  Apple  ID  

TerminaPon   Available  on  modern  smartphone  plagorms  

Consumer  intelligence   DisPmo,  Flurry,  AppAnnie  

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The  changing  nature  of  voice  communicaFons  The  choices  and  types  of  voice  communicaPons  are  mulPplying  

2000’s   today  

single  use  case   diverse  use  cases  

dial  a  phone  number,    talk,  hang-­‐up  

any  device  to  any  device  voice  transcripPon  voice  messaging  group  calling  push-­‐to-­‐talk  user-­‐ID  to  User-­‐ID  machine-­‐to-­‐user  web-­‐to-­‐phone  anonymous  calling  …  and  more  

Source:  VisionMobile  

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The  emergence  of  voice-­‐second  devices  and  expansion  of  voice  to  apps  and  APIs  

feature  phones   smartphones   voice  is  blended  into  web  and  devices  

voice  =  phone   voice  =  app   voice  =  API  

Source:  VisionMobile  

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Voice  as  a  killer  API  for  mashups    All-­‐Pme  top  APIs  for  mashups  

Source:  VisionMobile  

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Voice  API  mashups  blend  voice  into  new  use  cases  users  created  over  450  recipes  mashing  up  phone  calls  with  a  host  of  Internet  services:  

Source:  as  cited  by  VisionMobile  

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End Users


Device Manufacturers OS Providers

Developers &

Content Providers

Key  Takeaways  on  Carriers:    •  Telco  revenue  will  be  data-­‐

dominated  rather  than  voice-­‐dominated  over  Pme  

 •  Mobile  sojware  innovaPon  will  

drive  the  unbundling  of  Telco  businesses  

•  Voice  services  can  be  reinvented,  parPcularly  important  for  a  low  literacy  market  like  Bangladesh  

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End Users


Device Manufacturers OS Providers

Developers &

Content Providers

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Low  Cost  Androids  in  Bangladesh  

Symphony  Explorer  W5  Android  2.3  TK  6,990  

Samsung  Galaxy  Pocket  Android  2.3  TK  10,490  

Source:  hep://­‐budget-­‐android-­‐mobile-­‐in-­‐bangladesh.html  

Smart  S-­‐12  Android  2.3  TK  7,800  

Kingstar  T50  Android  2.2  TK  6,500  

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Cheaper  Phones  don’t  have  Data  Network  capability  

Source:  hep://­‐mobile/nokia-­‐mobile-­‐phone-­‐price-­‐list-­‐bangladesh.html  

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India’s  US$40  Aakash  Tablet  

Source:  hep://­‐mobile/nokia-­‐mobile-­‐phone-­‐price-­‐list-­‐bangladesh.html  

"Nobody  thought  it  was  possible  to  build  a  tablet  PC  in  this  price  range.  This  requires  a  form  of  frugal  innovaPon  that  is  unique  to  India  and  developing  countries.  Frugal  innovaPon  does  not  mean  creaPng  an  iPad  killer.  It  is  about  creaPng  an  iPad  for  the  'rickshaw-­‐wala'  and  for  the  mass  of  the  market."    

                       Suneet  Singh  Tuli                            CEO  of  Datawind                            maker  of  Aakash  Tablet  

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End Users


Device Manufacturers OS Providers

Developers &

Content Providers

Key  Takeaways  on  Device  Manufacturers:    •  Handset  prices  are  leading  indicator  of  popularity  

•  Content  that  comes  with  handset  is  important  for  value  proposiPon  &  meaningful  differenPaPon  

•  We  need  smartphones  for  rickshaw-­‐wallas  

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End Users


Device Manufacturers OS Providers

Developers &

Content Providers

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So  many  plagorms,  so  liele  Pme  Developers  face  a  real  challenge  making  apps  for  mulPple  plagorms  

Windows  Phone  C#  

Android  Java  

iOS  ObjecPve  C  

mobile  web  HTML/CSS/Javascript  

BlackBerry  OS  Java,  web  

Windows  8  C#,  C++  

Bada  C++  

webOS  HTML5,  C++  

Boot2Gecko  HTML5  

Source: VisionMobile

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Source:  G&R  ad  network,  Nov  2012  

of  mobile  visitors  to  Bangladeshi  sites  used  the  Opera  Mini  browser  


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Plaborm  Overview  for  Bangladesh  

Plaborm   Pros   Cons  

Mobile  Web  

•  Largest  reach,  works  across  most  devices  

•  Large  community  of  web  developers  

•  Not  as  powerful  as  naPve  applicaPon  plagorms  


•  Most  powerful  plagorm  for  development.  Lots  of  tools  

•  Strong  distribuPon  via  Play  store  

•  Android  adopPon  sPll  relaPvely  low  in  Bangladesh  

Java  ME  •  Works  on  feature  phones  •  Greater  reach  than  Android  

or  Symbian  

•  DistribuPon  problemaPc  as  no  popular  app  stores  

Symbian  •  NaPve  app  plagorm  with  

greater  reach  than  Android  •  Ovi  Store  for  distribuPon  

•  Nokia  phones  with  Ovi  are  decreasing  in  popularity  relaPve  to  Android  

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End Users


Device Manufacturers OS Providers

Developers &

Content Providers

Key  Takeaways  on  OS  Providers:    

•  Mobile  internet  offers  broadest  reach  across  OS.  Mobile  Web  apps  are  best  place  to  start  

•  Java  ME  apps  need  a  proper  app  store  

•  Android  has  most  powerful  &  customizable  development  plagorm  for  naPve  apps  

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End Users


Device Manufacturers OS Providers

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App  Revenue  Models  

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It’s  important  to  persuade  developers  to  use  a  specific  plagorm,  network,  tool  or  API  set  

AdracFng  developers  is  the  fastest  route  to  innovaFon  for  businesses  

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Cross-­‐plaborm  tools  democraFze  development  

Extend  the  reach  of  masses  of  web  developers  beyond  the  browser  

Cross-­‐plagorm  tools  

“NaFve”  developers  

create  apps  using  programming  languages  and  tools  specific  to  


about  300K  

about  3  million  

Source:  VisionMobile  

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An  ecosystem  to  support  developers  across  all  parts  of  the  app  life  cycle  

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To  create  more  local  apps  like  this  

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End Users


Device Manufacturers OS Providers

Developers &

Content Providers

Key  Takeaways  on  Developers:    •  Many  ways  for  app  developers  to  

make  money  but  not  all  methods  are  enabled  in  Bangladesh  

 •  The  businesses  that  aeract  

developers  to  their  plagorm  will  be  the  ones  that  win    

•  Tools  for  app  developers  will  accelerate  app  development  

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End Users


Device Manufacturers OS Providers

Developers &

Content Providers

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Thank  you!  

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